HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-01-22, Page 17Natio` BANK F HAMILTON LL;cKNow. Capitar paid up Itt,25o,000 ieservs Fund • 8876,00e fotal A %sets • S8947,868 Preejthnt JOHN STO lice P •-mideat-A. G. Rastar DIRECTORS: Jr0 PRocror Ws. G. ssON M. P, Grzo.ROACE A. T. Wc0D, A. B. Lsit (Toronto). Cashier -J. TURNBULL. 11.1Y1RGS BANZ.—Hours 10 to 3; Satur- day's, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowc SPECIA L DEPOSITS also received at c`ur- relit rates of interest. 4FTS on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. JOHN D. NICHOL, Mum. ••••••,.-- LEGAL A.. MAU...03140N, BARRISTER RL • Solieitax Conveyancer, etc., (late o ':!anter Holt 4: Cameron, Croderich). OtEc np-staire in Allin's new block. Ft'MORRISON, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, Commiseioner, Notary etc. Money to loau, Office over Moody'* Barber Shop. G R.Row FPI:7-400T,BARRIS- teas, Solicito, etc., Goderich, Ont. rs T. T. Gaaaow, Q. 0, WY.PROCDTOoT. ••••••••.- MEDICAL D R. TF.NNANT, PHYSISIAN Surzeon and Accouchenr. -"`Surgery slyer J., Elliott's grocery; store. Office hours from 9 tot:: a. m, ; fioin 2 zo 5 p. u.and from 7 tail p. W. rk‘IcD. 'GORDON, C.M., M.S„ Physician,Sur- r. and Xeconcheur. Upstair. in Wm. n'e new block. Residence ROAS street, behinti Catneron, Murdoch & Co's store DR. D. GEDDES, V. `14., CALLS either by ruail or telegram promptly ,tten.leti to. Charges moderate. Resideno,, Oittram street, opposite Dr Elliott's anti ',cowl door north of SaNTINEL office. A. J. GIBBONS, V. S. V,D. Hou Gra.itiste of Ontario Veterinary &liege and Reg:steretl • Memb•r of ilia Ontario Veterinary Meilieftl Seciett. Office and rcideuce. one 114..or ea•t of R J Cameron's pump 0130p, emaipbel/. street, Lucknow. De.ntietry and .,$nr,„:ical Operations svecialties. prunptly 4ttendedititii.;t.t or day. SOCIETIES II O. F$ Lee (NoW I.01)9E INDEPEN1'EN1 ,4 4der of Foresters meetin the'odtlfellow•' .•n the fourth Tnei• . eav. of el:eh ntot:th. at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. • J. LINiT, W. A. LAWhENcit. • Chit f Rujer. Recording Secretary. 0. F.,Ct)UIT 59, Lucknow. Meets every first and third .11ontlay of every ,nth. in tilt: Orange zirrj broth - 4 , . ren Axe t*rdia,liy in- • ' '14 'A • • JuHY Score V. R. D. D.. Yer.r., Sec. • LOYAL ORAHGE LODGE IV0.42s, HOLDS ITS • rescular monthly inert- in.:s in the Oriunge Hall, Camp- bell strect, Luckikt.w, on Tues- day evenhyzs, k+u or before the 011 Moon. Degree night •n the !second Tue-4day evening following fnll inqoa. All visiting hrethrtn cordially invit- ed t) the austings. DAvID ARcHER, AIAM THOMPSON, Secretary. W. M. - WC. T. IT.- The regular monthly • meeting of the W• men's Christian Temperance Uni,m will be held every second Wynesda• of each month in the Odd Fellows Had, LucknJW, at 3 p. m. Miss.J. Soattit- Mts. Prwsident: Mn'. Hoassee.Secretery. le 0.0. F. LuCKN0 W Lodge No 112 'meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in. their hall, (amplr..:11 street. Ajl rethrec cordially invited. WILSKINNER. Noble rand, W. WILsoN, iiircorder the London of ex - by th ete programme for T ve fallen in most, , 4ken districts of I elti more rain le aiu "suffer; t) ll not be p _ Lord's dult the sesta tuilioldere , , gnecto Mak A London yeee ,Mon was p ekG rier overtittl>" ' 1 de, the Ruasbir. it werf-4 .minatirs 11' nriatotti LUCKNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 1897. • Iheee/drzihuotatutinti THE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES Luckaow, January 22ncl , 1897 CURRENT TOPICS The elections will be held in South Brant, North Ontario and East Sim- coe on February 4th. The returning officers were appointed at the Cabi- net meeting on Saturday. All three seats were carried by the Conserva- tives in the general election. The Pall Mall Gazette, of London, England, in a long heading article, warns the Catholic church in' Canada that unless it abandons its arrogant Resumption cf governmental powers and clerical interference in politics, it will endanger its existence. Rev. 1)r. McMullen, of Woodstock, is reported to have spoken strongly against the tustoto of taking off hats and standing bare headed at funerals. The doctor's head is levels. If anybody can tsffer any good reavn for the con- tinuance of the foolishimbit which so often in mad weather endangers health he ought to come forward. The outcry made in some quarters about an over -supply ef teachers ray not Le without some eaucie, but is there not an oversupply. of oi mechanics, day laborers.and indeed all classes of workers with either hand or brain! Good mechanics by the hundred have for years been working for $1 t3 $1.25 a day, and intermittently at that, e-hile thoutrancls stand ready to.. take their jobs if they quit An episcoOal circular was read its the Catholic Churches of Quellc on Sunday last, in which the • Maaitoba school settlement w -as again emphat- ically coederened and a demand was made for moiler- to maintain Separate schools iu Manitoba "until justice is rendered to them." The amounts asked were "$;) from eaeh curate, 82 from each poor missionary, vicary apd college professor, and $10 from each religious community," the money to be paid before Lent The Newfoundland Legislature will open oil February 1st. The Governmeut Will introduce a resolution early in the session favoring reciprocity with the United States and will dispatch Colonial