HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-05-14, Page 4TaY r4th II" ,r7 L MOW SO4TO4 - as -on fousingpaii'tou-tsidLc ise-oi4he4act-thatft pratectayour pr gainst the wearand tu5fthwatht 81t. -titiliNTY-NEWS, I 0111 k'owdfl a foriner ede4of Turnberty Township, nigepof Detroit, wee hist week stricken with paralysiS et his 'summer henee at timbre, South Huron Libeials will -meet in ,conventien in the Opera Onus°, fien1 salt en May 20th., for the purpose of. seleeting a candidate to mint,est the riding' in the forthceining provinCial elections.. „ - • hie left arm dislocate:Cat the shoelder , nnct' badly- eprained-earirtivasotherWis injneed, (Ora. Body ',was: badly POt •about the face, and Suffer's from shock. The leug,gy wee badly erreeked an i the, horse was ent ab,,ut the' legs. Only ono of 'the cyclists stopped teethe result of,the accident, but in the excitement his natne and licetiee iniwiter were not taken. AN INTIWIRSTING ' SHED VAA very interesting judgment:" to onion groyveru and other -seed men was hand of er, led out by %Kis Uonor Oodoricle, last week, and as iudicatioe •-, , . . . . 1E40 Have you tired, ah feet?'' Queen Pew. --Teed Fowthe „ „ 2nd. con. of Stanley has new in cap the great care with which he weighea the evidence mudthe, eel eusivo re9eargh , , devotedto the au thoritier the decision `e.ipies--sonaerten-pagetro Jas. Johnston. of -Hensail, who both grows and ships onions in large quan- tivttv and in the procese of temme .yriting pore') pine' .which he recently stanove-soniewhat.eare-sitd , aro not vtirrfiate Pot& • es - f course. k improloes ,the- appearance too, and adds much to inarket,-*atue---if-you-wish-to--sell,Tbut -the---aiiareasOnLis_that building that is kept painted" keeps in good condi-dolt - • - - e are Agents .for Sherwin-WilliaMS Paints,And, VarnitheS. The'. 'a1crersO1:"..ibeSc:•,pamis .have studied' the principals of paint rotectidiMr yearS 4-1141 s every-Sliervpn-Williarris-pro-dttetearsk-, , • --well,- and- Tbelemipet-ineszpartyof'S4nth-Ffin;:.•raties..-froin-that-famoni:4D, loch -sae'. Virlaszsoh4t-tiEtt,,, iteeirovipeietleitut oecetereelereekleseveereleeeleeeezeos,,,,,,,eeetre poses wiIl hold„ -a cott.ifentiiin in the inee in the Spring of .1912. The -ceetP4 ,o_earieeimeeh.meregril,..ort..Mone ... Yee:liner day; May IS, et 2'o'elock. The Ohject. sued' Mr. Johneten..in the 'County of convention is tee adoption - ef Coutt for „ $200 damage's; alleging :eeme'_frice-rTrii74tten-itlikt_Tivirteeiteetite breacte-41-eirairrieiteeetiee7reaSan-;of• :tie; Ther e is econorny in using good paint, ;get. 'conie an taus- abOtit Sherwin-Williams Paint -,(Prepared). '.SWP for • your buildings--.S-W' Porch Floor Paint for verandahs and porch floors S W Wagon4Flaint-forwagons-:anddilupletnents—S,M Buggy-J.Paii for buggies, automobiles, pdrch furniture; boats, canoes, etc - --'71V-Whaytren't space,hare44,tell yoU41,10c4t,a11.-the.difterent.,:Sher.30117:- WilliarnS products. Just remember that there is a special S -W finish. for every kindof surface,- Conker and see US akout Yourpainting needs, tenigerrineoforcesehreeleeting---a---tern fectiVe-SeetteeeTheeteial*Ok eplace et Peette,Ce candidate. • ,TuliowDr. igen' ttnad2f. •. and. ,TheoainelinnitiO4i*bleL.P49,,k:S1911itt wWay-, eolhded with, a. troT1P77.019 The Vnio'werealf#0-WrO7-. fro.1,9.4"ttheri* and Suspained *very painfu1injaries Rev 11 -e--Rurnball whq-nas been repently iti;definferreil upon • him- the Ao.0!.7.P0 Of 0.