The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-04-09, Page 11-10"Twqw "f ­'K�09­ww . Tr" �7 7 r ` . 11 7" Dry - —New— rketion- 161�d 7 e S, - Oil "Stove BE L L DO W 0 R7. 7 SA THU] ju 6P T DA Y, g e, j. es 3' .4 wice, -14 oLunrynse , , - - 1 yetir, in"adv XKNOW, ON RS PIOM� 9thf3L 7 P S 'rk- ow.-II-Ard, -C Co., ur L 'ze "Re D! U's at ­27 e W in Ware C o 'on, Saje,*.Sav 4o d �G q qx ea.east dow. -T e Lid il al 7!t jjiboj"gh WMI TION, 44in to ip ff. I - - - - - - - - - - - - the )1611glui COM q L )1 chil oofj Aw U L A, J. W V- AST Sqciety's f"all j�ojr- in Sp,p 7� , e, A a: dau-4t or 4"W" X111t ffi d m!�s I naive is visitib ell,� in 117 u 0 th6� ovj�oi;Rg; .f Apri�l 17th lad 8,ncqn in 4 il 4, mu-4-Ustitute. jpetj,tj6 ��j iF 4,varg igi, n. j lile 'O�F A lle yes V qlk -Af lle­'pk 6 h r W - , ' :- a e obw�wqy, l.b er Pqje,jn �jjj_De�, i 0179 -LucknoW w 4tildolu the, 'auqpices. Of tj 'a bucknyW 113 or; 0gongil y,:P0,i;ie VI..,t 'to I"U gone to Detroit;' 'M. TXTU s A"llt -Celebrate N %lid, alf children :udin lit�mltilou D ie, Kaak ;pent alNveeg wit'll A� -hoor7e­ Be. pjrFs 11 41 q no' 06tillimon ]J�ty, I f 4, will `be: in legetiijq�g­, 'over "Bin thi be colebrat- . . I. o TI oil will V 24 �4, J� ii, i�i thi IN -TV.- V aja�.,F S.:­­Ve',,6tahles-ai:e�' -� W� W .11ne"fla in 'k )6d.style,, .,17.bat W" ith, -of ti� ed I 11'� _? & recon -jqeeqn­iiLqf-th-,y. - . -�*�'j ' L' , " ­ , , I . P 7aw I ii, *-'y ' a r, �u ta7- - U r. & iq ce4) tie 'apitIl., djor of Walkedpol.. W40 t, i, alld.t u Nre ffir�i ore 61 ....... tj.rL.e- ived Yee;<`.Odit' me; aq Aste Phlox Drli'l� - Aurfied 14 James -:w 'T '11; N g ulest-ur-he da iam e 4-.44- rAs ni-4-pim, F -ug itor,--Hrs- -it., -k4-es A p town,60 400 my. rograt"ll. of Aeld Sports, -bknd -�f l. 'T e d L rs. Goo. Herd. -re `6ek it J re s e s At xv fie ' d' b frqnjyi�itipg� er,,, the . Jj . 11, , a ��ad, ve_�Al d,61,16no. as -13v� '.VRn;q;AgA,.­ it I Led I ove,-willbefurgiia y ue r etc�-, will U, put on fl r that'(Iltto�-we W .1, , 6i A. tile ab .p4e -v -ii-od e h ,n 8 .1 a few­&Vs� bortof-aetj L e;. perP W� len 'the 6 11 b [low IS .Vjec f i� p4yin0q 'a ti in 'Pilte, oil.. receiK d. r,". and M r�. -Win jkaak b Be-a-ut­ Ctgade, W o PeVel" 4il 10 Ill k good I It h.� . -� 1. J ip ; 1 47, Y �ih Torootifith k :.appliatti6iisi-din th 0 Ubmember-Ber "in, li,i), cr"t 7ngL qrne& frOlu d� tact 9A A I �Va is priee 1. lye L --w ji - ph� -60tio6h -of A,67$1 Se , i en r. tile,, 4 -in6 iind e 'is' -l-2-5*,:arj. no $ 0 ,Bltie� W lRe . . w � da6, open foi L tho# dd not I Genu W J, "U .1, h6 kkind of sei- nil tjiL �n��t .Jtore. Aeacher, a AM jhl' 1); R ­M!cInt6sh'rj- MAKIK1111111 , -.. 44s4:beilinGeddesll"lak eo�"Op� A o;u -)N Lisk ".k Loa, RJEO r ink, t '. . . . . . .1 . i. ­V li-�child -Shall be .-eritit e Al m -'M- id, 'N�as- ajni34gA.6 �NE� 0 t re witbj, 6dr reach , I ck-1, . AVYX�q�KUTylt- ii --- on6zou CL4, Ul rjd" S, -needt, �.to-tw.Q-kjnds, 4�ela )wboaf�­ -OV m a k 0. �7 ther,0600: why. not, bave onei 'as. ei travelle' 'T- f6r a nia� hine Tito' r �:diie f.. 08 ' L --: C &, ftS. ar epsie.. shep�suohms, was a r a -6Li.%­,­­,,JAtstt­ oru,eraily�cpiwrr h zy 1 i��. ;.A 06W no, e -y ZAM . . . . . rhone ive ye. ti: j -�b Q a req t6 r -S. the, salae'a �bah,kingyour ucte(l, -by Metge.