Secretary Bond or Solicitor General Morris to arrange a conven- lion if possible svitli the McKinley rdmieistration to secure the free entry of -NeisfoundIrnd codfish into the American markets. The tithieg • interests of the island are greatly interested in the scheme. Th e who have spare time on tl:eir hands dr into shopr, when the cold weather sets ioti and thnughtlessly •indulge in smoking and chewing tobacco. Freque:it complaints are teed° especially by ladies of this, for to one not accustomed to the fumes of tobacco, the smoke Le often offensive and even nauseating. A room in which the air is charged with smoke is , • • t • ' 0',eock, Visiting moreover not attractive to customers, brethren' c. rdially invited. and the merchant or tradesman whoee AOUW LUCKNOW Lodge of the -----71-- Ancient Order t,f ------------Z United Wt.rktr.en, 4.7::: meet• in the Odd --- ielli•-•••• Han, cn the -- laAt and second * • \ Monday ,vening• of // \ ' each mouth et ei5ht litts •1.#4. D.D.YrLE, Masi.? Workur•o. Recorder. _ OLD.Licir LODGE �IC ASV L. Id •k. i\ EETS EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT on or before the full moon, in the Maivnic Hall, Havetock street, Jas. BRYAN, HARRY Ds, Worshipful Meter. Secretary. GENERAL ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, GWELPH• oseplieur No ISS DENIEST Dr. Newton, L. D. S D, D. S Honor Graduate of I ientistry and Doctor of DENIAL SLEGEBY T.,ronto of good natere or patience permits it, con- sequently suffers. A word to the wise is euffi:ient. Villav and k'irtuitli ftvo Hockey Match A hock* match between Lucknow and Winigharn, will take place in the Lorne skating rink, Lucknow, on Friday, Jan. 22nd, 1897. Game called at 8 p. m. Admission 10c. Come one come all. Lucknow sport forever. -------- A Big Load One of the largest loads of !nape logs we have ever t sen was brought into the village on Saturday evening last. Mr. Robt. McGuire waa the driver and the homes were owned by Mr. Thos. Todd, of St. Helens. The load consisted of six large logs and contained over 1600 feet. Attempted Burglary On Sunday night or early. Monday morEing, some unknown party at- tempted to burglarize Mr. Alex _Law- son':, grocery store. The front doer was evidently tried to be pried open as the lock.on the door was broken, but fortunately they. did not succeed in accOmplishing the act. Such conduct is a disgrace to our village, Medal Contest A silver medal contest will be held in the town hall on Thursday evening, Feb. 4th. A choice programme will he presented. Siver collection at the door. On the afternoon of Feb. 4th, Mrs. Cavers, of Galt, wil: addrese a "Mothers' meeting in the Odrifellows' hall. All ladies are cordially invited to attend. Election of Wardens There is a good deal of speculation as to whether the warden of the new county ceuncil will hold that office fir one or two.yeers. Section 41 of the Act proleides that the "Act shall be read with read as a part of the con- solid:Yeti municipal act of 1892." No provision is made for the election of warden in the -new county c4unci1s act, and the term of office will be for one yeer, as stipulated in act Grangers' Meeting The Grangers of this dietrict held their anhuat meeting in Reid's hotel, Ross street, Lucknow; on Taesday last. Quite a ritiinher of delegates were present from Turnberry, Kist and West %Viwanosh, Kinloss, *Huron and •Ashfield. Topics of interestto farmers were discuseed. The principal speakers were Messrs. Itobt. Currie and S. Peddle, Wingharn, Crowston, Langside, Hornet h, Whitechwch, John Reid and D. McKenzie, Paranieunt. Burns' Anniversary Next Monday we expect to see • the Caledonian pavillion filled to over- flowing with the beauty and gaiety of this part of the country, the occasion ing the annual Burns' Anniversary 1 and supper. • There is no better place in the country for tripping the light fantastic than the "Octogan" and all who attend this, the greatest event of the season, may be sure of having a splendid time. Arrange- ments have been made for a grand Refresh - orchestra to furnish music. inents will be served by Mr. A. Mg - Kenzie and D. A.. McDonald will 'act as floor manager. Let everyone at- tend the 137th anniversary of the birth of the Scottish bard, Bobbie Burns. Adm. ission $1; extra ladies free. Didees Know It Was Sunday Last Sunday a farmer living about 2i miles from tho town hitched up his team, loaded up bags of grain and drove to Walkerton to have them chopped.. An unnatural quietness was noticed in the neighborhood of the mill end it seemed very singular th,at he could not get in. He hunted up some` partiee round the stables and was iuformed that it was Sunday .and that Messrs. Plewes & Vogan chopped only six days in the week. He wasn't inclined to believe them, said it wasn't Sunday and that they were trying to fool him. However, Constable Rus- sell came along and confirmed itlfbd the man who didn't know it was Sun- day reluetantly took himself and his grist home. Lucknow Wine The first hockey math of the sea- son.was played in Wingham on Mon- day night when Lucknow won easily by a score of 7 to 1. The game was fast and exciting throughout but the Wingham boys were clearly outplay- ed, in combination and individuality. The boys all played in good form but little Irchie Mc:Corsi° was the favor- ite, being cheered repeatedly by the audience, espeeially tire ladies. Mr. A. G. Bastido acted as