HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-02-19, Page 50 777779777`47"w""77 7; 77 _: P IT LIMCKNOW SONTINAL ....... ..... TW! 5doy, r ry,,q fie fto with Mr.ano X, Pis x)" Sun, jay last, RIES CO-UNO 1, —,,Wr-;)T–%-WWN4 - tl:- "a—, NULLNEW AF des They Were ReaPhiqg,a Vcrdivt. 0, ouncil met )U j all. 3 I$t. as per ad & ek-teod otir svM 1r,"and, at A] x, MeNlujlenl . 18,8t W, -ekw, to NL Alt. Reeve, Mrsi PhioR bowneyin, the loss of their, M-c)/1gIIcn and Clelra,- W. illde' TiAo hoWl at Viiikerton wbw as Not lljway s t-130aule was the Act "Pt jorurinen; members, all pie.ie Wellic B., Murray, in the chair,. Miraftep Of bahy boy. visited Mr§,,Ei. QArdis qqq,oay last week,, not had, a license since. kay, w'i I 1 1: .. I the old tIftIe'jnryjnan, for there was 100 meeting were: read. and passed on Among those on the SiCk list at Pres- Lester' -says, ."There is nothing fiRe rement-j:-bollight, hy, Adam 4WOx for -,-if et at ti- gkile If the 0 r. 'a pow otiou tiy:QounQijl' rs, Xtylor ind Alai n I y8,- RaifA Qp c 6 der-thv_ llig $900, 'ays OIL PI , IV ill Q _W ent are d I mgra. and borrowed h6rseK" , W w it %-erdl("i did not gyrgiuy the highei -te elit for Jan. James Trwin. . I ". I 'I y I k Qo4pail is send. P7 e s ota ]ad friend bked-tlie liftle.gr j inc4rdiiie Tow loltgh Trea dr r'. ey. ,- P -S Tllll i the I'lliftliv Of: a pry to con- PF rvasurer, rhompsou showed MvLe6d -%v'ill It ve char- 6t the hat Mari tb;' 14teeivl -OP, 6w0jl Ing af poptitil Tbrockwortou, made a by Viet !$il' Nichola", We, are- glad to. 1 -)it t ,ow the 7. little daA -.and Lo, -3,11 461-t-bree 1AW %4_0 602",36, -yout: Iv, j, 'se-l"rie ; e, 6., Iftprovlllg, -he =,rfe. , "i I s 6iiijo opt of., tie r si(-k el sicic-lor &,)a1P­4%P i 14' -to, au oseph Be n're 16F40 yevq &,Vesl, tine 'the Allsobligilig j6ry it -%-1K.51lirim Woods, of St,'-, he4lth. U., Zoe r and Mi r#-v*,y43 e "c' M - , 3% )y4li their,-daii i btB_5 1 14 i` 1tva -gy_,d_bv Audifor, J pq j j q ed Uhak. Urvin and bring'. Ill risLiAl) -.g:L" -O—fWal I— i , ar4ited ___U70s_Pii; f , Id. ee for 1 . speci I attraction f6r Victor. But z_ wally here *hohas 6 Utierlou,sly All. M therp fol Owinge an operation o hen by qoun6f, tbie as Ian ou tak es"a m6rev4qterly Ireatio'Al on, tho'l 2.th. idst -,was 60 years E i IZa beth followt-d the s. me rei,d on in6tion'Of. Naylor and M-alkmh, . . .. .. li,:ay'nightls. ' I . . , I itii(i the 4&k-tice, of hItIlLig 14 19! will b of ag T he ustiol, nuinber of col-,'I'Les Su "ej . ' I Xciinedv, & pi ri es did iiot vease';614JI W,7 %f 6013 W joiy are The- Pine. River 'Presbyterian el PAvid, topeerof Port .1).;inted..k)r,dis.t ri.butioii. -e uIr _et 77— d" insb;-a,jed b6 wll 're"cluded OD f "the, ' Yolin.;-: tjje­ ­ Days' dio(l.on the: l2th ( T .s to be 'held alit U11 a PV &-near future. he, 'In Liesday, 17,- J o' VXJ) Killing proceeda,of 0.0 Of ftl. t ine.i Ill sowe'oltl thiie co"Utts "14upicipal leleplio4c. -case whi h aro 'to be given to years. He was M rp. james McLeod is '6 Port Elgin distriCtL the! sessiblis" the illjlilleti(iii to lay souie oharita[i)e purpose. 