HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-03-19, Page 5_Thtsiakt, NIT*
'S SNP, O.,
The. :following istt.• Ar
' :Those marked (*) niseked 'exansina,„'
Sr, IN :--C. Framr, Of •
Sr. Vic,ree,
• _Spence eJir
0t . ',;(ihnTs..ten. • *Poppet. .
lizite.Prennan. • ,
Jr. Ty verg106-1,
•• 46t,t,.Mariory 'Johnston, Lorne Famish, •
*R4uisten .*JainLittle.•
7- :-.400-18-„EiL04#41, PesKe
tiet.41 • -.•• • • • •
Pt.;'Jir.-Albert Mton
• •Nntisber;'on.rell,,,7-2;5, °average ' 0a-itend-
, anee; 16.• , • .• 'I, •
Those ed-(*) Were .00.60 for one
.. or •triore...eicachs,!, • •• ,-" • !..-• •
• ....,.;ala,reto1_,;,0ic
Tb f11Wrngiiithereport'', errlaVif"
. , • ".
,ify.auct Februar' The minima are in,
-•rsedy, Annie Kedy, te tt
' • , •
. Jeivitt,,, Annie Kers
We_ honestly beljeye we have the. best remedy in the World for indigestion,
aid - dYspefisi'a;. We urge you to try it at our risk,if it doesn't
ou=as ;Nye feel sure it will --we'll give ba,e1c,. 'yourmoney iyilbout a wof
ou 4nOw us -=--your
we believe 11. to be better - than any other to relipve the 4ilo3ent for whiat it is made, and when we
_ prosve.:_onif fa itkin it . and our sine.e.ritY tov.V4c1,7:' you ''Jj'Y-'",:_Pr-OlniSlig to give baPIC
406-Ket relieve you itod ;IVevery way s4tisfStr:lyou,you have no--POsible'.',exense for, doubt ,pvtio,$* tion: •
are, we honestly kselieve,-,the.best rerne
: $ '
e now They're Co
made for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all
elays Are Dan el
u Risk klopiey
• • •
Resell Dyspepsia Tablets, ia addition Don't neglect indigestion, for it 'fre-
te-1:ither-itigredients,--cOntain-Pepain-tual- -upiently leads-toall sorts,of-illii-and-norw,-
Bisnaith,:two great digestive aids used by •plicatione: The 'Pain and discOmfort is •
the entire, . medical professfonThe not the meit iiiiforgUnfite Part, !The feet
oothel-tlie;infiliaped-s,tonniehi-eheek-the-- (fiat -
heartburn and distress:, ri ht, the 'material; needed .to repair the
:hiiiifEby---seeretiiiiiri-of---lbe-gaitrie4dee,- -watu -UrLt are- c,�Lcn yta
ad ia rsgslid and: .e4iTifor.4i.hli-digestioji Ihbdys n4•1iTelr,t-raiT4rCto7-th•Thlde-fd
of the food and'Ii-efp:IO• quickly. e.00irert- either=in'ilse 'p&p& cuudition • or fast
' it into rub red blood, 'and thereby into enougli',i's Inv more sCrioni. .isZothing
11eshbone -and _wuseleThey_relieve will us olOi•6•frofible thao,f/4ohl•lal,11,Y
stornaeh ••distress Proniptly, and, used atomaeli. The51ne; fok,Of
-••eOhly`fOf-lrLg'll-OR--;11V37e,Ilkisit-to- i-L--',-atrenfith,-,-Aritl energy,
s,tore, .the stomach ,to a coinfortable, tonne,,.headaches and scores. of. Other
easy -acting; healthy state. They aid ,seriOds ailthents righlt from thefailure
greatly to promote regular bowel; action': • of the stomapli, to property do its
Our Willingness tolaiie Yon use Re;call,
,D_yspupsia.•Tablets....eUtirely af our- risk.;
-proves our :•faitli: in...thern..„-:-.114 always,
'• sell Iliern. WaYi 'and it is, bc....eause
Twe-lMow÷that, -thek-have-greatly--ber7,"
efitsd 'scores .of sufferers: .,to wborn
.,Thwes_no4ftd., •
.140s0•-abt. our:..guaraattee...• inelice•
justhat i- says., . you 'my
..YoUrzaVord.:6 enough f�rus.WekBow
that„when they •hel.n .yau.,:yeir:ivill•tori.
