The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-11-26, Page 3VIII Ii �TilltV,Itl i., VI'l., _ ". . , - -PI " 114 �; �_, I'. � '� 1�" Ia , �.. I. p. , I
i AIT -y 4, W
V1,11"IR V, ]IN'T A.
N F;
v, W
_7 M, 7;;
"Od 0 1". 'A"w'd-p4b,%, xh, WWW1411 "I,
j X61,
*pAvre, xxiro I P
Is "DIA K"
-0 t
n 41 *,f?orJj#j7fjp,,
Av -pit- o
Foot Th -rho, btfilk"",
1;,bf 11,40tse" I ftig@ fto� it
, 004gei Zw
slPh iR
" - x Ap
'd C T10,1t; xx Of"i AW
Ii of r oimi AW.,
at- ve 7 ars, q
11, 40,11y, 4,
TV t5 1, _XI
0". _ # _ qn .11,
41; PI
awt g
W mp lvt
n " a K_ Win A;**Oag�
i"Ph"i v lit �e jee k -
4s ).AV
W111i , `,� p.r
A "W1 . ., 6mext* oW .<I*
t;40 10. A -IR
tu jj� are �!R! I�
NO, Now
-9 xv, e, I
t.blm 1 1, 1: ,
"liects, not' 6�,�y 'y"OL'Al _#j y atb�w,
1wv'.p -e
x I ", AA "Pr 944M
w -ii
1V4 ao
as well.
ji, Ill eviII IV ie -b, 4 -h
T� -_ 4 p rol I
mad .41 010 1 ri ve
e th
lif st v
4Qd 4 -d i's 3AA) t" 100- anti s�vw-," ,i sitoi ,,, - .1
h p_t th 6 All' 14116 't
gi e se e4; *e
, d;e
the this bowets. 1
of t
_e qla,�eh, and 'Unlike c;lk
of e ltervioa.- li W, i Sins' Fillk, Ago o f Sit, -Charl h gto, qj their fit jmQ:- A Wnpiq'erf, 1 404*011 pr
nst,on, 1 0
J4 b o u r, fox, rat sp!
a Of, otioq -is )AI 'rq
VQ� 'be w�*,kieq 4b nht.� hai 5�800 w0i
Pil ou�rq 4he, litji-st OU we I I A*mo.44 yI b . .14 pr lI
PWY, 0% IsAxOthe""" W0I
shipping fir qe 7
gate ping a 4 tib a c _it le lb I �d
e ; �4
y 11 to ta:k Concer, th-ettl 14 li
St. itu becapsp a. ''bin4i6n, for' t, e powiition, On 04wfix., tai `b"t§ i -s at,n� 1P
Canad- Mo.r H s jiler, Ont..,, t�trary the intath
tU4, liyrnake fli-i xielh re -c ;"L.Cj1o4.-7ftr J .Q
.,t blo Uji
od,th, od #.xid, r
� , , = .,a. . 1, 1 i. I. a*jarm. laborers
Toe, ry � ly Avviop".. Bailey 9, Afebipri Y,
we says y a y -was. greatly t Of m -eLjrn Warfa"..
M' b roll tits nj�
Aa,ns u I - rs
bl�d with iatjon and'colic till 144-1.
metropolis Of t�,ih vigorous littlo -,M If0pply of lintiment, 1ferv,41140, 14-4, 1 h- IV
all, It 'de rqy e y
s t medical
h bO "ID.up- �
�;Jjatttered iiari Thi,is e" Ellipir _4,lff ain.',quite as bl.�,f of yeara
An., liv
d in hy Ii fr co�nfiy and'ibe 'ImiKirta-ali
'pro I b g- her Baby's Own.Tab,
ve adreds - of qgigm glviv as the',vii-Q'I"i big,mgn., f6r-ove N I
'TrV.111, All Y.
Uxely -he
n 'I
Ig i - Al -L., rxRje,:tWV',
t1ie The Tablets '.Out, by- if 4
L er.-
This is. PQ fiL'o 'yej burns. W, e
�ong t, em. t ai MLrs,. �.!T. lets, _iji t JI.e
:oh ri _$ed
pai -Dominion is playiii
011t;, w.hp besi -rem-edy wa, 4r,
for lift e We
,VIE _f- in e
&'year -a 00 out' d --it -411- _51' ',Ate t it wiry'
ca n 'Xmpe-riai '. bvement: ill, pi I ' iiIIh
Lo 'd' 11 ko ow of yg__ _,Ir
vt .41 back� bid, k1ii14-reti,
41,10i'ling backj, Q
a -go I foui bWn �hFd o ffi e Latter' deel ha. i
_ti --si -11: 1 _1 u -,ftv to- �5 Vts u datNIL
�_n -V<j Ai or, U f4";4*'P`
is, Ostia, e Ill -4,jl; them if you, have lots o evvilitte,
ecolitAlig-ved It -"lie- T b n
" , f '* ' � 'L lb
Xes or '�o:dtiO thav, �'_ L
-a -it it - n Lf I L ,�. , .,, i e 'thache or W' V#WPW CQ
tlQ.jil 0, ould. 'use., no thej iA',edi<_A'e ixt Th h' "'top" ,
Minie� Cham riad ei�, the f 41ip 4C 10
.R -t -4-tobt --yn itch afte br e forri F
-1. ,
f ij pg L i l
handy r
Uld: -i 1I #ar4c,
0.14, "; etid,u're' cramps I d6ritL
'h p 'oe
as I tholagilit, the- troulrle'- 'Sir bahy.'t' Tblp. ,`TaWeiI a:re s . .. r,'Jias -1i fe'd
fill the po'st! 10%1 '' ld FLrenob."etoir
so die,r,, is -the one, w o can think,tanything edu d
J t great di;stin6� diie he4 . :, -1 1 L , " ' . L " , I - , QU y on smLL
ir T
dUa' in e at bad weather, brorltI sleep,iri 0% ri�brel�qulckly, - Fdr.a,genef*41 0.-
aii W"T TO'BU,
of .,the Soi o omen. FrutL Far -
or Der*
wa'r, 411 f imirer I) deab�ii by m. . i
Of' Lb:rd Mav,Qr w �lii; prersideint' ty r IN
a aw
den ad
myself, Ing,
.4 e, r -1, -.can
adfast believer In, Med jl� Col.,� 0 't P0lLb,0rns:..�1§L;_ T
spele -,votfan _qn-a e�aW
ray se BroAkViilie and,use 418 't,.'jng.' Into valtiap,1q:L�.nd spee y to
ghj, nto.
