The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-12-31, Page 7r W.�, P j; j . ......... 4' 1 oe drexx, oLd fjfk -�r� Nva l� rk we twit D We 'Ardt the W4. tille t test I f tp,�'e 04 so. maAal J Usb U t 10 rea ou r Ppip,. ars arki'POt A�_b tit he �444, It i5 fft�r#kls 'Get ws.b ttn awith �l' Y-011 b 1114n4d une I n d not 611,1Lll 4pull", ng 1-1.) duri4g his ic-A,%n lifie,- t hWe. e on er son, o r zt,_Xvi -e4 Jeb6-' rel ttli.tey. serA h hits44-114, does. An<1 lyc V, I ae, wol 11 na' who hl-' I Pt he vo; ees its terribly. . I ith hi It they an I d, . perl) ra it s wexie..iissociab.�d W jxi t�l , P i to* - 1, IsraO.true to their God. Chai-'&n the as kille by a m.rk of dee",ared hin fter llini an Out very trolij.1 S� if -I.- Jers r exAAver,. chot, t e -toi be ' fed., Uppe d wani of seve ore ag t tlien *he no thigt'loslitia, did his le V %kah 14 cls 1, t half. wroril 'hLt -for eves, 4_1 his 1.�.kt -that' he, had g topell... e b, nut in, re oftion igainst rn t he -rent to killed -a I the, -sa reiieb oeaN d Evervlone:.was strick�n l%vitth fear.- heir. eyos,lclosO and are nb-:able leap-' nin title IIn thebordei,of hi�-infi6ritahce Pi 9 �01�ilibihg %walls,'bitt the I ing Entang a e fSed It th llistrit iin ili i n t4., with W.ir� ad'y D Y fired on, -'f ei I in T in. -heres,: i the -'eoun' This is. tform. of field�ob to accunt on'Lo`Was,,­n, in coi,i ioii� s en in the photograph a bo vc—wit,';ba.rbe41- wire 'ertau- try 'qf Ephraim.. On tille-north of th 5 scldi'�rs' very -ad, heie a number of men, axe available, for the di-gi' be Mfide the glelijentig. -The pit-s�, are: of differeRt. depths' nk! at. Ing, Can illoull I ords:. . , 4 . taij f 0 aas b. —Ti he r 6� no. 1,61, eimttaed 'ind staked in 9 iiine. The � ob as.cjose runt -e of, Jot ed Its eLrs-t;iiiid, defenders' fiTii197,14it as to, im-, 1_* the' Timniqil sh-- iq 'wall '.thung, up," as it e undier'fire, s6 -4. 39.. n�. JiS le .. irtV"of Risthia. ba-� (Tip Q the. posiion AA)d li�jld the asailants back., ch kid : d it t t rush" an oe 1A xe re. - al 1. t hie, tim -4s ad do, ihei r dead I work. iting in.' the' AustiriAn'. 'come. Daziu-b e. province.%, i.nd, on h',border n4e t% been plac�ed Ie tit, c em. th-riBw odrselves: on our kneess an� from he" -b a e Ahe,,, eie ,.f� Irl, g, g -4 flied, 'in' ,i.x We're in� -in -ea4s, beirAN-:11s Deli V' h t, Y M Another t1lat..k'new e Fi-e Iry rhev' turiiki awbw-' i6eir- ndi Jelliovalit' r U It �h ves- of, the' Cee tick' KEEP A tj, W011 ND S OPE er�,66n afier a'itA Ill elde t's sedt A ad us. �One.ofi theni had, ut lill jL iall, and 'rai eld .,sow.., (Ed ... I I re US. he. o fo 1�-? end of the it t va I. in - P W114611P. We etinle to the- le'Nut. Ing hi' - and her, throat -tr',ie 6. -the re I - troops. re And 6 c )11 ast aov f fhe- hen �of Jeh'o I t' , an.4 -0.1 - Was town' we wer to retralce,our the arle 'n�� we" �ahf - able -ity oil is he f'ould catch. i e, rev in,, and Ile or, bf,. d., q.'