HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-01-15, Page 4ANNUAL METING /11HE ANNUAL MRE'TING OF THE W.et Wswsaoeb Mutual Fire Insort.nce Company will be held in the Town Hall, Dungannon, on Wednesday, 20th January. A, 1)., 1!!'ii at the hour of one u'..lock p. m., whin the di,ectors and auditors reports of the Compaay for the past year will be said before the meetingand for the election of thiee directors. he directors whose term of office then expire are 1. parley Girvin, Esq., Mr. John Gnttin and John 13, haake, all of whom are eligible for re election. 1. M. ROBE WI'S, S c'y II USIC LESSONS Given by D. C. McM9RRAN, -ON THt ?guitar Banjo C larionet Etc., Etc. Mandolin Cornet Violin For terms, ete., call at J. W. Armstrong's jewellery store, Lucknow. Concert Work a _Specialty. Warned—An Idea .ao elant>n>p ot eOmaW thing to patent/ teoi as- id .s: taev bring you wealth. Vert WSDDERB1rTwo, co. Patent atWr- ways. Washiegloa. D. C.. for thelz sun prise offer 1 tad $ of two meted tnven 'anted. LOOK HERE! Have you the grip ole Reid's offers for the holidays. It is not too late yet for you. He lits goods that gladden the hearts of the young, the old, the rich and the poor; every- body -i n fact, and the • laden - process don'. cost much either. He has now in steak )flew Firs, Persian Dates, Walnuts- ilberrs. Fheliee. .lmon$s. Oranges, Leincra. Grapes and a choice Variety. of Creams sad other Candies al- ways on San& 'Che right spot for wedding cages of any size or shape. quality Considered. THOS.. RED. SMABT CUSTOM TAIL(;R. in% Brock Having opened out business in the room over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods store, I amprepared to turn out in the neatest manner and lat- est styles all sort of work pertaining to a first-class tailor shop. Satisfaction always guaranteed. A call solicited. To enter my rooms please come by way of main up -stair entrance of Allin's block. S7tIA-RT The owner of a watch or clock Then it is to your i:,ten-st when get ting it repaired to place it in the hands of the most skilled workman you can find. This you will do by bringing it to R. KNOX, `Vatchmnker, of Lueknow. Tile goods solei by him here and in \ ingham f rotu 1. i 1 to 1579 are giv- ing the best of sati.fi.c'•iOn stilL Re- w.tablished in, Luck now 189: Please reni^ntber the place, in the old stand next to lir. Lawrence's and the ex- press and telegraph office. ilia stock consist of Geld anal Silver Watches, f leeks, M$verware. Otasaead Slags. wee. *slag • Engagement Slags. ('saris, Breeches, Kar -maga, Bracelet, Vine cattery, Vienna. !strings and Bells R. - KNOX, WATC1I`MAKER; New Store in Town Mr. Trios. Agar has opened out a new grbcery, flour and feed store in this vil- lage Ile has on haud a full line Of groceries, fruits, icon- fectionery, fish, flour and feed. He intends the* highest paying �, market 'price either in c:.sl►• or trade for butter area eggs. So come Ploiiit, this is the })lace -v, -bete %rru will get suited. TO TAJIXEBS. ANEXCELLENT OPFURTV`ITY is now afforded to farmers with small capital who deair' to obt,ain improved farm or stock rancho, with irrigation, buildings and fences, in the District of Alberta, North West Territories, on easy terms. „The Wising of horned cattle. horse~!, sheet,, and pigs is rapidly developing in the District. Tb. undersigned will furnish information or mower enquiries (addI W )C. MIMI Q.C. Calgary N W T FOR S rilH♦T VALUABLE PROI"RTY