The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-07-02, Page 7r 0.� 30 jr x fn" R �1 'tot r e !g, 7 77 7: :, - i ":t. 12. "'port same --pr �WQ 7--:-, Trli TIT941.3, rnment, 17, r -X w� TM .14 = I Q% salp.", '14 a NY 'd h, , � i I. ­ r� -i, straight prod, the Ij# #A ,V.4 ,10, istud ,,,P,p �,p I"jqf' VEi T A MO. of ;4-1 p I the lea � an h 'o AMAM Xlil'* I would tal(b f oni r n AmeoricaiiI� buyer GQvernme.nf; 14 , , ` .,, ;- 9 DOM, A 44� -C-1 O.M. for' �fqii 11 WOO J� an V-PIpR mwg,'�qp, qW q, It ",Ait Pre 101" 'ki".001, 4 R, 0. t ( I uyer mqpt bq irrevocably Tlp 49,00, PO.t Ay, j j, o p V & AM,* illpPriPAIR tho. ithis PILOTP, @.d �Lle 4, ta) f. year, sopuritles 'qpf, qn ed, Meantime Ii X14.10v m-iNrO"t 19". Ji-ea.4, 00. 4xio", .0 du rqej' - . :O� -e the -A FAW ', 4s"bi. 01 900 duty frq!4, �T JV 04 40,040" '004 7% iP­gj­ A K� r E -R he O'nas @T 4% N to *41:6801 1, Ru All IN Y P'PT44 rpPog,41104; r '110#10 4 I041mal Importer wpuld'he grante,4 q f t zi�­�- Wq4qr4wn­!% J or wr iq, jj� A I vaiy b9okp, Whj0­ ;o� Y are -0 ,q ptat6p �Q go, "meot e !ig iqaudda�an,d �4e hao� -Q �PaY. asi, ountrIPB." To',41'UT rit ex., ,g.n§i 4., :be, a,0�44 tiuyp ar� rog �4to ed Mb, ;PVpw,,� rig the � V 171Q, il Other c A �,4 opy, pr6tpst,,',0,i Is "PIPPIP 'any H q jam a ticu fi;g ft the foundation of -the, OR , tei leortip" but, by PM- t an ref list -,polic wA-nq4-09§#MLL#, 444er Arli ALIft 2*11 ting,, an It By iri 26 19, h ,(Vw u -s. .1­..A#i.- T �pop pur.4 F,.9,q � # en oipA ru y VI T Ick publicly. that, 1p, t P1 em R"$ Coq 1NAT190A 0.19 Nat onal b d er As 'itilp 0. ._ Is np, I Q ATJ4­ -Alpepro C 91-4101 tt6e the: anad 14 yen p�. ,, , 11,1111 1. i 1U. � a ., . r A As. . I r Lani�M#14 'bea Ai eyerit �,qwnq­', at "I ;K 0 i Porlex ik� Mpr­w I M, a . V,qr e e unsaUsfacto P9 �roeo� V #r he,may .4" p "n"O'ximept to Born fea. ordiggry.markg.' 1XI, , Americaa­VoWllet�, 11140P. AM A ak- Lila, tialls-f jW 17t" I t))jj -§,0140--OP or t The arlinial's, _,,,,P, SeiCtiri entry 44 cluty ire or ess-link. IT RAN Of'so 0 on n 'any, - briO.m. '.'stand staill its an 1 1, -- -ods-or-swon-the-, and,iin 'any, - pep �N 0000-p�� 7 1 ete w e- Ri k ­p 4.4 yo,- "is 77 _7 A P liep -M -----d -Becipin dkq rpule Y., -tileap-,P he'-,vw6rd d io 1�, ini tpha �'-ad-yantdgeous­ a-W-11 P-ril AheT- p4ses,-whiclit -foreigu,�buy:i- -be'erv-1 �iiiiiability -of the N, - 4 1 . I rig Op e th 1 , I is ev Holt, Mr. CASGRAIN�Witli the -per- tipe de:q,end oil n- tat T a,jan stud ers., nit like to people dealt, with. 11 ­ies r co VA k-11, jg� foreig,. P,Pyp,r j i; a;jVII, ssion of the. House I should I Tile only ries'alt of boo] ft t t an egree.. Le I r otiler do'� amen ulto bring before requiring transfer c As - is tQ; knows eXactly, where his.. government I is "A -it some. objections, to ; I :, r lion, Mr. I th jilk I am areas �b4 iftlals� rn�y- in i it Ili to, help, ` 1 11 - 110--i as we ,riq§ent di f Pri pis upon whlizIl all I com tipnp I-pgarditig duty- ree stands, knows that .,an an --him to -bring.:,, 4petro- QJ at'14 4 ewminutes. The ntit,ies ort dlrtY -ee in duty free, T he, -ductixf ercial er can arid con-U.-ps. lerpIin Ux "IMPOrt ttO41: of 111� rouglibred B� be reje6ted Adi ft i On 0 can i p - 07?V.B t1kat �Fbatoqyer wIn adian buyer; kA b, -14,, Th cobsiderat -reliable In C Tjo eir e" h �7. Mal �.Iyk a or C4 "jIf -jV6r-tjj 6 f �t b j d "r Can', ik '-practicei -1eavtJ1ii!$ I Z a questib JVVIA11 0',Nv :1� ;­ tile 5 in almost"'all coulltr is 440g( h Centifwattoll., fioreign rei d its as of *7�d ii� rep f an Impoo,tan U thei W.1ii rId-hja--m,�usfi I, airly: ce 16 indoii Y Lft 2 (A :# t ,g( L. 14- "M I't el poll�ical bai-ty c, n t (a) 'Tlfo[,e animals I 'register. s 1 at the, ]Nation ould'fak tio 0, ur. , hit al 1 t rep an ar as, 4'-'roa- in the C cognized' that 'It Is'looked upon �euld le 7, Incaption, -c - in t-: ea-ves--hiiin �-at­�a­idls-;- -41'j d7t 04L ------ i6fit- -sy -Z-,J-7 . .11 11 : I -j- ­-coxill-try at the stem --I 10oo, ", ­ �'t -mitt6e's tiplial irAPPr3 ­. t-�i,l I jes.-must,-haye it rai,lro4d':S,Yk-. jNav --th .... .. theT n V,e there-, IB, allything -amiss bdth., EY�iiLelll uVIJ41", ;u betwjeen the'method ad6pied pqquiriAg AX" --V Parties are equzk y responsible, �6;1. ina-1 B- -as we 'Is 'automobiliti m4 _Tlje�__ -ig- lng-710 -her- J iw'—'-�-� - - 741W 1 t �jjkq countrt64.. P,�qigrbed st 6 ck, get arid' th Ices I 4,!145b, Y Cloit.ly Ic :iioi� fit "brq0jilt Ili sirice..;upo'n "which, 0tris documents -te.(jujTed+ byA4ie-cbinM1,tte0.