HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-02-12, Page 8„.„ Ilitechttrch e4 for last week.) „ se. was homing revival its week at Bethel appoint- and Mrs, at, 'Purcell, of Bdinen, ere gnests-of.„Mr„..•",anti Fox' ,..- : ,Ditric'an 6. lleKenAelt'ft: ligt, Kit iir.„ 1 iiii.:cti. Int iro ;load; of birniture u•ii on.. makyo, 4,(3,, vi.,,itiog_imr,,,..0 4.. Brink took ----r.--,,, ----7-t-,--,,,-------. ".1loy Ilildred, of 1-4 :Inglis in. ''',..W,k,, 'who . , ---i---- . ":"--7--1.,•0.0.$71Fafer------" 11RON—TOWNSIIIP-IVilNUTIIS .... we`a•I'q's'or,ITIO rePOrt the ilitle.s- of :- for. 1/nil:can "-O. MeKtqiZie i 0 t'0"1.0'.4. '141:0 Tli'N'rt,1 in 1)11.1!, 6y:cm rtiOfiy. eyening, , ., , '.ci.,',4turrl!-.iy::: . • . :, • l',.iii-Oliqt0ttien.-Worker in -air institutions igissH jettlii.e. 1:Me011ire, ' 1\iliss: 'Mcguti-ve lafteijs'Shiiviiiie' . • ., , ' •• .. . . Al -,x- M ' 1 ' "Iiiii;i•-• '• , f l• 1 :kel .t b nodit . „ . . , 1:- . ‘,., , , , ',,,,,, . • -4, L 1.. ,. , I „, ,.., mr , R , noilaidso (.•1. •(,,to. vol. „ • : ‘..7707:1111 PI: rn.14i. olliqtitet5"..t..90dii:..,..4.ii:.6 adjournment:t19;17-'tetrreeY1:414'its1:77D'ol;reili7tisslib.1111.3:4P-lei:ir;:eae17.Ez,:to;;7;tyrli1117-":tp'rifivi,4,01:t.',' '. ... Miss ..caraphell is visiting • her .sister, ro, ...iviteli„.a..404 ,,.tiav,4, ilto. ,,of ,,L 'Nfinnliers wererall•PrOsent c:n,. • , 1. . Pawn • ?:-91,-,ratehiplItiCI,"w4:11t,orY411:rf;eg':4air t'll'o9t: tc'413' :. with „Reeve: 'Wilkinson '• in • the Oliiir• has. been . yisiiing 'In •i he 'Vicinity ltist, : „.....4.-1-,-; • , . -----Ttiesilly, V 0 .).. . 1.Q.i. th , ,m iL.,4, , : i , , t i;‘,,, , ),: 0,.. 01 z \ vorx. 1 0,g, ,, , 4 i c,,ls.,.., oi 1:4;7..t„,.1i: Iti,5.(t41'.(17:1illT721,1Z,'et.,.4,111.:. il.i.31,-.1?-1-,.1,10, th..- ,. .., L Week) COtP,PWV0d 4is, return ,101.1rneY40' , :: ,. ... 4,0At''i'•411"'-'s'''''''.41',':k?•-• _-•for,a4,-,,w-:;West4S.,' : • • , •• • ' Th61,0 ifihtSt BD i'lei'Vrfl'd hcl din 01.111.!er,00:With the church. • . 1-e,r 'many :day frit p.,,Et-iit; •-,vlioro 1:0.i:wends 'tore.-- Iiiil-ty evening. r . , ' ,, .• I's .tliBresbytcrian-chin oi: -here...last --$iin. were read- .1:40 adopted, .. ' ,. . „ , . ,., , • . .... ... .,..... ....„,„.... , . , _ ... ,- ..,-.-- ..