HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-01-15, Page 3_1111Llb _T
i WnCies In Ireland and
better known Wales to ilia e PIN, SCISSORS AND RUBE. +++++++++++++-f.++.14 1 i+++++ WOMAN'S WO
qources of' Canada.
I Mr. GladhUxle ham delelined to be- There is a huille for women Inebri. After the Bridal
Onto aa oddfellLqw (M tile jaround ateti Pk Brooklyn. N. Y., kept by a 8o, the ww, reared for thisd for
INTBRNATIONAL LESSON NO. 111. To Leave the lioube silent at IRS& I
or ill"t V10 tidtlatife cerenumiy would , Betrayed and i4 Her Salvationists' Queer Juto da fe in . w(nnan of whow tlie- Brooklyn pity.
A 140 too gra&t an ordeal for a man J AN 17. 18917. Alicialls sl*ak highly, The patients ++++4i4 1144++41144#4 �40 No singing more,
f (J bid adv&nmt Yearm. 0 Despai �dedo New York, are not treated like prisoners, but Startling Ana4pg), No laughter nor yuung Wow;
The BritiWl Board of Triule returns are amused imd entertained in dil- out from my door.
A It was a Scotchman returning home Out from the dove -white ph".
"how tkat the total Imports for 1896 ferent, ways, going to tits theatre on foot who met another ()it &It(,
Culi % erted- Act* ii. 3-1-17.
1mr ft, bankA She goes np'$-r to) return a maid
have Inereaeed =5,117,677 over 1895, N of Imch Lomond. All unafraid
FIRENly- � Tlllle-A. D. 80. Plate-Jernmaem. a nd (other places of amusement. Weel, Sandy. and how did ye get I She passes ttito thv
d the exports have inereaveti E14,- DYING BL M. SIMMONS,' HEY DEF19D THE 4Me Apootles. The mul- great "rid witli
Over t4- e,iouis year. The fint platform of the gretit on?- asked the latter. lue.
titude. " Weel, I tfiked my coo to Glamgle
Lod ROL*rts [tam so=tied a wrl- tower at Wembley Park, Etiglaild, has Doem he so 1()ve her than,
cApitlil P& has Leon 000 110to of wariklug to the Brith4h Stopped Aroulix ood Trying t Coninientary.-321. This Jesum-Of bew opmed to the Imblic. The tw4e of and oelt her for twelve ptin." That, dwarfing love of other men
Governmeout on the igubject of the 0 A Lithographic Picture of* Colonel inger- 'hoin David spuko Ill. his pmainim, and r " All' dinna ye ken, ye puir rule. that His tore out -towers the thought and
lesery -i FLq �rth, %% am feeling of unn%t, In Illklia, accentunt- See the Man -ness Told of the soil Constituted Beelzebub's Back w the tower cove about wt aere (d If ye'd takken her to Londou ye'd have ca re,
%set* Oki by 06 prevallbig fainUie and Girl's Distres4, e Complained of bone Duly Dissected aud Buimed such Pdmhag(*_were familiar w th'" ground oLud the platform, hk-li lias got wenty pun for her?" The eyes with rigils dim,
plague. Brutal Treatit at the Hands 'of Fighthig Against Hades. Jews. ]David was ofie of the vener- Just been completed, Is at an eleva- "Aye; and if ye'll take Loch Loinond The daily Ydling and the were$
t -Lon of fifty-five feet trom the g-r(oxiiiti.,
inaprity. Til Vail.V Sininions Med al Testimotiv. a ble Patriarchs of their nation, and there tO hell Ye'll be able to t4ell lier prayer,
-News expr**vAco the hope tilt- kire , Gr 400 feet above th4� sea level. for kbillin' a glam I" That foorge a pitreat'is life.
Lee-]Eitf ield tILlt tile report that Col. John, Hav \ew York report: , front his family Violliessiali came,wid
atTived at 14-tO 8110ceed Mr. Bayard amo AinIx Department aouki not pPeveut tll8 1 David wrote concerning the death,' Oil Victorian railwais btati011 To be a wife.'
,41dor tit the Court of t. Jam�cw night swule Wye who were Ing oil devil from being burned at Salvation re"'urrection and aocontsion of (hrl,4. Site Wondered. 0 little daughter with the sliluing
will I -Cedar'street, between Army Headquarters, i�o 1.7ourteenth Added to the prophecy of Duvid, the inimtroisses" are rapidly replacing sta- aewly-niarried 'qpuple were hav- hair.
ar- prove true. "Be -sides him high Will- I Third arid 1 0 tender woman in %%hom Clauaw
at hi* houie itvt" the '.\'ew#4. lie 6 an exceed-. Fourth, foun a young wopian walk- street,- last evening. Him aullsbWi6l apuutlL% were Foady to, speak from tioll mamters. Over 200 women a re ift�', L turn through the Trades und
A. T. 1P ingly good fellow." personal Inowledge of Chrivt'm humil- 12(nv holding the Post. and they do Indiustrial Exbibition, Duke street, meet hig hackwarols and forwards pitcouslY' are kml to,,bavo'goue to the neaput, ity aiql exaltatlun. (Read ver*ew 15. their work AA well us men. Thoir (;lasgow, asid the guidmwi wa,s wo The tipring and summer oweet.
Cr eymour Playloy'o Illusion, **L& '-cry'ing. When first spoken to by one ellgino houtie uzd t a:verage That thou mightst find thy mats,
w eutirestaff Mort," AJ LIATO whiNPOrsd 31, prfteding- this leswmj amival salary is $1000 delighted with the Voaderful things
which aroutied so much Inter- ttimtings into the eam; of tlw FITS Huth God ralwd up -By Him power iv(A I
0 K TrueaLant hospital tvt ill Parld, 114 now twing joll,owil at of the'lads site woul"I not 'reply. but whereas the station uutntero reep he had w)en that lie nudged liis bet- 18 this thy filial gift?-tlil@ desolat&
-cepted. VIO htYal Aquarium. Any member of in a few* nitnutes'asliotl them to kAd" Chii. Auyway; two.fireineu came to and authority, so that He wai4 not ter-haf in the rRal, nad exclaimed In And sualoss room W
the Army Headquarterd and drew left in the grayo to see corrup- Where. clothed wItb orlooni.
her from fa2ling. Kou of Mr. Major U4lichell aside aDAJ s'aid3 64 9 A. bowed and broken titan. :y
&xwte4l that, there is a great tho autlIL%lee who chutieied can, by en vvein of eestaby-':hly Jeannie, some
suluggl.ng at, prene,nis on the toring a Coffin, ho trantformAxl Into Cowl, who was present, uuticed that "borry, but this burning affait Qd-, tioll. We all are witileoieu-Not It Isthnid thatltilost. every morning folk nmun It" guid heida." Deed Ilia days a tipan,
llacit.c CAXL.,t. -t NIKU-101Wbit, I:eftirp thu eyept of time t4� svouuw was #,ick, and lie asked the youry woull be allow" Understandr, only the apodties, whose commission a se:oge or more dead birds are found ay," �sayx site; "it widina (lae if everv- Sit& through long vacant %vatchvg le
Bu,%U, a pri;0minelit Apt-Ttat-L.r-4. driver of a laundry wagon tu Coll- The - MaJort who had cliarge oi the wag"to witnew to these facts, -but at the b&m,. of tbe A%,ashingtou Illollu_ luxly had bhoep*s held ." lier It
Cheese manufacturer a all who maw the 6aviour after His ment, at, the liatiollal capital. They bands humor rpuddenly- %anged fter "Ill to sta"
nd dealei, of Lor -4 vOy her to a phyiclau!ii office. lie auto da iie arranuemientis,. said that rekturrection, were. ' able to declare, 10. that, tuiLl sho wmWered why Across it v0dowed beartlistotte chaj
KeLaPtvil,a, has tu!sigued. Of tho Brit6h iLrniy. haA i"uod a gen- took her to Dr. Aylesworth's Mice. he would buzu tim) Father of all Evil that* David's words app . .4e their lives by flying against the r and bare.