referee to the entire satisfaction Of both teams and the boys speak well of the way they were used by the Wingham people. The teams lined up as follows :- Goal. • Leexlis.vvoiNnv: WINQUA31. Sills. Point. Lasvrence. }D'ailrisliirethYa.rson. C. Point. Davison. Chisholm. ) Gorden. Griffin. . Defence. McLau tun, McCorvie. now 14itIktler IE. a n ftt.ir-ve)lo fn 4RIbiectliocumslon it was tied IN • vert her r The annual table of municipal statis tice compiled by elle Bureau of Indus- tries for Ontario have been issued for l`iti3. The population is 1,937,390 and the total assessment $821,5K186. The average tax paid in the province. was 15 mills on the dollar of $6.29 per bead of the population. There is a municipal bonded indebtedness of $19,724,587 or an average AA $25.68 per head. The number of organized municipalities at the close of the year was :-townships, 492; townie 96; vil_ lags., 137, cities, 13 and counties, 38 During the last ten years the popula- tion has increased 128,895 or about 6 per cent. •••1•MMISP PASSED AWAY It is with sincere regret that we School announce this week the death of Mrs. Gunn, tof Colborne, who passed away on the evening of Jan. 7th., kfter a All oper4Fwn• in Dentistry performed short illness of 4 days. Her sufferings with care and an endeavor to do all work were borne with petience and resigna- satiefaetory, Ile r 1....Satives defeated -the Pacific Pe 'ad Re -funding Bill by a ma- . of 66 votes. reported that ex -Governor eeeee....• tete states House of RV- di Hoekey Matoh The hockey team that played Wing - ham on Monday night played against some of the other boys of the team on Wednesday night and were defeated by a score �f 4 to 3. The game was lively throughout. Maggie Darrooh sold Mr. Pat McDevitt has sold his trotting mare Maggie Darroch to Hicks, of Listowel, who will ship her to England on the first boat. Luck - now in this loses the fastest little piece of horse flesh ever owned in its limits. Elad we anything like a decent track here Pat says he never would have parted with the little mare. Concert A first-class literary and music al en- tertainment will be given next Tuesday evening, Jan. 26, under the auspices of the Lucknow pubiic library..: It is to be hoped that the oitizens of Lucknow and vicinity will attend. A first-class pro- gramme has been prepared. Come one and all and enjoy a pleasant evening. Remember you are supporting the pub- lic library, an institution of which we all should be proud. Buried at Zion. 'The funeral of the late Mrs. John Savage, of Grey township, and daughter of Mr. James Webster, of Kinloss, took plaoe from her father's residence on Saturday morning last, and was one of the largest eve: seen in the sectiou. The remaina were interred in the family plot in the Zion cemetety. On Sunday morning next, the Rev. Mr. Wall win, of the Methodist church will make special reference to the christian life and death of the departed. ----- Address and Presentation On Thursday evening last, tho mem- bers of the "Catechumen" class met at the home of their teacher, Mrs. W. lf. Smith and presented her with a handsome 5 o'clock tea sett, ac- companied by, an address expressing the appreciatfen of the class for the instruction and help given them dur- ing the past year. The teacher res- ponded in a few 'earnest words and hopes that the coming year may be one of great spiritual blessing to both teacher and scholars. • The Now Liberal Cabinet We have just received a sample copy of a eloet excei.ent and life -like photo- engraving done in three colors, af the new Liberal Cebinet. Tire Globe print- ing Co. have tecured the exclusive coarol of ,the picture. It is 21x28 in. ches and *was arranged from actual photographs by the well-known Canad- ian artist, J.D.Kelly, and is being pre- pared by eae Toronto Lithographing Co., which bespeaks perfect work. We have made arrangewents with the Globe Printing Co. to supply it with a 3 months trial trip of the Weekly Olobe and SENTINEL fur 40c. Passed Away Another old resideet, of West Wawanosh, passed away on Sabbath morning, Jan. 10th, in the person of Mr's._ Woods, relict of the late Robert Woods, who some 23 years ago came the vicinity of St. Helees with her husband and family. Mrs. Woods was in her 63rd year, being a women ho was largely and highly respected, and leaves a family of five sons and one daughter, who have the deep sympathy of a very large circle of friends. The rtmains were interred in tho Dungamion cemetery, being .followed to their laat restiug place by a !ergo cOncouree of friends and ac- quaintances.. - WHOLE NO. 1200. 11WOMAN'S WO Pb. Talk oi taw ?Q.v. •IlViieo ft woman reads they With desire to be w you tell us, MIA departmenv Soe Our Clubbinx- Rates. Lueknow is Champion -The License Commissioners for The curling matches for the clubs of the Centre Riding of Bruce are Geo. this district in the Western Oneario tankard took plaoe at Wingham on Wednesday and the Lucknow curlers carried off the honor by defeating the hitherto impregnable Wroxeter men by 8 shots, This is the first time in ite history that Lucknow has succeeded in beating Wroxeter and of course the boys feel jubilant over their victory. The clubs in the district were Brutsels, Wroxeter, Kincardine, Wingham and Lunknow. Kincardine and Brussels dropped their matches, the former to Wingham acd the latter to Lucknow. WrAteter then defeated Wingliam by 17 shots and