-- 7 �7% he)­d­,froM­-�Lt'Ije bojilp-- -holder­-'-Mhe� mariager,,4 ..e, conditions Complained "of all i'll-64-- in, r two -very., PAU 11 Lof_,aij identifica, W, tog .,registered without 'h 'candlit-Bell, the 'aninial" Vards pf,the metropdlis.to the u ttex in,. t the. -o�rn liav,e been in q*,tr foi, a long tfulb, ,paid are Ift bdrpos4s 3y. two',qlasses'-Mearittme e t) Alp Sses -0 �ne, derirts'tn I 'The, cor entiol�s�­of Borne a$ "tion-idU ih.e1r',rj 0. -iiWo-i to -iroe 1111.13 w t �of ts n re8. id -in 4 ;not know what 'I I t 69 had a h, 'diB dlfferentt'wayg�.yani doe�. p, are one.. in 3de3d gri e." .1, 'ObviGusi;o, .:Iii� ilo! 4veilt: are U el �'T -lijin ultimately The Keep, 11i akeP a. oi al. (iu1re;­Jiit6 Alid; Th In i\feicico, are �bavts la,borers:' 6 of, the 'ideriiii 0 �ijll]i Thef"A 1i e..,t I ren (i yus es� t I - �`L I' ­`:: ­ , `111 �, "' -, I-, ­", . ­� e I It vea-w 40,1111. L. That "llib `0 verprit do r big how ILI it 5 11141ikt, W h ft Qx1V �marly' vi !� -s xi N jW tiety, �to. Irl� 77, 'or, ya adjans, 11, A I-, ;,en Orc, the,..'eusto Ms law� -Asi 6. J 8 reg -entry rb PAID-' 'h.:'ithe".-6ustoi4s. Vvithip 0 '-'th6:-o,wne-:-fbrced to.' throug lAttti Governindn't de gt'mo -ao.ykntagqd� , r . - lnt� 5 ISA I :.GZ ql�i Is, eiii lack, of'Identificailoti pi- r in, -order emont,Jo, 'the N'a�i6: It y or �V-ail '6d,y �n6t d C 46a-red�for -a, rd Cotrimatee-aii, �foa,l�fsriar�.i,ster�!d,wi-th.out�- tl- a JAn bapt tal - a .. I * i ' "books. -kept !e ry q. voi, I a3raii t le. �T,4,4§y cannot �fqr� A401intf,$, I na. d e, - 8 ess 4 Jiadd boMpet! tb so ii w,';nf�.d,,-.,not, ca a A— 7 !ravin �illoi� -91t ;xr:m 6111-, ys tlia T to 5 111 ahva s ney&r&I-Thei F Be '0 -.4he-paliers . eari-iii --be--teste.d­;- t+, 'r aflaii,�, , 't other.'%, sign 7ei whe`r6'wbai-tI1U- arid with -goo -,.for..ex Y. 1,;tl.j1A(1 as tb d reason er CoWO � -i-z6d­ -prefer e identlfI6 ntended fo a -thei, rdii-w-.a;a­:-&ae -of the�,Oi tfl, "Pha a Atron pa- r' ui Be in.. a i in animal. Is I -tised. No one , b 4 nir, S1.9'.000,000 a-- ;e t%V -ints' As .9,dvei But, riRce. r 0 ze 'ilowtrs, 6i�oelvbs. prove any 'ofic'el farmer knowing y )eis*d6 not'in fiii w d herd, recording in jo,,goo outstanding; -occu',po, long. 6,f� Pa1e,96-ne., -Irta:in -e ereby deplLiviiii fin, can,c veo 'of- 'the 't - I-- ",Of is�beoen -Ban er -common, and AlAi9PA­ Porte.rs., - - ... I P u by, company Xf A eam- thin&. -and woul not &ak6 'a, p.r books in his own Conti ry, s sp Mi�xican Electfte'Light. with"' 'A fiell 4:Life'i,801, ItWortIng g' syNstbin'by which �direct t ,e Kaiser. $6 and'$5,6buo- s countryi �h au-iihorized bonds, r. call A.&W I I - ixd e) A. C.". ma. difng,; Y"91.1 "I I At ."'. t Ze -mP =aLrpefei O,.JtJLh -h tkojil",J), lAg'a. TF owerm "I a riedi..t K C, traordjnary marke, couldridt be showin ter, he can apply ,.pilrfers, o Varvor their A It be- herd is�.,ikadre hard -A fQ,,r It - w It 6spe O.f $15 000, by 7� -stock .,000, n 2 'legal; &ty mentioned Be -to hit '00.0 outstanding. a s., ghts. in o lilrn� an rjj� The Nation Iag,a private,. body under no to bethe same - as, is availdb'le through, HUDSON which what �s has beeji iald to'ghow All. d the Iii t tho e,. Ipapers- seenistic,,be ofany V -...10t perforlu'?any th OIL L I 3ughr that .01 exico- an 0 to t -se 1&1�okp'rs wM re are ij . -otheis-Is likely.'ta-bb .. 'En4 .-.funct1b& tjlo�. Importatl ountry a., higher- in P'tice or, 066rer. ln� tire br`eeds. liberal, iii woke a; ern Rallway 1,.ave a cohislicler i 15 Tha 'material In .,the ..r triee..jnloort its affecting Of CbLbadlari...cash . inv6stei e t 'that rib gAi,jlI3,, Of eiihbr* L-n�6v-`iteorit­ The ­systerii .-adopted -ten s b" d,to'balfhrod-11 legal, means to com�e)lji�to,act. d . through ith6, mediu!n, t: e Q --- guuxp -inteinded,.1 ii If ­ww � %s -sti f rx, 6 �m, t., L � the That- is --tile- reason �rhy I. 'a' Sectifit es Co.nitrowy­ p it that' way. in min -18 not given prese kee it t-hds"to bo PPI -due-effect, in ith"Caniadian captlal are: f lite.' liting X e gubjeict: were�gk he -J�w. the zi��etssaxaes 6 Brially- v tyvoil . Id- f perns -w gives,"US- -t-bo�e, j­i6vincei: not already pr6y yower ComL-, the - cu"Itoing law- -gru le L, ree impor n pp., 'bout the t1iird. hOUT-That .1.8 4 'i a., * --I- - - -res,ult of --We ihe culi the pure' -rel a is, 'entry d' -,sto6k; With breedifig stock 'to' buy, i' � i d,: 6erdi �already in' the Th 1- 4 ly Y,:i OU 3�.' A -L "' uty-- free, iot bree to those,whd.'4ree-(I,-pe�di-�.-tee.d Btock,in Pany" Ing vomparx at n ne 0 00 ding from existing, est�bhihments -in' the, rzo,��jhk�eim. oil th i aMpl th a k in e 64 con A leavt�ng the Goverhdt� 1xi Cou, -t cmintry'and-ti e class w�alth d Oixnada. There','3s . . n Mariiii NT'iI, nell thei,coiiAtry. nor objL6cit to. Government which ' Mr.' Harry a The d arid. herd bo vei houisj',1`,eAe'nding, th� necess provindes that'i Arib's6 preovided, or to ing.their stu" Of, animal t6 'be glit� out. oCtithem room man the -miner, n-,. dey meaht -twe-I , p6ii jr-'.,the fislipi Scotian, w..dll known G.'Montrel I 64s, for er ry iegul�tlons,. keep est. litie� WOU�l L i' d inai mdre.