HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-05-28, Page 77`1 ... ......... .. ....... 4 0 THE10 ST PARIS,�"` .�ence to, or Their prom Qu Londoh A -eft NA X190 Pt ed h i3ts C(nnni'aild iihOws their con- END ]k Al 'PHIS, AN E., ela li, S HDAY: iSMOJI ;4floy V S-T;V"VENT fide4ee4' 1�;PW nludh tirhe 'psed 7% PER ^S PAtP the!, were gf�er they,' ref t bdf ore wr not indic4ted. Perha;pq lariCy ot tfie' recently -establitithied OMP21) '11 oar curities of. this Co.ro,orittlon -,W ppy 1149, �ly tilinca the, Be INTERNINT19NAL, jLXA,-$ 0, NZ of.publiq Ir"tee 14 given In the llkgtlll� - Remarkable'tekimony to 4ha­POW alreptly s�parated, ,e"h o'.. on, -,the rnarket .19 years 0 Aush"Opq 14 4s part 'or, "I'llufil report of C J. -.8tewart, sllowfnlg� W 121 d g in to, hi's own h-orliej b6f6r.e T, u that persons by express stipul'ation I may " 4 - any vm,0 ftf tor -one, Y ea.F. Safe -, RAL -fik '91 , . 'P 0 nd. booklet 411441k, furnished on Irerjuest. s have selected his off lee to 44- 1 c6, so th�j. -the the.ir will a �nk 'took pla, estates whose -value is, over, beali on �iltAn WaS7 a� V half a billion dollars=;T 4uaqo�, proof , ­ I . ­ __ -1 ­- - I �, -1 1: . I ­."­,_ in 54 Some 6.000 truAts;,41461illttl be Qxaot "a Giif, 1q or 1)r,,,, -pres 14 -0, ty NI T This means 1 -that', the wy.eck not, be. e�K si� Aiuiry t6nes., -.d te- f ortiow _ji h _a_t tuaij A TJ ft. n. EziglglliPt` As a xx,,e.quen� thing t law AM they I ere _yor to m4Ke Off 1Z pepio.sy­ wits healed it, was no tl,had,,beenjert W Ay to,. J_eTlilflaj,�e Tlpl� I I -phans en t ke nd - Q , M_ 0. rs oe �se Iclows anct o -day t a :a m1histratl6n of Pr !hf in neces,&ai .0 stAW afar rids P - 01 s At Or as, 'tat6w to e - -secopd 4esr �--��,yeax­ !;oa :4&r­��!th, (January, 11), Je�sl;l-s' left the , pro- avernmetif staJids-'respo.risible for the it e'lp pub� vince.of Ga . jjlec,��n which I he . �44 :re6 he inds intrusted to his care. ,his ZfOj�M TRADE c�Ltalogq -i tablisheo The ouq9etis oC this OffWQ, es lish 'd by. blindreds* of V . . .,X- flow NOW& S#Ina�vitakns ,:i ff, , rogressi*o` R' tall. Iaboyed .?Pxkd begali, a joltrliey by ail—The , , , � t? A Samai -s 946, has exceeded, the give. we peo,p�e both.jXX lily six �,#ai -n ted effort, tq. ra:,�e -egliectations, even of Its-. PrOrn Merchants )[p a u re a mixed =U- rij­ `.— t4eir cust )ricas on, the --- with_fpul�_a graera lower 1, a - MR' ey 4 t W ARY-4 -inow --reqn; 4 �iad ;file" ;,,t �Staff Lot -400, Vne rusted of ecill!e'a heir enti om V,� u a-ve 'been: seyerok. 111WINIS, 16aliiiitriwl offIC6 call �act us t - b ret�,; n b ills - In - I as 7`�M�17 "I-, w rianp; the mlitll. xerrihamt.iei�nai --Iexecuto� of marriage �!qet S. hese m&r4h1Ant.S1, jadministrator' of mon 1�ements.j _�Lftd a�ith�-u-g-k,Nto leax V T, l,nis perioa %"kwa_l ts lans. of-childre.0, -9. 