0_settl both ca6q§ very WHY ff)r the WliefiLt of - iti'g,,.Wer. p . , ­ 0 in, tli e -,Z!ar vis AY ister who is W. he ,Lls together had to -6 .1 OUPCil. 17T6 Also ent of the; .. I , i. W1,I)i Id Aiq,w Iretabers of to 11tifiter, an o regid assisting: Ogle Tweedy, of Ki-nlroa gh, i's Dy jtIr3,111'ell ill :Iftieral fa 'biod, Whep Led havijag f, _t nore le- I It Vice,oll the 'Elbka Road,- Carrick Tow, Wr gal jj e 'neXt Jul g h the. bdiri - - Y.are d" t Q ea:t_fA­.. e died IllvdrajYj - Otx Nortiary, -00i-, deat be,14t actiori'0 ta'Cre. On ni'46 E i rm*d called im 1111enc 4' level Mitliougli t UA Mei -b, 17 d1ou and _it ;hor * lie. Wit week.' I. N due, t Q`L'a glight ac-cident, of -y bo ' and rema,11I, in lie Clerk of,jhe jut tj" -to. l; d- live init- is­ ieinityi; '- _,;Z PW 'k 1 4 Qo 64 9. A M" t e- r a I Vi ­ y fted-- is,* pre$cut.w, . pe&bnafl;y­serv i 6acll Diterfued Cameron Caiiipbe Fy, is 'A e-bou Y_ _'_-ffe_DohaId,qt ttle . Ala'' ry. enqtjjry,.in:,Qi wit 21 .1 -us agaii erhaps lie lit ong­ amongs it at le tan Writing'poet :18 W ur - () -i , "', . - 7 -salile- -as et. P le' - Nthe'. cot 6sher stood, ; . R. it ko 'T F Y rLW4,ith- a:coa Of, -h n q_uoL A eoui tb'Arinstr g, e I: h ii -d' 1 :46 --ii4iro, 0011 as 'PoSsI3 _ I It rjob1l ed ice, e aipy'jUryipati ventim­ 0 1 S, a, Ag av 0 iE A-c all( pa b otnpw. ns any,, m-an.can fict, ne, of,, id -e dl q: ` af Lei' hig,abseel WL 00,ii!46100' n 0' 'house t,Chesley.' H6 has 'W t of 4_1`2"' eri passe Tji Id bexbry as boyo I. e ,$Akl;r4ce b0for" 64se of .o a. copy o 1 4 6. Qll, on. c(irre0p.o0d the H "o, rig for , " L ­ L V 111. 1. 1 1 ­­_­ own ea tue ei ojj jj 61L ­ were agree e YOULlig I—— db U-_ 15kUPPYr.aranc C ust t me"wam ou.me d. Of the. offen 'ek, f6i -iLt b '8p n t t' v day P -1 L wen are ta 06til tt Sloly -L --m-oh 0 0111 Lion tOL NVWM; re ell Olin McD SL t pleased,if.-the. twejv , toind, d d e A 4 lconvkje-& .'- N 1 340r-. ,-QQ.uYicil adjoii.it6d _ t f -th 11 dd Ott'; i 6nld,kiddl' 'Infprni 44,NNU , 1 -1 1 1 . 0 " .'-I """" j ---- Lie e 6 the,, s66o' It is I t -h CIO iiniial tI t Y lioilse V a -a Qour ,ofll t Whilerou is way hoind V xvr-an goodAlsp .x svom'. at J, 30 1), ni a' ly ... I - .. - I th lay, II 7% ts.— study e dictionary. come 'uC_ e ni.o.-y-e- I n re ge. at X. X. .1 . "", d, ­', T . . 11 .111, An spble',' h nev 1, ii.the, Young drain-ass.q,4snien T, atthey, :X r..jsn f. ea V, this col(I -thti.re!44 -7,e -0 rza- Son. to ' W ' "' 'caqsd : VQM eii z n ._qye Q :0 W_ a ._qye- An W A. 016k ::p fri is, wron b -N much refofe W Tri -N LAN X i.ihu,doirk half Udiea T 9S t - ;Ar ell "able flo, iF We 46 k c hid d r &ni1_'.,qjne ,mon,; s.. , a w,&,3 aL*natI'1,. -:old one than 'th6, ._'Whon we 0 B,. 