HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-03-26, Page 4"MB
• FRES sURveiri.
l e b t 15 too --"wet, eeld acidsour'"'y:
,DiAinage Will .r=egiamn . it and 'make it,
one of the hest fields gnithe farm.'
Drainage, does four' things: First, it
removes the surpla's' water and Makes it,
'Possible .to cultivate and seed ' about
three Weeks earlier in the spring,than.
on -the same land; when undrained.
nio,kes i`aout text to,.
fifteen degrees warmer ,thati.if act.c!xaiu
aid, and .this waxwt gereatnates the seed:.
;rer rly-and, ive4.a.-g.,u&stand'.of grain.
Therd17,. _xt lets;. tient' of it down to'.
urituntla STrititt
Vi.hiiiihed 'every ThurAday 'morning
MAR, 2Gth 1914
McKeumantOratnallave-heen much
a•tiqi 'WELL
Pogk'eYe Down.
A,Cantegie library ju completed
Wallert..ni will 1)0 Opsuu.4 this.
a'pogitiOn the.. *lice A.grieultnral
.lareilir to that ,village.
10,4i of...twouit,oy,,,,,bich.i.s, " necessary- tp the:, 04044144. Cleyerotnent, • whiCh .111.0an'un'.0thne.' p•Sr°.:-11.;i1e0Yher4llyThefErl''041.1,' :livaltet 'x .tatOt‘ilecaltveagmsy:aueltipavede oyfo4o,thvie; winileltlxonleys..i0.,Tihiciezwis4a0fWwomiz.70,s0,:tawhheiroahl,/ .10Qi141:0s.
, 'for.' ' tistS...4at3i." '',.4.1715',41.•,'''''Vt"tiittliSri it'.: neVer faila'a railway•coninany jn gine ot . streame; helow: .an Inland lake; '''''' give badk yopir ha6ley, . , . ,
ittakentlie_seit Attire po.rOna,tindAhis irt • . , , . . , , Rv..jcan, olive,,,,bil izinitujott. _00,41,41-'..s_ ..matithly,..:•Arrangementi are made, to_;_
'witiAtir fOritl•fei 401-ofthiiiT-orfslYs1P7'tittfq7or . . . 1 . , . • . , ' ePoepting that ' it- apaivnp . In iiery• which, thelign theY have long- ben...e1;,.:, tliq ojub.o.0 the evening .0f 44ieli 30.
,cne.., year. 'paYs ',for the. -drainage,: and..",
Atentlir :the imrease Or, cro in" to get` inot,e .,ca§b thisy04/•;;„i.,0 axo likcb. very • monde, and in the. (Seastung Of- '..f7a."1.,11,e,p1,,t:td-ytt,:t1;,:t:::ei.nit,?Iiiiaegi.5.0ribetiiii:.‘costlit,, ,,
. thre •y".e.o*:4.4,0ii,,,,..draija. age ,pays f , ., „Op t.e.n,hout forty million:1.k . each ether...and battlink itgalnet roc)dig tO Oirthiiig..else. in overcoming de.bilityi• lie Is going out West not . to preach, ,
' ..,03 per..,fit.., t4.10,0 peip ,popt„,„ vf:4/7 .annuna , : It,is said :that' there is likely to ,lie , a casca.des and' bnrriers; Their 'flesh ii iwoent)`,:neds4. s1.1111eillitabbeili;;Y•tb. t: itrevaele•afilit,re' r. • ,120.onvfir,‘,. iitii to ,.giai.,e., entertainments
tolireitiliAgoPtgaritictittilrotnii.:tat:.,'lef.JI:1,.!Zilievt.:11.kaish,:,ii-t:yon'u..„'.1 .1,.)4tre-04,rcl4:!..0-:,,cfp.rs,t.tlii4e1.)::-.138:9..,4aks.:.t§:4:6.01Fti.herara!o'..n1)je,. :::,,eeoe: 1:::kri::::::g.,4;ea.::',01,:, Pt:: a. till;i:itr: ,,k%v;p..,„vpita,rwill.no'Isfirit,1 d.041.7c:stiiiih,'„cre:4i0,4:ilt:etite:nget6nii:::176:::cl.';' ''''.°: jo.'. f..do,u,:n•ro'.:1,.,.,,:nit°1p1 :Etii. col ,E,I.tso:l'iti:lieet..,,i:1;i:s. ,t:lev;tt:,:::,,a...ti.:0714.,..:.,.,
Alleroughf'drainage., of".Ilie• -- land'. in I'S aileaa ,'Ope, 96(4 .,r4p.Opt in '.Willick ' l.y TdIelfialting. • It ' fops.' •-to Sra.iin.:' -..terea, kind ih'-tiiis• town ...,ottly r:by "us, , h.eny,. a.,f,,,..i}ii..er .of i.ttear, 11,61,,',it,'"; ad an
- rairelling ei_pelises .- iii ' Connection' .t;PP4;tr°T...____Or.ne_li,lit.,,,dt_ii:r.,07,tai t'i'(;1'6ttj:a,va''Ctire'tlit:tt:'T:).:..:T1.,I't.:.lsi-;reT;;;F..n;----'*,T;g--hn''''-,,4'. .,,,,..,1.,•:•t'i....p. :t,...t...::::;b'-4:3,";,4";1:1,':
• ler.iinlieatiOri..form, .,.. 7" ',. - OT building operations , ...Lifter hot -rowing. „ah 9. 11§.0.. .