-.'-Th`an official �e7 fz�.om; 6 to'6 p niI (oJohn . 11 9),.. irell allows, free"entry, , bUk''tiLbroad aninlais * the, breeder hag. the 'in, bi M d �by ifid 'tfitme'r for cross-breedib:g, it ager; and the P66huco Li t. and -31 -n­'abI(j2etth.e.j-to-se1 -or-toi PeQ Company. 0�4eie 1, -th"Alytuse-' 'and GOVOrribr, in'Cog ably n IS -rA:ay-.be-Potil.t'ed-6ut-that . ' . . I -�!S* ibg-in­41e�Z Bier e tojAw pTo0Ujffft1J6q-tff1t-1rav-- --I Ta* A*s-iq-� ii -r -cities -to -n C xffa;;� - -, a 111evelovinent of the "ar61-girt-'record- 0.heybein'j--StLj.j`j-1�-h -can- su -,their 'D AM Curiously., enough the te ep oNd ter, thd farmer with ds,godod,an�anixnil i6tognized as reliable b * y- tile Rgfjoji 1-9(ve-.1ho Complete tririAf-e.r*dO6uinent4. pij im -Y- -f-e-t-bi - -pl;o. �rodik6,Ao�0 that. bre�.dxhg` 'Even -'alci makes--tt d -becom&-so eii`;06riti-aVto-our'irdai1 14 -em yed . 1. 1�= 14n cer,, �Woi' . J—stff-e 0 ock for I. e.pr. ceas any,4one- d many are ter -then­his-ward - �e,'hnd -titialit -'as 'he 'could Diornitlion Fisher es. -dr- RE ey� ..�qt id in port y rlpted * to r eg&te Jn squar j L n1tt -Andthe st f If Port' direct t ei at.jL�tjjeL' -e 18-atrers' -bf Hii ly ha-ve been � E . )he i�ALI-ie only evidemee,of-wh sire 'from abroad.' Such,"a ciasw. IBtatics. tbat AI r time , �gr h jkeiraels of 61 cou' Impor dir,66t gnL4' duty ree. when th,ji telephone did 'not exist. T ere 'i�JI16 - in, h -thid Wh 6 thing This Nft-, V BOD. -thpie, could-ADossib tlonitl,'R�'diizid, Comfilittee Wilt dam.were. Strait, 1i far as'�z,,hejTie's� are, opn- .-t e, 'cities, of efy of gritimaI1.6cal breede,rg, y need t6 L not d62 they. cannot ihbw th surely nd.-one nai,tirrie is:.sti-ii fresh in the 7int 11 , Was­an4 V OPJec t6li Ba�­ kst f re fbe 1��rkie-tplace-s.,"] are that he. Eugl 9 What"the th ofoduce, tinder -the dil et� sjlrri�lu.. e.rn�'.d' way b e regard6 w vir, .1111on. --.of persons.' The fele-' were L c j i , tiV - s . I. - d minds.6f. In 4 c ish thg'Am rican would subport. a orbtec e em or I rren also gathe the -a1th-bugli no '(I�ulcei uld -be - -AreA.; an 46a�ji, 1837, -thel'Australian, or thi6l Prench Situd I r b e lie fit I& tile etfo�i wo Comp6ti,tlj)1a. -1 if-, that'lie rentoved and thot.6,ugh, tillone-dr at least. the jptrincipI6,6f the red OLere 7. .-We,witik atigood gin e! a chance fb gi6t pA IfFiQlties teleplione;--Was tholf.gbi a,. reed stock it- is Ili Y e1i �iiffj.6,i-,.th� same investment as e ill sell, 'Kanin:atiou of the�se', af are r reliable. 0 ed- p�dig rt -e re,,$0UrCe.S as. 'arid ter. that there were 'Main I�Ook minized, as i d6sir oved by, the d 1h 32 that those V nd InAifip( ds�a lea A4 1him:sq] -in to .6tica -pe� Tfiete was� much, th'II911fibred -�i- her the h '0�pixt' 'the de -a �-.publfq -body- )ifiJig ditect,J494 our foreign 'Composti It uid- bo­:eoni-pel d—to that 'these torst .1.1-1-- ­­ '.'­­�­ 11 6j d,..y 1 'sha .1e nething not:qu �e so good as:lifs I Ao t od, A pti 0 1 L I - tl - gafloi i, bu, - t A an competi or, may ge. :Iabr tl�eire -bineede& D reliabe. me , nt to a e, -vhOws was fInalLjy':diie to Alex - books are, or are not, ni, 17. tli� a akticultlitroal Jndustry--�-,Would gef,worse U,ld: that. -the, dredit e i co plies f vatl.uabile' flsih,� W.h* ander �z;rahiiiihi Bell., iti tdok. out pa pli init Be hooks, are, th.e.,Xesponsibillitj of sdehl ihat. we a IL the sauli ell. with th6s la�-�oor�TS,&S with the'fi m hoe -how- t 'oi,'their purpose's aiidi �oay, a: at p! ­ mals, f . I . � �w - iair get,it. Ali ordf6rq teiit Ti; sirn ly. a yBte th m m An prac. d..-: �f the.,*.s Ile, ma teni� A- of L Jue hi Wier, one 4geL,a e are NOW'. in. the MoSt L' Important ree, ai s uta Iffe-H -it d velopirient,' The juxtp Pay ,e o' n6F "i -h-tg W& �,h o the,,LC adian Registe 'the lc�h ar'e Welj'W.6rt, e ment r. kept r 0 cessLdIes­.of' another. In the beginniOg e-a,BemV -b he Ieii wer of -a '),�"-sh-ould-atri-,-I-la,tL6il,(i.i,lf.i�,-r F .-Mitnitte6, Lai;-theii -at6-­t Tvjj�­ � diffi culti -and -at;,,oace .b-tg-1 .-oi y'i Sorjle'�'b.flt I - --------- We' e e-bienefff- A --b . ..... - dation 'boo is lor t e commit know. *he erza., .ancd'te ebbone ith' th 'nhAilf�-h-our x h. b .4 fre f'fisli erinei i an -18 no "the t in .86. -the'Dur t Ws- th' Vthe.pPerbiber n- tud A the 6wfi. course and let :11 the counirY,... ­irhat, ai�e t e sparse ­HoBj�'&­BoOiC-'J'­ ' -§' - Ir , �h-­ h wldesjJx6a�d The lbi4 ok or li;jIff c. or tfit farnier'i 'raw �nia-� o 5 Tile- commitfee thiis'takds awa�.. thern�'iollow thef6. t, ie.-lsi brt;sedson made iits debut I the telbphone.,not'fifty -y -an 'hTee. ':c;'c1bbk cognizi6i reiiatie' by. vern- ft rs or we are ­ he it ' : _: , , , , I I I raw he d t I More.; ihdn�-forfy.years- AgooJile, lm-. menj be will 6d ajid inferior -bioh- in oi all. the ork t 7ir6in, t e IltPor eK -be'told by,the c Jalr�atl��, ilities. of'. 