HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-09-03, Page 37 7 7, 77 7 jt� . . .. ... 47 71 7 7%,a battle oller w whosee, �ptio al talents entitle V -g* -aa gg. wo the Emperor. Z111,1641&.1 -1W.01, -j �ei- I rdgd & �,,J, 4,00,26_ .,g rekA of Sed'an wag. perts th.6 mos 41a* ro it s 0_ t, el t X bi 4 - of fb e G e of the''entlie war. NN g Von, Moltke, is xeixlly the comman- Tlig �,iurxeildex of -in ��,p Reept, �8 :�TT4'0cf. ji QeAI, V * tile 'X' 'WO uld nominally q d piM Orleans- etz & Z occil. ded iby N 'ne O.q g U.g."'g was surroull is ,poaltitm; in the, event -of ING �g der- -chief of itlil the -forces�, al IRS: A them to, be, �V, P U 1IC - P K S, 0 P� R'N Z� Tes.Al war, "'R7. p 27 Gen.. De, QallA or P. Edzema f6r Three Ybar�i OUt' eft Broke was d 0 "IF 0-11 tj?�ussiaas Nov. -lo -t t-phed d 0, e n. a all P .4,,.n I jis(a At c c 9f 44 .1likporstit n : 4, -Bur dd Badly,, Uticura boA0 from, JoR of In valn,Gexi.. A)qo the N411 -11e, and Otntment Qure.44 rot tried to —7 ealc 8 Na, ity"People, N 1� a0tually-ja_ b,r through,the strong, Prus,ian 'De qul�loms, of ..L�Zns Brook, N. �S. "I :suff with at Be' .1,at w, Hie ays. and Q lid kili k q. 2.Q, the M %Mg t. Vernon ina,voi three yqars. ..It started Ube, native-pf Ilci �a; have lit't.11umvpi, Wy- Prulisian§ -captured M, g-, hands A�mt In sores b fknQEtrs1 an f xu�­hand a of tliii�_Jaitg defen"�,,Z_,PAxJ.._s_ ighestgraffe-be -kept k_, 'wh4#e as, t,6s 1ow MAIN, h big cracks. 'tured,bv, the Prus- aIr�, 'os-peciAlly wit; jr,40- and -#n , t baki jers -,vor6 ltell v%ras caA d iql�aly by. perft!c The nyhead sim.ls Dec. 6 'Ad the Freii. Ali' d W th-eir "ca4ell _y9tem imt4ining their f1411, bgili M.�­cc W11!113i, stre A kp.out,Qn x ch W*P ,j M.N."M a , . t. bro Not . very -1,ong Ag*,, A,. *oQli In scaioE.� It itched'. and' overwhelined at Saa Quebtin. Jan. in cl-With d6licious N b rned so ba�� T jQould, pap .10, pai;, fi all , C. ,�d haxq� no 10,01401- whil,�t passing through.the ill, V �pitulat D e�c pift. It was oq, itching And A tbit-f­­' ra-des, h ugh t he,�. out, a JL aid T-URKOS OF PR vaulty nam ANCE, epovf what it was. was treated. A d It'did loj I ig .0 1 LP'an Vilifous Fihters DeScOnd -Troin.. 6016orna-'s ear. iiny-wor rdr, tr .9- any. ruv ath y u uF 1F,TOU,WXNT T 43,1])� OR SI�L4 A Y F6 but as �s on sta ed doln 'h- 9 '' rt -F ;lx!�nds go J4W­ bad UY'rench Ttffk,6s.' fi0i w- go-worl; agaln. my t Stock. Grain. br. Dairy Farm. -d ier, I used.. -battles of W. k are two r -rite'R vison: rampt9o, or P It' -di not oany; g"; Ono da�,. I roq4 C0)bbrn!6'.St.. Toronto. T tro s i aah C - A TORPEDO. FROAA, USH.:M�, YER b6ut'Cxiticur4- Boa -d . ft rfoi d,'- -eventually brotighit, biack PAWOR'gi 02 C; Toronto. Wh ,acIctded.tq_ try p �and ointment 4.4 e _P1,9 r e ro Wcakest the- maiiia -,bo keep 'him alive . 