The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-05-21, Page 87—'T-'7 —, TV m 0 _7 OYI T r -ii. al,444�4 7. j ;JrjtA1j(m4,;-�Tb e Ligo the Origin,pf �h6 Idea tion xvith tile of iihiloo set it. connkw Propeller, held grew -�'!h here, will, bo� -OKI bhd4y, Nfay f and ju T atiO M 4 be roilbi Ink extr, ��norifj nvy IN B no' 1� In 'BUP" JSr �C EAPEST TIM 'be, cpa-, qtj y Is printed, iby tilei. Marl 110, S r 4j, It 6,Abbath iiAll, e ducted. by , the Nlz Geddes, 4 Ail�q lattra I,' WK4, 00. mend 'Rev. jNft, that,it cA That W hY 01 gig iorningi and Linot guarantee Its 00AU0, IS' We P CoMr r:.(—) n, :ia the t"ID 4 am 0 tAtA%;0L4 V1 R, r IV Ttt��, IV, ,f k; tp tltuu n c6nd4cti the bark tA� h -7 V t)gl�erviee ylThie� wornic 'Past Indigo; Want d(sman apon services'will be c, ki onducted after tiled In try an&xft ffee the rim it th Inianaer of church servicepIn e early In nd the, Cape Of Goi),d flope d4s. On Monday, eveni , n g to ton of! high aeits,. I r a n Ipper arid, because Wa il1i-,be-gi_veu-;i=;t:vFeat_ genera -a -a U. Ju. , ... ....... . wof-th oerogram�,_wiill:b n nd -mteitainmeni m Igh A A'' U r. MeEchianj 'of 'Owen $ou v- ves go It %n rwood, and by ;tile, ve -,*k on�hor 10 L Ir �111.�kre Ste AII. wil. whaje other ormer' tupw ''AN't)V, iter�. It be rveale. tile 'fit t that it it a in elite I't alume the b NE! y ie ve ba� ,got egirg'll -iIr 'Vi i� 41#11 F W -A be 'fell %vfts A TIr", ra. 6r0i liately. water wk 010 . was ft h W, A7��Ak­ tim U m -e e - I . . . :1 . i _at(11- � I .. 11: . . . ., ., I Y* 616W.IX otit th opgh ilie oiten J4 6im S M r. A�s m�ej Wegh6ris at 'hand tihore,-Wl 80011'he a -genera: af)ffi h'& Wellington NiXoTj spent nad afterm end4avoring tO'-,6�1ektse '1,tseff. le war ay nd growth white ash. hall Ivs, , , .. . : seco t ik, 11 ing I - iatmb�d: tb�* water ir i :,noon inAhe-,.t6wu--of,­W- t1l Its,10l, "st -aild 'thie lighteri� -sl Ciiie . fit: of t q oienoy- aU erw% of M� �y or., 0 :so vi, xii, 4 Orope-lied the 4, h:' nd \I r.s.;19 N I head tit --seven' knots the biiih fn wit He w� fflo Ings an rself, to pi,'theiri _qpge t. e, In gA t r'.. e 'itte h I d :i?t o r. on will nev I bbe -ty y '0 VESTS n no, t kVaddel, te'6f.SAM�0.&.V Wrea "M 25 'S 0 a is� -the oroinitry d yes -,ypited e 71 _;7 Oi 044 T'd re- sumit 35 5,0,. 7j5p 0 w:. W.0 0A ZA N UT L. -7 as .,�Mle to da 7777 den Y. its LON XEVED Vk9TS,' WI: ill till U' PH tej.r ine, th lung, tue,itlavf� -7 io 4.9 lif 't !bus age of B Ju KING -tS=K-tN A�WE)118 r at: 2;% 35.a.ii :50c. 4 d _C C D ract, n IT att ri . 1D 7 k ,I . . . . . . . of. iizoi and prices it"PoWer Behin.0 - the Throns! n Pe �a*er, who had' his. arm dislo� n c a 0or or r -d- inets Attitude- ad, up.. .