The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-08-27, Page 64 70. 71 7' 44welKl�.K, V�E $Ile promised to se[lid for him lf ........ .... _: C_ 14 Im p . _ .1h, h mixie y.. u A -m -Tr e plagw,41 �7, .e By the evening they were b6, th N,*� o� t wJ t C o i "There's - nothing'. to Joe done' g q .91ce your R CrO114 R i �3 MORI #4 on ille ti), '0; ...ili �.,& a se;x.,.,on eman s t matter , co, he as 11Wl 64 'lle A 4 X., W1 Y ag Henry, Ba.11iiet ierkily., "Better4a,j �Cqiet than v�s�jk tip V1 will Ibij plee (If 'groll!od gg, 30 t �14_ls Wile, I, and ;q9wn.11' 'e a, f pale. Arid[ �agit f gg ,tg Vk e. r a k R, 1� ere f �Coul a col n Lthe ijs, o; oI -vifali�y tile, t orl'alting doill) reste t revs a -miou e MS. W �V -the Sm go U IQ"' _Zm: E in -mind almost C14d 'no should. I' �, t her, . when 1iil o t of y x, JZ* ==isry t -v A11A �ily 1, loi.it tile, grou)14 ize,l� is impe a 4N -he b. OY Emab 71� r (No' I But lips, qvilyer ng Ild_u Tip rd.d ki (I tiv-0. Site 'belit' her head, She ­40rew book. ",with., �,)6eollle fbin a ly1-,coitild say ites Mr. M - ('Q-fe _k_ k 2iTh6re -1 f htrel d llpan,foi ,k.len ;ciyie in ay, Iacklg �be, t what wit'd 6 el th%ird ."er-ops the - rp, 4010 t Jr. speak �so v UP e t in lng:a, ou A !its, w 'Emily. th4�se Welm -'have .&t .......... wri I I 1 11-1 1 , L off scot Ile grippre.dher St. t earl) U i$,4 tj Of X: SU U, I . % . �' ret Nil n it to no� L I kn�6*,, dear -1 urn' sive.et cora. ;lt is A dvis . -in the tor says, 'j" ed his, wife brolkeltilly.._"Doe A ar tic e Iff et quicig, t! y enr e an 166�e'M 46�.e - an 'e� It a in NvihA t' doets� he sEQr' Itlay P 0�' "Arid "How ate-ve, ito pzby,,. en, -on I rota 1.01 i7helcitt h6'head's the J -s nigp-w-p- -a thi- �4,. n-s0l,'T ha.ps,' -if w4rst `cqrpes to 'Howf'-aid-it happen y'� 01pri 316 ern' Aripoj�ed'.Train-�-Latest 1 a to. lie 'Ll sed:'by'' the 9st,eps.en la IkIng a, 'Will `n& .8 1 'And re guns� pri,in Prosently'i e''Un -in o ..a chat ig.devices. It is a train 6f�1rmore e�trs- an rap k 'r-'-- rl Wi f&rjb6i,'Jack and St. added to, its equ-W t flie most, - rd6de Ofibiml t�,tha growing along past Carr -�a; in me i6ns, T ery �b6ie 1. 1 1 . . .1.11 1..;., .1 .... I I . . w ; . 11, .1 , .. of the 'wit :Proye,v. hi at th6 t�,- h d big s�wiejrollirig­ ar apparatus Oil and'fightirt'g, tops'. s, -a de con to*ers, 'dealing- 7thingr qSe �by any, Nyebber -an A 16 d ala ns &nd i nl�lig hie or-4ctar -but �6veh -s,, r.s. -fer. tra,lisporting- roops and t Foin hensive y th-6 aility, t the bend all,of its of'an rmo 'I in i rip r t 4me round. battli.ahlp on ons* re�d% bo' twc arrisrge _Su ak n-, 016v Oats iJr,eq f c f fire, �gnns %-,.e )miinted in, ske h swumg an of the be an:'.,o '!list us ac Tild t6w y,'.hevoverc - I W th d 0'* -the"f s A6 - i, nis e'; g4 s an irect raph rbehi S 0; roa W was" by ve m the sil ring, Mow e Or p. Dng rail halligg, thinkin V_ ic 8 tiIi 0 -on- too, .