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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-03-12, Page 5
Thu a a, Mareh ' , P'O TS 13. ' Cllass...--)D, Scott, 0076:;Z; Taylor, -AMU=Pf"15"11" . . . .FIr 1,--,-glleciS ;S4411.0.)'V litlir4 1101i'' ' i ; ,§.1. l'IT'Peart 'Shelton. ',Harold Stan - *.`1S. ' . _' • " . .' IPYt; Frank BrOwnI; Willie Stanley$.-.-' 1.0.4),c,E,,..,;c0 IN Y. ,KW , a No.,, , 4., Ei.Oss., • Th. J.r.,1,-,-,4carl SOlo,... 'opprgo, co) woi: . . • „Ty.ITT..,.,-4,73y1 4e0,,,,,Itler, Jobwde . _ vi. 1.)0,4414 go (nlyro,,, 4, itati,Ve 01 lip4v.,,,,,gtilai 04*y," 48; p000d .Pc-otti ', ,.: . . , ..,.., , , 10; 0. 'Noft.oi;-00; l'i.' 111•1110.gis, , '00; , •:.. (;41raxiiixe. marked. '''01.: Oile, iti.,.Oile OF jP.,.or.o.„: :,v10109ilria,„,r.,r4;400Fil-,41,TcLeax,‘,-,A,OPOit 4 oho. n, . ,.... , ,, , , ,.. • . RoPhers0.0, -446; Oor.doo, )41.11ersen, Sr. III. --.0 MeP011aid, PI "TO ' ri: V., . ' , ' "N.g^ . a .§0401.037$, 'Te°44g,:i' ' Sr. II-L-lia:iti AT* '13174ce 14'4", C"air4ik'-3-• 14".."PteCt th.° P*t.'9174(4 .of 440; Omit .Congram, :,38a. , - . ,....•,....,,•,.',.,, ,: ••'' P.Ott, NAT. Hallig4O, W.L.Tiign. Fred frinnelli' Bessie rinnell, Donald East 'XprontQ Paptist...elittreli.. : - His . • • •Jr. r.V..... '-4'-'11?.lrealey„.„...„..140)(lisOn, : 8'.,q,8i ...:... Jr. //I--7-.1. Moffat, E'-....K•,e,'•I'.4-0+:14-.??4,44#14102-,7' -: M.(irtoimioe -1144,fy Clainenti.4,- '.i1dberi; Parents 861111.4 in iiii4ir. 01.4,qQOpun,t,y, Kit..fctf.t. 7-109*. • . •.: •- .,, -- '.'" if •Clikm,1-4, ,Aren'!,,q?g, 1? Thomson, -, S1(Y.:=7Rextha,.C.larkenhiXtra,pt, c....,,, 3.9hOton,..T, Walm.Stariffer-1.,•,,, - ----2•-• . bp,07.' , Sr :' Iflt,i-L4icl: Wrii$;-;-.740.,, .-"Edna...., li.,'!8:613,#: . , ' ..,. .-,,,,::-: ..,. ';-.:7„.:,,,.',:. ' rixiiiik*TitiVaTid.k-6516-ki-04Willirt1P;':' ---ICAP74faiimttay16;-111-04::IVICFarlatie:, ' ‘,kndt.v.w""- 4.—dameOn; a. 4for'toOr le'si ' . ,PriOvi';‘,26l.'.'!,. ' . ' • :': ,,... : m.i.Pmf,oia--,-t-lid. atirTtlx,8PYTtiffi't .A'AIATraryirri, .Llearno.n..11ainilteri, ' , F.raiik: Ket,ohaban,,v,"' sOirilarnd'.E.I. ioelliards,:Art.huii-Grali2a„. ni,,, C., hria,. (kilt: et. the ,,..7.th. cell otai-„e68 nev; ' -jr III—Louisa Bailey, ';87.i. ,Nels041 • ,•.•.-- ,.....-- ,...*"' • ,•,-: • , . -,• , 7 ; . on enderson. . . . „ , .. e toni.., Alo.Aii.,.._ e tai,..ney,.;. i, ___• nyi, oeli,:r viiff- or•de 1148 ,Eiold• hi; f44- ill: ,:t• there . MVPs; a•IOf Albert Cerson„.' LOVE.' , , ,.. :0; Young,..4,:' ;AI:9018°P, ''' ' . '' , $r.., 111 —Rae 7 M*Diarrnid,, ••• Harold Prilna,ri--41,....vkass7-•-,PeSsie .4auct, Lilly - - ;Sr: 11---;'Rei.bert McDonald, :044; Eirle-• Jr rt. .11.-:.