The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-10-08, Page 611[�. M7, J I'�, JI ------------- ­­­­ ...... .... "'1 41 R .""T t%, V 3A 4,342?"TiZ T4 INNIS M., N gggxg m- no ggm\ Ix f�:4 J., MQ g 01 01' W ;,q ISO, -`Ig , R., M 70' R M, MON- M T �x rg 4q, to h , - d % M11 [,j )o t tog" 04 IRSIRR'y WMMKo wiii-,d t,4O. �tjmxs NV, MIN "B �plql, ill not uPOPT#444: P. on -J", - 4#41 AV RmnixaAce, III a R - t a 2 ares q 4,uk I thiii t,vafttei.. - "the pe,rio-o .0 d I, �­ % I t �-� 1— -1- -- 0 'b gi-om ehe exie by d, 4 d -r-qpp< h one� e dVy oUthe bqxn�b,4r ment tjjju,ajjy tjsting.,x-hIe QQ­ aractor 6.7ib P� n o for IRA of,11611V P Xper, ap r#44e thaxi probable t at "the' IT -'by 4 -1�e ss Dqr§e.j4,, tile Any ot fe r. I "k 4hi dige:t�jtil h 4 C d 4he eity, r%vith thie­J,4TorjnA-' ba�t'bf the- bodv, Imust.w4a; in troops Were. for, rd0f., �In, a war oi-w's.,kind. one grow's littI6 weafy of each. side 0144 v.. 1hu sy, mini. J., g -bout. !�o �hell i t.. They ad.Vised the,, a re' pre ht 6L �fco.ul at Rritish b' �to:Tead youx Iar 11-1 1 .­­­, ��% -, 1. ., once 11 Al ij`ht r :"4n Wly, �Bilt' for. to �-get out a buit too busy 4 .A -4 I;eA 'th e ­ 10k,!' waxned t0i, A Th does,' n ma it Q0 o7 b.( for IL4J. A;KJ Ullu 44A hirdren Mige tury, ito, its, 'I ithe wb,�� itilder, not, :ofI -tbe ib men and childre were a, U.,fliecilibbages ibre. 06w� "Oil for Powed �ro. e inlen T" ­ the wad a the. uad -ot let IIt s ais e to �keO I , . n L7 Ifu r jet ess othem 'an Wl <)lit tuts the uM-d.&Y lurich. -of th6 fikting 'of Kai -tet gotee. t.he;, dfoier At''ilft read th. 'knif-, usi-fig, 6. � alb Like. so many !br e Chese,- 1bJ- rety h prewe s6re-.bf f -he, rit 7 Mere ant's rs he Not Slifted to R( 4pprve,,. qu ty gineexs.a asceaed pa rea�h carries in'll' 'hi "k. Ealt �o ed a werie herd' linito: Orate loud *ords. or 'go s ch ha in�-&,da�ii-y barn Isociat' -grade L a pve 8i Uz* n he ur, ,5 �'SC 1: E N S CE o , Ainoteent, NOTE e" IAl f" th served, for' traAsp hbrrser� ort i6f Ne rything -about a, arm, rilioDs a 6r u"A'th-e eaws' k&w is a. aFly eve a0l w.� re'. nto eac�.L lvag� iAc, es 4,.0 . ­ i i also n lolise�Lshould e-: entire ��Ldrjf( �ent- h h were cril e4. 9 t e ovens but. sh stlate$ ::from T'glt th 4 U Uri by-,, Iib- it of 1"" d -b -WHATJ #$ . r they alsI6i ba - L tch6ns w, t 'e d h -frOML Ftein`,ch 7-� Q� . . - - .. L'. I . I the iah ways"Glut-of­place on ­a -farm,. �-e Aa -*-ho-seewn d or -7 4r -eezes t I of I d �aubutbari c6nditiong. Th p soners f t ei i'n,d s-,., LkiDIj i'li. MON f, " r .., r . . ab-ont are not w a te'' lutpip e, horror arge Thip Pr Wngof- 6e%ding'- Soldie'rs ri ", 11 and -'to ad -d, e r e graph po�les' eep ase 0, "Y 9!41� e re- .enough to S. o K i M tele of'the featmopQ�eie t e oo . 