HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-05-21, Page 6MOM, �W 7
NO �0
Clitilies Froin SOulethilig Inside a
0 D,, 7915
or, this Corporation
hou, 'Says V half', jp4r y
ince the Securities.
U esta
R. 10 yeamo A
plact'. on the, ynari�!� 11 arawn: In part or
n*;. Magazi -It,may lie NNkrIt!
TF 11.tTjoN. L LESSON' Writing in Plimal Full par* - s
RN TIM is years.
tion dev6tie4.t0 any, time utter, prie Q,
A (in reQu,ost.
English pu ica. ,booK -
new uliiarz ana
MAY "24.1
I , Z
T�: i, �z, ow n' mrss,
lie le,v;ommeredia 11 Wor -7-l
y All IL
co e
1IR 1?qverty I
T 414 q
it Is (tgreat gift. to be
�asked to ex040 -ed by, 'Watch 94;4*,
ifi:ess-, was onim hiolt!f�r�om.thb�_chiAIT. .�111(1__'ii
a iterally �'!'be bus oidenoe thwt`W,0lAld
Ailid wit IA GQ14
S6�To orted by thg,Aian- of r,
Hero t
entrapped. h' ecr,A of his'sti-eceiss. let,; - Ilud settle.
too til -'e, el a qU
after all.
h vr
t roq in, conduct le� battle 0ear to the, heart. of
my deaj� man,� he said
hasp,,, thp,,oligil c
a" p1q,oids .,or W
i0l: act, or
'Wuld explain1ow i ced -a oil the �hd little.centr4l lilt
e -jrd ea 40g fQ ta k-
-of thl Meal. bile PrOclu
ai �writers ol
E�s e: �jit
t i, -in, theog over, wbdcll 111
by th se 1,6�rlied W'fly.` cut mr
e ..pea . g, tbe;, r says
D4 likely -that Jesus':MeAlit comp - w4sinade l -t " lors.- lVerel"'Agatin '4it, .
But,' Protested -Wel inter' 114BVI 1, act tha -4Aav 11 IlIFA U ...... .... i.:
0 111 r1o'Ll
th� tkij)165, but, ruall: should we4r the, Memento
_V�e, All -
ore iuco6 d
a �I`
t h -7
thr is, vers�, n
6`[ TO' "'f
T, -h' u.
acoount, for 'yo
g -0, in Rat ew and mar �d.
sit 4 �Ves I have rules, replied the
7maTl Y, t;6
jr�jjkh�: Tt�, But
Y-_ ? the, 7'sileepi4ii-I ut.�r@ es il
esui- efermv , _ , - .; - il , . f . , . 1, -ds,
!WMI I vo�ord§ wou p,t. a mat. r �f%16w the kuewk�tlia event]
x I& also, in-- Ing ulmess,,, vz..
ins . .... -and�onie'or therb, �had -sen-
1116 idde i Fail,
Cludb 't, ose not we grouh ed'. -in will 0,ac( lit -.,4,
L to ',rjhl6 Ot4li,"Vo
d f e
]XIVITAT.101i Wa. gl�lwer
ll� than__
fnq. MIT? or,t -ii t
�Urdmr I T I
'J'of�nI6-6ifigu -Issued:-byAll
-jf a; lila0. A Lo"Lqln-� wher6l .;$Q
ke pla"Ic it 11,id Ability
laek�-,of "expe " nce,�ab& ivability to, tp eliati4cte or rftoney-f��;!---iiio-rio
wil'I L. SU hasn't,-' _p4p -`bills
-don Courity Cciunell-dates-lialdIc-to
hel-: cij��d -if' h I I - or the state to, InaliulactureI'd
-and tho�, it, that'have's nce-
r7l --7777777 9. And,t.ellsof. the,miiV '%'Ijleh��OnCe so agitated
in Vu 0
b -he"ligs ' i "', . LAakm 4 - TreU Wd _,el,pen vin �;pent In the maiang,olf mo-., ad'14bituriii i -Peoplit
h,6 coij�Y-,bbok I - A been
.7 - , �y r a ay -_-,�000tllleri a.