-- rh-'6.0- ••'' : 1 ,MacDonald. jennie.:_,ToWle. Sadie*: Mae- ..B.,34n. -B_I,Citufs--tfrena,-,Hedginai-•-••-• ..4p-.),-,.:Iatellds-71*-04r1TIW-:-.-it9-1.1:YOPA:vit,-, thrt*s„..42k•,,,,EcidJe,j$,radtnrd;,-5aqiA:••-•- • Primer..1., ' ,ri,:-_,Clell,t&L.,!Wn 4C'S.Y74:i.:1:i:',OntAcii.,11;Ifyio. ei-v-1.7-yifitlret'aliinVikr -""No: •oliii:Olrir:-- -itt0d-d'aii-Ee: 1.4g64,7-.6wilef ,--oelAhai.viqLan auction ,...47::.TIL:1--Ilyili.'oxid-Biiiiiit...-,M.' :ow- ......., •,_ • ” rirni'-F:::-Irati*O24-,,, - elv R- d. • ' ' '"" ' -- ' :'' . -`• ' ' average'''•::),.... .--- :• "---z'---7197414.:04;71-.b, - ' ' - .' : ' .:III: -='-.Pearl IlacCorVie, ' Willie ! . f ' • ' .4,:, 0..v,ir,e4, p4clip,. The ,,,i,itoo,of B.,,,h....,J3,ea, tan . who , cal vi n ,ceron,, 80,,c.... . , : ' r, rimer 2`A,:".--, 'S.; 151o11,-. S . K,eltie. ,77: , „IC„ etehabaW„ Arietts—T•oWlop"--W-jli.ie,,•14:::•,„„..,„;' ,;!1',5,',v'S'.L.-,,' 0'.' oXrcio,,9, n,i. r‘i&lnwin;F:•1v.vtt:;77"..A84.;:.4...41:::: 17, wIt..".e.,te".7h63rtrgahtf3,• 't--e°p.,'.a'.17e•i:Py"3:fn:l..'1:11.4.e'lg":.... 17 ';• ]$r4.;,^4:14040, iflarriajMniiilt1Pagratri.L' : Jr:. I-4"ted, 'Bailey, ' Altunie Eekon, ' ' -• ' Iv.'‘ . .:, ... Grae 11,1?i4.--T.elter, - Jr. IT Hibbe.n,' Ada Viaering, 4.i,,.:va Humphrey. , . . • • . , .• . ,, , • .. terment in. Lova t • c'eniPtfrY. • . He was • i'"Yikkr.; -"" • '.•,. . . .1... , , . Verrwilo. viltop, N.elsoaRlynard, .... • . Throe. • marked .* ahaent for one ,or •.• S. S. No, 7, *Eiblr.....osS' , . Jr.' 1. --Ellen Eetchabaw 'Helen Vac ' Jr. TV —Lottie Henry,.'Hattie: Nixon' horn op the 1..,th: •con., a Brilee town : Jr. III.-4farviti Reed- D ' •• • .-chi • meire•exanduationa. .... • • • Report- for January and It'ehrtiary, • . plonald:. .• • ' . • - - .... ' • ':•-••••••••;---,'.--------,4:•0036iigeiLTie•Oheiw-• IiiellolOn4-0E-T4"..TIVillfr-OF---46 04! n*Tritriiiiiiiiijir ,,TektrIti-frilf41;:1YOI614". )7isher, 57..''..' • `'' ern.' ' • - . '• ., • - .rit*" ' ' ' ' ' ' . - rimarv .-;--- ' • D Id ' .:' Gar- 4041crg3p'v.j7.1..i:Hta7,7tx.ri,l,iti.4wilitt". yv3.,....t,p, 7' Petr "cam bq " .'ui;:itfiep:'egilit:rfillpd''tt.'eliili.:Fi:ioi'o;tierilijiel:•:h'4:odr; , ....S. :S., NO...0 .A.sloxitt,P .., . ,, , . ,..,........ Those trfarked:vith' iiir• asteriak tr'ii.--4-Fiit': 'Si."11II"::,1V.CLeii.d"40 ..„ „ :::.•:$0,:-.4vpste/; are in • order •of - 'Merit. Domilii,-38,'! :.• , , , , : ' 1. Jr :. .. 0 ... l'imther...,ontro048Taverage-atien-daTtle,F1-7-4:t"O-r-.7rh:anTa- ', pence ilri 4.6.itr.vvii:ho,ozi,:,,..„....,„,e,,,...„,,,,,,,:,,,,.:::,,,,,,.„:„ ,.,... , ,..).:.........._,..,E,_,,D,.:Cameron, Teacher, , • rwin,--MArY'-•1-..r. i.i.in.,:' „.'- -' - - :r-- '-i,..--.