46d,6,e term,"faii one §)mo arms -of-'Vegetable Life, Havv 'Me i6jad weat ter. in- Nth Secoqd-wjl'­ .MI116s! of .13bralinfii and-. -had serve e analLtl tf -h, t fi' Scri eLls'rIg -4 7$11 r Ut3l-:S6hr7nR t;ra--W Nt 871W. r. ]r. e t1w]:itirromp d rrd _Q e-' V_e t_& -tin VIX-rcullb- Adverra emen Mig­ PW i -8 - '­ 1-thIC6 I -f: f C —4- F no fili. _ t Ai't t4k g S 49— a -b-ob"j. . ....... a, yl e a man ages ick, ad ary'adecess- 6n4 e' a6 -1-t-4 -8 1 ! I . . -"Ea. fi-_df,_tbe ixnes­aff(1-6n -theforin of-wdebile 6wthe slitileev. ' _­­-,_'__­ ­ . - . M._ 'IT". '' ­ Listeril - Watch our news in .Ma'rd.h, gptt0Pi M.6 -beloilijo th M 3 Can rhols .:have powin, Of.ebok"'.0 arid 6 fifty' &e ry: Atiotiotai. w Te table an _thethodern one .1' Thin S ,:.a Y. ge. . q ., a- Z tore irlie . . -ae . M -ie T.e6epfl The d )rings. k, till' er,a4d rerem'beftlitit "Res6lved that' the death pen # for, ov somethigg new 1 '1 bile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _port.. a,uction­s,a 4bolisli'e-O.' - Oetfaplea s Vthe- samire-i Lavo iris t- in-py -o t h p r- Qn q 0 Tar -EF UaV way t at -.:i ell _Wjthj_r_iend_.j "Al'.and six, p 116 15kbq jl%'an, aver- e "s "tiral -law 'ButAIA610i7crosei Ing &In": . ean,so verdu, rlilatf .e; wh ure op e d 11'e 'Dowild-TA 0 Kjr6d t. g6table ]Yulican :,gathos- -will uphold the­.Lneg­ 'age price of Al per: 15how th" ve 'i's' asked" - 'b r "fan 'i ey -kfter!, Luoye. an.easily as,.can an, W 7 nai .,c rier ad vd )rig with a­short bineJa__j ust_ thexazor you .1 , 1, Ou an&w.hei'-will 6L'Staft?7'11`­ ' .. . .1 ­ 1Z 1—- -1 .! Jnbur,s fan Will, Ih, i- 6b -'The"d6ate ab The Mi m .,;y io .-te" I, p ttI -lied Vol a-.,jood n1glit 1 on Frank Cl Miis V r1,H speqt the week end progam-shou'ld, piovide, s' *inrfing; the,distdct cAbxInpionship is. e "thlit ave. -any bea 01- pay: you to-inqpeCtLour 'stock no, ark, of P.aramovtut,. 'hai 'en A oqpy., 6 tfiat millions Of1t,could t It .1come.!. NO t6r, s ; uAl n ute gaged with 8 tn,CofigrAin- for,,a month, 'at Peter Reav en, rtai ment. All aire we bhalleh r( lt 6arn 6 u '16 it, winegla"'.which Is seer d by the'Walkeetop 'oe p t: ....... ... . h d 4-.'stalc-e-,oUa-n-vth*.i-,W,--f ro m. 44:2_5; 41r 66-2 - X- or, Vi te&­gt A r-wilkbe q, a;rggC,;_... ge,..0 WMIL of c now 14 ............ to 8400. A e6 -di tio jif Clja c f w. I ri - ft ,g - 06-mle 0 Olin in te;_ i-.tlrat-, the- _M - -&'7- e - - '- 11-4 -mitfn yi ti are Wal rtqrk'rWr- tnove:boPIttjaI:Iy,,vLs,,wItb am.apparent TH ke M- eligine were a 4.L 80U _itIampton '-W. sie 01 ZR7 C t IffiWd n h ,auv 4 - -, :. : - - . n 0 -k ISt jLL.1p. hj Tw'b I ­­. KEN ff- 'R .-3 1 b r st.ndy__ a - W-'- -H WA _EA--. L -,0 -0 11 ews on:Saturdiiy, night of -last 3ther witurolist to c1hubing_.-!,,pla fisLe-p-aid- to Oxercis" -We' Pd ch eramCo , . .. 01ma N trairr--f-ebw ie, passengdj Toi the. libertv df: chol0e. lided'with g li-.11tLen- i6e there. P 4! 