HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-05-21, Page 5larSday, ''.May 2Tt • It is wonderful w Ittglitrt , 41'0_1145-Q :WOW flOorS can be raa4e to toolvbright and fresh-, ingy. furmtftre made as good, Al ' 1- • "shell/ 6,4nacte-oleattaittLKani •tr.y.flup„„modwork anit doors', 'bright and CiVali-and.fhp,AvAl. _s_tnAtead'oLlwilig ftu.kA will paper or:streaky and shabby kalsomine, can be made tirlistic aind sanitary. • '• Here are the :special $hetifin-Williagas products that will lo all :this ,nfor you at mall.e).TenS6c. Fttr_yWilO01400010,irillii4e'ric9i-,rOnt f°r, a Ourable.144hted "fiajoliC'or Floorlac Io an attractive• :Anish4rnitatingall the popular hardwoods • such as 04; Mithoffe,ny, etc: • • e money spent in paint, and a "t---wil,Mo-tn-the.warcifimpr-ovetnent • • , , • . pennarkeat,Pignle44 stall} afici• a durable- varrusbi r,Onetra, the .bld,fitrriitUre ouclr:Celere-a-, M•a-hegaur3;,-L100‘., , kr-Rosaw., necThd-T=W: lie2USedier_tlielSatne_ptitpcse. • • ,CUphoards, bel es, painted baseboards, doors, ail waipscotfing can all be finished handily with SHW: VtithilY Paint, a durable oil paint .niada: in twPlatY- :-----inne-attractiVe colors, .casy.to,ltoep,Clean:..„ , The best finish for wells. is Sherwin-Williarns dtirsble nil paint that dries with a Soft, yelvetyliat effect. It is 'madein 24Colors that are the Choice of tors: It is very durahlelin4 will 'last --tot years Atkid.:Cau.be...washe4.._ . with soap itaci-*142-er,'without,'injury., The liftteral of the late Donald Me- • al/1h j'alp:043;. 05m: Uirt' " af:w1:01 fSbi00 11; he7dr. 34/uhme:0-t:ow.a..ny. Canhco ftd: teef dac t .rre°: a:sa:ey; a) • Iwnia ; thvg9 Ls: e rr y of the 1:11go,isiettenpinerdtoeemrdy: A snapping.Weifihing $7, :11)S. was a sheck tir hitC3'c-ti-alaititYY 4fur!lenicIliss was oarhred recently below the frP is seivimed b his 1 I held in the town find 81.„esee;* Nelson .Pe'ars'oe passed sly: 871'1: s and The ' the ' A „ 4 • ' Z•1) . trig : , verY sad: " • ealuere£9yifirl"- 38a. aatly v 9,1 eve 'Yte°1i el if satisfactory pal Yi:i°17 1,2. :61 log dayt‘rtat ig2rt rkah aTo ‘). o h -II* -noonYf'ienvr ige4i iej Iblitbneeng intermentrt" takingitid o'lren ope Tuesday ki;saart;e:lnd, thefTttoehhird they Atbeet operoted. wo,rit,..wheic properly „ W-1:1eit FfetIngt1-7*lbroolihr.-' hi the -7s' etkimj bcelgy 44, seliViggstalsmisslOsolloWalimso •., • • il• neiNitoiti* 'from, a Anche, 3.6 indies, Vire Seti . . 4Clitt•S *442, Setee*Eltorgi Win-dolkr 'Screens from 20c. to 40c. -- -rn:-Tif-411ovriekr lecentfy..2.4e41...:avitiu ), y.r.,M$W41.1:13 able pig in a ipboeglloitn:sio fon.ml the animal dad ;Re. cub, Miss Maria fitist,ereia,viSiting her SIS , off, the bead.and -found a'f!11.1 grown . ter, Mrs', Robert SW8', ion, IN 11 1 ,, ",.., • • .1•:(4.4V1-.747)111.r11nd: !)r "eol*IWY;-..-viAt01-1 4tritTsr*wgy: • ' A 104 •:e.6t11: SO. ' . , , • S trad aiaeslteeleare' -11,e2 Kona WhiueCo 'a at speridicga fetV Weeks. in Preston: , Oodetich has been very;,:busy Quite number -ram . ere -ate') .0 ' •'• '.f ' ded , , •17151 tang out:-.road,-teaking mrnpJements .the4uneral of -the -late Mrs - Alton in of L)Ii iti.t and another Last ; Week, .Belfaat.on..;Ericlani., •-• car Lou rQacer.Wt A fa* fretti.terezwete-present, at- st,ipped to the New..Iirensw.ic annwercary , res yterian . . ,',--,--,.--erment-for-iiCe-in the province. ..v,pher".reiterelf-on-Sitticlay evening.. i pater) ts. of • recent. ,date were.' three .. • a ia I ' I r: Are you utember of the. Got a biteton afdwa re Oils, Conf,-.- ,I,UCKNOW , ; . btf.-roc)r crashers for-Q•aelope:- ' . . Fikaw-LA.n.q0,- -Wage Vir fariri Jab °rem are:111411er tied- -6derichirowirchip- Ate you . inernbei. of :•• I. • •-• :•••••••r*".e...