HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-10-15, Page 5_ T404*. ,004:44q i "19 14
.04x. Is&
anadian Patriotic Fun
FIE ..R EX 'ALL -STORES of.tiadalhe
ly apreed to corittibtite to the Canadian Patriotic Fund
,KIVE---P-E-R.,..GENT.' of their total 'purchaSes f alt
Rexall 60c1s, Rexill Remedies a.tic1.1.13;ther mer:
chandise manufactured or. sold by the United Drog 1.!0.
, • , , •
Lim ite-d-,---Toro from. 0 i t5Lh to De?. 3 st ,
• .
This action of this..Rg,Tall Drng° ',Stares of-Oinede has, been under-% ...
, • .
eO:Operatrvtirliee-Alisii.0 if-pooperitive organiiation,.,tby
.realize how, Much' more an ,bUtlen,e unitedly than individually,: ", •
• and it lots bven •taken, for two reaSeria-=,-to fulata linniane •duty in
xi:tieing a fund for, the relief' Work 'of' the, Canadian Pattie Or,ani'
.zat ion, and a patriotie duty in an endeavor' t.O.keep a large. 'staff of
Canadian employes '•
• • ,
l'Ite7.11.30-Reilill Store -ref Canada make.an appeal to-yoni sympathy --
andsuppott in their doubly worthy cause for increasing the funds -
of-the-eairadian ,• Pan iotid-Organization-and .for---the-:-sappert--o
• ,Canadian workmen beeause;,-L4., ., • •. „
• 'ono fund that-Wefild-lie-taiSed ontlfe'basis of last year'e :business -
'--"-ealithirttltiireittlottly int`rOttsed f -eft'7.‘kiiiitititifil-'7V-tif-.40i.thata.-:•'''
will help .1; little by the sitinPle'Procms oflpurchasing Itexiill• Goods
at the Rexall Siorea. ' ' • . ,
No need to give Spuce. in this announcement to emphasize the '
---hightimaiitrot"Rexallikilet-aind-Redieitial-goodk---Snliiment, 'to ,
say' that.7,000 or the leading' Drug Stores in iltnada; Grpat.Britain,
- and the-United.States. place 'their, personal and :collective -repu-,
tations behind them; that the public in these countries endorse
• them to the extent of several million dollarworth of : purchases
: a yeat.
„ Better goOds are net•made, and you take •no risk in beying, for ;
eyery Ae*alltStere will -return yint-yogr*oner'if--itnr-ftexat '
• iErViducif.14 not natairely'''Wtafactirty and. do it, too, WirhOur the
'slightest -objection.
There's a full .of Rexall product's Waiting, for you at'. the ,Re/kall
:-.Storein-yOur town: _ _
,Tne L‘ocKmow soINTINeck rage 5
A AU. TO AM5 'DONATtoNs t-Rotiv.cHuRON
(By Robert 0.rali4ui, LaeIciloW) tOUNTV FARMERS
To Arius! the,call•is sounding, ,
All through the inettierhome;„ (From Tho Clinton. New Era),
And to every son Of Briton , Warden Devid Cantelon, of tfuron
• Nlonts .the urgent„message: 4 4 C.041e.'
Wilh trimipet Wast that ringing.
Of elation note SP clear1Id Ai.
. ,
Theliour. Supreme is here.
.Froineee hontid throne directed,.
Outstretch-Brtannias hand .•
Upon the. pulse of manhood, ' .• '.`
• t heate,throughout the:4MB
• Witb gre of inspiration; . *
And Voice, thevoice of -power, • •
•To Arms!',Ve sons• of Byiton, •
ThisAwts very routr„,,
Amend throne;
. 'Aru.lSea-Tuee bys
• To mine; strewn northern zone;
Each'day tlie Voice -grows ledier,
Aint brooks of -no -delay, .
To ArniS! Are sons of'Briton,,
TO diity, menthis
From) North -Stat fomented-- :hOwera;...•
„▪ From India's plain' a nd't2Were, • .
• 'f.)reat Rviai.ns artny
, freedom. truth ennatry:,..'
•••• Patrida-bettle crY, • .
.To Artriat.: Ye sons of.
To .cornitnir, or to die: •
No, foe •onr fathers dreaded";. ;
.. on any battle field.' • •
:That to .loyalty Was'. wedded
cAnd•sOnt can never yield;.