had'eost You 'ten:times as, kntieb......Ifthey ,
don't. help.- you; the, money. YO.0: paid for7
them isiolita, adW.0 want yoictrilinVe
Sold Onlyat the more than 7,900!Sexisi:stares-ihe 'World's Orontest Drug stareti.:In cwI1enIent boxos-throosizos 25c. 50c, $1 OU
iicid'Tah 6th and ntlirlcr
.11 'Ail Satiniday March 1,4 .we vid ill _offer two jts
,en's 41017
to let 1),4,”, by w,ilhout-investikating,..
, •
11-in•Iff.:Eine Shoes. I..
, , . „ -
, -ori-patent-blitt: 'and blueber Gun Metal and 4.cJ
in, veh- 7:ca1f also-, Vsel Kiit.lathewitriveica.
•odociyoar ',Reg pricks... year. welt. • Thee boots were
. 'Keret $100, 4.50 and .40 :-:extr,00v4lue at 3 56 and,
Pe_ 003-Priee'fik.., 0
1)"-.k3PPi'4.1)rice.lor $2 '60'
8 .dUrk .nt ' ger oar' at per ..pair": ".
.of these shoe ,are lined throughout':
• --1-3JelltrIONtr,70Nit.
Jr.....111',..(A)':•,,,4•Jaelt -Middleton John
. Gantrt,7,0m..,tta Rtidsdn;-'.Syanoy, ;value,
• John Gillies, Patricli•MeMillaii Maggie:
. 'Tan; Cecelia 'CrOwstop, dit1r Gaunt; .
(B) -Edgar .Osiunt,- Laura',
,•jean:'Oillieif.,.0eorge:.--Kerinedy,• Harold
Dawion„ Veronica MCMillan. •
. Jr: II:,---4fae.leWitt,, 'Joe Gaunt • --•
..Ft: • 11,.•,George: ...briSkieri • :jet*, Ii,epn
Ruth 'MacLean,
MacDonald. : • ,•
1 :.,-41e1en.lpa.wson, John. Macid,
tvre;.01 is,'e -liennedy;0-Charli6Olieese;
'Grant ,McLean,. Evelyn Oannt; grace:,
'Je-witt, Oertie Gantit. . .
., I! ---Kenneth Macli,enzie,,- Miry
MacK•er4iPeorge MacDonald. ' • ..,
•• .The puPils• in third;
classeS Were examined, in :Orairimar; Lit, •
lTiThrf the ccond ciaes
exeept Grainnia6 and the first,. ClasS :in
Arithmetic: and,Spelling -only: re-
, For second.,clats total marks were
450;. pass- 274; tionora .
-Maggie' --Taaidlaw-,--36,41-Ethel-CloW,
"Sr.. •F=•Nellie r O'Callaghan, ,09.;
' Leola Naylor, - -
• a tie -And -A -half -million teet-ef-iega-iNeediess-.--,--.Use+ar-slas-7--Sage-t
. . • Notii that Parisian: Sage cn ie 1I1 at:
Oo J,:fi
to Frittle, Matted,. stringy' .or,
erten • has .been :!appainted :County ,
• Judge et -ale ei5UntY °f-Lwnarir• • the hairhow badly it is •fallingi..oc bow
' .1.,nmilet;r4 were. at • work last week much dandruff. 'PariSiari Sam.; fa' all that
. . ;.rutshecl: into the scalp u -ill .do Wriuders:-•
.--ft'-pte-aration rec,nar orimprovernent. . - • . -- •-• •,---;•." -:.
it acts like magic. i be nair rocitrita
iiit'llt.nni,,,pr Bricliqjind.:11. iiilbt.Co..., • nesuished ,h(t.stitniirated• lo:._ grow_ new
-.7. 70U-iciii:Ceileditrie$• relitirj366iiit d'.fho.-.1:air, itching:.:scalp-,:dandruff*i.1....•:.falling:
.,e..ntifict., for ; 1.1., , building of a :. big hair cease- your head feels fine; Best of
all the bair become4. soft fluffy.
