HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-12-10, Page 5ieY 'Maga ecembm 'tot t9t4 FFERING YOU AS CHRISTMAS IS ONLY 2 WEEKS ,AWAY - this sale will be a Great Saving.' Opportunity to Hundreds of Christmas 'Shoppers. We are Offering Greater Sacrifices than ever . was offered before' in • CLOTHING', GENTS' FURNISHINGS, _ WOOLLEN AND COTTEN GOODS, ALL KINDS OF SIAPLE AND FANCY' ..GOODS, Etc:‘ Look for othgi sign —NiENDEA-SoN'S BIG FIETEEN DAYS' SALE --2-‘ Great ..$410ttotinSncps on Saturday, c. 5th And .,•q10:8:es Saturclay, Dec. [9th. --7- Men's Ready- Lo wear &tits, fine tweed, well ' Overalls, blacks and blribs. of different brands, • tailored, regul5e $8.50, Sale. priee.',......1242 $1:00, for Men's _Suits, fine tweeds in a fancy stripe,. best • Men's All *oolUnderwear : unehrinkable, ' fit; regular price e 1:0.06, Salo.: price .. .21..22 • $2,00 per:garment, Sale.... . .. Suits in tweed and farrey worsteds, regular $12 Men's Fleece lined; Under Wear, iri grey •; and to $14, 'ale - ' $10.45 '' ' creath. polars, reg $I pc per garment, • Sale • • ' . • 78C.. Meri's Black and Navy Suit, guarant,..ed beat • , E • • ' . ' . .fit;, made by the 'best Clothing inanufacC Mens Top :Shiets, heavywinter Weight, .reg. • . niers in Ontario, 'regular price $15 00, • '$1 00, Sale, .. .. . . ,'....., . , .... ... ,, . 66c. .Sale mice , .,, :.... , ..”............•.; $11.45 • .-....R.P.N....--Capsrin-all.-solor-s•-arid-na es -f-4 wiriter-wear., Men's Overcoats, 'heavy Weight,., reversable . far band inside, re.. . 75e. and$1 00; Sale ' collars, leg: $10 00, Sale.... ... : ....'.. $7.75 . 59c, and. 69c. Men'ACvercoats, made of 'Chinehilla cloth, Fancy Silk Neck Scarf, all colon and shades. : fancv shawl collar, reg. $12, Sale $9.45- Prices $1 00 to $1.75, Sale. ............ , 69c. . . . As much as 2 per cent off regular price of all. our ,Boys' Overcoats, Itwill not pay to let this reduction' pass yolf, if in, need -of an overcoat. • Men Overcoats, in fine grey Blanket Cloth, 'an fitney brown striped, regula,r $14.00, Sale : ' 'Xeres Blaek Beaver Overcoats; ieg.$10 mid . • . $12, Sale t7 45 and • Men's-Dvercoats, Astrachan lined; black bea- . ver shell and rubber -inside, reg.' $18 to • $1:5, Sale $12.95 ; . . , . ,'.; . . • , Men'a heavy Pants, all -wool good,• reg. $.„.... 50 . 's'). for.... . : .....,......., ., ...... ..;.$.1=- .P• , i° -Fine worsted, Print -i, fancy 'stripe, reg, $3.50 . for 1 /e . . . . - $2.12 ..., ' toys' Winter Oeeishirts, all Wool, reg. 75., • for ' '.. '. • ' . , .... 44c. Great reductions in. Gloves, Mitts and, .Gauntlets -1 for working and driving for men -and buys. As much as 15 and 25 per cent off. --A snap Mez.i):9 woolen Sock's, reg: ;25e. for ... .. . 21g. • Black Worsted Socks, reg. 25e. for . .... ..;' E*tra valuein Men's' Sweater Coats in all • • Colors and Styles,reg. 2.09, 3 $0; and , 0.50, Sale 1.L9, 2.55 and : , . 'Boys' Suits; fine tweed and worsteds, made in bloomer and striktY,ht pants, besemarre pi ices 4.9, 5.5.0 and 46.00, Sale price $ • • •'!! $5.95 Thread Sale price per Spool 04e. ShakeFlarinel;• Prints,. Bleached and Fact• ‘.. ory. 