� -ttie 0 - QQQ,�v jl�,Qb� 1, k-0 Ed' VE co . pe lve, oadred h, a meil uti pe api Se -C Al "I'D a (116- 1, es arra fornier �ho� of' bur Dw ondi idadr I ed e' S visffing­ 7 :-.we w il be pea ".940"* them - irleads in Goderic#.-' iw9tall increased. e, i1i' n�ut n, te, Luilcilow, sta'ti MORYS Astitu e per el .. ..... f to ii.e at - think- ­7 Miss' mi iArmstronlr la�. A., Thes-'all d- " G[�'­'*. Ud Ah ing-care, ... an I jlhoiAt Df 4 9- 11 �chilldr6n 4esiraug �014 'eta, ran e' z6 ad'-brilikbouso�w;ith- -ble-and ; re­oMfid, "'A al thojinwof repairizig bicydleg, auto eq re;rct) comilpatirvi 'I. vho�mc _t ion. �All-alpP6 ns 3 V 4 - lj�% Leola Stev, g 9- -m-c threah, " ` � � ..: &. outfi s,. ftrin-and. 4 ris-A=Dra 7 gesinid f .. gllic�­ � --- . -1 . .... - --- AN.�Oii, morr ga no es, eat let- -of Ali -ek iE;e fair now, awDi,p,a,y, ..pp;, and'; at reasonable, mte�. J". a ellix and Optician The'*iotr� 'w, I activities 6,� cogipany:ha-4 -changed -its for the.' coot e past we t, petition, will.`be ­GmA. S at thq -s . a me 4 gral n id P % ... I W lJ rs tQLfo&i a late. seiedin, Ime save t at extf4v giv6n by, the Ludknow o .1 d 'be - a. S no is spend"- cul -hftliled far;�e nalne to that'61' The Iinplirial:Bgg Hpider gric Evong- ing the ORSEIIIAIR, 3o'centa pot -IN ter Aprj4%3l, ',entry to exhibit theii pidd eta must §;on U."! s�,Wan pound. Oldrubb ks old. plu Ing c' Aw.earli exteLp t! tir 'af G' falroliq67r. ],b4 4F - I - I . 1A -know e ge t, an Ing �u pi 7618. 'Per owt 'C- broo -7 . Iii ant., ir _to a 'Pot' CWU. la'.1.1 Eh� h, 6uv 'cost to into effeef will,.4ii-644 i. great 1,11. le d.. ive e "itCl I L ea� 1 'eae'p aria a e- re elixered.-Olal -oll -'-FloWers foi� Ha4tir wit'll, and.grcwi'ng:the p -e te, 96 .1 oniftA, p toile jow; oeel e Kew* d rodtief .4 to h It StqrLf a ld,on.p pi�lh. ne 'U. 4j� 4.� be , -w; . . ay 1rin up -0 �Wecl M.1110011. Ily W11 NDERS- N%'ANT n -,d also �j gife bi t" fo -L ki 7 L �hqir a t'C.orrect rrcifis(io of n t a I S 1�t`c: a I ue noW it it rouna for G46 c-orporation are, 961 f in Con C, ot; L Visiting gt!l cuiPloP. A� rtcul-(draI.Sode Jag6 &f.L.ucknGwfqr4914. AvilL�b Wheat 7 uss Giiwtlm Ot'j$i6rease V'r. r IS, the d SecrefaryLuckfilbw. or' Rl" by th jo, H.Ydrb P. Au'p6oi-'��-health%: strong&:_ c ;5 undei.�ign6d ujj pi-il Pew #wer for Bruce past f Was 'L ll� Ni"ll Was" b.o Would' be a Pe4lj y, W6 3 'Char yea 9" -ported: �Ory low"' —A -1-est. -b 4%1m,.-,MirqK enzineei- 'recently vesterday. i Cluant ii� 4'o�of 2 - . - ... :N A: hydi-o-blectric I it W01th "heLoolil Di�th-01 Mr.' EdwhiStattdra sale wb6fi the Aaw survive,many i ys und begon, wato) wo d rq2 -VIRI it ma it at VI, C Ing,. n After. a, lingerill Inill sUarts cutting." Panies wa soll�q Me Rip," A..,F-db 2 -2 dity�, ig.illneg.4 of more, than n0l� hot Lut. 11. Ap reptl n--'. lo t Isainuel. grain' df ifie e of- uo Y -L. -'some":-intornal- jlutter'.,�`. . -. . -.� i.'. - , * . . .: of'.-thia! will � PP­%vejl. to place,' 1 n� 11 ti ii�R&-tO' e: r a IeL ;. .". ; 1;%� 4" - rowthw' Edwin' 'St Cixtherin v r 0-6-AvIoLh As-bdim j -AE� ----1----- Rt 6 4. 