The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-06-11, Page 27�F 7-1.1 -.1 7 -7 .......... 77- . .......... . tio�ea onl-v bN Lu*��e,,-�who�e GospO, fill 'RY wxi:4 or - M 'i'at oil the alSsoc frequently to 01 je§4s Wit1h Gentiles, Samaritan --t 110,TKAL, tj�$,SQN,, sinners all of W�hom 2. NMer.o. va;' the not'higMy ie W U dod 'by t4. lusive Jew Luke thus �iii- 4 phisizes the It M Missionl And M T - & 41 1*11 Riall S, T4 a n described iooi, I olk -XV., r0e, 1;\iO gk �th e �Mffi C, J pt "il t zt CT, Im fi inh: afeln and li�VUIIIRS� lica Is 'le'., -Au s�howA of'hi4 AY Y 1111�10 t .UuKe M have no, togetheT h _0 Was ar� tax colke6tor. As ie;riah N"I 1;M`411A- hought � and - an N �ie 4 a, �OMIIA§Sion likely 64 Ut plaees� would ell there. e�r of, taxes should,.dw riji-e'J" R rien-11i oi­ h prefe4eR th f7 -- or', -PIN T h) narraltWe'which follows ...... Z rV JL5 Oi­­ .6, trusieA iiijbiemse ves peofile- foltawied Jesus� V -r' h niiiiiber �of- taey,,.,,, we 1 19 teOits�-R�W' t� ey' Soine of, these 'may ha�e K ­Q .. .. . ....... . .. U V U 7. 'led Me J, laean; pi grims going o- - - el`tr, Ve"' M Merchant r M ii� Ja 11ave,; 6 ti is tPros. for th6 pa(§sb I WIN ;vei fesfivail. , Z' b 4 khem to a; recognition, o 'their own l6sus,. apA Was willing tA) 7 'ht�F � heard of J TRADIR '4-'ATA"LOGUE.1:7�:�..:and'. S6tve -A9ne* W -Q )an of t e. m atmoug bIrav6 'the pritielf' -d in And,Ise�t Ali' oth,�, h er.6 rd:is_ a;1,Stj6n' Th& _re See R�f eiri Qtfafitv. 9'� g" "" 'hi His-rde-si,re InaY- d 4M A t K t d'y J_ I?y Arisee,g­ 'Th 'P� -ve had curiosity t .,f, but -he sebmijt(l !h# Ri. 11 R- ' is in- 'AT d to. thi- - .- TME k I the, le�- an1fbije',§t'-h- t 4 . . - I - I t e ­r The 6t.rue- KIlAny Oksi oil i!2 i this ..purpos HAM t --ab- 4 1 1 ANTIS BANK R- -T--W--,-.. MMMMZT zITT �Uhlieans and 04� 01 of., Eirmi 7� V ZL1Gunra;x tv Shiners: was n - X, n cou IeV vith f rill I$u -IS -;wA1 bo, -niece made rom, 16.ave*, S C. 0j aoikhteous,'and' ike-'the'- fig ry Cie at Londoh Lqrffe ne�s, color. and u6t, 7 her b b make' a num' ahgeig ig� t 6�� strib, -shipped. 1r-4Dm­.VpQI`M-"- btin -sy e -T4 a4ms?, ill.. ­­�­,.1­41­ ­ t1LThIs4,d -hot­a?pply -.a esertiptlow-does: to it Y of the'so-caled- "port" una n large we,Te, . This is he .6tily -repo rtPd,,,oe0MS10 years of uantity aws Des 'hi 'elf as a ill 'Turn a Gr;cAi' sinaller wines �old,ln Lohdon.' . As'a matter of D Lazar"' r who. rd MS r- basiliess. in. 9naA` Wind 'has oele7- has recently, had' success in the, treat- 'fact the cheap "Ports', ave nearl ill.which �esi��,offe ert lat4d. t hourgh wa, 'h ffe doxi,­ The manur Y. 1116 fie there Sxi s suc r bi the, half, �.ce radi4m,,s r ,and ce.ro: �onne4eted w III th