• -•P,•:• -k7.. -....!.4.04.11V.?..'' •0011,7°..0: --__W-Runii`aall Tis a•-ria'.0e7•1;rGodeiich township, having spent his early fife tWarm. :that- :township, ' and, it 'teritled.theettOlinesiille4ablic-sehool- O .. .131nVarrate floiseri-Since.May ,when..Nertli Huron. licen,SeS • 'expired, • the Ntitienal Hetet at Wingliam, hag; been labrillecrelesed;and the hoarders :en gone to other qUarterte,Mr Doyle, the proprietor, has. licres • . to , Arthur, Wbere: fie his pu rc hased-irneitherhote•le- The "Beene:lige Sed. pi`tteley housesare abut t c oseeendethw other two; the Queen'sand .BruneWiAl Will :remain a's. temperance houses,. • • . • . EivoreeW MAireitis.;,---The..,Wroiteter Nowa Sart that, One Spring .tneeniag seti.:00.tonie•oe..five.i.earte.age A. pair: of EnglishiMatitinpi;:esoneete....to*4.,:anoi built their neit'behind the 'Sian • over Mr. Wm e Robinson's.general .stpre.. 1/41d:die-Yea:, t.4373; --IreP 44. • ,went ti*ity,'but all yeturne in • fol ,.-lowing:Sprieg.--Thite,theyehrieta."0'elene . beds were. ..ecitented.' .They: returned day last' • ,,.....As result 'of. the.indiseeinainate :killing of birds by the hpys; with• _air- --.gunstifilf-inietrelliber,Ltiffesjereire.ethe,„ "towns •:-Eui'&.-tilliges,: the' • fa:inlet's... of Turnt'erry ,Tewns hp. ,npoite aiking the Ceti nte;1. to take tit te•Stepe•tP -haiiOthealiinghter_itop.ped... The birch, „whicheare 'being tailed, 'thei:, far*t.'!3' claim,. are i mitt) uable. t tbent: in _keep- ing down.the ineeet .peat, and that •tne creris• Will ferionsly suffer if ilia neert resa•altitighter is kept•:.00 • TR.!. Breveiltrellpyer.;---A-Cting un. under Orders* from ProvincialSecretary litutha, ithp •South Hnron. Lin3nSe; Oomriiitition cariceleil the license ex,' eeil'esTe-re,eee-oeiit*gratited:':toilte•Albiert_ Hetet at --Baifield, This 0, hotel . had Aza4in; granted a- three .m-onth-roiit - ening .With theetlier'hntelS in the. rid; *hada license- for 'Only sixernetiths lest Year. it ...was.. felt bij tempertinee'men that it Was not entitl.,,• ed to the extenin An appeal wat4 made. the Provincial-dpartment . and tho 'hotel ..:Waa •;orclereil• closed • at • • . • ; ; • , . • ..P • t. Imoz s His • aTattn.---A . the last meeting of the directors :of.. the eliovvielr. *tither:fire- itefurance. -Com pany, .tha yeeencyeetteed by. the de noise of ' Edward Pry,a,nsi who was an :014 andAvell known member and many years ;vies preSident Was .6110 by the of the:deceased, who. wll6Ll out fitlier'eeterin. The veteran president; John Re MiIIr,i new in 'a class .bY iffneselfeatiarage-yer4S---OVSeeineteli- coneerried, -his.ossociates, Messer, .Ed•- •gity„ Mererelier. 'anit-Rryine,• having lattserl..avve% Ara yea - a metnbeeat .the t &butt ucknow Hardware & Hardware, Paints, Oils, Coal, ,Etc, CKNOW • .. Are you .afakelnbet,ol. %he' . Got ti button • ion , -Monday, Mary 11 th; eek end ;it her hbine. here. , 7- 0 Inseecter .Bald visited here, ,a1s-the neighboring schools, last week: ' Sunday 'und.n- her 'parental roof: _ •• Mist Cynthia lipent-the Tatter - Part or-ihe week , with friend in town Gordie,ha secured the position, of O SteWard in our church here. We hndis Ofr he will be, fitithftil in hisnew uridertAV ing 2...1. a Clark leaves this week for- -Gorrit- there.. He.itoesas a delegate for .the o0rvL circuit- S,jijWMtha -boys ...4:!,t.itlitede-rou'iciini--- Inanity think .this is a gt:cat,place • fisli. Reeiteilibtr boys there are good fish • --tbehanide itabetieestreitina-soinetinies,.. Eighth!' Con.