HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-11-05, Page 1•
best of .satis-
faction ecau8
.0) e have pt9of
iltat '
'teed,e4., .w h e 'r e
. :Mars iiAKe had
total failures.'
No Cheap; .grades ' of ,
glasses 8400d as, the
best aie"mine.,,toO rad
• fete sseeh an easentiar
• and ...delicate °rear'. '
, as the eyes are: •
, Watchwialter,
Jeweler:and Optician
TS •
. :(Corretted'iapto Weenesetay dOon).
• Wheat . . .....
• • . , .
sas' • ..14°. •
• • •
• - .........-•
Barley ,...... , , ,..•.S...... : ...., 60 ..
Batter • ..... .;,.. '......„ . ..... 22 . 28
EggarfreSh....... :;.--, ..---;..,.......-1.i3 .21.
Hogs.. 7:
Mrs Fred Anderson .and family re-.
tnr.eed thiS **It frein
Itobt., vieited, has moor
,andll,rs. Itya.n,:e.f Driegonnon,
visited friendain town onSatirsdaYT
London from Satorday.until Tuesday.
It is well•wortli your while to read A.
Blitzstein7s bargain sale ad. on ' page 1:
Aaron'Eennett; Of% Tinill;10-$ Spent
a couple of days.in the Village tilos week.
Bob -Barber has airived. home feint.
the West and will spend a :few montliS
Parents:here'. •
, :Dm E, IA:SParkef,; Ostooriathiephyeie-
ion, Will be at thetain [-louse, LaCknois
Wednesday af,ernoons. 24-9,t f,
Alex Giollanlost a cow by slightning
in t;he.seye.ressterna which passed oe
this district a fevi. dayaage. "
Mr: and Mrs. Tom :Perdue are spend-
ing a few; iyeelts With Mr. Pei -dues
• parentsa-Mr. and Mrs 0..Perdue.•
• The Ontario Beekeepers, Association
Guelph on November lith. 12th and
13th. • •
who ' has spent a
a few months with friends in the West,
returned and will Speed a few weeks
here.: .' • ,
Best 'American : Coal Oil in barrel lots
. at 14 cents per gallon. Forte gallon
steel barrels, & Dowse.
Isucknow. .
• .....L..J ..M.Xeckairysielayir_gi ;a new kitcheri .
erectedback of his hotel. The walla .
, . .
1 McCallum.
'Messrs. 'William Gardner and son, , of
near Belfast -.Who i'aatased • the suinnier on
their hotitesteads pear Cochrane, art ived
-We kelleS-40#4111.04e.• , -
" .."
The Bell and Union furniture factories
at Wiegliam, after be ng cloetal dour
for nearly tw.o. m'istiths, navereslinied
work oriSen-eightahoursda.y. se.hedults
' •
Her S „S.selatairritt,ealielrla little Sur-
Prise party. for Miss Glidis Webster at
.the home of her.ffiencL ,, Hazel Webster,
: last Thursday evening and presented her
withan inkstand at, a. token of, their
rek.a*.4' - : - I
•• Willitiddleten, who has heeirljga
man at the station for sortie tone. waK
.traneferitetl-t9.11arriston at the first4 of
the months-. -His place here is taken by
Mr: Dinotes Who crones from Owen,
A gang of 13ell telepuone glen haye
been operating in Lucknoiv and adjacent
territory the nest week They are re,-
placingalecayed poles. by new ones and
intaking....9ther.....necessary.40parra an
changes., ". • :,' ..
TORONTO ritclts,rara wipe*
. Wheat • . 12 to $ 1 15
Oats , 54; to 55
hush 68 to- 70
Peas.bush 1 30 to .
• --Timotliy„--Ilay;_:„..,.:.„..L,2:1-30 to 22 00
Difixtd and (flover.. 16 00 to *00
Haled Timothy No. lc"- 39 00 to 204.00
1•C1tOige beau steers. '75 ',to 8 25
Hogs, off cars. , 6-90 to .1.7S
Calves ' 9 60 to lo 011.)
Spa ing 1aiibs, 6 00 to .8 00
'Sheep, ewes,' cwt..... : 5.25 to 6 59
But- er, Th. ,
Riga,dox36 to . *45
. ...
Potatoes, new, hag:- : 55 to 65
, ,
• e
The Rubber Season is
BOW here, We have
.11. large strict of'•••0
Rubber Leal'
• sbouglit direct from the.
. nrentifactrites. These
.arefthe _best • Bulabessa •
:the market.. and
• be riold. as ...cheap
of Rubbers.
Extra S eciat Values
bar !loots!
We are now stocked
with Dr.
Hess' -Poulry.:Fooci.
‘Louse Kilier
- Roup .Ctire
Royal Purple
Stock po
alSO With 11%4 other s
prparat ions
trial win convince
yourtht. it, pas,y
to them.