'Cotton, W ra.pperettes and .other Staples, rag: 10c.; Sale:. .. . ..... 'Shirting, yog. 16c. lox ... ; . :13A•e. Every line of Ladies' Wear and Winter Goods will be - marked with red ink at Sale, prices which are in many cai'es lower than ieduktions mentioned above. Don't fail to take advantage of this Big Saving OppOrtunity. Many Ba,rgains for X'mas: Shoppers at Dry Goods and, Clothing Nouse One door East of Harry (AcCreath's Barbei, Shop. Uggina • Culross_Corners . • --•-•Monday, Dec.7 Mrs, W.:Tliompsoli visited. irs. R. • Turner on Monday. • • •. , • . • Don't forget the fowl supper at Reth- anY Church on Dec. ldth. • • -Will Wall spent SundaST with his • brother John on the 10th. con. • NI ht. S. Hannah- and daughter Martha, • pent Sunday with Mrs. R. Wraith • Mise 'lane :Watson is spending tt.few days with her , sister, ,Itrs.' W. Whytock..: Dorican ThomP'son re.6urned front the .• .west last wok, looking hale and hel.rty, •' Mr: and Mrs. Q. Hetherington. spent . Sunday evening at Albert Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. John Ronson visited at .J,snetlib liodgin'e. on Sunday evening'. • Mr, Arid Mrs: J. MacDotudd and.: • Alainaf visited at It. 'Wraith's on Tues:••,, day ev.ening. ,• ,• . MOter Jininie Wraith hat teterned • tome to •Luoknow,, after spending el* ' 'weeks With his grand parents, .• nitinber of the sports of the l'Oth, vitt, 1in1ose, attended•the Anniversary Sservices at Purple Grove oil Siuta.y. Pied. ThotriSQO been, eholVing • gratnand cutting straW in this neigh- • • bothood this past few davs-,assisted by Earl Hodgins as Engineer, Laurier (tate for last week) • A number attended Mrs, IL GMez. Re,nzie's sale in Lothian, ' (MI. and Mit.' X 0 McICenzte, and Alargaret•spent Sunday in laieknow. Mrs, Charles:Boyd Vialted Ilts Neil Me one afternoon this 'week. The Johiton t Wiley threshing i5trifit is busy clitting atow. arid arled, ing:as , . toriald Mc:Kenzie, of•gratium; is visiting his brother, K. J. mtKontio D. NteKerale; eceonipanied the reinains of his cousina Campbell, home, , Til((• L. 9440 )ititl, 141# OMAN( All , organized a skating. clubwith 'Tom Keiniann as President; Armar McMur- chie, secretary :-Roy 1 cl<enzie, treasurer; 'Neil:J. McKenzie, Kea, McLennan and Dan McLean as general committee: The chill will receive tenders fcr the 'car - taking of the rink till. Satnrclay evening, Dric. 5, ; SCHOOL CONCERT „A Patriotic and ChristmaeSchoed .Concert under tite direction • of Miss Maiy Ifil-c-kett Will be given • in diferry GroVer, School house S. :No..9, Mafolting, 'Dec; 18. • A good :pi•ograni • cOnsieting of ,. tableau*, solds, dialogues and re- , ..itatirms mill be rendered. Ad- • iiiission, adhlts . 2 cents and. • children itreent:s:' The preceedi . in aid of the pafriotidluncl. 