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Lucknow Sentinel, 1897-01-22, Page 4
• e rhe Lucknow 8entinel, Bruce County, Friday January 22nd for .c of- BITE OF A DOU PROVES FATAL Chesley, Jan. 14. -Hugh M. Bar- ton, of the Township of Bentinck, was engaged, with two neighbors, in killing hogs, on December 20. A dog had followed one neighbor to where they ware at work and as Mr. Barton ap-. proached it considered him an intruder and sprang at him, inflicting a slight bite on his left wrist. Ic did not cause any pain or uneasiness at the time, and nothing was thought of it Early next Sunday it became painful and was much swollen, and Dr. Bean, of Elm- wood, was aeras for. He at once pro- nounoed it to be blood poisoning and accordingly Dr. Bonnar,of (`hesleY, was called ua for consultation. They diee ide4 on operations higher up the arum but ell their efforts to prolong life were unavailing, and he died ou Jan- uary 7. Mr. Barton was 75 years of age and leaves a widow and 6 children, 5 sons .and 1 da. ghter. KINLOSS COU NCI L The newly elected Reeve and Councillors met, and having made the statutory declarations, took their seats at the ' hoard, James Johnstone as reeve;Frani- Henry as deputy -reeve; George Motlat, Jahn 11. Kaake, and Themes McDonald as councillors. A local Board of Health was appointed consisting of the reeve. deputy and three councillors. by-law appointing officers was reed and duly passe, the officers appointed being, John Mc- ) )iarmid, assessor; Peter Reid, ,clerk; Peter Corrigan, treasurer; Thome Murray and Finlay McInnes, auditors. Moved by Kaake and McDonald that policy of insurance on the Township hall be renewed in the London Mutual Insurance Company, and that John Lane agent of thesaid company be paid the sutra of $5.00, being premium and ices on the said policy. -Carried. Cheques were issued for the following nmountS: G. I., Erwin wood for hall, f3.10; P. Reid expenses of election, 40,00; Jas. Bryan printing etc., $10; 'fort .t Riddell •stationery, 612.11; John Purvis for taxes remitted, =1.22. , The clerk was instructed to order seven copies of the Municipal World for the use of the Council and officers of the townzhip.G. K. Erwin was reappointed caretaker of the hall, fees to be one dollar for each day meeting, and fe ►c for each night meeting. Moved by Henry end bask. that farm im- plements be riot assessed this year. - Carried. The following grants were made for relief, viz. :Elliott family 10.00; Mrs. C. - Campbell, $5.00; Angus jieaton, 0.00; Donald Mc- Donald, :5.00; Mrs. Alexander, $10;00; Geo. Ferris, for keeping Mrs. McKay'three months, E18.00. Moved by Henry' and seconde4 by McDonald that the sum of 613 00 pgid by I. Case - more for statute labour lie refunded as the labour for his lands N. 3 and 4, con. 1, has be duly performed. The council adjourned to moet on the first day of March. PETER REIL, Clerk. • STA CUSTOM TAILOR. Alibi's Block Having opened out business in the room over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods store, I ala prepared to turn out in the neatest manner and lat- est styles all sort of work pertaining to a first-class tailor shop. Satisfaction always guaranteed. A call solicited. To enter my rooms please come by way of main up -stair entrance of Allin's block. G. SM*RT New WEST ITAIyANOSH COUNCIL Council meet according to statute. Reeve, 1:. Lockhart; deputy -reeve, R. Medd: councillors, Wm. Cameron and Wm. Plunkett,- Webster being absent on account of sickness. The treasurer's statement showed a balance on hand of $391.39. The following officers were appointed for the year 1897; Clerk W. S. McCrostie, salary, 8100: treas., J. G. Ward, $80; assessor, W. A. Nilson, $60: auditors, J. 11. Weatherhead and Jas. Young, a each. Thos. M. Roberts was appointed caretaker at 19, he to bank stable and sheds and clean stove pipes. Wm. Plunkett was appointed member of the Board of Health. George Webb applied for pay for gravel and damage: left over till next meeting The collector's time was extended to Jan, 25th. The treasurer was to send for seven copies Municipal ' World. The following cheques were issued : Thos. Lott, re- pairing bridges on con. 10 & 11, $5.90; Pat O'Conner, 37 rds gravel at 7c, $2.59; Jas. Fergus , stone hammer, $1.50; Cameros, -Ho. and Holmes, 2 years salary, $50; G. Webb 28 yards gravel at 7e., $1.98. Wm.