00� twiC . 0 -Mr, Stewaet now -acts as'Pare-lit i6'11 NO; .1 1 1 . J%`Sua 11Me4CIed,y`.fea;Vw. "at ve, ae, U11 Mirson I -MA11 0 -aridA-fie Wor- r er, settled. among em,, children,, so' fat, 'as the care �and dis:, - -, I I . 1 4 Jeru;saleni the'Yeast :of tho Tiabel;- we xed -,v6th__U4 ship, of_J,,'iD.h,6.vph gai --thg1r.:�:6oney,lis c6ricerfied i3lState,wnlch: 1 7 'j-h—e The, largest ol ave r6tur 767) 'd ; th -h4nd1c-w'a4- , _ :, i �.g V T. I vhenAe ls�raelhes,­Ia� the smallest �75. The average value Or The kind of:$ ::..''co',irlplete;.�bi ur �.dl teac a, _hf�,fe ore; recei've thr6 iTh f s to the'estdtea�,dealt-,-with; lhowe.i,er,'is::about�' the -to hind Iadf ore. big final w'lrrival' fer "j�t1j,jg4ea frbm dapwv4y, '. , . -do pep*ons i, 'will handle your orders. loOkI.W how ng -that well we�d, 'rilents,,'adjust 'corftplalhts,,�if arry_arlse. h .111� ere.Row- -0 WR ,6 ciii'& his slr ta pact'ron t� the Saiiiaxitans, hicire, generall -y poor. -6, SaVe.you, ml very wealtily )r vel 11,anid at the� sarde t�rn ddle -ait.Jerusilem -on tfie , pro P�dpl are Vtz!nPUL. tep. plp zr buildt �be (E 41 el ig- to reli'll5ke'.that: fits 's! a jowe-ver el 28)_ -�b in, pi-i-vate. 18. 31 Their rei igiijij,- k1unds, are. placed. =,tr hdrle,,16,-alwa�s thd-rigk of Dire d I Ct 1pe ai P1 re - ilionot as Pa -f f�aud�or Incompet6fide or neg 12" 1 Hffo 7 ng, ilofi� 4, through -0 -om-­ I . ' -W.-he -IGM t ineht-,olflilde-like that, < -_h�Lve the 1 4-31 *7��:' Z�-- 4-P &0 lije,' 4.e- of Vill trlistee JIL .posisAlli.lfty of los�, uy. I -E. TRAPE-merchandise.you. be d '*It �w Q�_ P f li,.o: e* 'i, avol I in approved, "the: t .ainqt a�ti� W cd� I qualltk,� Tou�'!jet At"t in:;a#oiy III All e -a VW ��Fi 'an' et i 1 9-y'lln- ts ttirl Out b ateta S ang r I om I li Vf 'the loss'. !he prl�apal,biei&duse' erusa;16 n an, n' e� gives, the pairable- the. g6vernment"Is responsible f V6u Cannot: Lose bn _1�014 Good'i. -erossed _thj�_4 aa_ an4_� Tra-Vel om?i�.Jii6k 33 -f-h P_ d x4j__ -united, it ng". �g f -&4t- -Jon— .8 TrE , , n F&I - ., ed, Kingdom 6-14.t-fttee u n r o u g A Per -pa; re 019sil 4-A _` 0: a,- a h t The rnk. bill. ot the Unit Gospel which he 'wrote. f, of -Poi�A near Jesus was no ;for the 14st. yefir qh6ws-ian­�Increase.. raunded WlthOiit question when rioit'*satisfied., nlgdorh -Alli- r Gentles 42.5,000,000.� �lThe Uited �K d-'�_Pjim rily fo* 4oubt taking' that roilte, b use ande, Whose nilbsibn isjb, decrease the writlag o .9re and­suggests---thi�-: 6ts, wqre for'the- pu noises . 