--. This Store Recommends wise we linOiv it :gives re.4ults, that no - __Anere.....varinsh-..c.an.. CreWe --4fonday, May 18th Mi and •Mrs. Jesse Gray we're viSittito at:'MattheiVbIliaeklettie's_over' the week- Frank.lismoigan, 'who. atiderWent• On op ration Chieli4i some time, ago,. _ loan, and i,,,Koviok: nic,ety•;.,• • •-• . • • Miss-MareteSpeoatsvho played -the. -wedding tnarchrapearlr:CreSeent...Ed !Owing the 'customary bengratolatimis„ and the signing of the marriage regis ter,: the guests -repaired -to -the -Amina b i00011 where•a sainaptimus _mast . was el`ean smentifie partaken Liteethe,happr---young- ,•Owieg to the, seas* of strenuous couplemotoredto their home in Sea --,latioari-ust-passell-peoplo-find-it-diffiettlf forth-where7-k-reception--wac-tendered- to attend league m;eting on Tuesday night .1t, has therefore .been arranged to have a Special meeting • next .Sinelli4, • veiling in itestead. 'All are invited. ••• 35,ri VAcfrtquire-44PWIliMetTetue -Call ani1,--iiiT.-64i-TeWkia"4---bii:7 -r-comfurtAn-the,..kitche _ e---New..-Perfection laltseL-Flassw"CliL.Stclire TIlE 000, iiiiituwitat'iistitig,, ' • **---Vires-darlf-aylist, 'Milton Stanley attendetv'ehurch*.heie Wet e sent • into ' He, Sunday ...7,13„.gfw,,,i,m20.0..itu...vektorf„pcmotA.14„, 'icorTdii,.tg.,••alloa.Corat•-e*:Mp•leiittiaotri;e-encleaSaltrtir•a•idthis week ,. . • • . : titan at &Saint...it of $300 in eaSlif9r tl;E! ' Spent Sundayat his yeai iliad. a. house, ' hens, -stable, fire horn& here. • wood, fruit, milk • for 'family.; :garden Mrs \Vill Etedley . visited, in • Kiiilonkh and'seek•ete 'There Ore, net ' triPmY, Saturday and Sunday: , • -farmers Rrnee:',Oenety . The-stribiforthe'Rtnler Eiiireasnras -afford to pay'. thiS were.. :'- • • out Of the burg 'on Sunday..: ' • ...WkrioiNo'Reees.-The.home cf Mt. .John lilhn, Of Tudke i th,. *as Mr-: and ,Mrs W J .11fitLoitti,ivqll'e at h on: Sg..nday.leeL scene. !:.f. vOrreU:sintr-c, eremoli Shl -,Witthle'daf ev.ening,- 4iff,:- -*•heiybiOldestrthtughterrAlay-Isa,,bella4wef) the vicinity 6n unday - was gtieirnwiy by. hertatherand Toe Hassel receiedhissisterand her married miler anarcitoteVergreenS, to husband from the 'Old -Land hist ,Week.' Mi -John-Wesley Seeforth,-, .iPearle MacLean' Visited at. the lit;une •Ptiitd son Mr and FreP.- of, her g6ndreother, Mrs MacKenzie of Dungannon The marriage eetelaoPY recently..' • ' „ wee:performed,' by the ltev, , of E,,,Mondvilie 'pastor of 'the • bride .' Owing t illness Rev :Mr Pr d n.jr _ .hee, of. Walkerton, was unable to fill time . . in-the.Anglican Church on. Sunday, ("Own ofereitm. Voile over , ,with pit ReV.. Mr Holland. „delivered ' mhower bouquet oft mdiii 0_5 add Missionary talk, however maiden he,ir ferns', :' The. ge6oin's gift „Prink 'Lite, of Luekubvie was in , Kin,- the -bride eoeit beautiful bt,Ooch, and. '14*gli Monday calling on afas :Mande Eckens,iyiller, whoseherSe frightened' by his ear, arid dragged- the-lair:lady a short ditati --Waare glad to Say Manche is able to be about again: ' • • Foot -ball -is agaidin season' in ..tliese I parts. A team will ' be organized ..to -- -ehaileitgeotty-of-the-neighltoring.,tea.nis., • .--A-11---playTri-are-reipiestect-to.bo-entliiisi- aatic about practices` and encourage good . • . , ()DERN methods of saaitetion.dicteietiiiidoPtiOn4Poliaked ' floors and lug.plaCe,of-the old:fishione4 plain wood Aloars.eav.er.exl.witk4usk!,a4"..#!reae,breeding. carpets. , . FlOotafinishmiwitliJAP-A, 71* are healthfUl,"heaUtiliiivivat easily kept elaan.. Simply wiping OccaSiOnalliiiiili a dnthp cloth' will keep them free from dust and germ,. • Hard WOOa or soft -We all the seine to JAP A LAC it and 'vaAniehei ia-ena-eperation; producing a.