-A P11 t V;e:�t �� 11 , , matl hill
r 'all B ii 1 'to 31alke; n'
-Kt- thy,:t -i Rniq
h ebu- -wrer -Ptmii
dIture_oni_..t_e__t n,.s co,. '56. has t3 le -credit
h -TO _'THE,-RESCV nn four' t it
sboxed,in--pits or -on e Reld
e-, wy
-The'-sin �is'_no tin, re n el
e§t - n Who had guelceeded and kne, 11A doll r& 0-1 t enty 99 asses a. the - fr6nithe gly
I all peug
it - -th- So.with.tho.w
'-:19 -to a, 01 .1 B: .:to A w i
--th _11 Vov -
fIsm fSocialisis
.n not sepa-rate-, rom soun A�U- Illcii, et. V d- in -th-estr6eia-ts, u mf od-to-ine;r,
e h d sa-- Ire
Old' b in mind that
have to -be' spent before, A e
a re hi a great de f "tru th i, int rough oviiorl'and oyer_4 I-,ovt6 0,64-tTer rese re- "tell is th It t e stsitol should'be the
NY gaelty fares are. big enou or
Quilrernents. solo *,Wner, anufacturer,
-4n otho-Atate"T is
-W o,=',e, iih
_0 4,C
_MUIV� The drgins�of4'Liohdon- ave iiwallo�ored
man Wlip. e I
[v d 'd. w`tl of sa' a4 -and 1110 0
V1 vG'Al
T -T second reply to, the potat",
k t iandlord",.an,
I lielp-'and. tno7BY -millions, ple tholposelyes9
e4 le -ekeo sixt.k. millions. ri ifteen... Anot or not, the pe, -fliand in
h6naire. The. man W�hio g 'is I
ly�d minister an I
heL n lot a person who can put b Another Precautionool' have been - spo! it on. jigo a
:,, �� CULTURAL - '�S de� the podketand,-make everyboily''llich
teach thp dis- by,no aneansI 1%4.- hi -
skill Xr.' Enos -Aft4en-In Arl-ving-Tunne. . tin
It. is well perhaiij lloW and ak&tD,,t
aeynd- ke-ao r A. .. Xilils,'thv author''of,
�r Thmes. - Ten millions ha., -beenS13pent
Aoul . b, n4 A ce
bavo&riijls� le'learan s;ur
r� e- ce a- hpa'
ap es, I proviaing,pariv nd.op 8 -The" recall these:i."spilkll solid facts beneath"
g aL -ld go
a's exp re- -was-- _W_ L_ ua XIALthikthe the� face still- ) As
wo-h If' minigns.:, while pe game old wa,S
4 1 d. th
P th6�.' '�proeaence Amid thaC -for practide.
of. more, suceie�si t0ose W P Methods Are Outlined to 6*.ent toes: in b en PO Put eaffly. tamd, �zkez:a;: �%e voor-have Mir
n dw6lllrogs for post. over, orles Arid A
std of the - worl
-h e e pet. *ulthoblr, teft 'itailtions. Ninety
Knc�w Win. b A thought p A k =16: asy� d
the rea of t 'e one foi
Chill Au
was PIM ell Y Wills have tikk fiftell, millf"i Th
r 7
between be', for he not usedl f6r -6d glurrhi eti� h 'M -0 �_educatton,wfid the I stralia, and Ow
11'A ere is-alconnee ion, P n Itinuai 5- uo of bar--
Dise se. �basket, would be.t.0 -ull 0 1 and' . he tiells &,nunaber df bapittal expenditure 'on the ' tramwayti Zealand,' and Is the VIlf-shing.