3�org. makes q 'h er ta ogue Ybur. B uy­'i 11'9 )1e .6 Fer aea. d iec6dented -ease is p �obal)LY ue to unp p n f jesus ii-ldi, cz As he -7 4ile4Ati o a 12�, 3itered into a- certain proipprtty,for the kirlgd6fiJ hal -nev ca�e surp e. expc "As, abb'11 4 - 6§ trienced a gtes#,toor Wh� sh6uld ohe :;� e. -agingAawie, according to- 'I di e The encour 'teiiO -,Cot, e, of Franc6. a. n 0 grateful ah -th ,nin4 E4. ma b�6. s Ilvio '-he A enter press is a decrease sliowh:W t Every ollair. spent. at bbme through' others rhake! no eff lon.- which' attained 'Tin. hai Wei` lepe prt per citlitta cn n0t ex0. I e. its � maximurn� during, strallar,tra1de' re- Tip Spin, ialogue. rneans anoreciAlti .-for tth -',,w . 0 , , , ' �... the HOME TRADE C in e Gndier and 189 --i 8 14 "bx ju�. penellj: iey* -Fe— V4. iourar fef a Is t a Increase pi . C eiJLt'­6f­r4r nee ueen Mart er.; An-- the- consui f p rits which enefli-,to-, -3, rn t Oil -Trade King G -Or I ..:....yo��sAt snd. r f<5 P They'�ir.6 r ilti avra, an er BUY AT HOME., Obnouniers, de I 6. th: lk'vang f t e t be unusua -now-to- mee Ai,,000 Ai- ing at `4woild oo 6ads with an aas6'of 19- Jons� Ber is'second, with 1,1 b a 73,(�r 11103 t ee. ue to e n U ziati.ona.1 Alit -hems' --n tr 'th Ther. 11 er-- 9."ds &ie he, d -read- rts R A _y a gr , 1, word.6 thitt The share.or load -ual* In the, usu 'down y h"individ Maitaia's''d ings lAtesb pi,&.tu of - the� r 'a stie 1ul 'rXiijady had 6rblre'n -gi-i�eri:Ltd�,the-Sa]Omd.Aax.L- �-United'-Xlngdonz In. the,drink bill for 0 U X an' "It is. alio t 6 0 farrilly'of t)-%,e.,p*ex,sdhs was $9 dnd'. n 'Tjie Kl� _wag� Xin e-'at"d Tlerc. a ets, we are -at leS9 t e. re 'h on -have been- -so b�' Sric6 these figures do, zl� sure h d, e' that' it muAt age, uniform -o h aM of cauige� Tjj . ., 1 91fir h`e 'totaL,a �ti e thebbys and giels under zeqej� h 5u e that-draong,:the drinkers 'tlld 4e'nt wh" I w. 4b df. -od --As - rie quT avera96 . I . . m6m ro.yal p', t. Sb,o afar bft�w red ":.by f or caplta eXpense or -.drinklo 'Lev. i3 .46y; thj5ugh"the- Is much i"Mhtir. than 'Atat d from t1f,ci-6w hottse�­ Darin 0-11, -M02-,-men -and-2474 no P . e kefit- wa. rtiffed'to haVe� dfid in Eng - e were,ce alos:alonio as:the�result of 1�nd and 1,11' nHe will'bleed his victim., beew.citrA4 ddhOlI_sIA__TUiA; niig& COMM& Olt it - I h qr �dq6s not In clu a t Ose.1 0 usi, 0 -k uhor earth If -6nd,e h Ab k- 'Man _mi taxy_, the use of alcohol, Dr. W. now ng -pe wofkg of Jes VVIerated by 6�,has:oucqqsp s -otectibri, it Nnan or woma-iii under' c., sunivan 'I ...�-,,d for helP,i` such circurnstall t' ' t' 'rice tgke -with a pair, of id ar-- !d' .4 qubted'in the ripoft as pi 'in nd aisl !2 _p6�n+�6b;nsi�.6r..-eka-�t�es,�--ni-d4�e of rub,_ �maldn 1�e�t�i W. 001, ile, suicides 1&, the�'Unifed'K ngdom u-pright.posttion'by tlie use of a gV due.to the,. ubo of alcohol stimulants. them.