•tuiross " • ' -L-Mondays May llth; , . 7-1111StrIlizzie--111cDonat,d,;:ef-,-Tetviwatei;: . noent,lastellendayand Tuesday-0.11:4de- Mrs.:John r.rederickspent a few attYs hf limit Wee(t visiting het ihother„ Mrs. - Geddes. , A 'Miss Win* McPherson, of Michigan, is iisiting her, uncles, Messit: Th -Ps. and John MtPlierson. John S. Elliott haabeen confi,ned to ' bed with a sore foot.- QI,Te hope, to see 'him around again 'tom, - • • Iobn E. Scottlefton Saturday for a trip to the Old Country 1I -Wee- to meet his sbnellrfattheyte,iii Montreal;and ,they intend going together. • Loud f:Icheerer hip the 'eentract of. building Samuel Porker's newjiouse and' .;has_ made a0 start.on it. 1-1e_ had lames - Elliott and,. Jrilin Frederick working' with.bitn.' TaastiiO4E---'77g0- as.t!' Three ' of WAlkeiton!tiftelditt retidentS0 were' _ittatin their last resting place on Wed- nesday' of iitOr -WeaThey l*ere 'Ws; ...Planeet Xstney,:ag,ed 95; who had lived -in the town for 04dy halla century; Mrs'. „Neil Mebotnild,''atithe age. of 84, and ,Itenril)oedler, -aged 83. • Tragic' biter- • est was added.to the death. pf the latter, O bYthe'Stringe action ' of John Hall, a soti-ln.law who lived on a lartu near Pinkert -en. '-After attending the federal - of hit; father-in-law, his in0ia seemed " .inuchaffeeted by the occaSion, and un O Areturtatift /Rime he tonenitterfsnieideby hanging hiniself in his 'barn, He; was 'bit years of 40. LOCKNOW SCHOOL' REPORTS • . „ Treleaven ,Bunia, 0. Wehater, WT. Ilo*eyi 0 Me= kr`. :Aitcheson., Oned.-e-H Fre- man, M. llathwell, C. 'Whiles; J. "Doug= Johnston, A..Cattipbell, 5.. F"Otter. Fair- 11. Webster S. ilinna F. Roguei: T. Howey, err. Rieelletitee-F. ManOregoii: 0,C Leo& Ootide-eM, Alteheson. E. Alibi,. W. AntlieW",K. Wide,: J. Xiketi, '.1 McClure, S..Gaght.' kt. 24teheseill 0. • •Pegtteti. MacDonald, Teacher .Roor iO 1 Pt... II t--4geOl1ertt-A, Wraith, L. .13egley, Stittdoefillt Then-it:40n, M. Tnoitip- ' sore, E. Johnston,: N. . Meitines; . Pair- te, Alton, ,0, jot/14., Peahurnt C. Johristen, M. W& tfee,'S Pt. I; 0:--tieellent--11 'Coto, ft, • Itehinaen. (io.d--E Btarns, D. Meld - nee, 0, Wok, Faireet: Stiiett. Pt. lteict M. Mitchell, I, Daniel, G. fitnie, dooli 'Clat01 einott-S, Eaton M. • tadaholini,WilittgliiW 41t0d0, •V Otqf O Pt, I,. A:--,Excellent-C; Milne,' Gond K..Chisholine r. Wel3ifer. Webster, E: Aohri. ,••- urdik,Teaolter.- 1 liodu . , • Sr. II:Exeellent--Austin %jilt P. 'Mothers, E. Robinson, k FIUI, Sliurns. Gbt-id=(At-lirelifirelig V. -Mcf44.11114) Miudie, R. Howey).. ties, N. Mendelsoe, Huston, Blitistetn,' G. Douglas... Jr. II:---Excellent-.-D: 'Mitchell:, A. Andrew, .A.:Johnston, -L, !lasso, G IlaeheM'"VE011ote, r, : M. Afetean,.(31.. Theinfeon, P.,011,111, •. • -Margaret *Charles, Tipieber; .Ecom ix .-• Me0011, Blair, ILMcKenzie,A, Altoe,N,•Thent R, Mitchell. T, ehutt Qo�d-(Treleaveu,:A. Blair) tis, ' egoughtese:-.W.,„.iSeett, e. Eltit nin, hi:, Begley, Fair . /flutter -4 G. ;FInghes, Etvs. J oh oaten ;Ruth Mit- Lolielperfect in Spelling for the ..011911tIt : friiini° Elio& Johnston, -J. 'Saab, Spindler: , Geral-e.M, Patter,0. 'Eldon Johnston, W. Elliott, (A, *raoh-- J.4ohnston) ties, 10. •Rathwelli C. Smith. ' Own, Mendelison, floWszd' ,Agnew,, O. logneEi, M. Orr, llarold. Agnew. . fliesoi J.. Armstrong. • :. • IsTunther on Itegiete44144xiirarLIO- tendande, 39i • „ • - .