- . -i,he .;044pok..re taught, in the : • ' ,. . .. . , • . , . ' . , Jr,. iL .13.;—Wilfred TIackett,'.Htioltelia -...,:0;setit--, °Wing:, ,,to,r, sickfieSS-10„:.SOnie,i,;;of 1 •''-'410II:'-=-.A_,' "*.jr*;..D_Onitid,'• • : SW4te,r• - No.4-2:41-6.*-••:' ... '"` ‘..,:1.1"iilips, Alma :Agar, ..0.litialirdoo e, ,- , 7,,stheevaciiitiP`tointits:-; 'life. 1,.V6Pki.:. is:1,4e - 4070.0i0," . •' ' :',...-,,:: . .,...,-,,..4?.;c",.??,..;":',, -.5: :Sr. II:=11. M0Iiities R.:Arael ion,a11- - .. - V'..•-..--S.4di.d''.6;PP' : :"P:cari ' ''''Fi'lthri : • t.'"I'I'="-Vet-P'. 1.9'.V5' '-,. • - • • ' - tirIY7L--,SerY1:, j011.n,StOri,",46,ta 15007'' - - • ' '' • •:°' -' " -' ' -' • ' • ' - t h • Pt I ` PairY Alton - Dolly 'Cooke McLeod,;:'J'.4:' EtillaYsen,A,),EctAninolli ,',0.-1-11.4i-914-)CK448.1. jjarkingt9n4.."..Yi ' ant," .. - ' ''' ' . ' ..-, .:.',. • '' .1 • .':,.Niirt:O1k:-.1. ' , '-' ' ''. ,• :. ,81cMuichct. •,.:- :- , •• ',:„•_:_:,.. - .401:itroritaititett,.Winiiiej.iifio,-;-.. ,,_• : k,41r2=TraiitfH3FOran * --- JjjiV Mae e '' Titio(h?A -77.'ill'Ikr-;-... Ritptia-,:::-4541iiiilttilit • •IN'' '11*-40';0014*;11'060-t-'-'"---- . - -. '. • $4IA:1;-*rlii:Aili.)P, a11.0.4,* A .7ti.4i._hae:seutln;.—•*'1X7rr.f,aCi.n3ite;-isii,:' 87,rk.OkOr.O,. ge, Wailtiil4evi0'Fi1u,1l,a. ys.onY.Albert On:0Liigli rn1dv ; -g-Stewart1 • 4)JII-Pt12-Tillie iadkett; Lanietti ' . !,goeketist,.- -.'.. - - - . . -- --ii.-41-i,.--MacM Allan,- TeaCher:, --.. etiridge;iSadie..Colling,•3oe,Hockkinsont •___,, '' '-',X4Inzie irr-P-2,,zi " ..-....'if- ....=.-----ii,T,i;',..•.1IL-:...-•:-..----..--'77ove.Fil09/6--41-..C.......e-tIlt 'than ,N:i ..i.;.:.....J...,r,-,II.---iFrank.r.:Moran),-Fre.44.-inlayr, 'George' Twainick,_li*Aeleine4olinstMit. _S8,..IN,...o.:-F Artnx.iss • - • , . . - .i, , . . . • • Sr.. 11 —Margaret Mantbah ''Rhena '110.:0•.?:irid.,,...7.______.:k•III_T..31jr,..,7,0'29,,..E.'i.1,_:,vy..e.K.t,i_inal,p.ay,ia'r...loe:kn.;4'.'...:.,vil:in'71inn,i'ga.1,C:._14,:!.. _..T.::,:i,a_Te.t..,ii,h,i'at..:.:pilir::18.1.:76kg.1_a:Filib::,:87.,'(,!1:....:.;;;.7..,.,..pils:nl.ol*:.t.:iii.trol,,:),:r,.,.6::f:,:i . , : :Fraser, Vary Hodgkirison. " -•-‘tr,.."-1-i-ve -Robb: "-- • -- - • • - . . _ ._ -1't --II•=0rVillellit-ialffai*- .. , 4 t H.7,...iorfie . shaekiozyil,, ..FiAlay , ..E00,40.,,•orriliieAtio0;1;i1 rf:,,o;iiii,e,,i.ifitlat.., ',E...1.1.11:,_,.1.11:ieer.::,..4.?_.1.,anne.lodallic(;zilsvcitni,,,i,i... F. 1 ()yd. .:. 7Sr. 11I..'2 -Alma. Blake, . Lillie. MeQu oid. . • e- n"•t• •,..3i,i..;:;.tii.),10 Taic4,0 :_taii4i'r- ...:tr.be7.:0,61..ve,:•wP: ' -PAsekleton, ettaweil Ha•Cet.t.t.;Esther ElVa ifeaiinS.• . ' hat, Of 'thenOilei-,--.