-, Birt'tho blackmailer int'ist be An SCOPe, ]a* j '-be1ng­axp %JM*y Tlj-T ut-I -th e4n-f ant e g�6man 3n, th-6. 'svn y w ibh ed 'I een const�uctqj and ls'no,W r'&sted atild.Arled and it Is the publicity' the r brimen 13. �12) had, not thisl, Ltth-;t ta116'.. figureisjumisbed bv the allitt�i6e a in' practic shu gue afo� Once th6'blacXmal�qr. is cprw 17z, V&'r.ry'he.%vy [lit in 1912, 1,176 Uabidg.11n-�­ *-e 400 Is the fact t use,, 6h qcbm -ad e, ado th-e-'rve 'bomade availabf --u-nd mall - Nliry to _rl�ei 0�v!14 0 on'the-water; and7fird'his. rifle ivibli- Lge vel!6 suffocat-6d .1 as public.' to.seek-J6sus.-jet to,Ahem parentg,or other eX- -rie the. with the t 'as' - pbssible. Tie' victlin, may be, quite inriocbnt� of all.* & -4j' and oft e. diie. the' advantag�, -.0g. two as. -6n lald& - th their were. _;inizatfon, 'clal ins th,ak* �o del liarin,, but the:q1d saSIng that, there- 19 the, r t1free".or'Ilic me the bicyk!le caw be pro no fil6ke NvIthout -sopie-.flre;�S..Wsuall sl. In 11 - Vic 9 X tib -day" ionle, wh de 1 6 1 :a;bb1A"6 f C4� 16-ni, and Ii st of'*thdsc cases crift �be 'laid �at* pelled With t� d6or of alcoholic indulgence. -tater spee&­%N1hat -it case, lie, ned �),jj t.fie.. f.00t lik ess power arid: at'.gl -quote(I aga:Inst lilin..'. In a dar.kn,ess.a$k f lite $.now ne.,org"fZqtion also �Poffits* -Ines it'liloh, "d6,epd --has. oto. face the, Qross-' 'a In oIS true of ''the niach Bj&sfThihd�` `lilie ttl wo­an in the syng' shoe.-: Th�a re§6rn:ble-s: Aatr evil. effect Of 41coh6l"pii"t.he'-I)h,,�s�(itic equally tru ­ f tinsel -for ille deen t,,w ic. oh.,human, muscles a f C6 sea e can is.. G ogue, 'and- be- t race, On. crime ;and bit, 'divorce. 6 tio Ela- � all, ez hie. The.. PPWIPIT . -M . 1. -ut ing..�.,rzilth�-,r than tihose�­whIph­,-de­pehd-o4 all hrep I d' k.rlow_ nq�; at$ Wer. .,B -A 'single, -ack nap? rub) eT. it e . r. e, urch mus ip�ivber. -110f6ris It appeal lie is' it. jg truej a� C in' of this th 61 a on, on.he 0400, VO . dlik' the, 41' delightful p4ssibilfties tori ..-having -.8k nceof NA-ales,bld& fOr td-ri�:al d paths-.1ij- dar e of titu of,d:Ae1kcable ( "but lie ll�is.com aen The Pri Id go.over paths and'flel -ui AhaL Xjrig� a. :p&rticj cO-u the y_.. -motor, folr -pant I in iogioiher bitrkedl-to -ord-inar. mi-tted. of ajl. m6s in be-. ifhoiity e 'A 'nixm;b--' outdoor :_sportq.. �Ve I p 'd in, new. -beti� las just taken er I . I cotintri �5, espee ML nd out h lidays. -1)010, 'nd duI-in,g thio recent OF less. flrinall. -And-- .0 lif-flie Englith crlrnlnal�couilts several make thin NVIndtor'with reagIV, Toads asyet'ard rrot, it jy.