SIT - visite in the Village of Lucknow and be Ing 3 acres near the station and 13 acres on the west side of Lucknow, now occupied by Yet a Wataon, and thMt part of block G,s on the corner of Campbell and Stauffer streets. IF „r particulars apply to 107118 M. CAMPBELL Pubilo Notice —All parties . —Indebted to the —ITadersignsd, —Either by --Note or book account, —Will please call —And settle the same —As soon as —Possible and —Greatly oblige THOS. AGAR. GIVES rREH-� r11ES5``- AND CLEAR' SKtIV��:, '1RES C.ONS.TtPA1t0�z: Cv tNOiGEST10N 457 1liNE�s ERUPTIONS ON ' K SK 1 h BEAUTIFIES �iONf EX ro.N An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TO` IO. Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 25c., and 51.00 per package. SSauplee free. The Favorite TGCTH POWDER for the Teeth and Breath. :1;4. KO HO For Sale at Berry & Co's John Peart, BOOT MD SHOE DEALER MCLEOD'S DOAN'S MoKEIMIL Baker and Confectioner. IL Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goads Confectionery, ' Etc. Bread, Buns . . awreue Johnstone THE LEA' )1 NG_ — - iidertakors aid runittro Dealers . . and Cakes . . Fresh Daily • Flour. Oatmeal and Corn, meal alwa} s on hand Kidney Pills first proved to the people that Kidney disease is curable. Being the original Kidney remedy in pill form, the cures they have made, and the fame they have attained have opened the way for s boat of imitations and substitutes, but those who have been cured of KIDNEY Complaints through the use of this won- derful medicine, those whose lame back is now free from pain, those who now have no headaches, those who have escaped from the death grip of Diabetes and Bright's disease by the use of Doan's Kidney PILLS are the ones whose opinion is valuable. When scores of such people come forward and tell publicly that Doan's Kidney Pills cured them after other means failed, it is evident that the only CURE HAD INDIGESTION 1 For a Matter of Some Forty ltearo or Moro. Joseph Gardner, stove dealer, of Bath, Ontario, a great believer in Dr. Chase's Kbluey -Liver Pills for indiges- tion. constipation, dyspepsia, Bright's disease, rheumatism, and kidney, liver and stomach troubles generally. " 1 was troubled fort ovelr forty years with indigestion and constipation," he writes. "At intervals- I suffered from severe headache. I spent dollars and dollars without result until Mr. Ita1:, our drugtrist, advised enc to try Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. 1 did so, .and� t that t say ti:they tare the only remedy gave me relief. I would not be with- cut them for anything." Many people suffer from .rheumatism. Basi blood and dieea.>aed kidneys bring it on. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills will remedy all this and cure rheuma- tism, sciatica and all kindred complaiute. IIerei is a sample came : up and My boy was all crippled sultered awfully with rheumatism," writes Mrs. 1H. Wills, of Chesley, Out. " He also llltd n touch of diabetes. The doctors conld do him no good, but Dr. Chase's Kidney -Livor Pills „completely :cared him." Sold by all dealers and Edmanson, Bates & Cb., Torontb. 23c. When all other remetres fail Dr. Chase's Unseed and Turpentine will cure the worst c'hron'c cold. 23 cents. L c,1 N W M. FURNITUF�.. WARE. RCO M e 1laviax secured the hr.ntisee 1•:tely occulted by G.W. BF RitY ea a I•'nritikure tj'ate R•.utr. I suve r'c -i:fly .fitte'l it sa►ith the newest %hens •' f s.l: kinds of ; ile,urrhold•Fttrtiiture. As t , quality, they ere b•.Lgn:.Ile,h. The piioe is- eway down. 