=-Thii&-t%io-MO.riTio me,,,WhiLnIey.IIrtic,e Shankleten-,-:-Ilildred ' 0 Islier:•" -': ': - • 7.. -•" ' • . - ' l' ''., : . - :• - ':" '":'' ''''' f' • Jr: 111.'',"-=-'4,;•:.4'.. ViOletildt •B'..--gar4 ' ' 'N‘' 40e:44:rider otlAtierikthOselnii$Ce'd . . . . . . . . the Were ihin'w. n' ` out ; through, the • Pt.I ,Mlan•Finlay-Norniatrothaught- •"Ro*illi--• . . ' . : ---• '' " ' . . .PL IL=Ruby eitiran,- Etta MeQUoid,,',' having *lased:one or tinore eiiii,nia. ' ":: „ ,..:. Primary=Herhie Begley:":“ :.,. . • '• : ' windows, .1.11(1,:• sii"anga to say suffered . • .'3.,•..., , . lilt+, Liiiie.A.ftoor ,,.:.,, 7 , ,, . . . : Sj• .. "11.4 -B ---Irene, Hanna; ' l'Olady.f.4 ' • ... .. •,,,...ifc. ). facdonald;.Teahlier4 • , ciLifiet. R..iititpletdreicrks:,,:•...ifivi.n.tet: .'it.ilai?klaet'ltroinets.„,.i.9.:.:n2..mly:•1;silhoteoinr, ajpe..t,leei".7>:trijet,.: wife :_outhv • k • A:•:. 6 ilifis-Vgineikilpat;rieht, .Rerikm •peiwell,,Ntariarl Hoditir.4:. • ., , • • :Reed-..;•,„ • : ; . = • •.,' -- r- : - . --.777-. - - Sii•.4.1.144;Laladys tiodginS, '011 -tee. -:-,;*.--:. -3.Z6.'' 2:.1CtNt°1";,•:..'....ii.t-i:`..ties, . •-. .• ,. : . ..... • -: • . Jr _11...,,,,,.. , • ., . . ,. . • • of t 01 Sakvation- Army ,--in • The average attendance then -wall:. 'ThOniliaiki; .-Ptarl. . Boyle.. . It :7..Ne,ttie, ; -'1:•::‘ . 6. ass----'. • na . Boyle ' 4ggle ' c - -+Aggregate-ahteiadSne•e"--'''P:9':-r-kl,rerl:!,-g'e-.:.Walki-.rtkon,. •••‘_0._,t is 15.:innahar op .roll.:21K . , • ... , .. ....camtep,_•11polia • fIllAl•ill0.----'.0.F.44ricar7 -,:oottn-It---ePraFere. ;"--jintriiie-r-RitliWdij'attendancejl..f.. .. • ' ., . ...„ . -; .... Wromitatkettpleaaar ,. -L iri:A--Tesa--E4vkEhww't,7—.7-'"7"'. 'Lizzie.' ra ain. • ' .:_..-..... „. OnlY-theSewhoseAvaitietiNielhow11- :46hi"I'4.7f9.-44,:'°.40.'-'04::pIet"0,'iciftA4oes-71'§1-441417:i'en.'4iP.irgef14. 'liaire,been present 'Li . at: limit 'one: ex- f•ra,etiire. Of ' :the:arro• JieloW: the. elliow.,.- .Aniination. .•: , : . - ' : -, . • • :. -She :Ina .=-Iiiiii,reeently-,4ficemerect-304 ' • " "". • :-•• -'-.21ii4'..:t6iipeOculter, ' .,,..,.,_„, , a• surgical operatiPP. •_:•:: ' . , • . • • .. • ecials en's i rig on 'Friday /14 airjch 6 ill, and ntinuin i arch-1-4,thr-We-W1l1--Qffer-,--1 W -o7 -16t -S7 LeseS cles-at 1 40 le,t/aSS, by-grAt.hout..4414,4,e4 • 4 , SeJlI.--LROss':Brack, Gordon -Fraser* itikeiti•ried,'oir-',Under great clilliCiittea; -0:14)1t.01.41.4-ei- eitizen; 4104 ou Feb 144.4..4(4 '06 th ". aroM Blake. , also 'fOundedthe Public :.library. the e _Blake, Pat , Lngalld srne500Q voisra,(*to_t_h_e0Yr-n-,- .7 Lot 1 ot Tairs oes • on -patent 'butt. and blucher Gun: Metal -and'- bov calf - in .velcalt-. also Viol hid ' leathers, blucher .style Good - 7 :It ik* ebtfoiS Wero - 4-50. i.and-2-5-00 