HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1897-01-15, Page 1,
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. • . _ ' • ; ut'One great an
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LUC:KNOW. 'lush Boas.
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R ober to ..ecemmgee-
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0 snits! ital.., up 81,25o ,00
liesere s i;und • Se751oo
-rettal 'Jessie - $ei 847.86
President -Jons3-reeae.
vie. P -..eident -A. G. Ras SAT.
4 Po A.X TC , GIMION M. P, Geo. ROAM
A. T. weete A. B. Gs (Toronto).
" Cashier—J. T URN it LT LL.
tes RANK. —Hoer* 10 to 3; Satin -
d 10 t.• • Deposits of Si and ,ipwards
• a.01 Interest allowed.
.1)L1)0312'S also received at cur-
rent rates of interest.
oa' :reat Britain and' the United
State* bought and
I Solielte, Conveyancer, rte., (late o
trn-sr tut Holt t rameron, Croderich). Othe
ukestairs in Allin's new block.
Solicitor, C.immissioner, Notary
• etc. Money to loan, Otligr. over Moody's
*rher Shop.
tete, iolieitor4, etc., Csoderich, Ont.
r. T. GASILOW. Q. e'. x. Peer DTOOT.
Aureeen aryl Acconcheur. Surgery
'vat. .1. Ellio‘r's grocery store. Office h .urA
from 9 to 12 a. tn. ; hem 2 105 pni. ad fro -m
Physician. Sur -
von. and Acvoneheur. rpetair, in Win.
A1.11'n's new block. Residence 'Ross street.
bsrhina Cameron. Murdoch & Co 's store
Dr.. 11. cl.E1IDES, V. S., CAI.I.S
either bv :nail or telegretn pr )roptly
ttende41 to. Char.zes moderate. Ilesi.leree,
Dutram street. opposite Dr F.Iliott's and
,econ,1 door north of SENTINrt. °thee. .
'DK A. J. car poNs, v. 5. V. P.. fun
l:raduate • ,f i)ntario Veterinarv
and RegIstered mber of tbe -.Ontario-
-1r e terinary .111ediral Society., Oft:we and
Pc itlenee. 41ee door at cf R J
;letup shop, • Campbell's street. T.Uckl...w.
bentis:ry ant! Sun.:kat Operer •:1 ties.
promptfy %trended to .flog lit or
I. O. F.
IN 1 't"
As GI;
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efe: NI F.. I 1.-.N I) ENT
etneetem the I )(1.1i:.ii..wA.
I :all.t.. ro,trth
•:.tr. e,sth it
brethren ,eorlially
H. J. LIN 1)SAII, e\-. A. 1..Awitrsi!,,...
Chief Rau<tr. tiry.
- •••
IL} a.1. N.
i.ueknew. Mee,.
.very first third
Monday evtary
no'n't1s, in the •Orange
• axe vor.i.Ally in-
.T -LN SCOTT, c.
1). . Si L, See.
xr0.42re tioLDS ITS
regular in. 'next -
in the Orant:e Hall, Camp-
bell street, huckloiw, on Tur•-
1 day evenings, on or ta,fere
mthe full moon. De...:ree
el) Les At:, ced rueeday evening 1.11. .in.. full
- eitecee Ali ‘ ien in brethren cordially it:sit-
edtin-. . •
t.Tfil'et9:0' .,
, _ ____i _ _ri,....M.
- ---- ---- - - - -
• ! r. u.— The regular monthly
‘ • nie--tin,.; of the \'%,•rnen e thzietian
re-riesrance Cue in win he .h-Icreeery e -e. eel Sotria.of the other people of the world.
woluee iov 4 e....h m ott.'n in the 0.,1 Fel!ows Europe is an armed camp, a ciinsider-
:( tlt, I.n ...mow, :,..t 3 -,.. io. M us. .1. Solmtt. . .
vteee,./ir .si.liet: Mae. II etseT.L. S--i.r-:.-.ry. able percentage of the prople of the
- - - - -- - - - --- - -
Luoknoce, January 15th, 1897
- - -
Premier Laurier addressed a large
meeting in Quebec City laet week, on
the political situation, the Manitoba
schaol question and the attitude of the
Catholic clergy toward the Liberal
party being his principal topic's.
Resolutions wee° unaniinously adopted
eirpreseing satisfaction with the settle-
ment that had been effected between
the Dominion and the Manitoba
Governments. Mr. Laurier said that
he-hored this beautiful Dominion was
about to enter an era of peace and
prosperity, and that if. it was the in-
tention to keep this proviuce fn a
constant turinoil and to make it, like
Spain, the theatre of bitter religious
controversey and conflict. which kept
it stationery while the sister Provinces
were forging ahead, heviished it to be
distinctly understood that he would
take uo part in sucri _conflicts, and
that the reepOnsibility Would rest in
the -proper eliarter. Ile etood
would seam./ for perfect civil and
religiousliberty for all. He -wanted
to iiee his l'reuch-Canadian fellow-
countre.-men in Manitoba the equal of
other races. He. deshied to see hi*
fellow-cOuutrvinen of the Province of
Quebee keel) pace in tolerance and
and other respects with their English-
speaking brethren in Other Province,
do *that contrcversiial questionwhich
were blocking trileie path might -be'
cleared away, - and an era of public
works inaugurated to -Make the St.