-current qjiesi� silk -the-'k U7 tIOnS 0 tht day kfid: 'Wore prticular- Victoiia and: 11"' isitea -44 -Alexii n l.- who write hepig der's -on u mppet s b Kayser,Sflk Gloves wear- er, h fine Tile, king ' liukes� It -JW po si. 19 �AO ^b' tt �fit 00 Sout;4 41 i_ . .: . : I,' , . . _9 10 I t -very1a+ 'hold their betr thkii le, ie, of state-,th.ii 6 oseg interest lu,'C better and en. 'g, et now, suit for, the. hori- -LucGu I rlVLU iug.juestlqu'lof.'tbi� day, -bile he Ily ta ke vice of. ithat hend then� ab.ove. any otheii, day; UA -drop w. Einni�rson. -"I st -wa big peiipo le dinistel as Vile 4U,6thejr,L_lOVbs. We -keep tt.'Aock of I Dks kt'two. spedig-, suits J61in McGe Plug. -a oi 6 is at presenti he! and ave big Own' that tiv-,does, not hesitate,',- ­�N)ves,on band in white t--bavti-i�st'attiv'ed,froMr'a'i Peter Leavz*r to finighr seeding. f6r:ulo�; voi� avin; 10. e wh these��fiuiwsilh P :e nq Wd� 1to with M6'arm' �ne . 7 the . rkhb ade W alSor are s6winc�,'416rie�, if Id. ber'makds is The' . A hk his mh ,,Rpqipe nies o e This draft, 0 f, h and th other jesty de�. SID 001, Wfttghp ']�.Cqnl �_C. up 0 ipare tile, speo e 'd CIEULDIiEN Kitl 31 who:' 1)y� if -in mt No ty. 13 a S t 1 '23;i M officials f ine,,'p"t-iVartq.��6.ci*ttrl!oo a S' V e -in And submit -It to big 'I isty In 2S41k,% ist ecitein6fit waA-camied'i, in on formal language,. -This be ges.1;06ugh n vQ ueL ered that v-. �vh��ni. it w4s dikov -hirldren of L able world; an -rewril ngs. cifoke�,tue 0 F of W err i most cu'refiJily-and A"tte takes P_ "d -ecia. e three. to, app, it and other apppeair��B 36 38 tile- laige oilos in sizes 31 .1, ..s -P MedpAjais.-MoRet - i)lack atisfiW with it-, .: I ve a arge ig, Fire a, e of -w I e it -co or$.,- be sald.at:once. owe er, that W josi:roeei d ntmai 40 Ahd,f��'anid, bil 8 worl: r9m for s( h V time- i xiT Herk ley li�ini -7 ly n in. no- words'-utte y rthih, 5: e, are -making a�-special i c e. ---f i�oni -2 5 1fied b the �Iug-a-re­ap:- to r , roy, I rp n as ed -his verT IUIV rl hHs eL ;t.rrl I I.. . . ij at 'the colpis,bla k, blue, r�e� ed ba-vei-p most - of 83.00.', .9 diSPUt,6t­o.vt . e %d"e There b possession, of t ageg --rors 'he 6hilden7 -eareful scrutiny. vos I_, CO; ll�e 't,or add. t 0 _16sty s an 'ex.. 0 h, t his ma fvnl.