• , . . S: A. Thirgess, Teacher., . • Wittaits.--,- ' -Monday, May 11, Jollies Gilchrist, of Tiverton, Sunda' 'ed at his home here. , MtNephew, of Kincardine, has been 'tt,iiiiitoirTiTt:;.I. Hodgitinsonte. 7 MM. 14(41:Fnntdn aiitt .sons - al! leaving this Week -for the Weet. Annday-- visitor**. cattle's, 2nd Brice.. , Joseph Jirk, of Riohards Landing, Visited EevE.,A. few O Mho. Teeie Pettet.soh- :''.1.71eite4 her: friend; )161.. 0Iark hz Pinkerton. last Week •.• . : Jahn Thonapion, 'Of the 'Stott° i tAptit.teie week end at his home. • " * W' Ite"" • it - .10, returned .to his otrier,Tti Swansea on Friday after a manth's. Vitit with lit sop, Re. P Reith, . • .Jotsoph Wrightson; Of this village, has pnrchased a fine'five passengerFild ear from trivin Patterson, of Tiverton.", • 'Miss S. Matheson i who has ;been a" guest at the' Mans.. for ;the 'out two -tnonthti,-ietutnedirkler hont.C.:itk Ont., oif Friday list., Mrs:Stones Thompson" left this Week., for VancoliverriLeCe-oneteethree weeps' trip, She will spend a fel* Weeks with •frieeds on her *ay in Mittlitolik'atid O Saskatchewan. • ' • Jelin H. MCTy;.late of Iteateu,- Ade, who has been ; here' on ti:Short visit it ids..parents, left.eu Monday for Ed - ')11ThileChtirgh .--.:-rikiesdaY, May 112. „ . elleattie is. -.keepingbachelor's ball in."-the.old,,TreybiloCk these tirriee, „ _ , Rebt. .Mowbray statted 0 the cetnent work on tlie church sheds on Saturday,. of-Lueknove Was the guest Ot Mrs. :A. Fe* iagt week:. Mr. Nixon, of 14ucknow, vgitine IiiAdaitgliter,: Mrs. Pateisdn, for a tor days this Week:. , --efl'he-fitst-Ohipinent-ef---Igittearoinetlier. Ureiiniery• was. sold to' Mr. Brill; of .Teeswater, .r*nd: went ,forward _ Monday 1456; '• elentes Wilsowlaillthe;Litiisfertund,j.tn_ hreak.tlie main taw afilkin'hieiteW mht eneFriclayiast, whieii gaie all hands. a. e•banee, to go. fisbiege SatIrday. „ . • . . The funcral of the'rate 11,D. 'fender - sou ou.dnesda3iasJarge1Y O ittended; service. being lield in. the 'PrelicitZeiiiii-telfiii-c-he'fiereeentertrietit, in the ne, W han e,cein Aery. 0• ' ' A very„exating rtinatvay. toek.. place hefollg7- ing to 1). Kennedy, stetted froni the Mitt , •eard- with a toad of'savidust and, took • loutVoftue•sidewalk-of Queen street, ortnnat.ely . they 4niteierlall thegates, and tie plititse but sprinkled -tile sidewalk with a geed Cotit'of•rrawdnst; (Intended fcir last week) DEkra:or Mn. H. .,D. Another Of, the, piorninent and highly esteen ed residents of this :section passed aWay; ,On 0 Monday' afternoon -at: O ms home in.Whitechurch in the person Henderson, in his:,76th.- year, following. a serious illness of sortie' three' Weeks.. The:attbject -of-this notice' wits born in the Township of Clark, near the town of Port itOpe.., In; early life hp graduated. ati: wheel' teacher. and upwards ot. cameto eptern Ontar:oi 'teaching' school Ark. Walkerton, then it• Langside and later in the schodhlrainloes, north Of -Whitechliech.-Seineforty.yearti gave up :school teaelting and for Solite -yeare 0 &robe/seri, and .hipped:: from Whitechurch large quantities ofmod- O wor d and tan•bitili- Shortbr_after going to Whitechnrch.lic-engaged,10 -the -eial mercantile .husineSs, continuing quite active until a few Weeks ago. He had beeneSup.