DRuG sprout
. $fr. R, E.- Findlay Teommeiiiir-tray-
eller) arrived in LucknOw on Saturday
evening after spending a month' in the
wilds of New Ontario, elomting and
campirign.le Fiii-dlayll-grealfpleased
with the farming prospects about Coth-
An electrical storm such as Passed
Over- thisaliettict, occurring atthis Season
of the year, is taken as a sign of contiti-•
. thunder of Sunday afternoon was nn.
usuall severe for the first of Novernhei ,
..-Most.peop e w ope. uat t e wea er
sign will held good. ' •
' The regular meeting of the. Woman's
Institute will be heldin the. Coined
Chamber of the Town Hall on Friday,:
• Nov..13th; at 30 O'cldek. There is to
be ,.'Suggestions for arid Display of
Christmas Gifts." A. paper on "The
Wax to a -Man's Heart." ' Rending:,
Music, etc. IlefteidnitieffitillibeSeeVed
by sevetal of the ladies. Vieltore
come. • . • • • • -
the great •war broke ont, the
British Afiny eons mended the output of.
all the Molatisifie.meal • in England. to
"feed theit calvalryL.,herses- We are
pleased to state however, that the Man-
Ufacturers broughtSsuffi :lent - pressure, to
bear that therewith bt.a hunted- amount
shipped id Catuida: We have a hiuited
quently, price $2.00.- Tbe LticknOw
Hardware &tat Co.
" -
Mrs. john Button arrived home on
Stittirds.y,from Sudbury, *here she had
been to visit bet sister, Mrs. Scott; who
was Setionly ill. Mrs. Scott_ WM. in
:Tioucknow recently during the illness of
a Slater, the late Mrs: Daniels,. and On
her returnhome stillereiteaetious bteak-
down, She has somewhat improved
lint is not yet stron
Wilt Be Happy Now
We notice that Captaiti.EttnnetteU, of
the Bruce ltegiaienr, is among the ac
eepted volunteers front Kirreardine.,
will he great happiness for the Captain.
Hewes at Leekritivi taking part in the
Connty Rite ShOot, it tete *tete ago
• and expressedgreat aliagtin hedauSe
touldn't 'get awaY With the' firet
'ite said -tlion he however hoped to set
sequetiiing (if t.hi *atyet before it was
: oVet,' He volume/wed -his servii4i.itb,
The tillage of Tata itt North lirnee,
with n. population dabout ,ltdVstipplied
10 aohiateers to the •Seeond Contingent..
Paisley, with a pripulation of about 050,
.supplied 12 recruits On leaving they •
were each presented with a five dollar
.U111 from the.citizens, while the Wonierr's'
Patriotic Leagae_prilseriled them With
sweater coats and other useful articles
for their kits,•
Will try Repaid ,
o e to SubscPibers
• Weitgiala" sltaaes-tlmaatt.ention
' tat
•mail service to the neeessity of
advi&r4 iis el their chturge, ;of
address from the past office to a
rural route. Nlany of tlieecouutry
rifliceS.are e1es6d because of,
the rural -mail' delive,rie aal
though we, may knew that.: a
route `leads past Abe adlice.
Catinet keel* which route particu7 •
lar subscril.ets ire on nitr. •who
lute" or havesitot reeeiveds-their-•
bOaeS: 'The. Only Wait' to insure ,
the change Inotifa Oa'
card or ',phone. -.Tit..0.!SEz•Prii,
phone netober, is 36,
:LAGuie Ns.,,vs.L.1The Meeting of the
League -on -NI endity-e-venintavats4n--the
hands of the Cheistian Endeavor coin- •
mittee and avas worthy of great /prose..
The tepic; which was `.NtY' present •obli-
g•ation • of -my real iiation -to-the kingdom.
of God," was given in assery interesting
and instructive manner. Two solos
ware•rendered and a reading -on the life
of the fisheir'emii., .Next Monday even-
ing's program Will he Missionary,
'Those who attended the Thankoffer-
ing nieeting pf the Victoria Mission:
-Band -at the -Presbyterian Church last 1
uday evening- 'were well* rewarded by..
• len ro era in given most-
Just a. week 'has selepsed ' Since the,
formation of the Patrietia League, hut'
the i.enults from the -work of tlitt• com-
mittees attest. their:actiVity, Tire we-,
arien's cimomittee haa its work :Well un-
it dwier?:tri 412.il!,is:4Lr.wrIle!ie6Y711.tell4abaatIlsi';:2-11-1"eeti:
on'Tne§day evening, when a large num-
-her 'of hidies met to help in the makirag
, Society; for the Serefases't .and relief of the .
tiOldiers. Nlany OIA
f the ies ,earne to
the 'weetirtg with the expeeitiert of tals-1
•ing awey garments ready -cut, which
they corda. mate in their•hor Os. Owing,
hoWever, to the non -arrival of ithe.„ pat-
,terns,:ordered frotif the Red, CrOsS Stsei7
asty, these garipeeta coold not he cat,'
•:and into ty,L_w_lick__.-w0 it very-anaieus to-
. get startecl.on *work, Were dieappoi:n t,
'ed.'', 'These'," ad terns are.[,: lioweVers eks
peeted within a clay or two, when the
work will lie Sent to the 'various, . ladies
offering their assistance „ . •••
,...._,All shirt* ii et! itialitshirts,..nlii;•:nnoti
conipletiOn, be • reitirtreci to T. B .'d
bake :shop, Mrs. Reid, baying charge of
this tart. of .the :Weak., - Mrs, Siddall,
who hits .eharge of the wool; Will receis'e,
on'their•completion, all knitted: epode.