� ight years. ion Iap lkfo�d�j wh6n--the child " d' Mom eWs. White' PicqU'e' a eitred �ti�melyt,-go6d,--Imprbmptij:,�sp!." an(l. otter-. ren,L r Stilling P 4rless 'At Half i nd p looge7-Xi -1 ei e rkley ng the excite 6tA made withoilt any parsuit, ..ancft havo een secliKe b -j*afi auto and gtaitlid -in. res 1 - previonsi -0rown ses 'D ounidiscilyeted. that W res oieg ''at $' he� : I I,. biftt after some It IV, L - . j: e h". -Maa ilf, goind, - �T e _j ve ere C ta eifir _a 'Pal U L III rly. ne �re I,; age Stock I(; a . . . . . rorouto,�,w C ni(Te1 a 1C, _pjqge Ifo It dale per -alp S 4ho e ve itp 0 jWh th h ---jAade7 A -'p eased -tor see. nd P and iii aig iq tnw-patiterns a -SMA -0 Falk soiled b s again. to e hiAg.0hool p peairl b ble back-tead shades, p X ce is. onli Mrs Albert a few dayir' 4s. g000 as, e.,ve butthns.'..r The 'pr r6 asider i6e best aluleii we Co V - . Pa week,,visiting her uncile, in $35 hown. Thq,&ices _hx*-e over a 0i. who­wati - sof �-tbti -s 4 we p6ci se� a fe -- ------------- Detroit . ... .. 0 p 0 . W TRADk IWA K t 0 -met- with., it �:ftjfifl erloUS [nit 0 iskenette' 'king vith." ef(lent when wor Edision do a eca -And' F -h t - Sir ;�n7onf, isending 0,1001 fuld "U06! rij urger a rew o nger a en -till. 6 -d "' - - ' - " U - - ast week k nyNbblei 01111111111111 Ca. e la 0 611 P�`tellta a"nother r e -for ISO irolistl . i 311111-A; CO- rebalve. Special -51 k b is C. a r t Ie;r,s, t Ped4ij =tjCt%'*LI1Iloti Qjjffjje� jarttle Cinase9­0 11 apitt -30-teots 0 14� n OCCAijoilig. to This H se we cari g0 Pit, 4rcertai 71 met a stv wee ell. atrtbis!oriee, the re�al,valuoi'4 %hjCh'i'j CIr_ If ond--ty 7 Larff�d , May is. jotirnal. Terijap for of S4131. 25 - cent. TW S' throuall' * see Ing. 04pslbp 10 Conts a yttar,,po-qtw.* FrarmUL- Sold by are' di Thofarmerg It Ilia scificient weiggho.,t6 makeit an exce1jent r is pavin S. t weaier,, zes in blhok, anna, It visi. TUR NbW YCrk� foe'M rf.,D. Q 1;� 9. aud-�:�J. rice �.p only 50e. -a. p�tir.' b now uggids. -of- W I" I Ou bUrg-ovii Sug4ay-]Ast,; JkW a Ing een air y &a 'So far, "p krls-of"Dr-49. ao s 4a, air e ore �b All is s ring enTuro -been enqued for .9 . The, tug tdviard r Bl6 ani . ved -from helping M ter,.Pougsll, . h so me early. a, oftih w.'I%-, hill seeding. Goder.i6h.last'vVeek and will the breakwater. .0harlies old drivei, Fred, ia bit, w6rk on on indispos6d at ilItieseut� lid Charlie 64. The scootier Biirt' 6ri�y bell'. oi.� ei-for the,Andi� the 86 0oiI, wag in here with lumb 01ICoIM Flitrilibire COMarly" Lucknow on SuMak night.. 'e wonder. . .. . ...... Attra6fon., 'Arms 0 ar et -Y 6 aiicouver� B. Q.� formerly ilorted"from V. Hamilton', of Olivet, h Nf ra.. James McLennan and Laurier lived on the south lifie; nqar kinefirdine. ed honie. after pending a few days vr4t ay. e Aug 'His, vire a h r dan, n urd hi,.Xi 'dittei; ran -6,- o --�-Tt I idsday 9t I L A, A' en, moo May 1,,)tli -go on Pidv. Mri1airid, of Tororfifo. preached ja8t.Sund%y, A,Iiii n- P,,,t fe �V 'days n day� rs, 11. A"tniasitin. sermon ill Knox.