foir gioph faun Th P W1,11- "hes,: and U-9 ir6und-pain iiemetly 'nS
p ntied, cents,, ox rqm, e long ma�riq
;j�jy"*ro wor [a and 4te *cix r
) t'ake, cover
the lbiAinst
�'it� fut e'qi4y."be'
bas W barn t.. Tor6'atc.
I �` vin
itre, 1:Ti ss Kle-itenoir -S. Ke I I v
Aria an,, _Neap. , . - , _P I_ - 1.
��14 , 4iew 0 1- -T.-L
t4__. 1-4 .
e --,when ai I S --t h -IS --potitited ou 4he:' 'been lio ,d,, with,t e Oritish R�)
-me - '.4
I -Q, tj an& tr6fy this old- Y NEWspTilins F
YL is ?4elivit'jiI. f f
Ai G or' 0"
betWben Crap 'on, xts we ghs, Oop TO
`:T k G'L
11 a , - 40, _4,) , 1, __i __I
r_o - - _ Ii , ed Cr6i
g tells hoNy reliable
Pss, �",Ps �Ohle re'med le
oi I ans ona... J al R iN
in walking oi doing any- work. an watin in 4 sahaller sp�Ii �_ OjL -�jr I I bX IN
L I , jEr:,fi , een -it Itbusqi Wo`pdr -in Wo,men ii�tik�'ged. in tb#, co. 'Yefik County.- Stati nery 13 4.
-1 . I " -P
itil, & a a.. Scarcely La home.. allada ho' I fid sugaij I confeetic
in4l uesi� -at we to C
. 1 i . is xiemI c �Bxisinej ln'cduuft�t�on. Price
-h na III to 1. 4,'0'0 U
-b w a You 1clin fliid withou
:4yed -an.
F ly f; e. tro�ble, ftffec�tLetd ve, p, f d; co, a, ner, Te beral. Wiloicia
Ker -hi self etter i �i Nery i16. F, , , j
piee-v --and it w W� many 'of Wholit of Ed Uslfflat. in _,yery -lq-r ie� -oi 74 Wei Adi�j a t# treit, Torotl�o,
-'s 'ij&' dj&'tilify 'j kpd.. can' she]
t se; woxk_in_Gr-Qai 46ati wn"
made rayi 1ah., par Ili .6btaihing tho
ii-xidersi -'bt p,oi , &n�--&--big-.mkn -1n 9hor, -conim-unity-, ha�s ktl higL eX4mi Of', 2
0 a. Week." L
twou- Cur.a t1ye -properties �' f ISCIELLANEOUS,
he-' -foans *1iiph--t- e -Doir -n -,as -4 f - am y �o hx wet i: theL Rus'slani the''hairdy littIp' Man Should mak M
Upy`kofi�1gsb6kg, -thby the wonderful a �ev I,< have in their head. Tit'—
the' ishottild.clec, Nervillne w ure jI And eqUe I
e been SO'8jICCe'S8fUl in floafiLtig, hich wl-11' c LUMPS.' F,
W but was no P quitie IlI go4i modern' s er. as nt�],.V j_ha4 men ibe- ti 'To
t being hel'Pe ell. leas,fr U
nts q.rn
dea,l a. heavy Ow at - russian th aches. anywheTe'.in the i6i
Lo itdo n' rnarket. bi, PPYP4 �yj t
orvwajjf�d 'me to go W ig man
s 1701 T. eles.