7 '" " ;Al.', I .. . , 1., .. +,� t WLr IN WD.TdWYN I hir, children'. B�e The. *urgeon- u 6111 d 6 lidi of idutleura, oint­ faillous Zotla�,e oorps, orgAuzed'�p inty. �,Sta and Book' 6d buit"bia ..p2eno land that cured (gfnec) 41m Algeria 6y, kiance: e tuess, In ;connecuon. .6me� there mb"' igh'tj.#�xe years 1�rlce 7 only : g !'M�Keat�ney, Alay'27.-4plg. 00--* .. Tenims liberal. '�Wllson PubUsh- he ":Colixiiiia . Y. 13-,,W it' Adelaide, StreeC sio n r, -of, - ing Aleximde� -4 otonly'zCre4bUticuri&Soap.andOlAtniezit�. 'Tito k It wa in,:th0. di�� as the -feu:T-ie ime nt sr v - A­,"NDERF UJ g f Twr- O-R-GAMN HIK-11 n ate sunlm�ned him to the"-'throfte. andvther,jdistresd�g eruptions of- sift'and 44EN ljos, 4-na every, mam T�,WANTED. .1 ETA POPULA4. 11ER01P.. xy. thi -scalp.- -but "ho otlier embfu�nt� tici v� gr�ud&ther FI.G.JITINT Bjql)y.. The mx)q,t extraordirr4 ng much, e Alieriaa,:.' T a esw hiqh' his faber and a 0 -t this_'�eoe, unfor, for.,-jimples, b ackheads red. rTwh M3?81 Algeria, ha 1-: -before A .44'oeeu 'ie� A8 p ite p Itching. fcalj 661ps, dandruff. dry. thin and.. �unat erson.wais� durig, th� tinTo The nurder. of- Alekand.r. was, but the foiirth knowin..as'the Turoo Up to date, of tuiop falling hair. i6happeil hands and. shapeless ? e and - WrEd Tabu,� 6ry sent. joriple; x.p ation -of .'A hp, Pre, IFX&nmk the dirp_�;e u-, !": � R--. 'Als _6 ��Ktlt Jft er:1FORglit oLhis, ingsjo co." by� ted W g.. E ria -flu gary 4 wa the FraWboi-Prussian C "inple of eac 32-p. booli.' the- iiiis; ivife wa's; iig- -the X Mgkqrl evatib t t" 6 to .-t 4.'with 32 Veritable Cold s Wine for far' complete" -as le., 'g & Cbbnl6 Send th cen 9w kno*itl: -Ser an chine.. �thro�gb 'Aittnding, to his- require.- scad,:D-t-c4rd tOLP.-tteir Dru ial G is.�. w fa,6ng the' ichols RAA An ro 6rown out, of -,'L;or.p,. Dept6P.Moston. U. ig. A.�. rs , Ila W soldle'rs'of the: Kaiser., in, Alaa<s6. King, Pe berr ir, Ole mo s the C nlan'-Army ofj-&Y ii-tbe t --S= - reiments PA 'distinjuished themselve;s 84LE.-7TEN PA -IRS liREIEDING -tha,t h er seen. It pie uresque gur' among b -hie -has­dj1igenf­1y e ient in. his youth un.til. lie Pati -Serb pr &.apda.' A A the,,, 6yaltiea.� Fro' world hai ev' Fotea� 0cirwespo cl,6666'sollcitd.:Reiii e bw a. Sd-einah Yolt lood Se,tvian t hs served, as.' model, for., -.-the* e6 n6i 6ring j0pAl ��.erfect dL-.0 ...and _Rr sace ded.: ihe �gh 11, fff HT AR do fiteurred the e' of endurance They add-- TUORS. LUMPS; RTC.,I'. yo: C -grearty to :,thei , f��i6 ' in. 'the nietneli, and' extev. e� n years &go, he,was an exile -of in l� -'c4Quntkies. TI ju an' akinies ost 6t r %L 'cured with from his native turns a . duac.l'mbnarch* ustrian, Japanes S4�) ed' cc6untry, -by er,. ebirie Turk- canl4� .3 -lie thio e:. out pediii y'aur. home - treatmentI.,Write a g'4'm' Ish Xx MIS 10 C-tP Xranc6-PrIu_- 6in Wa.r,. Since he t IT TO OK' SIX 310N ally at §161dier, of4 fortmhe'. 'and bler lini s--.- hae b"p' q'rga-n' iked. o. us before too late.. Dr.'Bellmah'Medle94 AEAD, THIS VEY. cAREFULLY..