----t7-77.--, '.-7-areel-bridge. in S'!-tp.P.,edli. .,*-.17-L,--t-, , , .
dant and 'radiant "with ..1 if;' and -besititY. .
Mayor P4 itchell and:Reeve. Hunter ' , Non will be, surprised and „ delighted
• .of Kineardine-,' give an 'entertainment :with Pa.risian Sage. TrY at least•one. fifty
Tirtite-TON"filiartiffltre-i. 3--rdrant-of-t-h-e--',-'-r-e-Ut.l?u4lt,ktu.ftl-JiArsnot.rong..
, will refund' the •purchase prree if you are
.I6th • to •'w hiehr. the; electors of.' t nu net. satisfied... •
t,"•.rwri -.slid. "thiiii WiYeti. Were inVited.!• •
•The iffikir took: the form of a banquet.. , , . Slafeking ..
. .
• Charles - and Leo 13i Milian, hotet.
• '
• wefl
at k;ncardiee dying•-ki tiiiiiitary Work is needed.' Frecittu!APPl.iiiatioxis and
.O keopees, 'Of Mriklinay, 7 '30eti‘ -recently .
etch fiiied and costs for having
sold 'liquor' to: ininors. _yip-t4,i's
Were from • Walker -on and theyhad...
iakeli ine,re than - -viaa go14.151' •
' -• •
Catch.: .1..lnArit CA'nuotic•
ibout the house on Wnesday.
O afternoon,' the twri year-old clatighter
Of M.r. and 1110s. S llornSehAvandt:of
the .S.outh IVA 4.).tit„.6
•,, • a chair anek.tObk ti; bettlerof-carboliC
ncid, off the bureau, •-rcii-d,i
,pen.ieerled drinlc tile' poison,. , At, ;
....lea...ate...I 1,v. th-u umeatuu.,,70e_tht,yottng
titer, the pliFentifliurrierl-"to '
•O and four' • the •child's • mont!i, throat
and chin terribly burrie'l hy_tfie
D. Hall,. `11)111( t?ely. SLI
rimed by plsorieh.found the child c(in •
villsed 'with agony and in a most crit -
O - ik.ltibough ° every thing
ilotio retie've .the aitit_e=
tr, the 'cliilds• r.iidovery is „sti I miO l..
certain. Ok$ riliSh.4)8 of -this kind 'are
of frequent, occurrence and a re usn'ally
• attended with f stal results, .paresits
• • ---,Monday, MarCh'.16th..":
s Miss Ella lIasty of Dungannon,' Spent
-the week -end with her,sister, Mr's. J.olin
-----MTs.,-•-Stotl,iertiatuf-MiSs4euie-v,isit eft
Mr. and Mts.' 1. Andrew, '4ion; one day
11tiss•Baryl-JOhnsten visited -her -aunt,.,
Mrs. Albert Alton at',,Belfast Saturday
and Sunday. . • • •
Win: Itenrit Wsis'Itivo&d'41tcheauti-'"
,hatl:articabssfttl . • . • '
Tho. eiatid Iitss 'Or
visited Mr. and 111,,s, ...James 'Webster
tilel(WieW., Saturday
The maple Syrup season is here Again,
, Will Finlay has tapped a large number
cif .trees:• This should hi a good seas.
-- Thakds i•,ongregation
sented a•C, the dObato -at Crowe d n -Y
evening between inenibers • r•.if the Blake
league- iii 1-MisseS Rae Stotliers and
Hazel Retry and •1-1,:lchard Johnston
agkiist Messrs.' B. Treierven, -Cooper
and ft. T.ho.--subJeCt. "Ilesolved
that ItieheS' is the•catise of more clinic
y ,
h .Pevert " Was well ,debsted.:O The'l
• £ 1 i • 1 • As &Nei
otlinake's league who hail iiegz.ttiVe!