'Aa . Kew are h•,ugbt for sre.t 'cash, theref.ire I can sell at as close a pie ate any t" rson in the country. Why bay i' To- ronto and .pay fre+i,ht, subject, to carnage, when you can- Neve this at hems-? Wheii at A. T. DAf V3()N'S in act and be con • %ince'• THE UNDO.-t`TAKiNC DEPARTMENT for Kidney Disease, Bladder and Urinary difficulties, Lame Back, and the number- leaa results of disordered Kidneys is Doan's Sidney Pills. Be sure to get Doan's. Price thy cents per box. For sale by F(Ot SAi.F 13Y BERRY 8; CO, Drr.gg'iets WHEN a woman is palz, . anaemic, low-spirited, ner- 4 vous, sleepless, there is no plea- sure in life for her till she has ha system put right by By�tem_BeovItOr And other tested remedies srE(11r1C AM) ANTIDOTE — -FOR — Impure, Weak and I>zii,,veru,heda for Sleepleeasneee, Palpitatio Weak Bart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Mte,mory, Bronchitis, Contnmpptin, Gall Stows, Jaundice Kidney and ITrin wry Die eleaskBt. ttus Dance, Female irregularities saidOessrai Debility, $I per half pint and $2 per pint bottle L&jo1l1Oar • • OODIEICH,ON? J. M. McLEOD, For Sale by A B Congram and Harry Days, Druggists Wanted—An Idea m�'a' D' isi�e■11ss .saw at .w. rr.a>fi dphsetenr wealth. Meer- War � wises Oe. T' rrs ,.zT1MALEret; .7 n ce y14 M A •o tir.�i yew need lee Ur all pleaIMO'S Jur breath for fear of Bowl your Wme. Indian Woman's Balm It falseedunfailing remedy for all • t,dyspesict ponde women and girls. Mak.. rich, new + blood and improve the a complexion. $1. All druggists. FOR SALE BY is co tilu ted at the 4,141 tit .:,1, wbi•-L has been entirely tenovate.i. HARRY DAYS, Druggist It is sold on a guarantee by all druggists. It mires Incipient Consumption and is the best Ooh• and. Croup Cure. RIPLEY Have the largest and most complete stock of Fine and medium Parlor Furniture, Bedroom, Libraryand Dining- Room Suits in the Town : ‘1,,o a full line of : Curtain Poles and Window Shades. U THE - UNDERTAKING ERTAKING - DEPARTME 4T is ((d.fl late hi every Particular:. Calls promptly attend- ed to day or night. :::lnbalming, Prosorving and Taking Care cf Bodies a Speo- salty• 'fbe Embalming Fluid, material and a)F - .,lisue.s used have proven to be the most .-ffectual that have ever been used for the past twenty years. SI -Picture Framing at all kinds of Re- pairing done 4 the old stand. CEOS He DOUGLAS, N=W LIVERY. ',.,_ -moi.,,, 4sev:t ROLIER - IiIMEM. - Shop . Next Door to Post Office. Campbell st., LUCKNOW. M. Ct)RRIGAN'S Is the i).,t to make your selections in CROC�t,l��f • , G L_AS3'IAL E, GROCERIES & PROYISION6 4 I have in stock the following : Apples Blacking Black Lead Blue Baking P••wd: rw Barley, rt Bath Brick l3ra••- Bro:,n, l;,uc,. t•t 13rU��tr- Bi4ceit Coffee Confectionery Canted Goods Coo, .711 Chocolate Corn, canted Corn meal ('nrranta ('nrrie Powder Cream 'ranter Cncoanut Dates Al - Flour always FIRST-CLASS HORSES AND RICE• Prices Reasonable. gigs delivered to any part of town OIOe a and Stables plat south of Bildred's Carriage We are in first -elates order to supply von all with the best quality of Rolled Standard and Baking Oatmeal. Clean your oats well ani we will satisfy you in quantity and quial ity of meal. Large stock of feed on hand and sold a: these prices -- Oat Bulls $4.50 per run Oat Dust 6 30 per ton Oat Crop 1010 per ton peace&BarleyChop 13.00 per ton Ileal Seeds 8.00 per ton Bring a load of oats and get the areal home with you. D. McGregor. ;1)ri.