In this con nectiori ". volunteers for • tit ii
lstanchavoilcassill-tettestlie chit*
in instinciions now being issued by, the •
Red:Cross. ',.'We are Asking: for larger
Sizes„.4n belt's, 'helmets:. and ericks as
' t hose: sen t in are ' ,tnostly- 'Ole the spoil I
side, • Chelera-belts---sheiddLch.e-4.54,-to
-200 'stitches .and the helmets siroutd '
. have.two'sfieps of 65 ineteadof 48 atitielies
each. and thefe t part of socks should
be I le: inehes Inng: Six rows of, .vhite
slieuldbe knitted into 'each toCit am.)
inch from tne ton. ' '
--"-.. •
ly by the Botid. , There was quite a king
list of hymns, readings, choruses ond re-.
citatienS • , Rev: J. S. Duncan. gave a:
very antereeting and eritereuning talk on
. .
W4 largeXttearlance afitepettibution:
mounted to $323T:exceeding the ata
tient* received the past fiVe Years. •
peiiial:-.-Nlissienary services will be
•held in the Methozlist,Church on dauext• i-vW.- W. G. .Con -
of Japan, will preach •both
Mottling aed eveningS. . •
On Monday evening, Nov 9th,
Cennollv:Will P°ire tin Mast:tiled ,ieetnee
on Japer: Ile has spentseveral years'
in that ettuntry,•his 'Views are excellent,
andpriWteseor-Trilo rar-Tendid-spetakee
er,Sthie will -he a special. opportunity ..kaf
spending an enjoyable evening, and of
.gaining information 'at the sante tline...•
THE tiiiiie'at the Guild
On MondaY. •evening was "Worla and •
on this subject Mr., J. G. Murdoch gave
stirring addrest. . The meeting' *akin .
charge of the devotional eenimittee., and .
a.suceessful effort was made to hoe
theboys take an eettve part. aro
limns gatre% the' Seriptare-re.ading. A'
'duet was very well rendered by • Mesaii
• Ernie Aitcheson andMcLean 'Johnston,
-"Lord; T. aim Corning Herne?' • Folio
ing _Mr. Murdochs address the boYs
vett' -cp-OortViAty--vto-nisit'e
reniarks bearing u'prtn the toPic;'to • thia.
invitation there *as an active response
„ .
Patties interested' in repealing. Ioeal
Option in tho, village Of TeesiVitter, *ere
out last Wee:it with t' petition, asking
that a repeal:vote 151 taken. next Joni-
oiry. oCal tiption haq not been An
itnall60d success in Teeswitter, owing 10
slacknesa on the part of the temt amide
WOilierg in seeirig to the. enforeerneet of
the law. Theteia0aid tO be ts geed deal
of drunkenness, and tit least One ni the,
hotels is known tO be doing a pretty
large illegal trade. lloWevet, eoeditioris
are Still better :that' they *ere in the.
days Of license, and. a A0ed-OS.4 by 1.1161,te
Peal party.is hardly to be •los,kerl!for
Otit fact, that:Will tell ntrtingly 'against
*peal is that a retnrn t r$ 'license woim
IRS.votiti six ot eight thousand dellarta
itith, the pocket of the Meg. liefaisteift
Unfounded RUIROf
Arunior is eiterilatingh not.
ieriiiveT oney
depoaited in the Canadian Baek
e rinit•ted. to witlid w rar eamo nts
Itis needkss „te say_thtit*c.h_a rumor_
is •absolutely Without foundation,•ai; the
'Banks are doing "Bilisinals as usual"end haveimposed no -restrictions, - other
than :ordinary, Ivan those doing a depos-
it -Ing btrsiness with thein. ' • A • depositor
may. withdraw his funds•ase• freely , noes;
dining war time, as he co:aid-benne :the.
wat was declared, which is a cot -dotting
fact to the -people, Of -Canada:
Polling .1a Steam. power ,
The Bag Helder .tk.„ Machine Co. are
having an extenSimi.put to•theit factory
building this Week. This la for the ire-
commodatinn of a stettni power -and
-lietting+Int "W1001!,i.s beirt
for the •nil engine. This will efftct
'o great, economy tie the ferrite from the
Shop will inipplse a large. percentage- Of
the fuel, and heat at vvelhis power can
be •Supplied.froto the bailer. The 'steam
Plant hought.from the Hunter -Bridge tb
Miler Co„, of Kincardine,.. artiy_ed last.