- S. 31 c- Crost ie, padlocks for ballot boxes, $1; Thos. N ichelson, 11 yards gravel, $1.26; Wm, S. McCrostie, birth, marriage and death registrations, '.-.'14, election expenses, $34; J. G. Ward, r7 copies Municipal World r',5.7 5. Council ad- journed to meet Feb. 6th, at 10 o'clock! W1l' S. MCCnostlx, Clerk. LUCKNOIY MARKETS. Fall Wheat, per bushel. .78 to .7 spring Wheat, per bushel......:.. .78 to'.7 • gas, per bushel ....... »..... ... 39 to 3 Oats, per bushel............ .17 to 1 Barley, per bn4hel I'otatoes per bushel 8 8 9 25 20 Butter per lb rolls 12c„ tub...:.. 11 to 12 Eims,per dozen.......................... 14 to 15 Hay, per ton .. 7.50: to 8 04 Flour, per cwt ....$1.75 to 2.30 Dried Apples, per 'ib ............... 3 Tallow, per Ib .... ............. 3 Lard, per lb ' E to Pork, per cwt.......................... Leo to 5 00 1; 'Woof, per Ib............. .. Chickens, per lb. » .. 4 Turkeys, per ib.............. spa Decks, leer lb.:.. 5 Geese, per lb ... . l Apples, per barrel. Sheepskins - .50 to 67 Sorts, per cwt .................... .. .90 Bran, per cwt... •---... .. 74 Oatmeal, per cwt ..... ..........$2 50 to 300 Green Wood, per cord ... 1 00 Dry Word Store in. Town Mr. Thos. Agar has opened out a new grocery, dour and feed store in this vil- lage. He has on hand a full line of groceries, fruits, con- fectionery, fish, flour and feed, He intends paying the highest market price either in cosh or trade for butter and eggs. . So come along, this is the place where you will get suited. THOS. AGAR. 50 to 75 1 25 FOR SALE RENT OR EXCHANCE amallaa Folz A (OOP (,'ENTRALwPROPERTY eit er in Toronto or Hamilton, that frame,. brick veneered, house, buildings and about ,, acres of land, near Lucknow Railway Station. now occupied by the Rev. Mr. Me Kay. P seeeI.don of the land will be given in April and of toe bouse•on the 1st of June 1897. Apply to the 110-4,c IIi .I),CAMESox, Oakville. Out. FR1_kf. FO2 S4L '. flE1X( LOT 12, CON. 9, (E. I►.) ASH - field, on the ravel road, a1 rat 1 mile fr.m Uelfart anoi5 from the Village of Luck - now. The farm contains 100 acres and suit- able 14nil,linga are erected on the {;►remise+, viz: frame house, burn and stable. The fences are ails, in good repair. There 1410,4o a gond orchard ,,n the premises Ned the farm i►s well watered. }'or further particular' apply to • JAR. Epwasi)s, Executor,. 20{ -4,c Belfast, P.U. MUSIC LESSONS Given by D. C. McM9teRAIt, ON THE Guitar Beni* - Clarisnet Etc„ Etc, MTaneleolin ('ornet Vi�)lin Tin terms etc., call at J. W. Armstrong's jewellery steers, Lucknow. Concert Work a S/eczalfy. e ®or Rtl<rlear 1'T GIVES r RE Sri - NESS •NG CLEAR SKIN. CURES CONST•IPATIQN ERUPTIONS ON THE SI( IN. BEAUTIFIES ,r ,,COMPLEXION. INDIGESTION DIZZINESS.' An Agreeable Le.zative and NERVE TOMO. dols by Druggists or sent by Mail. 96c., 500., and $1.00i package. 13aiaples free. The Favorite TOOTH POWDER for the Teeth and Breath. 116e. Ka oKEN Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc. Bread, Buns . . .. and Cakes . . Fresh Daily . Flour. Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on hand For Sale at Berry & Co, s LOOK HERE ! Have you the grip on Reid's offers for the holidays. It is not too late yet for you. He has goods that gladden the hearts of the young, the old; the rich and the poor; every- body very-body in fact, and- the gladen- ing process don't cost much either. He has now in stock new Fists, Persian Latos, Walnuts, Filberts, Shiliod Almonds, Oranges• Lemons, Malaga , Grapes and a Choice Vazioty of °roams and othor Candies al- ways on nand. The right spot for wedding cakes of any size or shape, quality considered. THOS. •= REID. RIl`LEl' BODER - UATMEAI - MILL We are in first-class order to Supply you all with the best quality of Rolled Standard and Baking Oatmeal. Clean your oats well anel we will satisfy yon iu quantity and ele.)al- ity of meal. Large stock of feed on hand and sold a: theme prices Oat Hulls *1.50 per ton Oat Dust - 0.50 per ton Oat Chop 10 00 per ton Pease&Barleyl'hop 13.04) per toll Meal Seeds S•04) per ton Bring a load of oats and get the meal home with you. D. McGregor. YOU ? -J Public Notice -All parties --Indebted to the -LTRdersignsd, -Either by --Note or book account, -Will please call -And settle the some -As soon as -Possible and -Greatly oblige The owner of a watch or clock Then it is to your interest when get ting it repaired to place it in the hands of the most skilled workman you can find. This you will do by bringing it to R. KNOX, Watchmaker, or Lucknow. . . The goods sold by him here and in Wingharn from 1871 to 1879 are give_ ing the best of satisfaction still. Re- established in Lucknow 1894. Please remember the place, in the old stand next to Mr, Lawreuce's and the ex- press and telegraph office. Ilis'- stock consist of Gold and !filler Watches, Clock.. MNrerwarr, Diamond Rings, N ;41 - ding at Engagement Rinses, Charms, Broocke., Ear -rings,, Bracelet, Fine Cutlery, ♦ la,linr, !►Pring. and Ilow!t R. - KNOX, WATCHMAKER. MCLEOD'S System Renovator And other tested remedies SPECIFIC ANI) ANTIDOTE - Impure, Weak ausi Irnpovermhedn for Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitatio Weak Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lost of Memory, Bronchitis: Consumptin, Gall Stones,. Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dis msec,, St. Vitus' 1)ance, Female trregularities and General Debility, $1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle LABORATORY, - GODBRICH,ONT J. M. McLEOD, For Sale by A B Congram and Harry Days, Druggists TO LET ammi AFARM OF 9i ACRES, 1N THE Township of Huron, 1.)t 2, coaots-lea 4. Apply to 1200.4,c B. MA RT1:P, N.z t Farm , John Peart, BOOT AND SHOE DEALER Lawrence & Johllstoue IL 2. NVISON, ON FURNITURE WARE ROOMS THE LEADING ndortakors and rnc Dealers • Having secured the preiuisce lately occupied by G.W. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Boom, I have recently fitted it. with the newest de si,_us of all kinds of Houiebold Furniture. As t ► quality, they are uion::died. The price in, away down. All goods ere bought for spot cash, therefore I can sell at as close a prior.' as any 'anion in the country. Why Lily in To- ronto and -pay freight, subject to damage, when you can ave this at Dome? When at A. T. DAIVSON'S )N'S inspect and vinced. be cou- Have the largest and most complete stock of Fine and medium Parlor Furniture, LibraryBedroom, and Dining - Room Suits in the Town THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is co elm ted 'at -the olid stand, which has been entirely renovatei. Embalming, Prosor 7iag and Tatting Care cf Bodies a Spee - 1 alt• The Embalming Fluid, material and ap- pliances used have proven to be the most effectual thlt'have ever been used fo: the past twenty yearn. arPicture Framing and an kinds of Re- pairing done et the old stand. CEO. H. DOUGLAS, NEW LIVERY. FIRST-CLASS HORSES AND RICE. Prices Reasonable. Rigs delivered to any part of town °Mee end Mable.; ju+i %uut6 of uiitlred's Carriage N arlc, . Also a full lino of : Curtain Poles and Window Shades. DEPARTMENT Calls promptly attend - THE : UNDERTAKING - is complete in every particulars. ed to day or night. Shop . Campbell st., LUOKNOW. Next Door to Post Office. '- M. COR • MAN'S 4 Is the macs to make your selections itt CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CROOERIES • & PROVISION'S I have in stock the following Apples Blackiug Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, p„t Bath ;rick Beans 13r►e'n)e v[iaskets Bt u+shee Biscuit Coffee Confectionery ('anned (Goole Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned Cern meal Currants - Currie Powder Cream. Tarter Cocoanut Dates A-1 Flour always Dried A,•lole Extract.; Firs aimed Fish, dried °Plotine l i ingers !](ones Ink Indigo Licorice Lime Juice Ltnione I Lainl)e 'Lara iIlatche); Mince Meat !Meal Macaroni I'M test and ;Meats, canned Magnesia Nuttaeg Oil, olive' 0i1, sweet 1011, east, Jr ()ranges Oat Meal Valls Prt•le Pipes Pickle Pearl Inc,Teas, canned • Nri►1►cr Raisins I:ice Rice Flour Sago Salt Salmon 'Sardines Senna sticed }Sugar 'Syruue - on hand. 0.014111. FRSE - CRAYONS Soda goal,. Spices rt&rch trawberries, panne Sutphen al,i,'ca Tov).'rtoei .canned TeaE Tot )ageef►es Vertnic•ell "Vinegars Waasble arils ♦Vaehir:g Crista Woodenwere «'l.iting Diener Sete Yeaet Cnkce Dinner F Teva Set e Water Si Cream Setts Betty Setts Toilet Setts From now until the first of the New Year, I will give a large crayon protrait free, of yourself or anyone you wish, with every dozen of cabinet photo s , T.L.TR f I acri$ce 4ii;:figiwint,Ott.1:.:LugiathANersipY dipe re that 41.1.1 6, ii. H . Phillips she baviil4 reg for over A1t•4 � �vrPs�r, � dir- /4:2) -, ' ' tends ,.:;:tjit FUR CAPS, FUR MANTLES, FUR RUFFS, LAI) IES' JACKETS, AND BOYS' OVERCOATS, Stock -taking season is at hand. We do not wish to carry over any of the above Bans and we will sacrifice them rather than do so. We have 2 only -Ladies' f u vleft. i 00 f or $28.00 Black Astracan,z 40,erular $30 OU, regular special at $2/5.110 for $22.00 1 silver grey coon cape. $:,0,00 for $r13.e0 1 astracan cape, $20.00 for 1 t6.00 1 wool seal cape, 00 for $11.50 1 Coney cape, C 2 Coney capes, $9.75 for 87.50 f3eautiful ruffr, latest styled, $3.50 for $2.25 for $6.50; $4.00 for $3.00; 83.00 Ladies' jackets in beaver, serape and boucle clothe, latest ety'es, this season's importations from Germany, $8.50S11.W6ofor $SQO; for $6.00; $7• GO fou $5.50; Pi 50 for $4.50; $4.95 for $3,00; $2.50 for $1,95. Boys' overcorta and uleters, $il.00 for $4.50; $5.50 for $4.0U;$4.75 for $3.75; $4.25 for $:3.50, $2.90 for $2.50. We are losing money at the above quotations bnttbey mast go and go quickly if prices will du it. CA11fiaR0�i. - MURDOCH - & f10. LEILVEN. Cheap Dry Goods ., MAPLE - LOGS WANTED Upwards of 900,000 feet of maple logs wanted at Mitchell Bros. Roller :Mills, Lucknow, Ont., for which the highest cash price will be`paid, Mitchell Bros., LUCKNOW. . LUMBER, LATH & .SHIkCLES PARTIES WHO INTEND 'BUD MING. can be supplied with all kinds' of limn ber, lath and shingles at Todd's Saw Mills, St. Helens, Havincr just placed iu the mill a tii est clam planer, those desiring planed lsunber •:an also be supplied on shortest notice. Plaaeel lum- ber'constantlo kept on hand at lowest, prices. A gnantity of cedar rails and fence poets for nale THOS. TODD, 54, Helens SHINCIE MACHINE ANE EDCER FOR SALE CHEAP. f PH E UNDERSIGNED HAS FOR sale a Hall self acting ehin4le m whine, )wade by Goldie & McCullough. The frame is all iron and steel and the saw is near. 1y now. G. HARRIS , Daus ;antson. LOOS - WANTED -AT THE Lucknow Saw Mill, Soft elm, basswood, h i1 Bch, white and black 4sh, bu t ter - nut and other market ' ►,ble hardwood in any quantit; ,r for which I am prepared to 1 lay the highest prices post iii )le tor me to