----,- ., . • : ---- . - -iViii.AiTi' to* itOci ati.b.serilnd,:•••the noce$sary ..cle. '- -StYlea. and. fti:aW1Paq' Pi 'etiqP1'. w°1;414" ,-.....„ • .r.-.1:),;'-..ISIPT:eilt14114 .s tore, ,- '. • ., . .. , 0 wing -1014e' 4.1'4SO-10'0f -11.0'0:. :- •': LPJ;r1: 1.. 18-7::'1-17':'093:1:Ma':1.:1•1-1)11‘ 'iSl...1?..r-6.11-71-1, eud'aiitt;:-'.: :::104.:::°,:i:11:e.cl' :1.:•:iI.--4• arif 'Artiftint•Til5Jfv072;r, '''''::th4Ittillr11341;e:atte';e4tn'stiet°S44t'ft.11911:4tri:44'P;°:14114;94:e): ' lili..„:21,tit:;i,soi..to.t.1,4(...,,101:4e:.,y61.,...gt91:14i,v.....'.1_•40:k.a.;.g.., . .„,,ftelr:,,,,4e,44.,, fZ,,,-!TiSckanleari;:.,1.1:44,(;:it.111'341:lec4Oei-r--P(0.0,rt:-'::!117-.:i:;:inti::°:11°i771:4'1' ;cti• 7:::::::;71:::' xIas,, -Morrison spCnt, a few -:,days ' The mutual Ineottog. .01 the „Le'cle'dsh. • :eh:INN t : -on -1, no, ay -0voning ,ovv3.1 1,9, 'day'.r.- t.' ' Wei* With her. dtibt,..oitey'i. mi -S.... -41e.,,, , ,. "13,i4b,...cibib.mqii.,12.,e..boici. Nionda;y: night. :O.'. *.(4,4ther.,„(5,Ondi.:44n:s.. : .;',' -' . ', '.:9Ai.ak 7: Marjetie•. -Clordon liati, :Seetired ' ' ''''''•:'11.(1:-.Nti:•4•:'.01;111...-4-1"Priil'67-k-°"Ii7ci. -iiiitaii•irer'ai'S'beilv lionSeAidithefiiVed:17:14titiiiiiiitrtn'T.Aire-k,.,,OrifIretklit.Y.,:'"••:•" .-. eVerlietiid,jiere.::::7-7,-;:::-••::•• 7.--7,i•-•-::.*-7.--:,..=-;..-Li•:=•.••- lle.paader'..$...are....a.t.PrP,seqt_ weirking,', •i,Saitii-Til, -st.)-eat thiiWeelt .liti, at hOlne and "%lib attended. 'It WaS'Ciertaiiiii:ilie-Se'S-C,:1)1711:71.,.:!;14a0:11" ed-ec:45:;:f74.:0g.A:r're.m.:70,171.1a0,7111t.'4.°:Itilri:.,U)41)ii!.L...°°,;i'‘,;ri..-::ttti:re'exiet!:irt:w:::•11.-e-'9961-411'1:::i-E:lio• r1:11.131"9:?:;::4441118:fel4;PIIII;C41.11171:4:4:::;:kl:i-i-::..-1...--.. . . . . .., . . - .. • . . • . Alt11131.G. Y.. ., :, ,.. .- . ....„,.._ ",:;:A ,yory picsant„evoiing:.';way, ..sjpent:loy-, ,. ..1)..;',. 14 il l' th.0!(..4 ''#O. i.iervi0-','' , eni :Of Win ban i,..0 '..40117. -Free,. , - .4%-.-iitnii.hei• trg:tij 1101'0. is -P -Olt er:i.leasaet ;it.:tli7e.ii_..,:e.'*)4:--$ ' -.:1,0-4.. 'ct....041Y''' ' *-1-41L1--.7;---Mit4s.t..:',':]Sre't.'ili'e7:761-PaniZO"f(T4P.Ya'.1:sie Hi h wiiiii:rjj'aesiVIer;".rs4utlieininli.(4°,0(1,1'41!1?t_y!'t,1140'ilst'' ' ‘°;..:e(Iv'elri'4 c4V".