� made wo Ll et ih t Wa.111 e t<j,. a jl4UUSe 1) :Engl ceded .`from the ll(lig;6z! the e-beafifig their %tillw "litt]6 n all'th4kV1. iss <in.., Next,4 da,%-, lanid Tr 4ays: aftc�r Pa�. to, be out of 646' whe're -y nd Ha r t e, co w44ht A It A s e, Mili fathers I ? b nred -th, It thel IIA those .1aLb bo MID away its aR, a� out- ai e.. out- 'n Ab i n pleated Th ' f His of t. a s butter li�ut e n is 'the plui' ;-'Baal nleavis. UnIeliv T� -,e ram' to the hen. the stopped is Ijacteri le cal"11- -us Y t, 'e expl-olt's W` -s and -at. wante<Vto h for"dai n of ' �plem for tll- ue t in, hihe t s fu I I a oratr% - ere, oIn. - wherild er. got, tip I, -av- --obbe�, Th� 'c bewn'to,cr�-. tl6 ery AF back WastlUrried we, h and said :r t h 117'�ight- a that Js �ei. 'was. itit, eyne-and not stop 'led has re man ex risk -d A 114�e i�ecur y come to B-oulo'g, het- cli.Rdreij a wIij and n re'oantl' 'T A r`f going to put t 4r, The F it thi ourteen. a girt Nelve.' f livater. kept See ges. t tay.--t sid ver this I its dn'fh� o pre - All$ owe. t&�k a,inbutlifti; o rench need' ti&. We I e r t me ri one'headjew d it al a. re, g ..to. -s iii thp ny�)iitjj �to. IT si a t was. funny, to it h e' ly a. e dr, arA a, sey. M4.4iths' <04 -A s'. mu haS mae the. I- x� r I a Ulz A it 111I Tilatle We St f buf t st iurn ',back- r, -we ed','the-faet gallgretie, and -1 in like thig or a. night, jh.,, I t Cr , '' 11 ' . ' seventy I -_ Th e ItiOns met lie ir at. it cline -on ,rs. w It -n d' One of theol on# and a.. .Y tuid'again' one, -.of. fre7 I ht t bleini q Ill- 111,111aged to. get a w ky t t OUZ agin. die it ex i in ina t,6 s. it s - wo 1, it 'o it t with. fatigue n ou r wa quent.1%. al -i 0�tjrganisnis f�r :m h � I I I I The"' Y_ V 1 1,4: it kulle E,._ypj nd, I M7e',;-,ent o mved Tes*tanien, to a atmosphr"e. This diico g*. X '11 f rom Behind him - ' V- t rchief hj-� A, it fvi the ke hell Gerinans were nia Llairk.. led t�fie which'&ar rh,. on1v who n r,,e -cal T 11et fall their white, litind- sters of t he -inteny a�d ll r e e,( from lie eX. . 1, . it came­tiye <ia.vs.. nor d� '%ite!re, 41 . C �yng jn,e r. i e r b -o f -No-, ery. has had,. tbe­m�ut I M.P.0 rtant, ni h it tt: i'�, reVent U wrn dztv-, we lit I ow. ifraid- I earing -upon 1he'sitrigical Wo�k of kind t6 how' In n V li-itle, Th f G3d, .The One Lnd ito�ier , I I . . - t r 'We Wastlhafda% t "ant". theii �I1011les 'U �were ittit. it kilom. e, the -because it I i ockorted us to ho' 'pital,-' I 'g, .1 Cln< froul. sleeping, n str fi , , - . I � , wn 1) �o !,d i ers co, I ng. air hble'. lot eVers- mitrute 'One ated the neeessit.v �,j --n t r'O, § Iie�-d the front of L W'%be sly ev -lift it :ttr iteir, e. sl f TOM. thi, en th R,al ' Y keeping' w all s exy. the' ' unds open ajA sill. wo 'I f I tth It u,' ba --ted --it -in� tile S 't