0W1ll9 W CIS laek of "now.lumber eral orer so-leninly lecturing 'young i Dr. Arthur was called in. but the Pity a figuraitivo sense. being per- tied to Jesus- shaft In the dininess of twilight or
upertttioiio In the Womaill; ouly 11 83- BY the Tight haitil of (kW ex- daybreak. ll kludA 6f birds in Numbering Thread,
Gatineau district officerat who -4tave latt-ly shown a lik. � 14cialld could nut save the suaded that the devil would lie roatt altmi-Or, beltig exaLted; to The Divided PonapadoUl-
bAre L*ea temporarily ousUendetI. Ing for a clean-mokaven, ti.,Verlip., con- life. She died a few, millutes after ad only by the 11:2%* of 0onvictiont 11A the death In this way, but the Engilis,�t Tlie 11tiebtital "Why IN Kpool cot,-
Mr- J. Marshal,. U. A., of tile S t. trary to the. QUeen's regulatit),is. rechIng. the office;- supposed enlissaries-for they " must right haild of God; to ioupreme, power, "rrow- Is a raxe victim. Uxi itunilwrod no It Is, and why ue
Thoulad Loll - the wearitig of mous- The body was afterwartL-i remoVed -have beeD suca-wcat away to a re- nlaJt%ty aud glory. Read Matt. 28:- figurew tiot umed iik regular order?"
cepted the I eg,ate lndtltu�eq had HAvUig 'recAAved of the The 16farel,14A19m of Lorite 1h wi ux-
,r,acipida,hip ut the inga- to the unAtertaking warerootud of H. mote pat oi the i��e Yet for all Futher-as the ffreat- miointed one is ofttvt asked. Th6 expla ' nation iii
too C. I. I 1� rii - whle.h iii a I.Aberal F. Trott & Son. and CoSpner Stephen, that their machluatr" eame to of the IA6rd. The proralme of the 088(itIlglY clever sculptor. Me set6 this: The nitinheAm wi -the e;poOl
ArriiiWruents litive a . (le o tll:tt tilo Liberal 1:etf-rd was notified, but docided0not to hold naught. As well nught tho devil -have Holy G cords- to work in a moot bustnegiali Y, ow the' itum*r of "bankie' 4b
I ed tried to draw an astxm" curtain
to-elik host -It" fulfilmeint, ac ke wa expr
likold %110 wL nift-.t ()It Januar.v 18th for an inquetit. The -"Iy was ideutifl Ing to the, prumldm of the o4erlpture. witill tier sleeves tucked up ajid tier %%hich are required to wind a pound.
by a itumber of people -as tlutt of over his past as tocv4ape trom. the
th- I)tjrpqw% (of a leader of It(- haj4 shod forth t 90w -n covered with a huge w1lite Tho vory fine*,t spirwilig rarely ex-
tho Cunservatlyt. L I 1U Ft-brtiary - eltxoting . Jenide Uampbe!l, un eluptoyee.of the torch of the righteous. ' his -Which Ile w4mlls 300 hanks to tlio, pound, while
. 8rd in NNinll�* tli-- Howie of Lortlis in Queens Hotel. They, bowever, were The big auditorium.'doNvu in Four- lind prouiLsed to His disciples iwfore 1WroG- Lately shO 11 -as 1111u10 a speel there is alpout
StowlY of asdinals, and some vary mile- In the very coartieut
The eongreg.aWn Kilux Lhurche Mt .41on'to, t'ho Earl of I,.t**l*-ry, i jalotaken. as a ;otter toulki undor a teenth-aitruet, was thronged when so Ho buffered (John 14 tuid 16). and
hllouse proved long box. %VLtI1 CLUVdid bidi(S. wad after Ile had. arisen from the dead C01fiful Vieces of sculpture fr<)m llviiig a half poutui in each hank. The more
St, Thomas, had t,1, 11tied a unalill- of the L(bervil party. Illow in the TorollW eight (Luke 24: 49). and which had really. nlod66 aro tb i"oult, colulnon qualities, tiowever, th(ow
all to Rev. 1) 1;. orunimond, ut ased to be Jmdo Gray. of brought- down the aisle L),v
Jut)" c, tue Z the editu'rials In aturday mrn- Elie dece Come to pass before the eyes of a from which wwlng thretui in usually
Rufteutown, 1,61-ki I " o it Midland. balvation Army la"" With tho uloato, ikiering multitude. Native J"icemen of India are, 4LI. made. run fr(',M Wn to fifty Ilanku
0)1 - 14aper'n approve of the . The deceased waa emp!oyed by4r. sparkling eyto WW tile 116"t "uetr- wt" W the pourul, aad tho Voolm 001
Mr. W. Ii. the antences inippol-etl by Justice ll!LW- C(XA. tish red capa you ever saw. The might 81.* David tit not, amcaidetT Into.the itke 1pther DobDleK,-' iery unamsawng I
Bra Phi to ni i ne at -. litot isunimer, but.had. been aw-411 whie14 11, 64 wound &Lre imijilw-rod ton
UVW%�%n. lias Itil a few ,litys ac,0. on T In heavetia-His body had not jxwn re- ind.i'viduals, clad 11hally in dark blue, ' to fifty Lit nerora�nee.
kin,4 upon Laity Selitta, Scott and two Un all . uesda y of tlle almost distracted thtxw pre- . Acited, as 11vas Jehus', for -hli tiepul- or karkis gurilicutg. With turbans and
111,611ligned ft)r in the caiie of Iter son- nigidviie remained at, the Torouto, b4at irom tho Dead %ItLreh M'Sati I OU 6 J30 d6 -
apt 1n, repair to trunmiings or the town culor. In in.
ItorrA. The �11�,,)ut in-law, Earl Russell, who sued for '.e. in a note WhiCil wits addreAw- the band WAS pIAYLLrg wittl was still kc I
$140,000 criminal lilwl. 71,ia 1tewIxtpers gen- uy .6 mark Vie place -uf' lilg lobrial. lie Inly �ttley wear yelio iturbans and Quite a Gift
The luml,ernieii, tanatia are to era;l exiorerw the-opiniqll that, ed to said: " If You do bruaw-y and dolotul effect. '%% 119 ALI" honorable mail. and fatlov fdcIn9t4 but the ludiau defender Of th Willinin Kramer U,IvIj1i11ILi-,J from
be o0d that allytiling, il - I -a of ttto- royal pwalm; w1th his Ejig- h6lioume tit New York on New Year's
a0kad to r-tiloply tho 110t Pee like IL'iVO 119311116 You Will find Tho skies di the.saxcu)haguil Were -but ill his Psalm peace can claiiii kinsilip
ket. w1lich, you can ownd adormA by th6 legoad, Buz
s r
mallent 1l1i&rtvrr4 at Iti.,41ey fur the C0111,11lues ttx lie of trie wur.4 ileocrip- or drem for Belle. Thank your inother' ual red. -%%xton a ba ckgrotkud oi whito,' bul. lutto my tord--Jflim� is, God tho nearly tiati always Important busIness in hi#4 office dcown town, "Boys, I
ah.-llew �-ound the corner i0jenevow ro" Want to make you a ew Year'a pre -
will' be Uitietl in the orection of per- tile Pwtiee Was ttx,) letillpitt. $�.* ill lily poe,
Tlie weallier througirout Curope to iny -mother to JAuy ao pair of W-0to Devil.11 Painted on one side in cardi- 110 iiitt-not speak of himselfi -The Lor I Ii h b other on the ticore that lie inorning to hiis two soits who wer(,
Camadian vuiunteerw Fattier siald-unto the Meoiwi.
tioli. Along -the RlviiVra. ift Tunisand for; nie. Jennie Gray."' an a Lie sizo devii. lie #ud bea.es, a I -
It is expeete4l i4i Montreal that a in Algeria, vi-sitora re &-tiffering front Another it(Ae,' willill WaA found on tail W1171ch ound around, him, several W1L so Is in progress. wtit. The Atlantic Goardum in yours.