-hrillient,:elesticand durable finish . • which will net mar white, and ie not; effected Bathroom Woodwork, When 'given coming of JAP...4-1-AC., , • • ' may --he washed with soap .amid Watet.:. akt)plied -by' anyone experience required. , • • . -Madeira 21-beiiiitifiit Otote.---Pixt up in bearing the ..neme "GLIDDEN.- . . . • • ' . at your local hardware store for JAPA-LAt viler Card,. and.- a catty of th little' book. Thowiatutrencl One -Uses Of • '1AP-A.:LAc,”. • • 4 in Lachaol;str Jap -a -Lac is old by BELL. at DOWSE 6lietlea nisLCo., Litalt.O.TorOsie • coabout ty, of thenr. Itiends. The bridc was the recipien.tof many beMiti-, ful and useful presents, :testifying to the esteem of her friends. There Were. DerialtlftElenzieof the 4th con presentzattlinzwedditig-and_Lreception.1 pased-aw&y_onmirydiat_mttenr. an the-pikient-AFA..tater-antufArotbersvane, illbes8 of tirily-ti (14;.:.-",••-The-funerat--or.. rb-r-Othier• betOrfrom' Tciron"-- SatitrdaY was very .largely attended b3 all tbe neighbors and friendti. The airrn- pathy of -,this commarrityris'extendecL to .the 'bereaved faintly. . .GiideriCh Township .•‘ '-',11olli41137, May .18th _ Mr. and 'Mrs.' ;Tease ,Gray._ spent the .week end With their daughter, Mrs. Shackleton, of Creive. ' • • . rs..George..Conttell, jr.' who has been - Vi itiug tor the •?alit monthwith friends hi Lansing, Mich., hait returned home Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDonald, of Ooderielt,' spent the week -end with the' The parents, Mr ad Mrs--Thea--Thea Cole f Cream rosesaereinolly. was sot' • George Holland, Holland, of lmesville, etnidzed hy Bei H. Winans', in the. Ho. was elected lay delegate • to attend the 08. Preience of only the unmecnate relatives tGodp,i0.!, this !ea; Of the zontracting parties. The bride ".TrItmeetingbbttsrteirnklate-hiantifir clie;i761-"er-eitifidnarati; 'Win" . • . Was. richly and .Charmingly attired in a. • Alex. Welsh delivered on Sat-up1:01‘ with etilbrc:tidered net overdress • *Rh last nineteen head of pritne grass cattlt. 'pros- • to yht..rt Gee, McCartney, of .Tdinker. pearl trimmings, and -Wore thegroonr's A1.1e_bil,butieli of Cattle at exquiAte sunburst of pearls. ent prires would net their 'owner .1t snug ,kfter the-Wet:tang diniter-thejvidal- . -1,:tin,ju4mt-it,,,this.season-„money.48„sotne„ pIrty...wete.d riven itran auto to Anhui% times a•little tight with ftiriners unletA,, they have liVe stock to ditivide Rev. lit. MeCOinuck, Itelmesville, liai.SecitreAthe'serviCea of Rev::' IL Crossley, and have timitnenced a 'series' of Evangelistic ,services in the Methedist Church, to-'bh continued tor two weeks, The community is cordially *invited to attend. -A large -choir, cOnipcsell of the Church elu4r,and .,the..Miubera_ of, tin. Brotherhood are practicing for the °ail, sion and will. lead iwthe service, of song. Bervie --motida-i..'211.0 lath- LUCkNow; Nornian, in ' • 3. Mrs P. Nichol, of -Kincardine, is thal ggest of Mrs. -J. Sturgeon. . MisseS.Pexl and Violet :G1hn were guests ot 4-Nfillaron Sapday. As7tr:, 09 -0,17-7,2i.er•';'714 hey eaSe, The tend- ts 2 instead of a frown. - e have Mena in Vici Kid and Gun Metal Calf. Ladies in Viet Kidin different styteti. ate -you aching feet? Let us solve' yeur foot tidiables by fitt- ing'yoU-. with a -pair. of Dr. yernonls -Cushion Soled Shoes , and cause a: -smile r Wainen"s-Pa fel-103110(in itad-Bnicelrri;itn-Sre. -ti3c*-'117cloth top and Kid .top, we-Woit'A. liketo show them to you Our Ladies Pumps in Patent 'Velvet -and' White Canvas are right up to the minute. " : • : ' A -d sy ith-Mi- MiLynard, of -Kincardine: - Revs. Robinson and .Morrett will at- tend 'the District meeting to be held in-- Gorrie this week? • -Pete keDenald is ;spending -------few .d uys with his. aunt in •Satithampton, -Who is vertill At present . The.Wonlen'S Missionary -Society -wax well renresented at Thursday's, meeting, held at the home of Mrs. J''.4 Alexander. Rev. -Rural Dean Perdue,' of . Walker- ton, -is the guest' ef' -Rev. 