C1 it til -1 -ii fi'T-iii-d safe fdr youili an& old heavy, cayerings. I'':
pie s I _r lat6
For it W., - liere that Int"31:-I'dilf-bome, rea.i.e.b.t. W r k
in W; gkai thej- .,ax _,.no�fl,: accitst,�M
as r _::=l %
fh&'Tio�pitatj TO tua. 1I too D.r. B611man Med; �L
-ftieid,� CojjihgW.oQ4:..:0nit;
et: De, Lim
jipq W Itp 'd 'SLineie lvaiI I CO3
do, hLere t at W'il F to Us,
t the' large 5.0c� -ii site 11rages.),of uItamen opera, ives
�S 6t . ;I Ini. t, b
I id e-A*L ;,-and i t-_�A c les, have olia# red
n a�c at r ge
age h. "_�_The 'Kpo %I ti on 10r- whieh Sir kin�g of� Pli 'and
h ear b6ttle; it's the inlosit econ.timica sqlk mflil,� --of Chii a R"
3in 1C. so c C4 - idites - liIN74- Lii after "id Getriman, for.
at, I d"idei tr.,i . ick the Gre at iinited' far ind n.
t, en' 10 t w -a - th6 fir s lI ne. -A
Ilia. Kili By -the time,
a.111 S for Pik -me It. &
Charles ha be em . s , er ink. Th e. Grerladi all: trjal� size" 2.6 a any des, I jer'SL g point I as b cef v
ep i�
I liad asi6c' four 'box'e*,s f felt muell- back 10 the portre-evoships of NbLt- peror, via 6 4 wne'd k Guard and- wh-efi� he fbfind a ]ISdit", aiiyAvb ere,
grain exporting city
g r.e at 6ixiy�-fivie
man, tin'les The. Aritditions thaW has jJejUla."Iy� , 'impbsiiog� .-fe JILIi
ew� -
d._ id,- h6sitdttte 'to,
_f"i It.ajjd.�jj" a.n,, ran,cisco is. b - h.K. ve, a il
not, it is ja ki(friap
,blet,teri anc 4n a,slioi tim e lallger I ___'bjf ' L I I he, d -W,
er s.
rjeigbhoLr,s look upon_�, m y -c hi m
)n�s laid,iii -the i-hir
foundiatic --'
t F 4
uIre.,as 'allee p1sees the t
in. a, sin. .12,1�pde mlifiage.4-,ta,
o me n. It, is t-b''ba-VILD
'by 'h��
-t�v -6ptuix -,t Kni iv
ii--th-v 04+0t- ;;7
i te 'Wionde�jrkijl _Ilk y r
-tho, utoi r er wh'e6U,il-f th'e
e -n -ti
it �ani . &I-1-a-l-w-ays b�e.,grq 0 ii out. ihe� R 1 -1 0 d 'Demperatic �ptti
Jlii -F'.h t "fix wheiti, �.tlle 111.,e jhter_e.sits-,�')f the
P t
abdund- the heiigh�, -requIrpmen, is
ock Ouse., drid.-atei
fo r what Dr:Wi-1liar'fts!_P.inJC ill's qi a. exi e one, dt, :Britain r: ii and Miss Xisiry fa.irli wl,ll,
'P be.
igate, au,4 J..QhnApin' is a�4 "'%' jb'i I, but in 'Gre
e dukets rp,ssia. A6 nanaging e ito r
I rhe fathQT-`6r C&i Th 'ioLn to iti arni� of tin the:r
d id for me.'!, -i known. Sir
loved ifie cAy,'and theldo ioval staLe-
These alL cine'al- Qih let 'was*,' 'I size fie' b r So ''a�s: to piievii�iib' their Ieto
PiIW,arb Ei by I d rl�en, involves �t .4jalii
d '�th hh lb ri 4nc d L a ry'
r by Uri All A 1,#
ax, a s npowner of Livtw� in a; pitlace t IiII O!f PlIng
e, tlie , : of
v I ne (1, fradi-i-ioni 0, 1, igib le gi It its -Ne
PPO peani Ifis wieqtific ihsfitti�Lio�,sl
o r �aj X II fam i ly - b -yef] no.--unatitipoi its univer
n si a� ax pla oil
ce es re many. sity c, 0
romoved after',they re.itdpe,,
if r, lope
-ttre-to-filinh on T-IT9W ly Sic, e' Uthe'
-r e,
AG The Dr. -Williams' intkining and
V&U i-hJi 'woT&ii
MiAl Ve a, W_
if� . . �, " . . I . . : - ojovllpa, 'i
tile 'WIww of Kbnigsberg is- almo-I
U RIC Uty vt�tr
7 la,nd:icapse. gardeiier. Aleiti
-At- - - -5
0 tinsivieL Ladt E#4� t, j
C hari became an, �Jrt&ll ar in shai
Wit it� I
10 m, m
.,:, L i� c'- ,: cial re all gte:rs,.�
-alder�nan of -hice § i . :;-
A16 iigati6 - ai.ti4 . ia�, 19,1 . moi defe 4�,txeept: t' 114
:tiaxior eii�bratoi aph
Tl�oj -0gy.
C Irlsil .. - r. . I ' �IALL
Was, Reistored-,� d; H
as. mad afiiord n bough. The
he 1 ik e. a, Anxi6ti� Falln'..
Sheii - 'wi - ere $wall][
e 'W ws tout; ie-A.ft; 4h.