00110CUVO malrul welit. udgued by the I t the tip 85. Until -it was not a nioment-tiry', I wkdi yoiti succom ajid a happy
Quet)oc bwht4ps, c�,itleul,"L114 col,l and rain. and inUreat 13rjtain Cear treet. admitteil taking strych- times, a 'goatee which Inc exaltatkm to which Chrt, ' waA Munkacjiy left Paris fur hig-tiative New Year." The wAim of 'Mr. Kramer,
VIC, there lias been a miteatly downpourall nine. Oil tieuxelilug. her e,otlleA42,w`as.,0f Ilia Villaillous no" alid a tongue
raiwid, butvit mtwt last uut.1 the time Illlid last Wring. with glowing platis who have amPOCI&Wl with him New styio coilture it, vogue A jig
-man,WLe octioui wtv"Ment, will be t1ke we�ek_ �j hurricaiie prevalled III follild. alo a letter front. a young mu which looked liko a sea 14erpent lubli- unti I
lliell,_ Ing J%sC
read U, the eikurelitvi tivxt Sunday. 1:i)g*aniI -4at4rday 9ver . tim/tiort It east in. -town to herpelf. Ali orange, W If to tho ilea at the feet ol of mau's probation was enskd for career tw the greatktmt for rb fit the management of the 10ruiOn I 'is h lonablie&
every nation should bear the king -
n coftait. anol the Thanies said to Ituntain poilkni'WiLs found two buld pronumitorias. Tlio girls targ 11UL" J1 -Muligary. Buda-Ilesth wad It TltiC were tqieechleft Wig for it Fancy Dream Affwr
A deutatio, wwtett ou the Miui^ter 1.4 - dom 4A Christ Imiaefiect, Vad have op- a Atl
Of R",1WILY111-111111d, LILL.I.IiA to urge the jweia�ly around Wixidsi)r. itear where she t6poke to'tho boylL aod tile audieuce caught up the re- eager t4l, doito sluare in realizing title %Kh wrrprlso. IkAore they haA time
fyaln, portuatty to eiter-intii, it. I make- to thank tli*4r father, telephom
d9ratAltion dow in the T1,pre wtmm a &;careat t lie Vice-Ut'g11 The yviing wougLil apparently was vision, but at the atart there was a
Trent. River, ou t1i,_ about t9 become I it iii-ther. The The dev,I, tUe davil- As Jehovah, the God over all, He fixes hitch. Munkacwy'd health gave way "rentral" had rung.(Af. T'lie Atlantic
groun,! Viat it Lcidge-iii-Dub',ill Vie other dy.,Shots tile times, and asserts the power to
fl000ls 34J.0w acre* and %% hicii could %vert- ait-1 hurried pruparations bkxly wLW dent to tills IL[tc:r- Buru hun again. rule. Thy foes ---All who reject Christ, 'I'm 00011 am lie entered Hungary. tfe Garden on the Bowery is a property
be reclaimed. flooll. . .. I . . . He'll lobe him elaaim.6,6 wam forced to go to Baden Baden fur I
were iliatle to turn out tho %o:(Iipry. I or continue to dishonor Him. ThY including the Thalia Theatre, -aiyl Iv
Mr. W. R. 11axter, 1-!, priuter, Is out fur"tigatiowot proieel that 'unlittst. a Ctillhigw("l rVport il inAlut*t For giving you'tpaill. Philippians it. 1-11. the summer, W`lthout receiving mucb amie cd lootistool-Read*
L -f fk)p ke benefit, -aild now the Hungarian pa
witil. tLe 4)rvaPt:ctu,!i ue%*-o ally lmd challenged e.r0l 1 wtw, held here to -day int4the C, Purn him again.
paper In thesei'two verisee we have an al perd
wilka he pruix)pes to g-f-14ingnocomitei-raoign had Jennie Greir, of. Midlimid, who aiul- Thio gave the' Wpres. i q tbat thie rejxjrt that he I* worw. nd ult-' Epigrallis by Milo Ciiivskri-
In Cliatiiaui ou a Wint btleilo. fir-e4l. 'Fortunately citk%i (xi Uednesday- ' evening. The: devii had had eiVerien luskm to two ancient customs; ono likely ever to Itaint again.
a le 1. A jury was -witil fire to that of kiiig.,4, placing tlKme per- A dInner' gowii ihouH tw 441rillg-
with a cuipita, ut bliares *.!keir iiiiwket.4 we*re'on,'y-Ioaded Witt, court room was crowt X
before. The fire lie got.�tst, e�enlng, mom on their right hand to whom neick or notbing, You knoW.
Uf $23 10ank -no empanelle4t by I)r. Sb�plietr, cor- howeNer, wassupposed to be (yf such In One or the lArgedt paller-Lullia'In
done; but thpre wil )n r anti tho evidenco of Wlll.,am they intonded the Ifigliest Ivonor, 13 am I;nvy, hatred and maliee 'ire el -004
The engugjr-lWat%f 1;, - !.v Co. t b�? a trial 4 e an, qualities that lie mhould Up completely- Solomon. did Batlwfieba (I.. King ii.. L110 houfs' of labor have been In Jafter underwoar. "I
er. Conn. Eml. SulliviLn. J. 'Ulliv annihilated. A faint ()Our (if brint- 11)), and tho ottler. to th6 cusU= of reducied from twelve to eight. aiiii
irratuu,aaught-ur Dukes are not Chesil) took IAN. 1W
ChArk-s Wililson' Dr. G. M. Ay,lto- stone crept through the Aiouse. The conquerors, who used to trea on the tile matutger writea to au exchange Arnerica 4iemnnd ke, lr4 prkvvi up.
tI10 0 EN F-IUTA. worth.- W. J. drugMmt, wa"' devies coffin was laid achms two Paw
% ilie- Ontario, to Count K ntakt-n, which (U�tailed tile s"y..Qf hurzes, euvered'by greeu,�baize. Tile necks oV thoir v.anxitaidlied qemles,.. a.0 fullowli: "Instead of Increa-Aed MarriRgem are.tif two kincip, tLI4*;--
matu--w!1ka. 6 , 1;0-vilu. i kri goit. as lap token. of their entire victory -orkinginen, t lie. that are maAle In lionven ati,I the
of drinking by tile *%
Ltevu answuuced. Nf6s Crey's death a-4 tobt yesterday. ti ure ion the side u the coftiu,looked only drink itholi In the pluce had to, other4 arr&nged In i1all we btlY
The director* f t�,,, inenrly The doctAor bel;evwt the girl: d ed front thell LAC I 3(;. - herelf ith. all thc f -vi- tire up busin&oA.
strychn,ne po ' Between 400 and GrodvOtlur 9(lual'e
Iso,11111g, tllat - I �p a&4 ,It*-tm,.Ted by fire �tt Calla" Poru. chickeu on it bedof lettuce. denco gatherdill front prophecy, and 5(p) of tile 0110rators riagularl.r at- A woman's futuni liia3
Irregationai kollege .r.- reported Vi she was eliceinte" I L
Major winichell the 11111011wed. ilie faidto that Jeaus died, wai4 resur- tend lectures. and orchestral, deal lisb am her Va-lit- Dr) 'repi rU4 Viat th�- livalth tot the 'Mr. T. SUIliVall-toOld Of -VOINV119 the
Pastor of the First k ngregaktiumtl P -lie i6 vefy art- cimfIrML I girl Into the wagon. and of her suf- thut lie, would separate �ie devilinto rected, and afterward aseendetl intoo wid reading uniuus it' Why, everybody Gome, to my 1�&rtift
lilts component parts. ItAwas, a d6vil beave4f, 7and by the outpouring of the are been formed. What ii zo,,re, I kMODW it SOW
LhUrCh, �*ft. LA>u,.-. * Vrinc,pai. Ui ierings. All sho would ikiy in aninver '11ldke things were Imixtobible wider --Ond�
F.iiiiworfor lViiJaim !A still urging t.�#N as cotuptex and terrible !as Hol -Spirit, It mumt be c"IcWded thatr t1it, j-)1jI t.%V(, -lj(.)iir mystern.10 tually Of
Pry to y
to que-ttiona. Was. 6*011, tho vill.da! litein by the Vale �he %v(A fit analydis Jesufi was Adto MesKiah. All �he. house The Government! Why. if It succeed Rev. Dr. LarLot-11S. Ive
Mr. Henry Law*,u. for eight kt-4.10 pace witil, France' Oh, the villin:" Aske4l the cau-.e ot and di -section. was done. The various of -IBrac-l-At t -hat timo the exlsthW 411041ttle j;trtw IL "bt follows day It %%.Oultl
fthU>r Of the L ( lonimAt lit, Victor' tier troul-doi site miswerel, ".Wir.Lam t railtvava do "Furo`d n'&
wctlon8 and, CT01814-beCti"lls Of— his kingdmil. of God -the JevyWh nation. e_r: "The Government liam 11o*9ffl_
U.. is dead. 11V %V:L.4 the Simmons." --alfhale Majesty were arranged Inthe alopi-vir to -have felt igbe bloycle "w lla&4 ft delira,0 IllaeMile that 1 Know afturedly-Bo couvinced, re- clal Information of U14
X)RE'nalist of Lanada, having f,.r i,.,ruy kiarait Cooke, sw4brn. On Juno crazi4 sindPir lindertakiiW th6 i rt'C,I,rdm� tx)x in evuveillent pacliagep;, which gardlese ol former opiuions or preju- Nothtng altesu ft, NN0111811 w) 111730
year* p"t been engaged in li-t, Jennie Grey catue to. otir place were. fished lip one by pue just is your
dicAA. That God hath inade-Whether. Ulf! Atlantio have dono. It c4lange of liair�
The Petite ,fi the. 6 Wckek train and stayed un- blatcher lluntK'aroliind in.a. tiarrel of the Jews were pleaAwd with the Meis- tkat the lugt PA*k in lie wa,4 ri(-,h liegan AA) think
OWU_,rial, work in Montreal. T4iruiitA
ant; kvice Ed*ard L -land. til aftivApa. In,the evening she went i sait purk until lie finds, it et )I . isignmPlit AJah or not,. Crod was., and, Ilad Glasgow for wlilell'wo havo returng
7- hLiCt ttiv duraLi,pu -i,f W% I likeoi him.