-.thurch -on people were receiVedintof all conneetgn I lValkm 69: '1$ Witi&'ham Iast.*e6k h aft�rno6n . ;01�h t4 SlindsmlPrning -�ind inr the he 'ifilIT6. Emma =d lbeet�'Xirktnwnt 4a; 661r, df f, tj hich W .-Mfito "tsaturij-d-y' , . . .0 . _�ys ti ' atten ivtiIine4,'.tn To. .14". . Finlay is visiti6g it -Mrs, 40-' held.servicewul; Pine Riveiv A s6ng The: W. S, hold' their reghlar'q itar- qweek-6na at, their - - : d J� � ­ --- . , ' a y moo ing, W as lar CD t4h Onyd, qf Godorich, visited Knox Chlirch oil Sbday, night under ed aud the,'m,emberd .6f �Vj r, wad 'Nits, RabioAbOtfom of Walk- leQnAiferly her hrother, Chas, 1�6yd, '0� thpAitectioh of W" M. 011kke,. or ., ganist- atd met af the At,the- eftonj are visiting in. town' qoiit Yd4j with rcelsxti�et eing In We t��lie.thts oppbrttinity of thanking th6- -Public, for ,tho Abot al t i progress 19 IJOW b ade in clbse all sat doi�a to a, sodi 'ea, �p ti, 4 a o-511oet tilne! W it. Roblertg6pil of Luckfi6i*, visited. lf� gh atr6na."O W6111M.176ceited diirihg�th,_ the C on t e, new (Interided fa? av,;t wet -k;) us n t' ient the Pa. Charles4i feXinnon i.11e I t wee ro- wa hope for" a confI.niti;knce of: the ri, st Wf ek mid onliection wit wor 'in Li,�4t�,M 6 f rwkwaier. 'Arpeese t th4tr th ek Lizzie Brown Wig JIM gues 0, rl ices in Sitii4ay, May 16th was; 'obser-ed as. a d eq inf, ifie'LzITIGH', Vktl Fi, 06AL. knuwn all dver tile. Amet-iodu . �Ineh. -a r . - I '� 1 ., � � ", Ir-,--- -11 newing friend.s it -Bund ' . 'In "A'6ny ro employed in frarming tinibq t iay, o ers , Ay Co to be'.Chtf be4 ILI filtne(.. bs and hindling 'stone; and nnieugcri 14 - to telitt flip POqby- 1. llro�viit fron i Pixislej alid iiimt*r"otchildr�nwerebapti.9'ed. L' Ot 2t Hardware tei 0 der refe LL DOW89 81 the m 'IIZI 991, ewfftst" In a'nd b' - o this number wlil likely,be.added to.. A Lit held in e Qled, on.'fri ireitily deoriLted - for the torefl jj� eng th occa�iqn i'hd 4husic was: furhiSilled bV t)l which whefteomplet6d',Vvl]IL�t-vt�a,dep Y Sfr, Abd I ni n Ii, 1ist iweek- the dlr6ir. V t� -4 ye ` �d Thoinp4ou` &%ng_j.Td1 ISE & WI -N Aoat6d into the hArbor the 1� tx L ittir ay m(traing., Ind 110, front t and well rea�lored. e -All lia-mba 6f, rin Rdfid,iY� u tioiW, atillid2ty .1dicint v0U., in Antither crib� totic CoUf86 Of Con. sthU '28 I, he o"g of town trw%k vall�,d to Miss Teha NfacXabi- left last week f o Che t $1 -to the 60iting iveft t F64not4l. An(( re foreno . on t(Y see fier, trait fi�yr &,inurse in the 'General 11ospi. t6ve $176, Ti) 011-1 ES ee 'th t_11"in T 6 R0PtS191JA1tL *)dents ptr Ijbitud., IS: fitb, I .. 