Lucknow defeated Wrox eter by 8 shot& The final tanzard matches will be played in London. The players were :-- LUCENOW WR OXETElt J. McOarry John Bray Et. Hughes W.M.Robinsoa Jas. Bryan A.Paulin J.G.Ifurdoch,sk 19 John Bone skip 13 T. F. Cain G. Paulin J. Neill R. Black J: 13, Hunter E. Black W m. Attie, skip 13 Thos, Rae, ski? 13 AK 34 - LOi ,iLL ITEMS 26 -Races Thursday night. -See our clubbing rates! - Hockey match to -night, (Friday). -Don't forget the ball on Monday night. -Retuember the race next Thursday night. -Is your paper why not? —Salt for sale by the barrel Elliot's -Miss friy Knox, of Mount Forest, is visiting in town, -Wingharn vs. Luckuow at hockey in the rink to -night. -Special meetings are busy held in the Methodist church. - Thompsoh, of Teeswater, is visiting at the Cain Ilouse -Mr. John Small, of Kincardine, was in town on Wednesday. -Mrs. D. Sherriff was friends in London this week. -Miss Ada Burgess is spendieg a few days with friends in Godericb -Mr. Dunean Boyd, left for Chicago on Saturday morning last, -Messrs Ben' and Will Tennyson, of Kincardine,were in town Sunday. - -Miss Sarah Lindsay and Earl are the guests of Mrs. Fields, of Teeswater. e -Be sure and take in the races on Thursday evening next, January 28th. -11er many friends are pleased to .seeMies Kate Catneron around again. -Mitchell Bros. started a night gang in their mill on Monday eveoing last. -Next Monday niversary of the Burns. -Mr. J. G. Anderson spipped a carload of apples to the Old Country this week. paid for? Jf not, visitieg The Bagpipes Ta pagpipes wass a goot moosick ant ta will all pe talain' apoot tare organs, ant tare peeanos, ant tare fuddles, ant tare concerteenas, ant all tare dufferent kints of moosick bat not wan peepals has. wan wart to saih for ta pagpipcs whateffer any- more. Losh inan, I was wance up at ta Caledonian Catuee at Lucknow ant tare wass saxteen pipers cam toon ta street aut tae wass all playing a duf- ferent toon, ant py cosh ta rnoesick was -grant. Tae pagpipes wass a goot moosick ant so wass tae kilts too, nevertheless, whateffer, anymore, not- withstanding ant, if Donal' will spare ta Lord, she'll go tao hear ta pipes again on Robbie Burns' birsday at ta Caledonian hall next Monty night. - Cox. $25 Skating The Lille enwe out announcing the grand skating contest, to be held in the Lorne skating rink, Lucknow, on Thursday evening next, Jan. 28th, for a purse of $25 to be divided into three privet, viz : let $12, 2nd 3rd $5. This event promises to even surpass the two very exciting contests of last winter. • Burnside and McLeed will be assisted in holding up Kincardine's claim to the championshif), by three new aspirante for hskstorill fame, Gentles, Secord and Brown. In holding up Wingham's end of the argument, Sam Elliott will be satiated by Rob McGregor, a promising young skater, and Georgie Stewart, who is Contest is the 137th an - birth of Bobbie -Mr. Roberts, of Stratford, the blind piano tuner, was in the village last week. -A full stook of the celebrated Munyon's remedies in stock -Berry le C., the chemists. -All copy for issue in the SENTINEL must ia3 handed in on or before Wed- nesdays, Don't forget. -Miss Fritzley, of Goderich, is visiting her brother, Mr. Johnathan Fritzley, of this village. -The front street of our village presented a very lively appearance on Saturdey afteruoon last. - d to Rs, • • LeIlflgtOn• f the heap at Jimmy's last • 'The Jones brothers in Winghain, and who was at in her preeent eou them to tile higheet ladder and close attra-cltits- to1i°sprees') of her fie \ UP UK) .entate. hi'Veto tier iwtter self, anti to the fasteet tr Orient Exprees, deetination at retaryship of the Navy in Mr. ices Pittsburg Dempatc says that aban policy of the Mcleintey Ad - of Mameachueetts has acceptes why'. Cabinet. tbat pursued by President Cleve- drei Who Libels Ladies to Their 0 Husbands. gen, wept the Railway Review, will trial centres of ReMtselleld and Sole ! Montreal despatch . arreeti \ 1)0 the vituinct spanning the Wail-, Namely a "Golden we ng. If young' people without capital -.ration will differ verY A Scoun trinneapotie traveries uarued NY perthal at the little town tff Mung- want to provide for a. comfortable old disappeared front a C. Montreal in September last a Anti Mexican nalneti Ricardo Fernandez, eten. When completed the structure age they should begin to 'save iu betwaintieen uSeguo trAtiticeSteisaliaberl°f0-tiiiti who has been hunted 1)y the Mexican officials for attempting to murder the will enjoy the destinction of being the loftiest of ite kind on the Euro- youth. John Jacob Astor eaiti it cost him more to get the first thou - moral er • in in relieve, the does not approach 'tit half te speed with 14 now rnshine • LBRS SHOCICBD. ' connection with the slew ruse savei Your Money. which the Princess eo •Ieetructinn. MONTRF A It is a curt, 1 0. Elliott, of Cheeley, John Humber- stone, of Ripley, and W. 0. Chevii, of Paisley. - Alex. Gollan, treasurer of S. S. No. 7 Kinloss, will be in Lucknow on Saturday, Jan, 23rd to refund the taxes raised by error in said sehool section. - The executive committee of the W. C. T. U. will please meet at the residence of the vice-president, Mrs. Smith on Friday afternoon next at 3.30 sharp. - The change of weather on Sunday night was very sudden. It rained all day and before morning snowed. It rained enough however to almost rum the