The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-06-25, Page 5WWI 4 7.0 N -4 L 'PAW -90 J11114,2204.` XIOW, To �tO SOMW i queer TYPI41 'Wandiai�dirs M -A A rt,,VebAev1, ig very j R POP " " - _7 L� , b 1 It t mg t le Announced of 'XtQM Xj"VRP', 1r0­TXW:,N1FNVU Q�wlooandaa, arp" Poo - 011 - , . R,*4 Work'wvv� done in tW,Jocality' 1009m,414 444 old, Tgjbiwi'seed, family -there are%sohie, "0 ejetles called,,, L laq w bed of Waily ors, It: jApIr. -all izes. 0e.,,oldest'daughterL of their teri _1W wOn, orful 'W.jn4er, siblii �Mr. f, W d All*rt. Battp, o � alk:- y.13eed,i'�,,,, 74ikdtbe'� qp't, 1piek-Vebster!l of Luckriow, visit4 Tictim' look�: �at :theni lal� a seu 'to, Mn Matthew Me Ws;j,.The v'ei7 Worsi'th'ing to, do w a AAF1030- 6 ty' Is quaint and VJ I ­ r ­­ , , - I P_ " , , 6r le6s'-peo0le for, ' *hbm ';tb y 'are,� his brother, fpbert, on 900day. Wben yourequirp rd Weep falls to, come 9 to ..brry about yo r hl�� 6rk or 1 , S� call r ig marriage it -oto, e -,p �cqb I, they �eido' Apgr the ber ftorwithis Incalit d'jinafly work YoUrSelf Into Poch PAW( M, grow attended n, 1presque $48 Willed "Itod sw Now It j"Viie oft riLising on Friday, h �q -�A a siate O"ervousfieso that Aig �p PlArt 114014--ThereiiAre wings of the.wind. or boro 1 y tiod Mrs ]Wx, j1,iiikqtt and fain pt and and se qurs.,' he, rice is h squid Mr e, 'T ontrived f darkness, seem all surrowin W ilib working in a grivol pit, last 'kids 11b"dir ilyviAt�A aj,4ose Hackett' 'op ding: 4nd 0, M here, Noi, An coup ng y v . �; 'y r" tj d 14iehill, :of the 7tfi. *p 1 11 eph, s Ing. In favor of the'purchAser. _.e,,,�A 'I" f aj.� d , Swin� never end owlaul own :Iiifaut pfAces. T-1- _4 *04, , 't , , I I �­­., �L !wknowlk " " , 'L . L.r Ps'"Oeft-1warkt; aiy. PO augg ,!Ja �. pecika6u,otl those 11,� r6i waibuOa L, nder 'ry Not TolerOed. "nitle -tunibl ff6d, Atisa.Nollie jill r.,w- A Or e e q hours A13 -S _Of,e�rtlf *M&Ai I into M -.OUT t Sao` 'WilkleA, growg". grent-1plailip--of A714119 winter, abid-as possible. it -she c - qt�trals- IQ` pi, gorts bt 1i ere aro,:,uo, dre -t' , t 2. -,herself to no poor thp.west'. Th6id itgo 0 in, r .4, presep atill, relaxing and rest- j "ir . . . � I -, 1,� I �, di 1 9 bitikJ�ut, -,,alone re- in 40 heii1oerg", Qer- -so older ike provide herself maily, for-4ithia -to the -modern Arqa- rdner, who bas b66h very it!, �nig, she should with his jlje�', I ...; , , . I , , I '., .,I the lov I , rona W;'G, G He suffered, a �aeve very, lana T i I . ­ Ig tke itle, is not improvin' h- friends such com offs .,aa are, Aecess rely Uttent b as Is Manq ary to 4 iez UP 9 �uld lik6 jgli be'aftble dis, where e 41.8es pir.94lice. rsiiiod'k md,&'� Rtirrin fe nt*g a. make the midn, rig Green lop -o"m I;Iruiso eqttaf to-�M, er,.cent' of e Ight, we -:Du -A! al. plan with, v4� 'M -keu vrzw =-WWI -P 'Xionse, *hero 4 