-IrtlAICe:;'Skirb•r°1'6°41: 4i . -" , i• tigiii Well, fOr john.,---Movrbray;••. who- :re- . . '7--"Ii)-414Yl• 1.'' '''varY' ''''''-• ,-i, iiiiiiihe.4: . of frieni'N ,'•intt aeonlinf4,neos . Me h 'it z.mt ot ' I, s i: - 'aveAta.,....:`,.......7.:.',,7-7.7''..7.::':::7.• : . ' -eeilinigiat R Ale bort t'idls.hta.'Week.•-.-7-''.--'--• 11.6,,,,,,QAtiow„a8_41„,,,a.oistond, alooleosier. - .,,Liecond, visite., (tat Wiii.••____,,Bru.srl'a 0.,,,,nn- dit,Y, Inove•in to when -the Linterior IS. coreplet:• ... Mi•s:,, $1-,iirey....ot'Vaisley is Waiting On ReV lsit :Bra,dley.wasinut of: townloi: 4'n C"1:61.1.*; '81'9°' refi'in4'')f .4*•t'414-1:ie '''''. '''Ca'11(1111:' '' .. ' ''-' -7. ----• • • ; 7 ' ' - !:‘;•;,,,n-,:mo4,4.4.0r-riew 'cliities iie:....t. SiteclaY. -1.'• 1,11e members.' nr t*• ''Arigiteaa, •Oltoi, , The: 1„,ochal,h. Literary, Society :. lias • roPort* b4der.--itY.:,':tinic•of:•••W-t'tttag.• .: ., ''sKer4Voixe„.ectihtvorr.0-'hui,smfiet.rcihneelri.- '0O:ii.,:g.,:r.e..gn.,t.:1..eri: in :, '311.1,11si.".)k'.::,o,.110j.t!'011'*:"e'' ii'0,1n1(',3:1-4;,,sti 'f--'eo.'0,,,•:'., .1,..,....P::rt.,074;r,‘t:"-t!iill-----------i'vul.'44i,Yr::::1;neinea,:,:lf..el'YTtrafU'el1*'1:11'173. , n ':°t,vile:_°.Freabyterlan Ohurell . andWill. 1'1,14. ii'01.-c., .. ' ° ' ed,.. 7 '' . ". ' . . ' ' . ..ms... ...0r,i,ser,.. :1A,I-10-,ii.,-. ,,,.,,,0- on:7000,s'ect 0 .1-h-n•,..,,,,ea -44,, ...it4‘..-ti„- n4.,;....oniy:...e. r......,:,_h,Ltdli, ipley,..,._ t.Tppastor es, ., -.1 • ' • . \fr. and Mrs, ft.. c4inine.r.t9ii, ' a.:64 ' Mr., Ireqeedi.pg ti .130x. ' sci,6i4 ii:iiii ,,,,i.,:fa up ' ,,i-STp„...1.,,:.Tio,i.oii, an,t no* snnvko. nio-,4,,no ,:n.iv, inloy. .pgii,o..ed prettii4g. f , i. et:Texacti.)-roa'bhnedill.entptitsoosne.' .11aoxidoot:67.,A,1"..fOrli, viiripatevoi:wodlotOg 0,0:dot t51:,iio,...0,i„,i......w1,2tnelisi?1 ht"reu:skl.‘'el.di:;1,..----.-n, 1,a;!(€1-iiiffety.q• 'thl4PPt 3.;.7...ii '...1-"4.,.. mmot. 4, ole,i,-0,,,iii -evening --at 4011.1,1,.itael- 1.)s-011.i-r&oi-g4iliA§ .4t, u, iti,therlioe pe,riocl. .7: .,.0...4v,..i,,Ittz.'„,.,tr•lott.:.t.,1,46,,..:eutiiI.41,itol0;pitn.0,,v.f t_44•-e-Rrr jads,,, . ,About ,5 Rf.ttv yimitili people in ovo, W. •11. Mul)onald',S drain.::award,„$15:7b; . . . rg ,_,,_:x.,:ood6,5i Feb,, 901 - ,' tz'',," 1,43'y ‘'YQ1.