g)uest,' Laud et, ited n1ury.. mair a made: In - Lon -aptu 'Y human tioay trip. be' the the. wine quite, o.penly And their.., 46P 'tidn e, me s and of trang�or�­ It "ng -the, in -it � his,- cause' of,:,0ancef.' y ct -to. the' linsp I' 140 jw.e in, Idio. I best r bor S 'In, the make fWatorles are s4bJb 'gone, in -to. lodge Possibilities that., the.. c,&n At� a recent meeting of hysiciAtis of, exe-Ise off1cfalb, but aA'thvy make''It Two inexi '*ent— 1� He w9bd Xei for thel. year, and ugeons he told of User 1,1�E,­­­­­I, I Por�-. ments he or, be r6pla��, a4v ,,nt And` pull �t a4e,twith 1-8,694 which is tifrom dried. cuqaxas - alsins in 'the. manufacture �L certain of Tht� 21 .�ugbii aniiyial e- had petlori CQLIS ELnU -h-at--wh-ii-e- -cu nc-er-pmlght�-b.e7 -A II the. aver- ort -wine th". avoid -,the paymetic�. t SUO variVu-9 zeid.�ses I' -P e-, 0 P ra. e ow� plans -.0 qu d Bd E was 11ti of Impdrt dut s; r a i t �u lea �year� thing!L ore dr. less than. dis rdercdr -cell- �sinllleT ec ow ery C wbin in Zi6iidon. . t6. :might asily, L L ry, � y d6velb s hav said',- e sonal. b h y.'. -An I.ncl &1laraoter:,. merely. 1 . it. t 'be a r east of Calga, pp3,efl S JUG b t1h­ C��fi a<lia 4s-r6asonD;bl:e-'-t�o-ou-i)l)oSer-'r': be Slia P ri.en y has 'been c6mplet�d. 'I: a;n nt, 'that tbere is 6ne, J�use,,- ana I , yould Mernt, for 9 c re 'n� nd is 'beirik so d r -ay T for -wh r- jif. the '..Wpst ts piny -r. I. U -siiggest Ao..�you. that. In- -the.- r oigh -w 00-- a-diu-in, -awl- inja -be,i bab h I 's 9 -a -MI: Plo the. ­have-the�'Pro yL.t.bat -r. g a -hey All mai�m-ured-. U or 'P.L,L' qJ!vL . A, fttph -ely -rk incrusted :with to jr.j W dium,'Lbe continue a t -earned., d­wa�s 'Wid estlon in notable" is a �eeg �NV p&kty 'among P, ':Ov-6rwhel of rairi�' la -di' r agi - e less thhn,. as earne4 dur -previously wi.t b a re- igious �lg 8'. Ined U Pon � a, I S of lttle 6r no ug . 6 fo "M 11 1�b ted, in'L na-h4ke in qantities whI61i .a . . . . . . . . . . dTlItural purpo.s J.,sea4Qk or, Q$ t--- ------- Ch bien. shown to proifuge, the Mlmu7. Righ itittdri'g.c.6mlig are. to'. bef -deSoenS11l­-i' �Qo ng- ii� Dal A% Q n - ceu No ous o. serv� P Or was reslves to lead, rium:he'r, of t drainage -dele �ert Pg ornamen s P n ­ . t e r,; -W eh j list" some R B.c 31 :no e 4zz f . t Throy &11 46 4e,r irr)gati6n an' will' prove y Ifi ' life L , V e ''to, � ihalte restitution lines tr4z�ersdog the -�boiintry� minated In djiat�h; S, J MI.circul-'r top- are, e- ad- productive Emd tl W a yiun one Cancer w i v el s nx associate(!. Ing .16 hjMS ai aoy! qther rt, f CAncer asmauv: sraA on handed down trom - by�rongfully cquired, top6graiphy` itis WIthr foi t b 'on rrititidn re 0 