Lawrence the . great highway of
American trade, and particularly to
benefit that Provence. li-or year the
energies of the Freuch-Canadiau has
been always in fruitless discu*sions.
Even •their right to call themselvee;
Catholic Liberals was denied them, as
if liberalism:in politico was incornpate
ible with the Catholic religion.. Civil,
political and religions libertyare
sisters, -and if religious liberty 'hoes to
triumph political liberty tnust bor
Tbim is a pretty good
live in. If ),•ou don't believe it take
Itok around and see the condition of
country to
continent devoting their livea. to pre-
parations or butchering thsir fellows,
The Municipal World is of opinion
that the-Werdens elected at the first
meeting -of the County Council will
hold office for two years. It says:
"We are- informed that the Hon. the
Attorney -General has expresed a
diffierent opinion but we think the law
wilI not now bear any other construc-
tion. If a County Council elected for
two years coinpletes it organization
it is doubtful if they will have another
opportunity of electing a Warden un-
less the gentleman first appointed
The Dotninion Cabinet, has passed
an order in council adoptine the agree-
ment whieh was entered into by Hon.
Sydney !Asher, and authorities at
Washington on the question of
quarantine. As a result of this agree-
ment, internstional quarantine will be
abolished between Canada and the
I 'lilted -States, and rigid inspeetion put
force between Tioth countrie,.. Quar-
antine a:,:liftst other countrien will
-while iab'le 4roirjs tinder the burden
thus placed upon it and liberty is
little more than a name. China is a
festering sore and rebellion' threaten:a
her Government. Japan has caught
the war fever and is levying taxes for
the killing trade while etuallpox rav-
ages some of its chief cities. India
suffers from famine and seeks charity.
Cuba has been desolated by a rebel -
hoe. Colombia and Nicaragua talk
Gght and resolution are the play of
the South American countries. The
Yankees vociferously insult peaceab:e
people; snarl, threaten and brag,
ten thousaed murders a year blacken
their own page; l-anke go down one
after another and iudustry is paralyzed.
And all this time Canadians go on
minding their own business, tilling a
fertile land, digging up geld, silver
and other minerals, and living on the
fat of the earth.
It'is a goodly land. We'have much
for which we should be thankful. Our
people enjoy a large-measuro on com-
fort aryl happiness. True, we have
among us the unfortunate' and the
suffering and it aliould be our duty
to alleviate guttering and minister to
the needy, but when the account is
taken there will be a large balance in
favor of Canada as against any other
political division of the world. It is a
big claim but it is indisputable.
Locige- No 1}2
• meets every Iriday evening at5 .'d.sck in
their ban, -Campbell strset. I.•rt•thren
cordially invited_
-Noble Grand, Recorder
Lodge of the
Ancient Order of
United NV, rkmen,
• nre,44 the Odd
n the
1.-t ud.sect,ncl.
\ 'Monday t veining% .)t
\\\ * each month rt eight
).C, 1. Visiting
brethren- cfmlially thv.ted.
• ALZI Ittr
blaster Work m . • _ltre.,rdtr.
on or before the full wool),
foin the
ilai oak Bat, Havelock -erect,
. Worsllit,ful Master. • Secr-trary.
. '
'.---.-7---------7 - - '-----_-=,-- _
- --Z.-
and 7Iletv,S
Chaos Factory Meeting
The anulla1 meeting of the Para-
mount Cheese and Butter Company
will be held at the Grange hall,
Paramount, on Thursday, January
21st, at 12. o'clock noon, for the elec.
tiou of directors and other IA:tailless.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of 'the Aahfield
Cheeee apd Mutter Coinpany, Limited,
will be held in the Council Room on
Fridey Jan. 22nd, 1897. A full
attendance of patrons and shareholders
il releested.
For Sale!
A cotnplete drivihg outfit for sale,
including a nice six year old driving
'nitre, cutter, buggy, haruess, robes,
etc. For fqrther particulars apply at
the SENONEL oftice.
Bad Death
Just as we go to press we learn of
the sad death of Mrs. John Savage, of
Grey township, and daughter of Mr.
James Webster, of Kiuloss, which took
place on Thursday morning. Deceased,
who was only in her twentieth year,
was married about a year age, and
leaves behind a gri3f stricken husband
arid little infant of a week old. It is
a sad blow to her parents and many
friends who have the earnest syrnpathy
of all irtheir affliction. The funeral
takes place from her father's residence
on Saturday morning next.
A Valuable Present
One of our townsmen Mr. R. Graham
is the recipient of a solid gold watch
from the firm of J. F. Hill & 0o.,
Augusta, Maine, for his energy and
faithful performance of the agency
busitiese in the firtns employ. The gift
is a valuable one and highly honorable
to the employer as well as the employed.