00 Sel"geatit Hud. to (;ij'.e Uro' (I It e; A
'Rol isgits-C. of London'.� G; defe
n I 9LI'l
ground T
'a 1_1.__11___. ".:, Mrs. ' I - 11, ,
k I -isy -_ . �. i t lirlo --e Ht:Tit. of. G:iti
night nd: I ways fql1,o-;we& Opt Had Gon
Ile ;rhai al
NB Dec. 15 th-.-A o e, (JAIIn
the minor. horrors mbut- o onia I --and- -n, I it, no St. Zoi k bli A
0 W bi )
w A�_k L the: ',6f: C
babOeffeldI., jbe�, lightI -ow- for"Ithe hea-iI,y e ies
stfie�itl-' -;t0O Hom., 6'R�m di
oe not est
91.L 'W,111te S1 -to,
umb - - - - - - - - - -
bv tb eared t At,Mrs. K G rea-i li embossO -
-6ri The Qov frwae;,'i�s bi-idg0ei raIrSed. to - let,--th 6 AtmeJt��V in
a4ff irs"wrtitili lk-ei int �:s f ma;n: able to
4;M r 0.
q: Elig '66 : ,
4i :e- of, Lond, f illi.,lls proceed up"the. Preg6l-, wfileil, It..., W OUld sitf�9
-serkiepitnti val h typle e
hich he' is, now; head' is 'jj4I_
Sr e re _e deadli -lIavvk.e"f advatfliced - '--k-I'd
and Scroi ba; ].on W; C., of. 4ift 'town a,
f 'we
9. Lllllt� LLIti
n h KULL,�Lt!
W :'m,erable u�(
'mo W h as . 89 yea
4thod h
L d .
t K the family ine.
b] i th e:1y--ebqytkb—,rva- 1-1fifti - lio, for che and, kidney tro t5r y p4rs.
d- of
jarm �s; is �th fo U.- I e:
ea n t al xnan Y' r
hoIjrSeS 'it'j. '-o
'go., or Sr'X"
0 th ir iig
ut at du V, wing'. L,
1 S, ':but, no*- a.�q`eW joj,t 0 'I'Tohlixiy: the - -r so h t Wigs. m6sf, c:iIo-.Qe.d a years t, A ffiodic
4111'aste'. ie, qua,in I h, 'been -prestailt. I I _x_- C
gii4 6ting lyack quays , W161,
is ft'have'im oxi," pain has
foi exampte of' eited thyself it wa8L e
imber(w, iiare terribly en:si e
fiunt 6f.y eat%.' 'gablrod and," hal fi-ti
'CLb 4 ne. -, 'the -ON THFIFA 64M
aristocrattitQ nai 'the
46 it se s If , I _ C', 'eold"'the pain. was hien-I'
t 'i -i dur4ble. F used MoSt.L6V 'iyt
drill -sergeatilt
co him IV oil t6 t e quaiyis an eoi;xipef.- and: �orns. beiln 10 96, t Ob
S, lief L that'', 9. Rotiltance beati anti . f hilildrik be . ti, p
qlrilondle� doti n 4GU xt�l iiIi6il- ! �L., � '* " ''L I ,
In , : (I _.� 6,11d. al Ing qa 6jr.
'a, r _0 his'pors"wh-en pr-onoutuee�d,. ll'dy . , ,
'wa a IIII -b6 ii6thiL g,:gave thai'ce'ii
" Lo'llaon.' h d
Ole , i , I . -k-418OWS NkW C.Hit";
-WAS 'stal 'a `16W - Hamilton's'' i * ' ' '" i0d
in, w,jl.1d . -., .-it takes. out rootso -
ance under' the Romans *and e:: from D dernaik..
AsL g fof custiom. with th. qaIn 'Geneial.'Erj�hr 'vi Falkenhey. so irure iilrld .
C&ljjLng'the roll 'for i famed f�r iiis 'vast eo"riffur, 'of tr''d' 1 s 'of,'Maudrake and Butternut., Ia- brmn6 all -tow.,
A. T -he se d' it:s ' I [I t
'j, Ja.S.�rfl SMOC� I P
n ev, - � spot,,, a n 0 . I
'ee�jjI jV' f th s rong, oy
_,fi 't .-tip I'Patnam'i 5
- 0 ay'. t 'enj splandilld' uri nvaluable in it , cl
OA '. I . , ... 'h ''a,
omm-exi L Sp' CeR f.S, Iliilit, -of being. otve down Wit., pisjti, as, Chjet.,, the �Q C
ad I
serge 6ek of bpi h4s. suebe�de4. G;meral xo' n'
:jb_, b d
pany 'b Want s te -9 Pul.namiis orn. aiid! Wart Ri-
r5 and' Its abifn rma�u pg',nic-a a Ps n.
rst me t b , , L a I a, to-.& at Wrr
1) at - e 'lie ses,:Cb.n�sia;,ntjy.,Wed ati S.6,
_-ta : I. . . petit :jy`jL Ija Vrop d I
. 1 4 at), -ei 91,eep� sound W er-
ns, V, . tl I _1�1' ' . eirs. !riurse Cut"'.111,
ex; -s r :n -
in it"ji �C i 13.sV L ties, have: been instil ed into, my b166d
'between 4,he, -bid. malie up 111
L From e kam
t,��iible- i6ipe,rieineei recently �,h,iisitis4 .6 .r� fbr burns
119 - jj "i . r 'd' f or) I g�s It.& e Y..