Week and is being • installed. iti the
'meantime the machines' are heing yen
the-oilengine„ which,thouh slightly
dainaged. by the fire hes ben repaired
A mitaber of men are at work and over -
dee orders fer wheelbarrows are being
filleuliui rai.idly iispUSSible,
Mov tostanrolt-
. • Toin Welistsa, tie wife and daughter,
:Gladys' left LucknoW nnNN'telneatlay
triorrung.for Detroit. Mich., where they
Will heteafter make the* home. Mr.
Webeteelets. 'been a resident:of Lualinow
for the past twetr w-ene years, and fete'
men ate tetter ktidwn throughout the
surrounding_ lowuthipes thistashe_B:
serenteen years he soldiinplements to
the lanners of South lirnee and North
Ilttron, And he 11 AS been over the ground
:is an aerest in other 11 nes. Born within
a inile of Lucknow, on Setting up for
himself, Ile went kilning hear Kill:10110
fes ten ,years. He then moved to Tee4,-
water -and found eougentai tVetiptillOti 135
salette,se for the Afeesey-Heris
Mott Agency. Makieg a marked suedes.% ,
111 thia line; he, et the erid of one year,
los ved to Lneknoie, where there. Wt111
wirier field for the exercise of his talents.
Though titovitig his home, Mt. Webst:er
has not left °Maxi() few good. Ile will
atilt lie1.1 his petition atliatelling stilee.
man for the Irripetial. Pagholder arid
Machine,Co., and, tie deubt. Will be a
fiequent ViSiter in town. • The fail -lily
taltd with thent to ttele Sam's city tilt
best elshaq of many frieads,in LecknoW
And vicinity who Shall he glad to hear
of their presperity and Well beieg LIi
Sr. TV -Excellent -K. Murdie, S.
• Burns. 'GOod---E. Artistrong, 8. Gough;
-Fs-McGregras-.E-.-Al lin,
M. Aitehason. _ . , •
• 'Jr TV---ExcellentasiBerlti Blair, N.
Thotimsee, : A. Alien, 0.:McCall, FL :
..M.c.Kertaie Misrehell, 0.
Doul*11t Mes
•lin hey,1`. Strati', Pair- -II., Treaavena
E. Jolinaton, G. NIcD('riald, Per r-.11.
• Fit011-1 bAlistSiglgtPisAM
NVord has been received from Gerald.,
R. Hoinbeek, who Is now encamped
with the firet-ernitingeitts On the
.i•ry •
Mr.iffelsibeek re
nowey, of town, and has been s one of
Our moll popular young men this son:r-
ulers When the call for recruits wat is-
Helnbeck left ,Lrickoow to kiln the -oth.
Heavy Battery, Cobourg, of, which he
LATEST wiorstivs-
., War news on Wednesday was net so
-0.11-tennd cheerful as whatwewere ike,
cust9med 10 for the poet two weeks,
„ 9rethe great:battle line which extends
.froul the .ea coast of Belgium to
the Allied eludes. Daily and nightly
taek by the'Germans op a big or on a
small scale, have practically all been • re-
ul -
Aground, • while the Gefiriaps' tvm)
pesitiou of importance. It; is thOught
they sae once more massing their armles
'as a member. He has sent borne a for a.noeher desperate attempt to break
*am '
ber ,sorivenits o'e
f t e 'ear, one.
beautiful -painted Pennant with the aol, .the French and Brisish line of steel, but
there is 'little danger thatthey shall
4Iiers oniform cnIers, one of" Valcart geed, ••"They . have already: done thelr
1( 11111 and a large 'photo of the battery best and the allied line is stronger than
ever. ' -..,• ' . ' : ' -,
' 13ut• front :ink' sea where ' we all were
eini#dene of: Victory • should.. British . and
•German ships '.'it sall'essoally"Anotehed
Meet, comes the ',very worst of new.
-Away dowitin the Pacific, abont. 300
ieilea eOritht: of Valparaso;.Chili, i'British
equadroaof three. cruisers encOuritetett
a Gerinin squadron Of, live ,and in in
action which lasted an hour or lees the. •
British ships Were. knocked to pieCes-
of tato sinallcruisers , one sunk, one wrecked and driven aShere,
•that ever #eroSsed". the Atlantic at. cm the other crippled and put to flight
time: Wellsedstosail slow on accoant To-thei.4„..wete-f"..
. , two Of the German craft:wire so sTail
ten nnles a.n
• ,
'WhiCh only- made ',hotir. We saw where the that they could not have taken musq;,11"
Empress of Ireland Went down at Fath . any, part in the battle., • The flag ship Of
,er's Point; also" wheretne Taaroe. sank. the British' stradren was .bigger, Enid
'fheY have the Spots marked with buoys. earried.liggeriguns, tharr.either of the
to which he belongs
The soldiers sailed for Faigland,On:the
,Sehand of Odtober, artiving there on the
'4;icteetit 11: Holnb.eck seat aa.the'
picture oftheGrampian in its bright
colors and 'daises,: it being. the .one on
which he sailed, .,. • .