- !Sell ia: has, d6uh- ed* fro' ;Da of in a Co.. 4knitted. ColHnjKw 'at atio : 11 . I , 7 and 'b" a.,,�opspira.<kt- 4f gllgi3. e,even ears b6go, 'the batl FrasIbliwill;er," L bad. 'opt.. a !N 43,p erma-n n ex riof "For years 1 was thin.Aild,deia, el cha o ea -in t 11-1 ge j3O'Kn'in:BeI9rAd;a:,in 1846' -bffi� th6' Mee -- - ------------ 9 tired; N� Qvrnian &Tiny. ­ilky 'Bulgaria- and e, ijary I of tj . TO,. blotches'on In Tn -in r�Fni�b wa;s Prince -of S )'went'lilio" d has On AIT yeal! ONTAR10- VETERINARY ervi'a 'hQ in Iyelldw pallor, pimples and Army 6n the LongIch, p 'race come the faqL , e , wer,6''flot. -only mortifying, to 2�1(1 oIlly eoxe o ep0t. hbught nly-j � & my feelings�,:but because 11 Tit r xtle with his aILIents-in 1868., he� 'attaixis-lii xi�ioth-,:. bi�.tbdAy. OLLEGE fit�bher.,son t. )�-Ara� (BI a . ck) Oeorib, Balkan,;.- Peter s efforts t6jaxtefid Ifille c male-, German mu,st, , every i -skin wotild. never look ta authorities. of his q or, - the, can ra of the 0 -the, Srvian'Lb6rafor inifuefice have-�&-en e,s.�e I "' ­ - a`�ari. ad falkn S�e Then iny it elite te lie vasl of''AgOloultuie of ontariow, -loo itnee 'of. ' 8V in th�'. in"' ry pp 'jhe�_ i d 'inuch �de r the-.1fl Ti Y' ow tri t., If he is not exdTxs4:.b P, &1led. I grew very weak. Various. sa e vs onicA- ah Established 1861 ''Whein the" d Austria to bi cohsideiba o sibi" -he it -ihai_ nuixibe-red I' itie. It in st rem'edie's,' s; d Aab et. n, e . alser tried Will nelit. uccessullv in 11�7.6-78,,and,Aus Aflill�tied, I6iiih the U�iver�ty at �9,' people. jea.r infaint tiout -permanent' be.' NN`ilhelm. L. witil Coun t Bismarck, e.r. e o, two r , neve, of. the Aaalty bran a,. gary r px, nds. Von Pe ter., was educaiod in Min three ye&ris: if iii the or arr visit t6, my'�.slste It"'into my ll'i a�4� Gen.' the'' Ils.. ''ShL reLopen ''(ifi rot Par s fort a box of Dn 14al:0116,it's io.uthein -fearful -of,' Pi nd'.gf, the -Freii& ge.S4 .1. ] 60, li, Thurisdity, the,, -let of Oelt()Lbo4r.�1914 a. _ For.his services* ex!ateives ..i y-fou'r er 'thdin. And.-nd'*11 . ..ve en ag wdo 'th9fth6y:Jiave mad a well woman 2 a pi anv or pop !4:,W;h -W- illb kie'1--md-ne e� iii6 acon a.. in �EHI:Ihft OW,APPLIVATION.... wirbejan; h; j02"n-, t -a di ald -not be with6tit,flient, Wba't"ever fience. 'resistance If e Aft',er its, erm in the st n ink. I wal t�dk the Gci' -111ang;-S-1K UT n ltt�� Xt'CLACA1 ab cost, I.':.'fbuud Dr. ftalull. d, 'by t: _r hs - -t till �_efi st,1 t cW e Ye L year. t e r mild y Tfiankktb&�his. royal, -birth, 'he was. KREP,'CHIL R, �WELL re' serv!ets f6t a' -period bf:1 9 tc h searching jj&h c re r noWil. T 'R aotion 'very su tablet-..ilo the delicate r-0 6ed The -fin N CIS. M I �,�W.d SP2 1.