ofi), Anno t, -short,' 4Qbite' preachlis fare Sometimes. - -simp,16: little device,* tine, the M_ 'who �bui It the firA s *at and poverty ��611 �6rmcalere on 13an bring the desired sieep.'O'ne remedy ,n W� tore. unlin6will and no, misery is tolerated., roots thie are� eas y, P4.0 day eve4iiag, June �s in WWII ut", '110 e'early pretty I 'j - s this:: iclo e the eye'- and turn the Ig w left-'th' th -H I efe 60 Old Rothenberg is at 0 Grade rks' U."Efor9pe's -8 ago. -.Other �sho with jts e eballa as far toward the yeal live' in Montreal, last )DIdp and "newest )wn. _w top,, of. the leaves, 4'and-4 . . I week mvi�jtiod the scenes o f Itis e tow*,41 b t- f with selected u as -be sepos �Tlpen.-' head Thisjo-their n th . hoary, paste, nairrpw redn st c 1. 1 .1 .. .: -N-1 I ', . :,' I d arly Milf .9;. as pos ble. str�ets, picturesque gabled houses, the whole plaiii dries'and the small . ..... mal attitude, c i luring slee and tkto, s at Wi4 After a dam e 6_0q-4�e.�-Itowlidjo set -out d attitude, persistintly held, often vro,� gray for ress :walls an roots wit ..,day upoetp4thow wpaXr ere �'tornes a wheu�a sudden W -And" 9MVP jWjp_r_A _ke uces,. le cured en,- a up on L 'A LMMIJIM. _j "_7 7real-714sompria7la, this 10 r reo 'miles �­;;e­edi6l ng- up- o -A -0--e, Oftho�84bbath V Sit. friends.� Wardt and'. when, k o '.*arm water W *r i 3.4th. Annua, Sometimes, a drin you ask 44d the, 1o�ses smell and there J614, the pr- 1:13chools, of the. LD was . tt c il r n :it goes; while o U i ww"W4 III iroduce glgep. Thetis is now on nob seen al0e.afterw re re W it�' Hadkett's church on-Thar$&y, w 'though seare was 1111 hey qay.: an't U -cylinder i,a e. five or eveir six f cession, and iopn'the, hill -in June he market it lit e metal. Ock 9�,l M. enoilg,w, orhim. Lat Btl en:- e e -The *ir, As 010' of r1i erg li�7a:ii exceo It IS -P, , Uecd, btiou. 'kw a e inorn 2; -wire. W b ijug W 4 tho,dourrent bay. Hdv� :be to e in --tII6 and', a,Aried' '.seeds in their p'o'ds inq -e me rued. on't e cyl aa"'.. opeu,�'a th 44111144 the dvivotiorw;% is.tu iinder'�&eomes hot, water is' d new- iIt f 'or a detivppaper: qu -bojIs., A ssof Down. Hi I It s p aced -la 78 wee -4 n;bIe,:vuw_ then 0,wid. if'.' j 'N ty e a 8 T - -D I"Wtio t cover, this cylind6k onthe,bed-. John Vi VW Hr., the, unday b Pa. good �Muaicl no _:�C—Q It of- �-I 9th. ricessi bf-Ical -mueh-exee"ILle'nt-aliAkk.",..�. at, ater -lie y, -'.b -b'- -44 ingli sit" e 4ke A T ALIL 0 Injil ki . Lt phould" r do Other: gy'psy,bee' a ravel Q wg�q timber n, th;�'- w4go 'famous Nut =W -e-. hi dF- -two I Infifibitanti and boo dd-z!itby-- r oleofif t 'bad co6ow ht Ing) is,�sitWed 7on a high 16au god., th�djr -loose "Sks Wordily on the* rungs Of. A brass-..qrq, -6f-- t ted, ok die d': sleal livei,of ItMirchil reix,, 'T blue. Tali� 'he was thibvil -under thVront, wheels 'feet above the river, he, ble shel or hiapebetra . �1� tb t� float oil tall rass ich iiis placidl� beneath. here: aide ae also, sold.,, wh� r -Ho on.: 'ri 'T' ondis 9, until 't n, d strengthen the impression .