'Rolland for this week, in order to ;.visit the econgre't. Mrs (Rei.) -Robinson who Was sent as a delegate to the Coavention iii Lon- don, is alsO.visiting friends in St. Thom- as a,nd Corinth, Ont. ON TUE SIDE.LA dude and 'ttn anim- alD e ion. What takes to make a kiss7--Tulips, . A dairy predict and a drinking utensil-tRtittercuji;="------; 'the and Wellington Oliver, con. '2,. Weit7Nira, vanes!)'wasi.the scene Of a very happy event On Wednesday,lith. inst., when their oldest daughter, Margaret was. United niarriage.to Mr. Wilbert: W. K arges,. a Liato, el Promptly et high 3fooe. to 419 T4Ohengrin!s Wedding March Which was artiStictilly reniteretrby-Mi',.'s• ktta. Jcarges, sister: Of the'groont, the bride eitteled. the draWingtO,Q1P leaning 'on. the arm of -her 'father, a:nd carrying' a shower bouquet; where they took the a P 1 tratn for Guelph,' Londoeutntt St. Thomas. The bride's -travelling snitwa,0 of -navy blue whipcord . with tango hat -4- veil. -The: higo esteem in whicti.tbayeurig couple are heal* many -friends: Was .plenti.. fu ly 'attested by the -many beautiful and costly present4. Mr. and go.. .-K.arges willreturn to this cortunttnity for a-few:llays-fiefere-leaving-fer-Lis.- towel, where they will reide in future . • Mrs. Th011a.4 ,Dagg and . daUghter,' Mrs. A. E. 6horland, who' were • visiting MOB Jennie Lindsay, have ret -tinned to their.honie in Detroit, Mieh. Tfi-iMyrtWi,d -Gordon Clark, of AtillartOn, ,Mr., atui,Mr.s..,,L*artonal, and son,.Stuart, of Tiverton, *spent Sun- day With Mrs -John Alexamier.. Saw a.thent Was adnialisterecriii-Kiiox ,Chttreli oh Sunday; which ;Wes welt' at. tended. A very instrimtble sermon• was preaehecrbytheir pester. Rev: Gilmore: - Mrs. Graham, Who has been Spending some tune with her parents here,. owing • to the Meese' Of her Mother, hite return- -ed-- to .her-liome in-Montanai-accompari - led by her nephew, Master Georgie Sutherland. • .60fiteriCh- ' -A-great inn:fiber nfoutoniebiteepassed-f- -through our burg on- Sunday enroute to -seine Of -our churches, There surely. would be a large congregation if they all wont -to the SaulepIaee:, Rrustue-owl-ts-quite-a bustness-this season, and -these featherecil-creattires4_, writ proVe to bp' a *large factor- in the business of the conittirmitf held fall, As t there tn.,- thouSanda ni-tiletti. being rais- da for the market. : _ , A. large re i.reseni atidii :of Oddiellows from Km6trdine, Olantia and Ripley' some - new tnacilitle$_ reAdy. nistaii,, united ivi91 the bretbettf here number - Pa. foie; Grove -.-2rnesday- illy'. 19 Mrs. Dore has retortieti horm after a week's visit: with. Toronto friends Mr. and Mrs. N. lintlginiz and. augh- ter, Miss Gladys, of Kinless, spent Sun., day at ter. Logan's: , , Miss Verea Stanley,. of ft iticardirie, _ _ spent pstt of last. week .viSiting hm brother ;hones Stanley. • he-fl'isliow1og Is a Feist Of 'Ottr Line .New Willia:ms: e',../160.:111.achines .Bra,ntiord and Wiattiani, Buggies Adams viagoas ' Mzlotte treani separators • kotnest ea d FertiliSiers Proei %Aire Fence aquas • Timothy andCitittn Steil • • 44 , ciatgiL Lad Raincoats at 5:00. and $7.00 These 111V0fgrtre--6--irreeetv-ed;-giidd''strades-a Don't miss seeing tlierrlif yoii. want a ratpcoat. Good .sty les in men's from 7.00 to $13 00 Ladies' Suit at $10.00 Some Ladies' Suit's were ,$12.00 .for zo.00, good - style a.ad well .tailored, blacks-aad---navy61- - Ojleloths • aitid.. Linoleums . . .A full assortment of Oilcloths and Linoleurns. Linoleums 4.yaids wide at 2.00, 2.2o and ;•40 - per yard. 40-4atelVhllmerr , • Our Millinery Stock is kept well.assrted all .