The Dominion Government having out, but caine back botwk�eu 8 and 9. which sti!ts ilia seat ot tipproval upqn Him, and nIncreaAto ber * the same To t lie Now Woman
*14 1. C to. I 'iwk4_%l It cho had seen Vie part_* Yolk. e a PO of J.-lijit"Yoar of ellme 'm fl -O(J,
decided tA) apptial te) the udicial Lotll- There was a bontk't w1th red ro"es v bit un wer In heaven
N a ' I tom to F3 0 s Kave Courage. AmiAl all Your your f&4&
lilittee (14 tile Irivy Lviinc,l fri-in tile . In t4e Fuilgot for thecom- slie wall I taid no. 6howent r. roughl-t six-akiiii. In (ft' %
, two inches, In diallieter a id -with Ni tuid in earth.. Whom yo cruciliwi-The I anti- our clulto ailol your raxious conegft
-:Upreme L wirt green 111),iiin 11.1ve, thp courage to V-11, 1118,11 y
judgment of the yc-ar rrevvittic ii4i expen fitures bal. out, at, 10 oclock to stay, for tho streatners ten fee '10119, The oitt- *hom. Gd had exalted., The atea11y gr(;%%-tli of
LAUdda in the fisheries ca -w. I I on. saark.s. The _night. Slie sai,l j4w� was go. -ng home ini, pretty tL;ilvation ' Arni - In wle %%Ohp t' 37. Said' unto lleter,Peter dt4m not, Glao 1)w's varlous inuilicitutl enter- %%-Ily YOU will not Ivn4i Ilitu your Rememlier your fatdwr was a man
tbatrlevi C �a v. expentilture--i art? es, 4tiinlay at 4 p.m. he cillItA on Sat- i picked it out looked at i regretfully act as superior to the ottier a1x)stIe*, 1,rio;4� J14 "One -of the studi4%4 of tlip money.
ext 7Wnhitar. I
ti:11.1tool t mark..4 uIrday to "&;ay,g(xx1-byt% I asked If old Do not keep your f4tato In the cm*
up Eugvin(t to argue the care.- Pho had scvn her brother, . and j�he sa;d for a woment, antle-then pp4ed I, oyer but acts. with them; is ono ofAhem. I.T, Have the courae to wear your w whilO a (lelicate, infirm or weary mai
Mr. ex. Mitciieii I.* I , 1111*1 Mr. Purr:cne ha4 sept (mor ll'alpiers- nox tout.. she wislu*l she could f;ee WILL for incine - ration. There as a Wngue TAiey aro not eclipised by hia pro- garmeuto till you can pay for
s e% a "adA.
Rubt. 3heighen. 1'residtAlt 6( vie Lake trbu 11'ort Dariv.no. a seaport villftge _-i furrowed. eA)ated tongiie--:t,%vo feet mi&,, butanimated by lite example." 11"Jobn Millais appears t,, have olieK.
Simmons. I twkeil her it lie was the d .38. Rerxmt-"Where true repent- been the weaftilievt Man 14 tile loot- Nerer cNattradict a gontio-41111il. 1% 1
LA the N%Qods 1diing L61upliny. 11,11d Autral:n. Lit the junction of eam-At. of her trouble. Site f4aid yes. i long nd a foot ait :a half -lit) ever Have the courage to 1 -we
U0 without filling your- glass. the es0onoe 4 rudemew.
41r. Edgar Judge, ano.other gra.0 the 4overland to -1 --graph with the the Major held up whilo the "ce im, thg-re will be sorrow for si, held tile protoleney of ttie Royal courage too Fspeak Your
4ealer, for 111-w dn' t of oce.i n , Site said gwid-byo and wept <41 to of beripture were read wbilch dwtibed forsaking of wicked ways, and un- Do not Jeer at his 1"ItIm.
.1 oa accu -,onlle rable V) Jiiv:L.,-Tlw. place I -al. the train. About .5 oclock al -10 was academy, bit4 perxon&A "tate amoun Have the
atatementd the tongife as a " wicketl littl Itr mind when It is nLA:e0sarY that YOU 1)0 10t beoff at Ilip Mirion.
Vicy Wade k*fore -til(e nitL wrecked. -and telegrUphic. cbm- back, and I ii-tid, - " Didn't Mi go?" % Inem, righteous thoughta.?l - llentemwt. Ing to nearly *-)LX),LXX). It, Was he Of ihould do so, and to hold our toongue Do not snew at him rw%*U,.
Tariff Lummi--,w,un at, Montreal. un&*catlon with. It- 1.,4 interrupted. too 1,ber. The backlx�ne of t4is devil was Every ono OT you -It must be Indivi- wiiq)m w
and she said 11 No� I . mlwied my tra. Carlyle d4od the question. when it is ImAter th.-It yon allouW be Refraln from criticism oil blip Lruu-
The Londun J.L;�'.-ary A. -sizes w-111 s1welal from - clahublia. She b4taytO until after ten and went a fitliggraph of Colonel ilngersoll. dual work, not by familit*_or as a na- when given a gtimps0r of the luxuri" gem.
There were u rapped uli in it a rolw silenu vo Montlay bef re t lla,LCel,ur Boyd &-ayo' Tw - pack traing linve 011t On SuMla.V SILO Went out an(] Paid , I tion. Ye shall receive the gilt of the Interior of tite artist's liorne: " Mr. Hav tile courage -W pay a debt -4)n not miulre your husimnd t(I give
he cou ** .,Lrrivo -re from tho * and a revolver, for the blanie was JEL()l -Following-die p.1rdoa-of I 31ilittia, did paint do ll that T' Lord
rt i* livid tu try civil eaek4 lfc mines of for. -y G host
-d( siu, they shouk] enter Intor the Leighton, h pocket. litilm of him ptn-money.
14niv William Simmons With laid'at, the Loludel's lot of adviming while�-ou linvo the cuoney In your you a detafted statemt*a of the expw,-
odily. an,l the* mo%t iii%4We4%injC suit "'er '4;0 m r A. U. tr4l, a
ip� pe t ill.-couraged humanity to! comitilt, sIt I jime of tho love of Clir*t; having the 11111als, was wowth about $_-Po ()f
T114'r br&,iight. in 1970..
wat be une 'for �6.u(xl for. breach (A A.51000. Have the courage W provide an en- 0h, Woman' New NVomain, renwal*r
oolou wortu of stiver bullion in J)aroi. 94.44411 too cliureli. cide. The . audience Apitilauded when presence cif the But these fortunes nre enuill na com- friends withia
prvuutie of marriage. Tile plintiff is Awf) kqli4i V-111. WaUted. to st�e 11111I.- toi'l they. saw t lie broad I It of the*Cclonel abiding Comlorter tartainment for your tha shrUiking. tender, upmWtive goal i f
Ir I ce brillging Into captivity eve ' tifought
Alimis Rebecca ,�4o:utt and the dolentIM re ry pared �vith thmie (I Landseer and not beyond them. the Old MOIL
111P tanti beneath It the InFeription, '�Vieatlj 'too t1w obc,,djence 'of C11 t.,, your meanti,
anV Rieltard Lt4r.%u 1:4-th !ive iwair 7o'10 t � . rls Turner, Who were worth *-8(X).VO0 and Have the courage to own that you I Ite
loriltall to women, but a4he'liad not JN*Aroy." promise in unto you—E'ren 4 member tIl&4 his raidagon 6 t f*
.19. Tlie -00,000. respectively.
firar4l it ii'ain speaX . to woman am 'I'lie lai4 - of the devil 'was paek the inarderers of -God's. -Son were III- are poor, if f ou a re so. cl and twine and be supported.
of Card., cured t ether 'so 'that clotted in the Invitation to come. and Mim Clara Evans raiti a m (yu,.*, tAw
IT, OF COURS J, I i e, t -look to her. told hini iiho se '�Vllitle Your, io,to tower #Jof%.
.dr. FAgar W. e creta f th A WOMAN I X Have *he courage too olm-y your
Z,wunto board vf Trikle. bt-MU-si that wit's going liolve . oil -Xionday, anif lie they made a string bloo)d, appro- ropent and openly confess Chrint, and daker, at t4e risk of he4ug riolieuk"I Anti Potipport.