Inflammatio such n extent, he, y said that �ch th,6 'Do 'minion. gi t -1 usidei& on Y'. cause W tit 'I ersall ac -o ­ 'h I e e ur" orable. for a rap ti were was wealth. t. coni F 'but c6iitedI chropic id, ru n -off hi hly� s., so s VQ closely: bound u# It 6t that T h _Wit arose th the-p6b he,pteGerit,tense i used' -exce&6 aiter, T e�-maln able Portion bf-We,:year; 'C4�llgda:'-in there od of cen carri out, under,the supey-� e questIL r unt..s.timulated : an ani I C611i L aijSer'Big"tiy� �]l r1iL . oammou WI 8L vision o r. notvromise, for th other icoulit ha to Za esysh6m. h b B'n Provided I r&n6e W b low h' -tire f. M atii�., Sgi&tat. PArtoby d -of his ariod, tof., 'hail 'demonstr-.aiedp'tligt-ime4t,efriiae ountered a- p e :n4DxML h aSt Nau jL al apprigs 'I if racuume.. a vigw to 's �an themse Yes, ur US ieig�on­ f lating In the -met 6e!b,6st; tlndof It .',t' Vh u re Id' . lie 'De Re6oul,66s- the� b compar-i9ons, 4,ki,ment of" W"h in- a to t 1 rebdre' -Fou dp. ITh ecrtee or.. Were cire DO: S, L _Sttntio�n e. o�Ae Y b6d Du M 1012 -while. -bacteria- we _r Uli re- *r-esen t. -t -h se,�bfiee local d' 016 W hiln M. a; W- Probable: di would attract' -rteL e geL and e- in to be -Arst -P *'b em L und. r the re:-- 71]�Ak-6 h an J.'CT u in'COL WL -radium, iorming­a f la had n 6' duil viilitig, �Iiixiaitic 1DoLndjfib.j3Ij is'fi, t" StiMUI iob 6& tho rMin g 46 e ng the: 1r ban W��s dbit,.Ae,d­stAnce;- Prducing.L -a 10 'year -1914. - The-'gre&test M fisbad.,YI64 1), til ge:sald r. - CbIllOrin c&r�ry s �ifiduc,6 the farm xer. is fl, in, .1, tbq an trad cells In the: neighborhogd. to, lJart­ of 'the eawbilmoirk- for' -'t'fie' to ii, t,6 6 c a November 366h 30th d W"L pibsentL '6.t thries 'in � nomal, an 'he 'fo-r6thought..'and to 'use. � ter itt th� an . d sta befilen.t.196ii6d �,P.re*,ous. -I1UXn&xi issusand It: vViis, found ',In got, h n. 9, To-dall is'. tm va publican The Za aus alone; And:'ihe ot 'Y w.a the gre4 L he, ewish 111M s, aggreg Aer qi�antltles in, cancgro,us ttssue.�f., . 6er�6d'op p6blian: but.. his Whole 11jousehold -included rig t, time; -t6e eb,6n,&.' covered',� p6ribd 6ubic yards; � has been . . .. I , &n on DiLiposing; af the 'theory that cancer �oniple;ted 11 . :- . . Y -a. The trans- d. more diffibult, is ge im. 0,P- o 'ut flve months'. vag 'necessarily caused ', by trrltation,, qiiik4unoh- r y4nc0d. op i '. .' f1b - . . .. 