-rinterident ef :the „Presby- tririan Sunday, I School at Whitechurch fcr,many years and resigned the porn-. iinn only a: shoat time- ago. He was for'thirty-tWo Years 0a Church Elder. Mr. lienderton took an adtire intereet 1 10 the. :affairs of the Whitechuich Cream ery.and had been salesman for thacota pany. since the ,establishment of. the Creamery up to hist fall and for.. aorne twenty years fad been Treastiret anti•Ae• eouti4eWere-alwa78'neatly and, 04414 kept. fraternal: society \voile Ittihad been an enthusiastic arid dOVoteiThileiii, -her-ISffliettatiadian'Order, of-,'VerestPra- and was for years Chief Ranger of hie local eon& and' had for some 3rests been ',member...13f Itigh 0 ooutt Executive Conttnittee as Well AS filling the Pnei- ticie of High Vice Chief Ranger and a 'few years age had the hOnor of Peat iIigh Chief Banger cortiereedtipon him, Mr: Henderson was a good: eitien,- hirhlvVst,enied by' all PeoPlo wh Nvmr-eire.*iii-enter,into- parttershie with hi a hro,her, Neil, in right in all his dealings, a man who fill- the n)k•ftmtory-. . Itionany &lends with thein oitery atiecess. „ O The nitiai thing when a: faon tam a meets iti automobile is tor the Leath to take- the, ditch leaving :the road Clear' Ur ed a large plae in his common:, and *Mail Viilm will he greatlymiss' ed 10 Whitechurch. Mr. Liendepaot WAS at the- thne of his death, postmaster in White:, Chtirch and wat. ever faitlifnl in the dit- the tieW terror a the enuatty highway; eharge of bis aids, In politica. he Wae The-triblee, were „„ttira0, hosever the a Uonservative sal in lite Heti other day when a rep eseniiitive of the 'Noble Mannfaotnring Co, St. TheniaSi on his Way from.TiVerto to Gla.ttila, met a renaWayteahi.. The teaintatiieoliiice a cy0lene, aiid wei to no Mood.. totake to the ditch for •8 Or OVElliOg elSO, • Iron -Inatricd- Rlizabeth, Hamilton, who with a farnily of tivo, sons, Thorhas, of Whitechtirch, and 11obert; of botrbit, and One daughter, Mrs. (Pr.) IX Jatnie- -ton, Of Whiteelintelif suri?ive. One ton, , Charles', and One daughter, Miss Sarah, and the man in the i ear seeing they tilent passed away 4 -Otte wart ago. The fatii- hnsiness, left the road instead. . mine ilY Nvill,havo the tylnpathy, 'of a larg etiAyttlxotit other damage thin having circle of ftiOridit 14tettvedl,otil-A 'gdated "v7ft11,11111th'-'Aq-legtM--1,ibail4he,4itiletatAIL owe 0» WednaStilly Ai A te,get the TAO:onto the 0ftvnioon to the WilfgUrt einiet:01*, 'Of W It004 0444 w0;i14414iiii. j1UtIIIWb lAififi; 410.4 i4the tnjI pkt. • -0ttntooh -Among the lenity 'rirtieleti ..dettoyed by the fire ef.Siturday last, and .perhtips one Of the iltost.inteteetiug of :relies ,Was ttrielld.faithiened pheeton . Which Was .usedby Zreed thifferin when he viefted Goderieli about 40 years ago, 1 a the •Signith It was of peouliar,,bRild with ail 'elevated seatfat', the eoitChtriani Iliad was quite a doVelty. G. 11 Green, "t;he proprietor of ,the -Old --Curiesit 8hop„ovvned the'ohl :Cafe:lap h stored it fn the oId .carriage ro The t-ig .• was, of no, .paitiellar. other than that of a relic'ot the good .pld days of Orelerich. • SeriVt" piiiith'an-ci Shears wri,igbing 24 ton and costingbetween five and • six thousand 'delhfro was :deliVered to :the Artiorleitti Heitil Machine Co-, in ao4epih;''rettititivi • it was made in 13e'din Gettriatly f'did .perhaps IS the otOy instriimetit of its kind in this pa rt of the proviiiee. The drili.is espahle intiig froter,one-ancitiiiieelbarte inchesin ditimeter, and - done tine sh; ' half inches in solid, plar,es, _It is