7 ces: of -.66d with 4D i Ug Orel, pie w starl-ill w6i6 thrown f rOm their seats. I : . . b *d v but no o , ri iisly hurti wAs se o, li nd 'ohe tb 6 m 'j: gL wn, CO'unciLbt Hanover yQu, want an-, `, r tp r 1i a v j -q9 lo(!a e illi hoje, fdr.., jDn­ t its-eir, :ALM 0 --R Ong! foibid i J'j s 6 ' t e I i d ri , I', , witj3dry 0, 0i ,. I&Z D io`,;-­ 6: L1,11 1 'they. ALI -e L.&-ary : uildinklfo th How ou h6ld fl -will se 0 Qvbr grotiiid refIIsItA9:to,cIi&b i b el ing tfh6po,istabld' that, he, hlO, s report trees JI tfieir patlj 61it l they coni Thelit -bu Sppoy. 6& -to 'iVing:: quan'tities e aWt .-w 6o -ties in,th! egk Spring Gbods ake j ji arge found se_Ver' 1,4 i;k e in 11-ar-speeies-of-,T6 now Ocipt. wAiti ng x-66Anii. ALs, AAA es itna e 7 -0 tcli . ...:. . . I I at Once CILLIg, aarpt r 8 Weekly, T* here -ii. now- .4 9, od-idppor 'Unity, sewik events -.,were-- eLDZ,- 7 1,6rAhe_._thri1.t ou % t 7 gWc deg[ -tif opposl .10 A. v ' _h ur .6-hAs 46— N Sj jior n0eds r t e L iw.w&sh ;&ads ihake 'her p 'so D P., Ing g th acb:o '4. tr e _c noi b .:6 -ant Sibog- tjje-,-tfWe' - e;d '0 )XaU LmS4 -y-0,--1.:_-w 4 Jolins6u m e The 1 eu*.Titnes says t t a. . domYr16s`h.,IV o rlecord'tfie .6, of re E- an t e si !e -4t 'IiI ted _t' ma e the bus SeASOM. 0 r It A, r, ore St&nd 4; h:' h _t d ead' J r y pi, y i the otbe day wiis sd e prouque atious, preva eut -among, the 0 66: citi h b s kers bf e', -thr,0igti -the p t office t sbea -ihan- Exerett,G r4si: P nd- 0404i4eir Pir -dhe-au'llu _)6c_,0b-1,aa_v_e H, d T i - 4! - ".. . - - L 1. ­­. 4. p iiiing ir, 001`yrge ,flm LIU, _0 56C ia­ or -the. -it -1 me -was Ing aw _wm -Gve4nock. lady. a _xLejQ :!as.. t. Woul )ave ..enghved, I - 7GMa. ;ea 61h qtnii a ee e. 11 as Mawrin Ureau fv , I ; I already 10 has ca 6f 'Caesar,, T e Donor of djCiL Tthctoi- -in uW'Ior, n _ _Jjrjj f "Upon Alt at. prices. fle, d in A thehi6t:th'tit', many- locall takors sqemg,, to bnvd7be u f riendi; an who I ves- ...... .. 'thelli.- V60:Re - op,nd t"M6,41 .. . ......... .. heswe.etz._w_h&' .4 atv best* wallowing tipotfd j* cause .are ur is evidence ffia 6 P6 as this' In the slotigb of & Ira o w tour h basinL, stliy* of couflictlng, 'prorintrelations des f'' heai. Se y a. e dforo lona -fig'their ar- vxce -)t'o.na. t not. 'S appealed tQ the dictionary.. ffixor. ouly -,make's - pt ,her-miq gi t w job -b ou Its pr a '1k CA OF 861CIDfl.= 'Andrew -'btter: and,: protector. a 6d-. r6r their fu-. e=.p On itil 96 -19,W -DW _a- _e__U.rL7.e._ _jm le _k_ —MM Q 5L dsiflom­ -are4 nOW-Al. -0. (1 -...Yv al Iferion-7w; 712761:7acqu -Mr ou r Ili A _Bq In de;L h -'i ­­ ­Eir . u_ 4 - I .. . Plvp .. I 11 ­­ N s e O depq 'h U e. f the'.110tel- Water-, fWan-bes ..6be dlctlonnr_y. tO. avoid 'those, 't ls ast Angmelit" we advise Phlicitiv th room o 1,06, -Cefitu Hobberli -ar qq7 ­W`M i, _:1 s e' -uary is fhF was 7"r 1 __ ftrw- id you -get- E., e, Dest..t­­:-' datw- 1,66.6 r 'it -a'. oat epitf o 01 0 ur- S,%Mt'Co,, and ,the '§&niples 61 -tach are here.foryou. to M0 yo y . ...... ASIASOed, ftorly ear to e i wi a -ra-zor, the prqm1n-,cI6tj u fiend -lug it he c6mT*t the. el qice fro 4 '!"Jt was evidentiy,a' case,of sui( s I)agiQs lest 4. 