001 -dl )r'potnted out, tha,�4aiicer of,tht day4gos- b that h spised ad edoct( _,form CoM­ -rr Jews h use."of their P th T si-ble A.:n6w� fami, y. wi, much, .,Waen 116; it kpt� aI aniong 1he ed. an om n..: wkereas� I t 4 work to: aasrume idfiin g be do ile consis-ts, that If. A� lit shows- that'LL gain were mad6' iif all Ing a ketI, ikg-w 6uld te r <` -,in IPtrio in s,ery usdura ff if lepa rtets'. of` the 'b ank" 33#tfsh M Poe b higher ideals ind��-nobl o'is, a. T, ough'� 'a in a 'A- -,'son o Abraha;m� 'freign, power and f�r hotelsIand' we fodi In our "tubk'! out 0 0- X11A mupZ keth= 1-hb --- *6rd---�llft ki L -S.alte e e �e � the. carry jfrg att r t'11 irrigabl, P& �Ilp eao -trie--street,as -d eatitled­toL4ts4 e&t&r .p o.r 2 000 d . YJS1j CaPl -WAY -to o_1 -�4n �77 ag4es. t4 �te P-oVering" tile gr tB6 - The Rhaise e stood -jt, privi i igh. s- tialas. and ltimate y 116 r the� firit'ame -in its historn tL he Soridwio-hes ao� in demi. d *her - 000,0 .possesses A passenge' eV. r1argeL aZbCkU v '"d. , oth th�se 'no*. at. 7 '.;of sugar a - or the Je ibeel spe '.Th a the con'sideiable gain ovei the4howing it Is A very handsome Affair Iii,an eLlsbomary f ws to kand 3 e, by ,niay . . . - 1'tisli , of, ion. Pe i ure for: the open bronze I hiirniop- yea all) I with the 'staircase' I of wheii:the Pray`4.(se� ex d4t [It gfille which lZ X as lead wol Jesus lo, * C141 iniss ise Uji v, tein,in. s00 r. of tli� jbomilli6ri oug r.. The; 'k's ering quite. Wei eater rhite: nd ;irble. gr W I diet, -b.\ thsdep#�ing w�il -e tending the -in.tefestfrig thing -abwt rhw a,n be --pa se 10 B.qa t6,. bke66fi 'the' 'Ali seemed o indida'te ha 10 AITO AIN Vi all 'at- -4w&I-ot- il" -:79 But the most. -�ill t; aT �4Mn ktt - - - - - - - - tiire.s4Qr, I&- arra I n9c` ed $,R.,�00;000. The bank',6 cui-' lo t6.ouk�foeeigil.tisltoii�,,o,therq a -Cos­ pavy sp r signal by. the ph1lol6klst6r of _theL IIJUSe- Ir"_q k Me'ntS re.;wed­ consiumpt4ou of::sandwicheis "that -the Iw -ear. highest 6tages being iewhe ord has been admitted -to n ra edl With a.,.B be- limd refit. loans, increased during tbA u e Xing's verva ranks of the no, pray� t Jund 15th ad.Augur� rigtiqu lsysteMs eli and( now is f(.>utid �inj ten 'Y' The harisee. re bffer� .V 7 7 nd t6r -quarfer* in -b year by, ov6r'* $1600000 i3o,man 334th 'In' thi uiany classes. &f the poipttla- 4PT) n Strbad. aMQn 9- -7TWO­ --news 7 ..... that -the old n 4. on to ea; o, ininilrfum t Ma r 4]bRk,-e llrei� Tan V-t� an sandwich r.;. na a uromiv-, e I�lry­thro'ugh ssAli _y 11 �me ' his­o�panroh �-hwd 11 - if, --ihe �'Cr-.OPL It t4,2�b i�e giving. e have little At a at onarge lae fe* dd ture wi�h- -&.'bear, :'w.hk1--­C4tai-n other t1mes it affords' am adequa-tre' share,.b� catering t6 the�commem ping to change hands tnrq� W] persons. as vex lo'r lind-s- 'Or. 