.decision o, t ip
. . •
•c Mrs: John-Oulhert Mrs. Fred
'Ininistorcentni -Say: • • •
- John Culbert was
Kintirdilie.,this week, . •
• Mrs. Kenny Finlayson and son•visited
---hergather-,-GeOrgellArris, on . Sand:47'
MisS'Eimna ACkert Crite-tained a few
of herpfriends on Wedisseflay) evening.
• .:M.r..st•-..klUriliiik,'Ilcriterseri...visitedrisPr
sister.. 4rft, Win,....thilnert,., who is
on:Avedtiesdky..-. 2 -h -
O *Leslie and Myrtle Congram 'fisitied
_their' under:Thos.- -Co n gront=uf ))'-ipg=
hani last week. "
We are glad to see' °Angui McPherson
• in our midst aosirs..:. stnyiug_wifh.
Is tirothe'r-Mnidneli McPherson, •
• .
040001$1A~1011.14911 •
w Sewing Machines
ratitford Cotters
dairrts Wa ons
,ls,Tewinan, 366; Earnest Morrison, 356.
Igs-Pear .---IsNi-Wis•Visiting Mrs. lir Laidlaw,
• . • lViisses:-Antifi',':`-arid SYd• neY •,"Maliiii-(;
.7.,•spent Wad'nesday -eveningat ,c'e.'e.s_sf.t.'..i.... den, 2Ait.:. ..
' Everett, 131,-, -- islet*
.. , .
: • Milos and 1111se'.-Margaret. Mci‘li110'• Thompson; 10f:oe;,.,?: r 0 , . . : , .,
••--W4Oe'rd13-1,-"elle PlarariisT6rtehswItla,y;aafteer.rYn'n(Ss'n11.
: Ai :...4q..Ac_p,.._ 7:ii.,618r1Ardtio;:,6,..:1,231,ege'rEi:Yils`gnEftif:itio,tm'cltpoilf4,01:•1,011;.,_.Sta.00:1::_:
Do otlly-1.• ought04, 1•8 , '
• • -ft5V j. l're and, Mrs:: Stewart ;Visited .1,e1,1iii_
-•••Wkilase:sthiy afteriseeri- at .. tins -lisnate-°0f -. ary----- ggie La -frit -0;w,-- -14.41le O'Oillagb,.•
-O ---60,17:,t-1--. Moffat: . . •.., :•, " an, :roe O'qs'llagba,n, Earnest •Morrison,
.1., . 'A,Yiumbet_frorn a.roun.dlieit_at‘erae.d OnticlenIMCGee, Cassie. Morrison. ....• ___
the wood -bee at •Reuben Tillill'S oti ' Sat- • ...,Perfeet attendance for ,inoifth of Feb':
1 tirday.afternorm. , . - ' • -: .. rtuirt- 111aggie Laidlaw, Ethel. • Clew,
1 'carload of „'PercY'Evel'6*.Vikige.-3.1-ottliblifilbi,r-..
Earnest., Morrison, Annie 7.. Morrison,'
1 ' Jas -Caesar left' 'last :Wednesday „tor'
1 1.,,,16, horses.,x6fiiii.l.60 .i.;,........tbe iviist.- ,Iiit Everett,,TEIginTurdo,rs,„.: •. .'
, •-SaitirdaY, Lift& spending . a . couple• ., cif ' • , • E. Blehlt TeaCher. ,
have returned to Lucknow., ' • • 326'; Alden :Pardon; 3:19-; :Floret* -Ptir.•••
_Pied on_Mond M,arch 9th, Harold
diay.tuou4,infant;Son -of Mr. and- Airs.
Thos Rarris,age one month, nine days.
M Lich skin pat bY is eXtended to the
pints in their, blireasement.