� �ER "6F. CbLDS:,:. e a. commissi4 th it --order- _�.to­_p �Ibi er., me' ye t e tie it till night. D6n,t ai w T -111 IVork. ilother q.tal fIT46 ig,r gimen popt art her' 'n' ach re. Wilhelm' I uly- 187,0�.'F'Tanctii' 6ter came I roug t6 go. thrbukh' militay tr4 e'r once gri'oed ` b' K ' : _ __H aracter 1: of --a w.oniares--nat fti -1 , _, -iah .-D war s Prussian a in.y.,was given o i th e ,Three :t,,% -,o knows, lAshed r4gularit - Aly t-1- _G.J_afti�F-your cold nQW=th d,'b� thq -Piussiansi y. iiines capture, r year.. lo -n red,warourAa�-s later. Thre for0i i t _.,.gro rejoin- 61dAlme ere pu"t itn� tii4e,& -b� "Nerviliae." -summer months are kepn77wy od red a ur eavy clqql# P'. �_mjnute, be hot to rings:,�4,44er �yei disi t e 41! 7ou mankge� o see 'd d 'Ld _e Cholem� infa Li --of -Re !1�1y- ey e.§ disa e�a:re and. 4v tfi�rce tinies he escape %an r el- rn 90 ft -Pic a throat nk. IN e:of. s, A -girl'. yssr ians. ..first was at-Villieisexel, of an -old,-ch;9fle 'is pa:, pV6 the �'.La 'a when: 1-wa' -Dr.' d itri 'and sttom,ieh. trou 6 w he! ssed I wrinkle ad Gen. oil :S-teinmeT..Zr Tilever them, thoroughly, with NervilinIb... e-' s a:nother Hinitlt6n'� blecs A." rife Iit ihi M f will -be Immediate. again� ari- e. in g10-r6e, .won Frederick Ve go. s"-e&>iTd' it Tide i- im,the Teig'16 He�re e The abovei' sttd 9 t ',o v rwhelm., a, prMO litle life -is lost afftdi th' is egIfed- out t to. the -fh Ake to-rilihi, coughing, choking n 4D ' onor, an a "'0 r 6nly'a fev Tih!-- for -drill at an%- ftme'desired by t4e. e in wwa ft, -.you ffPm ying 'froni.:Atrs J-. Y_TQOI,� wift 6 a well- olieley at:24. He,,withdrew,fro -in e wn ille'r hi Rogersville,1s proof n and,sufferin from congestin I �r to" tM 'pkctur� -galleries, 9 r! who keeps Bi -'i Own Tablets� nliliiArv. -authorities, Froth 'tile, fitst slifficientAllat-D Prussia -en--the-f-r-�&n-tie-r-,b-"a,&en- te -and- I­faqk�iui th-e-restairratTfi. I -�Aei.o immediately.-a'fter peace � was kno ancl the:, third' und 'r-,(1'Lrnw * Pinee n the 4aught it Netvillne will. rea up -ening we pqmpAred mitde� afid beg'a. Ta. b - k'' that 73,� n- in, ris. �.� life� of a wonderful w6mau!s me-dicine, -Tise r, ull 'the' ei notes'. en: daVs a ter siona use. of tihe.:'T prelvent. man s6idjer'is paased inio-,66 'no ot;her pill' but Dr, Hamiltbili"ir, 256. n and disgipatioil,� li-ea�dache--­*111 kill, the old extravagance stomAch mild-- bowel, rtr,6i d' r had been given',. P�ussia� had -s un. i whic, 'its ning-will: ible,4 r tif- end class, whei;� he stay il helper.box, AJLd�alerg'or The Catarrh- Qr e nd''chill at very.. begin hsooii:--bx.ough':f.,�no.t-he�r kin&of '91 ' ...... Mil t o'the t . - he, - 9 !s� fame. � :. enerallv does-thd�' Tablets will oness, tu nil: li ne* neser _s, Qn. Her, i ii Frontier. tilt To, iakei- -away - oarseneW, - G­br The.11" IT t _ih�t y04-_ ..bring Whi­Qlfis'­,a0l�ed �f6k strv�ce only- t) n, or 3, 1THY L 'TO: DEATH. A.line IM miles grIppy. coldi to, cinea, sori! threat dre*,'at the fo Bv 1876 he 'was. all6st'.4ankrupt -AX-0 .,Sold $y medicine detale rs b extreme.iiational ne6essty.'