� e its I S� per y 117 ver niployed' rs when 6 §aw v 6 ceabile�hft. wilar,qp b�rfg]Tt�-;rnd v , luable. It.woUld ll - i a In the Way or speect alltl U th­e�—... V S avan eyer Ur ose t ?ore s a LeTy tages i,nN The. heir to the hrbne;� while' 4e has bto�- a punished.,. These mail wehf to persons r wy finish rise of rihirlIngr WhIch'the. bat not noticed:.-wh6 never had a serious,411bess Is,not ro- P!�: Rainv&!s Paia t i e�d, combination of honest. thue-tried 7materld 9 car.' an contki-hed in the' news -items and at-; Ixere itit i a of rn�� ne inixing., �tarns ove� tile otoi btitot *hich probably acequ'nts' for the now Possesses sond., met ern scle;itiflc hi aly Pailita: Will' the'plen. wet` until they' crie'd but. ai3pos� so far'as can be, sboll, none of. t terApfed to. obtain iricineNr by offering to not, fail i�ou. fact thbLia spends as much, tim 14 claimed 't at it,does� -I.eavd out of the press o� ttireatening:to alble In the opien-air., advantages. It -i will oii�iplcpd lince or Show yourselves uTlt,o ilhe, im6st entirely witli� tire dart it"th6v. were'not paid a Pertaip-1, The lotal tid S 14: . t34.gestions,-,or t it pre , aw ger pu))lish in at ay o. 1 'factory for iii :. ti to he 7 9. Q on i�i be In ty. Thore is a C i imuy"��d_p r_I &c e_.Ls ,p e r, Le -Lio-111a. It 1) �distlil shot, ca:ss a pries . . . . . . . hor8eback;' he is a, good. an the Gets I bu _OW prctkt ' A -SON- -7 � o47' $._� gier.'.3t -h u -CQ t4 4ZM0�'iREAFL--Que;--­ -ffe4r tills onie!", fh-& -pri�b -t-I ns iscoyerea," -tjje7 experb 611 the 'ronoun6ed him' a lepe.r. and sent -d as'you.".citinfe"up ill esi with- A Ahotgan;'atid'at Oxforl , vrathed. w P Av alk, b will, e greatei ere away in'th� dw,ellings �of ma,.amT_. prince tookull rpbtoring; football, an uhrflng.-� Duri is Beans fok Dairy'. cross-gou er-7 o Nomv. he. tried, b ng, intry ng'h ioLis hand at 4kit A liFOR EA CH NC 01 U S.. e sai �i, �,71;j-j-f S*0*itdn,­wiju, .. _`­) - 4. 1 6-11.1. -k I - &�conip he that 9 lishments. i.,,this field,: t utter and c6e,-,le can actuaf� to: , say milk, It 'ift lbe Uq1 v - 0 ., i se Prie on,hWunt 'erlzlXn., that'she WAS c6uft preas 6j;et Izeilling the "papers lVbe made front the soyo. bean Vvitfibift be�e y w* insed' but. 'Well supplied With: pictures. and ne7wi,9 the ashist;Lince Of - the cow. This, bean Tj As thpy went, the Orp 01,6. the 'Chief 1..500 of. StrS. vvelre 61 -most upon tili, n -a- -es up casein,. -tbe'F op,�a and gi,% 11ravellerS in rench Congo. Hail 'D r. fiev' C 'a rrb t of Ill T. -a ny, t he- c o loottalfen'the Latest Fad. in" 'hap��lan,. Chief a -s- 'he r be -for p &Xpments, _c ho �blkkcd --t bv cids or relinet whieli. a %V n anornit 7� of A IAtion of casein 'LX11 __ I - u re; o the.: �n le w tthese iinies­ tha to of Royal Obse feart E thireas, r n oen?7 hen thoe r:nechani;ciai2 hAd 'NEW I s.cheese. it is- bij -y necessary, ATLANT1 C L NE'48 ,6roduc6, sistat e rlory,: -h laced on thePhifte ' b - -one -of the latest retlulfs� of th.e' excess add vegetable fats', a Aash of, -sugar and uring rie- The Likuala aux Herb azy inspxraiion. - Turning* tb t pi ebgln,�), Y -P 9 40- oas 'a of luxury Is( the desire of thit. frigh to GrreenNvrich.' Eaglafid,'liect he. opLenied, the' valvei that,.