sleighing. -The undersigned has left in his charge a light set of second hand bob- T. liteMillan, Seaforth, gave a paper sleighs with instructions to Sell cheap, on "Breeding and feeding of heavy also a set of secoud hand single harness. draught horses." He said in part: -1). C. Taylor.' Always b:erd in a straight line. First - An Arran lady recently took five get a well bred mare; be sure te get one tu•keys to market and her husband a of good size, with good feet and a flat Mr. John Fairish and Miss Johnston of Ashfield, spent Sunday with friends heoe. Mr. Geo. Innes killed a fine hog last week. When dressed it turned the scales at 550 pounds. THE FARMERS' PARLIAMENT West Huron Arearturalists Have Another Oleeting West Huron Farmers' Institute naeeting was. held at Dunganrion oe January 6th and 7th. The first order of bueinest was the appointing of the following committee to receive mem- bers : C. Girvin, Joseph Mallough, Durain, R. Anderson, John Bowers. After a short addreee by the prezident, load of oats. The lady had more flona the sale of her turkeys than he hail from the load of oats. -Max Wilson, painter, has just finished painting a commercial sleigh for Mr. Peter Murchison, traveller for the American Notion Co. and he has made a fine job of it. s„, -Use Berry & Co's pure emulsion of bone and silky hair. Have the colt: come on tile grass, work the mares till within a few days of fualleg. Give mares lots exercise and never allow foal to lie on damp ground. A colt can be raised till four years for $65, after that they will pay for their keep. Cats and bran are good feed for horses with silage when not working. Cod Liver Oil with hypophamphates for W. S. Fraser, of 13redford, icave coughs, .colds and general debility. paper .on "Sheep raising for4iro1it.' You get, said the speaker, twneturns Sold only by Berry -4 0o., the druggists. Large bottle for 25c. a ye,ar from year from your sheep, a crop of wool and a crop of lambs. -The wan who circulates an evil Wean the lambs not later than the report against his neighbor without first of September. Feed the lambs knowing it to be true is only less to off rape. Keep your ewes in good con bleme than the other.mau who ruanu- dition in the fall, never 1.e. satisfied factures such a report. with lees than a lamb and tiNhalf on -Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guar- the average. antee. It cures Incipient Consump- tion. It is the best cough cure, Only one cent it dose 23c, 50c and 51.00. Sold by Berry Co., druggists. -Mr. Kenneth Catrpbell, on Tues- day last, sent from the Lucknow station the the balance of a Fig ship- ment of turkeys, having shipped altogether this season 2700 birds. -An auction sale of farui stock and ituplements. the property of Morgan Austin, will be held at lot 28 L. R., neyr Kintail, on Thursday, Feb. 4a1, 1897.-MeOnanees, Auctioneer. - Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Nichol Miss Corrigan, and Messrs D. N. Lawrence, J: Berry, and P. A. Malcomson took ia the Bachelors' and Beeedicts' ball in Kincardine on Friday evening hest. - Captain Sweeney, S. A, San Diego, Cal. says: „Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50c, at Berry' & Co's. -Mr. Murdoch McDonald, of Rip- ley, has been appointed keeper of the lighthouse at Point Clark, Huron township, as successor to John Ray, who was dismissed for neglect of duty. • -Our emulsion for coughs and colds contains hypophosphates of liine and soda and 50 per cent of pure cod liver oil, is easy and pleasant to take. Sold only by Berry & Co. the chemist in Nic bottles. -A large number of the young people of the village und vicinity took in the assembly in the Caledonian pavillion on Thursday evening. Archy Anderson, of St Helens, was on hand with the bag -pipes. -It is so long since the sound of the pipes has been heard in Caledonian Lucknow that it was a pleasing change to hear their skirrl on Thursday evening last,• when Archie Anderson inarcli:d down street. -The following will be the clubbing list of the SaerrINEe this year: - -Miss May Pentland, of Duna!): non, 'pant a couple of dart loot w.ek with friends in the village. --Mr. Adam Smith, of Ripley, has again rtturned to Lucknow to work at Mitchell Bros.' roller mills. -Of the 18 members of Huron County Council 12 are farmers Of the 18 in Bruce 12 are farmers. -A gold -mining Company has been organized in town with a large stock. Lucknow goes in for everything. -Mr. James Warren, Provineial & Dominion land surveyor, of Walker- ton, gave us a pleasant call on Monday. -Ex-reeve Alex. Nicholson, of Kin- loss, polled the second largest vote of any candidate for the County Council. - Miss Kate Murdoch, of this vil- lage, was awarded a silver medal at a Dernorest Medal contest in Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart were at Benmiller, on Thursday and Friday attending the funeral of Mr. Stewart's father. - A collision took place on Camp- bell street on Saturday night. A cutter was badly damaged but nobody was hurt. -A number of the young people of the village accompanied the bseils SENTINEL and Western Advertiser, $1.40; the SENTINEL and Weekly el.t-,c; the leltiNTIN3L and Weekly Mail, $1.50; the SENTINEL and Weekly Sun, $1.50. -An extensive auction sale of farm stock and implements, the property of W. 0. Tweedy, will be held on Tuesday, January 26th, at lot 12, 3rd range south of tin Durham road, Kinloss. For