pr -Man iin any
Wis verse and. the two cteding, able has, excelled sixty intilloils, 7e;
t In'ArgentIne;T
m4d6- one rule he, 'OViOUS "Da, Egypt
fit :is to bel found,, in -'..the,. charity 4okires. -abiout the afiimal, .,w..hkh . h6 To keep things going th elituary and, hiarch-Uper:
A White pap . er., has b -ben publiiih-' e , London
h ill. duty 'to sue- -or. called Di alk qu, �JL7�, C.61inty. Council draws- about thir Ad -'southerra- Indla�
t laa "If the potatoeq,.�. aire vikir. Otihei hu,m rate- L6wer I d1 peeled f
11, be Ina-31ife'ated fo ward said rio
mililbns�out of the p6blicts% of th 0_NZWW Pu
s_.tefiti $_
17'eUntrist,7_ k *e iri�i So 434 h L, ed by� tihoe, mlent ing -As-there.-are-four. and Ypt,-.,&1nd---1VLj
th which we com'paiiy -oVth!6�6 who had'l§ucceed-- tu�!�at_Qtl , WMjl I d. and: on iWflflY� Inhabitnts. - howev6r,' - t cost MY�Z.Norttiern, Africa ljoaxpepting,
thom,severity, wi --�hould. be. burned. -AbInks is after all onix:abouot Egypt), central, A810' -and- javaw -mar
e inciod�,
aiso. ushers,J
-was a. f, lare I alv�oid- of f,
we ed i for thW
0 any. SRO, S it a� ma. k weicount bbiroi*n ouit raw to the Diver'haa
f n..... ..... Jesus� led, hini b6t 61A. am ing_ Ab6itt,zit. before. zritailiiL Has, %va *revirtries. United'.S r. tes� in exas
-'h, mind
i:bi�h�. orth r eo- outhern
guar � fig oumania.' ;-Bulkai
d -discip es, but b,&au of �brtWoir�-' H R
X t Which states that,the number
!, . -_;h, the
If 1-.__:1..__ 'If I-
Ohat 1 'the waL is. In the United Kingdom. mhn�, rnrance. Southern E0191anO..,
orot to e ris o c 6 ar- 'Side; a. and
I rua. llig e en-tere4 In- the year
The man
2 on Eastern canaaa� In the united�Stktee;
16 tAen to and t is watl then In h,ward. and�
rel of *&ter t4rials used were_a� follows: Mali
purify 1"d hi j.pbolkt for. ended Sept 30:last, was 3.887. the.1arvest.-has �*drked h0ft
'M&,om0are fe�cltion of�.Iailuxe 6om im.? 6hould h
hese iu: tor, nd, aftei.swimnn
aijoills iiC have been Is now�'generaj'in the central and Now.
to, -
u �ab- do 7.637' bushels,; unmwifed�.corn.
xnpiied u -t the ba;r0ald- where- zelI 28'
qp Site, bushels;. cwt.; - su Englind Stectes - and, 'in Nebraska &nd,,
in- -ai ion' ffiom- b6- -that he :ma re,, found. �,_Thp Un! $tA,4a jiis� te-. t .27 -The. ra61fl,c'_States. Oregon and
t"' nc; t -eau -drain away to XIAA dwell' --h' rIm' e(including-,, a Iowa;
-in aggress Cox) fifty1eet 62.-, -Washington. di
-Mine, leksis on Catch t eQn the, itinfIty of "prei even
iv� h _Aii7iiall�ited ti c /-, imPQ. he�,p7,, or,� be,.*: claned'abOA, -onlk. a Darations- df ho - SOU4 iwat, work. july., is the
9r atttl.111;ep"� th hkota
h4heir work, he wisihed rather, to% �st is he-caii-catbli fV-6rainoil colds., -oilf pot4,-�6e-s-frium-Cana-d,%,u4iI 11,376 pounds, a
as. Jib.. busily -
485 -pound
0 n- be
an ne mnarK, aud-�Ur
..370 emu
U ned as is;frl r chi. the p0rinit-o' "d ` - r11 ' '- - f :grapel- is Lugusy,
are 'theArtih-oi it.- It isjuist t e sa amid then- eg E13,771,802.1 Upited 'States.. 'the ;N6rth�WeAti West-,
h em.,"� hi
gro*n in, ao b �ap th !� I .
eer duty x� urin - -t 'e. -661.769' barrels 6L ern danadifu also, is: cutting..
h w1iol6.46pinalon as hat, 6f,the in �re, ear
dA6 improve wit
re �V Uor f'.jP
_�oplterjjber'. and October Northern.'
rinc I
hough pxesente4 in a differemit V)aj-d.ustomin,s-be ng Rusisla;-7porway
ce, 6 p'ow'd holies 14'59968- Aus�- W�jji a.
te iugr�,Slicoelss, --- be for h
thi -thair".br"
-jS5 � er. 'b ha en, ibin:b�e_ -thie- �Itis arn Canad
The f6h-6w f itali 310,03; be!rlujjl.�.f2�89"illlj'i a)) Novembet--PeruiI
the., things that 'in, Canada,, A oug Ing Is a sunimary oo South. Afirlom
ce is no are belong to ehar ll..�a a. bo'UA&r�. I)ive:r On the nite tates.' 269.98& Germanit faet,
v elit 11, of MoUld d 'the odlrecioni'given, for 6�6 00141!.01., this. month & thiii, beginning of the
d at harvest' Ulb n
require though the � i-6iiehillk To sueooed ne. must v ahown -that, thd d184- i6iA�M. Gi W &jij to.ok'f-16;92,T bft- of. JPrlV1I_1;h po�PF. *he in tne southern,
d tjna_.A4i4,*i. 4 1 this
sp ere. . .....
a;rigbt t teed child' -my young ---
r lobbing. -in- , , p 7a -
hout �regar lng4, ma, ice haie. "been preeen; -or - �h Mary
L aoe r daughter:of King 0 t
plainly t� uences chaAot d onI3 ountry.