- leb, ..off in -new- mineral sAlts' andelghtY per' dent. of Wa- stre tl�lat wilids thr am _1�i:,e,,An,_tae_..o age oo�. cW,- and- he� A- V -, The he_dII4 9.1n.trodu Two ip=en id Tes§61S. for t eXana- will also,have i�ix colliplie :..keel', fAshion, IS hol,fr the,neW and! charming ssibly some Whitening tqmound -to, the best n. &(iksl 'In ':idrdb'r'to ensure safev architect.4 a:re specializijig. b Obtalm s0metir It t �0 cottages, In which some, of I g that'greatly'resemitles' -tih6 - 11ii r of 1he' tars, aid. that, 'eong-o. --But, alithiougk he fillilid. the air and 4ho'botita'va'd- eV� dian iO4eifle. ut for the, , ebw'§ milk. the - q1testion. of. the ntimbe r of fhO old timbered tumbliod 'down 'hornesteads -to `b- o one vA!1-Qnlv discbver.a. tire, in A e'clio�40 6&4ping, from whf4dl� 'possibly i;ome long.,cstab- Now, ff-som, siAxs- did n6t.inerpst the. kncknt,4j., u se AMA.ntib bean or a �-1 e and bulkheads lishedfamilyls, evicted. Von some' %Vgy; on 6 th ate nut that can betransformed -in- not al nitatlbn,�of, an� egg,with- as. lo,�& plausible It in. A rd of -hip Joi)016, 'i a sail dolliirg is tIonal and ufide-' 6y spent In repairing the humble home. 01 olit'ihe aid', of tob irra be capa 'le.of flo W ` Thi`6:0-f6ut �'th6u, 'd 9 b' '%aiing; h Th -oakAbot-ard put In With All - I a ablb. hen the hunian radd ough nilmerable i n , crip ure, th _T f tW.'o neWl cinpar,4nen'ts "are, 'vendi .0 -sle �1�le:rAcj&byv. tbv, ad�i�ibu -Passage, a ft -am thez` age o A 't, -Cow -t ely bapl;y. -b(F. sqfs* vVill, be b u Ye -A J1 s -s- �ffien_;U. , 6- Id- Th,6- and?, as in the cot t be para stAmers.� '96Ke�e tw�i'-, These water-tig I I I ni f e 1 6S y ress. a bathroom Is added &dd �p�l�,alesb the 1TeW!GdVft.AOr:-G4tUera,l1 sea,9110i.e, but this, as 4'e 116i3e4 -to bf saii7ageis al owe b6 Autlnii�tica-lly. c(in- oldpireced'are tted Into iloorns that are ohg.th46 shorci h the: f the, one class cabin t) WhW1 doofs Will ovl� e trolled fr�om the bridge. - The, �peed so.,low that 'on4 can' hhrdly stand up-- � -If is ofte, ly.,_hnnouncea that e,�kept.t, alf, e�maje�^s d -�Pirl,ts at'on�o begaii, to ralry' Al exVLn TrVeck Is to succee4 the, the, -saiids.'- The i� e S `bep'o h� iraftformied them- --Tli6 IS�Ytatb patch,'Is then- -of eah vesA&I -wi- I be,- 15 knots wit in'to a YaAhlonable orchard Duke of-Connaith-t VLS-ZOVdylldt'�g I era umbei B"A� - - I oe'6 -er bed ilith,6 late <yf.