9mmittee terial is �y -fisting t:he. Dos mafe'rfai .,dione in a. rie �p -4in: tel ricaw St portation - fkee'6f duty. ofliie Stook. for 1� Ir tin- t, e coun ry pro, b in f qf..�n an Mal, -lid is, nott, invited'to h b *' f eriod' *I.refes4,-phorje," .` at it, pur�obiges was a pli in the th'". fkee; ofthb�:`de- ev�r �6ihks­tht�se` dif-. the JZ432t. XWd Of MILE i1i Th, le gr_-t:'1TTv6 red., he English or� Ame -njj and h� will -be _elngL' Boo'k. breeding anadiantbo6k tee i fri. e .? e, e veni-ill ho. Arid, t I (i etc., .6ne method of.'fre6 'entr fe ster In the for. these., Policy, Tanneir, how me., To Ame -Ilit Remintseen- fe Tia t ve, but nh ck;'. a hour b It imposes on, hi M no alterna Liberal plat eeds,:i recqfd-A Juzura . ted -and, dl- cla ed PArliament. a y . ery Popular, 4ifbo're :thei. d4y. be, ine, a 1 him 0 ge r. -�Geoige. Ross give'w _tes,� pa us, since the:days whent Sir Ged r A-Persons­� r6ad, ea:�P�-. BritfihOoluill-bia whicl-I. -fifte'-f LID. ffedi 0 ly reeted, III gL , "I " gis niti-firon nraeqo� �j an c07 :q 6jhH�� a ­ e, `beiIi-n-.,L6r-- , -, question. A huptleP a f6s fib e, ter--as--ai -engage in- r im]JoortiniAh 7" r L - ..I- rie.,or ins elections. tile Q -`A�­�r that is. one w 0 e idew-of Lou r, 0': 'bo 00 Uti CIASB OfL Sto a e ir, "dile. T their' �illinign' -to g M.. fr.eia entry A condition not authorized.j.0 by,the N� Ze 7h- i �--e swuniFICrb lid to -r-R-ni-ibe 1 4- and. - ra tile i6ustbuis law nor -by-'arder 'n point Qf't'h,'e 6ompass,as Ao the- encour- fion' arid ",short sea.Eon j: can, nOW h pe q �Lsidi t -i ess L''LIMIly -1. has �by' tib�al Record' Corrimittee under the pu5 T ;i6 is work as si as 6mi)loyment: Vvaisi tile is in, sightf 00 Question 1. -have, been idisc�gslng,, dkenient- of free, import&�' Sliatild iwe boiast .6f a- total annual c-Acli. to the -of that kind of, huslUrk, is.ii oor -re c q -9 n 8 -tip, o h-w-hich-b od-y-th e -y - to, ObStritc fiffel -beco-wet---ce-m- sentea.. ---ana­noI:7-o1ny-Lsay', - ut Li . V4 .-M& , 11 -rou-n 4-I­,;­A4&- �uot 9-w-ing-bacK r &V lianTs repore F-0,vex in-n-crolTa r,97 U ains n t Ing ppje bf ped1greed st ILI , .11,, IIAUL4 .11 t. . " 'W' Ere 4.1;lg -mean,f _ rtb. Mr.. T. An- lose it bs, a Bearing-in-.ni-i-nd-�t-hat-t-he-�ir--ten th b -t 51W 4t -Tor- �n�p ne-i- pAW,-t a bi -it, J'S­QUjte­sure­tO- ts-wjla� Tbat'itsboll '-H h4s rema n soJn' ffmo, r, t V, r7iz � mere-Yar­ u -he. - hais--VMd- t-o;�­ibso�­ some., x I , , * , appeaTance but have,. be- -matte ',Bi 11.�.Ic. , - -- - 1-1...1-1,11.1-— H Or other,*ise,- or refuse. It., aier,, g, a:Briff, s b- De 5 by L, dligulsoe'd PrOtectiva depend (a) on his bein is -U- come In fact 'a hIng than thil 6, To'have,oh h, stock 'in bifia'da, ;reac uilon't-fid material. Z Anottlier - think. A hVistier. e's-,case. consi4ered' (b) on - hi elf out pret.-, lty, ,;I- doubf, 7. be i It steim. for sue goio.d or bad ject resident, rosperity of the: c ount�rr'� mon, and 'BaLIM"on tnolft- superior to. earefil'i or be *Ill wear hinit tie life: - is .-the committ Ow --P, I-.. , L , sti. -Iffe, an - earn -,ha -wep. -an w ousan 'D"iffiff d, W-6me.ni. ee on' h nqr. 'rfibiy b6'lri oivid g ttlieft-nima-l�and-, (c)� bri, his, bein, P..A�th, .ty !soon.' Thd only. wholesor ..q Ipust be -ks: the. country Co- ea X�gus: or Durham iijhe-�best'-'P'AcifiC spec*69. the straight 'And' est- n . th e' I t of the'a;i1mal teid,de.red fitry� Ing able,�t.d get the National Record bUJIS.1 4 9 AIId`L Aincere I ife with. no selfishness or een't-iaine'd for, u1i Tha .1 , k be hardly, credited- 'but that It is so n the W ithrink flo;YFn te e th Mer, months t-bogb fish are Also, have.pot.bo t. Is to Say h arte "sti'm f ;��Jbe­ B#eb aft Commftt,- J_oMq The right "'hol 0 im .Sjrd_jt eq �.befot_e ztIret-sIrI,pp - -Iniside ri� Ing Roints a 4ng-;:t-jl 13.0_reS or USicI g�­Itms- 1i Ti in ed- er ght -free+eh+ry-f- gLto zig, 11 Fel�y­through strains. es� and'Lweans­ -to Sou VArluitl --pui oad­-­a-n4-t -ay -d th e --the-in-creAsed -,v.*i-gh-t-­a-n I XQU --obta in t4 vi; V r a A e S. C th-�ri�-ai��a�-cei�tal-n-n-u.rii-ber -'-of; And- JP1114- -thejr,-Bt6C I ki -PI dioxes. 7-11. re -iii -whether the co e firSt requireme.ii, Nore"Filli MI)i b UL De preirs low' vou* t . . id. bo ks� a . tion raittee kr.- iftDougaild chairnian' of he iding O',.get 'Out 40f 'oh the million GoVe to k books' Or her In forelgn'ocounm on st't foilolvooP free impbrts of dairy' cattle arid. t 0- co 1A. 24. 15, JL&h� M111 .&I If e .19 that trie$. In' iAlci t6 ma it, imposes- a r -triansfOrgoi-t-be-ahl Mal from the, 6 of' horses* - Thqse provill ,eVe *,�, d efare ­�,6deis xecoTa ces inositAll, rnfli;h- Cdst of ere to' pii,i T ay nimigst the--fer t&j reed- 17PI I I- - . . 