Jes& thr6fig di ! e�, e use 40AI-y. qd).'- from.; a 00R 'Princess Mar3i
'114 r so much' A;s .06M liuml -years ster to. the an ., utorge and Quioen -MA'rv,. Ia.. enJoying ..r
d d.
-free 'frbah.' te. d6easoa. in �janull
U I: . my
niionsbi mind if�W*i.ked 7 7 - - I - resebitly he� scrambled out. the first time a sulte..6f e 0i, t1dib
ris w 4D u hi iire P apartryients of
Inn' 't harbor di s ution bfl�the 4ason� i,;a--
eiat-4 igh-'age L -A, -e -L
'no Xa-ke-_,0D�1PZ _ 1. -ber-,DWn--vY4flehwere prepoLied-oLmole414
ie, turoo"preserveii
irvigiiiii of'ihe from comind'on ithib
Qu en.
_1WWff? -Qoffp-7 - e"CiOUlesw -flower gar� the, entire! harvest
It any
er. U., r 100at tal. -.They.�bv�Aook the superb
. .. .. . + 1h4 fr .--- 1.. -11- ;.- -.0 a -at:,o,16 time-'
. - - -4 �,_ rket
4. is aS 01, )in -is g,Lv-. W11114011. JL*
even, tke. companiol. niost ireas t is- wli -b t e....aslter hol - bA4 days arra I -the. Interest-. Er Josef -of
-an-, one dines: t r n.
ec The neaio6sit b
Is'. ..-.Peter' eidi_ F-iancls
bunk r_ u eave�r. po&-Wis a'
seae -6ne- -othe --irlm-Av __ � _
J]jow b.oft d* -land, nt reviously' a1uii gt 000� shall. my,: _r4o 1 -ch, AustLqa=fjUfigjji
y'sl i -may e pro.
0 13,0tames.,
she has. c(I I ce
ti , - against,:meand4-4o.rgive - him- ispocial�:p vi ion-' adc!- W in ear Y rx w
us replied,,�"U 4. Do ilot plat,'-pootatees.- again in- _althoux --his-coni-lomerate-
-which, Jes, B -til seven-. Ahe� Da`Ve r" en: two,- -.'collection of, doll-s',An %which empIre;%*-li6nbe t)
DAN GEROU S- to be 'confu�ed'.. and -that is flie, tianoal! of of sg, she st takes-, an'tri-, �away',�bas 106 b kro anxious Qtlery -lia the- diseaze,�., 17 g een
r appe
t though �the` numt. 'tb tmeA� laud Which, a �shown cries c
-SeV For
4 Europe.*, the
be&ve &red swimming low. and terest -in th4e chani!eli
lines Common 6cab as awax
'are not'to be t es I -and d46wn o the'stream Prince Alber -of Owing to, 'hung, on the�
literally. po;Ss%ie-�teed, sueh §�been held that.