. We may say that Mr. Graham is one
of the few that make a mark in the
iseency business; he's a hustler when
he puts on a spurt, being a plausable
talker and a fair reasoner on general
The Kelly Company
The Belle Ruse Emslie Concert
Company gave an entertainment in
the town hall here ou Wedneaday
evening last, and although the audience
was not as lerge as it should be, the
concert was oue of the finest ever given
it the village. Mrs, Emslie is a clever
elocutionist and her many and varied
selection* showed her to be both
Orange Ladge Mectint
The simnel meeting of the County
Lodge, L.0.14, of West Bruce will .be
held in the Orange- holl, Ripley, ore
Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, '1897, at 2 o'clock.
McFarlan, County Master; Tho.
Wilson, Sec.
List of Cases
During the year just_ closed Con-
stable Shoebettom, of this vinare lied
28 can before the Magistrutes,. nine-
teen ,of -Arleen , were convicted,in-
cluding fifteen fines,' three committed
to jeil, and one Felit for tele'. Nine
eases were dismissed.
- Died. at London
Wo eaterid our sympathy to. Mr and
Mrs; Harry. Whitely, on the death of
their daughter Margery, fi bright little
girl'of four- years, which 'took place
iu Lonclonain Monday. The remains-
-e ere ipterred in the Uodericlecemetery
on Tuesday.
D A IC 11,V1 1 t3
Newton, L. D.
Grailuate of Tvronto School of
abd Doctor o.f
lazNrAL srlitGEKY
t1.fl in Dentistry performed
care and an endeavor to do all work
G -W h field, Porcelain, Silver rsod
MaAlo with a view of preserving
ural upesranoe. and of the best
NG -.‘n a plication made V,
firm f ,r painless extractinv. It has
tried with s,tccesi.
OFFICE- In Mr. Allin's new block
up stairs,
vieit Ripley,
Thursday rate' itoon„
Robe Faith.*
° A week ago last Saturday nieht ta
goat robe was taken from a wagon in
in the 'drive shed of the McGarry
House, aed as the ' party was seen
taking the robe, he lied better return
it at onee to the SE4TINEL office and
save farther trouble. A word to the
accoinplished ifild versatile. Mr.
Charles Kelly' ia a whole cencert in
hinaself and is always a favorite in
Lucknow, and his illughter, Miss
Hattie 10 an accomplished musician
add eocelist.
wise ie sufficient.
many Thanks
Derieg the past few week e many
SENTINEL subs:ribers have paid their
account+ and a number of, others oho
are "s'eoit" have written -and given
satisfactory reasons for not rernittieg
There are yet, .however,*a very large
number who have done neither,- sitsci
upon these we must press fer: an
acknowledgement of Boole kind. .
Public Library
A newly elected director of the Pub-
lic Library has added over fifty names
to the membership list and considerable
interest is being manifested by the
reading public in the Library. .150
has been voted for expenditure in new
books and mentbeis are invited te send
or leave. with the librarian the mulles
of any late work d they would wish to
see added to the Library. Every
niernbCr who has joined this year • is
usgel to make.the fullest possible use
of the Library. The .object in main-
taining the institution is to niake an
educational secvice to the community.
A severe Fall
The hoe of friends of Mr'. David
'Henderson, of Huron towrialnp, will
very much :egret to learn that one
day last week he fell offa load of straw,
alighting on the frozen ground with
great force. He was for a time un-
conscious. At last accounts, although
still muffering from the severe shak ing
4, he is getting along nicely. -
the time made VMS fast. Altogether
the affair was a great success and
Messrs. (lay & Jewitt have great
reason to be proud of their first car-
nival this season.
Passied Away
There died at the residence of his
son, Mr. Alexander McPherson,
Stauffer street on Tuesday last, an old
and respected resident in the person
of Mr. William McPherson. in the
78th year of his age. Deceased was
for many years a resident of the village.
and his funeral on Wednesday after-
noon last to the Kinloss cemetery was
largely attended.
-Special bargains in lamps at
—Salt for sale by the barrel
at J. ELliot's
-Read LawrenCes tad He is
adopting the Cash System os
-Mr. Thos. Little and family, of
Dungannon, spent Sunday in town.
-Don't fail to see these beautiful
dinner sets for coat at Mrs. Carripbell'F.
-A new supply of hockey skates
and sticks at Lawrence's this week .
_A number of Wingham people
attended the carnival here on Tuesday
night last.
-Alex McDougall has sold his
black trotting horse to Win. Allin,
-If you want something cheap in
crockery ware call and get them at
Mrs. Campbell's.
-A full stock of the celebrated
Munyon's remedies in. stock. -Berry &
Co., the chemists.
-A first-class cutter will be offered
at John Allin'a sale on Saturday, Jan.
23rd, at Cain's hotel, Lueknow.
-Mr. Thos. ;voting, of Walkerton,
was in the village on Tuezday and his
many friends were pleased to see him.
-Miss Lilly Kaake returned to
Oshawa. after spending her Christmas
holidays ; with her parents in thie
-A number of subscribers prefer to
pay their subscription in wood. Bring
it along while there - is sleighing,
-Mr. Robert Dryden and three
children, of Manitoba, are vipiting at
the residence of Mr. Steel Murdoch,
of this village.