�o tfie,., p�'ce4l[ long.' dis stand io h ade, young �Readiag in injur -in . r _-Iihei plilled-4 _hor up lie; wols; (w t eir livies in ,e 16iii Y. iorir.e sottlie '. b�. �oial Islands; �and 'Sea, -S , . e t4and ..-vaillic Ing: very re -'m --rive gth­c4utury� d eper ;h us -stop-Ahe _1eaaka�Wge"_be__ 6"t 1A ogreen, grove Id, u! the 1), opp oftibu. It should aculaus Uns VU. .. . r t a a �,and Rathkiii 6bletfig of,-the:Sunday­Schoo14 and, a nd tifidt 1boy- tr"p!4 oire hiin ly soft colorop"V t%y6on. schbol.arid Aurch. he I J.'aw s-.-C-o -cor -,7 a 77 110i� d r wii -a -sauce. The- Akthaus a one a , sight' tratuplei, to'death, !but that .a s ace t! cime up' III w0th , the trIO' en. e.,b... all position, than a '�D ffS fr at. . sary. courage to, face. especially.- a 46 -sit In, half, up Collars 'knd Collars .. - . .. 0 juven�_ t P. im rom.. rses.� Under h ot : of Ladies' in e -h- un or 66 -ho lasi;-anot e4 _i� di'S Tlid-'addlefit city owes, Out on"the- bank an one- M 25C "c�to_t e-eff A.' I Medicad7e -he "e hold thb-ittei hand.j active a�il -6nterprising ada inth- ads, Walt hea dainty si 1 S 6 r Abe unfailing iticu Of the pillow or twolabouldbe ready at - Y is in �'tII6 'Iesso to support the back4nd d, - ho'w to inidrdsi the cla r and 38 tratibil which brouglit about -'ihe, y.ps in .349 3 0 m9p reVo-'Idutonary, c anges,. ret t; -to: �13ftl e. p, o y a c care- it -in-duges, Broa- t -s6--that-they w -Rah -prac ce.. ot;:-The4,each-- A smo fittit ---.F anything that has een' a a-comni6jr-thing -*ft One comiti cho tudy rente 0 -'mateh box 0 1ound sotiqfo, e prqpar6d faj!j livilig In' d house e' ... er must gft�. t e lesi h ious carefiil,-i �e, ro for t...eir. safety, Lctb�Y­can b .1 - ; I jtene _k reAiing hii'chtes and needs to'have .'d decided, atb , eepar �be siiiking i beto ed� Gu-wa-i3v di e �h_e9_are_u$ecf:_7 0 9117 VICIOUS, all �would. W rent: ev panted ht but, a solution _fG fes pecral at. 5:ani 7..,dd r: e&elothes o will, mind just One thing iscussi6h biong 'If -hot'iall, does t);ie;­*ork� It.' en' food. 5.06 6diers, $6.'2" rd T here Wax.ic th6"water hem Sat' a8 Wo dan' 9 way. a, e. everted. T o ty r6bl' can be heated,b rented 1�hoxlses thrisatened, to 'spoil. b' 11, ofe y ieelectrieylind urd moral n 'ek our tri tak e frn_ t_41ctur_eo(ju0_qnd_ 'thd�molw a S, -and-nLeOd r Wh �othd 0 Wilght. JA �ahjr out c a.,'Europe" town: I'de Wn.7, ate long; scrat6k.',,'SiMpIy 0 tee.: 'Rothenberg inktnicipalit, there- eatWor Of. ef byssinia s ne of th�' cou-ni ebiatch' quicklk tries A e6gl. in J.ardies'- Black Se, Drs soto thei' b atica'are Iiiiiet'here. It' is taken fort, started on' a �policy Of creating a I h' n,the' r n wel4amed,tho to ign, P. cotton.;Ffo OZ w.. - - OWnr r o an. ne -o i0w� era and r A ath Schools vdopj� e have given -names. 