-in --—The- boy. t Permit troopers. i who' was b k - ----- Her voice - e.- st'OOOL; oSatz, y4r h' Er Gi&nZ rd��i 'a" f in the field as t. ey' 15,000 Irrzsisr, squat, ses.., Battleships an C iti-Itikht to- -,ground, riiet. eeJA6jjd 500.'.t6nSL.. Ru 8jilli11C Ithey just n" a---- rnet.:. _4_r ing Ba r son 10 ed to�Hertr wO b 11 Nf 9 tally. eams in. Ith --the- d -Ison, 16, Then. Put XS OI g. i;w in istance. w iftly i 11 d- d- : , , � 1 1. . A 'h 'L h Ust, n 'hilAd vwg ill, .0 Esieh in rve e o Aw -iub- thoroti '14,000;:.. gro im -7: 7=- tMean 14,000 Ex- prf! - . . . . . t : h �you. -,m- �0 D ' &.�4 ghly is y I B d. R��r a , ki; SID Be th-destkpYor, a: �n quickly and fl6till&s., There a I ,6Q6;, Van -you ;.:goad� ppid geaned, 12P95 4 rs. I h h Wh&V W -here, bides, - W. re :gi-xiietl ring. -it to rrl�ll esttoy nL'tfie� Fifth- mown: he Aelri Id.' A while.V Fifth Uiiser* quadro-CrIiii:' d Usually', t e. mill.&t may e the rd,done an -6f the ;British. -6mbe.r-, and ers, tirnar, ris- 01 a c -air for, i, bit. .. have., to, leavlet Y!9UrL Stacked Y ",Otit L 'h in t I Mediterranan a ed* in � eY are "the Aeld kui��i�dl�. bidtivat ly, :y Th e.d - lid Julbus Y bad, r age. mo, I,won be long: the-'Ntiv.ltl� )F h 5,25 I 1N.6 I do th ta�llisk Bake ink itks shameful head' ,otees of tfie.0ther -tol; 4,806, Fal ut Ve -the 4jkd. aPd. L Powers. urdPean Q look' heL'Ieft ..... . . lthe�'.de: 'B wwn tO People7fike th ought to go to'. wth6ul" a rye :,which W exc6l- Thfi, -l"But You Squadron-Crivis- -B -ramPus, T. d IV ulid.0g., Pioxbound, as u ago a. neW sel&6me pi�iA lat6r on madb, , haie prison.1 tb6'cottage. Au -my agent L ol I 'him - S -ppe ihat ­ -G-- - -thb & D' nsras cpill r_." 't. t � ed_ ied forget rou e ood Alf bort': ­ . R Kng qr, ccoon, r r.VP oth 9 n- ' - e, , [%,6 1 1 � . . . . . e OTIt, r tivii Th shoft ult ve rL to - .11ope. 14,wo re, tic R bLttle-snake, Be amd enry! Yo --The Brit' by t e mebt,6 'bi, lh16 -.a d, being. souidwha:t, ear at -is better ih a'. tha�;`wo� fidt o ieripe. ei 'h W r., average. tur 4 e 0r o lis6 c tried to. gtop' u rto:,.'sa$ "Rih. folks can flyL'Aiiut,�in't,' .0 4 ever failed: 6 have doiub.16 9 right,, by,, r lords have: '11ndej OrC4 growi: ad'dia�ft is ni<yre'. ps motors;',, he onti�iie4 lijoeily, ink. field's, *1�v�'r,possible s6 thart' sorry 'but"you Passe ea, speed aap tb t it ore etLof their nava dian thfity kfio an 'hour-, o� he should 'not imi it ell. t rli�ht at I ermsLity.s. ba�itle t's 60s,stubble' no ee a yonip el s than, t �tairl -Geriy pxt6h­-ma)­, e -m- �44,d 17. ']?' e 'c6ncena -home ed? Uh eet. Its, 4 A41 di It d'lm High �,Sea The,'pl rate a .gQnes; 'bygones be 13 V�n" 'and.