A. letter received last night states,.We'
had very rou'gle 'weather crossing' the
Atlantic. Our fleet contained twenty
seven troop ships and five big battle-
ships, being- the largest bunch of boats
been vaieinafed three -trine -s:
On the 18th. of October we were in
Plymouth Devonshire Co.. England;final Whence we Mailehed to 'the :Plains,
where we expect to encamp for some
titue:" ree '
• We. are. glad Mr. Ilk.,Inbeck is enjoking
the7best ofliealth, and are prond
'of itt YOung.nten_whosoanittly.resnantl„-
ed to the Call for duty. :Our prayers;,
folios" them to the,Front, -and we sin-
cerely hone they may come back to tell
.of the eights' of the world at war.' Mr.
Holnbeek was the only one from' our
e rse contine
Beut,L-COar. '
No. on tor, 27 :"aVerege Osten -de nee 26,
• 1.0. Sherrill, Teacher
..-:-TSETTIV4Exelllen.-Basso., Good -
J. Smith, NI. Hughes, J. -E.
IrWin, Eldon JohaatoU, W.. Elliott J:
Cain •Hoard. Agnew, a •Ritthwell.
Fair,L4(diriStOn, 0 Sintth El 1.116t
Johnstnrs' Harold Agney, M. Potter,
. Nfeilson,. 0: Bogues, H. ostin,:
:Little.Ill-Exeelleats---AReid, K.
J., Artristrong, B. P. Mothers, S:
Birtbs, ,V7NTeginllin. Go,ed-G, Doug:
las, M. Hetheriegton, W. Treleaven; T.
Biitzstein P'•;"Caaii.
R. H9vvey; 11. Witzstein, E. .RObiUsons
N. Nlendelstm. •
No on roll average attendance 35 r
- • S.----A.-Burgeks, !readier.
DPT. II, 7 •
Sr. 1I-aExaeflinte-A. kurdie, treee
Androw, A Irwip,,A., John,-
-sten, M. McLean, R. Andrew, L Besso,
'D. Mitchell W. Webster. Geed -G.
17.4DarninakteTromaesori: -
Jr.. .II-Excellent---7NE"Webster; A..
Wraith,.11 Thompson, W. F. Thompson,
. trh - nicoro
Mardoch, I. Johnston, L. Beatirirn': 0.e
Jewitt„ Johnston; R Orr,
N. Mc1anis...
. largitret MeCharless Teacher.
. , • .
ine River
Ernest Pollock arrived hothelast week.
after spending a few 'months in Mani -
Graham *ad Bell have finished a, big
season'a threshing and are slew busy
willT preach -tCr
Orangemen at Bethel next Sunday after-
noon et 2:30: , •
A generous quantity of oats were
collected around here last week Toi--;-the
British army horses. •
, Norval Bell, our cheeseinalter, is
making cheese for the patrons froiii four:
days' milk this week, after which,gie
factory will close for the seaion.
Quiie a number from here attended -
• Garman vessels..
The repprt of the fight_ wa4 giyen
the•German ships at Nralparago,and the
outcome is so unexpected that we shall:
look for an explanation. Of 'course it
may bean trne, as, there always 10 an
'element of luck in an _erieottuter_of_this..
kind. One luckY shot froin a big gun:
-'well-disable an ordWarrcentiercandlhd`'
,Gerrnans may have been in la& Sunday
night. . . • ""- „
nother report was to the effect that
the hig German ships were moving out
Are yoe corikidering the par-,
chase of asr ng, If so.? you will
fie4700i• stbck.ni;!:pst , eomplete irt-
DianiondS, PeatIS ,'and .111;u1i)V
whieb are thee most favored
stones fOr Ladies' • Rings.. •
stone diamonds' $:..8.00 up
se ----Special $10.00 '
Single stelae Pearls $2.00 p
Special -4344
, Single stone 61111:0:170t,Secial at
The Satisfactory--
• Jeweler and Opt:Oast
felifi'AL.K -Parlor:eon. jt • stiov.e An good. coal:
sanacia. • Ettquire at The:Sentinel Office. •
11 -5 -t -Lei • " •". '
Attilb•A' TO. LOA.N.-On niortkageciand notes
of .their.harbour of range:at the • :at rea..--,ona414i roles. • • • • :
• • •
of 4he-Elbs-s-Sliould thiss-be Arne dthere . - Banker, LucknoWZ .
will ..lie.roore.importani-.,neWS
Sea .befr-re the mid Of the week.' : Ng):
this encounter in the •Seuth Pacific the
-Goranaleaships--were.-Imo inateh.---for-the
British whereyer. they . met, and it is
likely that in. a -series- of engagetrientas
luck 'will favor the One at MitCh as the
• .