jD� If t shared room -with hip L�ll r Filfa it es, D-ecreas ..the: -potato gro utiously in'. A, nlinute - conviction h
iro�oubles -of Wer brother. tbe-Pritice. Wales. iplre
the unity of the Eli
Off -moi in 51 6 gnd:Vh
ne is mc we' tact,that the second :kon,of the king, Emper when. bebhqul4
-_UnIjmitoedf6rgivo s� " teiank.,_ ]aiter -&n4&thiej' t 4-ro -in the oiis lif At, 1
-th-0 -afthe -p ect )Qu w
-w-ho-ts-irk-t-he,-�n&vy�-has-y-p-t-t en44
7skm . o msre v Magyar, Hun wriall, slay criwat
dhqe� ke__oQ_1 -0 -Marked-p. act, iqU-s1F,-wi-bh. heads- "not-been--t-hought-ex-oedlq6nt-.�-tg _PC a.Cw. P
taladard- -swimmin -V -.a
ptic &1 tuti Peond suite - for rf&
-PI435L A- ha
-sights or the par wa�r-*
Ile -eaus��ivrge i� PUSSU-1 One, of the n are
other In 10111t0pe; and no'Am tha
:7. e
Frobeh. mbeing seat- the place. N�hlexe bad at- isee -thei yoiing,pirliftesS and er,,'bro- rpLcIally antagonistic. Eni'verot
I , ons, -and line and Whei yong are overa. SPOres
'aLnd iliers galloping about, on 'thelt it reopor. Ill. � and
Pbrfections:' and 11imitat WiL hetered, Wh.6re' t Q, - i onies not ted
ght anoumes the,, invntion- - tho6y nlay. inf6 , Fmneis-ioger has,boo
to�"' I I.. _U en Boforoi the arrival )of.,'thb elder boys. the icible.may. at any moment Vigil. this
ey werejj�pelle a aln, ,I�Q a-1- 11 - I . 'a
r&,!Smiii� :nd
a,, rincess anif Prifices, H-bhry When. that"oventi; oQj
ye -=,.o a
i& i- - Y-Mwy. Q race. and new!
- ----- I . s _i , -i4- a,- 6�' G orce' :WbUld ha*e:'a. daily . . Euro
"t_ t14 al ere. e 3-ot-his olplith.,
aith..mw lt,-� . a-sp4 w ours to alo,71.
a i n! _f pe will, have
-other -calmii ashre at the
.0 co� Invb-rizLbi3r Cfeorge_Vho is'th,e
ilai�ng, an ncce's�ryj dtsm- Div, WoUld'-win. prehenuk.
Per cam(� Out too me
must 3UVQ V.,p wo'stan
TMp oyeen
ous! as
6. The- wrdi lof this vee arel �r� ne jjj� 6quili6riu*i n 66-
eep,an 6A la poortion 'of.th kurf`"- 41
-thought with Two Yrencb n� 6f: i* -7p n-tii% which cost rucretwes.
.0. ..�jojf�nit gu:
. I "e- e
I ter cbm, sevoex
000 YInL g ev4 ry theo:.diselais6i. maintiWinink--s. tirst-clais jLve finding out, that When D-
. 20,� 21. - n 10, �,ry day' in a1 car The cost of, title ftfoft
7 re- to 16rbi -4&.ii jarge Scab. was a piairt of the, log, ab ut his nosd since. 190.4 Xtom.
,,=7�77�-oceasion, J-esus,.,Tef&rredAo the; :theltedi� .. , :. -- 'cood battleship.,; has,xlien - motorcar king pir-'aletically doubled 4 -heir
-In pblite'66� tho�: Afte - n hair a- million aol
h :. , t, , 1 . M r '�i by, his,pro -sildring plan he did. . . ... ....
weither. a a oe��ssie POW e three'or something lodis tha
fThe na� ago that i t s extra money
urop spongospora, af auflabritles are irking to reduce this
ere f. " E � t.. ('A' of,.eommon -6ca;b--compax- hirs a veaf ito peArly, a, nAllictIl.
i0i&Al, of � a, mountain, terfanoan' rom, subterrinea atte1lipts lo,relltreAt, not intend
tree Matthew c6bitects'te I go -into thii saving ban . tan
e, -relse.to heavy. cost.. but to, reach , ex
And of -these people
L guin ffew'� ed with tlhia stage 0 Ilowde y it is. never IlIzely
ot, 48S . :. , I , e pluckeA and. in their' nativok -lands
the �lllesfib differs-�'in the, lore iregulgr rftar�' 7' the 'old figure, alitiough'Alie- usd'6f oil �jjtcd in squvaid'hovols. bare�. dirtv'inA:
o full, helilit,ion-his. JIG'&. legs . And U.4ji fuel makes 4 large reductign possible
disciples as too flie cause. of. their Air., Ford',hat_ terv�d no�-
e j��ajx gi.n of the. -The eight- unw.bolesOr
overing or st�xre'.eagerly:ztt me.. With head"'In.ille. stokers. department Ley must clean
nability to cure, k' 3L1a,:FACES -AN. 1V 'Aa Ion tide upon tbeln'that it,
the epileptic'.. the beij;g, rough 'irrguli'A,nd cor. y, D, BJE 4ueen, Mary - dost h risr a. Mitt
twe -their
I'up- hon%gls .11.714, IIN6,
h es being f` IN i ra more to build: than the ten -run
meanibg in bot insftib 6a from, or. sometimes rining an no, is 0 a Yedir.moe: ind c6mf �tab
lyi&tOM ze. for several their' abodes -with board-
jr 69,U ily. There must eno
_.-h4a div held his' E��' seconds, Ajazll,,., costing$250.00,
se re,crowding
ts of mi: ox, to he -,r4.. atad bf being afhoth and. eivem Deafness. nubbir to, Ile Uiped.1or Street Work.