1 Con 2nd,' citl' A,Ye;lr, 0 P4 fresh... . . is lan Met eq e tili i t I , a highl orf16r#.,'ik4 earlyas; iiiet Tjh h rc 11, At atterk, Q hat WarrAger, tj z I a -l -wee lE Jb uyl n I Speebi, e4i&nt 6f: the,90i eon,' 7ki Ir nil Vi as MISela recovery Rlt� X -0A winter,; a -ter- givitig,peb, f it. d P� R� -b' the age, k log -A .1 Va;rdl%bri es Mrs.- Hu,&(' one, �one-firi f-4 Ili nufact'll, 4je eet�,-�fitl -,Snff6i'o&'a'-relxPs�, �od has suf: 1�' �00-L�qfmk�g. 6 �vw- ='st' . 0. . �d away 11*: Friday last. at�' Y, k,w open to�contract for r. f, �f- ribye�ia A�d 6,inaltiths rat. Iqc in our 'mil wirVfn'k� -"last. week, a eraze. li(&�d a. great deM The $.,1 00. ;4At . -d - . ­ - ­ - - I bush � , ' ' - I - are propAred. to- take -orders 4o'd-l"' .jC ook place. on 3fooday to. K 11 Jito are *vj- t t --j and' a`� fi l t il b t: j tfi6ir war n -&-qui in ass, .ce -in.- I I I b 1 47t. -a 6.rt6on? Ter aps hcr� aukhter in re(. I on, prior to 'aii. y45u, d raw n6lilitow -ill 44 t� a I . ­ ' '� �:, C low price9lif lumber n-bdiak,ejLj,fr.0jjl . ''the' tintq. The� lit qN conduct by',� 'Co Y lAclenow.Ta t e,.. Ili 6 , ` " -at. -a ate B lev, '63, : .,H. j , , I . , .0 0 th 67. V needq,hei'We�6:�ve and.si lot., .,.me to, 1,4dge 0' 2 '1 obels. �ihougb ts l6avingl9rf est. inkilto Sign un -fail small6f `,�tb to, vil)ltlge, ix huodf-` r i iq' 'd'see &nrl.. %241 t4 -c J.BtLtt0n,'Manager me Oli t 'an o a eek froi to -19 -to an, n er ........ inei' b- . Of ohngton* ' d'.M �Vd -Of -Q md..Afiq�f� now md,:Loe. '.h Ti thy, Hfay, goug noCa hi Liit6wel, spent. Sunday- with- .1vill. and 11' Wooge L�Ket 4ef! known all -1- or' prospects of 6reangilig far a. g6qd system, been' an'Odd ars," be* Mixed �and Clover; 14,400' to - (611OWJor 40. -ye, Ing a u", 16 00' Mrs. Olivbt..John�too. f6 rut 6,�;, over 0 -tw them. '-Yo" 'Olt. Lodate N Tqr �alei j �i . - `­­ . . Lof ptt�e4.lilghfi' 114 very reasonab the, e ntiiient,L dri member of Ingeis n :Aa ..Al 00 vl! -to OUSe 'an. grave, were 'Win." JbhoAon is 'home J -am ervicegg at the, h .19,0.0 too 4 . a-6the . rs, se6t%you., rX ]A T6�137 to thay'see-yourse, f -a. P; The 8 56L ftle, Igrqd.'to choice, fe :,The, wer for.,-:the'Coiiiities,of,Gro,.-itnd A rar d Prices Ro2 rile e ev YOUNG PIGS:�27 choice. -Young pigii�r&may will `bq * "Supplica" 'fiom �; Vgiapla g -is aqsuri� �odficted by Brosi­,Pa;tt�rson and 'D lith to the 1.5th. "an&.. OIW6-n,: -A-'�IVRVFS J w. w . e sLL Falls, betweeff '%,Jarkd�lo 9 .oil, ; I -' T h paltbe' I rs, all membnrs of i�gs, ��faith, aijer pendiLg ser*ed', 3L5.C.;. J. e aw.ay.,,ftdlji. visit ij -her sister, there '10 W t4;,. I Garnet Ar u 6 4 13 G.. ]Wuldodlr, 1?1.�h of halfat Ag's 00- Atiderso Dru e - S und; mid ther 6igineei Stated that 'ill the,.Ordor wet ros. -kt-thil-i;M Elevait�r. �nb�clr o .P I p;,ew "--,,c.w "11 -1w -c *�, R B- T A 666 qua Y'An -at 6 ti�;diifk g! tor et er J*#;v 3�-. -Cw't-- in, able 4b f at,, Fe. -ta 7 2�- to fi-­ riteresting and.i.n.strud X. Bell.- and J.- I tq il L D Sherriff 6,25 zie bron a I qr1ijvgtj6q'- y my. were t e, members of Lo4knowl'odge. FOR 9'ALE.-A twostilrer. eigia-r6oni.. 6itse T ive en rl ainnient will be llield`46-116- ....... ---- -- ',Rut er, lb 30'- to 34�� ..,,.d_ it he.