411 ih tbou quafte f _IiOsc -it 1.5 uderson- -,)regula�. from it for i5,ceinis.', Udies. lb�wed cents: gruAtPA at A Ow"rsi,, By special..' 0 r the: present Inin", JS'L Otl* sufface. way 4iffereat _dd L ffo 0*$& ind also' !�Abyao d :a'n' r iC 1 'to b 6( 'the t; -c ventio'n. 5 ic �a fr West �B ' ruce� -the t�laidd It 4�sy uY' -Lisle- outside..may alway ...�e _jh �q r _jq wr Fine. TL4read 6 I'a �gt_Z r meaning mixture bar the' jGrWs. b see- ey vt� V'Ient a usable. The long scratch, 0 es 0 7.bCc.' *6 or!� co 6u. d e, d 4. r. ..., . - elitip.- e-con%en� t 10; L I Tbese..-a u t- -figyht� -f0r:'Wa M:,w,�athee"wear. 1 f w--ill-Bitay. home. -and money,, At low inteireot'ito,1M ie* 9 jokeQ( It t h e fooid-A, .-III allusio a a. 'here, course_causes thi town lost nothifik. r. The The fore' �coutaot��-cersed�, -kh nittY th face is-ictul -a 4ts at oo. 7-b -_befom in.. �. : hinks hat, on --bitint. -U�p`.. Id- b e st, -in ielves:, fhlbO nam The' piggleIp prefer, t6. valk the efi s, Pa saeam olied-that'this. Lon Ali " i__ i :be -bf-the-greAt`�cziuses-of, urbazt- -Joe - - :_ al;'fin -n e) mi -'and-­It-eertal old Is: the of th6l �woj king d blessing.. anelik's alleged r tbe price. w1iiell makes. even Me wifidowip"d* rr, ed, his -�the la'nd,.'.-, The ma and the'Qucien ­ Dii iouiation iroin' h 'Still in &partmein Rev' M' _qfhe'after' i6n, -wag unable to 'he present. :.Th Usy -the niiflindi.y noon-sess niddeft d4tiLi1%fbr a n-:: the Cnnd_$,� ted, *. to , the 9tILiqjj to 1he pr , . and It6v. J. - ariant, was., a om --i-@& �N*6� —that- man la,oply��half Tntaub-� W.­tpAt -can y 0. 417-1 Itlie evotional Greett . .*6re he first t *fi6 L I .. . o rim. mmn llolt,,got.to There the taitli dr at any r'nte',` the' D We oundaVhio'ls notp&A farm6r,:ihe�man who t: cannot at -a ',Vlkich:� oduce his o _jaagk,' scedtding st6A well ried V t p. neWL g t tip sia ie �p lit the' g6so t yours?'! �n t gs ,g rg'. oVery . 6, jOW 'By The -first and good cheer, to 6,11ri4eh. gb6d bough he be� a, J16bbiq atQeciIntroduedd 'visa.' whd" he gods. Accord - t have hislAtle d -eq dly gtv imer they. "re%th4 1^vor- An it. bpbt k'n, �na en to me began you -ebiwfimu :n1l: it was I kg - to. H4 wlshe& of: the entire with t ha je 1146� b�'pirtmerwt can do r Of it 15 1 Th Ates 'of oto :iiphero. �t6. divide up comalunal have i: 'bite the ;go ds­� and thd:jni test e �Wiiu' his Aew k all men h on, Ch Ll A among 1ts, el Izens, an d' roalcle�. d,to-boy- don."t: gimmo. S�me I'll - ;W "the 6ofg of --and- nil zen -mean?* What h 46 are; to spen D re mites Rer We t4ke ot. 8 on., asi terms a to -and :so now notoul B r g9A catl What do you Mistress, to proBveolve- 6OIJ:1!