'ex rn fq n he tity, for- conveyance"through irri ab P e, on oners filiCkvOult.11t; eating lhouiw, where Y- of for. $ I' s4ifile to God is -needs' i&f,-the�--corbtmtitiil.ieE;:'in Mikk-,Jsen desaibe$ Lopt in he quain mid; uswilly in W Dtintly 'it was Po tbe,mam car 1147 --Co Aecause go IS J� ever m fi In voir oca I'thin the L lan0", and now. on. on the floo,r of, the: hoi�se when �ah show*a.gaJin of.a most $ 6 ag 0. 1� in. the* f I ates God ge rfteiv4 Me ai�id for, thi�, onuo trwt. it�i::provision of.stor�m to, 11 d �La�en' r 11 1, . , .. G t �Dll M -Wt un!G wbe -di6taributed, Ablong o9k' p,. ana.,he t0uM MUIA 28. set �Mt sihount the siaes wom 0 but -vie mity' of, -'stock, on, �6ich' the premium a.,am hot colifroxitiiig,- a b�%r m Awhe few . Due age ­L IV - & � -He'pi suraince., e the o. men- Weer 'to $180i000, which with ­hfi r & -adJoinied md -not% n1ore than twemty 1h Pr Probein �7 -won 1 fhe ajV .,t e arble nlss� lf�e in a� oliss below himself-. �00n- odu of, 21 P e a"*,l task*s 6f -,.o l 06,6 n� thod "rAiiiks' 8 0,00 and ' ax to line the, old. Ro- r tTaSt t&Se t I spring. ba-'ek y W.11 a sort Ulid,6r oidfiia�r taked out rand used With �Vords of T- urrf';K ance. brought-fo,rNard,-r bath4 -A- flight -62 'marble- step of EJ �sllaps�p The.,� -bal -- f- -In -'the r e amlur�ing. man oOM­ay Ll utrans erre, Pau, n I hir.. 't6-,$401- 000 in��de-.,$1;800; a was a y MdP, ogging. e. soil Mild in thq� toThe.-Phaxisee,Ahbirks hiniq�lf flashi th 'Wf' "Dav I d Copp with- a ining te�otk -and rai,96d Dickens a Was. r e r men, not only in Ing "There furr w6ter-1, .1 7 �ib� sUgerior to o e, 4064s� d, 5--gual g, Mr -:-and- AM, Bassan!W-I) eori�pai the liioat, nota- (juireineiits absorbed $686,000i, pro ote'. ]�'gn -Roman bath days, Swiftly toi4rd rne�, For ill wr old �,pr<,>portions in- ithe.'ordinaTy' of fif &,�nd'lbgs $680 000 bank. pr�buscs at the lidtfoni wilist he abstains frolh,�7`btrt ifir'L what t '''h sPill. one of t. our 1 L hi bi6fial :ehakge of"the Strand -It, may� be--ther'd still— Meat - MnJwieh �Pr 1n, a��,miomeni, we ave shutr and �le,porflop being tfie conor n 0004� qffieo�$, 600r,l..a son. Puts, wa irs, m.&de­ Jxi� which I have had, many- w cold =d- tarbohvd r.;vbe �2 - bolted flie lveat` Y, en s. miWlium a add! 00, e I fast twioen t, e, week -The. M- biik r I egard cond y o Jh fun writt;en offlor depre,� �plung'e­ even 0 his bA4k 4gaili it 6 furbitex br The '' gulf is tha e be- -Thoapring �ihlc'h Supplies b �40t, ill. '11gli �&WuaWotleS ns6­ our itn%;ei- calle4 ti�on 'to, pay -6u- his mo- nvestmorifts 'Is believed to"be that �-vvhleh- formerly -law -enj&ned but dine Ve in -bonds and I ai� ateri9l and of tei 6'O'Cal 1�m Ing., xss.,of ailixnal t �h ney e 4 IPL&n S- fiibl,' st "..--f - Da. cofm,6. 