I"t j;..t h 10 io, t* o el i i'. understrind' and going. lo e ove our , Who had from. its and take tern:,wijII th�m b� ke the. chidz` w the trardooi'slowl c5tine, t his rs XVc.kuew't.hteir'hea% air to, r(�a& them.,, Wbiinds, kept. It o- lh� r�intervened. an .'af- I' -did dthd aft, of li�jq ineny wbe re t Iii, Ikgi One,. the, Frenel wa:r' d ised weN open. are flound-to heal moi 'ZiA bf th- Tyria-is re' tera long dise.iiiisin the'sold T sati&fact-oryl"The"guidance. of,:e-min�� i the beside tbein- ihc�y taking ill tired -our �da knes�s. 11S ve)d it's frotin 4eatb.14e r sL1. er my. furni-- I joy.. -Thel-r: ey 6, w e" out a Oerinim perf I -ed, With 'Of �the incip lid carrying ectly. He t� r ie . -lit r a] gcApe�-S.,.f fly,�:Zid' �Wle \�e and' s. 6 e -d A de. flirt&r,',�n !ite , 4 , led, in many the'surgelons 6f the Rova A rm y; filled, with of lit, i&- fure. �illagirig wid cleaing out,m� a cQt.ileir of d ians- In' OP- -French w theBjL'a;jj, ttVajed holi e.w e� III .1d. peae-ing them. ezyr- ledieal orps b . led to tr flo* rs `6 d4ouk.1i, a"crac'k We, d re not. d -.fi,a field 14. And the all';OT ',U n An -.a he' tha,t. they jip�l 1I 11.1v thin t some 0,.theyn raised tl;cxb:l with T I' e I 1 11 r h it It e %ad.Ltb ti e m. pe I f w gs biltside'. 41 B ut, Ot r *fe -1 1 Oil won pursuance a most. consery.4tive� ]I- < e rd i,ny. poor r -ible' W at a hori eal I and �A- aid, b: PO and he women h 'Id al' ib.- t ed and we'�treujbled -P - in i I . *up and 0�yyixl t4Q� us..,to out their )r4c f I k h page liev -aitd-limbs,are now tit w�e A4.redl -less hy Ii)-.-,g-r td ;�iga 'by P'116ws'. i�_ ttiD the �h )rF 'of circu The' chil4ji-en were e n fo M ed t , 're tha�l oli le 'r -the bab.V- ilils, war. no! ressed 4,lid -teg. A threw his store thosie dugliter,' all* nt ad - I 'p 1, of must' have.been,:,j6s is let baby's� 1; opuri, W411i ee a pictures4ue en to; them �evell ti t4l,e 'shirts. and -the my breast, a:,, � xc Aralion morning re -were or- Glernidn a ea to 'get to rs,.-we were, topped. wr . e U the, '6u r cram ped diers were .I sit the " rael niplored 4 ky rriiiie- Cz it ld' t d itdiers, pill J!P us,,we al*# so tinji-ALPT.W. Prote 4 1 We. A ­ w er,s I ankles reftised t. -and made, 'the, ca i ine dow, le steps o support it ��k. t ites bet-arne live ned tl�rUt;,gh re�- -very sep.'. T u!e $;.. 4ep 0 ranks. e. D gjous corrapt op te t s -;;iniwered': "Dor ioni. 1 -hey 'were not lie, k loonis d a4l.e. an,,-.. I�o In t �itvhen, the be 11 w4h! in �otber and.,wttr I fell at And they. bt, I a f';e P.0inted to a sqxeteher n- the pbund f I o Dzier't ;kitiistand their Tifle :blitts an' It 'is, vrac,ti 11 1 ibl in. fr6.nt of- a lea v Mposj iifraid�, -defend you.' all. 4,hen I house. , -You could' e r ki ks. t till 0 1-h en etivesI. and Ps d ng. sing. W., e n. z� - guess the th anv. I,P to' letect an Attt,ae f iitinir sub. *i It ;h6uting� rhey