terms, articles, etc., see bills. — JOHN PURVIS, auctioneer. -Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer saved my life. I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated systemlI ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75c. Sold by Berry & Co., druggists. -A chattel mortgage sale of farm stock and iinplements will take place at McGarry's hotel, Lucknow, on Saturday, Jan. 23rd, 1897, when a large amount of property will be offered for sale by pubiicauction. For terms, etc., see talls-JouN Penvis, Auc- tioneer. Peter McKenzie gave a paper on "Weeds and hew to destroy them." A good reason why weeds should be destroyed was because they took a lot of substance out of the soil, There are three classes of weed -annual, bieniel, trienniol. Plow your land early after harvest and continue cul- tivation till late'in the fall; then plow deep. The last thing was never to allow weeds to seed, Jas Johnston gave an excellent paper on "How to construct and naain• tain good roads." He believed that the patlineaster systetn is the best and cheapert. EVENING MEETING There was a great gathering at the evening meeting, the large hall being packed. The chair was occupied by President 'lathe, who proved himself to be an excellent presiding officer. R. D. Cameron, of Lucknow, delivered • well thought out and instructive address on "Public Libraries" i.nd gave inceatrovertible reasons why the people generally should become associated with the institution wher- ever possible. He also paid a high tribute to thc progress that was tirade by the Dungannon Library since its inception After a capital tnusieal selection by the local orchestra, W. 8, Fraser gave an edifying address on "Butter making on the farm' showing wherein the profits lay, ard where loss could be avoided. This was followed by another selection from the orchostra and an entertaining duet, well rendered by little Misses Crawford and And- erson. A speech by D. McGillicuddy on "Farm life vs, Uity life.." was next on the programme, an the speaker was loudly applauded e placed be •fore the audieace the va us points of contrast. The elosing address was delivered bpi'. McMillan on ‘•Farrn life and it's conditions," and full justice was done to the subject by the able speaker, who drew hearty plaudit," frcm his hearers The musical and other platform exercises which were furnished by the local management were of the best, and in addition to those already mentioned Miss Cottle, Miss Pentland, Miss Davison, Miss Hiles, Master Bowers, and little girls Crawford and Anderson, on their se3ond appearantie, gave admirable selections. BELFAST Gift Seekers If you could Irma some- thing that is beautiful, giveable and acceptable, all at the same time, don' t you think it would lila firetty good gift 11/4'11, we have it for you., Eine-diamond kt setting-, $9.oc Smaller stow? but fine color, 10 kt setting- $5.00 Diamonds set singly and ii,combination at firielts fioM $5.0.0 to $5o.00. The gift seekers' latadise for Xmas Presents is without doubt at Insides Jeweliery Stott to Goderich 84.00; Keasetis M� - Lan for teatute 'abet charged in County Treasurer's °ince, sand after- wards pe: forme 1, $3 75; Thos. O'Reilly drain Slit 6 and i3 00; 341A11. Bryan. !minting Board of Iltal.eh cards, 82,00; Wm. Stothers, potting up financial statement 84.09; Mat Parries was appointee.' assessor and R. A. Carrick, collector, D. T. McKenzie and John Long, auditors. N. T. Ititchie was appointed to the position of water engineer for 18f.17. Ceuncil adjourned to meet Feb. 6th. W. STOTLIER6, Clerk. DR. 'RUTHERFORD DEAD Dean ot the Veterinary Departmena of the Medical Coinese (Fr, the Iletroit Frbe Frees.) Dr. J. D. Rutherford, dean of the veterinary department of the Detroit Medical college and a very cultured gentlemen, passed away very sudden• ly late Monday evening. He was in his usual health during the day and at- tended his class( is in the college. Soon after he retired for the night he had an attack of heart failure and pefore the pliyeicians oould be sums mooed he had departed this life. Tbe doctor as one of the promin- ent younger phyaicians in this city, He was a graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College and also of the Rush Medical College, of Chicago, and at the time of his death was taking a course in the Detroit College of Law fleodrgtiei.e purpose of still further extend- ing his already broad field of know - Three years ago, while enjoying • large medical practice in Rock Island, Ill., he was called to the chair of dean of the veterinary department of, the Detroit Medical college and at onoo came here. He soon attained greet popularit) and formed hosts of tries& among those engaged in the usediesi profession. Dr, Rutherford iisalized that the course in the veterinary de- partment here was not what it should be %rid began to institute vigorous reforms, Among other things he ad- vocated the building of a structure for that department &lolls and last fall moved into the new building, whiob is pronounced the finest equipped in this country. Iia also instituted course in veterinary horseshoeing and bad a demi of over thirty under his dineotien. Dr. Rutherford had just started out to pecure the paseage of a law regulating the practice of veterinary medicine, he being chairman of the state oemmittes, An amiahle gentleuaati, cultured, kind, coirrteous and thoughtfsl, he