-11 Auple 'Extracts 1,•iL,+ ti anr:,:,el Fish, dei•-,•. Gel, Lint: urgers- lf,►iw, ifotre;y ,Ink 1114111;4. • iLh. ria' Lien•• .i tci^e• .. i ,.t, +i Ara ;cl ea Mince Meat MMvAh • ibiac,sroni •Aius:er•i bleats, canned Magne4ia INutn•eg I Irl. °Lye (ill, 'meet - . ,-()a Uy Meal Pail Le'ehee Pipes Pickle Pest -live Peas, csaaeal Pepper R. Wes nice Rice nowt Sate - Salt • Salmon 3an)ine!e� teuria ::►sett. s Sugar - S ♦rias on hand. Soda Soaps Spices Starch Strawberries, Dann* e.ulpher4 I'al•ioc:a Tomatoes .canned Teas . t'o uccoes Verniice ll Vinegars \ 'i,thh„at,'s Vashit g Cutts Woo'de-nw:.re Whiting L'una'r Sets Yeast Fake+,• limier gets Tea Sus Water S • tts Crean% Fats Berry Bette 1•,i1:•t Setts MAPLE — LOGS WANTED Upwards of 900,000 feet of maple logs wanted at Mitchell Bros. Roller Mills, Lucknow, Ont., for which the Highest cash price will be paid. Mitchell - Bros., LUCKNOW. LUMBER, LATH & ii1NOLES ARTIES WHO INTEND BUILDING P can be supplied with all kinds of hum ber, 1 tth and shingle+ at Todd's Saw i.l s, St. fielens, Hravina! just place,i in t`ie Liill 3 first claw! planer, those desiring planed I,nu:n r can also be supplied on shoeest notice. nailed lum ber constantly kern; .,u hand at !„west t�ricy. A quantity of cedar i:a:16 >ut l fri,ct postai f'.r sed TIIUB. TODD. Sc. Helene 3N1NC . E MACHINE AND EDCER FOR SALE CHEAP rllI(} 1)Ni)M:SIGNET) HAS FOR I. sale a Hall self :actino shingle machine, tuade by Goldie k McCullough. The frame is all iron and steel and the saw is nearly new. G. HARRIS, Dungannon, LOCS From now until the first of the New Year, I will give a large crayon protrait free, of yourself or anyone you wish, with every dozen of cabinet photos L.T.TRFLEAVEN Cheap Dry Goods ., rgains 0 rtbe To:err 03, be w ';‘;`-‘ '; C LornuNG—Several lines of Men's fine Tweed Suits just at a bargain, regular price $12.50 for $9.75. Also a line same lot, regular price $2.50, fur $1.75. kors ft na some. I .7:611 beau/ifuI, acccftable, all LADIES' VESTS—Long sleeves, extra value 13c, 15c, 20c, $ time, doye . vi; ds�c 'c11 DR, AW ER,S 25c, 4Uc, 50c .n L � ORSETS—Ln r waist, perfect fitti>t'g, 6 hooks, specials 50c, :-44•7e'c kayo TOWELI.INGS—Extra value at 4e, 5c, 6c, 7c, 84c, 10c per yard. TOWELS—Heavy Linen 20x40 at 25c a pair, 224x45 at 30c per pair, HOSIERY—Women's wool at 15c, 18c, 20c., 25c. Cashmere at 15c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c. 45c, 50c. • • • to deal in. You can et here anything you want in staple 1hl�i3thestoretlesand and Dr Goods. We are headquarters for Ladies'M•an tsad -made Clothing,Our stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers is large and prices rock bottom, and our groceries are firms value. CAMERON, MUR000H. & CO. The Man Isa,. Phar isee Who wishes his wife a Happy New Year and forgets tout into practice the gd Jd resolution he made to buy her p --- . A FUR COAT You will get them cheap .icl vs The First Week of A s The New Year 5. Coats worth The bestcoalta we keep l be sd forwale $38. You can now have them for $30 All plines er yarf les' firstrs cheto of day February the m. Connell, LuckflOW, Ont. Ever delle� going at cost and many lines less than cost, y We have told you before that we are GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, and in order to to get out as quickly as possible we have begun a BwoepiD Bacr5..co Sale of vcrythg5 