` the newest in hats and -trittirnitiks.. Give 'Miss .MuAler..a call when you want ,a hat. WILLIAM CONNELL We take Butter and Eggs • -Friday, May ; A diattstrous firenedurred here at 'Satilieday Morning; when liaeohler'SsaW-- mill was -totally destroyed. The.fire had gained greAt-beasd way before' the -alarm Was sent m-7- htinsiitinirerhil siding of the G. T. ft.f..- away from, the teat of the town. The large stock of .liinttier was ,sa ved , bet o few. logs .wete slightly dolig.04.1. )tr. Raechler is at IPSS tO account for the , Re Was preparing to enlarge, his filant,' having to lillfitiOtt , The plant will be rebuilt at.OriCe.. About' ing over sixty, and inarehe'd. to the • -Monday, May. -1. . 8: 'fifteen ni',faiTill be t rowu on • o em- . !ttlicaii8t 'church -44r chs4410;:.-4-seri4P0 Miss ousts perritt,, to Ki•.riatuxiin,e, ..voyment. for. fely ,days, (111.1y.,. . 1,,,6gs. Ri-olher 'Rev. ll: If, RobintOn preitettiti , . , about $6,000; it,m,,, uico 83006. eahtfareteoreloirefitto,.ste);,:aneot.niu:itzlitgINIvinitgl tnen vti.nhcf; , spent Sunday at her home here. ' . : . Al a special Of the enuneit to tnenthere& "t.ier.,,spilroprtate innisie The many friends if Nortnatt dinton night the fellowing. resolution, moved by i6 will he. nreased, to know, he is able to be Councillor Wigle. and -seconded by ,,,"81i-eil,,itiOttedul.! • the T.,_._,Ii."it' ' "A 6116% Com6illesr. M'Qiii't.911' ‘`'11-' tthaliinif'ils. TY -.Ninc(1Z171;;Y '''.1.1:°esiti''pe; ,4"Thtegellt: iit'vt'afreIr* around Again, . , Harry l'etem of B irVie, is , taking. a l'uk4bid: '. ' ' ' `" very eye VMS V'erea -lot() V'ite , course in the study of law. We witli ' .."That the ctuitieil &iiinioniiicate" at .e. _ ' ,. ` ' 1 ' ...1 1. ' H. frolire,,,,uty'suetoceht,..itts b,_en,. visiting ,:iiiit. ()nee *Ali the Attoroey,Gerieralys da. Uttlfatitn *13•1i LAN1/ PALiltt•,'=" It, OlartIllefit ilSking that it.prosecute with: Hildred,. a farmer livitri; near 'flerVie, loiter, mit. p*:1.1, for somt., tioie:,, leaves OUt'delay these. _instrumental in perper.. Was the *ictitn on Tuesday l-ist of tin this*Weelt for her. hotly, if, tl,e west_ . rating a friind SO di'sastrousio this ,latirt actident, that ' eiSilY Might have. been., fatal:, Wilile nt•i3Ork ill the fiehl with : 0' it street lighting . toreinitte-e ' Will '''Aheift ''ilnullicore ili.tri tiwily°d6ati 2 *th! thitaik 'a Steel land 'roller, the . tongue Of the , havir-terget.-1Atay -and :light- our • Streets,- - Nor. Raw vkAtfig of the -wok/dm' - tolleehroltei osnsitli.-tiW' team,. to rat . ige r lift bight:. .. 1°- ."--- a. i.eP6tt!,..4"th.6'das° was 11'0"t.d a" ir#:":\ .11. r; nil lted W:41:8 iiii," '.'f()111. ititt.44,ti4 a oPilt)16,of our boys got lost • • .•listened to with much int^rest. . - the Ma in front of the r,,,aty roller and .. ., St have ci!POli,td a football - ie netball tonight a se, deci e,1 to at pasSect dyer him e: 4vas haw otasb, : teadirgaCitiliTregriXvirto, '1W,"6-ir ,-tegtet,oarttrett.,:piwi.441ii,ltdeq:titIth;id....:11.1:,44 Aitici.ltpviilktou 'plisse 'dons, 110.0 nrganitAd w bgseball team., re alarm ,eystet*, remodel. the fire .lia lti,im,fd, it OiltiCricnii7ellins‘blifoirhV There will be sporty woe* too in the oad'. otovido tt000tataodotion for ' more is 41)10 to again take tit! gut Oh. the t laihi,. ' ' . Ars-Best By TeSt- e2s-t— arid North, and South. fl.ittlr4i • a_S• Long Test A Critical .Tat *ITI1 THg 111.01(.,''rt. • • ' • • An Ideal rowHiag rade: evOlAncteasin .14iimho Ciistsiners 4., eavm.2. *awim It • II_ I. I • -Ban • Capita`, Capital, - surplus THE'. A 'Thinking :ninth hole as f•om the -Money depticitid-tit ,--.4e-gater441--by,o4tiLnlitLitilow.nior_blisine8:s integrity; 1 security more policy is due i ' larger than -1. 