. A CN 6t of,ypur cla-% I -or bad c6ld iii the cheis't,.you can ll�;e * Jolnny-��No quite just about b-ox-'fI`1 'The A; ter ft��tibr i4o Be]. oin - as- the. ankle I ; ., .. .. I - I I I �. . f. s t y a.nd---:eftdt1-v and- -w-h ern --the --o pxessd Serbs,- of y-mr ii ititaxy 10ndprild Herofisin of a. M -0, the Be4- �no hig- so speed* Dr.'Willia s XtAiine Co: Brock- vice comes -to an. end. 6111IN' tort"at'. the jimetion Swiss- Hterze inthe. govino rose -in ye#j8 It hag, been + '.T r �6r i din f or&ers, ther most 1am Y. -ey, et ned g army' consists 'o Ctirfis Dlstexnpot. Olt agafiis ville V TU. sta. I used fj� thgni.- 'The 'remnant of hi i e of ill aiiny of*350-000 men un ml Timd has.proed Its mei ; ��arly" - by er In the bo rs al 606 000 ha On 6 of the brdve,.,qIt, act" I �T -iti - so can you by -keeping handjr, Was txpende7d ry .'all'oleon '111. 111r 'd 'Lt., y. 6 Ze fortu'n i; sli;if the" large 50c. famil e -Can noth;llr-' induce i v' every -i'nc ube'r. pass :out year. arid nessed uring the kvole W., d 'The Ft w S Ividid''into �Ajht armv corps and1he , IK a; rr r it are �'repla&d by. an equal -iiiiiiiber -th ebottle`,'�§ *all trial.." 25S.; sold, by. ar 'mind '.and: mar 1� in , e�. ricall III . . . toel�ange v PLORY. FOR'TIIE C ULM_ Aw itli Marghal 'A h Where. rince-became the,l;ade of tin net Re of iterillas, who spieedi y Str n I ',swept.the eonsists a:p.�roxiately,of i'560,000 ass . bur _Em� dpalerany� 3Ms Kee��Fioe 9. N11h;D was &oba ver xtecn.� dung bhy n6t,o tiiilt you tried and,LaiIj',d 1. Ila 7 lWit, vi IA.JL forces.' T an ug. YOUR OW_ leAv I the' iN iii.6991il 'W 'Ir�Ll, IOU of'2,200,'600 hieti.. The "Landst and take -coinin boy, -not bini- yo'?l helin w�lh iC�ixlhk - B-�s- much pleiasure.� f TrrMuiineEy.e,Remedy forRed. weak,wxitery The Irish, Welsh and f �lp. ,Of and.- w . illikin of StIrvi-a the son 'of at. ll� 8cotch bri'' thi� total.'to'.dv�r mil- t �n EeI4 No'smfotlixg- 'on Mltke took cohle.' it.least Nvhen you gb.� Eve'Cbinforr. %Vrlte Book bf the Eye Michael . �.who TS s m some 'race, pr* out. of the� liv,.e4 with. iii in for, -dan. tA matek and Cou, t N have ',P lathei4j, -.the T 7xfters �`&t -wats-­force4 in I curea r the' 'One ere ell-' 3 itli tit key' td' his'', hold upon up such a tplendM fight against faritiN is. consistiing dav th fAnx-z. Peterrrhad become -erxnsns tit. Liege d- It gagem nt.. d n, h 31' Saa-r-brucken Nr s ttacke -a ,.a nation to whiell' arev their , bl'OO of a! — , I th ol ea lig. tt populax, helro', and Servia's.