7 0 !-ZIMO aivo t i -ai Ot it orlty-.­ IWW- h d J: &­­ , i .w4s qu Ange_ uti was not Pu. thiou:,,h b he.- .......... 7. k. 'OTZ. vwo.ld-. d64 imself hA III& -V , - ! L, ac, , W N --get ro W. "A"'ury- .:4 '' ' '"I - - i '­ - I... . L ..; 7 Trid '.vP0. Bros -A. -,brother of t e de6agse -is piopriewr. . Afon wit The. Deaf,&hd Dtim:b' of the Ed. ard'Hotbl. an"d:'he had been -h in awortmmt of fine lygib;roiderod tFIbuTiehigs we in arly ti ie it .,Was opinion. f -his --h6me there fd :by phi[ soph Wave just -placed. iii'-'8,t ck. a nice.rah-e o very new %nd; h nd.SOLna_, few fis- it Ve IWIS; that ar-ran, 2. and.''M pet YA r.. '10 1 Ki b A. S WSt CAU, W. l'i.TP61W It Oas then, believed % -th,_r e--aeq "M d. lie ear. as 'Mrotig4, the, 7iii—odipm or'. stert narl, a nq rro W, escape from drown, 11 W 1111ams 04 ,Win :Cw t of: _i4 .1 1 . . "M -Zla,)'­ndorn -us. Machines - - ------- atidl in- iri-'the rfideyav on.. on own by the'couple ed Ltwr NOW—, 4;, -5. Mif 91 W I ff t Ill, Witl ev4: I - ;I T., t w I Ing U ts -says Tbi ''Telescope Wheh re.e PP of r 9 Fr 11 s h, flu Cdrt:, ikppro3re th exn - a no wtsdom ` n6 horses were go, the b idge, a 16c, whiOi -' teach. r a n t f dr d L C Wt tter- a .1 Net' - ­` a 3 " I - ; arou 'The'di r Ve fi" 'c it nE-e - t; F the new rawing.- a i den y swung Ion f 'i stoe, 10 0 pleate( I ti it pl Lt, I d 11di st ment go r ' I * I lt bveg,''Wndlh the" aj'L Instruction fo ema-tjj­%t PrLejent tot' wa'A'lj, 0. tie f--a1nd:d­ d u ff ebrid con Adanis o th e. p We h- ve Als&` "n w.'a '.­-, - 'k- ­_ I to, the, ic wli -h­,&ave­,!!L ,y. b neabh 6 tyle. 441'c 1, CI' (4 - hi h lie, :4 _L ___2 ll: qO p In paic II&A-weig t 116,tuariasred, to clamber 6V, some centunes. 6 Itudoff(AW A-gric M, k- ­' - - contt&iing 6ne yiii:d, 4i 2 5q. 1per.'' ack age.: O0t,'bAAtLw4 again 'knocked in by -the Is. oi aejdel beirg ma ea. Anention, 6f 'an* p '6utj-he kb-' - educated 'deaf mute -in b.1.6 , "'Walec- loa,'ari'd had j%,A oto *tqd_, _ fliaf bridtirne whnond f hisheavy drau ht bL hot diim be-, -ses t arid Igi, in to be-.4eneral, P ew Yom- Anierf- W- G DR E W Ppa in d Jewel. Bair..Ri ns umbl ,i Ott tho bridge and ! . . u hstruedul 'tOr the deaj e a rpliiiig.41166ll Ithe.4cej AN Urn ve x 14 ' J'lp t, ,.0C0jVdrj arotlide lot Of, th a- , 'g can. by.'a hair ii'lireadth. 11ad Mr.- Ora, cellent *eating liflmel,,afid Owpl,:gar. r1nq; at 25', a, d '.35 - Very ds,.,'Utor he, would, ­ been a few 'secon I '... . '' . , . , 1 11 - t" F Al-ond'on a ain sLi UndL le . have . .... ..... . oabtodl t y gon 6- a wo. . ry Wbf 66f build n. -good pond it 'Will stock grave.beneatli the strugk-filig aftimal a WhiteChUtCh 60 fft rtu 7, The. g6v0rhment derich Af ter 'UrL -Orai".Ms.