--A word to the wise isisuffietent
It 'on owe us either on note or
account don't fail to have it set-
tled before Feb. 1st and save costs
T Lawrence
-A SURE CURE -FOC Ell coughs and
colds is Berry, & Co's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil withhypophosphates. Large
size bottle for 23c.
Burns' Anniversary
T1•44 invitations are out for the
annual aiurne' Anniversary and supper
to be held in le Caledonian pavillion,
Lucknow, on Ionday, 23th inst., and
it is expected that a large number will
be in attendance. The event has
always been a :rand success and it is
expected that it will excell all previous
lasnalichl in this village for some time
past. A grand orchestra under the
leadership of Mr. I). C. McMorran, of
Lucknow, wil furnish the music, and
Mr. • A. NIclionzie will furnish the
refreirliments. Mr. D A. McDonald,
of t1Lie town is to act as floor manager,
&sidle is one of the best in this part
of the country. Uorne one, come al)
are,1 trip the light fantastic till the wee
mina' hours of the morning.
AgrI4u1turni Society
The annual meeting of the Kinloes
Branch Agricultural Society was herd.
in the Lucknow Town Hall ou Wed-
nesday afternoon last, and although
the attendance was not as largp
it should be, yot, it was a good meet
ing and all present were alive to the
interests of the Society and the pros.
peas for the coming year are ef the
brightest character. Mr. Thos. Law-
rence, the Tressurer, presented his
report, and despite the fact that near-
ly all the Societies in the Counties of
Bruce and Huron, were more or less
financially behind and many of them
were unable to meet their prize lists in
full, the Kinloss Branch was able to
pay all claims against it and still have
a surplus in the treasury of about
$140. After congratulatory speeches
haa been made by the President, Mr,
McKenzie, and Mr. Peter Corrigan.
the election of officers was taken up
and all the old Officers and Directors
were re-elected for 1897 :--President,
P.H. McKenzie; 1st Vice., Peter Cor-
rigan; 2nd Vice., Wm. Anderson.
Two more Directors, besides the old
ones, were elected to the Board, M.
Thos. Moore foriur1.
Moved by Chairman Patterson and
Trustee Reid, that the Board meet as
usual at the Secretary's office on the
first Monday evening of each month
during the year.-earried.
The fellowing account was present-
ed for payment, viz :-D. 0. Taylor,
tupplies, *7.36.
On motion of trustees Little and
Graham, this account was referred to
the caretaker and if certified
the same to be paid.
Motion made by Trustees Murchison
s.nd Graham, that Trustees McIntosh,
Reid and Little be a committee to
furnish wood. -Carried.
Moved and seconded, that we in a
body visit the Public School on Thurs-
day, January 14th., at 10 a. tn.-Car-
Meeting adjourned.
D. R. McIrrrosu, Secretary.
- Clearing sale of china and crockery
ware. I purpose going out of this line
of business, therefore will sell at cost.
Give me a cell -Mrs. Campbell.
-Lost: Near Belfast about two
weeks ago a black cocker spsniel dog.
cillors Davison and Thowesen.
Anyone retarni3g it to the:SENTINEL
Hard on the Wardens.
"It will be noticed in connection
with the County Council -election that
the old wardens have had rather hard
luck. Eight of them entered the con-
test, and only one of them, Col. Scott,
of Kincardine, was elected. The de-
feUted ones were Tolton, of Brent,
McIntosh, . of Arran, Henderson, of
Huron, Gaunt, of Kinloss, Purvis, of
Kinloss, Dickson, of Carrick and
Douglas, of Tara."-Vs'alkerton Teles:
_ -
'Y' Parlor Meeting
()n Thursday, J an. 7th, a very en-
joyable evening was spent at the home
eu.,• ar.-r_, 1 •
Y. W. C. T. U. held their regular
and social meeting, a goodly number
of members and visitors being present.
Mrs. J. W. Armstrong, president,
occupied the chair and lead the open-
ing exercises after which t'ue usual
business routine was gono through
with A very cordial welcome to her
home was then given by the hostess,
Miss Birdie 'Macintosh. A most en-
joyable and instructive part in the
social programme which followed, was
the "Responsive readings" on "Our
world's work" fi'om the pen of the
noted temperance worker, Jane A. M
Stewart, by the members of the 'Y'
showing the number of white ribboners
all over the world and the work done
by each. Miss Sadie Johnstone recited
in her usual effective style "No saloons
up there." A solo entitled "Satisfied"
by Miss Lana Berry was very much
appreciated by all. The company was
also favored with piano solos by Miss
Edith Smith and Miss Birdie McIntosh.
Then followed that pleasing feature of
the evenings enjoyment, the serving of
the refreshments by theliostess. After
singing is hymn the prayer Mizpsh and
unison by the members closed this
interesting meeting. The 'Ys' were
pleased to aee the number of young
men who were present at this meeting
and hupe to see the number doubled
at their next meeting which is to be
held at the hoine of Miss Flossie
liambleton on Feb: 4tb.