:None dread •aPnroaching foeniar4
Of be -or .creed, ,
To"Arrnsi -ye son§ Of Briton -
.. ri, prwar..itterch:ivith need
9.. I
• Ask for it --kindly pass the -wind along to your friends. It is the.
collective pure.hases of. all that will mile this Rexalt, Store Fund:
for the Canadian Patriotic :Organization work abig one
The Fund -will be'eollected from each Retail Store in Canada by
the,United Drug Coniptny,•Limitecl, Toronto, and will be ,Paid by
them direct tothe officersof the Canadian Patriotic Organization,
andtlieitinountYsde011ected...will he piibtthed iu thispapqr.
paid over.
. . . ••
Reicall.Goods are e in Canada and you, ea
procure;them ti your town only front.' „
. ,
• Omby Mailtfrona any Rexall StOre:in Canada.
United Drug Co., Ltd. Toronto, Ont.
Befirath old Miglands Banner'
-. •.(11.11.ted-be...as-orte:. • '
-.: DIA kith Ave :as• nia:nne-,•.:.
. :The 'father.gave his spa;
• And to the front go'inarchtng,',
. - Ttl,•meet:the gathering horde,
' To Arms! 'Ye ''sons of Britcin. -.
For Freedoni and the Lord''. ,
NO.trattorm-cip your.compariv,;
'' - Nor weakening of the knee;
.. • Subauing ways of tyrtinity,,; .:
The captive.set him free;
Gird oil the itiVorti and arinour,.
. To ineetthedaring fee, ,.
' . To Arms! Ye sons of Briton, ••
' arradianet fOrward go.
•• . . .
- 'A" -e' Aititselve,s the-litieage,
rOtthe intretsidllatet;-.- ' *
• In,City, town'and Village,
• That woodand prairie grace; ..:
•From Bell Isle unte Vancouver,
. : The prideteas:tribute. bins. L.,.
To Aiiiil Ye- dallintia-si Batons,.
:F9t" Country, .God,', and king.
. . ,. .
Cannuak and ' Anglo-Saxon,
. With Celt 'ands '8Poy• stand, '
United alfate.marching,, ,
' Por dear old:Mother laiid;
. Australia and New '7..ea1and, :.;• .
., Are crossfng, now the . Sea,' - •
i, To. Artris,l Ye British soldiers,
-- With Shpiit Ot"Vittoty;' '''
-,-Saturday, Oct. 10
• • .Alex.' Kis a. liking 'for: the flth,
Inspector Bald Visited tite-soh6ol
• thniedav afternoon. .
• Miner Ackert. and 'Miss Emilia visited
friends in Ripley en ,Sunday.
visited'at T. Henry's last weeK,
• nuniber from liere • attended' Teea-
water fair.and report a geed time.
• H. Bradford met with a painful acci-
dent On Friday: While taking 'out a
. Amp he broke.hi a• ankle heti!. We
• hope to• see kiln around Seem , . • „
St. Helens
_Tuesday, Oct. 13.
Miss Elizabeth Rutherford, of Lin-
wo•od,,,war. home for her holidays. •
4tiss 0.-Ntiller,of....Strat „„, tam
• was litime.nyer Sunday.
joint Wallace, of Ravenswood, sPent
• Thanksgiving,with his sister, Mrs. John
iller. , • .
Miss ..Mtleolettmeron.,..of Hamilton,
.Vornial,, was home for the holiday.
• Miss Marjorie MilleFiPent aleti dais-
• .at the Nile lest week. .•
lfiSs Anna Stekvart at preSent
. ing friends in trindon. '
• , Mr, Rtibertstintolir teacher, . sperit the
• week end adds home in Fergita;
Mies Pearl Todd is at time of Writing
dinge, ...11/1*.ftwslcw
' • Mr. anii •Nits. • Deft Well:wood, Of
Winghain. spent Sunday with his sister,
Mrs. (leorge 'Webb. .
• • At t ps enjoyable after-
• intthri was spent' at the rangss Thnrsday.
• Of last week Whin ten repreientativess,if •
the tuckn'ew Rifle Chib' engaged • in. a.
friendly sheet •Al teani from the
Iocal AO), Very :fair Shooting Wes done
• at the 260- yard range 'and the totals
kept preity close it shown. by the
• . at ittliOte
• :Mtn Webatet. - . 61
B. -MePlierson .!... . .
icil• I. .. .