'I, h , ir up- the 'IYesh waiter fish &reL 'hit: I' D* ic t. is sey ouit, to ar t Atchitct t t k th th I d delive;reir. �st' dy the abo! the ihe Ot the fai ELI ito III as were U 1860 kr"si�began� fing,ers iiI is iih&:th .'soibten t -Dilhe, back, door of the ,caught.", fiffet 4, tl 'h, t 0 crcks i�o,uw nX& m­ent t I& W�- v iie �in e creation. of t*ro06 1 Y`�.,Uge oSt, rs,- , ighl—tilig er04 Nvater md'thed s -or 6, iAenj", e e,ws. 6a; s go 'to the, the inani of Europe � eiat I gine-erin "W, '101fte-a"pers. it t- who 6ine Theie ki k: st' f W 91 is.. w ere 25o:, 1 hi 'bacon make tes or cof back '�'t each day.' T ef, as,. su: ujrl� of liki.-this At th Lou og, 1§49 but h Alad)r terivhie tho: train- left forIC ologne to rage. mies., ilk --a. -,b You ean-svoil Id' -V� ne;ti CJU41 -Of --- Las�o -t -peqpl jx-,k :figime -ameAtts re o, e-- t e .4 11--b�rals 'and dour, z* 0� CorUntry or Id e t ou ney, r h' I' V b '. crop. au or,** 'is L. giN, h ;�y -�saria Statthat Brltish', er Idea'S'are e ra ­ .-t- b - -R -1, D -en -t 'y no -an -bw 'd . jFa U94 A e 14600,0W tons 'the !:'Aft -6 sal -'a in w r e re e. wew York IN, 3 2 iie knp­%L-jgfte 4 er grow e d pr,* luxurie ar ress e. termed# ard. piciiiiine ohse a e r -p an N". but, by' fthi-,' p'oiwer 4A F� .pounds of- Mbd a 191 .6 ces be i allowed' ea 6-', inan, gunces i's p h P. �cldajr' 09- 'fo1u ly'aknid subdue Age �n e As. I'd ilry apacity.. tn -do t iijgS sUri radiet to, 'hold. a bir" vxin' 0 me' "he�, I itself can -Do A'1lkrT:,Who.ibelieves in 'hi 's s s OU r vide tor- ea�h moh.,ii If 1as 6,eirl s, edr h6r­ M tl there of flodr ded ifh robend on a, -P er 11 1 is, rain t n;&t n de -men- 4 y- ca e.proeur Who. sp ke is now� a- Ve now oh�l 6 4nit wh K' 6- 00d-, fl,6ur e -to rest, 0, ti .40 n re. no: d. desiftilte.' liv- gu perOUS.'. he r 9 the arrels ate e a r, mosqaft;6 -move. iia; go et, ; 00.000 �Mr. nerroa,�. wl. e but 10 0 e ing-op a a :for d I& -r of an ounce. aqh of* tineg: when- ingtop '4-f riei�d on to. Peit, utr 'Usua. Pte "Jiteedin pla�!-e-s, all e ;AInr -1 P. 8' Abou-f �ftwo­ We d. e in r VerV­ el_V d d -T a city- nome prqy1cue place where turn toI­morroW,;, A box, I6-ar ',on ain. A miericin rail- Fr',* e W1 n 'Jogencies sAi6h' as, iIVind, water an ways n 8;�i n, rveater. She refu�.ed,, ippl s; %can I zc b t, with- "H ti S1161Y. t B&Ware o L e ZOE steel. ties: oo.r �tn sjai�, ft, coniiat' es of.. Mine refiner;: -has suw matte I rif'al Ilye�,nh"6iuts are h - -f , ­ - ­ as as Cologng, the 9 of'3% otnic The fir" th" f, P, " �AaV�. for o"" fe meat, 3! fo��ni I . _I.or 000 Wiiin" bread, 9� d. in, ers, V, 'Asi 7ere marithed hrough jeering, a -P ted' 'A t ;heJ, b!e hand �;-560' of the4 cAik would ollu-c rf fe re". from Ifft, 1866 P-- oba; be need es:.of f' --sh v*ggetalbl"s', and 's" gr ir thetelaje -.the -�centre� �bf Fd ;g;&I,44m�&, -ed f4i a`n e -e -4-s- g' -e f A 94A, ars were ii -id -T VLW 6 , , " " The F r e n . h. . -I J ex"' sno 'd r -,where and' women. �Uxged J -fortv"cars'eadh i *ould Also gets 'Wh To rive. 