I ljg p6S, ',a JeWr I saa I It rece b bite' dic. - Ab o t N'
d ln-� ge r. -',%L _.Impres�iioi�, o� K ol0r,.: a,;i!d lj,� L My' di-fi4ni S,
ed suepeqsfuly of _cheeks are rosy. .*Itli� t g4o6in ji--iheAlbtt�-Kt s
-it" ^ .'n,o f,so grand
ed. in Within: J..093' "ytta-rds q 1, 1 h, -e f, b if tha' t
e st -1
ffirpers,' -tc h l have' �64ux' p e aflid s�f
thank th.�F.t�da;y t F heardo eiri wi
tbei it t cie'llog alli
reset ljj)LtI Are per tb' be bUitt, tnedieineI as Dr.: HaWlttln's pi,119
14 is- Ever wbm4 I --Waselhi-&- -is
lime � Igo�jj�g es
plie�*6xi - �h e w
Ii�J 4Ie"lis.i et F -1 or e.
tarne to' the':, nj lian featiirie� p mitted a ilig tke 111011.
0 tit rip
Priv ate imont�tig'. 9ho I lie re,�I_ -.and jo�' a sei . cond, zone 0 d should use li 9
i e dit y�. I h Saxop imes itwAs equa
r take a . I, it, to <
Eel, fi� I . i'Z., I lijeca 11obb tooki If 'f In 4
-an,& -t-am-ce use goad . heaLth pays-,, To thei win . -'honII6 fidner� whe
9± . _p -_n llfv -ilt*,lifi red ousiiM f' ire' d arid' &rteraf 46r�s jver�,
-7Thei was no: rep ut W hen 'its burgLesses.mai e, y ful". S:ie. I
r in h ar .113 vigorous bealth.' t bat: wife Aidii't-expeet 43' Wfie -e, or
thei N e a �i ly de morl i she an 00. # I '. . . . .. I r
V on. day.
b B L:, tl� to - al -HA iltons %
hea 41 of Ina WW use, Dr. in %�Vilf be,, -sent, direct -oriti teo'
the y., be;. 6 r ei ujteL
. I . " jjr� I r1lut PjI1lq minorviis ninten't- Cu
was, r4l!ipieated aii rt- depe4denc6, e 11 r -'A h i
qain6, n after 'tha- at. v., fjr� I You ask me to do soiI Ing im Coldsi &6i
r P, ` the I. tl,� . . . . I . . . Xdip� K�i,wTsbei�jrge of'! . . I . . :, `�f-lfoc,� . '.i, r . .
of Hastirngs. t..W ssible, -ans*e r Ce Pt
r5, "Onk pp bbi -
pre iri.
from. re d Be !s
I sisi all sea . I , . .1 . . , Id a,
PIDT't, .who was=& great. st) b.r accur- f.. I were- I. st a
�Qu,! M i for - u r led;
rail r. to;iiii Lis Ri r 1
vil -the ofmaljroh� y g ��i -Te
iaw I 'ained A
ussiam -,pro-. _a
Of for, it eixiports mainly R 4 1
�ididrnit -�o U ar��s:v��'a r o re I " �,ity by. m6aiis of is a I r. rn mo..,
..00'sgession thtei Y. W ind. ti.on't a woaWn't 1:Ae any nbtic6. 1be booklet. %�,hicib di�sqribzs tb
fl' - tous,
Bit Nasdine" p�elnr--.
�,ianaed '-I'Bi duce,..'a'nd impoft's clii�,M hpirriri'o
eci. �Ii4.tr6afy with4hem, 'and a,'boit eight I yo ii c a n no t, s -e e, I t. I t - is 'I WN, i s ib I e ibe's, angr,�i. ave Var
3S *n.Aa;-gu,6, '_yeNxrsjftV,-r he gir.Lan
I'. t1ii. -a otiee_ e
nly P gland- r - imillssliffn consumpr Bat-, p p�
ai ted. a obarte from En Sh
d tt;o vake .- it, e n. 'a
� 1. e iij ott A ha i A. h -iy us
flie - ad I tion. , It"is II'urioim now -to Tlij.'q..;Good,_-F4rt � e "WeIll iny atioilis'. nd eir t1lai
recruit. Wll 66tive4.. 1t is son
"I 1jear ',' v< ing a aut
'Well"," Whichn"i pr:ie *as -the i0flcess,Readi Lil
r that'in� 1904. Ko:n1!F.sbei : 1�.
...-sna-p0ed the -sergeant, dressed th Willigln� he Wsb6p, God. f d* m ta W b
t gi e x) con.spirge ,� 'I n r ot Wi ILIMMent-Cuirdis Garget in 6
vou"ll do' severi Ja�ii fitigei*,:'�r"' unlike, t, of" t;
h e L -Porfretive a6d I I the A n -aniusing j:eeouh
lie, cii-.
f -r 6y - t
n hat th . at in 84Via"L �vliieh 1�4 to'tthi �p 'es thkk'a._Uen�ed order,- xv- tc-.
ex im�5 .�-s, 'aI promise's i the' cumst�atvc the
lqa,� b u y -ri . I . ..