'e' burr -e',,, With lleav-fioox 'flie y�,' of Atouemebt., en ty, �.o p IqO7.ulsd the Well,. *,6 exac its name to street jib bly b,Y',ItLfi41rV.' 1166 tat b e4-cain e \ c usto - re -mm; pr'64ttected CI D-u-iing�I%thi r tX.iJ6 L i�t Filed fo�rwaxd-.- 'A f�:fiti Ab th,6.'bed of. the t Ir of the! preptted. vexs4m. as but OD16 .*1taiuli Mkiink 331n,is sosklhg.. ed'6rift '�euoou -Q, thaw the minimum, Oqo"ro vPry 'oberve'-four,yearly- in . ,fi' -"- L- * ­ , . S 'r � , L L - - s-r4bpbTt The- thifted - K4 svent� last by eatkig too. fast _Off ­-UP6fl' aiiie rage US to L riiin our in gun,�.& mine is empty,; careful. y is to' wheth6i rdaIty in teli.6,l06 00 membry.of n4ion-al ealafnit* are eiectf,&' bittifesses i�atryirig tioii 6f qiiiekly i�vailahle aiiet�' more - than 9M afi.000;000). 4 on b6th weapio" arei'fro:6en; t is needs the wa;t6i than in 1912, an'-Incre4se of 40* IS stiffanoUier good feasm why' ' 'we ilia the f6lll`th� 1110fiA, btf .n,.the whole i w1hi6 r��ieknt '6ver' 30', Pei cent. cents per head of the popufatipit. and, conlfn� aol tA if we. o" jet, thom thAwed 13'10 cone I ees that can Id no� make tbeirti, a te.gulat, d to, pass Asa. rule ..rated the CAP U -ire of'. Terusa designe 100;000 ti6i of. its t6ttil 1 i,'ibiliti 6s, to 1.11 e r public. we �consurned - in round figutes ij800 000 in.time. Bruin, r, 11 no a smalle mc �S�.r �RU �Ulp 153, hat " lji� - 1 5 T -3r' oW1ngJ_ csPe gt'tL.'alJ�'Jftgl " r iiinount oee` gallbris 'Of st 0 -breme- ­ I— - L... - - - la�- 4" . . - pIrIts.,'-,J,000;000 artiel e �,of of the b, h ibe II 'a n -.130,000 inbro gallns it has i ,, I �. ­ ILI -&I' It of 13 ntion' 6 the d y an MP 61i t 0 Crest. dally -in viev',4166 e bd W "Ji VUV ing', until, we &r& ready; -the is fi un - ExPevinients- i64ve, sdo", not 'however thA seventh morfl� th gethei, thci s h ow L " L I '' J e�-miiaiir o Ge� striflI - Alto re grow ng'less ein �,ry,., 4nq evidftt Y etermined to Huge East that the I r�*g orp '�ieldsart, ob- eKate, ke, JILA.I.PiIblit ting oupe 3,996"da -Mull. Made- by. i5b�'bank is. T110L sayral-4he-Dalty -it st'ffijil:V� means aliall. (2 Jer. 41., 1). hd nin at"we haVe-been erdoing A p6r X of pr, break in'. Allied iinfi]. aln*unt th that of the tenth," The beki . 4 -tin *6 rYfi-'oWSr that I' win, ,aging., i i 6-ne for Sand- e daxn. f r a �Iied, 660siote. mighty 6ump of his 'hftv� T . he concrete porbioh ofth W good bMik, mitithmid , prosperity. Navy rinking The "met Olt t 's, of od trade n( A Wave fibe'sige,(JeY. 6�. 4).' 000"lo 1i n is flung 119 prolariged wegt-etly ivithin the. ohd h wift -buy 1 1,140 cal6ries, e6fles '!b�e inatter, Ing pr Ce caref erva go togethek. a I % is oft6n only of so rlet . Another, Way 'WICL I a #aVe of comnere tal were orderod in se'a half�. aross the .00M Shoo Dend by an ea§ttru thAt live mAinogtinient, chataoterimd the Jbi, Publi are toQ1c1r&P Qf W h ifin;Br y 41) 'an of water,, yot nothii the' t - ttkfight, and � 6th Be on n nds­and'It is, tLopaiiing and these,fa* were al- bb po Pans, -d 6r 6 ctitig. 