-aws vi�-,ible, -to th, nakid. e Cbmpitity,'Of QlasgOW, Se-� �a dritujbt f As tor tile in- dnd loxpensfv6 D'utch- Zttlb:4 M-6'plantecl of Cailadi. The brother of the szti�An:& thing &.6id'ed the outc.onle round about It. Tiny, latticed Wli . 1(%ows, Xing V.dward 18. to be, followed. by tile. W,8$. about six 66ii�-and. but. only. of I t . he Stdrded bb hAIV niP 'and oi'd rotijer; of Que6ji Prince Alexan� dayj. qP the vessej§;' elteh seC�61(14- blacl0efied. bes, Is-io prbve ti a �of t�o�d. VoTia unw-mugt: ; e)A� from- some re- 8� 1ps son rt�-tbf -00rhe -labdrer. -itre Tlie W ron 4911te. - i -i gtate room wA � be -fi with Once I the propq bas so It fin, I one pgrticular W now collected to satisfy ifie cravings of aliso be efficient. The DiLike. t I 4p. The;se stAT4. &as of the, .e is efl UU46t WAY- a wardrobe, -*nd Aest, ot"draw ra,, the rich for an old cottage. � I . I . - . d _v iy. anc-ien.i,�aVt�e-rn,--w4t.s,,,wh4e-zlng. exaniple-0 Well as a� i3recedet " It They ar6 eiiig si�ecially- tons;bruct- f6.jdjMg, , jav y 61, h -it Prin6e to are f diffe-ed-fit t0glWfic e t, w _&>_Ilowd; then, mo-r'e'and Jlfi.6ro. un - tor ;yl;-ibh mirr, and, '- lVith arl'old cottage ypU lire, In -the will' be no easy task f t Ay upthe river,16.add 6r-oinb popu, and th"e, its in -to The. swim-. Once there, why there's nothing follow in the footsteps of such -'a ncie-v of th a r Was full, bf.fhe,4 Jktf for th,6 Atlimiltic, Serrvice and win Gth6r .%onvenlenceg. else -fiv life* *to strIVe for. lar governor-geirieral-� -The Duke comes. e tra.d.in In the diis-' tin, th . i six.-gradeg of Thle laet r 11 ig � blitidly ab, lit contin every possi�ie`p6nv,enionce pliblie i�oom-s 'will be 1�no��,h, ]jut tile P�4nq gaist 11id,brillialit skq the 0 0 r goads t6 Chro!'Broncidtis. �to Canada not U ' a h tance, a it to a, stranger and Canada. IS -apt -to be tlla�j o'nie, n1tre" fi the 6�mfoit -of passengors, They� k " dining Speaking aLf a Ineeting of'Ifie Folklore very crit,10AL of., strngdrs ty c6ligtal this." eek, er, than, 'billers. tdiat. i W thev' be 6f. royat bi6odt -tiliftiral, , ­ , .,I, -,on th part aiiifd that likiny .,the r 'IC be, I aypo -ing- roo,in,' 'I no Uldvogi Edward LOvett or -We expect mu pulki iijiit .!note light amptam6dation 16t left of Our oyaj faililly on ey e 5 in. Th6 re ­111idr-ki Iti lAndoill WeArIfiditr and- tire apt to forget '1' �t .'.their dres.4.& nedittace of cothion bills, A 'es 'and, protesbitiion$ be at being I'm aleand ;�00 t drd aiss, -ge-rating P a b A a h eoTei�k -Clifiddii hilpv� heen , name Ciltylibble of mil.king 30046s. c6d pendan tL n rms". ( i &A� a'tuie P) fh6'hl69t ltivltblef all Ve6ar: I hours. -br6nelift16, '. . . -frices. -, p6pulality in 1W .11M. bi" Will htl�e bbe m ad o ice per bight When the �ehlldren are habib-4 the Vl Oes, 1jej the, SistLer -ize of the a. tin is wi s of eace� lengit-h wilkill be' heat6d beada are put oil their -110ckg' and not hetbt. as we i.ne-rease.the'. in tiie illkki f. ithe' wa- hduke 6f Saxe-Cobourk telp, h:ee eeaj� old, re.ign n tAken -oft agafti*, - lte-haa;��Aee�h O!