I n - asked - her to - 14fty and meet -lilm on pr reserved X 1 0110 IL tewher Ul a Ballainiam public by innn.—Cliatterbox. And g-r,.w tA*iigb and toughc�r.
he and 31r. taldpcs,tt had it 'ext istely I' In bottic1l, ' was IivQ for the glory oUllis name. Your
lUgly dati0facL4pry intervit-w with Him' la -ulglit, Where ho, had hiet whiskey taken' from recint eonvt�rts. chUdren—This tuilration provikled for- ochool and the other a ro4itik�at of the
A. LA. Blair, %1iui-,t*-r at I hq Husband FLIES tho. Other FeFOW a n Q40 of. the 11 -4 %%'a.S 1, I)iCttu�! Of future getterationo. __ Atoxtement had same buMing, 001lid0d while travro- Plughing to a Mark. Dirided Pompadour
him bo. -fore. Site wept and aited ig_ . m I
Ottawa on the &ubjetL t7the fatilty a Prizo fight. w Posters ailliouncing a 'been made for' all mankind. All that I -W their MPective orbita fty
ounnection.-4 bf *the isrand Truiik ajid itouruitil -a half,'but lie did fkot appear Ali exchange printa all miuiug
For RUG rafhages. im Mom lay. --eveiflrig. On Tuesday f4he litriormance In"a theat're'. peruss4 dthe are atar off—To the Jews, wherever this week, and &o stamling wom tlie
I M story of� an English laborer whom him
Ottawa. Arnprior Ag Parry Sioinil Rail- Iley, wayffornitul another whig. TheAwart -
way* at Scotia Junction. %vent.to his hotiae- 'to 1111ni S - W&4 a big bI(_)U-h,tNA,o fclqt bear- u"rsed, all(] to all the Ge'ntilv -na- JWL""" WWII ensued that it, panle employer set to hold tile ploUgh:
staeql- at our place on Tueoday night. rd be�e tionx. Ad ivany as the Lord O"Ur God amoiV the children prement WHO the Pat waa new a -t 4.1te busineso;, and
Mr. W11,11%in Whyte, 011 Wed]LeMda 0110 said lohe would go 1119 the w" I It-' e-, all to whom He o'baki result. Thoy rusliefffor the door and -im anything Illut
FOOD, roR AtJR.OR,A GOSSIPS. All ohall'c. down stalra in wildest terror, and it the first attenipt w.
ut Vie Wmaern diViS1011 Of Vie L'auit- tfJ tile station to see� lf"he wam going tholi'O un"ticulaW osetul the pre�ellillg of Christ cruel- bluccessful.
.18 t n, the -away. Site i�atne toackandabout-5.30 ed. --Clarke. "Look here," imid the larnier, **that
dian, Paciiie Rahway, %tate% that (-,f - -eh.-�ation It. 1,*.*,n Cr".1 'A I were thruwa behln:l a-rc-0 screen. T14 (I c1t1sm who Flaw thein onlerge tumult-
tua tc)tal ItInuunt -of -11inety luilhull p.m.. -mile a8ki"I for a lejul pencil and lighti were turned W b,k1dd4_,,lII4 41). Save yourelves—From the hi- UouslY into the i@treet Promptly turned
villate Qf. King 1,y rt.'rppoyt that w:ts scorea . I - kind of tliiti* won't do. The corn will
-R"ela of wlient, In the webt-at tfie went up to her room. Shecanle down that every wommi *,41. .: , 1�- filience of, and the condemna tiolt pfo- in 1111 alarm of fire from tihe nmre"t
(peilUag of Vie beaouil' lie estimatca e!reulatf�qi to tke efff,et that a 4)rni;, 4 tip rim.* atiol we-nt Maj()r Winebll. aploearqd lwfory ti nounewl. Against.' the Jewish 'nation. box. When t110 611)g7ill(As arrived the ell- t)e dizzy that grows lit & furrow so
�about five nrinitte i crooked aig that. Fix your eye ()It
UAnt from twu milli(xL'and it to i irient, -owficr antol. lumternian olit with a foll.t.3 parcel urkief- . ber screell. The power of choice,be- tire neighIN)rhood fille(i witil e3L,
"Tke Firq Depaitint-ut'". lie: eltemegit an(I mothen, T)Ut ftnaliv 'Sti something acruss the fleid.'and head
three mlill,xi tn;*".eIj# art- iii the 1:ail,ls that buMr had wrth the NViP am., I found it note under her pil- lAniged to them. Untoward—crooked. %W otraiglit for it. there byi
(fit tile faxwern %vtm% ot Wimilpi-g. V)W : - . . I . . I L :2 1 forlmitkii me to burn th,� Ilet" E-Vouis mnaAgled to explain of the
a*sm-.111 iarmer near the villng;'� of Au- effigy. I seo no (Wigf r i1a. it, and 4inful, toackslid'deit. , Many a mail has.� the ate Im right vppLulte ujL Alin
U.Nrry.D dT,&TE&
To If I doit't colk* I)nck lived in 'a cr(;oked generation and -kept
tax-ou rom, an -41- Vrit the.frato bit -band havo doue it many a Vjjoe NV at tier. alld ou'It do pretty well.*
dlive the $211 ill kny pocket -owful to IstrIdght.—TruinbulL
"All right, e4ir," isaid Pat, and Just
bishop Hartspl.' of Cilleiiinati, oil% In puroilt, of the erring C()uq)ie inother to jmy pelle a 1pair of tit-ioto shall do the bebt. wtv can"' 41: Glaoolly reteived—None iiiixy be I Wntitifl haN trwluently 1xien niatic of C
an with a, The ilitage, It4*0 pi$ Ualn the- I-ghti,; Went �own. .,ruTe. then the farnier was calleit away to
started for Africa 'to "tabli-h has r rubb.ers. am] thank yous- mother. saved freely, Who repent grudglilgly 'the fact that Mn. Jerry Simpr01-1, tile Imrit.
,V a vuTy prtty st�)ry rr.Lng��I, Init I - wai-ii a Mush of,red-light, it a hurTld
tiuspital in Libc for. kpepiug ine, and I liope that he or consecrate sparingly. 'who, toy the w&, k4 a native of Can- Ten niiituteo iater lie returned, and
Writ L;suosl esterday at- th - in- *ill lievvr want. . Therejo; shape da"need above the 11tree, erl'11124on * 42. They I continueAl steadfa ada, IA an invalid. but the stoc&T of wam litirrified Ui see thut the pough 4
C4Dmman.ler an4A rA., Beii4li-Tuckee
stance of Jetaox & McLeod gla". It hM 'a forked,toll 'gleamin
bare Ueeu invited' to Wwhingtou in the pocket. So'goi)ol-bN�e. fr(uh- .9 , Xlemererance is the'. result of it fixeil how slip came to Low h4v h4caltit hao had bc-en wanderitti; in a i6gzag course
"y tel14 R low inew-h-it fWfero-nt otory�- the -ii t**th, a Lundon Punch 4;;�e and 14.gw aa
Xm LieveLlnd V; exp,ain ti-io me- your loving frierld. Nfiss J. rrey. Peter w definite In' his never lxv�n WId. During the terrible till ovr the field.
tbods ol W(Za of the Kalvat;oti Arwy. m e*41e cl)e6iilfl, clerk lit thedru; an purpose,.
at lielts,;r., c ai ing Vr ibeir.' 4! 'A ings whith W1ggI4Xl` It to The people were definite winter of IS85, oa.yu the Kwims ("Ity, "Hold on there r' lie Nhouted, "Ifold
liani J. Smith, of . Aurora, $3,0414) flot- like a balloon. - T he spwi tattry in their decisions. In the alit-mVes" Journal, Jerry was eagaged In th,� oil What are ou ull t?"
Biailup Keal-a-, f-rinerily rL'CZ,4JC uf again -t Alfrod-Voril, the WvIl-known 1. ti -tore of W. J. Ponglas. - s4ald On weld '*Ali!" and some of them e1wx i�!d.
Vednestiny Jane Gre came to. the doc�trine—ln the doctrine ta.0
ti,e LAthuac Universty at %% aa,411illg_ wool'thy =101 owim-r' and Itim!-er deal �r The MaJor stomi -u-nder thig' effigy _glit by eattle businaim in Barber county. Along sure, tdr,' said "I did
Wn. ilaa beelk -biallup .4 (Ji I store lind asked for five �centoworth ch, conW. neA . th the - alloistles, Which they roicelved of with mW of b6 neighbor ramehore lie WIM.t You told lim'. I worked
LIA' fOr having alifqwwl the itff4etidn: of' otryclintite.. J got It or lwr am '01 Jesus. and preacheit untler the . In- lost the gTmter portkon ot his livrd Hair ato the back a"&ng"d fin a
sist&nt at Vw Iluutif,cal V.rliie L" the afomnkl 'Vr.- -Swith's w1re. Tile rod fire. Acrotis 'his face were the sigi straight for the old cow, lout the cray-
lwl her rr�glate'r—(regiotipr is Ispiration of the Holy Ghost. INS
raging �vlthlp
writ wil; be served on Mr. I.loyd ai adg_n - t lie of a battle.which *,wi k bi tho blizza" which came oo fre, ture �roultliit keep crim (it wo and twuu.