� 66a.the berger, oLwn'L -b Vo his own imil. Rbithen 446t to; OY k cfrerja oo6e,' but, he owns., squie- 60 who, are "That Mr. Humberv, thi6t seem of a nol, en't ybil-auX attend her er qua e-, -a ko­tW�n-t7fdr7fAr&I1rg.-_If0 �0,94_ ho6 Work 'in 'the 'mod -64t: -baby -k. lbe ele bill & airb.;d1d.n.3 hrve li�v in r t. in the wot The Candidate-, Well, Y' ma'kin� 'rArrIage,-,'6i toy. factory . while -hIs &reful worked i 'yekr Old 9- afile- 11 oadfits d thV stud - ' 1- -i thia re VAV_— — -71 have gone, p n Wife- gii1d, dhildreW aiv. r. mighty V." E*iiok -t 4 9 f1th e Igh 'IMU ininintuird: fakin a mile or .,so awayi "Friends . 0 at "a Ino'ra D( e in the ome,'alftd 'with I know their fillvrware is. plat1s.,, of Airs and We" 6 od! th ii hen erg working, man bood infl. ne h --Thus ho. Rpt , 0, - - - jec Lrrditiou� it i�jjl a,186,b,�, gin' their. cut gLlQa4'jjjn't Cut fruit,and th&'6nj6. , an' heir. as--his--own..,prioduction. -is-from Chicagoi-aul- tWje. ta r -o in gg h, gh ages. �'te'not,' &a sap-� Mr.. Durrant congratulated the slid'i twenty-alilf aind`46sin'-' her -ostimated., jivetage-, in value ,90 "9nijO 'little drab found h the, oM, &blwth School reports *66 then read; -who ii goial to marry, Clytle Dam- *iddli 'a je' 'il. , r . I per,cent. of his v de"A rieoti ai�qz, to la age This' polt6y sendk, uiO Induabdial P60 t 0 -thirds, 6t the. **stir roubles 77- ... ... 46withe fi%lithy in, s bair- Is. a I,. o '-th n tha AM if -b ,,wages. T 0 Ho on rgaf, eatere t e young O� I but isA distill a the �ecrete�ry-bad-toldb:ini,tha�iLth6,A�Iii� wdkm. - *aO*.alI iboo-em. indopen en ct, species. ItIsam. h ed tir 40 1_ er _Jto_ e , What-wIth--hid: ooW916-6f-Wd '0 oa se ad �.though Wh and, asust tood, health g6m Distnet. -0 co 11 en;& And- Mo allo -aching 56. th sehoots in Wit his o*n "vi go, eref666 a benefit feet? id iddLf..eaS�.,ifSunda-y-�=School- F_ ofby fuseh -to Ow.e'-, 4. we- crm roturp f( ng a nkuowin—.Alljol� e -,is.: W110 r Its enemies LlazV toot no uloney for his. ted : 'ftre. There- Is about 60 - per b catches an iped.ket,,frjr�6 4 . foot tro.ubles:by,'-,fi t�_. Rig the'. litl ex i liv I - .1. 30 era d . crogh interesting* sons -and so many" pupils ame'th t g_ lo-the-childrefi. -Eury.bo - -Ijim -last �he -had-na time�-Ieft- There Is n(i Ueed,to steal. _1tha I rki y t4t d ILng you Wi a pair 4ding, e�vdry�- -ken by the oyster A..sia and'gi t.qr k,he' wanted to do, iiud� 31.6t content *ith not be t4 I - - � i l, - a will, an at an., early: a&,'. h r -thing I oil t itiined, - - I - $ - guls. Ued 1611 with'them & proper *Ul know �'thls Wag -Just e time i when he was: r Viriiion" thing' to to that all foundluside of the Oyster -Many have a eonscidusaess�. of d in coihp6oing his ."Christ." engage He-... thertfoit wrote to Hans von Mallielpolity'.Wbrries, o4in comme h. i Of, th ke.d fortable. and happy, Aothenberg we ftwin�les. The m e, '�rwdatiodof God, when dding CU!'' S on., S. he ht- _T..h6. eLopmenVO become � Msiiff&'� .,v*rloty has klaid. 