-' i4itAtfa r- qw; p Win '-MacrIl A Forfarther-pai4wiark ory jewele thod' tv rch-on -LUcki Ap'ril' 20.th -next wliefiRev.4- 1. Dilirrant. will give R d* 22' to 21� Eeiizio and Dti rdib, hi' On Thursda T."ue0w even�nk-6;W fia- y Joseph Aga w. 99N.- .. - y and Frida�;' p� a carload orses, and,4attler's Aitchis6o T Potatoe�*� '1 15 to' J. 15 'h Watson, ]Ri o -..' - Ross 11ros'E.' er 'fiLu 0-st 'e Y, uviler, PrIne..NVagon. i", Ity, - -,A6mW -s FORSALB.,)B 4b 8 Aw- -.t.wo:setsLIjlg Aopledj.�,Wrr -40oulm 4014'W i,,an T -50 --qn . 6- a-vioure's- Johost`�ne-f. kclnt(i� .0. 9g, d tt�:iv-Tuosd vil -.,.,"h rh A heir Ji, ar-Q;n�"Y-T-Aiiniwiii W." Thd Lucknow 94wre,:;& ijoji Co. el P f 04� .:V'i�toii&�Lgeha�""rGoderi6h,�iwb J:L r'Q spers �doiig" Vigi Mabiibe- Allin, ieft. o pd, ...with- ;oeit. niusical- Ke�zie� 1.�:Benzie, J. McQ . . . . . . . . . . . oron ur,-w - el qo8%wliidlF,.Vi 461inston, Jas'.. J61insfooe, W -kuqTul#g- ­� am- I --of - -% Draft Clyd�stiale'sta1ion for T, t hi *Gready, tb"�7 �A ec e, I 'FOR%SALYG�11 . wOr -!Pride of Aso sing thi die I e present -and delilver,la. will'Lbe on, wilUb -,taken ai'ther- doo vm� of Mifverton 'Idi duatton-recitil -d-i rectow---o pictures. A r-rc C'i, e yeAm -give-her-gra 4: riculk-brail- -beaqtjtjjj;� ja-� g- ge. A�lInii6h-6trDaffodils-free- w. :% k nu dd,C. lit urs eve the --FOR 2 A k1l Jitl6i)g th'&, --Of­the..'AjLjjjij5hiri ilk-�Z e- wort gel t YMP any line., 0 . . .... th :�o' rated; one Fooling"k UvOj, a sp ee, It Ahe' 'Th d ning e ;a - - 0 -Pgje� 4 gggp. v� Jle�Re=lj gtore add al -e -itchen- addrebi will be. at'' op anr itto Wit I.R. 4 Mottig -. wishes to thank '.P. Daviion, Piogreag of Agricultural Education �at a lts*� A' le" ra, M. - X 94-�f S." One ovenin'g.rrecently a� �yooth �ircjr- ij. t'Le klhd Oiiihds and imijilboralorl the Hidibe aild-Al4oad. EvOry b ' i ve "r G jvj XoD6,u ALL. -In. Kiolms. -on -Nfarcfi'� .,paD.ers oard 16" lot 'Conr.rr d, j n "g d�:to ifi&(1- it-'�i "6 r. an . M is. Oh McDougall,'a ................ r ne of'. iheir Short, d ive­ %y4v actu :tArng.'t6 go for a W. U live (Chiisten' EV'ly' Chttag J 'M6M lien WJJOLS��6t, h� dt6nd illig" C6 d4a -t 'e winter n0li b ntion., ghter re heated by f on&oe llat� gmi;d ft.om the'bArn a few'bloiks he. k twd , * Vrr' L.,V18,6ni. left, with ­M Wivos will, be�, W'elcome,and'are t6 -Elb S ';k- ..�rgrt, --Or- .111le papers r. aild, Mrs.� W. 1." D. r4l rs' w Tlr" companions in 11 1 aftle q Vass S V bat' on daughter -.1,t th wn- -coni6b -room. 'LOGS -FOR HATCHING: is6dal'dan ho ie to tho."wee..sma hnur -a ptir 1914 to'Mr. and J1 s, Beaton,., r %% ing Uve.arriv c at XbrraWrt Will 9n(f6- tting PnT _gt:Aq( 48 On pr on aturday-for hi e -10 66r-dijillj -invit d" b�- ham. The were ge f odt tlie teacher mAke-1 ,and wit J301i From'our he to.secilre, -one, -or., ijM -itf.-prese-0.Atives feet' a feet fres c 'K4L.'(C- -Stfld PORTr' 'Prof. - cUready, �bO 13, T;q�fitjj4v� cients -witl bitf-ld - qtlet 6f from hi or her sectio,47 e- outskirrts­'of­,­th le - fit e aino p4c.. a ofci en ;,wr!,, og i:Zhelivery-piati. Whit -ui a. e ll'tep in ivii .:-fer-tbe , tH'.'eks. 41milwAK ifloopit, 19 �Ch�i to ioad-1bi '--- '!i- 6W ovii , h�A V& Stratford Lin i "I ej:pugall'a LSattsraction _Rural,. 