1C‘r..TIME.' TABLE: -tion, ' :Tim .-. Work .WaS .then':sublet to
Wo.,203,--1.2;t5 P.: m. the .original •eoritractors-•MoKenite 'and
No:,2074,9ill.p. ni: !Mann -7 ---ti .sliek and -easy,- way, .:of gettieg:
ny brag Stoic
nig% Patent Me mines, .e
um Soo=
IFIltErF j with your;trst order (duriag h i+,
month) we -will' Include' Free.'a
„annkineinow OM_ Ali 'modern.
Wniand'Eridge WoriL Painless' extract.
010,)biflthe7uSe of ,-,the _'14t41141:pii3st,:‘aud
SONIN017.011.111.: ',Newest
-.1fer,iintiortiallnesef inStitiniee; Fire -and Life
gthiranteed. Only
teiddent agent in Lneknow of' the London
Whitual. kl'.:6;Xumber . of village, and farm
leg the_baltinconf g the week. all. work in.
wills.estates.4minsi etri.,, Will he attended -to
13y :Air.' Jeseph. Agnew,. tinder. ,Super
erense: Inc the Nerthwest,, awe. :Mae An*.
centiy.„.. Of 44 chatgeS of 'artirder, 12
he: LOntatio ,-"t-egislature:- has. been There.. were entered hy--the• Ipolice
iireseo.„. " ,. , , , . mi4 were tranips, heating their wile .
.....0.4dAw„:.:0Exkisotoltemouict:49,93, iniich". _road. navvies;- while :others:Still. have
'life end rig taiong to old age '
Thes-t:,;filfericir,--fieed•the,rierveS, aid:
.Druct,,,,Ists and Denicss or by mail: '8
slipping; gird- he reached -Tinder the
latachine to Put on some. dresSing, and
air article ,not -Satisfactory may be Returned.'
'than his aria eras Carried up th
WITH Aitoonuc. Vii.onAw."-A• Kin,
'„eat:clinemarideaerted,. :Wife' :and
faniily,' and eloped With ''•:thel4oung
a‘fiatiqiiti hal
ago; and:was'aupplied :with' 'hinds
NIgini-ivent-tolus'-ornunr and cora
the 'white stave traffic and of th' schemes' ,ptacedthe.'inuzile of Atot: gen agititiSt
th,t,,itt, the 'eanipaign'pfeeeding the eleCtiOn „On' Sent.. -3 'it;hel-atretigith„of the em
, . • • . . • and S72. horses This IS an in theall.foCillOhatitin;Ileiststle°'siltr;*_:‘ f70.714. thtet? W*ritoetik-.' 7kEttts-id..'8'.g61°i..47ito4.:1•Iitog
it -wotildstill he that Way if -*citing, was ',Of oiie. 'Officek and' fog 'Cr441EC"-
. Municipal 'Clectiona Ought la • he
.which are On the route .to the 'Che- ?ccuitetl.inpweri•Beliad•lait, A'
„.Sana :Cold • .Fielda in' , • !!';'• ' yotitig English ia einploYed
, ',pprottehed bt't a' total stranger *ad told
miX-le5thie7rst-, her: father Waii • in.: Torente _and:
on the French-. :side of the :Otinadian__:: -though7the. girl tlimight: her 'father:wail
: f414Peelleettere of -h1P-Arati-epeeeh .1'1 • 'entered her mind andahe made' arrange,
eniployed;•, tioweVer, learned the
enee, After the awk..4:04, 43.1101•606 tit Ortiffta-'1"16-es-Fkeliecame. suspicious: afar
had been -broken- and.th-wkeely-of, PreV,nited. the girl.gOinglkk Toronto as
and 'crossed over te ' the Liberal side; ''titinhitiOtt that .heet'en,Piirposed,coming.