0 ll.!� sd *)"try his luck -else- MiNd. add to be desired.' room.' omA.1,1 uelow-ca Tke Suspicions Actions. acter is, p. en . ergy broo, was sot Ininotion,. and in the, e- - "' --rf'-jdb0s 'A -jealous, *ato'h, 1&e L - "I' ' " - Tre., faiih and. in wh T -hey :ease -'the - tender po - afi& cause -a-­�­smilje- e ecourse, eLDUP vsn-� 116tefef, to -money intheii I ni h 1h 6 Ished. I e 0 ng;L -and ;;ien ng. plans'. of 'all th Dominbn - Day. Fares, bv r lts!444 i could %ve one ingtead,Qf a -f -o.W,. -leave, It does MI it do to, per-: keep an. eye oil t e'61 _ce ., oy'4. tr, in per -j n. to tah , L, I q, - - 1"' ­ as an examole 01 for he'dould;,nevler, say no'. of stade him to change his, mind, The !'V'drY efi,� s6' "..rep led the secre- e U, . Weavi Mens.in icl ind Gun in 96veroneej: We President Lincoliii,, Rie',lia.4 th -b6 4'.'".nb es h 9" t rtly g6o&natured,... tary� ."Do' you ` think --he -has bee and to�, Detroit hod Port PQ urgomastiDr itori and othergrea men,. etal 'Calf. Ladiies Poirt.Arthur (ko0j.d%illin 0 any, man.. Ako-As" -0 -L:We have iq 4wk - cs, I I a rj WOO."U"U'd �:,: o r a � f r 10 114 1 i h 4 a r t- t a- 'stesil iii Vid kid -a ral in different StVIO�q� -eye lieaA ialk. Vhow are hia. gr Valib6s, w 0 0 -omens Fittent Bu an Uro 'jje� Buffalo 1 6 AlIbugli OtL000j and- - hdmbIe­-bjrjh�'L jo -B have, no - lde&7'what' 116 -has. been kxy PDX. one fo I r- Wile in doW too,.- Viggii?a its 'that, -do ug, buf We up to mischief of. -some If FC *hat his, 'it k- dint. perseveLrti1g, f I L, . ... . 1. . its an4`Su6l:wPr0 I b ; . _. 1: " I and Kid.0 e wou!d likett) §howthe, -to, X'_ y otid * I I V . orifice 6f 0'er6onal c Mrs., Fox-Grett. news 'j.okiLn. 7' in . You, say. othdr town.' in -the V will kind.' For throe.inoinings no W* heii", si, -ase and p ensure,, - bad 1 ;In my. papers, placed up- w.to be iiien of viorl& wide fame'-nd sdn� W. qiigage# to Miss 0oldor. Out IAdies.Pum FA4Rv offei him th6* advantages c on my gre, be train Ps in ?Atellt, Velvet afid "Whitow' Canvas are in! gothenberkt tt this 11 of talk obildrea should ed to al dest'just, as 'they'should be, with IiQnor.� ght ino.to the minute. going'June'30 'in the nothing to -indicate 'that- be' has been obey. A ebb . rus. Good g6ing;0d does not diiiiiade III inunitIpAl as then, given by five the marriiigv�' d uly I...,11oturn iL . I . . . - .. I VINi- la--_ 11 - I., ".. � 1. 1 �.. - itetdruidg� Alty Mrs Are.'yqu ot hg� Itk little eaiiiiit.:the-�ii�.or-t.ipg-oages �Tlwere'is. -girls. IM increas4d 'ble 'urdoch., of'Lueknow -was )or, soupes? #koihing: veij susVicious'about,lit.11 Fox -Not at, all, 'lit If We don it offers, i6i6on. 4iev... thairniat C'Onve 'ences - " I all, ports o �little, the Gold t k� If lie,15'A V'Ia1n%w6rkIng d6filt-guiotiat td in ursions,him, If he is, it manufaditu I of, the. ev bounties. Uch W 11-11OW long li�.vloi you hii6n:,diti ihan if'off6re him a fresh and mote 99 r. Murdoch ihbii�,'s O'ke 6f;hia-pId4qr'e trit,:tidk(jjS to. poijot in, jdanitobai A!