in e sur`&Ue� - - - - - -
-be Accomplished throuia, fai th., thtlb soAmerican
grou XtAbii.Dlver eame: f be- a t - . - - .1 fi -, whic 'be!use 1140d6ed sta, ro
A graim, ofinust -tee ve�q a&W ��wdoiry slca!V,_ v I .. .
I it Rubber hL g
ma 'hei m- esl a arious bin ntities to meet' of)
A . e I yI'
have actililly do �t r emercise, a v my coat to see w a asgoing increasing. Qua g
seed (M�aA-Az- 31)� the�' skin coire'ring ol.� is beink for all th P v reach -old � -n"t*rt - -forwa.rd, to lar deffilin
t so iAt hai�e b en . adocated ' 4 a on. The, -0 ed
a in- e ooies-notaity for,_Odraostid..
word - tram k-�, bj*ken w: i panacea ' or m4iny- -:and divoirs . ills. �e 'h --h, be emplordorl
0ated' th Bennett Cup.raCc, ay Vost in e, t ut'on aving a g, 00 Later it May,
sycamine', mean's in' Moderi dreeki a y r n cases of �!'Ignomnet of the law ekuses . n I o.
1"� niifes', an . hour. But-be�sids 'is dilikloosid a' bi"s of 9'oeni�h or Verbei'Tibw proJioseg thit by. e:Ker7 irle- a nd - Made' - "taping . What 11 probably one of itie nest rlib-
iu-Iberry tree, but:in brc the the, 6ou n cry. b". .4 eri Itild
nr from n� e: Vh bei� 116ors in e
1 -the Sepfui;x whi�h, the� 0
r fleats real pro else we ina., , I ter, ;whcking
icula mish pb,wde; V. lb� abTi dly nto iihi lid a. ptill.
gint wdery. ila gn 0, f 16�s of Rubber
airlifst-l"a ek� tr6nalation e ;of off
isie'�§e'iakes'thie na;m : I deafness au'rface-' with 'his.ta' down .at tile
44j faora�blj th' _,c i il.,as he.d
bag beeh rbade.` e, encro 'gap- 'Pow- 40WIng V ifplantly - there ".Wlliowecl jr6adi from suno'lu-s rubber-''froini.-
toh of the el iba f6 I pi�ioea 4 . . s-�"Ini likofly, there'� nsubscribed for by the bi;� companies,fOr ng.
the triee. ppamtus '"n tlwill.be�� (quind thajb- the Pus' intfiii�inati 'n of the, middle, 6a.r. R46 two or more plalahtA and number woeath6r 'any der, 1 0 Rospital Cooting., s tre the fijt� tree mpahk A ieritiber bf the wispelatlon - s
ght-i are iple is, moUnded b6neath, bY can often Itir ti -it wha'eks . I aid
g bon-st6p:f1i -a thxt upon . e watdr;, as if it
th pr cotirse, if the Wants to go.-J)elbust.
ty were. b�at 6:3
91� i -ma 'and liof or- smooth brownish rn 0 er rescue par A rubber Nvill become' much che
mbrane, whiqh r or.. .1o.. it erh� of Rer-if her*
Who is �here f, -you-Thoge P08-51 N &�d even ,iftf�asur;lbly e move thi ears and 'part! f the scalp ?he beav in. the courqc.of the.next vea
soodo- &-dissit! iAom q nor-. h -U1
ere, il�b ress o ilig what they houl rubber wi d-bubt adc
hGM. desig%ed irlal tissue," ite. cxice�tional in.. this used In the i)oz7ic and lsewhexe to 'a
ocwdern� freak-. machiaes Rhe won't
cidA *h NVe are for 'sped,'and "s rap ffill�6 --- ,
have t. du
Led ot '�'cb No Other adults Will be able to pro- de �ltll thing
-her lie s-ald 'Aq man'Llfauttire 6,
A or the following -ino-
OW -rubber roet I& be lienfI)
an, no Y V --o'f li cs bpen p-poii it, t� he r.,
k mone -4-eporb. g. ve men a.