',Where: Mr,, -.1.emieux was sitting... . ' Canada'. ThiS id 'the seCOMI °emir -.
wag.t.ft.-- '.1ct.' *ock,"'Whr,Wwas -retiee Of a kind' that Tina eaen try,
'then 'Sitting •for one ,Of, the, TetentO • cothe to:light ''a4a iupids-ut should
Constituencies. , • '' serve:as a warning td -girls and , women
-Was-yotti-LtIrst-attempt-i!nt44-yon 41d:
*nth earlier than.*t.Piekient„: Alt- the
.1!.P41 NPW Year festivities wOnld ',not'' he'
marted tile strife of an AeCtion.
itroker,4,:Life,.Fire,,,' Accident' Plate Glints
The Yiendk•eispeCially7t1M-Viiiith.. of
Parisi,..Seepa4,1oyai_the_iiiiiectaclular and
seneraticto-ibovek'justice Or 'anything
else The. treatnierit'"*CCOrded4ladant-
lending daily •paPers ratio. seyeteliy
him dead.'
yistate.MeneY,teloan on first and- -freacifid'
and johittitotes. :Fire insurance, In, for
.0. F. LuCknow.Lodge meets in the 'Odtliel:
Mall on the last Tuesday of each
month at 7.30 O'Clock, Visiting--brethernt
cordially -invited to attend. 11, Lhidsay,
A. , G.. It C. OM Dightiedgeniiiers
At any rate, she is being nytde very
-much of by of large eleinent in the city,
filie authorities, of course, are doing.
in the Oddfellows RalL ,re
cordially invited to attend. :Rec. b9cy., n, three rooms' .or. ,,,c,,ellsiJ--,one ..a, . bedroom,
feli-JWs' Sou. 3,1aster, WorkiIVII, J.. -.Ince.: when' they Coln mit murder'', ....
She is deluged with, li'Ouquets .of tiowerg,..
fruit -and hooka j 'for .„her , eittertatrunent,
&bent the 'Innat'prOnfineitt, -04, popular
Thougandsef anibitiotts young people are
fast preparing 'their awn .houies to occupy
may eollege if you .1t$ Witth.
'Akins guaranteed, Enter cellege ally day,
...Individual instruction. • Expert 'tekehers.
`Thirty year? einerreitee. Largest traiwitA
for teachers.
-listiociatiee of Caiiada.. summer School at
Geo, SpotioOt,' T. 'Merset
, 'President., Principal
. sound '...ilckets le; pointa is ;Manitoba; Al;
tette ilia Saskatchewan via Chicago; St. Pant
••, et' DeWitt, Ott sale' each TtiescleY• until' October
'12;. inClinive, it low rides, 'Though.
min' Tourist Sleepers 16. Wilimpeg on
-above dates; -- -Bert Ofitife fittr..: has l'ilifel.tWd '00e. the ,relative ntimber Of French •
Change Of car3.. • • the 'tarn' formerly owned .by 1).• ntigilin In Montreal in Pennell
AtitirtION' LIMIT, TWO MONTHS • 'On the Xth.,• 'con.: of antlAitts- Valetta:h. 1;634.,
'Itintif'S'atiofisiiii Ontario,. Ititigstont Ran- Com) .55s. weather b
coldest spells this Winter.. Manylarmera
.boght.tO look seriougy on their supply
:fodder holding out?' is 'a very n
-rittestirm these (lays,. No dna*. ,
salamis the early pioneers had :the- nd-
Vatititge hs, They. ,niti cut down. a
ont•to'browse on the sweet buds and
twigs Whith at,' this titqs....Should
tAttlina. •s.6'11.
• Willing to .i.Partielpsite.
meniber Of "sarlie.nient from Sundae,
'With nome neW Stories „gleaned from 'When he ie
hie constituency. Andy saya he re- Peal .gerdly With:gin errors; then;
made his now famous -speech at. •,So ineet him with a grin. '
JItOn. in which 'be *id down .n.:1144- For staitps...04 dO•nof trouble' him!
fortthe party; The, -7-His gera, froien stiff, ••-• • •
:letter Was..briet.oad_to.,,..tke_imint.-,rtin,- -Refute tn-hatalle
• tilleter IS in favor of .fren food. SO .".°11cYl•fhlw0f-11(nhdeleialetljth*:•'!Ail4t6,1fetf26:rieei"•-•7
Of flotir and a. side: or park,' free: If Then Ship Win on ii• bit and say.' ,
Then here's 4) deerges rural mail;•
the man -.-aitchrreice-the stornq
Who' „grips the grim nOrthiastern gale
And whacks his iCe-hoUnd form.