'Nine one and: 'all:: fOrget the - date; Friday, Dee. 18t1ii • zie aucti'on. sale lasb'TtiesdaY. ,LAlbert Johnstdit spent it few day "et' William McCarthy's l'aSt • week liplike tureips. Albert is sure •to "turn up", 6W1eaand Where services are required. Kingsbridge is practidally d.efanceless • new, as the;liepartmeift ot Militiit hail, ordered' in the. f teen. rifles belonging to • the Kingsbridge Rifle Assoeiatiou. There are til, nowever, a few: shotguns left D'ori'zvEurrixtrrYE1i:OtstuvAztoxs: •Jini is negotiating with -Hackett for the purchase of. that' telebrated ‘. Wild geese and .would-be-iiiVadera be •-• re: • .• lintiiors• are (input that a • . . , , •'be' voted on in the.near future tp decide • on the granting of a charter -to -the- pro- : pi ietor of the • billiard parterki for the ina'hulacture orange and lemonade. •NliSs SO a Dean, .otM69t.nclaAYU:tte7:: Sundayed here. • •• ; Gus: McCarthy enent the -week end visiting t Jim' Garvey's. • • Lawitence Walhice and Janes Sennie Merle bushiess trips toGoderieh last week.• . Neil MAUI% perultrY dealer,: has bought tiPit good dealof food iritine locality, • Wilbani MeCs rthy sold and delivered it horSe to ltohett ot ot Goderiehi • hot week, •, , ' The C'ulbettAnd Irwin by iirciss was - tit Work ii.:•jarries Garvey's tbe latter part of the Week • . '‘ ' . • .___3',ohn meveps, li. 3, Blake ,ahrl SOhn Wk11•0,00 riltOhkblelf horat4 at ft goKeil. • Mafekitig • . -,..Moielay, Dee.7. llislitry °filbert spent the ,week, end at her home here ' jajlin• • .Strithers, tit Toronto, is visiting his 1111f:her:at present ' . • (bite h inln-lbor from this neighbo, hood, attended the Ho Social in Orange.Lo•dge irid4y even4ng. Rev. 0. AicKinfey, of tucknow, condnet thissionar.v.hriniversary ei:rviees on the, Ashtield Cirettit• next Sunday, Dec. 1.3th, , The,Pfork has again itcd our neigh,• boyhood, this tii,ne• leaving it baby girl it‘ the, home of Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Blak• e. Congratalationi, , . 6 • . • Mrs: Will Virriftilis at Ooimybro6ki at:preSent tkking :care of her •Mother, Mra. who fell' 1. i4 (MO -q5 01KNOWsia •'SCHOOL kEPORI'S S. NP. 4, Kmoss IV-•CectlCongrAm, Wesley M - . Jr. iV-teslie Harrie,. • Sr, III -Edna Elliott, Albert •Cera. 4r, TIP -Eddie Bradford; Earl Harris,' .Louisa Ridley, Robert McDonald. Sr, Orson. • jr,. II -•.-Howard Harris, Pearl ,Con - Johnston, E.aa' S.witzer, Fred Bailey.' • • • , Primary-73oe Elhott Gertrude Run NO.On roll .17; average attendance 16. ••. F. Rutledge, Teacher. • • • ' S. S. No, 12,`Asinrigr,pi • • Pupils were marked fOr general pro- fiericy,.:.'onelliet'and attendance. '• • • V-:-Elnier •Brachey. 75%; Violet • Me- ..l,entian,,.,79; Sam • Bradley, -60; • Hugh •MeNain„, 20 (absent .feh part of awns.) St. -1V ..-4.essie. Buckingham, 60; Den- . inn Blue, • 524', 'Marshall ' Bt941ey, Owen, 4 r• . • ;• JrJohn: Rossi Greta Gray, Mary ItOse,..• •.• • . . • Senior II -May Bradley,. :Florence Shiells, Isabel 'MODonald, Malcolm Mc- 146.nnaii. • - • • • • • . .„ • .- Pt. I .: Naln, Beasie Blue; Cliristena Pt I--1"oloydBobb,, lla•rcld Bell, Man jainiesere: ' LiTack,••'.‘1.011.,er..nan. . Reirper, Penner, WiijinROSs.. - '• • • •. on r( • .average :attendance 20. M. Mel) iatipio,.'Teacher, • •• ••• S. S. No. 12;• Huu0N. • ‘..