-reid jhAj corporal. TWO ec�ti S form he: 0 n ogic'ther".v 4s t 8 on t�tlek t 1, IT' b' e h ar arm rushed. Rig -celfic r ito,:Etir6�6 il� were & t, i inlladed:t�y tbe'G-br �n 1��­,­% I s_ P r a .. s-fi rth '�&f Italy comes an A.mus- .pilt.rtmee 1110 the a, "in 1817 sa'v9d the yalle,y 61 Danube and. do' n der the',comniaind' of -se-rgeanf. mn to distnoiint, Itind . dag" t. her A' Fr,6nch under Dor - I 1'eV. X.t 'IN7.eiS_ the little natioxfftom utter ruin, T%ro, semiamd��chmiftt.s form IdeiI. fr�)Ylj 1, b th6. the -no ie -Di lie ji 11 1 ofAb6 :hine, vdience' in g Qu6en--HeIlen&. wa--s: i'qadze- lit, -on IT 5 - CICAAbliah�d Milan: ho had niar_60- tor'ed Biitls I is tachment of 80'men' 4nider -the -tbem back- after keepin 'her ement. cliw a �vettk voi�ce, -I will visiting the ttown, to 'attt'nd tjIj?r tin- ili g. -Of aI statue' of Victor the daught6r Of '& RUSSibRil solier� across , the - �co And of a, lieitten'.a.ilt, '. Three terrilb fiv-t hour fight,' in' which, Iia4 a be-ttet �iffer- .1,6ng march. ntinent 001111n, vel in ro l>Oth,sd iii6re, firm, y -on .tlie:hrone. tll6y left, A* edl6ny'in 'kIlandbrs, who detachmerits form aIcmpan, 6f,940: lethe lossim- we n es, lqpping t Wish to cro,�s the n. Tour. 40om� storm 7 Ain two days 4ifer � the cro-ft Aftet. -the ina�vot'M t1lei tOWn 116d. hii'oW 0oxintry an Ld Aptirefitly did. IT16, under,a, cAptai' s to, g� e ,:ivithoutlailds Nter drifted bo:kOlii- sea.s. Thes' bavttili6n of 960 Trien,j) e r- nkaed 'the Feench: - this e. who now' -number.. e- paliie,4 Ynake a fa.cei tl�le &,]',one' prince e niade- an' el&'46rate.6�eech'of wel�: fqnpgro and beei�*iile, a, pensio'ner r Of.1t 'Undir major, Three* battali tirue-- he jamt ar-Niabon's men at �o . nie, lie, IT n4d r the 6een a. gi we.ep 2M0,000: an4 3,000,000 Iad�­ n, aixi for_�ed'them to ' t t j hmd aikl�a to. be, I-, Prince tn. he war- settled along'flie Ffenfch -border in form undet a. 00 'o dN ZabIoi re real t;o, A rin riec r Blellgiu, a nd! they" Iiaye singularlV ,and. tw,?- I e.gitlents forin 4_1rigade Seinmetz,,? in t Ylgicholas' daughte'Tr& ka; and nphe 101ve hio is to ortify tb" 1 have -used 111V, 4 d their. 0� k-nt)iv -ire, k lAw 'hecalt 01111 Than -TR -it, --1 ow f&mily for :ye. --p lei. -Nit, n - r, _q unment gria" prince's, againA.the fl6cid. bf Teutonic races general., The. ainly corps,, �'Wbib'll s gowm ma 81,oniene i�t� I havo 'found �e eleollent f,0 pter oIf te Ht. Spichern. &iving tile' F r -e -n- ch. pitgne feltupon the quegn k er sitike-&-a-rollfid art t -ffif"tiff-V co ­Tht,�- �colonef pla,,�e&fh4 bi-, She -,vpened: her pock'JI) Gratild Duk -Peter 1 P in e t6ffi.- Thev are 'called Wallooils qists ftwd or threq idivinon.,% gilt. her 4iitiAk rchief, -bat, the gal - the trembling hands and"wout foi- and a third wedded Victor Emman"r Mi. are 4i;fingulshed th j nw Was iiot to be ght eiv Whon tile figilt w&,0,VVerL. he aneighbr's''by their 0hTsi- All ff e'deiaili'-of baek., and found'thi boy, "Snniu�tined to Thtolk". aractdiristias of ' slieech' and vight Vttene. 6orps AvoreLc b eal ch 'tion ei-d ttill bee The -41itth 6f Zorka in 189 M., ex" reT6iiblii ' . ' I armes, nved f tha't . 