E. Webster — 6,1
•-41, Pritallet 63
.1•VituVelialet 62
GUM*. Webb. . c ,.. 62
;6 Walteee' Miller .... . 61
flarVey-Wetb.. 61
• 1,00kNOW
A., %sea., , oh. .6 • t) V* 9,99Ilv.P.•62
• gni tIl;t4ti
flalnb.0 .; .11 v v a61
W: • vW•V:1-9,9,19,9:19;..v60.
Aihn 4r1N4tOt
' Ni*killi
•,, (Intended for last week)• '•
Mest everyone frinii Mafeking attend-
ed -Dungannon fair Friday. . : ) -
„Miss ., Oliva • Henry, of Flesherton,
visited friends inthis neighborliood,thie
wSek!.,__.. _'. ' • ' ..
Mr. and Mork Ansen, Finlay attended
a barn roiSin,g at J. .FamieSon'sj.,aurier.;
• Satiirday. •. •-.. • • '
5. J. Kilpatrick, of Illinois, and, Mrs,
1 T. Shackleton; of Crewe, -visited ,th6ie
co nsiti, SJ. Kilpatrick, here Thursday:
M. and Mrs. V,ifill' Suniftker and
-3•Iii,Se-s-lireta4.nd-Q1adys, of • Luck now«
attended evening service at Blake's' OP
Sunday., Weare gladlo' have our olo,
• neighbors with us occa.sionally.
44m*r'°"el4g. .Crlgl'?.47Klied8ttrineYeii'.
cloutity„ held a Meeting at Clinton, on Priva,ta trank• .Hartley of 'the".1,9th
hist', with hiS advisor)! ocaPrait- Regiment .facen a charge 'et sanrder
. .
.tee to 41.4C;118§,the Wen Retl. tueeeS -Of at -gt,-Osth
oIecting tiT.1.W1V-74:11TYI-6761.T:i5r1.1W0ii lihOptitur Bninr--a-
,00u.nty 'their d.on„atien to the British,geYne; 'a 'fellow member of the sitme
Government iti,L.141._ e.,,sha.pe, of a poreginaeht which waif. .iettaic as guard
.oata,liotatoes,:beans, butter and cl.eose, along the Welland, „Canal, , Hartley
The cenmitoe ..et aside 0$5,Q00 -.Claims to he art Nngiehnion hut. had.
been -living -1n 'the iluitett Rates; hig'
'towards supplying. "to. thUsTriners the
victim was a. nephew -' of .Aldermen
necessai•y. barrels and liege- for the apples
Burgoyne of St. Catharines; proprietor
• 'and potatoes. atm; the. expense of seeing
19 • T.,hci St; Qathartnes Daily .Standord, •
•.s.are.,pr acke -When, „anti ,t,ii„4 •
• t(65.)wijelltfirp4 IneTshabrtrghod' y()%isto4ke `Pulstlir°r°tn-td°.
asked to take char o Of their QWfl iiinai. the 'lock 'sheitY 'at. .144 9 .neackr_u ler!
elPahty n t. roc ton o ert eve. r
The frOit oats anditotatoes will be ' That Hartley, atter the eboottng,.
:livered -by the Itrineis at the diifoeet. iidth4ratl,t,hteed phrgokiie, and stated
got . the • WrtIng. one,':otwbaers.
'ptA;%Nev4tol:tri.sa:k..::;•ten..pa.cle. ed ex_Per, le,1)".€1 •
evidence given • 'hy -Chief f P
.fritit'4, can.: h' ;hilt,r.09.7:eneiPao-If.r6intitt'ehl wh: Burgoyne
y Vcr gter tsrl'11.t6
Tielelen itivisets; Man n's,/-Ceu• ede Bens; sturitnents pi,eyions to the 81443t:ing )144
a few.
,:;:onpairleC i„itent •• Hartley •: to his tent because :he
8111-11)119(rfor .'°41t$.04111.,bearol, ' •-• • • • answered the :roll' call iate, and was
:CAI% willhe et :Centialia, • Oct' Ift-;••:improifierlY dressed; • •••
fr,eltt. );At. 1-41.A.:keyewitnesses
Oct., Jul Wingh.ania 49,ct./.'•20;. lielgyive, tent complaining af $61.gt: I Bur .
'Oct. 21; T,oildeshin'o; Oct 22; Clipte *gPYil:i'Sthe
treaotnlneonl of 'washi •oatni d. rraYt
Oct. -23: Goderich, Oct. 2l ; Seefortir, that
Me, gaw, Oct: 26; Auo,:', 1, Oct. 29; B1 vfit
--41.4331 -r-Ight..--The deceased, .!Teddy.'.