ektra- value At 'a -rid- 14 klai. _Specia I price,- for • prim.Aor• ays •at. per pail' • • Sorrie-,of_these,:shoqt,areilined-thr with leather,. • • Anderion : Toni Ss_ A *jutve itoner'a , urdoc Among lines of OrAshgoods this 'SS e re cat1ci1s4hat4rek----isto1n :Co, be, exceedingly pOular, and, 'piques and cOrdsalsoAg recent arrivals •dt 044 . in'Sfiriiir Waists We are .pleiSear4:"---) be able to-niention the, following: .Neurre cfleile wAlists. trith.clut:eh eallaia and -fanny Colored 'Ihettexia.' •,and trimmings9,price$1_50 WHITE CRE1)10 iarAISTS'With sailor • .cozhi and tie, threquarter, 'length . • . ... • • .sleeve -price WHiCPAI-ith Med-. .;ictlace coflar, andlicy.:&epe;',cnits.: . • , WRITE. PICICIRE SHIRT WAISTS With French cars; soft collars with links, awl long sleeves, two qualities 40.1.0Q and 1:25, also the same style inade up inp1ti,n linen, price 1,00 , adowiace , and7waiate *re ,in 0_ezt fav eiit:We:liave a nice • assort- niet4 of theft, fine laces in: stock in white and breath :18 inch- Wide at 50c, 75c. and 100, .a,na--36:incliei- wide .especi‘114,:ter w2a1M-4:0175. _ • House 1)leeSge$:: ,Sothe--very nice lines of house • 4r sve recently ccrne to hard, made up in net , print • patterns ;Ind .very nicely trim- med. The sizes run 34 to 40,. • and ,the prices are lovv for ,th& articles, $,.1 oo pnd $1.25. , • V —Lottie ifOliiistorie:... IV; -Gordon . Cameron, .4oliti ;Crab- itsni,•Abie Stnitk_Atildred EitzPatrick:., erne: Durriiri,Rtitli2.2.-Fowler; Toni my- -Webster .-/farn•es--Thretiiri,' Wulite Thomp- son, tlarvey-Webster..............• 7-1.11.:=-Lorfie'Dtirpin• Wilbert DUrnin, • .FastOd:":Of one em log. which Was Harris Pardon, John ; 50, I lie. It rvia.ST0iiii- :sten;-Willie'Crtitiato-a;;Blaii.ClielV:iliiie4 about 2000 feet , of ',Itiroher 'Clayton:Smith: • - sawed:-,--froni the-Ur-Whitt- jr, ThpriciPson,. Ebner was 12 I 2..feet• long2-..7--, • -• : tirdo.n: • • •• •,• FhzLt elect5uilvowel. •..w.11 e• de, :Average attendiincelk- . , andi-distribitted inthecuntrat • •Ir. Derraneer.Teach.s' 'r n .04 ,Friday, March .13th. commen. tlijeclio-of On-inc,aa;77a tf-ic,--137,11:44subcip2t-1747.g;Po:-nel;thtn7y, -41-°1n" cmg at Hen.. Adam.. Beck to a .deleeation re 7:30 Pt.in....• An excellent prcigrainurie 'being. :Prffi"!1itd• , Como 'one, chine all otehen•ipt:, thopis conntieS . recently.' •Adinuision,15c., , ' I: • •_. stated7thatif4the intiti*pal Wigs . were as anxious to . get ;hydro • power as, he Was, to..give it thy' not be: loPe:, without • it, :He stated that ,tlfe7-d:;nniniasion • had definit titheided4geniii,::Fall41and ;„. work -as' .quickly as possible He also informed the delegatimithat t was the intention of the tlydre_COntrniSSioti .'devebp Lhe p�F�n' the; ,Saygecki River at an early:date.