40 ears conervative J. ' - f--. Authorized. Paid...up; MI.11. itistittitiou- the tacti„,Who actual: eapitalriniiited. mil acumen, tharr a suritlas its PApital-L-the Pt. GLENN'S, Lualtp.oyr - - alill $5,C00,000 $3.000,000 T $34501f00-, BEHIND' gets' dit,:ect the, anki.of men high proats. which rekilt mansgetnent. , Agent-. 'firanOu , strength its Who. is nue ' . as atlairs ' liannito • valae TO this quarter 'of over .' I 1,....., eilttl. .. - zt ''C - .1 i 2 Vg t p rE . t" t 4---.' ....---.- .. I ....--44— z. . • coabout ty, of thenr. Itiends. The bridc was the recipien.tof many beMiti-, ful and useful presents, :testifying to the esteem of her friends. There Were. DerialtlftElenzieof the 4th con presentzattlinzwedditig-and_Lreception.1 pased-aw&y_onmirydiat_mttenr. an the-pikient-AFA..tater-antufArotbersvane, illbes8 of tirily-ti (14;.:.-",••-The-funerat--or.. rb-r-Othier• betOrfrom' Tciron"-- SatitrdaY was very .largely attended b3 all tbe neighbors and friendti. The airrn- pathy of -,this commarrityris'extendecL to .the 'bereaved faintly. . .GiideriCh Township .•‘ '-',11olli41137, May .18th _ Mr. and 'Mrs.' ;Tease ,Gray._ spent the .week end With their daughter, Mrs. Shackleton, of Creive. ' • • . rs..George..Conttell, jr.' who has been - Vi itiug tor the •?alit monthwith friends hi Lansing, Mich., hait returned home Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDonald, of Ooderielt,' spent the week -end with the' The parents, Mr ad Mrs--Thea--Thea Cole f Cream rosesaereinolly. was sot' • George Holland, Holland, of lmesville, etnidzed hy Bei H. Winans', in the. Ho. was elected lay delegate • to attend the 08. Preience of only the unmecnate relatives tGodp,i0.!, this !ea; Of the zontracting parties. The bride ".TrItmeetingbbttsrteirnklate-hiantifir clie;i761-"er-eitifidnarati; 'Win" . • . Was. richly and .Charmingly attired in a. • Alex. Welsh delivered on Sat-up1:01‘ with etilbrc:tidered net overdress • *Rh last nineteen head of pritne grass cattlt. 'pros- • to yht..rt Gee, McCartney, of .Tdinker. pearl trimmings, and -Wore thegroonr's A1.1e_bil,butieli of Cattle at exquiAte sunburst of pearls. ent prires would net their 'owner .1t snug ,kfter the-Wet:tang diniter-thejvidal- . -1,:tin,ju4mt-it,,,this.season-„money.48„sotne„ pIrty...wete.d riven itran auto to Anhui% times a•little tight with ftiriners unletA,, they have liVe stock to ditivide Rev. lit. MeCOinuck, Itelmesville, liai.SecitreAthe'serviCea of Rev::' IL Crossley, and have timitnenced a 'series' of Evangelistic ,services in the Methedist Church, to-'bh continued tor two weeks, The community is cordially *invited to attend. -A large -choir, cOnipcsell of the Church elu4r,and .,the..Miubera_ of, tin. Brotherhood are practicing for the °ail, sion and will. lead iwthe service, of song. Bervie --motida-i..'211.0 lath- LUCkNow; Nornian, in ' • 3. Mrs P. Nichol, of -Kincardine, is thal ggest of Mrs. -J. Sturgeon. . MisseS.Pexl and Violet :G1hn were guests ot 4-Nfillaron Sapday. As7tr:, 09 -0,17-7,2i.er•';'714 hey eaSe, The tend- ts 2 instead of a frown. - e have Mena in Vici Kid and Gun Metal Calf. Ladies in Viet Kidin different styteti. ate -you aching feet? Let us solve' yeur foot tidiables by fitt- ing'yoU-. with a -pair. of Dr. yernonls -Cushion Soled Shoes , and cause a: -smile r Wainen"s-Pa fel-103110(in itad-Bnicelrri;itn-Sre. -ti3c*-'117cloth top and Kid .top, we-Woit'A. liketo show them to you Our Ladies Pumps in Patent 'Velvet -and' White Canvas are right up to the minute. " : • : ' A -d sy ith-Mi- MiLynard, of -Kincardine: - Revs. Robinson and .Morrett will at- tend 'the District meeting to be held in-- Gorrie this week? • -Pete keDenald is ;spending -------few .d uys with his. aunt in •Satithampton, -Who is vertill At present . The.Wonlen'S Missionary -Society -wax well renresented at Thursday's, meeting, held at the home of Mrs. J''.4 Alexander. Rev. -Rural Dean Perdue,' of . Walker- ton, -is the guest' ef' -Rev. 