brought 110, �rqspidl e forp senit�grea,t witt -Clerma;itii
shall ber. "law wo r6hy 1. Cl d e s 11i qI a e th in.,* fori thi:; cii Sh
N I, I I - _1.119_. - 11--by-41il- haL F,. Is. (1, tile Wi hid, to mee -been hop
tile ' X, : U a
.0 P X, Z0_0-. Cz'a*r,of'lituss'ia:fi-dm.La..' Jewisb�
pira;�laqt. io hai4 1 A,,h I;You"
Jra I"
r ATP__gveis� ai"' rjie�v lv"eri
le. -p-ease
of' jQ*aid t1h ."Coi. so r. slaI, Tile -in,64iie C rime a Is gh�en id -.
the d..." yS e th 7
V. -V e� oun glil. ti, of� t, a td f i d- t.Q 4al", k
knew, thLen.,
-in t d"' `ia, 'The Czar— ixi "to weiII h
sebotid. call b light, the' 'd A 41L
A rol
",tr L tl�
Iles 'e't Yoil M.e, L, . . : . ,
bell ing to "a F -es, a nd..
PL '061 Tlfl�, of Itli fol
ponse a N "'i LA! ...
114 n rn4C) W,n g . -i I I I have f
i M fed 't.6L "'y ji,liii
S at -jete "but -did nQ
one -livi
e - pergesnit, ahnost 'ie6le ilolvevev �61YG H . f,1 FIG. :�C'0
'hi -.* ieed,' Mln:it&� -LinIment Co., L'Mrjtt": 14L na. 9 -
�o Ive -1V e r., e, c e i v. e d It oniy tiveinty4hre'e,
Or th in H'6 hoti Gen bavii, ' us6d' M1
thg-N main tifrle of bailiff which i 6 K' t- 'b NARD S
In".my Jam- "Mo_
I j$01 CH 41 F" E�i
j;lft)eei6ded.- b,ra-voly,. -i�iI . It� slncQ onigs erg 'paid bff, the I (Ge ... ? I... I., .
ia4t tiliii be colonel --oif tb-� -�rcgi.m'eht -0,1141AENT ion hiy �essel.atid.
to deibt, it 'i
U91 wa,� ahank'ed Mayor,- neutiIed wh6n, in' *,je -for,yeltrro, arid, for'.L t�jj O.Lii
day ihs
the a. Ullif4 ily "10
hbun 6 tited bb''
rgt ho d levy,
Drill tbaet fi� �4 ZDns-ld Eyello
-Jje�� name, be- l'80, Napbleo4n rp�de n,u
'heL litt' ift rdei underthe force -t ei-WIXITYLI -eaq!ual,
, iva:te Col.kow-bbun, h
I> �000,�060
ing H�nry Fitzal�yn,,,�r�ho'fi h -ag -tout
- __$ sfart-,,nn, -a,'� voy
yea tat -A - e�� I ".. - �r' I rj)tj�j and,.
, S 4 it..ff I Ii a d
_ear 1 .1 . , I. a ii. � ollar a bottle; gli.6 to 5111111
Ice or T
CAPT. II R. DUSJAn':R1* qu�ckljr6iievrdbyW0r1he'
n g. 900r-Afiletl t
-r--k Eyelleftiddy. N6 Sin
%ve 9�h r; r
fy6m U, $N��b6 4i T a s�il me to,b, a U to ", ou
robt: t ril
_to e A. witty IriAitij:ail, niw!Y
et y
S Me" 4, �a
t r e st� Ali �Xam
l -rink `1214, Whiek Ji.j.e �JaW thii towh
uo r gave, up, anA An in' Ole' r, 41 the -, gre
T indem 'F,*P-' Cbnifort.
our luftrist's 50C Pi
_P ri '' ".- f it �te4 soni4 b Ia n k e w i 1i -
*ffeuf Id r4o,m - it to him ej. Bettie, � r4orrind.E) a. in jl�OlI4� 0,
Jr�ra �npe ed.ttiat tile tioior be b gl'
vi 11, es�Sci -!sk' f�d
Wil e �ilj'g has ever sin. e bee taofie the de b pkallhetfiefim -a w ffidri W, ticke
t r 100I Eyi lieflI 004thic
�h, _ ', " . L r . . - I
- , 'r � I, . i . . 1 . I rug ii 'In wall�d 'Pat, and d.6maqld-
0i L ju��i' br ** es -A AW.,
early 'ti ped outsivide the Kwrichl-eqis door a
rp�ei,i -theiii
s completed he said n 0
Te an' ' Aii :66 ' *is irl'I pail
d It ;`I iii,
re rplitse w "-Tile
."'i �hu -�ften 'h e 14 t o'citi iL� 6 v-oiif'riamle 3viklked duf-aziii
9w ifthere are.,any than �Ion.ce. ihe househ-61d, which �.orjs'a�ted- -of voll want to -
'q 1!
ef -1" hi� W"I ol, Mill_
'Lin X g
ThOl Nay6r. _:V'T0lt S.. Ijj' a
mpre oi yoitNith fancy nAi i4sit �r 'and modier a4f i
1"S A c r.