We -face XUL, fire. body under e d k v� r in- f I, 1119 P tor to. know ibat ea' -h -it from h' ad' fiYariae e 1. -_ uenl�e As! th vte 9. thei urt n - w7roh M He; had a over flifin. as eYL had to lea it o b i on lJ:. at, t jj�, V we, lie is fired. theug-ust -1 the' '66ftom f f lit to foot.. On. the .1,2th ot k for the firsC ey wid jewelery h e tleps he had been t e falee was hiMen_ All 4LIl'I j j t m ''att nthat ak Vilgirble,was tho c, ce th�Aorpedo. is re rcisinir illery 4rjjLn1_;bj fi. d the game e L T I I ey -were, ar I -did , n,,)t or igainst, ws'every- - !Slavd came, to r "a rA a,'li ti in the" shot -if , �t )wAnt.' to be rin risiii- and fallinj, js giwn av�iy. 1. . then, :an- 'thing- ur 9 �cause stibmarine Uji(I be �eatc_j 1) t;j- men f bedditlk, b - t e other -fell IV t]6� seh. tAoll'ise. linen.. even, he Attacks c�in on e ed 'yy All(l, W 00 n:s�jiindercb)th'es� da -A ith arnis, outt.' then he Ba. 4.w i e e ;3 A Fj rench -officerl,"' said -th Ge'r. 1v 'b ': d liver.' 011t t'Q1V ga rden an 0 1 man, "He i nsidrined int a, h6spital and They were' is dving.. �Ovet him ab- 6f� tylie. balf,tlyrij. we ha;,k to man a pol( caRnot be could no !�,ylger the qtrefAed ire . um- I Cross. flag. fired, *irhok.. W6 U14L UTTI, oted,.,bv. the Red Sbilite:rsl pUttin type -it d, k evilli 5n his e, ue'll. 'I sa,,; , �h bent. r sed �the coyer -.fa,nr s by.tbe bubbles that they dersta )OV, raying the' Germa-i;s we'r6 blt�mibarding­ t�e­&�rt" 0 had. relimim,dL cure wb I'D a Auorwti�-' th!P1 .1 e (1i,ldreill', f &-kill] w �lixhtly to ltiok,at,'the the, make on'the at was theii imatiton that jye, wa.tehed ' thern with tears. in 1 arlt rage But -.His ehest wal-,- 'n i Ofiliv edtlig. :ntaf t he fo, tht( tht. 6v.' we and wn, ' '& Fiinch. then- lie' raised his hioad. iiiin,� to viA the r, e ' then diii Ive dare to -br'' in our'.hearts. unitain. qliint' repental hr .;eal soon e an o what was.it in c�o the sig '&,he e.ros,� a'�d. and b Then ftei � little 9 niparso tbougl�i lorushed, ex an- r of ly strnge� M-il it with'the he was citriiped of hL* teaded-Jils 6fids �ip pray Itwa uk,n thei Pe'ry we 'Were 'eLd the sbIldiers were. far', enougl6 away cloth&- It hT'jult'. -I-saw.a up ire ..tj*v for .,time; black hole i IyL we eterminild to ie ve' tWrj re nt profo,un& hicht, a' our. cella.i, keeper of lVing' by Mi. over the 'German fficer sti �es, cme to light. orn ap- 13rut who 'oiflJgo,ojjtfj �_a7 Oakley Wasn't t.he`t'a;ljr t he' w uiheri�we � rst. We Ar- store. 1 *h l� 0�ui o! sec'ea.ch otherf. gll. :'&w. We luteCf, jh ' . - ". I al. mnta.- ey ed, foi, hLalf n hipim my.4,1f saw and oRiters V — lotihi like my phasse i4e* 4, Th demandM, bople, . with, Sn'' d longsi of Old retire to gh% Oil time �nt on our way. de. Th iot 'd 'J" . it N, *0,wen­Gi�e aild ;� ntv-five' watches- t s4&reh -wds� r cNizighter And xn'�, h isband�' n urn We we A blillipinLt'oLc-a�h,�o'hei-..