The vugmemt-Lt i "Patiltiliced ' of WWO ad tile 1w. placed oil 4)r6duced). 6ave tier en 'graitim. She him. He st(XxI liesltat* fur -a md�- 4.3. --Fear came—Awe and reverence quently that year. itzid protty mimil Wo oaid It w1w for rpts. took the place of humn'n plillowphy.- all he saved wen� the lildfm (4 the
FAlwood Q Brien. j,rother of ,�'ir Tim. the 11st at the.jiPat court. went, and then an air orifetel-mination Shrtdd and Patches.
othl Larew O'Brien, I'art.. to) Sli,-* W. Lloyd, who 1; ahout ff,rty Jea II;'- BUTRATERN TrSTIMONY. came over his featuren-.1 It %%" a tho o frivoloun e6ilvetisation had place tn)xen axomA14. III the v")rk of 1 -kill- eer kad your uXa
I among theul. but rath6r a piotts. de- i ning these frozen animuls Mrs. Simp- It is bet.U�r to) lie iKA)ly reineintler- 1 itproed P hP- N ( i : hil t I t- n I in. I
Tuwn-.end. tlau4,1,t4_-r- uf the of age apt a LachelAor, repudiaV*4 the imilom said fie had kn(nvit id brvao a, mail.
:.k abanklo6c io,.of darin:
atirey v6tional attitude , p(msessed them. w)n am&ted her hustmaw, And mom ed than, nobly born.—Ruskin. them hored.
Vavid i_rawft-rd. tof \ew York. 1..,itatemento of the plilutiff. About six deceased , since August" and Ile lifted the pan lilghc*. The.flaine" I'Mally signs And wonders were done— th&ri once that Winter she opent hours. Girls are seldoin what they w* -m.
I;e:kutlful Ilo Im" (:tft4,r tir- lmiw
nawi nam6d Jwjif*i McCue, 21 SmIth,.who U a ratlipr had hail .1inprutter intillopy with her. caught the devil's cloven'fe*t. The firi ints. but (liville in the cold ewd snow. Xlxwu* but that does not 16100ther them. They
g000t. looking - young woman.* dt;ap- A' Jury nitAll—DI411 sit along the ilir-Alialw4i limls. � Th -0 human experinic The e %IarY. tro Nick to the iiii[L amd sw
year% (Ad, wuvdo i4olljo i-.4 at, Jolklu*_. rough ir pertinin thers nre anT iii -r" 1,11*1 -
lieax"l lr(:,m her. fi4omr_-'In -the v4ilage you j)ll Salmia ant] a tioud of asileft opeintions t1i men (letotetl. to) resulted In ain 111noem fmm whiell tile doWt want too.be.—TIruth. .
s .v night, Alint #41te Would' devil shrivelled up the 'L tiervice, of God. braTe little womna bap never entirely ;9 it 611ten happens that the man who
If-aving; a ticte Playing that 1*110 was muke away �vftlu herself if 4ysm--did fell oi the %tag0.'TIl(?J1q I jig tenants kneeling -li)out.
As not tteivi to her Ina as a r1i 44,' All things commou—Theniselves recoveml. arkm upon the wa of matriluoliv
JiC* at AtrOU, VliiO, W11i VoitAlitarily atiout, to vt�lt frieli!146 In Toronto. cheer, aild a lig fire otuvd In. the i enilo. at3lck 'ut tjow-&—lkistou mcfeweed to Lie mburt', of JAck I inself and at I and all they --had belonged to God, 6 a little be. and ean frame no homved ospeecheit
%be (1111 nut returti nAd the baby. wam iti(Ir Ilot. A -de saying tbiogs to I to whom alob belohged their pooi�er One of the %tovimohip txmiptui6v; tj Tralweript,
%_4peocer, who wam tow.ft witil I . %% if: To ou inrr me I'm a little ou
Very iii -her fal,-iban4l went to Torot�) Jilry anw-What convenottlou oilt] the Salvatlon Army w Me opec
his skull crujiliad, in, a k I _ I breti.iren. and they held what they Digland im about to maket a iiovt% dt),. Some hundred colored and perfunt- tile onJer ypir. No!,,
at t-6 Wok for her, Ilit Wai obligf?d to re- -take place betweien you and deceased hu"led away'. No (me liceded 11,1m, forl
pottery In FA&t AAroii _t. L ,urto- r -, f4l leavep are required to form a
ttift home alone. One afUrnuoti she on' unday evening'! he %-&4 surely a 'uittfornl�ed, wvil ol Ked lit trwst for ftlill rose:
—LIDolmay. Parture. It ban ordered it oteftaiship and nin v joys; too constitute happi-
day mexpecteolly turned up and . went �Witnem�Ahe bald, " I aw In trouble 8afnts. n. the' r(Inwin-; --f late husbawlia-
too be bu-11t for the "sole uw of Inva- mvis.—Carmen Sylva.
Jamem Aadorson, about, her mork P.--; uk-tial, btit In AL 'arml you. ar 45. Pi)ssesslons—lands, houves. G00(1-4 tem -d *: 111 - agaIll': � wiij tell. e to blame "T, e --personal property. —Indi. - ut of joint, but
Aleo" Cuu9%Y, Mich.. U:Itl 4 praml- .1 Sh,irt time %he , 41.1sappeared ai ir i M, i will look 2t er" BU91NESS FAILiRRIS. Parted lkis." It Is to be & vewi" of the larg- Th , times may be o were not 1-4,111:1111-
uent faruwr wao sho4 and lustant- cating that the sale atut distributJon f"t cLam, fitted up with a.)uxury liorf- many people who think they were
leaving no explanat'on beh*nd. fler, tile ellad.- be4r I
ly h An Increase in the Numb,6� in the Do* 'took place from timb to time aA called tolore never atteml4ed, to I* tie- borti to Pet them right are faiffering
"WISIro. Robert DobwmL Al— ll1r4l,.ajN)s susielf),ii.g were arouaal and W ile thIK WItnes-4. Was giving If -flu know. I-ve Juxt IOU"
hest"ted an I'liveistigntivil whiell @at- evidence he was himt-d'hy the'larere Inlon Litat Yetir. for. --Cook.' votett entirely to the w-rvice of weal- w4A"s anxiety.—Iluck.
I - I . .. ' IAOvS In
Isfied him that he had been duped. ' -TenchInV.---:We are not saved lit sin. thY suffeivrs of that claso who are Up north a boy W vulng a newe- cut %%hY 1111eV say ' %list
gjA: derw . audience which had gathered. Th�-*itunilwr of lin"li Ibut firont sin. It Is breoming Vi Chripi. afflicted with pulnionery. troul:Aeo, a�nd paper for (lama e -A. A copy of its gun- blInd r H��fwiw� why ishe.-
adI In Causixig the writ to Le "utml he Chief Lewis explained h01V ob- tile I)asL
It 15 ing (111I.T
Vh4 'Dombilon 'of Canadln: for who mi only prolong We In the dr, day edition fel on him anti crippled Blornufte h.- ran get 10,
ra's On,, gayb that 1.1(,yd Wok Mrs. Smith to a talned the letter which was piek:11 up t tian14 to @hare their n4eanm with
rmr=t. I sAlubrious climate of perpetattl iKuni. him for life.—Atlanta Constitution. well Ill the dark a* W114-11 WIP Was to
boarding botL4e oil Getyard ii-treet %�adt 01111r. IL4 COMP1611 by DradistreeVa. others,, to. promote tile worship 61'
I ; at the feet of the deceawd, .1 - Mer. Convaletmmitoq from othor wiwt- You often hear a man jany fil* turi*d up.
$4,54PO 14-tv- Toronto, and repre-4ebted 'thr�mwlvpv howis an InerpnAe of 303 ovoir tile God, and the ' spread of tile gimpel.