'houi0hqJd; sfeWmg ina- farm .,bN- tbe scait o be� The back br ' uld,, bb Ar I e- I , ounce of Sligar, c so . ..... : � � �; -H ihise - 560' d d. " fcoAisid red te6 g, 46 manure,, enever bim�l, the. pitiful,band' h Ij ead.Of i'giundr 66, that there.'will. be; few, Possible. a -bout. or, u ng at, ff--. - . i - 'r . t riman Peop e.!r T, h alff-i pip'- of, red -wi ii a4 hem. ile sboittiiig e dmea� Douit;e tra li W, M,�South, ., epithet� 7and inA diawn the chip:�a re h on�-tjl steps d t co it bava in4'. h ' . ` 'r.' The4aily field, ration.of el6eti-ic thati. ri�eu b 411-falfilr is� ah, easy r�61 Irian$ UUT v Gef- Y, a sto I rh "bum. ITh T"4 Aould "be place, in the not -tlf� -c rt)'p for. a a,z n en d i f W, cof for Diem to snifi arky, is M plitnejes-o res� kill -them Ev6n children Save ill the"i-ind 6r: ljoU -sr --V M .0y 14-04 JELOU d LEA o -V r u n ia 'Meat n. to� tho ounce's II And now.:.it is, water 'Akdr sewag,6�disposal','.Aere 'in --tfig t f . t in �h Q wasulroom in r -!Do, -thif, �to� -7 VU ef, afi e ble: AU be A y6ut hou� the,, firA ftht. at, thelrbegt they pok -idi� aq-t* wh�- they hid been dr,&j- the back' re Ustria, Pre the t6en; to 'Inlittoij' bacon'or meat. -saus,: Yt, must ,be 'fed, jorover unc,es ri CIM6 1 7 4.-P e ZO'Gormanv and eveni�a:r-, -,of fed"I'- I Fielar 6.xpe7rimenis. in I England, or 8 Lred, -oft 'United great pu p w 'on anj a roomi se&j1d,- Aodr. lke the 6%$: 1 '11' 1- 1 so! "the W,13"d :R of f -of hay. tha S, it seficls ot fler SA 01 111. A Ile r bitio rm. f tom, behi�d. J0ej coAie� �-Ok it�a,' s gar a better cfop the o0en,; and hi'the morn hti P" 'r . . A N F� DIP& That i S 4 t 1. .. I ns to e �brUS4 vid, nis are -n su A ith th Sheir� w ear France 'and. -1he 0 out to, the men: to r atk. read'. Bud 1P room., Z�bc Lztu.4,eq *0 tion I isds s6 Mu 7,A : , 1. - -, ... J,* ­ - - - � hxvo, Pit' I -Im nb ti& Ge -I -I. r-43- , -11,.11-4ft­�-­ � ptrb of -.Uumv rsaillea. ..I . ook enabie,�a. person to. follow a, -h be -too, intw1i down T4gimen ;*hich '.,Are to InAe-st wS and -c at Vol A poe t proviaiofji�;� theta' P0 Baek the'pri-soners must e tangstim ineAtid6went,* .9 ind added" Prulsistai to the c ea'in, differen s an t n,.�,;hen to I92u - m-, and,'-IiQu�r stairs it, -the, seecind,floor were used 's inen or, iare ooked A-fy in Ca anti served Aky o er pu: - i keA-the�nteii­� are ­se -r :1111M fit. tl co'llditions- e from the tMeM ish hef -r wi er. s what �n phoi, t h sold! ' bi,' —MeAe. -make'an f - A s -a aversa'eik'iation and -e a.114 tral'Eu'riipeaii Poerj iSinoe 6tistholdI-MAp is hard �t4 FreD641so- furw r: ''Men ed..E I . re a. have' �fchief a, lecUr Ierwed.4 th h 86citre and" 'sin-te, the, larm�'fanliiy foqdj,; elp�6iafly'' -when t an eme-� tngsten hey &T ealie ft� lstp* all v6r,the Air of -si 'r . vs*. bo, gL_t a gl 131 to 19-4 n 4L are - An as�- utnd UUSSi ea3 0 -Ace. 0 great, Import sua ly �-they fo Jow� largely the �pstem -the -ho�,e JoUliney Ity4io it r With the alIr there, is Again of tars that g4i t, h el�.S&1116 