-FranceZhaVe, do ble 4s pr'ofifs- by sowi ow t toWhat,he intend to do niust be, "Well a vi�as: of tlie! bases 'are .At Wilh6lmsha -e grey one an rman Orieia,i.- caile or a r, cqFn. or in eet, in -Ki�. a uni s ra Th in a 'Oe aft xpenses� k ffi in s4earet 'going 6'. Flie f Rosie, Wehber "y aan.,is- no in ri c IIX h g oom-1 High ,Sea 'Fleet is now Orgaize -Th ' i ' 1 1'.' 01,� are. has.. e n- al Y. a The -gara,&E� w e,' 3-6 u i Son' :V S Jd. b 6 quite we d h r . the. grev par 'tis the eqt;. e pXinCLpa are spa The Wel APalit: ram. 'monts ep8 00 pared stggrega- 6r,--inst-an acti6xt,.*r t -lie �Qhiba ztd he0hr children f a a ast to' he i 61 ds't 6 11A 1 'building-nearearL, o r a-, a and the' _aA -mair t - -the-hedgom ank-16&ve tamted Augt-r.Alia.h. h' b�nefi.ciai iriflue di, s gquadi61 -Aich,­ Y, tai.n-'iLg­_'(flagSftJp, ton' -The"BT sqUA your --.'held, out, lee Y, ei rcled - 4he�groui W.- ­H6niy- rl fng P W, as.. -bob tei Pro ljob Thuringen, hich displaces 14,6 ing which ed, istea, thily fdr-' Minotaur, v, th6,potal ts eery 00' upon,, rance PS `0st- pdrisists, f any pe]7Lproplt. B�tirnet. draw; back.- -o look aA-* First. sq�adron Bsittle�hi rmbr�d tiltise up iif; y6u.stoorlplo there's imdepe�ndirtg F t t1he 'a alvir fri�glandP �2,400 �o vines 'an V t6�; Wielmon tipto,�A 0 Sir - it in 'Conijiin4p� an., -RA P77 ml 10U.1i that they' wird. 11 he ra'.6u�, ur- -wondered: hether C - i kowe y fi� Old WhA --2.-2,400- re. a =w -t itiigii ho 22,00 s�n4,- , -, . 4n,,entrane. g ­­ ... 1. 7 . I I S it- � 1' 4 In a tuve- --otb ore �_uadrolci dii tb6', Mediter �k' SrWsl �ge., vt _M- � - - ' n *here e. N 16'At6. tons lighi- cr-ui�-:.'L�[s for ii t,v . . _e�ds 1.g ivays, ku tgt, sJxQ .&Opagat a raiii a Besides, hi" t tip IS 602 -Posen, troirblesome, gyowth 'of *6eds t I d assail L, &ck,'hD*&vei,' io is sulr_� 4,1 �throug -,,.vi� a ho� The padl e and, 62p rs Xew� Boo tolis'taiiA yaf, Dvring 5 gk.6YL,�4ftr, a ou prise.art �..We _1_6L N b&§ide helpin- to rain �Stfa n, -18-4 'b' U* ne. our battl "' Rhein! t 6 ba�50. to ijiijurdd Your jghl�ps­ arid �two, 1�att. a :cruxsers s,ve ttl. inoubb. nex easn,l eg anA-�. tbe�' oldek e -iumpla IT, the' soil, s 14'. f"to&ned-a 9.0ftly* 'he Squadron - Ba 8 ign' 'been a4ded,t, Navy a d' ps�. batt4eship r4e - Riitish lid 86coh Ti 6 th vlt�,� 919t_-�Xgxinst-w-e ha' fusl;4. leswig-.- fleeit*6 con- if-ohe "Y'l Ig Vn-�L . po 'a CI 4um"Is It, boy IT 997 toniS It itish-Austra ia . ..... intD a Bi lbrilio I , 7 _:6`a:iiy'- 6h. ey, W then in,. 