The latest yarn about the celebration
of the NrApletion of the sixtieth year
of the Queen's reign is that Her
Majesty will commemorate the
occassion by abdicating in favor of the
Prince of Wales The feet that the
Queen, in face of , ver -recurring rumors
in regards to her alleged intention of
abdicating. keeps on attending to her
inaperial knitting, ought to affcrd
strong presurnptive evidence that she
will continue to do so till she is pro-
moted to wear a crown in .. higher
every sphere.
A man confeised in a Philadelphia
court that he forged his eruployer'e
name to obt lin money to buy a bicycle.
In disix:iiing of the case the Judge
remerked that se astonishing amounb
of crime had gromn out of the bicycle
trade and that "at least one-third of
the business of the court was tnade up
by person who are led astray in some
wit by the bicycle." Whereupon the
. .
office in the building east )f the
Assvisn Printing Office.
Plan% 4....iti.lation4 and estimates -tor build
a mills, rid,ces, etc., furnished 4
_ ______—___ in my window and count dozens of
— ..----__ _ _
Cough persone who owe rue grocery bilis" It
-Sifileh'e Cure, the greatsz
is said that in the larger cities of the
and Croup Cure, is in great demand. '
Pocket else contains twentY-iive only States a here proportion of the polio.)
25c. Children love it. Bold by Berry work is in connection with the crimes
First Meeting of the New Board ot '07
The fires regular meeting of the
new Council was held in the Toe n
Hall on Nfouday last, when all the
members were present and Ree ve J.
G Murdoch in the chair, completely filled with the moFt pro -
The following took the declaistion grusive farmers of the locality. The
of office Murdoch, Reeve; A T. president, Mr. Ileury Arkel!, of Cul-
Davistn, Wm. Taylor, John N. Brown rose, addressed the meeting briefly on
and Adam Thompson, Coudeillors. the purposes of such meetings as th ise
The minuted of the previous meet- being hell thoughout the province of
ing were read and on motion of Coun- Olitario, aud commented upon the
cillors Taylor and Davison, confiimed. depression that prtvails in all depitt-
Moved and seconded by Councillor% menu' of business as well as in farming
Davison and Taylor, that Cen.sar Per- and offered some valeable suggestions
due be allowed a rebate on 1896 taxes as to causes and effects as well as to
i'10 on account of fire. -Carried. •
some of the remedies to be applied by •
Finance Committee. --e-Adam Thorop
better fanning as well as preparing to
son, John N. Brown and tne Reeve,
on motion of Councillors Davison and meet foreign competition. Mr. Thos.
Taylor. McMillan, of South Hueon then spoke
Road and bridge committee -A. T. of the breeding and feeding cattle fur
Davison, W. Taylor and Reeve on beef. He spoke of the necessity of
Thompson. breeding from good dock, giving
Bee Our
Clubbiu ,
WHOLE NO. 1199.
p. in. the groom appeared followed by
the bride and her father after which
the ceremony was ably performed by
Rev. A. Sutherland, of Knox church,
Ripley. The bride was supported by
Miss Robertson, con. 12, while Mr.
Donald Matheson officiated as grooms-
man. After this delightful prospect
and the many hearty congratulations
of all present, the company partook of
the sumptuous repast which reflected
mnch credit on the host and holiness,
When all had done ample justic,e to
these delicacies the rest of ths night
was spent in games. of various kinds
while those who so desired spent the
flying hours tripplug the hurrying toe
to melodious straMs of two violins till
the grey dawn of Thursday, when all
dispersed to their homes to think of an
event long to be cherished with
Suesessful Meeting. bl Holyrood on
Saturday Last..
Eft Sackers
The meeting of the Farmer's Ins-
titute at Holyrood, convenes' at one
o'clock on Saturday, Januery 9th.
There was a good attendance of farmerg
and their sons, the Township hall being
If vou coula' /Ma WNW-
thiptg that is beautiful,
giveable and accefital'e, all
at the same time, don I you
think gwould be! a /welly
good girt. Well, we have
it for you.
Fine diantond
kt setting, $9.00
Smaller stow bit: fine
color, ro kt setting .00
Diamonds set mug 'y and
jit combination at _6rices
from $5.00 to $5o.00 The
gift seekers' paradise for
Xmas Presents is without
doubt at
motion of Councillors Brown ard
Petitions and by-laws Committee.- several instances of the power of pre -
Reeve on motion of Councillors Tay- Pritem to be followed in feeding from
lor and Brown. the time the calf was dropped until he
Weterworks and supplies Commit- was ready to ship at two and one half
tho Reeve on 'Lotion of Uouncillots years old, weighing from twelve to
tee. -John Brown, A. T. Davison _and
Taylor and Thompson. thirteen cwt. This address was replete
with pointers to the breeder and foyer.