? argaret Daylpy, sworn. Aald: * On Mg disem" am to be. aecept*,ot A heart ift broken, but lie dosen't make She—It i- r(%i&irktttAv, what court -
_July effect In le. -w am being a marrk4l couple. Lloyd gave Wedneoday I wetit out and maw Jane previntiq year, tho fignren heing 2,1,79 lly .(mir -forvent plety w�e may It-arl
A -gate h6 name anti his adtbre6s as King, and otheriZ W Cbriot. corps of medical men will be on tuinrii, linif the fur4 over it that lie tifwv (ipime that M". Storms liDa In ItOr
ion" uf to, , Gry walking up and down, crying for 18V1 mul 1,876 for 1b95jw-hiIeAJke I - a&I the outsine will lie In (if hen lie has a pocket full or br4oken husband flelteve e%wything to
Governor Brad- th lastlady, who had there., I1ab(I:tIeH Increamed Lwt Y�ar *860,529 PRACTICAL- very bitterly, I wen't across to her obets tra4ned to the delicate tapk of cigars.—New York shouldn't olie
ompaay of wroto to them maktng oix1uiriF*4. In anti asked her what she was crying and the aiwets $670,412 In 'only tw .,If. outpourIng 01 T.
D iards. intry er- -due time her suo-piclons wcw aroused Provinem were th re d t live Holy (Uiost ministering to the retilieA and eapri- flw-r. ninn! tie's cJerk- In the wpot-
about. She salt] she wax In trouble. eereames in the the crowning evid6nee of *the ex- ek)u.4 ta*;tow of InvaliAla. The veam-1 will ther loureau r'.
i in reporte I a alld fil"allY Smith WIP4 t0101 of theo 8f- and had.taken poison. anti would I number of failures, 'Maiiitohn, wht-hw "t.ltll on of the crucified Redeigmar. make itm liiitW trip next, atittium wit] CAUTION TO THE UNWARY. 41.) Xoll gis tolligilt 114-11-
Newt-ideni 249) mtroiLg faLr. lnstea4 of remorting to a gun as help her up $o Mr. Cr*)k'tL he start" record i" 29� Inpt ywLr,, ngakwt :19
*1 did not recog- the Ytiw before, azut Britsh ColumbiA, I dtm't know. ve
ke a. clean Mweep WM repor"I. Iw. repalred toq his oo. t0 walk and felf. NVIipu Ile was In the fimh- He could winter in the Wediterranean. 1.
mingle wltli a tew on Y, bVt wlien He Don*t Smd Money to Follows Offering had sionwithing awfni on my miad sil
Jile her voice. I did not know her wi - t 1-�5
otiotrucLiolls lieltol% and got t1vem to fire a writ at nize th 7 Whirrm' In IF -V6, 11guilit came In the spirit He came to till. The Aomethttig for Notbing.
usLloyd. before Wednesday evenisig. In 1W95. Lwit yenr, �howover. war a great revival hich followed, closely English as h;Ve to Spelt. 4AY. Int I CsA% renwinly-r wftett�,-r
gTeAt Improvornont on 1891, With re- upon the (v It wnA In one of our whools Vie
'Toole, of Ayer THINK OF IIEWANGUIS111 eF;Omt CC ULe Holy A ilunilx�r or 1wnK)n* are I*ing It to a progr4wWre oweltre lonrt% ir
woman Wall- I picked up tile fol- the Browninx class,"
THS COUCHIE COUCHIE IN CHURCH. m1mv-t to Wie lWyllitim involw4l, for, W:,.,4 thf, firot effect of those ealight other (Jay Wilerre swilmfled by clever men, who haye
John Simmons. worn, sold On whllo the faflvircF4 inumlisir only 1873 lowing thrillaig cw-iinpositiott writterl the , Unit
ening ra le ed
a J aming upon the henrts of their lx%adquarters In re. Tsimblin (Warfuilj) liw�
"I".! dreriseol and had I nsatin Atte*ds a Feet Washing Wednesday nght I called- at , my the br)tal ItaJAIlties Waro $28,985,283, -men and Vromen. by a 12 -year-old girl, which JIM one of brought my litwWw(l iiotiw, in 1b hacL-
Service of luolorcd Baptistm motherls house. Aly mother told we with amwt+l A great ourprise the l"t of E!n�iall
e was the name of $11,947,253 to avot came to the worttl on the day (if Ven- I t I% 8tat4w and Canada. A very old dodge, from t1w bimqw-t ;aA ptsrhL. HOW a
i,4fAt 4or New Orleans timpatelt wty?4, A rv- about a woman call*ntc the night be- them, exul these latt4--r fiWires Inc;nile teco,4t. Peter's discourse wom (salcu. that I have yet seen4ml: but (me it w-em,.4 ilicit to capable of did oonrs wt hositt' Mr,-. Kandior-
Oxford " Station, 1 sai4i "We'niust have
deposits lizious mipbration was livid in St. fore. tiAll Newfoundland, whem in 1F94 th di-;- lated to prove that Jewin was the 'A,,,Write anite little boy, tho oon of Catching tim simp" is too advertise Poll -I ditin't I,iii I t1trit
tot owing st(;pped." I went ou$ to the froit ot. ast'rons bank fallurep- took plAce. Fall- ylossinh, antl to explain the I a kernel with a rough round liii4 neck, he wam e-nrrW nlf4rr I-% lirftilit
�4t& &Igo a valuable Mark's . 11aptist, . Church. in tliig citvt 1116alling i for agents In every town to do dim-
irilited the house nnil #law the woman there. umi In Canatla lai-t year wern" the flue up the roa4l an qtAck as a (tear. like. Knimg—And, Charlie. 'dear. wmilld
4 delopey. A telegram kwt-nimlit.. The factm were 41L*- I went to my own house. On the wily most numerou-4 fur w.vm yeirs Imak. the great outpouring of the tributing, bill -posting, and tile OC
de- cimc4l before Police Mitgl,4trate Fin- Sp r1to while lie intended algo to 11oly After a tbyme lie Ptopped at, it house
con. - for what in allevo to be a Yndicate Y01 ren I ly hnve 14110t yommolf
,,ad Re-fun4l.1maltil 14110 is twgtn to -day. w1am most of tito fe- down she stopped me apd apked we It It IH worthy of nfAice that In the vince his. h1mrers of their sin, and V) raid wrung the i)clle. Hb4 tow hurt he if I had rVquMNi vou I~. I
of 66 vote&4C answier. nialo members of tho. conzreltation my brother was In., 1,told her thkt province of Otario, wih:le faillireoi In- hymTL and lie kneaik-d wrmt. lie was of )PINninent buxtae*o men in t
he was not. Site sald, "I want to see (.jv0jN0l 13(), the Uy%til Ilia show thein the wily of salvation. He two ttrod to rase Wi fare, pall face countrI. Namem of woe fi;.ma are would I had alreadY wat to fetar
is reported reek. Mo., Is III- were arraigui,�d for dancing-, th'-. b'lltl"" nre- fininded 'hw argument upon scripture he houseo for price HOU of revolven.'
lwlng 17 64 him." I told her that she could not 104" Inst year by $1,069,738, While the and a feAnt inown of liane, ro4e froTn always given to thk victinir and
yolallp rer before known. coach w-coueh 1#3 " In church. see him. 81w -sald, " I will brcak every mopts nre proofs; upon their personill knowledge his lips. The maxle who herd the belle io told that by sending to the schemer Cuk-tonier—You say Iny size Is P8
etaZ St. Alark'oj 1pi at the corner of window In t4e lioume." I told tier she only $F4,769 Iloss. 71--� of Jet4us, and upon the te6timony of 5 he will be appointed agent of 'tlie Give me a 4w larger—to allow lor
r the South Rampart on;] ToltAiino strvets, cilml Lne.rense in linbilitko appears to wam about to paAr a paM but tobe
4,at,inwet deep in could vot i4op there. She told me that bci in the Pmvirim of Quebec, W -j , I tho, apontles,� add by the wonderful e busiuves. will ithrlukage. Clerk—But these are Ila
ferry boat frorn a rrung- I _e signs from heavPn Which =me, at through It down aud ran vt1th all her
an -I a foot-wamhin- w" ?Jhe I A
113WA . was on the highway, and that I the are $1,277,145 1w given certil,cate, envelopes and mv- hrin k able fabrka. Cunt~ r
ban Licy 0 mi�a from the ter than in mite, for fear ber gueawd WVod not
I fo,r the first Sawfatlil of tlAwliew 9TOn I lea tecmt. But f(,r the presence of er
PO will ar trips through iyelar. A " foot- wa.41ting " ISAW big c(odd not remove her. I ' went out -IS95. weight; but when she huw tile little other supplk*. If the maii to " green" Then give nm two size@ larg,
)ratlon and,searched for the (:hlef of Police. thd' Coftiforter, men would not'llave 1 en(migh lie sendm $5, but he neveigeU
Iltbat purmuP4 rrytnf merchan- evpnt with the cotored Baptlst-,4 of won tier% stood In her ey(% at the
11loid guW-,4, etc-, thp outh. TheY are ImiuI24,41 In s Informed that a Sbo ant0d it New. been C6nvinced of islit, of righteousneim site. %'we poor dw-r! Why do ewe lye ny biisitx�w to do in ther wity of di&- Nat slowly
idings. A tium- wotnan had been picked up dend. Why, ' . anlo, 1101v 64 it and of Judgment. This was conelusive ' hear? Are ewe dyeing?' 'Know,` lie tributing, advertising or bill-post,1119.