oe� Tr, ...�L;.. is paid'filji- thoi-�',blahkets,�,�U got
r it t� '%4 %1 do;i.' I . . 1 4
61 " 0 1 . nyk-. o
qhW-drilLit, . .1 - - int
Had T sell -Of
A lamili,ax initai -is thdt
J%�reSp sI e
we 4� n v
pit W.OuLlffike to be catled.'�4 o laccatc, senti6aceit '.-to coti to saV"`,th'aVV.(Ai "mat r A. ed' tI 't. 11 it,, %N1 vI
h,ii Y oil: yok-: - d qa" --dre- - ,
thki've 'Lotd. Mi �'oi w4io. ha f- X W� i�e I I
my e lit, Is a IS
tj lift tre hig with' ''A 'Th or -t 4 v it' "6
and ai�k- �ol,
'andvrb� Q A e tea or, be fvightmie& Nou�ll 'know a ti -NAvell; th, IlI
t it, a -in -easy certaii!j,. "I t . ... . .
_nt s,
buiailoi;. --_____S_ —1 li;_ �;f"IS-1 � - I-
W, hit 46-d unq fioli W en �1*
ttaks, —110ws,
-Moi e ;A e f fill, a a I it t 4 , F-, 11 it%ts
insist ll�b t bi of 1hr4--l-ivihg Illf"Il
-vt edffee habib and,.-aff of ihi 4L Is.' fol- you''I Voti'l 1 46
-611crkivg, )OCUr with Ajderffian Wood. Wh;ti -!'in fikingL Up -90 mile .)%-.1 11
'A -Y;�? i�aki away,iii"
yy iiiis to I
rage"! "Then. di 04 'owing. al dhvi-I I "te 11
Sir -n Xty; 61 fot 'eviii 11 the cat.,
I,,. avte �,yoitfi6jjt you':
fan sa"VS
The, Patient, of an' -in 'hyis' it ch"
Kiss 8 831 Aid ajjbjt!i� 18�6, lgeli we've li6 m
tiw�, iltita4y mod:.qu k-�, AN 114flil"li
I Get d*ieo ic A WA
iy I
T Tavinott, e eummer 3 v s -t pa,sti'l 1p'� I . .1. �
lie, tittle"'of tavd M &,p6r
'ic-ITim" ftevetl 7111- Ju vallo 1 1 1 cithri 11i
La. 146Avy �4eel Ku -I k Q 'WaSi (I'tri- L
h -vt bee -firitt b %664%-16d -W, 'tk'
I JU54 conven!'elit-ly by t a
i6,g at, the pit -6i'mv. stomach and ven 16-4411 where ',a oberal 0( ering j)lace,, req�hed, e�,DIr D
d wbp sihow tie
ed &' sar- ib
and t6en' gen armerl N(,rtb We8tern
,y feelings -in Il�y head
Ed Nva rd' ill 'Ry.
'k 'its ei;
ove:r ift Wledge of .: ji __mtei
'Do al
us" I iss-exalnited--i-itim' A'S. ti
derfiieh*� wiere d4
bAnd1fiess, would come aLin tj _,d
yo lso S.a ti pr" nikit ise
e ,s, 6* t tr' to
....... 'fill
nfi'tyr Ife-was �ft:-iql!lred �thak he fbo hoLo
Id jet. 6 Ali Limited. thfl�# d'*#s 10, ort 4*40
*,ere beuv4eh Jana. of Sunshine, the ftiffibLU�11 ft 11"
no f'ran� LIT
fila id control"fily feelings," (the n o -� t ',alaiImod -he (nild be
a 'i " � Mp r, 11
I nid - libe. 111,mt.rdted folders decilribitit 1416 great
1�, .-Olisters, Itchd -aftd lurod ilO hard I nliliri be- next'Aay 'he woula be told A,ha't-he nia. Exooeitioto, xnd also givilie
-Whidd a, ehatItet of �h re Aw L -,
I All' and l3W ? , sygiew 0 tjj�? L . " ,
e Oeoi on, the 'if and cof- provided with 4* lodgirij, it
rectod 1.16 L laj,L�, Vill be,WA�Jie.dL 'y
eljog6n for.'jif d full patticit
U _9.� 'had to a.or* nj lT to e
A�t ail
e:� Tht C W 0
''4�:ft�: U40 jjj�-_
them to" be -fioe drinkiog ER
-0 o th ,;o I i1x
UII t6�y ust n -i
y 00 Ated by eaj.�jndtij,
0 v as cave, for, he -Would--be A'a'-fai Oencj,al" 4 chiioglao A N�jii Western
Uticuia, 8 a. 'The follotIving tnori r. 4C.O.1 n e I jjy,� 46 Yo St_'T,6r.nfo, Ont, THE IMPJ�-, RIAU:. OIL,
4. PON a p5pulir 41,46mbip dai)M 64 Polk- 4
h Handt. _,6 to': -oti
tL' I t ta m i fy a 40
wo r*presexl it -
and Ctificu'ra 0ini 6"'t. iw ArSf �ofjjy tL an asked entelred -his li 10. ed tit PA N Y j L -I MIT, E
lie o la it nd ardd sg hil
fav�g, WZ� ei wari
f h &�Jf64e and -a, -xl1in&d m6ii fo
ibe6lir r I . I I . Itt t A We ik stI III tanadiiift torporgl Idn w4h
10 *61bitift'Aii Tibfi -Wis tofd'bim 6414.1-Alid --He told mo� to' 0 r6 aft good f0j,L 9i
the, itinA6,tr' ttj has fit -1161 adInit .140 isAlb tile Wrong1whb, eis.