1.6-ina also 6,bidod 'to that We should be spending on dr)nk a as ffitich. next MIOMD66 1 fei AM length 1)060 fee6. Wn- sanWays e eh Iff �n Moilcla.yz ,and -`]MUTS- a4i ex e, -tab'lisb 'Ar 1161ding, Company for the, -srn equal W four4lfths of -the exit I. A--&, 'TIJ fet� itgain., a my, qil -60, �il6h' tional revetiue; that a working class tpp Ia MoSear WAS! Sl�poobtd 'to, 114 a bhould bei: batlinatq v,6 hi� frorh th putpoae of -over and -man L income on ll(Luor I In pre-ma-ses th We. gl&U00 x] fiv,g amoulk 'tA endli -h .6 sThe e4aterii �,indudes the,&60sing of-th6 vaidoulg hd.thioxle�s x bK6he th utilized, by th' ne r wiffi6tif the I ture, it *?j Y .,X '�'4 �id aae .6u'r4t aiid in . . �h A t -of M total ,Absta nirs &�d� thei�, Ild of, i dog. is k�ed the' Monday I i9thi rAttly i' omit -th6 the doorw4y�, speaking. re d' -'bh1Idr1n-und6r,t16W' IS.- orepiws e ERWIdt 0 ,,, Wei i r o . a � 0, . XAW4ilent ib4et but' f a I"go v Q.uspra. at go'hat'.0f talp, e,&A fided j* blimat"ely in �not vp pr6yemnt-tin, 71, tjAP Lng- ofbint dhtfaoter', haa gi. eu -Y g n ww fe- acau ay reu %vilm EL n IY", fibbli Ir -Mon Sys an montW and a troin 21,86 K: English, people consumed 90 le 'home St -4y. hla y4Ar' t4b 3�,�06' ::Wl; V cork night V'r 'P4 i n give tit ea ice- r ' e r ark.1-9. rr-A r in ce me amore th �6 e as "d -tell- N bi,&ken into Xeyer fia.VIo I Seen Col npan�blt witli riumb welL -66 . I .. � sy s tj�m. when one public house to every' tit --the, Ae p ea.Mi Wal- -hava,, The..L trac f,� -7an-&-evei 7-I�persbnsl,--th ar ae W o'D Is ohe'public house ery 76 -6 �8-And t n0t­<>n_ _-eo h, r 1 P4, 66rthern eyes. -of a,boas6l ber6ft ma�a4a gt "At Ctlrrf o330 persons. 23.; 0): Here bl A sha all X t e ax, i in' s f6i 119abitfids 7ar d4b'r.4t6i1Xr;L ftidi'U s oft Dr too. 'besides having vir. rp ick 'b i4a" be' 6d b; glacial "tiou'r . I -k, eii'mloiiifi . I . tu'jL11y bus ixtIatts.�f joirig more than hr was Is ill Wtltsn� & I . Y dled out as a social gdcbrnpljsh� aa,'Ivergerl t0c .9 lie. 114. pken 'wi heavy ttmlorlying2do- Don! t , argue.�, Don� 16 -46 b 0qSr menti has bool, Wheh th -ii end of en't ',th a�re Da opd th eate) all classes. ItAs h Ill a terrib hini e e le Anere was 16 t rg PA t rV toL show rotif iplMrt4n _*Ith aliftetfflath With' in in the' house 7" Mill, f tiularl -of C ikv. i rs ersed. with Don't lorot W o you, are Wh wretcbedn�ss- that Ut so� fae­�Ixs me r. Carl id-cenhOut --b 'V eyes Ebre' arge see 0 ar. 96 011. A.0ft -do-'so anid1l as h, hife oil, sthe-, is ey,s u n o I "Port 'Whitit *4416 in Undou. baxveli�, OonftasL hit humb) - mad. 80L- t i evolting top Oil the, jl"Md de, n with 6&d a' -116- nd tsay.