6,,f*.r : . - - I - g 7-iiiftiiifi- a 'Comrrilssibrif, reconfiliends a mdre'fitlen- jjje�_M 44 -i �UUIoiotiiiL Nt"� 4� ij-OA iOduefn -er-up�-.tq��the�-inTport-I.-xig�-ow�:.ei-mus a- n-eji=— rV5U:1IL YU LLI M All U., 0 1: 16 dt, Aliez.,most.fio. -nat i !fro ies, h ze, p -no.t�fL�i-11-o.w�Ahat.�antilials--there-r.e-- �P-o dl:ti ng. t;.d6B`fe--ff-qf�tl e irm 1 -1 -the--�proVlerji­ -i -view 18 e.L'xv - o That. the la d 'i's clear. ing,, pi -re aluable for breedi ;r- r if d, w is apillie a re(lont- repo: made by the United iffal through �.every' w-ner zorde& are..v hand. to hand- must be bbtal0ed'in -wrii- .. no rt cei ved" their dailyV c6mpensatii-94. do& j6 �b should.ndt. be appille s to be .-Filit t6i Obtl W11011 S11111111'011A 0 :§tate'ii Btireau Of., VIL sherie.Ii!. '"T Ough it oses nor that. many -not -s6'recorded h d Ila 'n to P 'Why"t 'j of. the- vineyaikd--xJT1h- s-c—QX- War­� --r tttipr6blem I 4�­A . has nott- sut LLT. -he j r dov, the- lmiptitt6r. Suc1i docu-, 4aru- Ing. this r,'dq irii is. "alle 9'ed. b ... I'll . ... p eeedea-4n solving a: distrdss _e&U mL ILL, ­.1Z5cJUL.0 vallizible infor=&tidn oxii purpose o en Ing J�J, rmsAidn __Lie Ry ­.:l;*ho- - ed 6b;ihie6n,-. 4 d, ossibi-y-deilat ir-16- Xff I 'the di-na , - - - 1i-S­,-th-e7­h4m�~-;ff"`, -bn any-k-lroun p able, th6, -part -the-fundtibils of ab V.ern-. :Iected,,Soi'npL es -of bra, 9 yL - - ' L- ", �- o -salnlQ.n­;lpP baA1mited.�by­asfi.um-- 'Canno.t-bt�:-sam T-an-wrily 1�1 'A`�-66 itding-� io: Tee is-, Subject ) ..,calitVia N!ie r�s'6- 1'. Z ease - -1 , . -6- - -�Pr Purposie-over. thux�*411- be �Iqf- Intereat�.to--fiN hi I'many 'tfi ' finaJ4 I# not' V & not! prOcUT& tj f ttoaw �,Nf� �,e:.. , 1 9 a. - it alliable -for: �, I ed.-: N6 pAft,­.of.aL`Bdbje6t's rigbf.4, *sued, by �he Italiait Vai. 0 - His, st6:w-ati assitsftnt *bmejjr�e.s only." r-ocurab y a ink. f the '4nI1naJ,' can, be salmor, in the first place'ttir half -bred stoe Q PAL unl �A-ae . . . . . . Purp, k xig- L-te cord -0 rl­�axay­from. him -b -y --a- e-rwe- nomL�- L.t -managemen should eu- F R -T-07 ,,,,dfAhe-estMt n -15-6509 are Te—cognlFe-d- - *avedi - dy no --thia-eleetor eWT A ii of the—se answe- -==.t I it !ouId'pxeven:t the, -pur- Cefta ble - re I the, cha Of titlei I's - a 10 thi-eik bm -in Cause "'Villie Me N in are fian je many caseg, 'w by thd T 'w"Government as AnA whieli cann6t throtigh the c6tifts. 'exposed An th , e 'blarket --chh'se ­Of­,a­d sirab Mal .... mat -ter, �of ifterence to -farijaer if in( -han 10 f*r ceht. are 6ecl-ar�d verson 5 "-: - A ing. re ia e 4. Pse'sq. '1 6 " ­-, - "I. . L i ie,l��b unto- 77, _Tnifed State . - L )re it jy�xe IVIke e le. I atil le d a s f) th 0 lyer orm. the alait and.. sea e against - Jft do ildt-need. slzdlr': do-eiri, his,; legal title be 'gob -d enough! to' `p'rel a 'f a simple re g and 1W nj qd. is published by, that gov- Bsi ']t for h- nhelits." Thaut, is, th`cY falil tO tarninotion, 'steriliv6d by bol 1 effig a�cd, the pelier nev6r has -them;- recog z ve the 'j.ftimal' L edLtO - 11 -- - fiai ;� th t 1�'a �.rlvdte jqddy,arid c&n'no -o be�,, the, ,ill ribil -arid -rexidtr tb4i�.rn� fhe�case.-oft.vl St. 6rrd.er wA,s un at -afiSr. 6ne fromi.takink, br.ands; cally 11- first-�LT,)iis 11 Buial. Per - ons _pr t be t(bg--with W T.hatje.-aIL totroh0d:--by, the ha4­iZF9,-TZV- '2 s -o I n �a. s or V.e jU _ _e to ZjtT�6$t Url:­ 8,PB Is sitiol'to-be Helier th&n meat YT ­t1tle­19:-,;neit er, field iol'.' Of-thei i'71-61 h �Si, tbereibir-'e, laboiB, u nd.er That 1�� e.KAetlY W. like -c a I n-, cdmpe perform e salmon it ellooSeS.. .,zuen liepts 1nd can-, I In �buildf.11g.. trIg"e"Ount cifLfAj, z� WA, so.'fox the purp:3�e. of documents. Moreover no.� an, UA s abbut -the sarlie an Ali vantage A brief retiew of.the d(tr cumq-t ;�S` a* rule 0 IV$is made by the bureau sho 't, duties -than body' VaS q reigti'buydr the Govetnn1%nt.'het`eVfb do blis a 'better -ifdr-Wors Jrtbii7wi-­, s6v . eral dfsad' sudii - list 6f'siud olis that they would "ad- a.)'--ThexeJBAhe -Ppift',sinty & delay of. dobtirri covers jile iiaai �olnts flibso �djxj refuse to �Ljj nt ws hat, CVf-br i ging-'out the InoraT., or tilie, h-1. I �, h- 4 y is,r -tbe wOl. it., �Suref It suggeSts....c.artal.h. mo- "i t4i� Aliei 111 be be, `46iie studi or fierq b6ok, elk necessary. dh nutrihiefIC Whifa-discussing Witif the cOM owllolb ,world nos I e romwd", Ing ifirperativ �Obs schout tivice .,.s mu� , oif� (;JIji&jLtajj L, beirrig"' �Th6ltestltnony d'f,`th6s6 who,Bav, so Njillo r, r tba-li ent,1 of eggs, inedt. or fo�VT. tliq�kpossihillty.df% publish a teildeO (b).'Therd is thatAB reliable. It the Government .1, t t bf darrii'llif6d sire or tfie nh 'I 'Unable" to* procure. be,.documen S re- list ati'foreign records -,�hich Are ieturn- L,u Italy- fbr tyllo',�ears pre- Whob 33ehtub ii�. i The. ii;si: supp-losed that ....... 