.other. •:.
The rebellion in.:SOlith-AfriereanpeOts.
to have utterly failed, the- rebels 'beirig
caught up by the government forces be-
fore they gatheiedany strength, _,, The
latarirtlig-Delrec by, far the most
formidable Man of the Jot, had asked'
and Was greeted a live -day arnaistice.
It is likely peace will be, arranged be-
fore the end of the week.'
140,MORE APPLES wanted at joynt's
Evaporator 4or tWo weeks. .
-anniversary, ceryices -11,-Ainber1ey-on ' -Monday, Nov. 2nd.
Sunday, k number also .returned ow - krs. R Webster is apending,a feiv
.,AlOniai evening for the concert and days • as the guest Of AIMS ' Gla.dirS
report,.,a, gord time.; . Cantelon, Clinton
• Corporal Ernest Einmertan' was among' • Sir: tandMre. Reuben Grigg speat a
the Vte
•oltiners who left Kincardine last
day recently in Colborne Ip as the
the na
tig advantage to the opponents of the gBuiiiesrts,00fficibli jr.peannd, sloeirnst..Eid.aGayat
rigg. . , ,
mis, A. •Steep. and her sister, Miss
lake -shore baseball team, as Ernie is a
as the guests of Mrs. Shepherd, Holmes -
go; d player. •We doubt if niany ; have
yet lefrforstiresfrOnrunderturth circuinvr
: : . , ' " DEPT, I .• ,
Sr Pt.'1-,EteelletitM. 'Miteliell, E.
Reid; D..Cartet, E. Burns, E. Gatiley,'
.GOotIT-Ji. Durnin, M. Douglas, C..Itnrie,
W. Htighes, 1). Basso, L. • ..Nfurdoel, C.:
Murdie, W. Eaton.. Fair -W., Sproul,
M. Chisliolia S. Melietizie, R. Rebinsoe. . tAUNCIL MINUTES '
. ,
'Pt. I B--Excellent---A Irwin: Good " , '
-P. Morphs D.' McInnis, C. Milne. ,Paiy
1. ' . . West W,avistiosh, Oct. 24.
-P. i•Vrhst:er, K. Ch..shoint :S. •Deeitcr.'. . .
, Coutiell Met on above• date' as. Per
..----Pi I; -A:2--INct:41-Pnir-4-1-18•te-k61.t1-:--e: ' '' 't rtnentr--:---Meiirbers-- -all' •;prirstutr
Tliomps•on, A;Thompsori, M. McKenzii. Reeve Murray ifillie chair.. 3lintites-of
I, A.rinstrottg, M. Geddes, G. BegueS, it c last 'meeting Were. read and. 'passed on
Grummett, Lc Smith, N. Webster, A": niot iori by Nayler and, Midlough,
Aitch""; N'e Itcit'ills". Gt't'd---'M Pinaricial itetensent Writ read bY the
McInnis, H. NIelitiosh; ' D.. Durnin, F;
._ trea.ureii.shoWing balance on hand ..of,
Johnstrm, '1'; Webster--'Ealt-•+.11). Milne,. 4215.28, . :Irijeci col oletscoi,li•is, jt.thilsiori
G. Jolvnatou, M.. Arnistrong...G. UsIonis_._ awed NaYlOr.- W. R, StOthera• Waited ou
,.11. Jriliaston, H. Ilethetitigimi, Sy,
stance.s. • Forthe peit five years he has Wesley PolloCk, of Ripley, spent the.
been ' the ' cni$,,' son at home on • week--endiat tIte_honievat-M-r--and
Itrpri by Mrs. Pollock and.teso childreo,
.wh.o have been visitingfriends here tot
the last week: • -
' L 0. L. No. 189 are fiaasing afeatl
supper Thursday evening of this -week
perhaps/about 65 a ears of age. tied was
ready 'tt. give up the farm eitY time the
junior member felt like sheeldering the
responsibility. No orre was Cons:tilted-,
parents, brt,thers of sister. The call to.
artns came and the gallant putriot threw their Lodge room, the proceeds to be
up his hands and Said go." His devoted to Fund. A good
absence will be keenly felt especially in program is being prepared and they ' ex-
•the.....lanne, but bur prayers and best. Tact Ar: large crowd-, •
Wishes .are for his safe return home.
:,Inrdie, Ttatcher.
ICWoria 'Piquet Passes • •
ISainnel Morrisoul an old resident of
the' ist etace:•sion of Kielotes one
v7-4ernainir •
township,' answered" tbe last ,call • t,
Tuesday. ite-was in. hii 85th. Year and
liad.been conlitiot to his , bed for ttl'•o
years. Of o.ceptional physical stretigth
and lieseass- you:sae:et
days, a':gt.Jai worker t and. being of tt'46':,
bilst and 'eheertul disposition he was" Councillor Mallon:0i were delepted.to
Jugbt thought Of as a • netghbor ail.