do. Fair nmea, u ce- ment guaranteed. James LyOtLS Wanted -An Idea ; tit.o .r a Ztep�teet our Ideas• theme -may bei g�oM1i v n �. i Jg14N WIDi�BRMTBN a s�s, �W�rla�tvn. D. C.. fee tisllr anal usi of two a iadg to wnisi. Every//iing going at cost andnzany lines less tlian cost. We have told you before that we are e, Man , Isa1 Phar- isee GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, and in order to to get out as quickly as possible we have begun a Sweeping Sacrifice Sale of verythg, DRY GOODS, (3ROCERIE'J, Who wishes his wife a Happy New Year and forgets to put into practice the goxi resolution he made to buy he r _ - . APURCOAT. You will get them cheap fib The First Week of 'et a The New Year Coats worth $32 will be sold for $25. The best coats we keep were $38, You can now have them for $30 All lines Beforef the first furs day February Wm. Connell, LucknoW, Ont. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS' & CAPS, AI READY-MADE CLOTHING. POSITIVELY NO HUMBUG AS WE MEAN BUSINESS E'reiything as and below Cost. NEILL - - CO. N. -For prices see our large bills. People must ave groceries • -- Tile great question is where to get them. We keep the best qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin, TEAS Blank; Green and Japan ere unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality and prices. CROCKERY" We have a fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. FLOD R & FEED All kinds of ©our and feed kept constantly on hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. McClure and MaIi.ough, C.A.SH C ROCER�e_ ..„........................._,.........• ub no Grocery ....... ___ Arow.vmmommr-Immo. .'OON Hand WILL have been preparBEing for thEREe wants we of the public. We Dave added to oar supply of -Arquimbou's best selected raisins -Choice lot of confectionery P -Try our Kincora tea in lb package --25c. Sure to please lovers of tea. Other lines of good tea from 15c to 50c a lb. Our stock of crocke v and glassware is always complete. Fishing you a merry Xmas and a ha py and prosperous --Cleaned Paradise currents --Nuts, figs, dates, lemon, orange And cit- -ron peels, icing sugars and everything in -choice groceries for the holiday trade. YEAR JOHN FLUOTT 1 Flour - and Feed� p always kept on hand and delivered to any part'of the town. x'10. FOR NEARLY_FORTY VEARS • We have been doing business with the people of Lucknow and the surrounding country, awl we wislank all those who have favored us with a share of their patronage during that time. A great many of you have been steady customers ever since we first commenced business, and we have always endeavored to please you in every wily possible .0 .� •+s .0 .0 .0 We now wish 10 call your attention to the fact that on the As ot 44 lhos. lstDayOf February, 197, .0 .0 We will close our books and adopt. ie- e0 :-IOASH SYSTEM we have lea' nen with our long experience in business that to the • poisty -tannal - with frasky- and Aft will ovetm- DOES NOT PAY. CRED!T A word to the wise is sufficient. Don't ask fcr credit and be refused Lawrence, Hardware :ate:Pioneertackling allow }s- 3ty � Store, N. B. -A11 overdue notes and accounts must be Fettled before 1st of Februar Equipmeflt for the Woods 's teal Per Nov that winter is here and wood an4 logs are to be cut, it pays to secure the vett. iie di of rile Axes and Cross Cut Saws • .fir are -sok awl wade. To make the heavy drudgery and w die oliioes axes and cross -cut saws that • _� as light as possible, the surest way to this end is in seeing the largestdtock ment available. This satisfaction can be as fully realized at D C TAYLOR'S HARDWARE, L as anywhere in the county. Pr'ice3 low Tereus cash 1 ist w ILACNass. Clerk. owes Root. the pot er gives treillage') Ike ei . plesion affil d�M a, toogi.il.d®. Berry ! Co . • - r elk