'the day wouilf 46 as� the g6y6firlmont 'ble Of born Jg'notL always-,availa -0 r -xbi,'oa<l 4es It fS Mailding to h6e. the' t1le 'If -6 -6 ln�f , e That d )Ord �e-jyftS. M gt n gprler�lly xecbgnized*a's reliable.' Ae- flir 1 erildill pite th-b - V Ivou i6c, 1'� C -biIeedg L th,6- yoiirxg� are- take .f,r bathtub coildenined p in*anitark -but 'but'd entitle all aniiiial I ie, to follow. the 16,9 It g& the Canadian, bp -3 cor ffi-� these 8 tl'-0611141-9 ex�cnws N%'hen i"y'Ou -jo. ot lvas aral,' be6att* e JJiBi Only. nat I se of th La, 'to- Q,, PLre )IUL;Y.qi . I _ _ t_ 0, the Jiiii;rli t -0 There-. djfnculty� -er. 'e� 1�5 Ly -,on 6Wd be, It fos er mo ers. TIf -�M-nf ea-elitr �Ts. -j�% d -b st the dlity -free entry, ques- it 4�5yi Wj me-foot-l-ni . &-.Any ino y c t t d otbdr bu-Yey- in the warId.l slipli �L lift. , The National 114�altjj., TIrtr, ekt�i� . h6s to rei Vo in Uie Idea- He, 9,n.d therefore th.6 .1,gren-t6il "i lint pea, s :t'o ibe--a"le tj )IIAS i'llus 11 u p t1i, e rma f The'Canadian. GoVieftmen't ftbt -�rlly or"'y Vie�'traced by -the iestinibi R r o-minittee have'. a ffsi ts. -,'*ou blittlie, in at, of �rork- they had *e �ojnpjj$;hLed�'r I -dut pak.1' under'.0otest. 1 th is,o who W4§re on -the spot and iml# 160y, '38 tilifiv 8re allrestfid'arid.giri- out thatI: \% - ". - lie u -W t ey, - -t into the witter, a c ,-bodded or y d-oes not publish Buell a 'list,, b t It. 0 Ii 1101h uze as the basis of entpr- tfilf, you rub -off the dh is that. an' itninial un. � do this done. No fecords or,:chain' r'.. in orwn books 'al 41, r �itfl to so.rve , besi-�Ie dild d 9. The ri�!iiilllt y, s e n t e n ood revel in tile contaill'inated fluid.". Be- I �. Th e bur<len'of the ay-Thb, es* not Itself decide whether �in thbir tfiough -they doubtedly, regist0red In. tile ElIgnsfi,or, any ddreiialebts effectivotV cover tile, risk j Will not certify th'at the boo'ks,.Aihey� -so I th64 e that ba tit tubs 7-allci full Nror�-. It 'foreign stud' or li6rd books are, r- , t iiic, in tl ie.axdi 'also a-'caupl sidis, is se I I � V a lia- -jr�n'� t)ei . a�gion cleans 7 1.1 A-11 ' , , ! T t (Tjff� ffom towil on tile race track , MEL, 7fij,7. is it desirable that tliey should be- Ila MAY, rebi:110; L011A 8 _&�6 tionak Rocord CoMMittee, ft;iifiv is th-lis liosing"alto o person t it If T . . .. ... .. -00 L-A d books slgk L, '!­ � - )0 0 Lou *r,,naanot always,bei �j clause s�ud[ 'd er tit , 1) tile a Bev Me Po,�Aers or dealers 116' dolfbt,'Well,ti Are not VlAwil'inio6rter Avahts,t Ed! ft . 44 . - - - to the,country..."Plie,; till eI�.= kit (-,fl+&.Illl�16,9��I+-i-- 411 c bu --are-es t;:1kXl Jib: reedi it I I t ry. Wen VA, y nor such a 6. an s 6d with b' , 111r, aild eal 119 ft 61 alid.r a a Tjji,C44� 'tjj� P�'jjtjlej-jtj­p 4C abiti. gimoalici are Sojgfe lid a and ill r I tv V. 4 1116 01a , P an nia s in which the cord's di.breediii-g--:4�x-I)erinieritg. list, 446"Ifis't 0 ed bV lilto N.apl till, Rill -9. .41 A)li ss 's of 1 1 i h fiave, been of most us� In those- coulii L 'S au ltient viduallffl.vottei%s.- To', but -pet -.thd and -.i oemigration '1�s UAL 10,tere, 2664 talivi an qvre,rM an4 Paicl-to ohe* "to discourage 11 di arb lhtet�ested haps . fitivi Statiej� 0overtimbrit alf.ord Re',, are pro- tries wh'ore, recording An them infarm:itibir. i iller-ea,' lfio�i ot jjliift�d MOADB they , , 'L . ve).1k reasoh, i -body which '81i been sing. the, proij tvf reni. Afto:r si�epternber I 'the U.S. Glovern- ,tv 'Atftr" ­j­­­t----n-A- V ( Itn" 'llibl'tal'y' it aj�e ei%j 2 N a -pri-va e, 0 dient ;�i�;,be ft Cot for Oft tiloge: NVjjo b b1i'ottla' ljLAVe--' . . . m. ter P g �a Len S tyltir t t 4 Ing the rfglit8, rhay wis 0 say a -t IcAtion of 6. vr(yi,,lon or, .-- t h ii.14 r-1 I - left i a voluntary, Matter -to t1i t b dy, n rrmli, 120 to obabl'y th -ouglithetin breeders., V- ll�;eli thi t of otli.erq Nyho wing, the ieglilts obtalned thiough, It t, . ..... OEM, ofthe"Abtal tiltnill (d "ting d q�al ift.horBm.or, chttf 61101 its com'petito. �obd "Ird-dOlgis hot ii I'tKaju *es hler.