endeared himself to all whom be met and his sudden death is mourned by many..' He leaves a widow, Rlanctie Note - man Rutherford, formerly of Lansing; a brother% Dr, Hugh Rutherford, of Wayne, and a sisterVra. David Hew- itt, of Dearborn. HU -funeral takes place to -day from his residence, 188 street east, at 2 p. tn. The itthior class of the Detroit Col:. lege of Lsw, adoptea fitting resolutions of regret at the death of Dr. Ruther- fortr. Rutherford was formerly • res- ident of *St. Helens and Belfast, and his many friends in this locality will learn of his sudden death with regret,. B2COND DAY "Hog raising," by W. S. Fraser was the first paper. When selecting a sow, get one with a good long body. Never keep a pig longer thin six tuontbs. Get them to weigh 160 pounds. Never keep a sow uniess she can raise from 10 to 12 pigs, Feed youn.g pigs midlings, and bran. Barley is good feed for growing pigs. Run the spring liter on clover, and always keep char- coal before your pigs. "Cultivation of the soil" was treated by T. McMillan. Thorough ueder- draining is necessary to successful cultivation Have a rotation syatein : Clover first, net corn ancljx.af peas; third4velAr - sfs73. The mercury has completed„sptyr- 9. 8 tiTteeri:ltiAleinl-Asiestabbed In 1876. - fluctuations in the last fenria'n few 10. Prest itieut James A. ourfteld, idiot Wheels apileuertiley are ail to- in 1881. A WESTERN VISITOR HeSpeake Fneeteranaly of .he Prairie Provinoe tr• aisig fay h Nevala• Robert G. Dryden, who for 17 year' has been a resident of Manitoba, in paying his second visit to Gralt in that time. He is the guest of his sisters Mise Dryden, St. Andrew's street. Mr. Drydeu lives at St. Agatha, a little place 2.7 miles from Winnipeg. Like all who have made tb.eir homee •• in the Prlikikit lituala or %tram- n;egi tulle mud 'sprays p roses- A girlish dancing frock lies &foun- dation of blue more silk, with three overskirts of pale blue tulle Wilms &Rat . I ;ors Dr unkeatuess is mi- , ii. czar Alamein, . ., ier II killed by a i over it. The upper skirt ends in a scolloped ruching about at the knew. and the two other tulle &trip follow der large ruching.. The Urea:lower the RaMe outline below, OD- skirte are dotted with billin dititille. The corsage is a "baby '1' cut square, with belt and of turquoise blue velvet. A of blue morning glories makes re only trimming. The sleeves are eirrwt putts of the tulle trimmer' with chenille embroidery. team to Wingham on Mserisioal known among them. the Turkish bomb in 1%1. ing last. ability of 11°641) 12. Badi-Carnot,Pressident of France, fortnsliaor dieeneealwilirliodbilliu'cetdhie)y ("I Irmi tre;i°tiug8, stabbed at Lyons tn 18114. Is atreceutely un nown, and the (1114- 13. Shah Nasr-ed-Diai, of Persia, ',hot eases that result from vice are very iti Teheran in 1896. rare. Nowhere are 0.0 virtuous and out of a dozen bores know anything of Walkerton and ''''-'1"."allIge' ....., A Lofty Viaduct Requiring 4.000 T01114 of . of the old man, or, if 13. God of A.braham-After tire er- 1 HIGHEST DT THE WORLD. \Iron in Its Construction. ' no importance to it whatever. trnt —• The mood, noteworthy feature in State Railway, which is now in course. truction between the Indus - An old gentleman recently Said tlult what lie waited fifty years for, young people now wanted to start with. • th. miming son of President Dias. Fernandes had 10 sand dollars than it did afterwards to (e.n. Ohio01 , was oPeneu by Lit"' himoteU into French Canadian nociety, d but if he — Iota a money and at once ingratiated a 4unday morning and coils lie was accompanied by his wife, who I1 most noble famnll - peen Continent, eciipeing height and width of Re main arch tile celebrated Duro bridge at Opor- to, Spain. The total height of the Douro bridge is about 204 feet, whereasr the viaduct at aiungsteta win be 353 feet. As regard's the 'span of the centre arch, the one at Douro measeures 525 feet, while that at Mungsten will be 556 feet. Up- wards of 1,700 tons of iron work will be required for the principal arch ts,nd the total quantity of Iron em - toyed on the viaduct generally will amount to 4,000 Loh& • iusible paper. to the value were take01- . Beery W. Elliott Wee advised al• ' tom Senate tiset twin 27 el hesiane paint 01 -5 for Ole • hot remain- nermit , r sad\ Pocket2 25c. I Coo tIne • '4 bekmere to one o ilies in Mexico. Fernandez spent hie moaey freely and was a welcome visi- tor among the demi-monde, where his money flowed like water. About a week ago he suddenly disappeared, taking, along with his wife and eister-in-law, the sister of May Robinson. a notorious dive keeper, with whom be had become infatu- tted. The society in which Fernase. es moved is now much worked up ler a number of letters which have en received from him from Louie- , Ky., and St. Louis, Mo., in h he eases reflections on the of the gentlemen to whom he tten. Tattier Bougareda, a priest of the communion of Sacrament, is authority story of Fernandez's at - murder, Ferlifilldn's wife parted the information to lob get a hundred o had not saved that first thousand he might have died in the almshouee. The tendency of money judiciously in- vested is to accumulate -the more you get the faster it accumulates, like the motet snowball"' that boys roll in winter, We do not think all the wealth of the nation should be per- mitted to accumulate in one, or one hundred, or one theusand