22 -of rrp6SWa Fiake's C xYo- "bad hea id of f I 'for S tabk, r. an env :7, lit J.1fid-od ter, ount. Rho'ne 7% he escapade andAhe itunt: ige-bf�-the-,Xoun�'Y; or,'Agricultural ;i6elleot-A, Wraith, M: of .4lis"'horse was�, being'04 throughand im ' - 'th"Ll . . Uteittiob, Bulldtin, No. 9, sent'out to Will be sold At a meeting the bL)atd 6f' manit.- ALR.-CantaliflngLj6oacrk�ai be., e, stAbe Websiee,.H.'Thompk6n, bf nepafttion mediately laid iiiformation. It. CO' j,' L r , XOR 8 SS 0dra.pUthei:PreAtlyierian Ch4rCb, t wag L 54U0 aviik utthei '.nidoefi, . Joliri8tob, ' GOO inr,. wwt half of,16V 21, 2fid,' (,on.. lVest selio6litlast Noveot60, ai a�, wid, L fo�'tho*cbnventioo � Also,,,will-not each yotiliq in�hjust:$' ; ,to f �Mi wifitish. Goo "barn and 0.6dFIvI art" orchardiV011l,tencerl dildditd, anj -titore serious uoilble. Thati-we':E. -tolmston, N. M to hive A. fence erected. �arfjdnd 1, " . J.' ­ . clone T. Al tea6er boosioer eartiestly the -,call 'to. Itid t Ing- .'fiftoom acr -s 2A presume, rAt icil 8 t8 un, air- W.' Th( ea urn, , 1JL ran, QLbUbil t!tdt, L. Beglej, C. Johnston. "Milt?M A the church.'grollfids. toitch �!gr6iltqre in.4he:­schoofand t a, nigh ' f V` b G, `ffllalt 6 r-lear them . ' JL � ' , � but---�"Served 'th'a'm r g'ht)' most'r fo'kt. J . All? to t ke p t�l' loll;' church at - school conveni6itt; e id The L. uckn6w Ta�le. Co.ig-�awinilj -got' br4e� geed a It a Rb mga�"ELLL klol Pt 'I b'- -ther parttoulara 9pow to '16 -4 -19U -P. - vvelliwgt-�n,viivi�r, Allburn', ()JIt., Th pl%pt)rr for :a 4 ea�honie� Will �a w4xceflf�ntLit - ll ;. . . 'big plipils., fill started cuttiq4 Itimbee 6� Monday *of 'gardonillj"y with. Cfar -.room Will. Coat' only a k.:Burng. D. ter., Good- -ITTLE It Out this 4 Put. 0. Xtiedie.' Fair C S�w#aqti' D. Md' FA1t9F0A'9A-UdW1 ASN"T,-Contaill V X40 �his Week.' There-ia quite a lai�e'stock Early. Martillig Flre� triflei. A 08ib to Pee a 0jA1h'of,.*8. ttickb' Jol of logp to b a Kindling world o dry in� thv oven by the suddo Inries, olAh PLart, bot 16, 000, 1;', th. . --fart , cro­arV--twiy-- -wh llr 1; , . . C, . 2 11tilf diAod� -ngsa. of it all$ hought to ll�,v -the, -caltse, T'!11 A— 11 Excell ":,t1lon) Will 'tdo. y iw-t on maily,- both in the village surround- fire which conirpleteI3 - gutted s franic barnis and trame house, a,so -jivii 0 ea . 9-� at tb T..R.,t6ition lit WLIlit6chu "ing Coiiiii SprIll k, �Iitcliell,,. 'L. Mrardoch,' W.,y ClA48.wolILwiLh'wIncIniqj fol. pull *ly io -acrits of bush.* The talent is "r 1, iW A6, are'at this titt*. nioutnin Concrete house- Zin , dough, streeat teiti& a grass .1riall papterb hea , taken a' "�ositioo - at the- Jgipres?-, thelog-,.itf tt.doa� f riend'in the person',of 4Vonda� more i .4 ri4ton,X. linrie, M. Dougk il J Durain, -- l-6- ­ . , ­­ - - very. ­ "' ill, rl 11 Tl e1ohie, .'wm­t6 Atid.b4sbetkit P, 6 -of f tw­, WN -a -fid 4fitenda`16afn4 to). ill . .! ;� e. q. 7c. a ig -ekhart, who.'pas,,ie clea -ail -11-00 'froni foul S. M itcKenzie asito. 7 and is now ill ths i�;74 -high,qttality Whi('h' wd.;. rs. Thas. Ljj away ft property .. of `Chiih-olilf, W.i1U'khe6­.-Fetr--!