om)e a yen r. The penitents. robed YOU- evIdence. that Jesub was the Son -of The o ilidoti th&t hurTy iii eaAAng Is
@&Id, 'I am feint.' Sbe hoar hymn hin Any number c4 advertisements have I
from drowiting In white, Aro held up b.V twfk or the BRANDINO SIMMON8. 'didn't come to God, the worlWs Memialt. and that He no, am she aught, to a room tivM-11 a pn)WM camw of dy"mpeia is founl5ed
HAM. P pe&red _,, pillars of th" el'turch. whilii the pmw- � Tli(- Jiiry ret; red at 6.30 p -M. and at all comes 0' being poor." said the 61d had taken 111K Vlaw at the r1ght han(I her ar of ]at*,, offtmriqg first -claw t4alariep to -on common aftervistiora. 11ho iliso -re-
betw-tw �WW lady, -teemloillig wh4we lie mite be quiet, gaTe hymn
wul no 4TAIN. tor of tho flock waxiie" their [#-et. 6-55 lorought in a verdict, "That the ith indignatl6n. of God. Itrevidef3c*d the truth of His bred and mee4% beld a comt bottle irwit and womon without any, 61weitied I sulting from bolting food Move bow
�500 for It Im imuriptiowd that ho wWliem awitY said Jane Grey cattle to lier death by "Tile upper clames iliLnk any, old rub -4 statement when Ile sald, 11 It it; ex. i. Nearly all" these exivert'.mrs, ILttr4imted W the look of thorough
0-ibut-i C tbe. �iiw or tiw previOU104 Yoor. . The tabong strychnine, a(bilinlotered by heir Mull good ohvugll, for you. I Jul4t pedient for Yoil that I go away, 'for nn(ler his nom untide his eholer,fapo& r"" manticiation ajid to the incomplete
�6vlllloult t4 tWne suifereM in t%tePPod In yemtenlay at th hymn up wra-mly, gave hymn a suite are swindli-ru, and their advertise- t
were at their helKht and1lie own hand, while in a state of niental e Vienr's if I gi) not away the Comforter will mentos Rr4 w) cleverty bandled as to steMon of the w%llva upon tobe Pod.
W e0figwgatlim wronght up to a high agitation. We moreover find from the to telt 'em. am li(yw I wasn't getting not collie u% dire -ohm from a Toil, tAil at last he
nto YOV--,Nl)ut If I depart weat fourth am hall nr, a young evado the law. Anyone wlio io 4sught Two-thtirds (it the food which we aA
�"ry UX10', Ltmolon has pitcl, of rv-111riolix tever. when the evidence given that the Qatise of the fliny' better, and the Vicar's wife #Aaid, I send'Him, on I ou."_J0111I Zvi. by theme ruircrtimements. or, who is Is slamb, am 0oarell emnot he VOL—
juable paPthe relief of _tLAe wony-n pimpovi tilom tlicir feet arml said Jane Groy having taken poison cho was w)"y, and wanted tne to T. to�y I hoeme."—New Wmt(,rn Mngtisine. foiDl eiiougli to 25 enU, IMW In the GY11168m &A 10od 1111111til K -WA
"fte tak4L"noba- beviii to *Ing hyp4terleally. Thomin- was by reason of the treatment and bring'a bottle of wine home." 46 WpIl, The Primitive Christian Churchwam',
Ekery W. ba has endorsed Isi*-r poundl-41 oil the r)ull)lf4 with his gross neglect of William Himmonj4, a.nd did y(m bring It?", "No. I li'mrd it modpl. for a] )ther Bradstreet's on TriLde. or even a X -cent stanilo fim tft pur- b@M O=Verted iritoo *VOW. and 1 -bb
mcc-m-ding p(we of behig registered In "Dine obargo in imrincipally 41eeW by dkw
#Aw ibilee, given by grivel, Nit li�� as not heard. The and would further recommehol that ker wty It had been layin' down In ehurches. It's memberstilp consixtedjof Toronto memba-iitm report trwie se which is to pay for $20 to 981IT& But tAxem Is a third roe 4on
of the onv-n dawwxI the couctile for the edl- the 'ttw governing the Palo of poison hor cellar 'Milce 1865; an' whPn she mile]' Persons as the Lord adjeo-alilto quiet in w olesaje circles and stxwk- $25 a weok, in Ine-kitig in experience, y
ficition of thone present. After har-- be more rigidly en(orced." I Offered It to me I Just walked off 1&. ItS characteristic features were taking In progress, With a fair demand and Is of the mat(rial on wh,.ch those y 0 en
digwitl(M. TWl prewaft -00 mliv W
Inor driven alm(mt everyone from the w1th01t1t WtYing a word. I'm sure I i4ultable fo everr C-hurell In any age. for the oetwon. Montrml merchants swill(lifts nubslot. Mearetion ia the 000010h ON4111 &A A
as been cal; Iturch, the women themw-lv" were Now Guinea Is the homie of the mo"t d1dii't want her old stuff—I want The conatancy 0 Ita members speaks report disappointmfont a the rejoulte Anybody naking for stainpa or stimulus to tAW 11111111111914W Up rOA-
the Viceroy, e I
�vtetl. ThLs mornhir e knq It new and good I"
g John Wat- wonderful feathered creatur wn well for It. They continued in the of annual Rtock-taking. Dry gwx 6 payment In mivance for any kind ot ta4c Mo& IrrespecOmet owl W
Wer privatS e to the student of- orinthology—the doctrint.A; they observed the Inmtruc. merehantR have not Ixwn aw potiecessful employment Fclietne mwy be put WAI f=ctI0A 49
sui- klnx, thq� deacon,. appeared before
e famine I udgo FinnPicna and mnae nfrl(l,,ivlt#4 awful rpir n'doob. t)r " bird of death.0' In the United 8tates a driver of tion given them alt the beginning. am expee ted, wl th bad deb to, l w I YiM " down w a swindlor. goes into the
4 Lot tllf% wolnen. The row will Tho venom. of this l4rd Is more deadly horses sits on the right and turn his it It had f n(e in the other. hearvy expenses an compelAtion. (-,ro-
I t L r rt4A a Irn 11 V C C(m ldfu ! - teeoll the c to "a sad
Ion. nt except the team In that direction. In England They were gpnerout;. They provided _haro,tware Jobbers have (Jolle
Ital"y I be d1wript tho eonxregatj It eery aind A "'I-tou Arnistrong rifie in thes finpedectir I be - pr4iftm or
cobra. In fact, no antitioto for the the national Custom im the reverse. for equal comfort for each other. fairly well. The e�tuation of woolkm UrIttsli navy throwis it foolid dhoto 12 stommob digwUML 66 a
1%twhich will re- Dan Stuart stated yeattvday that 1pite of the creature to known. A An the sword of thel btmto teniporo(] They were joyful. They praised God tnteroita are not watidactory. I-Ibpre mil(wit. much further th Its relArt NsWtwy maxim of M inwam Trium
Va0qof L20� She C4DrbPttFitzsimmon's fightwould wound from Its beak causes excrfteia. metal 1-4 the most flexible, so the [or till His blesilln&. They were sin- were 45 bustriew Wlureg reported can be lie-ard. At its 4
. llfgbt*t* point, tlw ebudirsin W ft* slowly.
take plide ou $arch 17tb. an Mexi- ting pains In evory part of the boily, trnly generous aro mooLt pliant nild cere and moderate. They ate and throughout the Dominion o( 0anstan for this extpeme range. the shot in giving this Inafteelks. by eumqK
4". a EUgh can *Al. The exact spot was not re- low of is] ht speech and hearing. ch,)n. courteous In thair behavior to their drank for the glory of God. Thexe wag loot week,,,,a"! 39 the previous would be orer three infloo aliore the t4o tftcbW. M well M 'the pupil. �MT
i now veaW VUINdOVA, 1941aw allll certain death. Inferiors. -71 -Vier. no- extreme in fauts hor In feast. *eek and In the week a ymr w. earth's surrao-L. ruallve b@Wt.
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