snowballs, but we do think that every young man 'should endeavor to lay the foun- dation for accumulating what may 'se- cure to him and his family* a cotnfor- table old age. Cigars. theatre's, and many other unnecessary amuse- meuts, which Rome young men spend a good deal of money on -and, might postpone 'to a later period -go far to prevent the accumulatiod of that first thousand dollars, which la the nec- essary foundation for all the rest. Anybody can see through people who :riske spectacles of themieelves. Marriage is a. neceeeity and might be -mind you not to -a heavenly state. The Prince:we Chime'', who eloped yrith a Flungarian tbusician, has been engaged to appear in tableaux vivant. at the Berlin Winter Gardens, after her divorce from her husband, at salary of ill750 a night. For whom does the blind man's wife paint herself ? ror had been exposed, the forth, as in eitapter 15. -Lange. Peter present'. no new religion, no new power, but only the workings, of the eame God who had done WO11- (tern for their ancestore-Pelossbeti The Old Testament is the type and foundation of the new. -Lange. Bath glorified -Not by thle miracle only, but at His baptism and transfigura- tion, by His mighty works, by His death, resurrection and HiseellailOn.— Holy one and just -Whom God had Cook. marked out as such; titles which had leen applied to Cadet tn the Ohl Teetament. Desired a murderer shall be increaaed by thy piety." The bond of union between the apcstles and the healed man attract- ed the attention of the wondering crowds. It sprang up spontaneously am soon as the miracle was wrought. No condemnation rests npon fuel) fellowship. It worked good to all. The newly awak,ened was streng- thened by this holy tie. The miracle wrought served am a good test upon ths) people, whom Peter acknowledged to be children of the covenant. They worshipped the God of their fathers, and He had glorified Jesus. The promises God made to Ateft118.111, Idoses, Samuel and others in the Old Testament refer to Christ, and rebellion against Sim and His works is rebellion against the God at our father,. Jesus the Prince cif life, was denied and slain by the Jews, yet God raised hitin up h is wet — sober a people to be found as the k .Bints to HoUsiateepers. nople it is in the European( quarter 1 gum camphor. i To -deter the hOUKe of ronehes use Turk's. If there is a vice in Conntanti- and ftrr Europeeine, that is, for the The oftener flour is Altai the liglit- \ Christians; and I defy any traveller er sponge cak,, wilt be. to find a disorderly house or a die- A small pieoe of sulphur placed in reputable woman. Such n woman taw cupboard or drawer will drive would at once be torii to piece's by away due,. herco-religionists; but the Moliane To remove the discoloration on Cum niedans, of course, do not care how anti saucers; use damp salt. much a -Chr0e4tian woman degrades To make soap bust drY It for sever - herself . ----- - -- 0 I After washing your lamp chimneys ni weeks; before using it. The Sexes in Burmah. and the • rub them dr) sa. light will be much brighter througb them. Your brooms will last much 100441r if dipped in boiling suds once week. Ants dislike the odor of cucumber, add If 'stripe nre scattered around weekly the ante will dieekePear. Flat -Irons should be washed er well rubbed on snit each week before sw- ing. as the starch sticks to tam. sad • ofteci leaves an ugly brown stark OD rn boiling meat for soup ens cold the linen. writer to extractothe NMI: but. If the meat is waled for itself alone put into_boiling tar. After butWsing a tin for a boiled puddle( duet it with pounded bread crumbe. Baking pans oast be trel‘bad vriith flour in the rams waY. and cake will never etiok. The flesh of fresh flab should to firm. the elle should be nest ad the soaks slivery. The new woman ')ime1 take her way to Burtnah. There, traveller's ea). is the only place on earth where true equality betweon the sexes.. ex- eds. In spite of this, it is claimed, no women are more womanly than the Burmese women, whose good sense enables them to see the line Where •they ought to atop. In the higher classes a woman has property of her own and manages it herself. In the lower daises she always has it trade and rune her business on her own responsibility. The sexes choose their own operations, and It ie curi- ous t•o see the men sometimes sew- ing, on embroidery, while the women hate nearly all the retail trade of the country on their hantia-P4. Louie Republic. We never doubt the alneerity of a woman's religion after we have seen her at church With old clothes on. Tor and About Wegner She (after giving him a kiss)-Yos mustn't tell any one. He -Why I fibs -Oh. I don't know. r d rather etve you another than have you tell. Bildad-What do you think of my wife? Ichated-I thAsk she's a posse alt; a poem. E114164-1Uss 1 a magasine poem. 1 'a't seisretaal Dudleigh-kh, Mao Da altzte! have one to press me OMB IMOW. Miss Du Mailoa-TOS may be • goose. Mr. Declines. 'Alt this is oot • tailor shop. * beollew r • Ob. be I au the whale Wag. Ile for " Hoer do y!st get NMI! II16 bar so." "Dees eel imps r " Nan% eigareetes.w Algorism Gotrox -Um J01.4111, 1 tors roarCiaShdevossayl I Uwe as MVO a etty reableess ea IlIversles a eaststisy plass as Loma. a seem meal& a melsgebilds. a remelt oat osiers 11--- Wklaw Jesse (flisiseetl. bet 101.0"-Ila7 so mom Kr. as=w• see years! Tabs us sad bs -ow tate, e • • •