Davison and Taylor, thet Mr. David., 20 pounds corn 13 pounds straw and
Moved and seconded t.y Councillors
- green food and 1 or li pounds of
Hornell be the Auditor for 1897.
chopped grain is the ration .in use on
Carried. their farou for feeding cattle for export
The Reeve appointed Mr. Win. C. n. They carried 94 head in 250 acres of
nell as the other auditor. pasture and invariably found the best
Moved and seconded by Councillois market is Britian during July, and
Elliott be Medical Health Officer fer where they would run loose keeping
on and Taylor, t tiat Dr. A. G. eecouimend keeping the annuale in pens
about 13 in each pen aud recommended
jaines Bryan, John Boyd, Thos. feeding meal on the gram; and grow*
Lawrence, Win. Geddes Atli W.:11%rd the Western Yellow Dent Corn for
Hughes were constituted a Board of eusilage.
There was a great many questions
Health for 1897, on molion of Ocean -
asked indicating a very intelligent
interest in the various phases of the
subject under discussion.
He then described the
A. Thompson, W. Taylor and the potency.
office will greatly oblige the owner. John Potchcr, Alex Ross, and John
-Last week was observed as a week Irwie were constituted fence -viewers
for 1897, on motina of Couaeillors
of prayer, and unions services were
held in the English, Presbyteriau and Davison and Brown.
Methodist churches in the village. Moved and seconded by Councillors
-Don't forget that on Feb 1st Davis ,n and Thompson, that engineer
we will adopt the Cash iystein Douglas be pound1teeper for 1897. -
and that your account must be
paid before that date 'I' Law-
ed and seconded by Councillors
-Use Berry & Co's pure emulsion of
rence. CarriedD%I.isv:.
n and Taylor, that the clerk
advertise for tenders for 20 cords of
Cod Liver Oil with hypophospdates for
dry wood and 50 cords of green wood;
coughs, colds awl general debility.
iemders to be for 'both soft and hard
Sold only by Berry (5.0e, the druggist-.
wood. -Carried.
Lsrge bottle for 25c.
-Mr. Alex. McKenzie, of Chicago, Moved and seconded bv Councillors
and Mr. Peter McPhee, of 'Nlooreton, 1)a% isoti and Thompson, that the clerk
North Dakota, returned to Chicago advertize for caudidates for offices of
after spending a. few weeks wi:11
friends in this vicinity.
-Karl's Clover Root, the great
blood purifier gives freshness and
clearness to the complexion and cures
consumption, 25c, 50c and 61.00.
Sold by Berry & Co., druggists.
-Fred Grundy has decided to offer
for Bele at a rate on the dollar, all long
standing accounts. They will appear
on a placard in front of his door, the
amounts aad also the names, shortly.
oa shor. notice. complait in the case said: can si
in which bicycles figure.
Coe druggist&
-Captaini Sweeney, U, S. A, San
Diego, Cal. says: „Shiloh's Caterrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do me any
good." Price 50c, at Berry & Co's.
-Our emulsion for coughs and colds
contains hypophosphates of lime and
soda and 50 per cent of pure cod liver
oil, is easy and pleasant to take. Sold
only by Berry & Co. the,chemist in 25c
Masquerade Carnival
The tirst carnival this season
in the Lorne skating rink, Lucknow,
was a big success. The large rink
wart crDwdeel with spectators from
Wingham, Kincardine, Dungannon
and other outside places, beside all the
skaters from the village and vicinity.
The rink was suitably decorated with
flags, cards and other decorations, be-
side being brilliantly illuminated. The
ice was in first class condition and
everything that could be was done, by
the managers, Messrs. Gay and Jewitt,
to make their firet carnival the best
ever held in Lucknow end it fully
reached their expectations. Although
there was not the usual number of
masqueraders in attendance, the cos-
tumes worn were all pretty and show-
ed fine taste oa the part of the wear-
er& The principle events', however,
Ivere the two races, the distance be-
ing one mile, in which great interest
was manifested, each contestant rec-
eiving his share of cheers. The entries
in the first rale were Will Corrigan,
Wallace Corrigan, H. Fisher, A.
Shoebottom, R. D. McLean, 8. Yule
and A. McCorvie, Will Corrigan tak-
ing first money and A. McCorvie,
second, In the second race, S. Yule,
R.D.McLean. A. Shoebottom and
W.S.Corrigen entered, S. Yule coining
in first and R. D. McLean eecond.
Each race was hotly contested and
- An auction sale of farm stock and
implements, the property of Mr. John
Alike will be held at Cain's hotel, in
lJoAt J°' -nn Saturday.
-Jones PURVIS, auctioneei.
-Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattsnooga,
Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer (Hived
my life. I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitated systemII ever used."
For Dyspepsia, Livgr or Kidney
trouble it excels. Price 75c. Sold
by Berry & Co., druggists.
-The following will be the clubbing
list of the SENTINEL this year: -
SENTINEL and Western Advertiser,
$1.40; the Sewritean and Weekly
Globe 161.50; the SENTINEL and, Weekly
Mail, $1.50; the SENTINEL and Weekly
Sun, $1.50.
Clerk, Assessor,
and Engineer in
Col'ect)r, Treasurer
the usual salaries. —
11 MortaisoN, Clerk.
Mr. P. McKenzie spoke on weeds
and their extermination. He divided
weeds into the three well-known classes,
annuals, bianniel and perenniels and
taking a few of each class, gave their
characteristics : the best methods
of exterminatnig them.