-B-.G 'Aef i ln0gs on Wea.ne-gday,Ap i occupied by M�rs. Mori sot ter for YOU., after a b r an*4 her Son, a au ey, woctis, Nvill be to R tell of or-tw ortis sold Ito not L qoir paul - A 5 will orde A., IiWio. nien 11 0 Vol 13L -lad of �tcn: is - Vitlls, .8turdyl iWooftipaiied SS WAS V k Mnt-�� tortis',.' X awakehed itboAt one' t"dlodk 'by �inoko ch. I I P6 I A. Exce' P. isholl herfailifir" left. on' Thursday 61617111bg Websto he oft h1v 151- "4ket.' Vafr:�-T.. W6bg D4 wob� va -fapildly� develo�od into a WhIch filled.t M U where Miss'S.ordy Plighi, but it Pa.,' - . � . L'i ft L ", --itchen -�Gn' nusu, n'. t jr� e. "at'j'a After h, MWL", it � _4 k T k o 10 Pors l.4% thlit.tl)66 - is oftu V-01 St rdie, Teablign �as laid down, 1011,ving. 00 iinmediAel titl ed lit and the qui tly and.peacefolly. ster, 0 nsto U lbft­balo� A,4 1 :1 1 fire and large) A arin . P. �kT- intense* g , ff L m u, ire ice on. th lake L 'this yell 11 Me innon, v�ho has been selling the burdI ev 1jHM 9N'Tq .it ' !OL 11 mo arto ' TyVal loved h6r go FARM ST00X It 1 1, .. . -i plements, etc,, for W. 0. Andrew tO*tho4e a174, as brwade was pritioptly hand 'R06"N, It 20, Con. MAOLN) 111111.11sh, iii I u clock oft jj&rqjoSolatjoo,, thi� hope of Meet_ j. Ife-Ayy, than. therre eii for. 50 ieare of e no, -4it� , en Mth", 1% 'kv uln tier. W at 9* 9 _J3., Mardie, R n1dah—M u ft tiliq Ulng_ 2qKefl %VSW - - here VIA 2P F hing I Wl V �df April '66, donsttuction of builak r, ill this q a a 5�j Or, lit P'" M ithiiir. t, i 0, ealth qV6 "Vel neit. �s�its'kmwbut- on the n i attAi '01, Acleoull W, 1. %`bbb; iGoil- S ts for 9 p Tteleliml J� khttvb,42 Ale, fire 1) �Jlc I d---', r-- 8) t, 71 lges. uL & tea way a we Sol), es, YL being, out of 61 inl. and ,Ain jjorlt,,e� tile C T. INN 0, HA D is6n has given up hir pot ition gpdken fh�lthe, glad 8linghine Ever- ator N-Mghbofi and qoNvey, H. B) itist(+1 miss D*V* 1�, o b(i n -.J[, ]r A a w, was tarfica n 0 In lift, Hill's gi,oceiy and is succoeded b . o tough , an. re. haj, bc*,n foi- n, �v lastitig, Dily, . Nlts.' Lrxk-fimt was one,, the 'firernen gtil:&eede ;in gettritig out �Nj N"ards, 1,66know, oti Saturday, y hop e, - Miss Carrie Ged&L Miss: Davis'on and who,- be6anqq oj jg�a,4ntjj(,n e.,,p. teally all 'the furniture, -but. the, McQuillin,�A, .�R . obinson, aL 2 o'61ock years, Ah--alow 1-9U, _ L - p -_� a b r ttact, Mortises were losom' to - softio extent. Jr., 11­ExcejLjejIt----�A, 'JUgo0j., ljre� _,I' j'l j� (Mv tit t1lus, Thinking 4 or).4ta litio it "�tion'to. do all' western provinees� a, to A da f rio Vd. th- Y�-ai' L a w week ads k 6 inooths'erc4it or$ iver 6eia, 11"'atIT11101 o Blood kqyr1lr,* 'It'll w6lj it, ildrow, M, M Lean, D. for,cash' sey. Vows with cg�jr Or r ��illi boUlif �nd 'a dig U Stuart tt'JeAl� vilotforoll, trva tioftjf� hk li ttill'' t6 thie a, position, A c kitide of 'repairing ..Mrs. ofilleth fornied fireindo weht.tlitheir llonie.q, but at 6:30' c e Dare A AftDonald. Pn If yon liko it got two llioili . f6r ere Mit It 11 A. ohogton, 'Good -A. Irwin k, 84d aiij dalloZi J)ut, willd �F. All ter, 0. � 11aebur w44wc. 3 'fell' r for Thell -ftewsofthb-deathof hor --,yro,p"ttjly, -underatibdirliz and utte'fr �.