- Lucunow ONT: • ew Williams Sewing Niaehines Teeswater Sleighs __Bra'ntford-Cutters- Soml,? LOG Tritina tremendouS loads of loga haVe-,beeii hauled to tOwn on, the gooA;roads,this-winter_say_s_lhe-- "Paialey -Advocate. - ,-Tha most notable :one wEcs th-arfiroin "Eli 13arnes' 'bush, E.ritee,•on. Saturday.' con- • . S. No.;,,.4,, WEST W:A.WAXosic • . tritrariease--TWilfied. 84; Della Oratiston, 78; 'Midis Webb, 65; (Gordon' 'Illahersen; :Ceell • 'Webb) 63-; WWO-44;Ys''.11Yde; 014 'EX,57rttM-c-Pherson, 60; (-Mar-y-1169ui11iii•;.- Lorne: Woods) 58; Wilson 'Whods, 53. Jr. IV --Ethel. Anderson, COral „Mc's- ,Donald,,,John Gannt...*:• Sr I1I—Joseph Forster Earl Duman, WIlli.e'FrOPritterb. Eddie Quillin. " : '• Tortrance, AiiidersOk-" 46kii McQuullin, Stanley Tod4,: EininC;"McQUillin, Ed ward Cogger,. -Eya-TiriteWiin, _Madeline .Glaant. Sr. „Lorne - Webb; EurVeri, - • 'Jr, Gannti: Mabel • 'Week ,0eeil"1$"orster, - Annie Eixrves.,, Hallam, Charlie Hallam, Jean Qaunt.• • Pi. IT.,. -Caroline Webb; Vera Todd, :Robbie McQUillin, Percy -Hyde, Viola • Baker, Leslie'Plirvee ..0ameron MCDon- • d, Duncan McDonald, '3 °peril:tine Gatint. ,Pt. I—Horace McGuire, GordOn..Bak- •er, Sirielair„ Purves, Harold Gaunt. , 4argely-attended,.and the ,prices realized Were good -all' n...spent-SIT4'• arirnd•::-.Mhuday with MrT1n'T41-71S, .A.rdij.e McFarlane, .„ • Mr and Mrs J Erb and ifand Mrs G. Reid and little Jimmie were the guests :of Mrs: R. Turner on F.riday. • Wje7wonderif wedding bells • will not ring sod Joe.bas bought a new. range. Be say i his old stove wasn't god enough' • tcrgiVe.-Fnew-e6,-ok a fah' triti,l;'- ' • • FO.R • ., - VV, prin o w31Y Lmes.itri,..-.1'..t'L.2. ..7i- , easrn _ are now on larid-*6have0afion'SPrntS _ .at, --r 2'72 cents petikEtheap,restiv_ialitY7,:: - Ging haritsr- ..Galateas.; Picques, „.V0i*s And Ratines.at, °pular prices. rrivitt .• = ------cirlmss7C0rners : -7-Monday, M'arch am: dgar4lusited rher=siateri. Minna, on Friday last. Elva HoCWns spent a few days - last week with , her friend, Jean Sivitzer:-.- e.rid Mrs > George -Wraith spent Saturday and Sunday in this vicinity,' of Winginuir,Ta 4ending a few.'days With, her ,brother, A.t Haynes.' Albert,Ilayhea' sale last Friday was Flamer— Robe Alvin Woods, jack,Ba.liam. '..-••• • --4verage. daily 'attentlatic40:-----7---- . 