- ?" vro6wi da! - it oir 1110W -Mi stout bei berta and Sagli'vattffo-wan -via Chiba St Paid, produciWo farm,*n the 'outskirts of in Ing resen k interest in.the great tion the t to, Aden '�A'Ilttlw 33d,ore thIL'Ift six tuouths.,#� era tion � of Duluth or Sikrn,li Ind Northern avI& . own or promises re III& ToUthe hearty bomop . coinpall'ib"14e eadh TueW4 until 00-tObOr bettek JO& In on46'ot the factories, "Do Y6u notice aAY bdefidiia re- Isla a so dMeth6distchur h 27th�, suite jj�jPresbytenau "They tol�-Iue.,to so IL ltvi 'fro lafts. ., 4 . . . u I & e6ouOillors- f6l OW r " dep4irtimat of church , Tickets ft�wdr j' formation at , all, Grand burgomastdr In eAllIng upon him and it, thii a y for bait 11 said- th6 ottithgek, 'Ut 146 sho', d say, 1, did. They, Afe won - n n dorfuL I have lost fully .11 1 1 1 6 Doti& wr-boon heie "all day aAd hivVolit it . 'hid it nk' Ticket offices. appeal to h MI U119i 009 man Tru A repoit from 00, OJIW6 8, S. Asso bits OVe Omit finalik# that� falls ., to kis I Think of, it! 1111-oilly-have td,�koep &t W_ P. &Id,. mr- -MAR given . Of Rother honori.- -' e- for -about tight said dierg Its emi yeairl 1_� ee the Asso- Qortlan darkey. "De frog hez owfuli, moirhl Is called, 'desertion. a" the. down to �2'00.11 Reed W d n e Imp re pqn an w Atigen'ls Id -that the'. .111od-ter: a log*ld yo hook.'sul line, 0 -W-66 z9gair %nf- is-settin'--croo --lec-o wh It H- AN LOC --A i slor, _jr q1t th e (if ti mc i:-160klu� nt you!"- �tho, a You look,--disl!�Jtledjr gaid-,time, 4o ted,.:and, the good use 'no n 'idpresented tOe man, Were �All ddnonwipAtiO A t UMIM re, Aherd..knd tty we coin A *a4 Itef;­ F" a bergero ever ustnow, And stotiplb, 411. 8j;;je pfjht jii�iay. Ri� A- leave, f prospective out it'intoed fti�dy Nt Itil idary- waiting halt 6A hour for that steak -tot andWest. j�ottoes'in the church, those that do 'withut turn repentant In"Aue toured, after � bJilin Of b8itit" ilng thki the-OUtside worldo com� being waited oil." jo wii able to give. Pkdga sikiiin q -.1; 1 1 . I . I. � 8. 1 leari They seldom ift me,to I lt� air. get, i*&y,tkO ful. in . : . X . and T orth and o M with jkg(r thotherly h6me was strbng!jy �A*ocated as ad Life would be Orth living declared the shoe man. take off town, is hardo et 61' 'and [grin- I�jottjj aija uIdaut w nderful hings i i4tient as You, air godoa,as, 0 y.ry,one,waa as psions vathet c. "adied fit the. UUTP. $ 1% alindlit Atteri the 'Movies. briefly on e6me of the addresses, giviag 'Tip. H a rd' t HOM68- that, left in'th(w t to, egir gad als touch, subjects "Aftno M last! I