„ dented that his brother !had
.BUrknyn' e, overheeiing the reimirhs fT
' •0'; Hartley d
pt,,c;t;,01.2:444i‘tiV,:.011:c0iiit; ..1230(::11:2,11:d a,i121 plck on him ext e_ttlind_h
so -r -that e
, • ..
• S9metienes we 'wo_gclit
why the home ..ha.sn'i
they are On: the market
sbestos. Mats - and Apple -Parers
New Perfectiow Oil Stoves. and• .
. and Wood. Ranges.-..
We have everything in thedirie of 1-14dWare tornake
LhOtiseworl easy, mor'simpW-4nci satIstactory, ,,Come
in some day and Lt as show yo9.a few things, sosu' need,
necessary information and it is etcpectal: .that he . was' a "Canadian- and. that. he
that the: people of Burets. Wne lieve bern was.,Proud. of it "Ili ..shoot ‘‘you:.," ,E4-
...,, :.- 2 I 1 . ...1 -.)....
pleased ivitil sucii . A u apti•nor.1 t rt.kil; %.iii ' ',marked Hartley to the :deeeased,, to, -,
be generous ' i;-,1 'ihcir • donations. :to se :which Burgoyne,' d,rawing.inimseff up
!it • . . to "itte_titimi„!1;_3vith_liis-,hands-iii th-ff
. •.. peekets Of the sweater„ coat -whieh
he wore, said.; • "Shoot.'' ' : '•,.. ..
' .. Hartley fired•inarnedietely; 'the 1sUl...,
• let. entering. Surgeyrie's• eye end Caus-
ing death s in Seven. mintites: . .The
. marderer was at',Onee overkiowered
if your 'hair is getting thin,,' losing its and held for the police,: ..... , _: .•.... ;;;
hatural.:coior or has.that. matted-,lifelesS . ' . '•
and. scra_ggy ametitance,.: the reason. is.
.. . .
9 eVidoo—aockaff and , failure: ta. keep . •
the hair riots properly nourished: ..., ... ,
Farisian.Sage.applied daily (or.a•weetc,
and then c.ecAsionally•is.all. that -is', need-
plidation; almost immediately 'stop.S. 4411- " . ., ' ' • . • ..are.
moves -dandruff with .one ap-;
The most extraordinAry rumors ..
ink hair .and.....itching head; juvigorates. , Circulating as to the Mreunsetinees of •
the 'scalp And 'Makes doll,. ;stringy' .,bait: 'the • death of :. :XII*: •charlee of iftciii-
•softi: Abundant And 'radiant . with life• . mania,: Which occurred Saturday. .. It
Enually.,Ood•fc;r men. women,.or Child,. ,
Is said • that •lie was either • poisoned
ren -every, one needs .it, • _ . •
Or assassinated.:' Snell' report cannot
: A Ilige'bottle of this `delightbil• ;./iair •i
be -Ceintfrilied-,•-•7blittheY are not - emir, 7 -tonic caii he had, froie j; Garnet 7Atin-
*tartly dismiseed by petsens',-v4ell iii,
.stiong or an ifiii. i.f.,, counter. for 50 cen:1:s_:,: .„.:
formed: -airto- the i en:field .•SitiatiOn'Ot
'Vail Will' Oiliely like Fiiiisian, Sage,
°dd.,. • T 3„ Bucharest ',there Is reason to believe.
ilihnei.ar,ei.!! no Other *''JuStia's-
. . •. .
, that the last hours of the ... .King' were.
- . ...
Ministers. and • subjects :intent , upon •
• • ' bitenselY .bitter.'• • His; refusal t� alkan,,
• :don Q:erinany and Austria. enraged •
1., : _.4.,
,..., .
„ . .
. .. •••:.aebepitnk Ettissfra's .offer of sUkowizia:,
• ,and Transylvania if Roumania 'would
. • . . jinn the • alliee. '• ' ' .'
May Hoye Been•
try may Now Side With':Othicie
Freaerick Hanisen ea The kaiser ..
• -••••31.onday, Oct. 12th,
Frederic- Harrison, who is a noted • Itfiss Mary'llelin is Visiting friends at
problem writer in England, 'sends •sOnie Mafeking a feWsditvs.•
teres kaiserian coi_ospinnents to: he Lon- • ' am ' ' aw,,_., _ la
.on rimes. fie says; , e now t at his tine& Joseph . flaCketi-S1 da -
the infernal code that 'might , is .right.
nine -tenths of the German people aa,1-.t., ' Mts. John -Andrew, of.cLucknoW,
•t'Pfrde'ftlria7irivertFrdbTdtrui ant „ . - .