: who kne* :, His \rife died eleven
years ago; t ernia, Jamas arid Dv
' drew •S1 rison, are in the Weia; Samuel
and Jane are -still in the old honie, NlrS '
(Bev.), Illaelc„ anather nghtta, 11 ves in
Florida, and Mrs ; Ityliard resides in
gialedoitiaS The frittered 'Will lidce plare
this. (Tarn -silo) aftern000 at 2:30 o'eloek.
Lucknow On Nov. 1, .1914,
• 'to Vt. and :Ars. rredetick r;aton, a
• ton. .
LOST Oft 5TRATE0.-111:- Ludknew, on oet.
. a fox:term:1' pup; WniEe w itli
: SOIL OVer elle eye,-,anewere 1,0 the name of • •
f`at 13 rettiruing-thot gt Lug'
information leadutg to Ile recovery win be
rewardea'uy .I._ visOii; -Luck:now.
l'Oultry. Wanted
ain,amon in the nt1u1erte-In1) tilEltitate_ of ;
live and dressedpoultry at best earrat pficec,
l'oultry will be reneki:Vd,fit 'Any old silts int in
laicknow. every Wednesaay atitifinie o'cleck.
All fowl t4hoitld be starved 2.4 before ,
• ...
:For Sale
• i e
1:137ou,, triP-Bai-ii;e4a.,Ricitclizaetzir.Arcikewibenzie:-Tor
bet lb, Con L., lifnlos.,.
,WHITE,KOCK 0000.K.ELS-A nun).-
hers) white frock Cookrels tor sate. These
•are hatched trourthe pens of Marche',
• 6eitiortli, Lint: Attache. :
ENOLN.f.: Fol t P..,
sell for eitee or exellaaige tor &pe.,nal. ' ,
--oung-liors6,-4 -or 5..yearsont-atterweigtring----.*---
about..14nO apiece; nu, 1,01 :1. ton. L.
or wii.M 51.11.4,
..Ecipley,- Ont. •. ' '
• . .
von. 841.41.--130 iiovt*: 17 aura" •cte.o.r.
• trnOn.IOIU. awe:Meg litio•good°Irtiwit • it.cre • •
biaunag Liasieratata; .u.oe.r-cc.,,..ier • .
• anti nay .turk'm Intro; water in otith
awl ale leipleilleat 110U:4e, eueug 1•.!
. One het! MPICe WHO .ga1ratI1Axl tech
' ;Laing. 1.1.16 itormie•cveil related:11asr1
"uuaJservicetuttt teleintinte;. 2' LUitt.
4.11110Ug11-S.AILVi and emee;. 1 5.2 Mae.;
• from5-'urine t.,crove. Aurelio nestria.,
. . ilreCelaes terni will :Make douncittuce to
.gOod .,nape. ler turtner unoirnation.
Scot it.
• apply 10 W514011 L.
,•.•, • • • 51.
., Mears. Thos. and George Aitelleacn
were at Ortnty, a Yilhtge'near Haut ikon,
Monday' and TueAlay of :this week a
t mans the funeral of their brother,,J1-$.,
council • re : nilloek &aim stating his Who VIS„, killed 61' the .*:"11".8'," ti.`.4e
glievance in full and at the , sante time tht.r.e on ssaturdaY. vetails of tne esit-
expreetitig a `ivilliegriese to do his. fair deet ate -not knowh:at tbne of. writiug,,
.,lainiadre. xotrlyil:,,tror,ktil,at. Iltiotftt t-,,N,Itint„troithynsatt'ovil further that that the deceased had been
Councillor Purdoaininect this work nu run oVer by a train,. having both legs riit
Monday. ()cc, 26 Cf4.11tied. off by the Wheels. He died front kiss of
blood before MediCAL ASSistililet' 00110
_ _Goa* e.npfutio.fx..44e..aj (..„14.44 =ID, arrive. The deceased , Mr Aitcheson
R. Vanstone, Wingliaiu, re Win. Tlitmls* was the youngatame r u a--- 111 __o
claim for dirteages to hit. ptorterty ()ppd. family, titni was born. at Teeswatet, Re
tit e Dieker's hill, Mr. Thorns baasa was well known throughout these part.,
tiestutenetiit:dvit111;arratetiltilketstleonigltniiirott ,,tx'oLradiliteientobenra,offnivietars he had worked a..
farm in the Niagara
Pindon and Naylor. Reeve atersay and tlistriet. s He leaves a widow • Mid four
children, besides six brothers and two
sisters. • . , I - ..
WM, RlrTkili.1111'olt1). Lot la. t...n... .