„ • ••• •' Rebb., liliena.Criiling) JObri liteigk it:son, Itess.Olac!:,• •IV-LIGertride 'Breckenridge; Char- lotte 'McDonald, Gordon Fraser; Wareei Finlayson, . • - • ,• • •' " • (10i ling;• Rena Fraser', Mary Elo'dgkingen,..Maro.ret. Mackintesh,.,...toe •Ilodgkihon, )•Oh.ti7Leshoti; (RUssell',Arec-' kentidge Alice.liarri•ngton).•etinal; • • . Sr,. II -Olive.. •••'Itobb• II, -Orville Finlayecre.•, • .fr..Pt. 1I -.Flo., d. 'St •atbdee Fri cis fe. yew,. Nelson Hodk., insen...' , • Jr..1.-11.eliii.n Coiling, ',Jessie meTri- iosh„•Don •MeIver.." .• ..• 'Average' attendance for • the nionth was ' YL•S. M.,..A.ndreivz •XeaCher.• • .8..8. NO. .10, .A.s riFtELD• •. . • ;, •• The following 'report. based upon general proficiency and conduct Nantes are in 'Order' of Merit, • ' • " • ' Sr. .1VElitier 'Parrish, ',Sidney': Fees .gpse.p.. Lorne Farrish, ,Jean '8cott,,,.. Mar- jorie Johnston, Bert Jolidsten.. . • ' Ferghson, Bessie' Reed,,Frarik Reinhardt. • • Tritermediate Sherwood,' Mazic' Mullin, Arthur Ashford. . . jr. Johnston, Violet Dren- nan, Cecil . It -Albert Alton, Leonard •Oteugh-, • Pt. Parrish; Ambroee :Hagan • Senior Printer -Matthew Olotighlin, Tom. Fergiisr;.n. : •• • Jr. III -Francis Wigan. No. on roll, 22'; aver. attendance, 18. •31Argaret L Ritchie, Teacher, S. S. NO.'3,,ICI:Ntoss, Senior IV -Annie Hodgins (honors),' Violet Bell, •Claya Heedgins. • Seeior Ill -Irene Hanna (henors), Marion Hodgins, ' • , . Jiinior,III,-GladYs C�1yell (honors), 'Martha Hanna, Pearl Beylei,Grace Thompion, Oscar Hodgins, .Gladys Hod. gins, Nettie•Col*elf; Tena Ilawkshaw.' • Sr. I --Harry Hodgins, • Jr. L --.Kate Boyle, • George 'Colwell. • Prinier--Gordon- Staters, Bert Thorn - pion, Alice Hodgins,, Norine Hodgms. E S. Stanley, Teacher. • 8. S; No. r,ASIIFiELD. Fourth •classes were exaii ;mned n hs - tory, third, .classes in *geogra,phY. ,and. history and second classes in 'geography;' Sr. IV -Harry' Hackett, 34%.• . ' Ir. IV --Ada Helm, ci,7; Verna Stroud, 56; Willie Webeter,32, . Sr. III-LAivin Beaton, '57; Caiman •Reatcp, 55; Watson Webster, 54; Myrtle. Ritchie, 52; (Lizzie I:Ulm, Alfred And. riaw).48;;Freddie Ritehie, 40• Sr. II -Janie Riteliie, 69; Marehall. Gibson 57. .• ^ • . • It: IL -Willie •Stroucl, 50; Beverly Beaton, 42. IL,21fAsie' • Gertie Strond, Mar- garet Webster, • • ,. . Si'. Primer•-Ea.rl Gibson, avert Web- ster, Pearl lhieton. Junior Primer -Eye Gather, Melvin Webster, Coal Webster. No. en roll, 24; aver: attendance,. 23; 1\liity. Caltert, rretichr: 8. S. No:141.,_,.AsfirrEto ANI) Wnst . .WAw,...kx•osti " Jr. Hirnipl1rey,•11rize1 Altrin!, Hattie lCikon, Mary Cooke: ` Sr. ITI:-Perty: Agar, .-Marvin Reed, Irwin Agar, Pete e Campbell,Willie Al- to!), Dynes Campbell, Violet Twamlay, Alvin Bowlis, rfarry Irwin. • IT:-Hivitens., Philips; Thelma Reed,. ilfred • Hackett; Spence Irwin,. Chrissy Coelce, Alma Agar. : • Jr. It.. -Vera Philips; Myra McDon: aid. • • •• •• t.• Ir -Ai Campbell; Deily Gooke. IIititey.Alten, Clifford Hackett. Sr 1: -Winnie IrWin, Jr.