'Lilian Clark, Teacher, " • 4 7 LITTLE DARLING" "LITTLE DAISY" _ /-fosiery far Infanta add Children • You cairt'f, b0 tois'earefill rn titiYing hosery for our ehildren, Their stoekinge totonJyJdainty and- eontiortal,40, but they tanst also be hygienically knittaa ,id the. dye tittEit 1)0/ fast and.sanitary. '1" " id.titticott ri • "iittie„ ar ing an a sy oisely corn. tine Alit these gulalitiekt in the highest degree, Thoy a -a th & itbsat,,tiooery ft you obild:rett. ttt tip1y yot wh any anti for your obildton, inflthe.tiotoable Shoes , "• These. ,sboes- were --triadts-' for hard Wear and were 'ordered Soni& months Ago for our. :String. Trade. Both lipes are made on fiill,easy fitting . lasts 'giv itg":".„1404.Y...:14._robrii:.tatid": 'Ciinifork tO the Wearer' Who is' tii net]: on his feet, and 'both • haVe .beavy• double' •Iiiinli-dry foot Sok8 t;cred for their exnelkot weiritat .qualities; The topb otene isa lica.Vy elironie' tanned , kip . ' ea tiler li k oelk- .:- very soft end pliable and ' ex • ..needingit tough,. while the . top of thO ifithet is h good quality. of split. The inter soles 'are S6lid and smooth for the fetit... ViteSeshoes i are worth'a 50 fold .50 I pet' '...pai.e, . but , we:. have ...made ;the iii SpitAtikt•-•• at ' .. 1 04' and... 2, .17,i.... ' See 'thettl:', Stor that Gives io Sr. IV. --Beatrice: Macintosh' Agnes Jr. flI.—Grace tockhart,.IlazeiMac- : intosh, Plorenhe ltiebittIrtitid; *ink Jr. TL—Evelyn- Lockhart,. .Join Snelling, Harvey Norfolk Jr Ft. 11:-41.titli,NlacIiitfiah'.; . Pt..1:—Dald„O!Brieo. ' Xo. on roil 13', average attendance 13. I. M. Magniarrind, Teacher. •S. S. No. 4, AS13101Erx AND. Alum. ritilayon." Special in black stIk 36,, inches. wide at 1.25 • , a7veLgoecl-assartrrrent-of ',Ladies , .Pepartment. On Monday Marci;•§th:, MiSs _Mueller .wtIl. • . I vake charge of the She. comeslAvell recoult4iend7A7a-s,a trimmer.. tistpmers. ca .depend an getting, the , latest - best in. hats. and trimnlingsk , Ve- take. Butter•and.. ega A 17 Goderich A 4eputation Lof 10,has been formed• zo. to Ottawa, composed Of the most. influential men._o_f the town to lay befOrst Sr. 'IV--:the,G.averatticat_ the need-of.4nore-iin.,. .,Margaret- .Meletinati", TAW - provements. to • the local harbor The. , Ro leridk MCDonaldt, Marypro will lea Ve On Wednesday aftet, Finlayson, .Margaret McLeod, A. Y'at' t +°2° b_by speeiatear",on , the C: 11„). and NraCqndrickr 4h11--XcLeodf, "Stke Wicined-.1.edelegates trent. other •'Donald.• Western Ontario points interested 111. Class—Christena , McKendrick, the' harbor here. Nan Finlaysoni-Donald--Cambell-,- Dori, -carClratae Helen° M.ellhe Catherine Mebon 11 Class f1hoin g_ihyt,,yson, Alex, ander MeLeii, • • • . Dean X. 'McLeod, Teacher: S. N 1, IttNLOSS,: ilowitti," I...Geddes, M. Armstrong, V. ertiee, A Stantey, V. itelde, L Poilidie,, tikt..4.41cLcan; 0.. Arun: itrOni4 • . IV,—X.• McDonald', ft. 8tiltilty, K. Hewitt, S. Vi-flusten. . II1.