,-,"Whiskers," S'inicoe Reformer.
He flbantlerk dovvn the frozen trail,
Bnentlian iron sky, -
Per farmer folk must have their mail
-To While the longnights by,
!lay after day, he plugs along,-
-Monotonous his round.
Through storm and stress, he -chirps his
- Enquiry
-date, a relative •tif" '04 of the 'present
ronto. •
One canvass against hint Ifita -that .
Jas. McLeod:and his lady started for -be, Wa-sa"heti-itifidel, and in. tile eitiirse
ent, who -possessed a rather • shady
business., reputation, shouted f k'YO11
"Then why have' 'yeti ,•terted the
deVil all, your lite t
waiting forthe "rue', hut' King Frost
anti Mra, •Mcp•000ll spent very
pleaiant afternoon with/Miss It Mc -
Miss Jeari• itoustbn, on tie .6th, eOn.e,
tit VO.00 pee Minim, .4,ha rteoe on
her long trip next Wednesday..
More Than two To One. ,
Deducting' ;the. foreign element,
Ifrom stations in Ontario Di Certain point's
k. in Alberta, British Columbia , Ca itortila,
Otegon, WaShisigten, etc. ON SALE
APitlf, 15, Inclusive.
.Fall partictilarS at all Grand T.Trunk
ticket effietes sarVe C. E. Hooding, D.
flo 144111101; 40041 Agent, •
Eighth Con. Kinlosi
-7-Mendoy;'..11areli 23:
Miss Annie 13ell spent a few days. last
Week at her hpthe on the ;
and Miss Patterson' of Hanover
are Viaitin,s; their mint,: Mrs, Thos, Cul-
' our timid bactielor•is frequently seen
,going Easti .IVAeetus that sweet *teen
tune to be 'kicked in the ohest hy a
- A inimberfrom here. Went West' ilia
young people of:Onlynnd 'on 'Wednesday
rrhe SentitiA -;nlis with- prad- West" a f t er. spending P, week with -relative*
ticlally all the Canadian 'city pttb-.
cluhbing basis. The liSt is• tong .,N, sin' EARLY CD/CiCENS:--Mr. And -
and onr spaCe is valuable', bait te:w .H9:11111°11 bad a t4a 'hatC11 6f el"e4
opiolittions will- 4 gladly gisvon, tn: niico-en a. hatchet.. Out 'of] a setting of
anyone and :net. &M. save: you barred ,rocle. eggs One do kat Week,
noney eirery tithe. ' twin if yoa Spring ninst bti coining ionn, .. • .'
ate not. a KiliSeriber to the Senti- The Social Cirele. ,. met at 'Mr,. Toni
1,61 (whidii is nid, likely) you' can 'Onlbert's oil Monday biniiiimg, theft he
, 4,;et Outside' publications' ,ehettpet , "katfe it, party in ' hento• , of 'his `nqpiiew.....,
Ciieninstanees' and. well and flivnialit3;
n'aineil :Lillian 'Horn, Who at present.
being. held In custody at ;Windsor 'ottaL
Of Migration at OttaWo,. who'
;:itiOisted in rhe arriat; ,, woman.
*.:(ineStion, is Married and hasAlikeeelvild,-•
while .ber husband pluin her eh).
*veil , Detroit: Tate haS. had a
atio:,114,k..116:01'S.7.11-onsehoici:gdaifs are
12,N;v earetit,•e.to-that village. 'The pa -ie
oner iras-iaken td. stand
Whin spent.. ett-hotne reacts ,
benefits with unceasing general
'with ,the honi4 merchants it is, a, 'messenger of
continuous benefit. Pusiness_men should-aatike-'-
and make a bid for it by Judicious adyertisina. "
PRING *tire's painting time. She tints
the trees with staft-green leaves: She colorse•
the fields With glowing,flowers. And sets us
the example of brightnesi acid cheerfulness which
we should follow in putting our homes hi keeping'
Spring ,timei, painting thn
We have a Intl line of Mattint,SenOut4' Pal ts
,Stains, Vainishes. and Finishes, fOr tevaintine he-,
:Agit** rot .1vittnishing the floors, and-
- akii*.tk‘whplellousesp,*.and span.
:6 4re-readY to •paint,-,8yej
he 'tight kfitd PAint all teat* i.OptSe:f