of4a, down
((YQ I " be going out �Qf- th
11.4k his life _Jio' a fo-jr Aelds in which ow- He has devi-qed stray. a Is do
jlistriip P he at Orostnt.l.
ea man. r .,new floorir
P10 Free F-roui Al the Disadvantages This tg Material costs ;0s.
n Up lolls are probably me* tili tistics sllbw:,;( ��eab -discov�,red. The� first rd, but Nvlll.. it is claim4d n lht 4 fire,
Itry, , 41k. per �i( o le
00c at
:a Lf, kiion to -say. sists ot. grimaes' f''the face, oclon- of cmes k lhist forever. ean be'elearred. ew;ilv. Is
330. persons have , -I
tnoiseless. a -rid wwriti,in 14terIaTid
t ' hey rp the 6an ntil Nke are in a pos
e� a0el any year's ;h -e di rac Ing in urn e n
'It 4d
forms*bf fard, *�nrj" .11, etri killed in. acroop a, en -9- Aefifiie Y low I'll us 4,
nIthanios, an 'r lx peralst in the soil, it I s and aiming it - 0
ngllh ea:se M vill lips" 13 t po�iilar Me thi�gs even t4 �b"ill%:%S j3lack Witlivi Sole3m; Velir.
this -e to - the al" ' L . e a )id gruw-�. vi awly to reach,tj ci rl� the in'1910- one b fou:fid,)n wet_s ry Ao av,� In le ", m -d u c. V o I A., bla�it tulip. fia�. 4mch
Pdriodic, _. AAan 2, . . , 'In 9 j -tho 1�iestl, p
tteatnent�bf 16sti's was 'fatal a6cidezit odeureed'fdr ev on ahy land (Natal nd -occipital musiclea Pfe hoetiruiturl-sts �inco' Dumas
cry Aho_, labo;abori. Tohle',� djq Sithpliied
Motor. has
4LO� 00 ile ff,_5" 191
Y been ery nerIvre.ijfY5T_, A
:,inejrel.�. Inentioning the co I One ftta'l contracted &it# 010 ted bo oof giieiat in- t t
nioli, v�bi6 it elpet to.
s Otte
Ills: of ople of Rilestint, 4cidlit joto every 30,,000 mifes the, diease, ia ob4l, nit(Scles abte Xn(df- behind and. in show in, Uortictlitilral W,,Icll Ijas einto the pe tefegt to M<4h�rs, i!T & process of "or tulip ba.q -been %hown I . h reaks
e a aro'ek plum ('61 lint it-lulzilt
--hown and- i "TY known to jid front -of the ear..' The to ls�pf` fli-st
mil a, Ill. 1 one ALt, k dhe upoilergroa V - -
i -to- all his heare for -a black. flower.
p -a rf�, t -h neis - an milk 4 Agh nutirlilive 'Value, its atowers di�wftr
:bh "tj siums, -including, great- o tilt -V Will I'.,
irre I en e
-nipithy slid 'apprec ;p� a�bould' cisod bV dire it o- the �irtuoa the Coal ac
Ie r gy dnd iffilea Wat-mlol`40 tha-n twice froni b� e6ont Whih exhibit a Make for good dOYS
er infedid �aiatin&xyn, w Ayl&il
and- the bilmlidi of Ae'bid R -e- -9AX, nattiral-prodtict bin6 of its many
'6in -a pack4k
raked toget
k- do''rh'is,�'ihown nis 'still' knowing bf the'p
p ki. &ngers. ft'tan- b.6' "UP" in
-ah!6 of --Luke I0
*1 de-siridd t at rnVerl. 4L
av: lo ners, neea an
h0_ Ke ng
6ther yeaj j�ill be qdith at 410. -nu
td I r, -salts, and thus can
&bd when b - �&wlhed Just Whitilie' b I e peopi are not n
The arb-.of landing is.'pe imat-6 IL fitobvill of
'14 tjisei�16s' feet.- this pt�p;sal will be is questionable, child rew *nd - i�validt with Is_ kn(3w- scrip ion.