-1Vananosit, cs pave an ..-cuctIon 6.11e .1
lartn stock -too -iv )-uttii6 •c -at le, !Anti tu.d
I;wo. velars On _Not tg.,11„kyts.,• eoltuipiu,
iirtc J. vie., ..lactilotteer,
• . ,
. -
-Tuesday, N'ov. 3. •
' -Wedding-hells Are again loudly tin:
George Henrylalrived hmee ffoin tad
Nest Saturday night. •
are -glad to See -Mrs, Walter Willi: e
-baek again much Approved beat ill,
Donald BIlie"is not,iiiiprovinras_ tac-:
as his Many trieiiiis wottict wtsti to see
Wordints been latereceived
the death of Sirs., jantea aleKrindie . -
former yertra site residcd. on I lie 11,11111th+ y
here, but lately she has been 1/1, -Ing
1\lanitnba The clecca'sed ‘‘:;1-'; a •aL
of Donald Bine here.
Tire tasivens.teY in.
Methniltst.,,Jrt • I ndap • .Nc.t. re ,1
decided' it. els. Tile .11 it. was %et.,
.trovided by the:141'1116 choir :ilia tit-
, ,
,exainitte afia 'l' it to L;ottneti tit next
Meeting., CleY11 was 371-» tAtitfateit: 7-ro
write' to. -Nft. Vansitone,Adilsing him as
to the -stand .1..0011011 eall take ,111 the
mearttime •
I 13y -law No. ,c),‘ WAS read three tin" -
and prisSed, atithorixing colketor to all
fa And: dal feet 3 rhi, ttll t is:es unpaid 'on
Ih‘c:•14, 1111. 4 .
%atom,. Ni. 19 was tend Ono . times
and. paasrd, amending Hylaw NO. I.
t OH, by appointio,g. Geo. :Riff ledge 'tak
collector in pine of .1 Boyle, resigned,
/./ Ntotiott by INtayloi. Alld Joloristcri titat
Mr. ;red .Nlist, 11E11, nt ILtickuoW, visit-
ed sa Wni, Kerertiton's on t3,,,, 1.,,
treaenrer: issue cneque for f.,:75.00 .
favor of Couoty Tras,, "paying. West
out.. sh sh,ire of Dickey bill cetritreet.•
fit' i4 d°44( '11° I'M wqrk 6ett)11. "I'StitOtetifill by Nsyler and ,lohnston that
8.:bUte 'of the iranwle bilVe there bfai1. accounts, ineluding the above,
boxes 0.-feat,r1 toady for rural mail in the ine to 3270,35 be passed . and paid,
near friture.
• •
Miss ,Sfaignetite MacLeiinitn, tilek'-
linW. High Sehnelp spent the.' Week -end
adjourned to Meet Ntlla
ifi et 10 0'0160,
The fifty-ninth animal statenient
the Molsons Bank just pulAjshed is an
ekemplification of thetatement the
good Bank. gets' better 13. 11 groWs oldor
The MOlsont starte its sixtieth veer
with a fully paid ut. capital tif four fun..
'lion deflate aad ,A ReeerVe Fund of ire
e ,
11 fit .• I 'Ito
o s,
total nf• nine million dollars in Ca rital
The total osseta 311. Wel1 over fifty
lion dollars. These figures are interest:
wheo placed beside the Oatement
ahown by the gaak netirly sixty' years
ago When' the 1 t4 ratsetS' were:: very
small.. lite teeoid of the,Bank must be
a Wince Of '8atisfactioil 'to those wh.,
beei had to do with its management a;
eat li:Yeat has seenit inatease in streesir
and .Ptsition until at present it .rank
oho Of the.ntrongett Banks ta .tvte Us,
eervitaa nettel bv . I .
Str.;tie. Berths The eoesera Thlo
evening was alStt a siteee-:s,;,cit 4•Itt1-'4 it
n'efed 0110.1f1111n anti kilt
,Order considering the tirge crowd A..1 • .
dresses wete gitt.‘n Ti Rev-, 1 3t13eq..t..1,
Inns &Ina tvecinglian.." )-flhi slt.it fj •
:singing •,vas reir.fertd by aliss 311 3e "
Arritort•ot% Mis S.z-tatilesS
oilsay; ()r311 rasilIrd 141,1ey. and
Brown. Lrirgno.
33 0112 givcelo,t• Mrs: 'J. Volt ng inddi 1.11
'ter, Mto. L to ca" ()thee' itral Miss iv:,
and 'Russell t*,anipbell. here.: trio bt
Misses Lizzie and Ina NVelSh and Oar:,
w•is rc 11 kred by' Micts 1 ttnt Uhl
Scott. wc re given by Mi s
Nettie Ceartney'and Miss Iona Nests.
1111. mee'ting etoeci by all rising san
singing Ciod Vethe .
.g MORE APPLES watite4at Jevnt'
11 from tra-
vell'ing. agora ,.as you will he thc
losers,. will' sur ply you with a ,
Galvanized Tarik with tops made
of eighteen gauge, iron. Capacity': '
tortY Imperial gallons. This- tana
tilled with thc best•geade Of Affiiqi- •
lean or.! foo Eleven DOB es.saThi-
tsowsatard*Terrsii* ki-aTX‘-•
'4 •