� the t dbusillof;Itlit- Olueetr Tai te hWomen over 60 years Of. age who had fatIlLir NVa!j t)ie And 'fainter stars -�r. W -,eLn the �rne -ile. the breadth f +he- p4t,4engor 6, M�, of thb Netherlaii(N. Her 'WAY up r near the f6ot. ofthe free.. the ri-� h 71�. Wdrh these itiVS-4l'orn Illeir. childhood 3,611ftgeAt son of the late Queen day and k fe%v year�, ao� an, and hS, erlv &bath 'ol Gn the an 1,66k! ue -had thainking figo (%St LL gloom dve One_dl.the Part. thr42,p- 4e People n lat Nii, f r�o out gitv�4. latine - I, __ the , mechiiiicitun knew e tret e's eueh houi, -There !b* 'PV ate , - Women he wat , Ottreint ilia danvz, I WilI also, h6 a piinbng, Prifit"ii AlaXtiridpr is ii oil 206 18, repo, ohelaVens on f '00 onel Mahtn iti South Nfriv argo CA-Pacity for .6 0 AJ)X. tec Cl he platos, ciach e. ivil"Ch the t tild relle�f or f�mous cruisr �-tbft �V As such 1 Well f lic, J,% just 40. 11140d' by a fierce -and re li re I Plates it rilio. wliioh, on awou b i iso t org the C In n nizing ftbilit� 4 to ilbt re f 7 i n ed qnd 'The, i,-vtn'fo'r who Ak. bilother it, law 10 tile Xin ()U be r1i Tested *a f-,- r, A r, 1.1e iti lie, N uhibfi- of of " " 111 VITUA Cnada gms a np�nt the .0 t jift it, the .17111 lie b.,," c1lapCo U, a 0`1- e I f, 11 %N-,.< I They Will. Ut., \Cry WLIC01ne'. T T_'T tore of i Me' reau k od b tethe I W1. abow fore 11"Y1 at' a t �tl nm r kollied in 4ieen ttb j.'PnujiTl 04 0 f let li lit is tettibly -gre:4. t i, but Illo heat ill- F4, lyraftycid zol(flem of OTo tiie ti-aNcill' $ t tilt, U life. to xVlth��Italld volk tit d! tion's of tile t1t (11,Ci VOI�j t 16 ,Jr. Tht, the sao� but Illw ip ill - if of t fit the nrnn� 0 million tph d6v n t ip 2 9r, t:h" ol hkwill, bo.t ltatheilla TrI this- w1tv. i i, ba*s, pos,_4-bloll 0, and floull-hilig' ol�der of tll'&t theie de ill the to or, 610 Itching 11.11y'll. Pillhil'an to the Inst . 0 'Nilill loftVe fits. li�,rth and g. tho. Intl Al�bxl. S s will g0te it hi� hoo shitic utilloliq �hedL with oonttnpt nd th(S Nidftf.srs Nvi'll sqve VVI-th Clolld -lie b0ton' before the bell_� hol) tire trip d0In.Pae6d-* In the And the that iq "l, a r fo V of I , i LS nd Iie will be ujwn, Yl "these oil A b6dpidalkId' duifd -ee e At rh �'e 11 llvinlll,-I� 6f Spo ; llAll or dt,-,dts or efit oil reeel b1pl, re Ape AVIA- t Posilre �or lomt% eellet th.0, n6w AS the 1, die rAust InV.01 Ve 0 The blacl;lnallee is' one vur Most. iel-, Ine, a, ire, to g6b