1b:6 �of a newly built rrl�m r iru S it all coifimission,., Thrb battleihipi and the lbere -for t ei'firab.Aime b' si; I've -thou [Ia, .0 "One t,,.be -sure, -rice at,-UK4� 'a-i6lindjilay-ibe so*n.to ra for h9g, mernbeir.. s Kr �,Ougte_r,- -5v880 -LWW�; ltated dellb whether,' after ithe time you� x�, r feeli g D; B a high p as on and' can' 14!eni h 'gut ofyou, w eu �anovei i3,040 Hessen I 18;l§ 6:tons; the IiAt cruis- Sdiry for batila'.6ruisers 14 been completed -04, -1 --Sehle r ple 7AC111 'io 7 L-.Ot�ri lid sien, - 1 0. 121 1, eutse I a 4,400 Ithns an Y. ney'. 'Pasturel., re ifd 'hit hroati ..,,:Mr' 1911917- ourne other b�attle q5 We. �ilt se �Xflltei oui. of hbuc4abborni &'ifiehth 'Minutes Passed and1he' stiff Zoo :-A lumP. tose In an,NaV- and hree ave ,Third '.squ Ton. Baftleship isast in 1" e - en ne corn g t L' 400 tons. The British' a. b* of' waq 0., e the rw-s o, w. rent, thak, motioul w d 'to. re Vcilrdont P'atted h 'half .1'81ne the sb�ul h A tirian Kaiser., 24,306 tons Kai,Serin, 214, - ad ist of' the,''bAttIe, betw�een mi -1 potatoes he niust nee4d run Over -Th he 6iaemibered his little:sort; der. been liundhed'.: or - -the. s . Pri'z sq -ti ;tnd eA 24.,306. n &lip, 1ft*Ut6,,: 11,,800 Ing, 1 P . $v�, t, -I., - bert ,.tons, been. how� no longe�: run' and we!-. been - corn� W6,; after th6y had lits N�v� one. ibaftleship�- bad iiiiS varkii4. .-No W` h R6gbnt,LuipoId,. 24 306' the' light cruiser Dartin.tibli; 5,250 Late, tomatoes,.. cabbages arid.titr- Come im.;,hoMe,.1:0i*,.in bed With saw"You 'here lie laun&ed, wit ' no ou - a6d jb&I nurfi.be�,r of nips -also �m&y..-b S prornise y k e-w-slifus -Witteldbah 11*611- totis- 'raurli- vine' as s c6es6full 'as His wifi, ejace �d inurry, li� -.% I ions, -he-jr 6 -alio-a &]I. ag .Iik-,; to Irk and th plet� wo ew smaller etached ships,,de-stroyers, potato, s, ..... ..... I IS -thogli­ i d - 'y a c ei& some and in hii ar- g e arid terr river Good- b64ts. v Jiftec 1,4 t 4� . a- 99.7 E1 Sass, 'them§el 4s.' jin abrupt inovement,he fedt "But, ilLia.'Nsivy has �d i' -.12P997 an og �ir, held it befo I 'That's n6i iiec6sgrY another has 4e�n Zilirib-genj 11,611. 'hurried out.., re, tion; Ang squaiodr6-Beittle Far is conditidnPs� -very gra new .,bat- he. Ger I � I.( I sv� Tau. - Wife . Wntr-L me; .. Battle Cmi;pr man quadrb in H e But 'the garage .,was. empty. ThJttiObt 1 ouixhoo. In France two rlisihe,, - eydlitz, .24 hevarmor- .4y�wtig Yqu. 385 Goe- teis, etiibrticeW Tent fi Zastern *tt f Aisa#oint Answers .,an,, On ed' cruisers If the ttent.-caterpillar p4cheq Ft t, eans.