11 ell- out. ivith such Ix V round Ilk IMP 0 WAS grandly. "thery is Ito th fill. they do their Ditteih and nv t I-lin g mol tinder -Hataine at _Metz aiid tljv� PZ foNiweJ by estratigeni6ilt With, ig million s�oldigrsr cai be hOcrili-an teiglibbrrs'. Tilev- Are Tnia- a d Pete, Talh an r, wl 118 an pi 'tit] ('old. die -sized, vdth dark, a4dro t,.- * tn, it. wai- thortiv th*re,aftei,:that the- I*1thout 61 - av or confusion -'or is- P�ftr, of Alsace was active -and imPalsivo.. V�qt only e ssAshiation rs 'h e is q�' descend, . �ime I gi -indfati The AV&Ilo aim llhild, vV1iz - vaught ti while flie. F ench i ell 1 ft,&tillit bilt and v�*#re, pa, ah)htr ilie, Nlosell�. efi� dut�v ill case of 1, hji� teveA7-,1 et, i-, c;tIll de- �V ell iry left disting t-(�r _NV C-Irr-I - _ ­ - - ­­­ - B ia t il&g- IT I.. "aI)v (1.0t1l Extractor; I o vid i _T1 P n t i,are toretl nd clAssifiod read v f0'r I d lordt IT e - Th" ilt ljw�llrt in $tecinnie'ft 'th6 such N!e IN *ell t. le can mak-L, a, little" gb 0 ord of 7 PE Ily a. little. lip. ok 1-orbach', St.. with their Dutch lieighjx H I ad, t be, piti yi. at� tho- Av lR io- . A F EU` be nb&ftUti� *1 11V k6ibe PYoteqtMit. The majorit of iIn oil I fh liviii, colora zLn4 I V nlillitin 'Odp�, z million It curdit 4"Mii� zt�� 'A in till tin eltr JJL '�atg L j 6 1 &hd r. the Pro� Jjjjf6_ L., 'tjchja_ r434bt- and otbib t he t "("d Ille jjjTTj�trj()jj 4)f tLhe t%VIc" rett"eIt b -fou lit 'dbout this terrific- 6-,4 &)n 'TteinIt it ole IVO re� roell Wils ordp vt e, be titred ut r tle Ila t ii rp IIT et, t kreat, nufliv tile fitatte.it" a d -Ilfd tb ll:11glana. Wile"t-e tjjrtjj� �tr �tjij. 4'. Aftif mAll will be, -Tit e,�; tink that R m lit -St kl6ft6fAt 0(d .1 i9,I,.M 1 6 t rka, lit, -4 .0.6 orxii-ri to his lie .,to llb�_a v k 4 an(s... and itio known tt Itilt, - . .. ... ...... Th6' els ikle w6rkll'r�nd, re'lliclyl; w ith qatindiiesi- 10 A n '01 lei MAO (ff in the y but Mop bit$ . of fe , dtl the anion A-11 tile plads, fosil tit, st"I I ails 'wh�.n the Witt- �at given L %v o Ilk T. E, a Ve th aiho d.ia, . IT c6ril. C W r a, sepa,elit 11 te, 1, 1 do'- ot, 'A g'L 0" 14 0 otta" looiis led, itia e� 11 f W,r, t1je_ijjjP ej.iftl gc)L'k. 10 . ...... ... . into two, ItIlT 10 N 0 r, NTRAL a, niCmber'<)f, Prk oil o u. r, " I - - TleP AUG. IS, 1014.� Aftlft T H 15 R E A Ft E R --I) A i LY #.xv)ot .41ju1j"AV 'd to or: 4 FECTIVt he crokk r T� YR$t- : �t -�;t bound' sei-V ie tllo fore. ,�,ollld be.f n;6onc�TI(T`XfO 'it . itTI ar 4 "1). b a tod rail *it 161 L Toastiet. -�A ng 6 �11 found In Post oii%roAlp 1 61 Lv., OtLi:kVIt h16*31 H A W A Q q 6s 'tie of ill I 'fr a 1. . P 1 Pi. � eroA. w ill VJ to 11 lhi. tcOSOURG drai Ali t6 be Tyllhill 146 r liO 6 11 Alt, ICU At-, T 6§'Uftj Cereal Co., Urge "1 unibe't 'it 0 t g C, wtrlt-11.19MO coaches snd Tor6usfit tntln§ iekill -fits And fndgot, ont. h e tynoJ, I rot ti�!k�otsz ind dia t i t "r th#�v liv cro49' thd bLotLo tLj�L . ... ......... ....... .... I'll! ....... .. ota ff. rvnAer�tj takeit p i s . %