-The people around here are taking
advantage of the good s!eighing.
Mr. Hugh Teskey, of British Colum-
bia, and Mrs Thome Teskey, of Rip-
ley, were visiting friends here this
Mrs. A. M. Treleaven
friends in Ashfield,
The Rev. Mr. Pomeroy preached
in the Methodist church here last
is visiting
Armstrong's' Jewelserv Stoic
On Tisesday evening the youth
and beauty of Asbfield. asseenabled at
the commodious residence Frank
McConnell of the ninth c mcession
where a very pleasaut time - >as spent
tripping the ligbt fantastic. As the
small hours of morning advanced the
crowd bega,u tAke their leparture
and judging from the maw grateful
words and good wishes Lima were
poured upon the McConnell !Orally, we
could not Mr, infer that the party was
consWes ad a decided success.
If you haveo't got used to writing
18507 yet, r.ow is the.tisne to do it.
Miss Kate Cannel, ef Hflyrood, is
vi•Riteinvg. furi.r.uds\hie:arele.y
and dr. Max-
well, of Hinlough, exchang( d pulpits
kisG%16:rbgbealtih;snisel, of Wingh Azt, spent
Sunday it. Si. Helens.
Stuart Pritchard returne to For-
est on Tuesday.
Abe Durnin spent Sur day
friends neat Kincardine.
J.B.Weatherhead hu retirtedkrom
Rev. Kr. Dyer will oecupv the pul-
pit in Calvin church on Sun( ay.
wMedrn.esRd.shyl.urray loft for I elmore on
On Wednesday, Jan. 6th , Mr.
Rebt. McGuire, of this virago, was
united in marriage to Ni as Merrn
Thom, youngest daughter ef air. Wm.
Thom. We extend to he young
couple,otir best wishes.
Last week we forgot t) announce
the marriage of Mr. Neil Campbell,
to his cousin, Miss Jessie Campbell,
of Paslinch, Wellington cour,ty. The
happy event took piece oa ednesday,
Dec. 30th. We corkers, alate tbe
youtie couple aadextead to ;hem our
hest wishes.
On Tumisy evening a n amber of
young people spent a very enjoyfige
evening at the residence tsf Mr. Thos.
On Friday evening of last week,
the boys orSt. Helens badge, I.O.G.T.
treated th7, girls and them elves to a
nice tittle socia'. It was a success in
every rum* which shows what boys
can do witpliey like.
The first municipal Counril meeting
of 1897 was held in the Township
Hall on Monday. Mr. J. Wilson
was,reoppninted assessor, Mr. John
Taylor, co)lector acid W. S. McCreetie,
Township clerk.
Mr. Fraser, of Bradford, then spoke
of clover growing and hog raising and
sowed 9 pounds clover and 1 pound of
timothy to the acre, with spring grain
preferring sowing with barley than
with oats. Had grown alfalfa and
believe it to be the beet soiling crop we
could grow, would sow 25 pounds to
the acre without any mixture or grain
crop and would prefer to leave it for
one season without pasturing or rutting
alien we way expect to have a per
manant stand.
Mr, Sherrington then spoke on tha
packing and shipping of apples giving
si.ane valuable hints as to reasons for
present low prices and advising honest
packing and that growers should unite
to ship their fruit, would recommend
marketing early fruit in swell packagfs
and also pears and plums should be
allowed to colour well before pulling,
and should sell sniall fruits direct with-
out the help of a commission man.
Mr. T. B. McDenafd • returned to
-Torontd Medical College after spending
Chrietmas holidayin this vicinity.
Messrs. McAuley and M. Matheson,
of Detroit, spent Christmas holidays
in our burgh.
sogi' rnitrik Ake/We ffilsT, .19Se
„ The play given in our school on
Dec. 30th eutitled -Ten nighte in a
bar room" was a decided success, and
reflects much credit upon the youag
men ef the section who prepared this
drama so as to play it upon the stag()
to the entire satisfaction of every oue
who witnessed the same. The school
room being nicely decorated furnished
with a good stage, every one present
could view all to satisfaction. Each
of the characters, eleven in all, played
their part remarkably clever especially
Sample Swichel and Simon Slade
The hunting of Mary Morgan and her
death were presented as if real, but
the most exciting of all was the tragedy
of Mr. Harvey Green the gambling,
and the arrest of the same. This
along with the remarkably clever
dancing of Mr. Ern Iiteel, of Holarrood,
made a very good night's entertainment
and although the night was very
disagreeable still the school was filled
beyond accommodation. The music
for the occasion was ably supplied
by the Holyrood string band composed
of J. Johnstone, J. Kerrie, J. Cox,
and Miss M. Johnstone. The
company intend to play it again in
the near future.
The annual meeting of the Luck -
now Public School Board, met in the
Council chamber on Monday last, all
members present excepting Trustee
Minutes of last meeting were reed
and adopted. The old board then
adjourned and the trustees elect for
1897, viz :-R. Graham, W. J. Little
and D. R. McIntosh, signed ,the dec.
laration of office and took their riispect-
ive seats.