hffl3TM WILhave Leen SOON BE H t,E and f bpreparing for EIthe wantsW 0 the public. We bare added to onr ti, euppkv of J —Cleaned Paradise currents —Ar u�nbou's best s •l�'e • t'i1 raisins - figs, dates, lemon, orange and'`cit- q —Nuts, g – Choice lot ot c,ar�fent;tlotlea•y —ron )Pale, lclnQ sugars and everything in rI'r� our h,li ort tea in lb package —ctroice groceries for the holiday trade. -- 2J,'. Slot t� I i , please lovers of tea. t t 1 cr lit es of good teas from 15c to 50c a lb. Our stock of crockery and glassware is always complete. Wishing you a merry Xmas and a happy and prosperous DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTc & SHOES, HATS St CAPS, b READY -N. ADE CLOTHING. POSITIVELY NO HUMBUG AS WE MEAN BUSINESS E'erything az and below OoBt. NEILL - 8z - CO N.B.—For prices see our Barge bills. People must ave Groceries Tine great question is where to get them. We keep the best 61. qualities to be had. We don't prbtend to sell them below Dost, but we do sell them at a very close margin. WTi�TE T AS Black, G,een and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you by from us instead of tea — AT THE Lucknow Saw Mill, Soft elm, basswood, bis ch, white and black ttsb, butter- nut and other marketable hardwood in any quantity for which I am prepared to pay the highest prices possible ((;r ms to do. F•tir measure- ment guaranteed. James Lyons peddlers. Compare quality and prices. CROCgORY We have a fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. PLO-UR8z' F'MF' D hand. Goods kinds of flour and feed kept oonstantly on h delivered to any part of the town. berry and toilet ;McClure and IVIallough, C.A.Sil CFROCIELBS. SEW YEAR JOHN ELVOTT. r 1 Flour� and Feed always kept on hand and delivered to any part of *lie town. FOR NEARLY FORTY YEARS -i \`. (o have been doing business with the people of Luckno w and the surrounding country, aid we wish to thank all those who have favored us with a share of their pat oa during that time. A great many of you have been and we customers ever since we first commenced business, hAve always endeavored to please you in every wsy possible .A As .0 .0 .0 .0 We now wishio call your OA the attention to the tract that day Of February, 1897, ,0 e0 We will close our books and adopt the et/t •� CASH SYSTEM' • 4. IlthT tor 17 years 4.st of hie 44e Galt in As we have lam ned with our long experience in business that CREDIT DOES NOT PAY. • m Winnipeg. their botnovi aos A word to the wise is sufficient. Don't ask for credit and be refuspor Ines— elf of pint Store, cin tune MM.* with three ends in a the knees, Pioneer Hardware) aro._ Thos. Lawronca, N. 13.--;.\11 overdue notes and aceounts must be settled before 1st Equipment for the Wo • inn follow of Fe ending 61&' two tower irtklue thermic. waist,” cut kJeNdeshouiderbraces It. A aprai of Women Now that winter is here and wood and logs are to be cut, it pays to securelm a Masi—You eo—Wily t She .A..xes and Cross Cut Saws d gel il. give g tAisttbitabsilik's epossim7 de To make the heavy drudgery 42166–..6uegast axes and cross -cut saws t a a light as possible, the surest way V this eud is in seeing the largest stock mut. (lonelier This satisfaction can13e as fully realized at t —You may be a tide is sot • as D C r",AYLOR'S HARDWARE; -141NakirlthiS, ment available. as anywhere in the county. Prices lo w I Teinis cash! tyJoao. I Ws 1 I love as reallissu• as eraser, Ow •A • mom= oti am yam t Tabs is