­He.hasi­&�:"­�Ije. -Stiffed ry: b up. Opt - by axty'rit c 16 two 'others, are about to: Commis�, -r-neiserialt. a I - WiM -hq , N tns, te Orchard, remember. lot in -lad merit staring- fbrwa�rd unil , I 'the three '.have' ricently rst eabh dislylaeing h, o me' �is' ftioit, a li�,altty sione4d, �.tnd' . 1jil ex- ffitm,& Uint. hii fiogbrS., At the Xo tie RUSS a' taltl� Pleit a three light cruisers that its,flock is gathered toget�her yours-, asleep be&n'la -battleship IL n and th .9 has-. bee :The Russian Baltic� light linLein: era xactly'WhAt Ne same I "n TRE. DTILL :i�-- finisbed i .'the .9ussi Aeet, as it d 0 be �ej'lejat! L Jrust,,do iD, t'U, heard the Sound of ' A Jons: * Nurd the lt�de b 0 d L, UgL t I'd y,� Mrs. I B*aTnet; an , expebtL t6 past year, �bnt four stands sisu- o only foiir tons,, and the Letipzig, .3,200.;,' bN a'), . t looklor Nod. - A. .0 � -'L L 11 1. a. to Ing fokth , d �ear Y . I Before he ers in foreh ap�liea :to* the'llo-me evenings me to -morrow- morning.' �ould e�cape 6 Bel n�ii to..'ihe Lutine. eed lik-Hussian dread.nonghts, launched in. -.battleships and fiv.6 armored,crUis7 Fran6e has two armored. efui§ Wre S, 40C 4Dr- soctolicir T i ew-t er- fi.j6lue,. pushed' opi�n.. Fla;rink 'heiadlights. Du �fe oto;1ou wver, 46izra< Ahe:adooir­ e of"he--m -bhe-XQRb do*n J��tjh yp Pervoz Vannr. 9;20.ting, ple� 'of 7 800 11i 'Q ita'ilt i ties, "If' i mid fleet. eshi § Andred on 'knees.. Refusilig,suppe, showed Up his figuie pliiIinl. The lie nl�o-st interegting� of 17,4001ons,; Imperatar Pave4v tons. you Ilrid a. li�tk elb6ws w0ne of I Britaia7s 11(onlie. Fle nch,.of brown. worms.. con In: a d ed 5 fh6one 12,912,; 8 . �;t id, Triarkitigs. clu'si�red..on . 6e xc lige. ri. ish naN7,y,Lhas,�Z., aAinst, the -ch 'uffeur eized az - bells -it a -Ll6yd's, the grOat" -The t it; 'jo, I rt V�thTee 'IT 400:- C-SarVit0h v wjth. ied vias.lac- London e -insursince ha N e molit wLljo IlVed in fashiiin he're4ized that he hag in the 16P000,- -PR0YJD:I',N*G A WATER , I ., � I marin rulA4 a Valnut or, tree, -do' on oil bOtlethi& Ing -Welmoilib. indf his.' who, It� ringing . ralinsi more Si -tons -med but'��t, *ere Seated in -the gray 01' most belH, for it firsb'and seeo�d 'Home fleets, Criiisers 4­ttrik, 15,170 not- he village. th i the e ..:ari.g rf "Who iSjt� an _th ith oli_ly compared wi --tibirty-nint, 13AW Admixal ',_Uak4roff,� t -h& -tb * S-%�,afm,�efbe_es.tbey will not b "Said 0 When a"VeSSal- e_-' m .1-fi- rmoney must be piLid, IS run ps7,$-87 Pi'llada is agent did,; Or 461 po:rted' lost� The n V eLXt 'V ilt� I ih��Ia 11,6W idanted -'Bitret I be or - when a �8hii) 90 Jeve, Sir . In the tholtig. By the n �.