Could fike bgies�� 10 ieturned* qttine of the difTerefit h1vt wr ug boo? Did y�,6 no" an 0 i and' .to The l3a 1 6 like ttle 01 4166 described ihe y1usic; one. se ed io for.. you.,i AMIM Food VW Gossip* "Waterloo! VP 3160 k' ' 'in - lid had re -produced tfi6e, Utworgo Lanb- "Well Whitt y'du Are e Points Ort At 66, y - I � . I e us so ;.A tht., bAtt16 king heSolo Parts while,the ,you missed tht moa 6ajoyabtii grandfather fought\ spuAy It wo Id !it a good Who" for of the soas66-t1fra. wombatlis aad t the chorus. oto 'OR 'adVer seear h ni In ition sitig �L" IN A11h, st4edt -The'. �!Aco of Rue, Taylor'S' TeS 166Ath, Soh,601s" Was 4.way They not play hr dge, to* tiYou doult unddrotand..' Her �hup- ItAird'and Soft Ilrefid., P&Y in oil Ptaye'r ghoftld When Jr.' j6Ung. ady� taken by ir, Doreanti; And Wid boo d she"held of brda,d in re.. edstly- dfm n h0`0 I' &Iit''r ftE 'JUL'' auc on, goittA thin the i6ft etiubib because, Ing, - they 906tillY Swilt. their- h P"h All 01616M In tI Her f6iMa, bad much ai have first and chie p ace r6aier MIL WITH TH S T vivals, would be due. to k and C. ko4d.Af d4ii Ing dibk�'htf thiAtAl" It �uiU9Vbb.tk6rdUghljy masthinted, results. nd I re m6rd promin n ou th# Groifd Ttufi t place e Cri talk- ttivet day 8dfidolt, oY on' . In opro Mair Soafid'.1m, r6vA 10 the t M I "the pqAt� be,- .1 *teathor. a1t.-6nMge I A d Otte, -0 eiqg6 we do,ttkITi,6tit�oting,p'eo�1'4610 Obfk arid' blessing .glit e was i6h&r6d I Md 0' h7l, Th6dhooli is hiiinciiali 4heid I Work without There Af w6rkefg bnd some w1wo, Sufte -22nil. .061-66� g grew A -Growidg: Trilde... payer is. Work vVit out results, ''T.4ke grow weary in well, doloij, Ch f t 91-hool will h1b d and..M t rig C �t red C a 8 �elr pichid t;6 g9cwn, helps litr Weary, goincti bet 6f, P SIlI in 'fly h *," fi and Ve i LoAt 'NMil diLy e r0g, but WO hdV�f tbb� tU 0M rlg,, tn., rong's b on, FiV6.,V, Chorus;by choir, emy to 0 ohn Ar lf'U8#d pf6oe w r . answer a call e p or so t'., d yq I jut y yw c a to 61" 6t. 0. , 960' going on jifflos ar Idr_ '20 h' S ie 20th. E Vdt " Lod t d (r, Autao6h then gave, an eXtiellent an 60JI6ittinky to tkdh gonie poor gout A . ..... etidd. were ft,tUrnMg from' towti, whea aidrdso, ..(in is Ian r e e way o i.e. j6f bd, p afraid � to rMt Itililway Agent for 'full ii loh- L�ddi#il Aid had 'a very sit do y wor eft orels o' gInL-e&r I ", � h,r 0 _ f L" t of k- 'is td V6� wotk,th _ t66k, 4 e cd&oki their ors rIg a ofjoivel 6hard ly, rd *6jr �­ �.. A Uftd, and congra U a tj6�14vii bi a Y'IA1t TuOsdfYi, Const efin 6&thd Bth� d6ti,jafid r4h d6100 tin us fttidn60to W"ilt, e Mee in dlo4etl Olit 0.60 1 h-." its, Par% yle, Lu I On It oai6o atid 806f4� to", 6tic vdaing. The bm'eWf When'tqr4lfig. 146 dohieij ihfo* them shtiw.66 "IMM y CA y Th' Tit it d 0 40- �t 6 Woo L tit 7 e g- d I d all 1r11 a *iiin 9 di d t 41�4