'Rolland for this week, in order to ;.visit the econgre't. Mrs (Rei.) -Robinson who Was sent as a delegate to the Coavention iii Lon- don, is alsO.visiting friends in St. Thom- as a,nd Corinth, Ont. ON TUE SIDE.LA dude and 'ttn anim- alD e ion. What takes to make a kiss7--Tulips, . A dairy predict and a drinking utensil-tRtittercuji;="------; 'the and Wellington Oliver, con. '2,. Weit7Nira, vanes!)'wasi.the scene Of a very happy event On Wednesday,lith. inst., when their oldest daughter, Margaret was. United niarriage.to Mr. Wilbert: W. K arges,. a Liato, el Promptly et high 3fooe. to 419 T4Ohengrin!s Wedding March Which was artiStictilly reniteretrby-Mi',.'s• ktta. Jcarges, sister: Of the'groont, the bride eitteled. the draWingtO,Q1P leaning 'on. the arm of -her 'father, a:nd carrying' a shower bouquet; where they took the a P 1 tratn for Guelph,' Londoeutntt St. Thomas. The bride's -travelling snitwa,0 of -navy blue whipcord . with tango hat -4- veil. -The: higo esteem in whicti.tbayeurig couple are heal* many -friends: Was .plenti.. fu ly 'attested by the -many beautiful and costly present4. Mr. and go.. .-K.arges willreturn to this cortunttnity for a-few:llays-fiefere-leaving-fer-Lis.- towel, where they will reide in future . • Mrs. Th011a.4 ,Dagg and . daUghter,' Mrs. A. E. 6horland, who' were • visiting MOB Jennie Lindsay, have ret -tinned to their.honie in Detroit, Mieh. Tfi-iMyrtWi,d -Gordon Clark, of AtillartOn, ,Mr., atui,Mr.s..,,L*artonal, and son,.Stuart, of Tiverton, *spent Sun- day With Mrs -John Alexamier.. Saw a.thent Was adnialisterecriii-Kiiox ,Chttreli oh Sunday; which ;Wes welt' at. tended. A very instrimtble sermon• was preaehecrbytheir pester. Rev: Gilmore: - Mrs. Graham, Who has been Spending some tune with her parents here,. owing • to the Meese' Of her Mother, hite return- -ed-- to .her-liome in-Montanai-accompari - led by her nephew, Master Georgie Sutherland. • .60fiteriCh- ' -A-great inn:fiber nfoutoniebiteepassed-f- -through our burg on- Sunday enroute to -seine Of -our churches, There surely. would be a large congregation if they all wont -to the SaulepIaee:, Rrustue-owl-ts-quite-a bustness-this season, and -these featherecil-creattires4_, writ proVe to bp' a *large factor- in the business of the conittirmitf held fall, As t there tn.,- thouSanda ni-tiletti. being rais- da for the market. : _ , A. large re i.reseni atidii :of Oddiellows from Km6trdine, Olantia and Ripley' some - new tnacilitle$_ reAdy. nistaii,, united ivi91 the bretbettf here number - Pa. foie; Grove -.-2rnesday- illy'. 19 Mrs. Dore has retortieti horm after a week's visit: with. Toronto friends Mr. and Mrs. N. lintlginiz and. augh- ter, Miss Gladys, of Kinless, spent Sun., day at ter. Logan's: , , Miss Verea Stanley,. of ft iticardirie, _ _ spent pstt of last. week .viSiting hm brother ;hones Stanley. • he-fl'isliow1og Is a Feist Of 'Ottr Line .New Willia:ms: e',../160.:111.achines .Bra,ntiord and Wiattiani, Buggies Adams viagoas ' Mzlotte treani separators • kotnest ea d FertiliSiers Proei %Aire Fence aquas • Timothy andCitittn Steil • • 44 , ciatgiL Lad Raincoats at 5:00. and $7.00 These 111V0fgrtre--6--irreeetv-ed;-giidd''strades-a Don't miss seeing tlierrlif yoii. want a ratpcoat. Good .sty les in men's from 7.00 to $13 00 Ladies' Suit at $10.00 Some Ladies' Suit's were ,$12.00 .for zo.00, good - style a.ad well .tailored, blacks-aad---navy61- - Ojleloths • aitid.. Linoleums . . .A full assortment of Oilcloths and Linoleurns. Linoleums 4.yaids wide at 2.00, 2.2o and ;•40 - per yard. 40-4atelVhllmerr , • Our Millinery Stock is kept well.assrted all .