()�cladk, they' �v d r6' w `VV � W e b n Vidi omking 3 zi�id tj It. a I; bill i�6 fetaii%led to. tli�,' 'jIl�iqjdorjug fire I" AyMI!lfo1 110't otera ac sn' Ing' oy`- Mrs. Win. McDonald of Tirdeo, Man" f Oce On fr nud tinned , jut, t* Q,,Thqi�p8Qn;-. AtisUl '866rh Pat oU lost WA e .amp d4ligh . r on. -as coinpleto y ruin6d. Mr. er. -W and the blow of -'t -h 6, a : , �l . Marglf6t reAdi, t h tiolve' of - ' - Ch rk"`T .is lin6 'Will '6 MdLcAw -Nms, una to :of her eod­ W-Jeceas e*dL was, A­dqughter a h j.5 AV a's bit M Fi%u.oll. p te s illfiess tho hhn Grahain, se W Cl d Rooxt We� s6ld tit T to heavier oil that Account, Of jjjr ftild_ ff 'It" careinthomarkettobu. ClTldof.��woeto� r A, nl4g' and was inarried. five� Yd�rs� lliinteHiad $400 i bf this f as; 6 ygo Th i ry * the -b cethg &,so 0 - the ring, which, lIpwever".il�ill goartely, qo,v6r E, so-ur, At the higfics"t i wt, i rie.e. W jjk6'to Onias ]ReSideS "lirpil ' ., ha� Sr. Ill vcolient�B. Blair, 0 -Mc� �l 6', 1 ItWo, cans reato eAch patroll'. pay ail 0Xpre,'k, best 6f '4oiults along A An . eve r ning L with J, W. narl� .. ft ­' . JL)' 'L, L Torontalor, among cArto -ice-each nionth. tV .4 9 'hogband.two little etildren,--�opu* aged the loss; "tile M6,et-ises, Nvho AM. an 1) 1, Thonipson, NIL Begley, A. Alfon,� 'thar9b,", pay tW thl fine Oql�t� is an oppbr-. two and C6 otfiei- f6ur, and the &�,*M IlleV. u6fi andr in r,ttller p6' r it' lic-liell, T. Sti -cafft Any ddy ill t6e WALT it !IV N t4o 10 OtJ14�0. 'f th ,Ia I )it H. able lit, par. V�pccivc ci Dr,op ill- 0 0 e est enelt 0, ,tyt reorejVe�d T14' Y. UX. A, ttmitj� worth whil Good ­W. Scott R'Neleaven, A, BT -1r, il�Ock, t fther�n there tai -e tort ourin thpathy 1� L" EA: ta C1011011 to Alit, NJ tp, ni .ea, haire intich publicsy ',jt c jo e;lt f, .1fid4&neml war. Ias godnobd a date from him for Friday in 0 oar LliNi*l6rV A ti-il, the l6s4bf th.eir deat onc list( 1p.�Iilwoall - I .0�- Lucknow OrcliestralluXtiteud- n m, C. the 17th., Alrg, i J,Pj . Eleanor Fair -G. McDon. 4 - 0 L 0. hi�� all E#erybo4y,d'.JmC, Be ((:j of La All 's q -by parc�] poat 'I t'- attolided. mootin a 1) 0 ntq and five ti ep A arge y I �f ta y ih post paid A n ease 'U.4 pjjjaj®�­ P'llper 0 -ditors "crVon-J)" -'S j N 'tice re S l6cdaw"- &116 to dig tigus, on -he 6t P n the inatter bf thevatate of Jolla. P:,,, 11.0 tif'SqSkatoon; W'I arin.,,, f . . ...... !y . 6 'ith, N' 9decossNifty. tr ted W, q. April' 7tb­ F .1 C commod I Wi'�r,ipe�,4 and, t '11'. 61' a] f P. .In t'L Ore.' Ell h. me- !Ptit4)le Ornve tut, Week, -18 "k, A AtlyL Pkir y *0 'S" a k, 0'isf bLd ai j Logan �S Goqj 1111ttle' kideirl' Al�dre%v the. Townsbip of f5zio; Janies,'of nn &e faval of the Imildhig: 6f: t 04 �4 'J'V�s IV ' t�ijj()t4� � J`L slifielifill the Py 111gli se�llool and'soc Iljiw . . .... 1. 'TO'h6wo , , A, 'ottfIty.of 11 ANIO I abo* Caiti, �"L Hetired.F rill -L I 6 *bo also,:: rove 'vis� I Alerjdelgon,, a e qed:. ' � to be ereci;a-durIfi& the suillinoev. ditte Unjily thcro 'at I -A Misq Ali Oill of plurvile Q J�hbgo f, decea, ;0'% gn w _(,.)l f IlAt kj j ijet'S ftlhl� Nil M.0jj N A 'ff W-14rd, A - o' G� Ratliwi�.Jj, Harata Ntotico �oti,g , m6firu, r4". Held, thi'd W.cek,L ail, aldis or 11mrafido, AgMilfql tl,(, lftfi�. ARP OF HA K8 "140d 6yataft -of br .0, gi g -da Mkthes6n,o0"ticiii gail, 1[* 8. John,F. Indrew.., wr io* dictl on o 'Aom, tilt, % 0, M" tie A, $iea�han J, Atiiiot�otlg T N� 801r)fifit afid 4do,look'bac aPd toi tl to "lilright spof I ' "i 0 blgV I(). iiji V0110 w'oujet 9, bect Red -ber Atiftijw UP,; A. is, -ekley wish to exj�tess theie Alticew of sweet und jjj.cffibry�, and' then' im. K s. ele�,cntli A�ipf FoA)�linrvl A, 11'. 