j , t, I 1 11 4 '0 red
sr,� it4li- —ed' �.ri;ki ff
9 imi� iat�71 stop. ng cc e6 UPL�li �Iojj I i th
laid Uvhs ve'ry bad. bMftd Waa"#
A ftlativ;a8- 16,16embel's 9 he' lle'88 � lid 4 ri lilt i�O iWits plitee all h� 0 1, - w i she's 'iii,111 a 44.1ndti Litilti due's
nd no to,, rna�e
6ut'lln. blist6it* and .16 th&lj, tottr., iftnid hig W�ilf` had tj: Ri it nifol'i of't'116 e'rimeall,
*aq a, i W Ti . tif� 1W 119 dr, 1V
tttkt �.ojl At .0
likliod and 1W jin d fo i I n'd' rful, fe oil nitake a metsi ot -Pat 1,joiallt, blopit.- in . i-oy
6ft two
11-61-sk'afeid for Ar thh'6 d I I "k. e. Y�U Will. b:0 A4,II
' I J� �
I # Shn e t �i ff` 0 ing Pabite.,, whide el te Cafaja fo' CAIT&446,
It's& to Put *16, 1 - my -h
Jeliti fqoX4tiiilk,- lit firres ali Ittb 'in"
11 ��'
M irmb#ti 4A bilvwiere
.k F d Cl
wed to ley
fili ,6'R 199 up, ft y -to, the, 44 his Mat.
got feOfy'S ftjutite th it
*6 to Aid If"d, Addli, laite reffip�qj, III
�Iti the
V v .
eoll f T f
_v tj"ft4i t ILlei"L f1ii, 1y.!
'ha lie r,
6ft. hii Mg it, ifit, e j.), ap) "it f6ittlid ..'k th, big, iff th I&V uh,ell f.h oielfeid ill &4 Oat ad VAti
.0 440. e: ii,._ I fif I .,
_AI - 9 -fit, "Za I -a
'doil ij �Aintetbiln, bit JV, f he , . 46,111 ,
ti �loliiltyh,*nt for f oft-. "llito afe fosrdl, d, 6
MIX 14
Ilk W*ml §61
`11446�41ATT#klhg PO-Attiti ii4 '-pitied foI up 'tpom- 'h dkjteum�, ff,
"Ift; t(niotept reeoii 4� 60ty',A's, A, D, hy'r red A tNotmity--hil"ll
4 1�
h(di tifiv, w6d., t givi 11-41 litt tile '�i l'y the b1f c4ee my .6
1101i'I'voil ate lletwahv-II V,61T,
:ati -8 art .414 "-job
OJI fiift r`egjj'
a, a, in A
( "Vbwh vy
#'�,&# PXV 1(hii A lt-lik6s#; tilL
dild 6161, 'a" flikib, - d o,
viati -of fhe� A*'�-, fV
filatitwd" 1�v vvhnf, y6tt to 111ake ri Ia it ijotm�
.69j) Itfid tik'a hdko* 66,g ThI f
4-beq'iI. but. Shii lolp #.AV,6 thohi
"N'tte" 4i olfttm ina b Aib
Aljt. i P
litownei loti *;�*O, P066whug diian'd 41 theQlf Van Diagoob4 116 irl f
Yh, thse
'.A�fgn pet- jA' g,
a -thee-
b Wil-ir-as '11,nigho And
ff Pat
rioig h �0', IV 0, A 1, '*.'i'si, vl,"sM4 jVj
'cc i0q,#'ar Pr
V MAIr Road: j,61' Wifftj fft' V,kj*,gj,
lie, Z6.4fam odr,fts, i f XS� fl�@itt. 'hud
Wd -461 - 111,11,1 ilb I , ,
"# . Z
by A, d I �sI �h�,jp�e& wA g 61th, lt;g:
aCoGT 111& Q
ut 461me.
Ift dr, t, jai AAD. I XMDA
-diOlk �f .1 41 V, mot ba'i Ill I
'4' 'firie gg 'hefpe If6j% 0. th
#61tiblei I .
ttI Avat luit p,ouuw A i Mb .
'1611nui WHEMOI h"6.6 y OW '0 fill - 44,041*6
It 66A4, It h* 0 th, VI 6 '61 t.
11166 Ift
ka, hil iiii-M
r6mmuebrfiffildgiii &md n'do, j,%L And
I f4v
16i had-wT&Ad A# �&de to #1 V6 -od
J`jie , With, tfxii -ft Ali'd 9'a
'Utd, g itioiii al
ff r 116i And fArdt" sif lboi
lflnwl� difie &Wtn't, Ift i
ft :e
nit N" y
lipIbifffill Uffioldi'Wf WHAW M 4�
Vil I I ii 'L 4 1, :"L 'L'
.. 'I, , . I ., , I .
g1j(d - x, , , a W 1 4 j a tht, §*1,ff*r
".aj.g�j; - ";, 9' - , lit,
401 i I
Min 4idiliii 4 -4�
w b? Ia
4 4� �%dA, .1941