-:,o �'donsideredjo# uliex- now liks OR ,e to which me ,bat's �ever been overdue An e t�- Surely the strangest u $:,k! wq,alhe will be lest to t0 01e. reiitef0fe.4% But -I raised' "Oh ­yes. of course! pecte4ly re"lies port.' dortimisslion, as compared with 'Here. is the -way thi fleets1of the mt 0, ciin..be Put s. grbWifig' tre 1 - while at ay, tw"ty-fblir power.�s are m2a,s into a.reSerV'Oir. , _)f�;t this geatt I turne4 'IiSt: gr at . turn. it' ne ' coi�i : a the - money jug in Mrt It WAS not very long ago� S in eofijl� e ed 'in fille br w ere, time 4idn' *k lin paid up irijull? SO:Mr. IV"ek "Willatare you doing here?" its'cl��ging year, dUbattlegbips of the Writer -in Tit -Bits, thiii, vMtditerrAnetlin; lswhat, the'ye6pk OfL.Korodufan., i ii. U,erlthe tree it -of 448sid_ .. . - et Henry Baj6et, taken at'i 1 ttivv las raditit. vdrv' kindly I the hafa tetfirn' of tile triodrn. t,3��e. the British 41 B ritish- t wlilell ced is, f�'a4ves..' its ii the'llindniald, 0,gei diii vantage. - struggled 6r-,speith, S. wd ' Itang,.:whith ariiVed, -in in 6mmission, t6-- -thix�4 id-efatigable 18 I :epiin Oied, 4;.y,iaking no n . twent-one. ible,� IT,2bO he botanists call town moth eaiil,� but, still: wrechilirl- hiriDs.- eens .. .0, for Germany. 17,256; Inv1n.- d hard. I kAow -If free tdition at Qu tee' Tis is e m L't a Seethe a, ba#4�red cot qAnva4' 750- In4do P treatment - wte� tto�46 -see .,a-nvo e was ya4rohs bi, ecifliar hbit.s." 'half' 01,A9. 4,P Th�_�tre,w-hich is ki fty-twd Aa 1 lioll n 't� the 'To Her to Got. rf-d e ense, to ex 4elt f ' our betters' b bteaus&�" man a one a have in a Out, sir, hia`�nd long believed 140. one rinorieW,**cruisers, n,4.ji:v*es -by the- -iiarne of e ..must, touch oiir e off.. th . t uld have%d6st L oh, yes a, Hlogs .6 Gdo tons, Prince'. 13,550; mo- rnat 011ie gi�Oiiips being aall`ed ','Te .. beldi, " at-. . . . . . . . . . ha�ts t g tfieir P100,00 o ar-, h, 0 1 Vind 6lk.- - tXdinbI h. (4a t ignited Me 'rags, willen L thAtVrI;th WUdl�f- than the r- rior, NO t orop has beoris . ta . il't ed, hat . . . . . . . . . . . . . ere 8 W611 et,l the rAk, wh as �t­ ey board mueh mote powe�ful �,'650 ill me: tires - f Turn 20 to e te t Ott r faill't not re. sniouldering- He. tdmp�d _t . 1"ght 44dtuiserg 4 800 6v it* S -a] h en" _ , : ilO � Not i h circurnfereirce* is like �4 the tlian squ-adron. he hi g a ilows A u�67 upot em. the 'news, �p �§ixth squ;id- tons,' , Ctitham 440011 oub in,, 5, T�ian of the banlVoo: JL_.