• 1:,-Jetin McDonald, Wilheltnitia Agar. •• : • . "A”:-Johntle ' . .1 test Alton,• Percy Agar, Htiehena Philips i Vera, 'Philips, Annie 0 ain • Mitt Peril:land;Teaeliee, ,• S, R. No, 9,,,Asnilttai • The pupils we triatliCet '011 gernitat prognieney and sloreluct: The names Are in oi tier of merit, Sr 1V: • Beta. TwateleY, Irene Iferair. eTr. Leri• non O'Loughlin. •' TII-flarvey Anderson Cecil Johi • ston, George Glenn*. . • ; IIL-Lauretta litiettettt. T i I lie Hackett., •Sr, and 'Sr, IL -Mari -aline einstOill,- (Frank Moran and Fred. 0) ties, OliVO AtiletsOns George twanileY. • A -•141011.ity Shackleton, Ca - well 'Ott I e SitaCk let on* Pt, IT: -Norman/ 01.iottgitii, Intio Alton, Allan Fine. : day last week,: sustainingsevers ielttrie:e. Pt' •X: -Pal ''''..'6''' la' TI, Class:-- .i,,se-IMake, l'ilsie Andet,. '• Ie v 8...11ridget'to and the deleghtr son, Millicent ' a.kett, ' • ' • ' froni Ashficht Circuit who aften4ed tilt. Thos mark' ti with A a .(*) vi,pititbsprit MiSsiOnfiry Conventionbeld iit Wingliaii• Ire Ofie•er there r• 1,a in i n ations. ' ,. Month a0.0. gaite t.lpot tS of the con- Xo, on t011t gip, .a"verage atteridatoe, yostotcla$, ' .4ti g4Pkig4i ,104/14te • vention ihn .diftere• nt appcintitents • t•-• •. , • .• -41,64 TIMM HURON COUNTY NUYS Auburn is being .tned0 .4 centre from which, rural mail routes radiate. Route No. 2 was started last week with Joe, Irwin, of Anhurn, as courier. • The Aengagement •'4finellP0,(1 •Mr, Thos. Gear to Miss texie ilforton, •both. of East Wawanos4 the 'wedding to take plaee •the Lpiddig, of Decembbr. • Fred,Hinckly, who, ,for the past •year, has been in charge:of the Wing, him Citizen's Band, has gene to Prieee Albert, Sask., where he takes the pos- ition of bandmaster. W. R. Veale, who,' for the past Ser•• en years, has owned the' Seaforth News, has Sold out the paper and businese.to a Croft, until recently' proprietor of the'Ailsa Craig Banner. The e,hange took place Dec. let. • •. •A Howe .Guard has been form'ecl at Godeiiich. On the evening of organ= ization:.there was Nob a rush frit en- listinent that many did not get an .oppertunity to: ' sign . the roll. :The Heine Guard bas no onneetion. With the Militia bepa,rtinent, ' '•.The tell Telephone central and the eenti.al of the. Brussele; Grey and Morris sySteirr isbeing arnalgarnated. When the rural systein Was esitabliehed arrangements ,With the Belt company • 1 rogt 3 •••.,ett • -410.7wf.b**1001,:,40,71010,04,co Pia' *IMO the Picking is Good. TFIE RE IS nothiag more practical, serisibre and useful than 07 pair, of Shoes or 'Slippers, and• Yule -tide gift of this kind would be appreciaited by ...fwery m an ;.woinan And child or near,- LticknoVv. • Begin now to buy for Q. hristmas, our stack ••is well . assorted with Ladies'. and.••Men'S Pine Shoes in :the popular.qityleS•anclAeathers, and the • values were ver better considering theadvance price iri .fine lo titer. . • . . „ e have klarge assortment of ' Slippers to pick fr for.' rrieri, ladies and children The prices :range fror.02,35, tents. up td.