3!.liss ,rane Ritchie, of Guelph, is Visit=
Wrong: the German millions are new .
:committing enorinitieg as horrible as ink friends in'thie• vicinity. at pre4erit:
those of Dahomey and African savages ' The students arid telehers of this bur .
I of old. Let us hear no more Whining spent Thanksgiving.at their. homes hilre.
about 'German, culture.' The whole • LoreSengs are ringingin the air; es
Junket ,easte and the Hohenzollern "dy. peciAly "it's a Tong, ivay to Tippentry.:,,
nasty are the head and front of theie in- I , Mr. awl Mrs. JatitaCeibke end -son.
'felines Be it understood tliat when the 0 a. ,,,,.. 1., nnitig ,.,• fon
. A 'Citizen 'Bale 04 his : been or. • The death by ' violent '.or natural
«,:a.n4ed at*Seixterth,- ..... . ; • ' ,,.e.inisesi of 4HiongmaC:14aralettoteceeinirito :the
:rt, .. • , ' - ' ' ' -to pro act it ' -.-- . s' likely
. •Tbe 14bekah'160ge of tiw,..a.) 0..F.. :geld of WarIntost-dethiltely probabiY
'in lieritall eolleet,ed ',$ l 3,8:06 for the .:ita an allY.' 'of . nussitt again'at. TurkeY
Patriotic...fond. , • ... . , . . ,' . . and ''.A.nst4ia., ' :1: ' : • ., :.
- '.
• ,A.. Otizeds •
ben Itidytidltie Nisociation aiCS . .
foiliied in.ila, with the f'
fo-wing bilii*.s: ,Ciiptaiii, Lewis Thoin '• ' ' •- ' ' - • "'"--- - --- :
eto%,glanvrolVe :His
am; Secretar},, • Rev.. A ' Me0arlane,
'liana° "oc'enrirl'nfrainnett
_Dr. Weeds; pr. Sulith,• WILL 141 USL4111 The truisc:Of the Itilian•iniit sub-
Treasui et, Robert' 1114(4; ' Committee; I. .., • . • :CM--
Qv Sneiety;• lia.ve Sent -their first .iii -m. tilraed-' 111) '4 'Aiaecio..--•:-CersiCO, has ,
and .GeOrge,Greensiatdoi. '. : • • '• • ' •
The. ladies of the . Wriixetier 'Red :
to head quarteit 4:Jen it3tf
e9me to ' an • end...
Milt of Spezlit'sonie days age. and later
Tack Frqpoh. auttion: ;
. marine which: ,eisappeared from the ,
,steilipent of dcii.Ltietf
the :e4erePir,,t1;i4e11:1.. '1'71 itiet8Sgi:
in TOrente, is "fo low e.: . 22" shirts ,
might slip ts, 0 psirsocks.. 6 pair' Wriat•-• position they rhould make' 'oaf her: i
-lets; 37 pilww. slips, H •toweig 9•L, Paris cem.manicatect with. itonie,Itilly•-
•alia . ,hit,„2„. 44 .t.s41, .4 141.0.4igg§.: sent a, destroyer to getti_a_i_mbairing,_,
A cheque for ;125 h .s .also lieen sell:: 194
she is nowiic-reason to helieve :that ,
was .mitind Of 'a .retireit neva lieutenant,
this' e-tinoir. 911 1... v.falr loinle utast, •
„is. CO'sistoEa.t.H.L• 'a, LOssHiownshiti, . .. 1
itoorAtee•on h s bank barn • that
Angelo •Bellone who left a letter 'tit
destrpied hi ittv ;end . .45.1‘10G en tin .
,•_ . J lug that Italian neutrality was a this-.
content,,; :Lilt •as crop, impleinents, azo. take and that he was. going.to. take.