rioom- ;Qer3 -nits, 1bit the F -um btq4p� -_t�: h4i�ir A& diesiraI6 t,�. use. th ar I as. IT 6cher, The "ho pportAhe far;.as rip -or L� an e ing400m wid soldiei'lite's on-breAd Axld s te w,q, is oft"" a rou'lt -of the a W &te aat n�y, ever prieserve in't T jo ; , he­pJrie�- teld- kitcht-n-lIollio*a,� the n his 6sufted juai r�4 .iof fat �pa of V�attr towLa i or ight th� onfOrt-uni-te Inhabitants gh this rooin r Andr m-wotics, 1thal Ik a 1 - . I .. b -wrd- -till -to' a kitAen, -but sent war een, Wy n, gFet hot it is a1w. "d thjovt upqn the, Can ifEln monu tut.e g"the ate:�kitch�l; is if, it his p �.ha;t it ispr(ibable­t olv's--on hand �whtn'*anted, bu ad capital oi 'te Lord, Account f the, t jDWn tbUntr -gain .6 d ad' Miry Of the. la rv-�s be _ey haie 'not had ?Aw' ery And I lers always h tews, t)i� o, d ber of,str"'Msf 'Waierlatdiffiorept ilie,'-e artkjes-, eat 6 n their ec V. ith or -tpa. d bread. The AM, A lati P, 6n reserre stor A...... . . ............ . w and . eto ;W, , are.. -Made ;I everfthig that -is fur- llettricAl 'deviee"s -or trangalit- On ra re S ithe:-Iguirdl ex tht,.", ay' oc�, in a type nis meat., t -Are a tling,4 i,�d larm . 0'' Catering. for the. -army has bero" Inwhi'le IWAs gi-6, to -4�lt ',the I'61 17 1" wn not i6f Th hed bv tbo- Go�'-ernmpent ph 09ia�ht b MilAted a. glimmering f pitv' and thift in 6h, or Ini -bea rii(*., F I mp at ry. rca on q eri a m perts.i *bo NI And firt-4h mi%at. *ben it it b 66s'a' new stiiklng shiptt"nlay. n pris e -watt gu jA Wu Dpe. iha� pj�6tur", h6%j be n of t, ut 'Just h r6 O'Noid', i naiture -he lua 6t 'A gr�o�' idus in bi t t empl%-_4 twifteid, 1jrQta 1w distilo -i e - to t4o in q give,a &P Id whAt'iri neeided'j% the'Me'n-a 116me isent oump 11 r A4 nh f[i 7 d- a Va 'to, U or r and waLS o gain t* anip... _4 line e bone at --a.,joss oft m��n who are §ew- to it� -hig4ly, st �tfied­. -emerttneV a, :re.. 0 e Ie�uitf ill' nc those 4ent towar In thi t itheal. fat ba�,On, h e 710 S, &ioz Rv the intiodtactitit"Of ijrdetea 'theih I& &I Shifts for hiht vvot�- wi-11 -6#�, iev -In 10-A 'low b -ii buz' wbdn 90t. It ir a0etured 'Hup "Uarli mamboI t Ithe- in In -eir t?e�mttdoius. Work! sln&�. li�qeht f wtories. 4nd the ,.e- P th 14ee a p*er cient t. -Y dw ibil like a �n - f 4V but t ss_ 'ttot njim ing Po in -p tbe- men. ar-V PI heL lijeA. to OY JeS in -A a, 'a t rip hh �t ". _U J.- NJ -I It th'40, VC;af is jI.n a . 4 mad h&. P ID �-.aj , I .-- 4 46 Ik 0 L tp� 1<Kvd IV `sb�)nd',be p,�*L' jbot ) L !efr; lettri t. H i�, . to a'q that 'it is e rN ItAfsf,4 b i� in a a -d c -by all i-er I el." a 1-n it ttA. 311" r - Ia f e, Siva 4L fig Gfrmam- arid' in rl r P 'P, -Od the �d a' s a jtj t S V A" d hit. CLUI Ze iqb" who a r A Ile f hIj t ir t anir) t A r a! Lt. had n 4 Oil a AhA, i&r.-, sr4 f -F '14 .111x I..: , , 4: .A. ." , . :. 1 < II � T j d r iP A 4 i'o, rim rr, U 4-arr. n fr � #d r 04�#: rim, rib Vh", lqii�­Aft f .*Vl I '7 P..... .