1 I 'to their friends and foinia- h( ',, arin ' g the, "'That ye s000* not to those, vi-4ti#g- 1r16 g oil t,6 fjj(� aivot, 'C' f.il40 Townshipot Ashtloltl il e thankg r r neIg �60,)t I V J)N-J)'ot Pfkt):ljdr6l,(jCjjj,0r I ftfd're�jiih1c(j to seod hfield who without hop(-."', Ye turn follow.ing -spont , td'tfrd.jljj(le�.qjgjl(,.(j, � G 0 Id , N t V d a I i so recy gave aqAis� liol.dill tor JanAij 'on, Ty of i i , 't. e ti I the, ��jlj or. the the Mijvf f.Aqp&..wrj'jh p, jt,h'8-eVP 1. Kle, Friday with% her (tie) tie, oo tile Jolin F. �ftdfov, tileil- tab th me,of, their recent loss by h ec0n., G-d pialio rugs ha 0 it core 'a", or Val io" w Citrk, 0aillin, F. Aitc'li T e a, Pnd tht, Th a) �jt'inioj abi5vor d' 0100mg b fou'kh the, too , iiaine.,; And mid folf ily �",udrg ,d. t f e r,: 'J�'J�jfjngf lj,,jr (.'j�jjjjjs�(jjj c 64 lon't de�pairj,.bfttidk6 . a course of 8 81116� thdt Lind, let ]k -,obti WMp,(5l& 4f tbei Small T�'fj'j' niAll, J, Doa-la.4, 1, -.1 e�h i is t o n, J'D.' P0 c tl s o f t ll Olt of, M.11 io­ 11ilpi18 li,r6parkid foi e tr.hlobtl ly in e Ing, of ..e �66jj hill tops f 6 hotj With I ni('64tt)Lj$�Wiiekfo.j�', JNJ'e�111110f�g J.$'fartil held by tIle*jrj, mone Of fiesatme' t W, 1101vey, S. ll"olltlts�aild the of ill(' "'evol'Mv. 'jr� hi t'' Totoiito"Nllege, of Xftli. o ,pr1nuS(3L cr W �qyrv6rl!l y- ki i ffi a, � ole�Ven.' A."Gampbell, T. tilt) P'lls ogre wa t4t� I I be- liold :,At the' ifigtoWer� Ti of �tfiat 0 'ity "tible.lWi whict) he d ea "'g I P to glitter dfit6d f6t­tfie cooling year, Andtake*iiotic It o f cel, tile t at tho� t.� C d .90 �i�, C. 6ftwp6n, Me whr6.,qe 'Builder b.. aay of Api,il­4,. 11 4, -the -.161 os,,oviitt�r-.4 %gjrV,' rs:ity an(. !Big r( 11p, -hathb of Mrs Robt. I rie 6* Net 'b "th fodn4atioh We Weldo )t hot#, Ift pt-�Ocoti to d(st'l'illwite. t lit', 11,,�-kms � of, �bo �.A­ial M gr ir Makdf`iE hb. "-4 Murdi6 N, Ratltwell -,NY bavink �lr to,t',Ic elaiw�, (if �ibltlitht, W, 1A S a -9:30 o'clock. The -0'ro ... a i q6(t' 6hd'6h� Mitlfml he itti Thi; 08,6 A .6�,6 t vas i k D epi affil t1laf tjj�A, fo ndotill, jTjQj-jt'of p� Lper jallA jh#'allo, th tt�j6fl 1 0, �d e,.,;eoutor�,, me -ill ilot he liable foi: , lit sajil a,,kopj d'( oil it 45 natoraq, dotid&succo The, V f 16-ttute of liarn, B"; �tdLe.6d S. (.3'rough, W, t YowQta queAtion- -qalil t'on, d bato "Pte�,Mvo or tiny ilaft �Ilei-tof to 911% p,�rqo'w, rms r e t 10, V.0 lilirn thik*:0411 not-thell, 11 1,006i d'11 The 10 $o-& inatterltd T,# decid d Clot& E Aluo �i Ai tilt) sf�4iiU14*­1­11i Al - � intl8je. j*'h':dh, 1g.a 0 A %ron. ngll, Galit Afaweri re I()jjg an(i on I '&&S do F. mdGrogor,� I X re more, likrin-fillt *.LLPftjj' M", 6lb(fdo" (8 Mvon owii(plt to 1 do wU All Ri 11'r, 'il 10 "'' 1"' P044168" 11, wito, 168,06 est c4pau DO et thi. m 19- 1 Ife **m � 014 , Q� %V? V11 I , V Do t '' .4 4 ft to T 7 T 4AV-, - It Aw S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A� -44 A A naL