` the newest in hats and -trittirnitiks.. Give 'Miss .MuAler..a call when you want ,a hat. WILLIAM CONNELL We take Butter and Eggs • -Friday, May ; A diattstrous firenedurred here at 'Satilieday Morning; when liaeohler'SsaW-- mill was -totally destroyed. The.fire had gained greAt-beasd way before' the -alarm Was sent m-7- htinsiitinirerhil siding of the G. T. ft.f..- away from, the teat of the town. The large stock of .liinttier was ,sa ved , bet o few. logs .wete slightly dolig.04.1. )tr. Raechler is at IPSS tO account for the , Re Was preparing to enlarge, his filant,' having to lillfitiOtt , The plant will be rebuilt at.OriCe.. About' ing over sixty, and inarehe'd. to the • -Monday, May. -1. . 8: 'fifteen ni',faiTill be t rowu on • o em- . !ttlicaii8t 'church -44r chs4410;:.-4-seri4P0 Miss ousts perritt,, to Ki•.riatuxiin,e, ..voyment. for. fely ,days, (111.1y.,. . 1,,,6gs. Ri-olher 'Rev. ll: If, RobintOn preitettiti , . , about $6,000; it,m,,, uico 83006. eahtfareteoreloirefitto,.ste);,:aneot.niu:itzlitgINIvinitgl tnen vti.nhcf; , spent Sunday at her home here. ' . : . Al a special Of the enuneit to tnenthere& "t.ier.,,spilroprtate innisie The many friends if Nortnatt dinton night the fellowing. resolution, moved by i6 will he. nreased, to know, he is able to be Councillor Wigle. and -seconded by ,,,"81i-eil,,itiOttedul.! • the T.,_._,Ii."it' ' "A 6116% Com6illesr. M'Qiii't.911' ‘`'11-' tthaliinif'ils. TY -.Ninc(1Z171;;Y '''.1.1:°esiti''pe; ,4"Thtegellt: iit'vt'afreIr* around Again, . , Harry l'etem of B irVie, is , taking. a l'uk4bid: '. ' ' ' `" very eye VMS V'erea -lot() V'ite , course in the study of law. We witli ' .."That the ctuitieil &iiinioniiicate" at .e. _ ' ,. ` ' 1 ' ...1 1. ' H. frolire,,,,uty'suetoceht,..itts b,_en,. visiting ,:iiiit. ()nee *Ali the Attoroey,Gerieralys da. Uttlfatitn *13•1i LAN1/ PALiltt•,'=" It, OlartIllefit ilSking that it.prosecute with: Hildred,. a farmer livitri; near 'flerVie, loiter, mit. p*:1.1, for somt., tioie:,, leaves OUt'delay these. _instrumental in perper.. Was the *ictitn on Tuesday l-ist of tin this*Weelt for her. hotly, if, tl,e west_ . rating a friind SO di'sastrousio this ,latirt actident, that ' eiSilY Might have. been., fatal:, Wilile nt•i3Ork ill the fiehl with : 0' it street lighting . toreinitte-e ' Will '''Aheift ''ilnullicore ili.tri tiwily°d6ati 2 *th! thitaik 'a Steel land 'roller, the . tongue Of the , havir-terget.-1Atay -and :light- our • Streets,- - Nor. Raw vkAtfig of the -wok/dm' - tolleehroltei osnsitli.-tiW' team,. to rat . ige r lift bight:. .. 1°- ."--- a. i.eP6tt!,..4"th.6'das° was 11'0"t.d a" ir#:":\ .11. r; nil lted W:41:8 iiii," '.'f()111. ititt.44,ti4 a oPilt)16,of our boys got lost • • .•listened to with much int^rest. . - the Ma in front of the r,,,aty roller and .. ., St have ci!POli,td a football - ie netball tonight a se, deci e,1 to at pasSect dyer him e: 4vas haw otasb, : teadirgaCitiliTregriXvirto, '1W,"6-ir ,-tegtet,oarttrett.,:piwi.441ii,ltdeq:titIth;id....:11.1:,44 Aitici.ltpviilktou 'plisse 'dons, 110.0 nrganitAd w bgseball team., re alarm ,eystet*, remodel. the fire .lia lti,im,fd, it OiltiCricnii7ellins‘blifoirhV There will be sporty woe* too in the oad'. otovido tt000tataodotion for ' more is 41)10 to again take tit! gut Oh. the t laihi,. ' ' . Ars-Best By TeSt- e2s-t— arid North, and South. fl.ittlr4i • a_S• Long Test A Critical .Tat *ITI1 THg 111.01(.,''rt. • • ' • • An Ideal rowHiag rade: evOlAncteasin .14iimho Ciistsiners 4., eavm.2. *awim It •