0 ., � . ... ... it UP. "DATE ST AND -TO' Y f2er w wl dieliVettil.' Oldir6n -ok of TAft �3to, id 15c pe- ZV het� -last we ar WIDE phobb LiJbItho-W4 tdtd by (L 14. lkwnflui Ab(I Dr o1he OUIV . Of Xeiin pton 'Vh_1ted1rid-nd8 in �Geder- aW*4 Neil 60! de, Reay -to- ear Suits.f6r ffibial viqit to Q%NcOt dA 1AA webk. 'fay! Art o ieditors L-Afto. last'Pt4day... e t Men and Boys. (C 14 IL J, Ili-senX, �,Vofa jj;js, just Luckno-W High &h' 1, Visited �t. her ate M of �J686ph eftl'. 9 To the: Alia Fowler afte'rided a ineetinx of' jofanSton, ji�'td ()f the, Vill, s I robtijLof the-deell of. Tht)s Vo of ilit xec I . . .1 d-Coltinty -of truce, gtad Fii�chl Nvffl'-Tt�ke on Th'404y, tuckliove' 4i ih .1. 1 . ... . - ( 'BA -A, n e 'Raincoats. THE MIL NS of ill(, south P NX Interiftefit Hats, otice is her6h3r Isiftj 6Ve�jffg 9 a&IfiAt, W Inds AAY elidbi,4, tit, deidpa' of Getit's'Furnishing."4 e 0 0:0000' -Priday eveniiig at the -'Aotift f will, held 11st dhy tay 1"q- da Of0fell- ti, D IqI4 at thd, Townshi# _4PI a .�.a I set., bnd&. A t Fin yson as re urn. §hIl6ld ill ill qq -nd y o oftr -4 here Tile Odwance' of &till is or W deliVeti W tile �Urkder- t in, the Chaed on Sun of Ontatio, ard lrequitidd to On(IbY p "d Muriel VAfrelL f6fthe �u Ae of t IV At,. I 1 'L 'Idtilli'til4fie 0 e pol g. moo t1oth f6r boys k nr kerg c4ei 6 ddutbis under the ;v�W .6f tho wil in, foe Ig"o, jiiih6� Cranfitoh, Ayd Wjlll&W� FIA SA . A. CAN' L tb N C T150 j9", AA 9 r Sundaiy 6, n no r names and a4dfi?Aseg -and, useul, r p4ny PU eveyffiV9 80,0ce. A n n i veffivy etvideg Mt n dfrtheir clainig t IL01 OF C- ft- e-fil A.IAWI'd resb�ieriah, urch, 4ntq andstatelfte Aji thenaturid. if �Lni. held," b Uetn, dul (lay, fiti Xq i C R F,, votifled by evenitIA dyLV of offeri., thwsg !DA L an 6 D the said Map jarines, CtAng 'AV�j 9' Dt, 0 A AT M t M aTt;q0t,q df t,holikafd decl�acta V111i i"tWirilldy will iodd4d rC Aft nig 't Gingitlams aM411 0"! t ho� mon'tipmed P ey ]AACTdo 11 litilife the "he titled ghdriato. bikvjnl�i a - 46n. pe"Ons on fl WhIch thqj,, shall, haV6 th(-n TOM Bond on i� foimmiuil sapplied. hy th� 11,44 met their fitst. d'jq4;jt of th-6, ti io c line, o -p6lied,,ap be- by the qe6re 9.'6, he �py bf IsIl h doWkib, of P61i Elgiiij WM a t6i to, do' the to stdn And M111hTn'T ey w llabW t6 Keily, knd were fined a 00 C X d t in, Aii Aft hkildh6ki Interest allGwt A at M for the Wol 11i df (0Y P.Art thorreo an r I If ill I the'Y r6 ge oij_�'n 990, dl&jni'thej* shall not thild Up, or In,! M OU U4 a ti* 'S ftf4ishingIiquo to fhdi�b e ifttxt, ri to tt 6" Sunday. N And pla War" f E tu W -m dA:kdf-M4V, D I & b --71-'- �7 og"i Wobite and T1 to,, n WS io' t 1L