� who theirls-elves, had been �fjotit� rt bree r -thr ti -Lith lftbotrt 5t jil s� the -untlietly�f g'6b tile ed$tdmSJMV.1( rs ,A)A ed - lw'-ai rt civ e ry- y -ea I* [fit VII th'e".11 lb If fid n ong, a pa iift,�t TiN qw-w1in Jr 1p, 0 n Vond;i witli mfbtheil" bl,oft I* . I T.,j salient Point Of.di.Aef'6riee between the iAq ry -not denend filt, ank it � _'C'"tta"Irlea a.rUtgo the 11.1 and -lid -o.10 -of L4ilue -in fft'r as -1V4BV­ flig ifi Rjog 1. m,,* hate jlv-i t ddtlbt: [T% 11 QIIS'o f. QLAIL -q hqU14. IL : 1 1, 1 - t jeonL 'the, A p Way oij record book,kep`L Melt and Lite Canadian. a PH b ttles� u qu buke'r With a I'fm- carittied Out arid Canada A. t�n I.Vtoln -a' -e 44,611 �-Cffltuiltl. Ule, Uelay, To Ing.'aue 7 a a r bTlb��eb­pi"ITIV-reg-,67 1L I , The cliaract. on,[ all Is stud all ef Cannot buy a- stock Ili ht�n 0, t p'J." 0-refol-4. Itt-d gum, to: gpei)d q stfo �3, T d Lh d NI�IhLin ef"-wit.. 6r a 411MIn , ontry. for Iii t 'heL C ri�diil that tile affiehablen't 4, a.91, at ig fdrelign, competitor, ' is beyond fillb: n:. tt utitary qn- fe 01' Pt'"altie.4 until ,i, Animal, aq h that the one (;bverrlinrent p,tibilshes a the breeder c6unts tar eve rthAtig. The books should be, open to.vol rrod tlie� Ile IrAq re: eiviin�x the gp% .1or a beCa"I'lBe the _fOfjdjgIfL obtitpetitor.has no I iqt & the-bo,6.�-s.record- in Which tar- ch -terms as- those Who kL RPtUrf, of, 1*01411: An f li, Pro�por Aron d-1 the &ftc abOV."L I- V. ­ j . , . ­ � " .. � � . . � - ­...fi ­­­­ - -1 - - a tint -auL failures as Weil "as' the-,7s'i sso! :1 A� `P 4M. A doubts Or -d-li -01LML eg--N�ijtll 1=."i . . 0-1 -11i d W file -0 Moil VOAE�.­IiV a y ' I "�bdn, is can pay oil a 111duglit rlede!s­ foll tile tiltitI. abo'llt tI to what Isi'Valtlable to other brcede�s, ThId 'tn- ou:t1i;hd& t1l',jr. V #I xv �t e" wilale sum I this it' t it elegates v luore oting­ own d 60­pfo�eij!-Y. -A lbanadian bllYde." IiAs to, ii old. blitex - private arid noti4e8go trti L L sano, by Many fdreign s�8t'6-ii -UAwt� �t -t� "k; (gh to pay (116 duty 1n.e , ase of o, - ; - ent.tallY a ies recorded by breeders ab eLf rjghfjN- 6r Wrongly' tWi-' b6&ii& th c ti� ki". Jy A ft it her jiblo bo -so. deivatdg 641 ;� � rvw character or h -b. -1 n . . . ...... .... tl­- r A];1br- Alic-Jdb t -I 0 the *Gt a, IYA"t I C -C i e Iri� tho- 'L �:njent,to Ieavo to -a cornmitte of d0di- I I slightedt. degree to the v1ifird �df the4 title, t -1h Ito. Yneav:tUvo, ww"if .0 tile, 8ame, amount -ticular 'Jae tile PdWer ;V9 e I -is reql fb�od - and "k) t1te is- lliy�o- bift�ier fift8 to hav ers in any foal j Vo stated Of rooundA and olintlos g -4 'becanai CaSh + jig L the stodlt.: No 'matter by -whibbi r0cordod ld �B siinpl�, an.j the. ifi:d er, t Of- available foreign ,buyer ffect their couipeidtors' ithpdrts As'.a voluntary tuatte� thdrOr Woui 'to a e fsrrtii� fli-jr, f6ljowing _11' -1 i'n add it It 't I y hi.1f btlshek-z, VA, . At oks. cii.;i 0 anJ and- j -0fiq9Z , 0.. pa May e quite as InanY, �16r;thlbgs "Iftli iii. I lat. fna.y nso ih a t6cerlt C. s i�, 100 _Ltikij,_ tile V doubted, 'T iib point ta­ -bt­�jlxbtoi- -ato, tubabLjy--j'n­ kit -h no obj"tion. o - e bil"ith. dfitk; jf� 16ijid,a. ImpottAtion into Can-' m6nt.18� that by, ti . , M tit-, ricr'.half J� h- fi ir'k noted at the iflo' her. th6bry, it is 01AY WhOW they &dg r6k a giveA capital, th6rerore. ri there are good- �on6s. oft others an4 fdel old ill Whab'should be I)e ifit tftins a ititro4paor aSUVe if of biaSs. of 011ligsion rftfher`tfi�n commission, ani sbe:k,. t a in1pose their �Y8 meti�ie kvotigfit tho dealer fl) tat".. t. Y ps a . TheOahadf hiportet bidding at a b I-oont' of lifte Votlthi� prtjf�t: This� app ies- Merit. and gecorid.� . wh 0, d q ndt,fteed it that theIr tfiedri6a "�4 ' I" ­ Q4111171'titV SfiltVlA' rin the be 'of ad ififeric 7 Srstjv of t1yo 01oveth A - '' a 't j ­ I W pix rilgra*Plu Id gland 8tajdg­&t�7L ji�eh� YJfj jj$' --bl bl'o - on -A. er.- rv- rs--a-nd, _,6r' L t, , '' _ _ Vantage as comp I it ty ow, ni or ared Nvilth -his Amtr4 Wriil'pinylg� tac6� track 1h Cauadft'a` foreign aftiffl,0001110 flicildtfEi -stiffer through tile. tli'r�bY'bdcdIftd of,any pliblit: import. old� The, ealth -aM arid tlio,1111� twilt t �ii hv�lli for nold t In 11 1 , ex p o' d 'ny legal ireffi- ecrili t 'is n ere if fh6f6 be Ofte, Ii brigbtncsB of Vou- h had b �18 If, a L fit siah coMpbtitor. , The latter ean 9&fqty -e ttilig A IL ft�6 80 bu, fift 'Alliffial gua�anteed t6 1"I'L' Tile Na Off-kf,Reootd Com, flUCe" wififout: having a y result of the sto 1i 4fafn Me, I WOnt t47Y Pav fct. It I otv Yrttfll wfmt f1w ha.5 that its. S: 'L jh�r 't o one of.th� bo 6*1�� re -dog i!4d of JtI6. I otzideeft �Itt- if L 'Tit -v w botni u-svd to IIY,tl 0 Wii-lkt� c a in ylMrii !g necessary 11 d- r ittitotforence by Pafi"a' d (ti6ii Of their' -Pli sVstli 'oel �7 Ire. Id-6ilt f tt; We 'aniffli Ift-1141-1 -0 r can �otk -inL' tf.i,e lNornihg _!m sl�) b -f Or to, fo flij, 6 ill m, ide"Iltifiett Ion. alIl Ad— sil idr! (tie. %ftey N -up; iiifl�" 'fti, -still Vetfd MPTI tidt, 44'e Ni like. to add soind, 1, 0-t �4e f4fl-if dealltig with a .1y: duty. ffee IT Af,:V - is not 1�11"tdiejt Tilf t ng'purboses fitift ht" t in iri'aft-f-td- x Ji# A,, tioll, The, CLO10 try e try -tot.brti ­ t�ha it c. be t 4i thieg e li)"�t Q�.Vnl 0 6 adopt such ! s thieg 0, #vBtelh; - fisvives , it, o the 06ve fi),P 'Wi il-'6utbid- My Ani0fican c Ne , I