�.,_he rose, "Vot qtfite out yet I hafpen6d -loyd*s be- of fifth and nlil� und and there i.q o 6ndenc tu hollOwh and the gives ave all- ut home waters, 'Are more .41DO; �A�,e io Sudl en Tho bll itow used at 25 frcn If the, belgih the 1 t�6� be walking aong tb which' w wst Of 'the ship& Fren 'hi��. it oover�d that it tdakes'lih'-'es to. weim t' Thatt few miltuies Ago,.ana th6ught I floir the Zuider Zet, in to big Here in' th-d Mediteiralleah 'are. as. . f"- oiste-rn' for storin, tird 1616 to give. the grLorifld a 41 16 the Lutlne e now se �b t up P hull talk - I -1 g w�ter. f6r o; &lid I wbn,i Smelt something burhirig., so -I-,I -go while ta-kir was hi�-grev car* N 0 1 ig specit iermariv h e Cavity nryt fleet that.to land I 4 aws-, arid seagoll, Should th g, -after, ('11tting, %vith tile: (it oVb7f �th,6 rai.s f rom 0, tesidin its .-First (eight battleships) enough :thi� nati%*eS '_,c4()0p teeth of the littfr4jw a q kee it. r�iteh-��nts to alff- Joe !1! stana' up to hiiii. Mver'. r. Welmont.*as 'regarding him now has, in actu PSS be large .tt t 'i rbet, 23,400 tons; Jean'taft, Ottt Still' furthpr, 'sidiInk-blo angleI ,T Iin nct, ImiA, it, got to OP 'th. a. � dL,, oni(5erfing stare. Th Vno n it r-6 is, a roord at Lloyd 0-28, tin -on ve ll'.nevet mind about th and 'First, Ilia udaftese -have also a me- -.vreeVs and is, d�,cidedlv hie. (!hamb6r, of Horrots, . , ' f- d -t fleet-BittleghiP Ir -oft 23,14010, C0110rcet. 18, D t -, Th:eL o .�A he w I as t 8 - Dideiot 19,m; Miralleau, t th 'diroct' it , h (A 6 , c u tun g eofienirg, fu r the I'll tell h it .1. in t -tow., -1 Should get - off ho -g -8; th:d to. ille alfalfa, heye site poiApd 'the -t;olegrsims, ihst Duk� (flSfohip), 25POW. tonS� 19, Ina I ud, M 02 Voltaire;' reception, 4-Y, -t�at er - ust -at th6- ening' of ille'soili I i a rr) t) arfgrv. Hent� PIAaded .1. we wants V:OUL _t8,.Wq; Ver nd the te'port "UA16#4 9t 801" r6n­1WtIe§h She has sorpe trunk, whi?-re the doeq noi injure, thiz of.-t9e anX gN ti_l d , , �6 , P tlg�- are n6t efittfe' rood 194 portat.aimi&n d Squadrn bein v.) that datjpig, the, er0p. There li'as been con%i( era a P a -e"04 'L " tohin*­ that S ou'a, Henry 'tarhet- strove t set!- Pj e,greba afflix 'of tbe'l diskill e Alf L �rj. r �5­ queSUFurn. alf a Id not 611f'v -(M R1 6 e�at� . .1 , , t�e,! I I . Z.1.1 I t, - 1c, FCZU as 911 -t an- dr h atid' 10 YV a4' tire ;tried' aloud. her' Good fiews. -Your boy will- re- . s in. g�lofgcous' U�jform_ bd- gu' r4 publiclike 14;685; it is clillie.4 that. tfid, plants vrsitaxre water e' unk. At thi! !iarne*[4� use% it , ad ifficu I t tri p 10 mb rt a fe initimd bj�. s�litt` Agreed:. Iii eover.;- It's'only a matter 'of� time. stand f time purils ar? dug at' thp f�>t of husbnd. but at la5 tie dr� v s uadron� een bat- Peath khe., sounai Ali R�ttldslli tho All -an She aibe,b. 94' the tre t4l rain. We just called there. riv wife ra ','46e it L 1 090, f to f ar'ed tht'a Vessel has gotie: low wat-r is trail red �'d �,6310 aftef a *e�,k�s Aigsil)Pt Second �kud, s -he ueried thicklv, 1. Yi�sterday we heard abutt Xjar'. ita,000 tons, _tht� triC�i� 1, to was Out- is ak en iiriored L W a Yd make aft it Ith n I1 th.4� Cotfiffilttee at JULQN�U 4 2; 500 :s. -He V.,ws an.d I"t -wasn't. fhis%car "'hit is aoneL by Ernest Henan. 