-Oixt workra6- we r6 's innu 4itaai.ZT, Ben Sihith 4to with Hsh Ift--wt-W furals6 water for- V% : ioife'& 11 rom-tfhelf actoq, "and fvV- -'®rAy. lid` rr e en es, W 11FT-ry _tMF N a," Effie" p-Lrcup"! _cj ppil­4_­01-f e- "S, a 'd ­ .. .. .. ..... fy -tV ILLTCp 't Vt. 'N6jbVNT'O Y On. M. rMargi &d Ort 8 d 2. no mention has d took but lispended selitence., cei'i mage to tb L ea6f igrtnftgey j, and' when winter A Kelly recent) I a` -of theft b drfttV L VERV PLEA -14 -Abrons tx it y thd ii " Fit -V - 4 d ;en in In . horse to shore. Although td co'mes it will furnish a -fine 'plate for few y6t;1. t 0 a 01 e on is Vee James' For 'ag ;ome ti e reak perAlUro* Wagiboveing',ribout the zero the Ari.osewent., of the' yonnk_folksi, lne:,baek I get cai door oG u tsbiivable A ever, affi a' reatm'an) of iffese and th e, had. eon missin 11arretto are j st,as fa, g WIRmag nee Cuyler was ntertain I c6al ai'd set -a otdiessino, thel simple.' rhey.. are gr`eh m valuie, they ax 1 6 tili ely OKI% cLa.ig rse. rhe.,), it 'will s upply the - ina # ria %vatch very:- neces.saq fol.06-pro t_ qle %ark , both and,thd,ho with the young people6f` the' 'E list Ili.6.lb aftd ar6sult these, t y lines litivejuill) e6liie,to hand I inade they` 'tL to Perfectio. aiid they wear'and`wash are sufferhig no -ill,eilleets,fr,om their the fee crop to store awaly; Nr suminer ) ,okli League of- this, place.at-tbc honie Nj"tg. "(, . t prict 5. 1 -We -11. Th-6fie"Rh-ei7, all. :Cold phinge. ootfle:4 try fini -was ,,,,Oo 'L lie eo A me e lit, Af4vo j' =in"d -qleigh. Quifea-bitof-" risiStIng, 0 8111, J: penf- to f ging and-gitn*s.- -I b' diVi j)(11tt, It IZ I ls Two HO 11 ing Her a j66., AE WOAE Th6 last game took the form of a cliirade p All noighborhotid. One inan had Mrs. gt.' ot 'mhid-,QnI­Nsocfety,, III -!Aw'hen.an_oId'w I'lle in solidt-in -big jii)tatopits 4 ':rkLIqEDAB'0UT HAIR- apl)ointim we ob.it of a comm 414 rmall I . basket T Ni6"M- 6 Y lean irAAW-bly TWO Wotneh triet in* out store U, 0! ..to try -to bring. car' b s,.Aho basket ll&.a shower of ui),dle, lied I I V tj 0 a reh Strang- bdibg prese'lite later We kers-­ tk t o - N I rs: It t"n. ,q d Ilar roollIS, whieh 9 how 'lit ki tty, yVUU 'hair JLOO 8! surpe set) . in&od. Sel ffihid - in glad to beatk-.It, fay'deii . - RZMage -W 0 as _O '.1or Cho' substititte beg -h-ift-oue* asr 4-h ,Why, i ha , been 'usink Flartnony , I , , 0 ay fram both donor,4 mhd reeilliont, A, I ley ope q Beautiri-ef f'or file past two *eeks A hey -Are'al" orlillirl, *' et sa f an' organizatioti 4 Cors II)ost 81 u I to 8 was' ilie riply. eiable,eveliin&k\t ch as this NVAEW th , . lie Or file Tetllpo4 "Why ili&atd ll e lied the first Wo- H,6W Did, Shd K n ww 3*ill liDger long iti lifelnory. (,Vvn, ty, his .is th elorso . forckh a L Ut ihol it eoillbs Inall "that is' Ju9t what: T alit ughi n A fi n t I , d on't 41ke to stiiy you dab, Marly, Ill i les,d ivide.