•$f:09. RubbStock corriPlete in all l•ines. - .• ., j. JOYNT LUCKNOIAio,ONT. A Square Shoe Deal for Everybody. 'could not be made, but It hes ,• now nkeip.soomiew„wornogookepaave64/6 wid„,esememegebekeepilLemakerieowleetiflo twined out to the rnutnal ad vantage of both to et) opdate. • An Outbreak Of measles at Goderieh his assumed such pr'cportions that the M 0. has •seen fit. to, issue an address. • to the ,pubiic requestb g, that all take `the necessary Steps to establish An • cef-.1 lectilie 9uarantirie without canine in t effect the pcwer • of the Board .'of 1-1alth to establis.b .a -rigid quarahtine."1‘ • Coiv 14AS WOODE)'..0i;O:Lf4reine titne. ago a valuable Holstein . heifer, ninel .1 • • W o.r.qeltr : of Go.,:erich, had one of its Ilia'l,. legs: fraetured• by a' rifle ball': fired by some :carele5.s person and .the Wound was so bad that Kr. WOrsell wishing to save the,anikal, hadtha lower part of 'the leg i•enao,ved. He then *lade wooden: leg with , leather' theicet and straps; which; after,' the *mind' 'healed, he. .Strapped ao,arid the. animal:has Worn • it ever 'since with ..comfort: and getS, around With apparent ease. • This has c-ertairily proved more satiSfaeinty Hien, • killing the Animal when injured, •, • Whitech:tiivh ;. . - Dec. 1. -The annual Christmas entertainment in connection with . he • Presbyterian Sabbath School here will be held on,. Wednesday evening, December .23rd. splendid program in connection with the seine is being prepared by the' children and'the Christmas tree will be. no less an interesting feature. . THE INsTrilirt for this portion Of the Presbytery of Ma'etlana; which is a part of the Dominion Wide Campaign in the interestseof•Sanday School:. a.nd Veung PeoPle's. Work • in' connection with the, Presbyterian church will be held in the PreabYterian chipth,: Whitechurch, Friday afternoon arid evening, Dec. 11. A•mplenclid program has ben arranged, inclnding addresses by Rev, II. Dicke% of Chatham, and Mr: Harold A. Waite, of Tomtit*, Field Sec. C. E. Union of Ontario, as well as olii)ortunt, ties for discussion along the lines' of work referred to. The Chairman of the Institute is Rev. J. S: Dtincan; B. D.; of LucknoW: • It' is exPected that every Presbyterian church will haire present the minister, the S. S. Superintendent', and rePresentatives front the S ssion, S S. Teachers and the young people. This. 'clistriet includes. Whitechurch, tangeiele, Lucknow, South KfnlOss,,Teeswater, St. Helen,' East Ashfield, Belgrave, Calvin. 'Pert Albert and Dungannon. Do ri:)i forget the nate, Dec 1ith at 2.30and 7.30 p. rn. All delegates will be eEters, tained and Whitechurch' extends it very hearty•itivitation to all. COUNCIL MINUTES. . • West 'Wevanosh, Naii 16th., 1914 • Regular meeting of Cefincil • held oii above date as per adjournment. Men:- bera tIl present,, Reeve Miirrii,y presiding: Mintites of litAtineetingread and passed on motion by Counc•Plors Mallotigh aid' Naylor. Pinancial 'statement read , •by Treasurer, showing $838 33" en hand ; This .report,:filed on motion by Purd.ta and Mallough. -Communication read by Trelistrer from Seeretary of the •Canadian Veee Library for the 131ind; askine for help in -earryilig ou the work Of batering 'thy lives' of those afflicted with blindries. Motmn by, Johnston mid N'aylor tkt $5.00 be granted. Chrried. •' • Committee. aPpointed at forreer meet- ing to egainine Dickie'e' Hill re Mr.. Thorns' coniplaint„ were unable to repQrt at this' date, Clerk red Solicitor'q letter re' Young' Drain, also' copy Of lett ors sent to Messrs. Proudfoot, of Goderich, and. Vansteme, of Winghani. •, • 'Resolved that no aetion -be taken in Voting Drain matter, iin,til ftot judge- ment has been received trent His Honor Judge. Doyle in Hamilton's. appefil. Accounts amhuntin:, k?4,t0. ‘ver6 passed and paid .on theltion )1/ .11.allongh • Connell adjourned, fo meet as per sta- tute, Dec,15th , 1914, at 19:o'clock, . W. A Wiledn, Clerk •S, ,to. 4, Astmy.r.U:A:".o Itiltmtc VL,•-MargareOletennan,..• history 87 • arithmetic, 89, algebra 80.. • :„ • i• IV --•-•Margaret, McLeod, 4'1 ; Mary VittLysen, 413:1; .1,011n •MoLeod., 4:104 lan Melt 'te.;43O JOSSie MoDonald, 321, - Donakteaterribell. ' • 1 in III -t.-,Tean 1inlayaon, i• ; ritTr MotIonald,. 400; .tfelen 3431' buticart MeRae, ..332 *Wal ter neXter, 41% !r. II -Malcolm Fielaysee, 375::•Ale*. ander Mot eneen, 324, Seitior Pr. II-Selina•MeDoieddl t06, Dextet, 34, • • • • . Pt. I-Dcinahl 'Finleyson, John. gob. ertsoN Mary B. MCDonald.:- Deail 14, M014004;40.1iot , . . Winter is almost here, but we are here to meet it with a One of I .• Snow -and Stable Shovels from 25C. • .up .to. $1..00, • s and Gloves very complete line of Men's Heavy Lined Mitts from 65 cents up to $1.50 •-• GAME TRAPS: Double Spring ,and Juin Traps from 20c: to 65c.. A Complete -ling. of AutomobileSkates, Hockey Sticks. Shin:Pads, and Pucks. -DOWSE PH BUSY thflDWAfl STORE • , r Bargain' s in Millinery •to clear. before Season • closes. FUR.„. 'SEASOX $1 •• •Tbe, Season fbr Furs..a.:rid.•Fur Coats • has come • ald-we find we have too _I'. • many on hand. , '.•To make..44,tiick: , sales we,' Will gilie big 'discounts, 0 for ,ca.Sh, • All s;Fin :.P:urs to 20 per off: Ladies' Fur•-.1inett 'Coats 76 p4r... • ' t.ent, off • Fur.lined Coats at '.20 per. • cent. off. •,..• Men's 0,vereoats r:O cwr cent.. off. - Ladies' ,Cloth (Jogs to to 20, per , •c(mt. uff• •• • : • •Meri's.and Lades' Sweater' Coats •• .0 p'et cent off, ' f3roca1ed. Velvets; regular Sivoo 'for 80.ents. • • WILLIAM CONNELL take tuttrer. and Eggs dolmiimminilimmisieamoim.evanieuwet s! -,r•aknaSmnmligrrlaesiammmo..amga.....• oadir If Sopoy Flour will 'makea much bread • , asany Fl.tiur and It will j. Stpoy Flour makes a pre .atid nourki-d-ricr bread as any other itout•and It does - '1"Scpby 1.71ou AP 44 ,reasonalAn'jilprice, as any o her lbur; 'and • • It is (allows that, IA Quality hnd Quantity; Sepoy Flout has tnoneY.v.altie equal to any other flour artd. Ithas spriy•IPloiat $SA6 thtviock $3.50 MAde Pt $2.90 'Treleaven' Eil'oS, 'Ltt61<nbw1.. 6, '