Wt re burned lie . will. prObably be the„.., :j6q/t...,0i...-the-viar.; :., ,------ - - ., ---- :-.,-----
:oser by $1300 On contents and•,:$12.00 .- • ••. . . ,
te 04Q0 (in the building. A -newl RUSSIAN: :044SER LOST "
,.buitdeng will be .ereeted, in Ade cotirs6 • •
utteEwen Torpedoed, In the Baltic' Sea by Ger',
., hi; 'n the meantime' :Mr.. •
- •a-ifolii5ir Rim of. his
strous brood, the Kaiser shall be submit. : .. ,Iliss Mar or& Hunter, of I nektiow ' r.lvm .p kv° Drini‘o N'Nrit -Lenten: I An °Metal cominuoicatiOn leaned at
ted ti) the degradation Indicted on Pr)61*.rsPeet StinclZ, with her sister, Mjrs. ifehr::
Dreyfus In presence of Allied troop ',Gardner. • * ‘- ' -11 ''' ' ' '` * ' ' th t . • '
a... h-a--:;v-,-fi- .0-1--r-in's 'of Clinton witt Peirograd announces' that' on: Sunday ;
« .. e Russ an arindred cruiser Pallada
let his bloOdstatned s•Word. be brok.N1 on• , A few. from this burg attended tin, .:Nviis in chargt:i of' the Volunteers wno
was torpedoed in the Baltie Sea lit. a
his craven back if he lives. through it; Langside Tea -meeting on :Monday, miff went ft•tr.r. Huron' to the training
. German submarine and Sank With all
St Hag* or the Devil's island might i•eport a eph;ndid. time; % earn al Valcartier, Quebec, has goti%. her ,ereer. , . .. ,.. :. i
,. Nr.....rr tall* ,G66.-Iiiiiite7-iind fasiiir-witlr'the.thirst--totrtingerit-7=to--the--oW'-Vite-l'hilirctit wrinie ortWee Aim;
leaving Nvaa laid down In 1995, ;11er complenient '.
visited the tatter's sister, Mrs. 'Bert T. .eountrY, anti preions to
leSvett, of Grevie, on Monthly. ' ' apPointed it Lieutenant of .one of ill,. Wei 660 'men, Sh w conapleted n
,his prisou and, hiegrave, '
•• This is strong medicine, and will 'not.
suit those vihrybelieVe .that the Kaiser
has been driven into this 'war by the
.momentum • of the machine . which he cert held in 131;tke's Church 'oli,' ..E'ritlity
himself. did so to create,' ft is not :evening and report -a- good time; - -. 4 "'-•
necessary to Iilanie the Kaiser for every; •
thing..,-.The-watiorde. in Gentian -bevel, . 0 ' ' : • .ii - - ..----
been slittrieretitil,and the kaiser is only • .- Nsug TieN
their chid. • AprePoSOf German culture .. • , : -.. , _ ::.. :::::•
in this War; a Canadian University' Pres-
ident was eoniing lic ine across the Al N OkLu . ur rar
latitie in ponipany 'WW1, a NN'Y'eltititrovnl.,,
I -Innate& of people succumb to con-
..profe_ssor.pf .• Chicago, etlicr-soine'tiute suifilitioii-eie•ry-day-,. - — -. -:.-•-. , :.
during the summer beffire the outbreak .e.,• r ..
,zetelice proves:. that the 'germs only
.Of -war,: w*.i,).**Vipg. Clinnir )iitit . a eontr,A-tbrivewhowthe.svstentOteoketted:frphi
-pithy of -distinguished Germans dr 11, onfi colds • or sickness« overwork, confining
the tliancellor Bethmanir-noilWeg Was duties or When geileral weakness exists.
one of the Moat, eminent. He repetts The hest , physicians point mit that
the chancellor as saying: . , - - during changing seasons the blood Should
' : •G r be inade rich 'arid onteand active by- talt.
"Culture has her headquarters in e - . d• - c't • i • . i - ..... Tr ,toti
..., 4- Ing ..)COtt s tnu stone ter meals. le
'many. ,, There is asniatter'ing or it in , liver oh in sc.,,.nti.rs ,E..intosqonN•vtirnis the
'Fiance, a veneer '0 culture in the front I. holly ,b).•elitichrtig the blood ;• it peculiarly.
talika of the Itnesbni barbarism, it tree- strengthens. the lungi pita throat, while it •
turii of it in tnglandL-bat none. at all tn. „qpbuilds• the 'resistive tottes of the body
,the Vojta States." • ' .,. - • ,..• Idavoki colds!arict,preitent.consithiption,
If von NVOlit indoors, tire easilv feel
., , ,. ,
••: Isfiguid,or nervous, Scott ' t tin illsioii it the
.. .
CO:We. • ititiStStiiigtii...n.lingfood-triedicinei9h .