a#a reaBioll to tdti �lsiiii, o r y for my lirii kP.I E. lu, . full' of Bt6rl( t riffilierit 6y'Order 60- c6tlutty will I, tisf lt� I,; odgii6tAble whetlier 4b;i1l'9 is ect to the pro- petitor if the selh:Ir will gilaraftt,66.' I't liby' hope to do so,; ill tlj�* �tom­acb, fike a, har 1)4, V, colt, oil t0i gi�`e (Iff t6' ;dut''free entry infoL ad' a e, I self, Tlliht (TI Tflv 11"IlleYtTlOon "i over" allrd.,the -,th 1'�, . I" fi4j6n. � Tile. y Call a if t9 - a .' v totft- thuR J�udll is I# iiii ev4ftt desilab Jver,;. njLftlt or believe thAt. 010Y Oft �(10 so fs' t6' A's e0v'i,';h.alVd the gas 1 it ni! 8 t tile I ast­oea t 'L -fill 81YA'n 0'. entry sliall "lie Will guLarallteo to furtfl say - e st *in d6tib b�t n6ir yin, k I'. books" A!",& only records 0'f'br6oedihg i�'- do this by Sayl a 4�h wa's vVI'V'&flh6 fto-, -mity. filld'lli-A .1it-fle Wlff' nqeen"t'if -the ityl'y if Vol; lyolii Ow tj� L tjj " docuftioiii fe �uired int0arliadA for� P. tile system 611"other Pri; oe I n' countries Wheret tII6v -antedLf& anjth,�ls Owned by-Bri - deisfr%6 to f0rc� .1 v wtvift tZ, be& to tom I I lent j'p�e I . , ri.s, Of �trbj-016fs­ fie C�` ada (aY duty ffd8, ehtrY in- excess: of- 01636. even 'to the poin o re uSLII g, ,st oldent Itt 4w;;6 be6fi the ..1186 ill tile Uliftiedi 8rjNj­,' free' entry. 'if iboy b6lio-6d" gi weit 6. en has", b�" viJluritai�'�., Their tftluO ls[ei4d, ft 'title "Can, es,� or I)a I t t1l 0, 1 ShO "RVIA) d'. i(­anitnidt fi� r09 , �l, t;, - depends -1 atlon tot I 111=�111 sell �my "''L, d if fi t aclian rcgi�'iet,, fOr the breed, 6� (b) n -city ,01tirelyt oil repi I I . ; tht flibir s3s pm 849,', 11'Pi hapnell-fi 1, nii a, Aw 6 tend to �dISc6tiffago. J'116L 1 of tbb w �ept aitetui�sg -arid lhb�grfty se ' ho ad.: pra icer "al I)v 1:0-Vii,01L atitl - Fido "i e lil t fiv Tievm - 1, Ili# tit L in �d A" e nized as felabla.by'thd A a'�e tr "I it�,' off t` require- jii� 49 ' thetm Tile fdonlitiflo2a 1011 N tionid R66 [ual.finfiortet Aild to d"i6atea, disigufs6d Myj,�e8 b V wt I' f�,Yl.xl fo-1, the defe �bbbctl6n tot e ?( t p e 2N I t it s. �'6'j ontig are clearly tutile f6r thO."Ostell- cord Cftinittee. difiectilvelY iaftd A hft �Aetiou. lie Pi th " b6nof( 6'f -herds al? n. f, n. 1'. Ile 4- lti\re orrin like. Illv,,i voil beheve lit"ll-e (I The teAdy fit. t1j6L dolifitrk:-, theft bitiii tb, can % d4�scribi�­flu4-Tll Votr Vef- purp se. tl�n Aidunds"bOth uY Mid take. big no -t- -5 i pi'livi &11' Arid must be prepared (d b m, It e r NV8 Td 6 a -co tnftted!x,�­gy rec:eiv' t �l Ii mo,y�, .11�oiitmtc -Rejt.6±, -, "na, Oki fl'40,M thc-foocf,' hi tern 'it, it --u6. jj�, 1jhd6j1y,. 016se -whd f 1. Bitable first Ili iflqi, there I' ft"' a ft e b," trLy Tb18 lie, MAY ii ;if hd ha" O�Ll bid b Jj�q_ il�� xp al, e y ge I e n Isf c,6ni"P 66M, it '(d M& sftmoL position t1le',po i� 'L, Alp-, low it A A' few k, f cri hand fund Mitt ft' he One in 'ffi.'d' claSs. Of per ign r e 4 Ilad 'Only tile Battle spat, available A§ the lyeiieftts Of t eqtol, ei g 0 0,C IMICS Ion 11 bar'6` bY the t116rftWtfV6 ptibibmt1oh of s"i" 0 6 s sUfficient.. I Cl t Iftj ii�Y itit J� th dittinstrate the L their systkin t6l�e jift-A it' feilable btIftY.,of c6ni'Vaillig L, "A �1, j y :YA �;dffl, A onipetitor bids, he thuft (6htollt ipp.are e-,AtjjLV Vrj illiAt.' yvu do A P' d1tekl, aidvan- by th Wfth wbat ibittit, be d*6 lij6ufs bli,ve dis, The ev'Id pelf, st. re L 0161ve­fhffle�fif�. "', gi-d6ii at his f h fath Tjieki�� Natl6niji 'I'L o nlpo r6w a the le t'c'- -tf e 017 mit-d'd, will Ii I it se under the sy6f iinprinve( .1, id AM Ilb* but a 101" tdge, of thAt ltwifhbu�llig itti ffiferi6t arilinat, ce, whery vJ11.1 4111-V *8 'L ."fd It'ept Suppose he buy , S) an id it 0 L in ' Ust'do, So Own jfj� P'elffect he trotf to, thlb, 6'f 'they a would�bq9dil6'- thIffth a*6 sh Alfbil) � .1, -, '. �J'je I Not :, . 'j"�-apffijjil' 't hA ,4,ti their v liteij Itf ffilift t wid do 9 A- CAft, lidj61* WU bt:§b Will be c6nsi deted by bv, Coxil,adlalh vg I q� gf­ 4"640A X g my ant B fzo lfg& 'I I., - A vl#� , Ti �Anfi �Ihw. IZV- "MM' ft thiftjdieft�, JIAC",� t -6t c -6 6hiiAfYo, they, b6110 kru" . -�­i - t i1vit - *1 OT �-f -'j" wi *iio-�W, . . . ...... I'll t, L . ' ". '-f ­M .. L" Well .11.1 1 . 0'. , wellvflTd:�- P! hts dot. hat tile SYS U 0, Nit, , 16; Rib, 6,aiiaii 6,&6, w, Im Arid it, e� '�w fe g tP R';i r "At. tilLUE -coM6 fri'duCk. fdti,, -F e tit Of Vkltf Y,0, Aght W tt 1. 4 fbglia- mver reEL , ", , 'j fib tWifilif, tid tffto,, Th'ay ftj!Alft u wi k'W"ItIA dubijoid is Bt( 16 ),ek their Oft, one- appe" a etit6tsi fivA6 tbf§ f6, In' p rel i�ditd 160ftfit We" g I 611b, delif I lhdv� WA6;f uiltdo. & flual 41 Jllltilu"� n e6ul he VV6' Wit, dlett ais-'o W wha, 0 T.-, 0 hf q W'. duo fro&, blven If he -d,. d 141 t z. 4 A iq iz: 'k: