HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-03-19, Page 2ona ers are Making a Success of the Maple Industry reaches, -these tenpectir,3 figerea the thennionntier it -is sufficiently- 46e-4PlOP'tegt:i4g-the density of -the. Syrup .+ r, Cis, •-o$lxin 1411 i> a Nina' spilAs.inte Large ' 'doers,. for, ftrangi..-gwe. Lko. -E-44qoharoglater-P4o64 der te. catch .00. Sap, but. au. -buying an. evaporator .it is. pot: yptsei ,'11-943;v3r7-hroOlot,..P.PrIklgaT 'at, 10-4- ,grees,',. Before testing;.. the'instrti mately the "satire tepiperattire fas the ,If you i,iiatiVte -matter looilAhis -syrup down. Until it *ill .ferrn a: hard it *ill -Crack---uncler. 'pi:es:Sure and. -rnm-tte-klabe-, the' hard uitiple are gra- , or this :pit nrposte,' Ontario- -que7' tains. from. hity :, hiinclke4 541 of'frees- that:. abundant • their :best, OOland let cattle causes so ,,Ifyou have an old grove it -L;:actia7„,contaan. a 'number of ...ett's that have Passed ing good flows, and 'i'e..4ePleeed, the, grove. renew an `tild,groire is, young seedlings to:spring up every.i. where:" While theite are still "yenag,: Ya,:for.:leap..;-gathering .should '49;4 later the. best .sapli'ngs o ;OW.' the- poorer. 'ones:- 'If.,,cattle, ,are'eletfintothe grove when- the iir•e- • • served,eafili4ge.,are. about ten feet high; the difficulty of getting rid Of the younger hrush , Bottle. Of reinember and incit f tis are fainiliar.withAlie 'atoll' in., our- tiehool. readers,. the open. fire .and the hot sap emp- tied from One UncoVered- vessel to' anether as, it reached a Certain stage in" the "boiling dOWii" praF„, cess. •Tholeaves=isticlanct-__its al.part., of the Pipeeedings, and. the tares and, Wheat were left together Was it 4, matter Of -any cencern that' the process....,Aits, a; slots, Otte. Thiel wad cheap and the' okl-time sugar - that" sap, •Iike ""ntilk,•is a very perish- able preduct, tin excellent medium for 'the development 'of fernientive orgatismd, and that not only is cleanliriess intlxirtant, but the more dtrect and- speedy the transforma- which should be earefully. r•emoved, "augat-maker keeps this in .view indk to.the boilinisyritp,• but have crease the. plant. An area 'Of 'ten' square *feet of boiling surfaCe for every,one hundeed trees tapped, .is to buy. N1'1;011 Sap Iteginit. f ere. the snow conies in the fall,- and. Make surs 'that have, eilsOugh Spoutai -bUokets;; -op hand' be-. 'lap, aid if were- ge,!t 110 hard to keep, Clean, and the:sap ofz ten ‘senrs in theni, find it pays driven 'Aittbr- flits.. tree.. 'Being: rota/10'00y 'keep. the air fretp the -hole ,ancl,iaard against ciriving tet sear :dnring *arra te freee."Wliela the, weather; ist-Cold.---.114__year.4e are like, and Will be alniost in cakes,. 'Cake kings, and for gar- niihing desserts,' etc. Care.natist be taken :net tO scorch the sugar while • coin pally Ury :by the. Carfacilin Northern been- eyea,fanToppo:rtual* That ,readers";011i&pa,Per May bit't The critic; at this point, .natlirai: 'tei.Andge,10.....thettilykNitave_Attete_ ly.,askr‘ what about the land Wrants, Parliainent haVe been :diverted. bY Ba Railway :COmpanyi". and. the -It Is Of Interest )' Every _sugar:, was_orily_eighty..pountla_inr_ if,' Should. haVe!.beeri 64,410; rain As sit). 4:deteriorate.* So. rapidly' af- the buCketi, Pails' With bread:bal..' and the. gathering tank .ShOuld fitted, With, eotton hosolor•entptying, and' circular.: When the '.sie4h ..id hanled • over gath,ering;=_;=_--We4fastexta_• -double cloth- and• 'a- Wire- ,strainer,oyer---the top of the tank, rand, that is all the straining, -,the --sap- getsz.-----WeTat,rain four thickneasea'of 'flannel; more rapid -the eva.pOration, the dearer lighter and/ more delicately' ;flavored will be the sYript, 'qn- the days of the old potash kettle the." 7404 -Warri-trdeep'-iirthe-Vesse-1- that - sit ,guard night -With a Pieee too much . loss :by "Veiling over. , -The corrugated bottoni-of-the.triod2 :ern -eva,porater .okposing-the Sap. to such -an area of het stirface, and .the sap never beine,:allOWed te cover 'an, inch above these. cortngations, Boiling; 'as everyone:knows, helps to,eleanse the product by: bringing up dirt . and inapnrities . in Scum,: Pembroke, 'Ont,,._Mareh peculia.r interest. to wo; 'tell: that sto:riLinji_eisiwit Worcht,;: Unauth la the 'tniOrning.. was Often... fere-'xity eyes.' 111Ylimbi; were heavy. 'T 1E14, that . inY kidneys *Are ..the of all 'My trotibleSTICild7Wd7'" good,. and. after t akin- twelie bexes: 1 aril again a; 4041.791nan•7• ba4lif.aneya., ..IlieVing learned that, the i'eSt is oaSy.. 'Thousands of Can- 'adiaria. will YOU their, 'oWn offices at Windsor 'Street, you Wo'uld see. looking down ab you ..frinn the nient 'Lord Mount Stephen, Lard The ideal sugar house has walls -roof"- and--shingted -ceiling,: -with a lean -tb for sto ring 'wood. Metal the :sap' cleat • it 'is Unnecessary use `"settlee,", and it it possible that. ayrup,'„Inay ,net Well where eggs ,or have been • to while the boiling is going on, ininortant furnace. as protection from. fire,. (*414•Y'rellirig off". beint• Ntt e*Der.i, house sh, Oithl bitilt on glop., aneed hand -nay 'have tests of hiS emptied through pipe into but tha be,ginner id Wilier -to- -1106 a P,to rage tank and from this into:the themionietee or. satellaronfe ter, e a p4-, rate, r Where this N. imp o s si- Speneirj s, A. gives the Col, ble saa e work to build an lowing ride's ler testing' with a, titer - aids varies with thair•donsity anti, with the ,.altio.o.lo above, sea level, , elevated bridge' just, back- of ihe. storage. tank,' wkarc tho toad of -sap the storage tank. • t of equipment in the sagar house lahr. The boiling point for debit of the etrapbeato4. A successful FLU- these is lowered one degree for 'gar maker lama to boil giro. Sat iron 'kettlot 12401 Fat and iikift. emir. tr nom, have: tern dean,;,. hut the syru wati Was bettor,: although' it Still re> • (mixed Tet of fuel and didritt tint . any thing Like the light, .tifig an evaporator; Zi6se' .150* • ;41,4 -their .C(9•11ttgate41 bottoms par; groves are neurally et sonte neight above isea levet It• is 'noce,ssary, Toy ocouracy, .to fest' the thermometer in boiling water. .•Ab whatever ...agar NI to g8 degrees, aut.1 for hai•d sugar k1 to pa tiegrva,es; If, theke- the Ooft.' ringer temperature 290. to arid the:hard eitoar, tempera, pr arlil tar •t99 tit; 41'14 rl 01 krr tri all Dr tlitt.t1401; 591(•1/9.. • sptration ;Mount StePhen, with .his keen; yet benignant look ; 'Lord Strathcona.; Van. Horne, deeply introsptictivc ; litinther .there is:to be. an addition. Sir , Slur. iigliriosy is 'sit tibg: fol. his, portrait to' Alr..Entilc Fuchs.' the sooiety painter frOm The. picture, it is understoed, makes .geod progress, 14" -dr a man with sneh, an. eager teinperament the la t tor makes an -admir- able sitter. •The men mentioned did g Tea thirigg----ftn'-thexenzp-any in the days Of tts lieginnings; bet Sir Tim.; nuts, brought -to. bear upon the chief' thought in vaStriess, Ite seized and gave it new -and moto significont It is fitting that ltiS partrait their Work and did it well but who' leltjto the Present chief tbteeArtiVe stistfuning' the fainiliar role bat -of, adding iMadeittalify tO. it, making it. Intik 'added value drid- edly.. 1 ;' .114-iiked the ,:charters from. one end 'that hpive, been 'quoted: in the puhlic 'of' 'Canada te.the 4her; seeking, in Northern a:.re:, to .4 itale,' taken nip eg and .11iidion-Laay -frOrn.---the-official-Blue-Brioks-orthe visited New Yerki, Louden :and Pa- . figureean exaet account of the. situ, Years after: the:Iand 'grants ••• had alien ; but; curiously enough, a ano- been ...authoriied Parlianient, they. may. '‘to portray c‘etreetly the, charters carrying. the land orthem :pt. any, -ether They did What thefinancierti o.f Yeen placed on: the "statute boOki, of. land,. and Of the continent had af- earne4, many of the subsidized • However, this was not the Course c.cippaiti,e,'S having ,olif of 'ex- ,of action.. The -lands were' turned tet,ence,„ and millions 44 'dollars of . over 60 The„,ca',Dadian Northern and boncLguarintees Which. have neVer uied foi-' iistiing land 'grant bonds. never had an .:interest in sen_t:h authorizing legislation. •The ,Canii- at market if -all -le,. and their Airbeeeds Ainoric-atil'iecnuritie's• stiO,funds " dian ISlorthern not 1411. 4'ixe,ept,ion, applied in reduction of these bOnda. Yilliant.. lefilekerizie has Mvested bug, cAlrALfoquE „For yenrethaieading authority on Veectable, Flower and Vann *via,. • Plaids iirid Teel -weed it befor9S you: doeide what kinds-tO-plant, Adelaide and Ionia • ,-cAtE,Lir By raising thent and cluao.4ing the hest you a.ble to imperrove. .1‘01c it with sktirt,taiik nd you stave • min; thift 04-)i • :a strOuger Word than. 'Seek ". hit- ha.,s ever alta ',seek' 'to enter in„ and shall Yesai$: "Aise:-,p,a40460.a, ,with nn- seeure..,4•: . bY :.• :Mackenzie,' . Moil:114i! ,,'..attiiitilii; Ni).teihtiolaill :.. .1tb:ini:rfiiity:::'%tril.aci.i..1-;.*Ht i'1747 .il': ini3:tr . ii`.%.'e-htj'u'ste7'1-,sy-lieffi- '',.-',,-1°Y:..3,1-:•:Is7:4ilialil;:te:i4.,...-_,• ,, , earned .-•:,eattli. ' subsiditiv-to. -Certain. "Company, total' 4;000,06l;arerei.... ' eated.". to. '..seck"... admission„ but re, . , . .bratieliAlinis.ivitbiit theilyatein...,, are: .rail.Way Compamy: ,g0,,,4110,..1,_, 0.g.: act even drawn •aPon'thefgoinpanite. '' tat,' C.Anadiatt.' Northein. • •Rativiray...In• '' :the,' work, of ' development' of .41'elY to 'their •litteiesLin. thoi...COre-- ,Use ,of ''the ',Mite Hooka will& hais it ,waa-neecied, when , Wedtern Clan-. 4aeveted'-iihe TiTea Of 'their. vea'ra to' calthe•';ec•It•-re::;;:7:?)'1A1I'l'if'...)::.5P:::!::::-e4b111:thill:ifie:'Itac‘64!6itii'l.:....4. System.- it As.-the..,..-naiouset,L,net--the-,-.147-,estern4anada:. in., the.i-haysliatiert mi!.54 stoek, of theitteraPp4,17, -*and &Aye.. •'V"'-..... -L-If's,-ela:,u's.e.'Se0a21.4'.. te • :be. plaCe. IsTole as 1.0. the" facti.: The Northern werelaeated in the. south- • '' " , . . ___..._________,___,...f.pt.,a0,4aiiti shall not. b, e; ,able. When . ()nee , THE SUNQA Y-' •SC1109 • .....„,„,_-_,„,„—.,..,,,..,•....• ..,:, s:,:„..0-4,---.--41 . 710-171:e1F:t4i7.671: --,:!-Frifra8''' 4** ,iniirj7e.itie4s.e.....:,..,, Jtb.,z4„;a,.t. Tii.t.:h.:,i,30,41foxilti.obie,....73..1........ .0 :::,:.,....,:tir„:„...,.':13;11.0i,"...,p5i,:..r1.1i.lisa.:(7:Ti(bei.a.i..r.ttlyi.,:h.,117151_,'sePi..ert.,'.ie.t.i.fi•761,0iii:ti.s.',...1:c..iltiiarto..,6:.,..,.. —"iv' m." ' :27 , IVorke r4 . of Were' Spoken direetly afters the in el • 'f.' iniqiiiii,--He re • with"-Ailtecislj..Leti-hventiorts..- given to ..‘1,Festerii...e.rinada,. Sa fat...ne,ither T4"hiSa :Ra*it.thi-Orl.f.h1 're".4",1••:11' . ...'.44::i. (11"l'h-14-14,..v;?"':::r1.1tlat-IIT"ti:,111‘..___:::t:•:. 1 11,111)d Ilt'll. ig7,1!'):;;_fl. 'ea. t.'1.1.'' .. - yailways, *or' "w•hen -compared with have been of „assistance to.the• aom- •great ecoriontic good Wh•ielt has .14een Main iinseleeted .and,:'intSold. '•_11._ iiitt:Eit?trt.iltWitis4.4titittetplie-lt.titfiigric.‘1.1,11.4...e;itg:j.i-t.111;11+.4"•11"..e,ii,,n,•:nti,.:,,,,,r.nr:(1,..11:.,,,,.:1,:i,.1.,tr::::,i,.•.•nnuilt<tott:i.tiitig,r41.11,4t,tk‘i:..)4:t.,iihb,.4,fiaiot,e,:,.1kibiclirnorixti•iitit,,,_:::..:_i' .. 'and ii • being •ftedotipttehed,, by .'„,-fife The ...heads ' of' Cornpaities--rormtt...ITYt_Tis!,1151.sirc,,IN.k.IsellIta:iii.;,.)..thtto,ei. "kuitl:11::,;:t.lia:141,1;,lir.4)7;4711...4.1.:(1{..67 -1 a iii"0.111::::......gry14.1111.114, a;10.;t±t:..4....,tan.,6.,c,,tii,.4.16114:11.0,..t.citia...:Idit:s.iyelt,, : , „..,;, , tern, those Agates must di,sabeee the way Sistom have been .guar.a.nteed ' iv, . ,4 ' '. , , 1 ' . • - • ' . -- - ' . ce.on:11:tteril•t'...e3..61.41,ltog;l:titilliice ,,c,;.:7t.:tiolt:iesiti;i8thi.ve.. • ig:17.I. i:Ti..0;...'6,:::::.:-; .e. t.',:;‘,.1.•,::',,e1„..4', Th,i ti . siiinot 4611 ,,,....c..,,o,,.0,}„..it. received. the-, proce,-erls Of bonds, st "ranatliati---Northerit---Railway:--Oom-,:ern'ilortion_:.ofLdtanitobii and- .the There -are completed 8i694 mileii, ' tied ,country of the ..Nert,h. It has and' under Operation 7,152.- succeeded -in buildiugup territery cen.structiOn and eipipraent -to pa- "The Brealf•haskot Of the' Ern - tics, to the• same date there Work; $2,91'6,000 Or 'an 'e,quiva,lent have beekr.eceived, by the' cornpan- of 14 ;per cent. or, the tOtal•cash sub- ittri-lwar-Systerer--witilst -.under-ill -under -.Control -of ' lquo6a-azi-0,-AInnzr, 'parry, 1:$2t.02‘2,569,4.ift-caste, .1Wassistance_otreastern. lines, .00 tions.;. or. :about seven* per Cent of-, Ontario GoVerunient has granted Quebec Government 7•49,5,lp acres:Of land.: These lands are wooded, and subjecteel •t 'Certain. r.estrictions, tfierefore they must be considered irfl a different light to the ,ititrititoly valita-ble prairie land-:'• of Phreplicoi The, newly riarritS4 'e;onplo had lust, ere,,,oteil the thesiihril4 of their home tor -the 'first. tinr4, " This. IS Ott r dtilti it *-0---tyiw-ireeptitp-tiA /tis- proplrepy was correct. ,InSide 01 two mon t )14 l'ilieft,eing tor trif.'t ch a inn sl '110. of flee 114x WAN Reflitititift anti, hos' surCer.e.ited,'' dksirtat r ().4t: rot 'He watt a spendthrift." • age construeted.' These figures ire correet. • They include all tbe cash subsidies reeeiVed from. public, sources, • as set-off against the three hundred millions of e0Sts be- fore mentioned.. 'When .compareci it. , TABLETS t.l.to is in Nth 1.),Y indige.tiort it eortivally .Provol of great Vain to Ma . There' is only one explanation for the' nunibers of enfhttsittetto, letters that we Tablet:1'i, anti that is' tha• these tahlos certainly do Cure any hind of stomach Tablets have .pranted gredt • value -le without till lasang good. Having heard Of your tablets eitrint such eases it* proved satis.ittory• in case.•." Dyepopatil.TiVets,, itampontsrlett. by the the gua.,Pcntseeg haw' nt, no .sent-` tket't ICI(titts :To slig meant by the Inns. undertaking, and that the compan-, il— eshtive faithfully disnithrged 'of moat, or reeeii:txt aknaptnies-• From the, guarantees. Was that of the stile of bondi,:sealtred by first mortgages...on he tte ta has than w(Atld 'bare POe.sAla VP to the .1.1‘6,6 day ot flaaernber, 1013, there ,alal have' been expend- ed, for' the irt-pose4 ti9;', several .gptitits, itiott:eyt raised by the. guaranteed gee tirit ie , Wit be* Seen haVilittle truth there iS in the easily till.ro4n.orf 111141 lire's road -be ttineS • tV t.) -ave.' • clita in tia 'nee t'9f., 1`.1/ ne. arid hove Itingdom. • The leaven refers i.A.) the 2• 1, 'Phreo measttreit of meal -411s • JourneYing on tin te the re,rii4t1:ttiV,t, 0411 61 of his kt.'oons through' many Moat:hit, and Started On Elf tfILE4.1, life was 4 burdon. was' for years seemed. r.elleve -rho itoubto.bbtatio -so severe , had to ,leave my Worlc day& * ''t:1:111"41iYi gneh. a etafra Skid I waa on The 'verge of nervous 'paeltige tot. trial. to Jerusalem!: -The lessons telfir orar-Kta* frig &Ala 'fat' .W11 have ,stattlied and will study front me. is certain Y marvetotes. Calf final ariiva.1 in lerusalerty tin, tre.c from the old- trouble have. tier6kisary to deal with tho siatv 2,9•„. t 17, ; al: 19..11; -rec,ontracittled . 'it t-09 One