Motion made by Trustees Murch-
ison and Little, that D. Patterson be
re -appointed Chairman and D. R. Mc-
Intosh, Secretary, and that the Mau -
aging and Finance Committees, alio
the Committee on Supplies, be repres
ented by the full School Board -Car-
On Sunday morning early occurred
the death of Mrs. Robt. Woodf, after
a long illness. Decease'l was 62
years of age and was hie.' esteemed.
The funeral on Tuesday a '.ernoon to
the Durrgannon cernetstry was largely
attended an 1 the serviees were oon-
duct•ed by the Rev. S. V. Whaley.
The deep sympathy of the entire 0001-
m uni ty is extended to the rejue4;s4/1
members of the family le Atlas I rs:
tow_esealt a
On Mondy afternoon, B r.
don met with a very pain ul soaltent.
While fixing the clock in the church,
ha feli, breaking a rib. C'e hope 00012
to see him around again,
At the evening meeting the Town.
ship hall was crowded so full that
there was scarcely standing room.
County Councillor Alex. Nicholson
occupied the chair. There were
several instrumental selections by the
talented Percy family, each of which
Was heartily encored.
NIr. Fraser then spoke on butter
to an exeee'dingiy prisctical address.
Miss Corrigan then sang "Just te:1
them that you saw me" in her usual
excelent style, and received a hearty
encore. Miss Daisy McIntosh then
gave an instrumental selection that
shows(' high musical talent. Peter
Corrigan Esq. then addreesed the
meeting chiefly on the value of the
work done by Farmer's Institutes,
Thos. McMillan then in an eloquent
and eminently practical address with
occasional flash of humor kept the
large audience interested for about an
hour, and after another selection by
the Percy family the meeting separ-
ated after singing the national anthem.
This muting was a great success in
every way ani cannot fail t,o benefit
every one who attended.
The following are the flamer* the
Wardens of Bruise Co. as given by the
County Clerk :--e '
'57, G. Cromer !,7. Baird
'68, J Purvis 48, " •
'59, J. Valentine '79, "
'60, J. Bruce '60, a. Purvis
'61, J. Purvis '81, "
'62, J. T. Pomroy '82, "
63, J, Gillis '83, J. Tolton
'64, J. Brocklebeal 84,
'8,1, J. Douglas
'90, J. Ganot
'91, .S McDoseld
'92, T. Brad*
'93,3. Bryan
'94, J. H. Scott
'95. W.MacIntosh
'96. J. H. Elliott
On Wednesday of last week one of
those happy events memorable with
pleasure to many, took place at the
residence of Mr. Alexander McLeod,
on. 7. The occesion was that of the
marraige of Miss Jessie McLeod to
ars- the
_ big of
ee it was
ry to
d the
IS with
.shy -
t VIM -
held at
Iy at the
to allow
rciety to
tches as
'65, 44
'69, J. °lilies
70, "
'72, "
'73, R. lieird
74, "
'75, "
liBl.M-A.NDERSON- At ltbe residence
of die bride's' mother, nthe6th January,
by the Rev. II. H. Ha Mr. J. Helm to
Sarah Ann, e14est langhter 01 Mrs.
Andrrson, all f *.a .16.
John Purvis, auctioneer, will attend
the following sales at the dates and
places named: Jas. Walker, lot 10, N.
Road, Greenock, Friday, Jan. 15, fat as
stock and implemesta.
Chas. Symonds, Tueeday, Jan. 12,
lot, 30 S. W. Road Greenock, farm
stock and implements.
John Allis, Lucksow, Saturday,
Jan 23rd, farm stock and implements.
etly kept
Wkwat , per beelist_ ... .61 ta basis of
Vpring Wheat. bushel.......7t. .81 to .81 ory fund
sae. per. *** **"'''''" -***
Oata, per buhei
Barley, ••• • • • • • 4" ••• 11.0•
Dried APO's. 91`e'
iltM the
G•11894,4ftir•I which vr• sat
cannot he 11111 -
it hes
Ogald Tweed, lot 12, 3 • D. o'ittpaily . and alio
Mr, Malcolm McKay, con 6. At 5.15 aKnidnliossolp,ITemoueeciants.y, Jan. 26, farm stook there is a thtedird by She
icy of eating interfere=
. weeresse of the ealitery
a in Om etpumiili aces at a
as to tee amoratioa of the
luioe. Irrespective 41, foe an-
tes* feel ir lei'
b theorem* say
to frat 'lowly, Lad
the proems or
Thentors, 55 a
litesitary maxim at no swat VII ime,
tame the thildreiss toes011ikrerly, mai
glvlog Inoleatlgi= pie,
the teacher, aa well bay
runty. beeellt.
he shot
ribr)vp the
„.c111 function et
.411 atIpeonmtampeenr.
ft the im-
hta:stsionosi.1 08th.
lay, Kane
11 in Hares
Lt_i_La _plot
sad 11.00.
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