ealeil Iated to ent through a solid oat,of blot, twO. by seVeri inches or three by three iiichekat dne Stroke Or wilfshear plates of steel one' and threOeighths•hzehes tlifek, • • • ' -rwa-MOTO,RISTS-GAUSE-AbOltiEEZT.,--; While Out tlriving 'Sunday afternoon ;on the totid to Clifford. t. SeriOue accident 4iippee3d to Mr. and Mrs. Ohesley Ikitly, of 11arriston1 When ahniit twe and a hait ertileS from Hartle. ten they Were OVertrikeh iiit*)410tor• ayelitta„ who,apprOached„ it it, alleged, without any %yarning, and le .passing faglitenettAherhortelo,that-all-vere throwa it0 Olt ifr,4 s. •Goderipli in August,laStLarid kon3icidn, able-evidence.Was given• both as . to ,efeoP,,ared-•also• to ':the .exentefier: rains• which Tepee unfavorable so seed ,rePrO 'anfed- '-'forniv3 plaintiffi•while Stanbury reprasented.the 1ekendarit.--Hiaitoner,- 1-rir-fe00erikei,21ncden?isinty''1.07f4ror'lit •Ltrin*Cihihrif,L.C.One_itt ties did :no Warrant hire in Inaking the' ••,s_e41.- ,inerchant 'responsible f(ar latent end enknowri defects and lie expressed -theeview-that-as.-soe-diany-'-other,e--ine, Iluene'es suelt atowet, weat1170r--,-impover- idled land or indiffetent tillage rnif,,ht: in this 'case have,been-the,cause of the .poor, t. Wenkthe merespeculation to say that the seed was detective: - ' - St. ilelex.s -,----Nlonday, May llth. Elliott Miller is bus, . spraying this • - • • — • • • M iss' Clara 10,Voorle , spent Siiinley with MesSes. F.itiltiy; of Wingharne,..iiient-. a few day at W. ;I"..."•Todol'e. ." . . _ • . W. I:Millet was .out driving"Ititb his newrubber ti.re..on !Miss, Chris Milier, of 1Vingharn High 'School, spent the:Week:end...at lir:rine. • :John Joytit and Friiti*..Tcdti.iirc putt- -this - :week• ' ' . MIPS JearilYehttle(t on. Friday foi Loedore where '..sh,e • IntenclitigArriiiiiiii fora nurse. 7 We wish herevery,stieeeSta., andMrs. Ohati. of Blyth, Mr.. and Mrs. .NVlter, OtrWiiiglm,, and, -MisaLNiyiete,--e;.kelorentoieWere-•--tecont• Visitors it the hOmo,Of. Mr. Mrs. ' TheSt. Helens -Woman's -Institute will rtheir May meetinattbe1iiiiie of IVIra. Arch." Anderson, on the after - neon of Thursday, the 21st., ,at 2.30. A full attendance -fa requested as itLia,itlier annual- meetIng-and-election of -officers. Please-tatke...inotice_that_the. „date: fie week earlier. Visitors are always wet. Let us scifve yeti!. teitit ,troubles by- fitr- ing yciti with a pair. of Dr. Vernon's etistitort-- • Shoes , . , e .4eneer..-,spoi,Q-manar-,eaus .1x5Fefrow-- -rielensetteelEeett.-Kideand-Qeeta ,00, in Yiel Ktd in'clifferent-ritylere .Wre'diaye in stock several lioeS of Wouiens ".P tent Button arid Blucher eat Shoes,' in eieth, top', . 4 a • a. '."'°11;ITC"tatr Ki 41:610Ye'"'WO One Ladies. Puipps in Patent •N'eliret Caovas are - right tip te.:tlie. tbitiate: uogtovii„ONT. *P11°114141140.'", 010 •1 pee -flats -In Ladies' Raincoats.. 'Ladies' Raincoats at 5.00 and $7.00. These haveittst been received, good shades and quality Don't miss seeing them if you want a raincoat Good sty les ft] men's from 0.o�to$r3.oq Ladies' Suits a,t $10.00 -Soure-Lasiliesl-SuitA.--were-$ kzzoci-for-i-0,00,--goo style and well tailored, blacks and navys. Oildloth$ and .Linoleinns A. full assoriment. or .,oittioths' and, Linoletimi. _ Linoleutus 4 yards Wide at 2 00, 2.20 and 2,46 tfidtite Our Milhnery 'Stock ts kept vMf:assorted"--in.: 'al the newest in hats, and tilt-innings.Gtve Miss --• Afet ;ONNI3e . We take Butterand Eggs ....."