—M. •Richard, T. Millar,11. Armstrong,. P. deddeN e.,13eacIder• ,., SE, Barkesi McDonald, `,CampbelL • : ' ., • • , Artrigtro4., ' 1st Campbell:' r. I. -•&:E Bannerman ;M;MeDoriald, R: 1111"stIni;111."Ill'eATItt,S-didderW: NieLean, PrimaiY: Mcbonitid, .Aitlites3., J. Oantptell„ B,fiewitt, i. °Raake: • TeaOlier- , . •. , INIEGINIPROMMIMEWSEPpliEll'itiOnle "0(1$tICES$1.sorfl.t70.'dfi-"' , , , . • It.tarak& 1d(41 z.rforonta,-,0'et.,,' the Pciih6eth11 giAtIO timintmachol, ,Oatracta. 1.7fidor tie* rolartecifunit it :Wetter .t.v..rk than t) ver: (*Write- uit trea want h •10:61i5e, fOr agoba Po§ alai; •. , ' Lochalsh - ----, -,--- --4.--_-- ------TUesdayyllarch 10. John McLeod is busy hauling logs to CamObell's mill..., ,, . • /, . "Duncan C. McKenzie returned , tome from Detroit after a, three weeks' visit. It is ,soroething like a year since tbe.. birds which are -the sigog of sprillig visit- " ed m first last year, Horned Itirks and crows, tufty now be seen almeit eveili day, and one:party, it is reported,has seen, a rebin. . 'TEm tAtotts ,w014.....--L.Th6 Lit,Qraty SOcietY, field its WeettlYineeSing laat Fri-. day. • There was a largo cr,owd in atten- dailee and the debate on "the subject. 'Resolved' that women should have the :Iran chite:was ok-eeptionall3. g xi( . Liss Detn / NE eLP od . -I via 'li 1‘.5 I ' -.be een Me- g. ,i'e Upt“Id til6 nitirrnItive, while John Shields en] Donald ,Sthith .Upheld then egati ye, The judg, 4 Nye re William llobb, M rk, John McRae: and Miss .thabel NieDui.rinid, who dedided hi favor Of the affirmative. After the decision e. D. Metennati and 006'.iI. 'Palmer critieized !k fli )11e-jlifIlif:ti'l*e• nr - lT4oth4elt'IT.1'1;7‘f,':st'lre-ocet./110)1:dt‘ebry .Thhii ;Ntellae, lkigliti.re seldetionS' by • Pord-Biotchie and a soh) l'i$ Walter' MO,: itindri.-It Were Very heartilreeeived Nekt,Fiiday tight debate Will be ' on .- . [ StItiOdt , "Resolved that the b . Chime .401161icit014(litottte4 Omig4t," . • N 1)8 thC.0.,l1 System we ,are, offering.for three 'Weeks, sgecially,low pric onsString:-Bells ahd Shaft Chitnes, Heavy Winter Mitts and Gloves,1;S:w.: terns and many other,' lines too aurnetous to mehtinit, Call and rnspct our imorted German Aluminum Ware• .ju8t:•-ditiVeC—,* The prices witi iti.teret every custoirier: rhis Aluminum is the be*t.stalue_po.§.ible to. buy. _Get •.some before it, all goe.s. , THE BUSY HARt•WARE,tTaitE o". B. 4 IYIU114. •sAIN4.3 • theb*sta.ted MSS ital. and Reserve. ' bit A.140 4goloi it:OAESA A OiNil/Ati4AHAIN4B1iS1SSTRANSAeTZli • CrRlEtYtf . A 1,t41'it6 tirnwrv:;.$. -13Axx mo DERS, `. 'SPANINOS: , . At all Bran:dies., itEtteest #ttowedtt High -est .t.teti.t itite* Lucknow Branch $14 iia •