It is totallr fre from stupefy.ing,dritga.
. -Monday, Oct. 12t1i.' , _kv61`1 'sjil.1"46.,,: -ontliti.4.6,
• •14.42 - fitnit & Bowne,Toronto,
George Riveit, it -hi; has spent the last , , .. -... -,-:,,
.two years. in the West, returned (in Sat- ,
tttdas,•hlgv, .
b ttena.... S. *.., N'o., 7, A.siivisi,ti.
quite A number 'trent Our .tirg a
NI the concert heldAilinteplolliatke:,svCihehu(rit ,.., .S.:),;r.,, 11,...:-.4:-AR.,,,b.. ,lee,1tial,,y E; „lif,t!.gari.:a.e.titi.e'rs..76,,.b...,
Friday eveilings
.progiatti ma and a gogtt. titae, , • , . ...b., 2 t on,. « _. t , ntiore.... ii ._ .
. . • . Sr. III :'•-.:T. ,lielm, B:. uoga ,,, D.
Vile W. M.'S. theeting Which held at,
„itl sirs, sittil stetwood; ita,s, 16.4.61.y,..01.,,, toirf,e,N8it Bliromighteill,IB,,,Iltregite: JJ.EGilil:116.,etied.;
'tkrated, a good programme .boog .given g 'Gilmer°. ' . ,' : . ' •
1?Sr t.& ladies' . • . - '• ' • S.' S. No:: S, Asttrigt.tr
r •
11OV. Ur. Hater has started speeial . .
services in the ehittchltere, eery even- aiiva IdAebidoIrlfirtitntite4ettt:Z1118100,m-tediltleeh4,64.::
ing at 8 Ci''°16.6* gV6i:C*6. be• 'as 1),1'.°4")t tioymtd, .100; ,1,,ottit Macirentie., 60!..13.?.rtf•
as"liible'...: 8e,r; rvIci"litrthh6lid 841.11daY. Beckett, '6Will Atthsoti, liti Will SIC..
oVentfig 00, Aey....di,,.,Banoter it eiiaty6. ci6oald., 11), ,., .,:, . . .. .. ., , .
• „ ,- ......,....9'
' ' Ill,l-taly.XfeketzWillOtNtaq «ft.
, ,Ktillilg'S , . Vert. 101,- johe McKay,. TOT ; Rmaarti
',.• , West. It", Willie tenjafoirii. 80,
VOMTAT VaNtlgili -4. T,I4V.6001'klost.' tt and'fi--pagil tatbn, lai Harold.
laithrolorto.tireA1014:11:onageigy.: ,,retik.1:11 CollitAntheti. 51 ikitlinlirii,le Mdri,01„41(Ifti. 12
Iv*: and unlit 4 0 OicOs,itt ,tillileiigh 44010 !lpy : - • . , 4 ,..(4,, yq1100,,
Nttnefit.i16iat riOst#441, , : ' • k • , . Ai _._. . .:.
'A nuniber from here.attended the eflil •Corps. tOoi Lieutenititi 1910 and her Irength was • 442.9' feet
. . • by 516 f et Width.. Her ,erniainent
113(igins u 41S a nierpber of the MOI watsi'provided by the Kritlipii,
.13ault, stair. 'Ho Whe granted , e '
lee:470-'0f absenee lythe Bank and tnl11 Von Moltke Still In Favor
pay tinting' the continuance .of the ApparentiY there . is, scene mis-
War. • •• . •
, ..tigitPefnehgeeit's a the tzas piosaitseet teenr! ,
After an illness- ot severa• l .m.ontm•un a has •been,
odvieneeFleVasoylgit3thS:nt ehe
there died at. her home in Turni)etrt 'made Quarterniaiter-kleneral in place ;
township Mrs': r;corge tryee, in . her of General Von Stein. 'General &An«
iiti'tterlittedeede Veigts•Rhetz as lahlef of
tlesides h« r husband she tSur v1reo:1y • oenerat .•von Moltke. is Chief , of
six ciatighter-,.'and one • Mrs, ,C„onoral soot
John P.LinkLttr „' of. TeesW ttse Mrc• , •
Andrew Canipbell, ,Mis G CasemPapal Secretary Deadlrs ore,•1 •
lieetor McLean, TUrtiberry; • 11 rs. edtSerttiy, dlthttltipP.Deorinrateted. ahort4ta
the tietv'eaParlo.