F -i t aFr(Nilbman -has� mad6, other' rop I "Can, fhe todoell oi -fa--�Iii-orl'm4y make
a 1.46c, o tha medical pre
g two, years 3,000 an ings Ah�evl
ovety origina
uattack.-.ffie infected fd: many.
W46 mAy.-ple
hi all ic'mon took f.
f rop J�w
tbeir.dutp. Quelefi, Thay er Pu I ts��vejy �.L fu- yeArs ako'as a, itsul f of the. itigen A at yllsh -coat on P. waill �si Ill
turti 'bni
tb � j - 1 , p
ap a. "ought k e, W, o otfii�r rreti man hai AIllo' when _11 Chitlet " h 118 will 01 00 n61
p6ti,6d when. it -a tront.
Oil oldilig - 6
with the e r a be, 181
in praeti:6 a tnethod 'ng tet far tiloUgh up the
is ven, hiid, and spo ut� 'tot milk in th natl��
hit noil's in b6 itinia,0, Few men t.
i7T" , * bowl tind. add
*ork ,of the soy
ear.wiggllnl� PIv rh�,rl And wo- th air and allowing it th 11 U Prepared ftotit, the, b" ladder of fam
Philall�thtOvle-in!t�l�tutions� 0t ill r His effort', Wh '=t'hink iiii idesso'rvd
.11 . 4-71d Milk..
, tin- co Willa,
tilableg . Iiiin' to, drop-. bombs W.1 - 6-1 inav ffiaL I e it rie A.re
nsidefble. ft-uraq, seorve. to credit for this' ft,ig fily
ig verls6 &es fle4 to I-vind titia,,eedinglv enetr�i h&�to aspoint -of- view, nMqn. cUp qt InStant
hot A" ni-
idut , v Thi the Zil ti s -Prom hi and
(K --oil attitude 1141§. fII16611 p 11 a ted. Pala, A
rothr ntile asidWA 6g, ot t- a it you,
servants, but TUN left to Over woman quiarter thaft o
'00the f6
he: to t than lihi.- YOM: h R'Vei ty aimple
ot, f,6 Taty-thd tht" Xingil f i ral kind-, of-titidt- alat Ithat fis Whol'
'li� woor'L 0 OPI '1�, Mil -,
ion n brelq eio mi
it, it'i% to bo but' ar-ita fluid Made Up is.
the ming,-ei j,hat, pll4-fected fli t huth'An b pri; -for 6 0 eo &to lone of A 'thoe of dowlsbrifik
as. qeg. tit bits of mftt
utG&n a&, in He is a wipe'tnait who koii6�m hia Too t,
w4f -n akties -er hlf at wise o6notig I W,
CA anr d -rare inst:noms: Y
caieriilly� toked -'d np ''4cma�bd in a.' z I ro �it, crop The 6a ..nee f6d) w -ked asoned
1� be used arid to'
him. t6 an
It 1% 'id noit" _q 0) is 4�onterneid, Illitis
II.,_ ___ - doo� is� n, ng. numbei'oof that guet 'A pr4o ephjrpt�t l iz "broNvn" vvithotit
)wlt njilk., &
from rith id
to thq ltw efleA, t�q k, �04_
Vhb L'XPAIPEFY th,14 6 irit.' tice be jee uILIk I -a 4
P _�.part,of tpa A'O" iirlla, b b
be6ft kilb 1*)e.de�virable to t a numbe�- We' We�jp all ereaLto -� P
-46 taste tttrds i'* e they tre to Ittifilanil fimid', th kond',
of I.f pt, tII6 i0b to the of t
c slightl , y dj, eilerit
ISS tolt! M� I.d�t in qaiinti�y tb be' co I in q I a ig vet 'life. otat "Ut 6 r4�,,
bight thtxt t Av&t, �zLs -of W.tf, j�p �'h p4 lorp an: 4 stock -with-out, bd,- be There is, tio
3 and- fed to.)
Her Drotheii—ilack wl4fl, toot' 60 Ic -"Me eyen
Vdill Wir- DAY, -
Ing t 0 it I
T he V
d Itypitte- be, f �fl Ae Worl tile �po' In PA'A thouk o AV4� t6 I Ii"It f6f in ald. itan L I all �!V'tnb`LIL ff'ord eall, ptio 60
I6 V;611 ffiv dis- libla. d sdrin 44 40 -u ... othe 11ist like it Sava pe atML -
06- b 4A#140d� l0aN and fist
6e: I , -S� or' d 4