#),i-""s not to eacK of it corlispsil; t irty of Itli-em lay ;�Jo.ttg &,I.w'e reached anICY j)Il r _Mi Series when there ;tiil n ere �. weren"C' twenty -M-6 s -went tp .'An IlId get months ff'4 could ha'Ve ves All-Nomerty. Af t Way., bA c., but 1, At th� O.Orneir of, weire nd:I speikred dei teir stopped pfi 'the first -,step �alld' always, found t tjje, Watcth- back. re It Finall the sr; e S, r -t al e: 'Ila as orejigit poor Stleel watches�. old rd . moutited the The-, were given., to ejpt or. our e a_ -:� insig�tl;' an<! ca,I�Able t�k' IV arv, our e §t*iirr,;. looked bolit him and Al 'ho It Jmijeiou ma,niajD9 -w -were- ayiOired.r We aid his, toot. gpe, haton of AIN "witer to Ji -ink, Y� w, gc 'a w tcr 'ing. was safe ic. In.. Then in it gh for 't ksfied and t..thl Plu ms'tty eat work of­jlie t ed reek -th0- ' y tobk �.tlhe ildiim MVL.' daught6i, ies. no fit- their teojil t,cri il tiuiiiI� Theii lilitt for M4L ch' -for t e lwouh&-d htd ll,o more miIV dagVs,pt66ir�d h rot US. A It the -tiftodic*nes. I Th4y - drgg� Fe bad on4 t'hem lbee, There Was nt; more- reason, ti)r biing them b�ll ter to Auri.-�Ili litt-le-one, and'it %Xen te-a Frehich':46oldietra out of their ma& t'out, firu carrying 66 and' took thern dughter. 'n 41f (j "4�1 ulitille . I I I . . girl kept ii n ir lowed, L r ering. witfi t f 66-ijr io iest of stiff -lie ther 0.., so hungrv. 'maml1la;t -o' hungry,­ soltit her cry. nlaiek f� li the,) MY husband, in t'he stre't., M hital'i W § with jov %T - - - at_ full 0104: p1q, tits -,othilr 'wotpilded t6se gentlemen-wi-IT eoia6 &nd,6r . C ran wouid a rise ld,'be A fnewr a d ng 1,0 C try i _4r �otj hroe I d4v* the ing. bea at r1, goiiei. Sovn� good peo�lt- 6ci tcandy." S to �a. big orcha rd at the -end of it, brifiging the' PUtL thefti"'Ift tin- u'L three ndred trio tlkn. Two 'r. p1det during the Wi"khed, .,in my f N 0 said t,Lhat.,;, Iyut" I hahabitants baek a the never leoine. a Niter 'the cannotts be- viA this,ixttv tot Ret -lie the (trs One �ftevhKion 'I le hardly dared -td lyieathe, nind in the rlept. talkhik,.� Th'd- b6ard. .raal hf4ing in It� e Vo e� 't .11 It, I hasled erockh, of quickfio. the c ethe re, hM 0 Uple And loar. h, f th6 -ri's re 'nakope i,,, Jay oiir',�614ie -ent-ored remh 11 conte n< ore ghtin�fz to OviY .00 lThey tt�o fel*. and' irr Yd�g ft ike f the lvit,v�p fly. % ki-Cl be virs later they thit ti i6<1 Oil' rolrli the n". nd gam re -j pray And t*�oofl t lie he" tL and i ,n tetitod,. Thi.t,hide l�n j atyle j!U 41111' celfAlt e t.h� litaigitiv. lld Tilt head -zo tN A:4 naCreaT tea th t flw ;7 ry 41 ttt 6�6 rnityL. t i�ewjell C4 1.1 lwg: ttn'ru- pli IIr it u n) ''t. ti�d at talk t ny1t C6, h�, f4le Ilk I Ilie tk4jj$'f' pll(, X. ix Ott art rig t'461 Ift P, (4 v, k. I fNIIiVhL I - �treet' tho, PAI i I I h, 7 all Okv, t tfi otil our eL h f­� t M0 w , 11it LV tily P L