9ultoss, and Miss Netti
tie -no 4 Le.she ; •passed away at kome,
. ;
O'ititt317101gO TO .IPEAT ; A delpatth trent •Touton itky§ that
of near Shipka, in t he the rerithsch6tfOtPitlijq' tibedritotr§liets.O...111inded 60:
tAihShitY4Stephhh,. f31C'
•The littif, ett: 1.t -lot;
, _ .; ,
fellOW Wile in: tbe n'onse tit hen visit. trout Zeppelins,. it having been
Ind Was pi:1441g with it 'hammer at "repotted that Ali atiadk by the Ger- •
tiietinfe lt s-selt-posed that-•tlity ham- • inaiti. itirshipa--iti---bilr attempted
trier tell. upi.lt6 e A teatte,..hdrendthe bead
f16The iftie§ t6,6fr .06 044fil.
*.°P64"14Igt 011'4 pitSOhers In the reglen. of *bye •the
The parents *cm an
pres•entAt 100.
tittle,' the -Ofil• octu:paht or the. .Iinuie (661 jr)eiu
, being A SiAtt'ta cOuph .ofder ,,bortbs.oit at eirehtil shed at thiesei,,:
wbo.inunediately spread the newsithe. dprf inet.vridayi, deetrojing zote..,
motImr itislied.to"the Scene and ill het Alit,' - •
Was bfithe AbOOrtliefitind'S
endeavor .to . iiiSh thae•n, News ,•t/ y
the.eltildooly Jived for about' three. th&t hipper* I
• fit the home tOtitt .; t,hi.bitt!*ttitt•
histit4," ,
riagesditriea,t,he, the sofa Waits,
thetefehigt ked•tothge of.tilt
rota.,yout nefghtioni.;. the tete*: tt I
010 Ohoblopi.tid aw'�hes flties
ttitithitlyittot 001* It.444**ta-
• . .. • , .
thine* Ott •
tittt• d't 6:
'tint aiumot rio better titiv. attend (tie.
'British :Atintinill CoHge
ith4:statoita otobto, Mr
• ,a:sises-; thiniP4. Fnl
'n .,1-1(4 °peal wqii4kkett'te wrlie
fee 1V4.1, w4eeiteek,
adies Fine Pall Shoes
-3750-ts-a-man-lar-price for a llaesjine._
111e, and %very Shoe Store has shoes to,
, sell at that price We have, been lookling.
ftn- a ,Ladies Fine Shoe to sellat $3 50
that is 3. little better -than most merchants
sc.11-at that price,. .We believe, we have
fund one that fills the bill Which we call
9._• at $3.
—We -have -them in Pat. --IIuttetnanet' Pat.
s, 61U:whit:dull top, :Patent Button' with
cloth top also in Kftl.and Gun Nhztal
with cloth top These • shoes have the
new' half kidney heel which is so .popular. •
We will be pleased it, show them to you
:Whether-F..6d ‘vish to buy •
qc$NOW, i314T7
lain and Fancy Velvets. Our
- We have'a-full stockL•of,' plain , ve
vets at_lo arid .6orc_, per_ yai-4-1;..L......„Eine
• brocade velvet at . i p.er yard, in.
all the best Shade's. If' you Want .a
m'irefirerdWiv'ffe- ave what you want:.
• Fine Quality Blanket Cloth
Fine quality blanket cloth, broken
• check, -in cardinal and bladk, blue and.
-blaalc,- and -White can d
thing.for a Warm coat. ,
Ladies' New- Coats for Fall
-Don't Itirgei. -we havettfaria'Ciihfs
of khe best makes. .Nbthing better in
fit a.nd style than the Rogers garments.
• *le Our stock. ' Pekes ,reasonable;
has a full
date stock.
-We- advise
-early- 'buy.
ing as later
in, the sea-,
sett goods
-may not be
easily got'.
We take Butter and Eggs:
not use Sepo
. fr.Sep4 Flour "will. ,mak.e. aN • In uCh.. ead
•• as any Fliour,:,and:
It will
tr Seppy Flour nukes as pu'reatii nourishing bread
as any other dour and
It does
r,tr s
epoy Flertr asr,fastina.bre ih price,
.as,arty Other. tl.o-ur,,atid.-
It is
f, it follows, that, in Quality and uantif ,.Sepoy
has'. moneytyalue equalLtO any other flour and.
•It has
•atfinie I.6ur (tamaiotk $346 Mado R.ite it90'