1. 21; to t cotfi ill i n - I ' _e teiii the ha__ nk i�' 't - i YJ,; .1 12 thvi ikater. aft ipo . . A ft Word litt! y-�-i ask fiirn t hat, before r4o�sed v n- 11 that the Air c the ri, tives, hAvo! Pityrid' that -in :abrttt, J10, �Ift e t, b -e glad U aneed t- A( 111haft F e'llt'. thtities would leM 1), tilt- tifi e"teTTlill_9 the boat sI.tglv'g fleet, fUTlY p4e�4 a it 114,1, ill it" t 1 6 we i , If"; an Tid. thei a, se- we, ill, .4 Very J'AL A week cl rst f "e. and- rio�ntly a broken - ire hl a, e (,Ut Mr. Welmotit pansd. -The '16,- q,4 n 'Ai e6hd, notiti is put tip, that 1(j, A li ghierji, 1.�4.40r) t-rpis hate repairc,<l Ile 111.4 �1�r hati opn u d re�ur was bff-v in the gg been -iiftfj! 350; ZelildfidiA, 1.1331 tthe boat it 1 Vinci he gaie art �-kn ltit- of.,. Whcn You fead that shiv r-,�Purth equadrotl - J3, 1212; 11 we W. e re 4WAY to 5M-. ron ­09te ph'on 1'3 J, fr�?,P's, T,�o .1 , P, Airt of h i -c4,wfi T 1+1 llipsy )on the ire fny:s�ef jee'lit" t� is 12,424' 9 ;Jt utis ft4d that, did -d's Oh. io, N a4oArd at. UO:I 14.(.66 to stiranee­rnoneY 18� trthti week."' ft n (�)n UP there' 1111.V: Sir" Hon- S P2 4215Y. ivs off wi0i r' tarit t. bl-nrtod. vvete upon li,q I ; d,. . ; put grivadron Wr�ee onsidere deaA. IN h'eP' lip vw o, no, nt Thine, It �Iu--t 11avdL hrt, legallY Lutlifte bell h the to kom� a hip it, Posted,, the Third baftl ruissIh the ia% eveift I's tolled OTIC 10 60 to was 'Anthe& A-114, his r;�.. I i-nt4nd,.,tt ffi&r tetvaid to n- le. SSel afVj'17j:hg b, eveilt, t-1 .4, led WaS gL to nother� a r 'di, 994 Y, I , . -% I me boy His. wite trelib oevet + bell is d. ti 51f r(I -it, 4beifl*k O t t S b4L$ 't, rd h 0 the. ourth battld qqliidion Struck t.Wi6L Ab �Jstftlyh V . hem "d from the 1`4 (1 e'tulAtr W.1- Iq JT. �,Visit our -fed bo%tv parnet, ivelt- fit. 'tlh� . .. j, bIlt fifta!L I I., ,V S,%, 4 1 , Th V4vY aIW hAS po��rful ;Xlitq ill a iecryft4 f si iJoe 16f M it'll lowin t V�ott leet'. t *& cold`- w'fe,reh�,ern�ere boiit Y"Itt. b I, ifow, 6tj�,V PORTnet I ef�* We 4 'at'��Jpjjr I "I give, just tire# �J It to pi-tv J'Pn6, ha've. 1 to �is� the �xav -tit) the (u -ho had WO d im t riot f oreo 1,,rlg 1d. t im6 -All Ilis 'Wife i-einin Barnet brpaih�-d :f�114t. th, 6Ut elt h0seg 2 OATS PAY- and Dfa,'Trapt.-theY, Jiuuld n6i iff�;A 6 16-