'and put, detelly -Owens beyond the
side of fhe stitiser t. Crewe' league con,
teaels of Chit Iren.--Truce T Ines. tributed number of interesting num-
• Anusgn ths. n4. -The • Brime• burs
to the progiramnie and a Very plea"t.,'
T.imet of Walkerton reporte *the. 'f0-116- alit e venirig. was a pe n Other debate
ing:--Cliargod with avsaulfing -Ins will be held betwii,sn the same leag,ties
wife and, do'ng -her at 111-ak.0-"thureir, April ard..•
Charles Wati arrested tit lii's fail to make a te rot the oeVasion.
home in Rivets a e y
d Constablelos,' •
Arinstrong and brotiglit on Wierluest..
.• ' aa.vtifteetionn to Walkerton, vs,liere
• Watitrizah,imei -before Magistrate Tot,
ton and granted hit-liberty-
ing LIaIL fe t100 to appear' here for
ttiat. �i Jrsday Aftortio6n, al .
eelordr.., • ffis Nike, Olio prior teller
..iti.iarrhige'-ibOuti• two. yeat.i ago,! was
Myttle • 'Di y1.0„ • elaitns -her
ter, Anct..
on.SutidaY night he knoeked tir..
• tioVon. .outtide. Che hdl18d Andre:1'61A
. her .re,etitor toi . her elothet,
• .• he went ;OVet. to . the home of
pioutits,.1. Me, toui 1I r Alt,y6ift-.Tity'16t,
O .Wildf0. slid 0811141MA • daft Tild'srlay
pighti 'when in ,. boat fiany With Ce,w
dauvd a. Wifiraftf, to be
r` -Stnitty for -her Ititsbatd's •arreSf,
toth .igo.v:A66 as 518) .ifigno4 tpt
O -":tfie Noway...of the elothee,
• *Mac the CotiotiVe 41O 40 ateettted
0110. WOO Otti4epttoo4.,
• '
.• ,•• • .
Alilit:McMillat left hiat Saturday frit; ' tielyrOof!
months at his horne here. ,
.visited- nt
Gull. Lake,•Sask; after 'sliending a'eouple. .11.11badltrinnsVainitTv:ilitro*therfricnds
eek. of morals at his house here.
Ejghth.Con. Litifross At the C...6. F Initiation which.. was
• • Whitechurch
„ • • • -bel-d:aftlieir Wemesday •
,verling six new 'belt were „added,.
;pring Uoods Arrivrng
-are now on hand:. :47'...,,hat'ye Grafton's; 33:r4u,.s
- •
t'g centS_per yard and the best (platy,
at ---
popular prices: '
-Special blaek,silk .36
We ha good assortniattt-of T.adies-Suit-s;
Skirts and S.pring (.::oats just..
. ,
:Miss, Mueller: is .nOw prieparrno• for
...Spring Millinery •opening, of wc'hich
'anne pricer/1.mi t_ w ill_ ... be giv n next
week '-'Any-orderi, reeftive prtnniot -ar---
tenitpn from now on:
.• .
We take Butter and Eggs--
better after hee shipt illness, -Tuesday, March
We underStood rthoa„ ElJ4t -StrrbineRisitsz mid A, Ak.
Fred Cleddes' rrn Wednesday df this .• --",k-1 '1. ' " Canifbell-gielit-Randay
0\I-Ofiat • MeIntyre 1)
ThL1 1. J. -McDonald is „visiting :Ins. sister,.•
Kenzie. There are • now 'six.V-three
Mr,: and Ertl, • Visited ati loonibers irs . the. Society. here.' . Mrs„ - • , • , •
... ge crow was 'present • six • t
week. •
the -young and fair attended
Noung,,Peoplu's-anceting4 last--thursclity-L."11e"lc)SIV "41:4- • .
eveinuEli I be lea.der • tor the evening
--Was-sTeM-Moffati'whd- gave a splendid
'pour on to ,prevent Poverty:"
%Miss Mary Verguton told the story of
Lazarus and the rich Mali, Other,good
papers were given by a inimber of those
pr6erit'' The topic for nod, Thursday
e vening is "Well -stored Meineriest" The
leader 18 ,1Slis8 Janet Reid.
MiSS Witt.% INkitilAt ant the ,vi,eilt
John,iRotno2.,,ZsAltince- Friday ,evenitig kind end at lier 6114; - - c'-':-''' - • : •-•'•''."
all •report 'a geod :tin* ' " `, •Cfeo.'Mealeneglian left foe. NPePitAli°,
A fnunher frointhis linzattendert the Man, last TuesdaimOrning. .
NrO(itiligiA. Promenade iii the, Veeswater .11tiis'lltiby.,Xixon, of tile -know, 'was
rink on i•Fliday eYening and were Well ,irisiting her sister, Mrs. K. Paterson, 11181.
Satisfied.. -
• week, • •
. . • .•
-and. M rs.. jas. „N.V.'hY trick 'of, the Ath
. MisS Magee:Garton, of Dlingarinon,
cdti. and Mr. and Ars; Jas Reid from has been spending. a few days at lig,
Teesivater, ,ited, at Geo. Steers cit home.
Thursd4C'verring 'of last -week,
Fordyce.„1 . •
-1'nesday, March 17th
• -MT. find Itesi-Ttltkie‘r-visi-ted -in -Kin,
•loss' last week.
A. Haggett, of Elyth; spent a few
days iyith his sist4r, Mrs. S Taylor,
Miss Shaw spent Sunday with her
L.friend„Miss V„dtut Woods, $t
Mr. Miller is at present, cutting • web -a: -
fel. J. Turi,gr with his ga.oline ori Inc.
• Mondo, March 16th
• • Mi88 Sage Coke is visiting. %ticking
friends. •
Mrs; Wm. ititehie,si. 'teturned hoine.
'from theiWest, oil Thut844.- • r°.
Mrs, ' • Little -visited her s;s64,:.
lira. Albert Heim a fetv• days last week.
-gra, Wm. Stothers• . and 'daughter
Jessie .vis:ited atisaac Aintrew's Sunday,
Mr.' and Mrs', John HAM' • and daugh-
ter Mary,. visited at Anon 'natal's lat
Oe'ele, • „ • • - „ •
Mt. andUri, Alitert,ttifinotit.ertahiA
a number Of their frirtichi On. :Thursday>,
evening. • ' e •
...,Mo,.44aies 1114 t0i0
Garetnetyitited atlitaberalehro.,..one
day last week. • • .
• Mr, 'and 1ti'80 Jeskyli, Ilahkett And -
O fatnity spent .5 -very •unjoYatAc.0,Velain4
it 'the 'he- C.' Or. Mti,, and
, i.14.0ketit 044 tiatiO* • • '
Mr. -and Ara, Andre* Wil,sori; of Viet.
:visited 'last.
Thiirsday.... • ' 2 •
kr. and. Mr tniirt eatertained.
number of their. friends to tea 16,8t
darening • •
Woods, wbo has.
.itititihg bee sister in fliOn., returned-
hitue last Week. , -" . •
We did aot0 heat of the youtig gentle
man, with the .bortoweet. hotso . being on
the le•this: :•
it0.1'600 tiM* io ;
bell* the'( 7t1i4 Of..,,Irciatul, acid chair
.daV. it that tovn. .
r We are glad-to-hestr flint . ill in
." is 80 tar, i pre itettls te be able to .come
• • •
.111P0 thM.s. It1;n1e8 ,
Ph.tighnian, who has been ote-the sick,
-list lately,..latt to be femoteA telaindon.
tnieerely hope that. the tieW tar.
!yee...teribe VI. the LuealOW Sentifiei
aheenot 'Continue to make as iitatittlifs-.
t4k,e, g, •,t1tiV)Wig 0.1#7941(vve4. •
•KifilOSS tin'c forget the Box Soeial on Fri-
. clay evening. A good prognini heing
prepared. ,
March 1.0tb.'
O The±N, b. 1‘1; S .ine'et'at twine •cif
Mrs. IAT' Enake Werloesdi.0,
Edg1t of Winglianilast!,week,. :` •
'Mere was,an Arch meeting held rti
the Orange Rail on'Tkiirsday hist.