••••••••"4. • AT THE RANGES.' saWthe f0; Rifle Men...once .againi_ate.the eanges. • You would think-somerortlie ritaektinieii had Coiiielhrongh a War. ,clatitiiia %lib I lAr. Was there with a stiffleg emitted beT,' "a kick:Kim a horse. ,William lin came liesteoti ortitehes-with--a---f.rset-e. need 'it'ale.-"T-Altrit7Effiell'WeliSfef-eiV ertitcliet.: With_ a. 'broken .Reeve„ Miitray and.Ctheni stud they ,cOuld not 'Citilimstancert,' •there Were "siviie, very shoot for laughing.... But, tinder the good scores made. „ • Goderich Township. • ---Monday, May IL •,Mrs. A. Webster 'spent ..tha: week -end in Clinton. - 7 O JohaMarshall, Our .--oldrat *ming pioneer, AO'S soniew,here near 'triffety.: five years:A:Ad, is yet, hale and hearty.. • The many friends of Mrs. John Can. teldn will be .sorry tothear of her serious, and hope:for •hr speedy reciiv-, .Rev. Mr. Ford, of goderich, chairman, of the District, ,attended the Quarterly Official Board Of the Methodist. Church itIlayfield; • „ , : - R.I. No.'2 from .Bayfield has been , thereby adds •I.Piitt. Alex; Webb," Jehie,T;'Beltcrnrto-thelistef-togtholde-. era Needletia to aay,. ther,e, gentleinirt. and Unit' fan:alio appreciate the service; Secontton.'Culross-. -Monday, May 11. , Wm DaVieson is redrilling the well itt S. S. No. a.. --mr.-liowe; of -London,. is visiting •at, Wirt. Dawson's at proAent: • • Mr, and Mrs A. Trevett, of Berlin? are visiting tke..fonnex'.§.. 1V.Irs, J. Piekell. Wo are pleased tosay Oat William his recent illness. Farmers:on this line are abottt through seeding ?ind crops promise welt so fat. Fall 'wheat is looking eplendidand tittieh Of the 'piing mitt is aboveground Cleaiil • I • • • • . • , • , • . . • • We calk sup/At you with -anything you may, need' in the line of Garden Tools suck as, . _Rahest,Shovelst *.ttest, Forks, :Hoes • awn — , Mowers -Martin-Senour. Paints Etc. • . . " ' . • • • . , & DOWSE THE BUS* HARICOHIWAIIE SToitt; Etc. , _ , . Laurier (Intended :for leet, week) , Tut iTheetiveress seV it'lle.TttEpftONE.,. '-A &nit Was eatt over the Village of •i- ,. .41,,,attrier last Slitiday evetiug, OWing . to. the. ditiapPearitime Of one Of totuitietl$ triO8t populat yOthig ladies. She WAS I lost seen safely enteringher honle after churchin the evening. But when liana and inatunia eeteteed fibril chereh found „a light in the:house, hitt no one therein - -Thigatie great causerfor-filarm;:sei -iiii-. mediately the plioneevart• put to use and the tuft -minding e(untty Ivo in great. alarm. A searching peak Was Veltititeer- ed to go to . rescue if .he did net ratite in a reasonable length' I A 'time, but just, at the 641'1 atien of the time Riley was seen appieriehing tiloWly lett 0044 86 yOtiliirl imagine the tenet I Of Papa 1 littlAnainitittAitiliet.tavv,thit,-Nwtoug. .. 00 PO% 040 kutcl 04 i • • Louder and rniire iosistent is the c11 for by week c:' -and -month.. by month t e 13opularity ofthis flour -- increasing in the community. To-day.:It. is ' cdnsiclered not only as god as other flour . but justa-little better. o to0 bagi sold to the .1Ocai trade in •day indicates that ' ',there are some. 'people, whc7. -are finding ut-that-Sepby-makes-as:,...mma bread O •atid aS good bread'a any .flour on the- M4tket, It is milled rig -ht sold . right arid it bakes right While we. aft noe, t411 we are Scotch enough to a topt the .Scottlitnen's slogan, e fear fla foe." • • . Trekav:fl