-he M, tient" llSua: y slo�u 1 er is e 'not Wine-Alfat is'so labelled, fpad,t,' of 800 cljj_)11� 4D We ".vo'rid, P"I't l` r with that, f the bvtir�boftfid,--nt� f �tw d r it. 9tandard winforrn� I bUt, 9tj tl h.6 ta; a , ueSoU t' i even fainfliAlf 6iftitade, 6f the ''Very. rIC114 am R 0 *A a to you, on that a 'lai�gd 4luAtitity of hpurfoua rhwhile is, Wine is made tit t6ndcin andr de� I t sah d E�er it, t large r.­bra�ncfi, . I , , although'-rielth6r It fior �AlftyL of m me 14, or ;n- III S in itil .,,qua my W &Ji *rilile whon, dientg has 4vet bee� neAr Porft it. rre 46i�66.'t6 r,6t.reat -r1l.nS a, few.LS PrS, 200 iobtifi4-ftet, Pontinkips toWard th, g to deScrlortfroft. of Flypfi­l won.,de'� if I i§h&11 CA t�on. The bativo 6s wr6ng. gal, 'The technical port the ea�t. bn,�t hi Wtn6, aa'glven by an expert, is at voi, los my lZoki. ge,6 to; be. lodge �' ailld nin. 1wrgely of var grasa- at hom e 01. the t 1) n inne. - the 4iaherl'l h And bja�hy iffi- loan a., 40 grciurnd..- Th# gr W�q e e r n or i 'I The vfords b6i t be P?)�t Wt Wbeii age -8, SUCh dkop§ is fi - ht ii ovel. Victory i's Oil S Mder--Yoll *H1 9 . be tot tit. nd f pbllr� ;fiO&Sr thal, b6 aiftoldg hlimts&lf ou type and 11'a. gwdest, a6d ffirm'os, the. la� ibber boil ' L' '' 6 4 . I Qe tin moisture., cacrstcsfig tit U do, 66w r' -Yo J Ti' of the e"torng=1111 &�r hig t6') its imi"iilgiog. . .... ...... Thk tino6t ft jo�gi 'the Rld Cheap Subitfttlte� #�dr Mdii is �fie ]Bro6 �i4goduot length h I )r 16 00' it mhifying ae 0but-nen from the resid06, of malt & or o;0g, 0"Minp AL blietnist in elglilftt,, b �v be Ki . d.ueyr "Pal, Y 1#d 11 esa pro *,btbad -,And- put(ing low detiftWob.- Th -6 deigig,h, of tbw iddgg is said t6,,have iprdduced J%ero jAL no jl� "c"' u9t: 6d' which thstbd titt. 1A op�o.4 -fitly oJfke bUt *ftli Vayfug '6114 titus, hd Lts 't1i to ar6 Sold oil a; tt It e a aS It 11' 0 It r Do rl OR . a om t They Cos o()br no. 6, hit hUy . g6s with 'A Cof (lie. food 19 said', to, be that NoyWill 01IN3 all th iik fihm he �,Wa, not, toft&Nwd low f�o do it. otdor, thiiti gh ebh� 111htt hi And oelttiodi P, inih the Biwfi, at Ydixt dad h 'YOU, w I Be, n m ul e bt! __eV t 0% In'36 iit�d on Ifteft With ft; atid witb 6. taidng pill d''h a*0 Iftob eliaribil j.t d PI 8 th jl,� rat; �a 1;� W boko e 'I C 11 to �diimua me.11 te' tbe -Chit '�610ti6ti I X 4fpl 5 MOO it Y011I J, ti r YeS., he's givi4 fae. a C NATIONAL 6, AN 'r D CREM ' ICAl., C6L. ou etw -of dropS fri th,6 daml 6f ii IYS1 SL ft Bitallt, lot CY IfiVAti6n,