• Mr; Sim Braden made a bnaitiess,
O trip to Waikerton nu. Oattirday last,
froni. neat !Toronto, "Ig°
visitingitrounti our. village., this 'week;
. 'Mak Horse is improving' how. A.
faintly „ hat• mieved . mtg. 1.1.0300
. • •
. . . •
. Mts. S.• Polloek atid' he 't :daughter
Irene, visit:ed on the . Kincardine
On Satinciay arid Sniidetak • • , •
lktra Valtee Xaake and. Nita. Ati„
Stanley %vac. In uestS ot
ttodglits, -of it Otter,. ! 611 1ritittria8 ,
Quite a, number trent emu' burg took
tile boxing mat. -'h t Bervie oft Sat-
urday eveoing, All report .a goo4 time:
The 'ffitil delivery is. the ordot of ...the
•slay. Everyone is 1,4ittnig•,.it, and [Why
Jot wel It is 'on the ,t)orhata toad
,"' 'N*fkiny children kind •sartie .follz are
sufiVrini from. Set/04'; enlds,in this
ikeighlarhood.. We hope sonti to Ifear
number froth bet.4e 'took hi the ait
at Kin tough.„ Thaesday eveniog,
tverybody oist ' Intim tinjnyed them:
taxes for they *Mtn -YeDy quite coining
'MOO 11.406i40
O 6-orderi -ittiore 1tThe sawirg.
in' of gebeji NiewPr(tY•ii, e.q41.1.g..Y1.12d-
,ast Mon at, ,
Mowinvi, who has hc einsient•
c )erract of the tie* sheds, started draw.
ing gravel last week. •
Ars...Ir.:1(6w, of Wingliani, Spent 'r.t'
feAV days of hist week With her parents,
Mr. U.iidifarS,
• W!,-itte,t;iiireli was welt reOesentect ,
St, Pitttick dollar day tit Witurhatri, some
fiftrorii0 by train and irlargo number.
drivinz, milts, and factotaesilivour town
being closed down for the. day, •
• Rbv••• Mr.•-ttibbert; (4 Witigbu'IU•,• Wive
,splendid letiire on "Earithtei Scot-
land" on Thitriday the' Nfetln..),
dist church'. but, Oil actoinit of the
weather ConditiOns, Was not, largely At-
tute, inisseA a rare:treat • ,
Tnu rkett SPK.----Moaday After-
tmon,was Apent flat:
&the of Mrs IC Paterson by a01111mb'er.0
of yoting 'adios of the village; the enter-
tainment being IY1 the, f,prin of *quilting .
bee the \lilt, we nirclefharid dont:Nine&
three tni tons, and *ere wisely pineed
O hoar the centre of the quilt by Mrs.,.
Paterson. • 'these' Inittoris were ta Aetor.
m inn the os 114. Nvoithl be taking'
part in tuatritutaiy servieet during thba
life tiniciandin -Order u_s the buttOhs
•were 'found, tide Were .0411
three btfttens- and 'A've . it td
the lot 6! 4 least two, a -the, yothii
iadies tg aloe,
. . .
NtiE-R-th.e-Cish Sysfern offering for' three
. W,eeksc specially row prics On String Bel Is- and.
Shaft Chirnds;,Heaq :Wintet- Mitts, and crloveS,:. Lan-
terns other ,too atnnergtis to,inention.,
insct our imported German- Aluinin.orn
just arrived. The • priCeS will iiiterCst every. custothet.
Phis Altinutturn is the bet : value possible to buy:- ,.Ge
-some before it. ,ail tcos.
Capital and i.liaserve
A, dtitithii.: him IttitI)4 ES'S'
Crit0I'LAtt LintrEttS OPctitth-r
11:ittX1t SfON.V.,t 01.0„)Plit6
• d 0
1 , •
• $70i'700;000)
At •all Byauthes; ititoot oneigircalt i-tigh.eat c4,411Afiri,t
eid a a