­. 1gfj'j it gr jj'. it bo yee, buys till oe 6 for stooL fio.ai .6itd don't.yowthinkmy gli ig Ili. with, mt -ffiii4, go Ontertilfff- o: Wtautifiee,119 be h- , L' , . I - 'Id s *j ,filtit 6 hair shows a lot of iffit)f6vettietit?" -do thLe" ollL ivog a little: Wilat Toil oill strie 1-fairliony 1161t thfl t'L , O(j, I . I (MiVe-t n.,ocit; -Aced i,youlig fi' ?4i te with perfe ct eoln- th . I I I t V, all Ye rage aniong both ind,niind woltitu ThorLP6? Nieve-,Why, alltt,' 111,q : fac6 eftrer. we ilve w ate pa,tieftlar in' Ole cafe of tficir f6a, to the W 'JAII't SOL hair. -1i is, 'a it jook§1 13.' t6 y jA: 'ran 4tortler We ilIg t jilist,what it isiiamed--­liair 01 if fm n, R htqtan elf' Man s gr sort beautifier ff,geetlls; to poli,,kh add burif-, IflakifigAt 0 -dou Jo -ton held a s, hiLl h e cor, W1 the ssy, silky -soft, Ail set who will 'never hair, Mid Wore easy to put t"I'll, A -meaceftAL r ;6idded Bliii, v fit A iMtod th(, to"'itl4v 1'' qy al:- contaillo Iter"tLs ej wavy folds that s . F W68i' tiny in the' i 1 0. 1 "e4t I I rid IV evellpig..'"t. T at I b 4 nt­ N other., We have t r L 4 hi 11 5osi y NP& t th ILI- And" yri "mill V011 R 11 --f3lIt 0 1 , , vi f WOM a a be d Yj7pidin and rib an ' kWong t -cor-et-irr-stocic, X -ken 'd alfil ell s -ft )ly-,4pfinkle i - little nor d '14 ;l6ny. 811 and Llarna,,' al, very 6 ie, so b yar Sm U.,e A, 0. Y -s. X1 favbtif es ine -y- Zen, ,Zolzep yotir hair and scalf5'daridruff (it; tirlv paa. -of on yourhair,ea(+' Lint 0 bef6fe braMiitig it, eaves, Anse '2, 42 a 20 to 36 C. Wros's C rat price C 0 "0 it' 14mbe, fri)in hore attvnAe& t I I no, I toil 0 n,, Yi , 1'14 bj j §ljajnp6(.) gjVeS all 1 ty TO 1) M I ihstan an - k 1"liwa M epas d 'chi f6a 111ilik ldtber tli it inititeliat- ;'04 r ard, 'I'0, '(VII It 01 resent.'! j ely p-lietrates to ftef$T paft of the, Imif ;jy jjjt( s; obi 'ilt p arHv(,d af i Is X . ..... .. ... of Winghaw" ILA spend Nvvek'With! 4 J)rjWo jl pffre taf Vill, M a*(JU:ick AL d thdrough, lie loth, 0 Visiting oll t ii"6tie Ofseweal Olivat'& s'.q.-who. g,.; - t is- washed off just m -Ilev. Mirrant, of LitekhoW, ptie*60(1- blive entered the hunistry. quickly the entife op !ratiari'tftLkjjl , 011tv -is t. week -1 a te V Ynonierlts. IfArIllobyrJ4 tie BeaiiAti . - .011 -Betl1afiy V irollit bn "KIIndAY4 A n , I t6k plao. -Ia, t .01 W(,.,Il E'.11 FYI t fliii% tl;.00, Hatnvoiiv Sliallipoo', 53ci Mr, and AtrA. ITCA. . rEdgAlli of Weill, kAjen, Mr. -Affid N.Irs.41lil Downo buri vd totli -eed to ever tjn.'j it1fafirt Tjj , Climilbell vtqited V0.6 Gadorieh fritin"l. ; tisfy voti ill V V"i"Ited. nt J)'i-ve 11,4gal 8: on, KS'u 11dAy. f jt d's y, or y tir tn&b( rlq( sold only,,at -,k' f Ht. f of it dity (o fiw A 'PArci U h _Wki '(if the h7 f4iavkt V6 the th6rd''tha-11, 7,000 ! ,exafl '-,tove,4 Ahd, 5ros-14*11AM, .1 I o i, 7 P %: p A wk 1 iQ"*W)' 9" 1114" J6. 4,