-:, ' • ..„ • .' ••'' ..- It is •elc.Pcetecl...thatiWo 'or: tho'Oe 'debates ie A '7044] rti,'.'*,0,i1.: 'fii,6.',:••tliik,!'cciii-ifor, t . of t u , ii%"'.;.1.tp.'.Lait1-.s.,.•.:,h&. ,1,4t.tei.:. sicte: Nyjn:h ill g.. '`. ' The isish lecture ha,sz,beert.OostpOrted: . A. nurnber frOm: this' vicinity- :attend- twa, vicinity, thiii,,,woek". . ',WInoupy, ,si...,. , "T‘' be per rf ,ctly _frank wUti yOtt . . ...,:,:Vit:Sl "Treleaiieni.".-,41:. Liieli4OW,7LStperit,_ ,":ruesclay...„0,Yeiii.ng, : Alt..'w,.tiat11111'::...r:P•.W.411.1.'w,11011-40,4..4PY.t."..13 .t4e.:.10.a. 7 ...', ..) .h ., mairooth .etirtit.'anol,:409:041Vaiidtt-titean.a.:.,Ort the..riVer bre last ' Thurada'Y., "Aftef; "placarde4 • '.ft..711i:77Farnell.7.•and • R.• . o ' ' 'pre, achir, • .111Z77.EVii;Os'S.1)0.0to $.41.ifjOY: 4,-..10 " , tio..4 '" Mil.". J, ..Slieltou„,",p,polt • Tii,esday the. 4eason" or 1 .0'. sqc;e.,, Y.! i- ' '' " " . trii) 6117476176:74-7- • , , ., .. . , 0 ay • . , 1 A in -,i-i:00 iiiiiiiicirtritutriae, iiaerilin4i$:ci;,r17.440.1*.:100*P-Y1-7': H ianTed: -a, . no irrhei7of '..tlirCuirfIr.:-In..71*# • :11:011311MrfiVECI:1-eing-Tatieriiietaxl-7--ot'a7 -.FolitliIiiffirdif-TAlfre:::•no4';.giTr-e-s-4irueefa-:•5•ThoiriPp.oli-estate,went7-161ror ag• Irth--eLlee7--.-for:.7.printing.4-5,e(laa():*'11 clet7----F-evernardS-77-.nr-, 7..,:v.-.1:40•22:wtitriiitsj-netivati2e. coo,111., 174 , , ...„ . , . ,.,, : .,,,eNali,,t •1,,,,;:,:.Ft:s71.1;4zi:Luiry'pbce191.::itt:1-0,•,,°•:-,ri-:-,.-te-;•_--7 :,,i4:01„ 180,11,00,43,ni..,jail. vhl,s , ia4 ill iirway. tl,ct.I.,.(011., p41 inqr.4too and . .T:tv'o„ lisises hejOr, ging .to • the'.11r.: :': R, t FiC11.°an'fd6'relseirik."11.6s66Ptinns 'f°:''..e°11.44-''' '14' isela: : ' : ' .' ,fas,;' WilSOtt. Skipped a, ear- load '01. • ,Teliri:S.nd: Cameron were:',4if the war i. ; A :1k -iv- Rail WaY: •:serviOti• •"comineneed .4, -and Frldil,Y. aiehtS of411,4i..weeli, , .needay4ithjier ,sister. Xra.' • CI nYler . •: . - . porti ng I .t.t St)feP d id time:: •.• • • ;.". : ' : ''.'' ,:. i 744lc.ef-'1:02': 'Kira • ': tli'0 7" '. 'Az' 1. '' ::-..t.: in ncli •beltf:Of -diOr ;Servi.0::01407''.'!)ef.q!'n• ';':e6hAder-able"traii.10415"Oth-7-4-6-i-ip?osotto --.4fril-Ki-01.0:ipemsooSir*:034ktges;;;:s4:14•1•1.y,'`. .:- ''''i'`'° • '-c'n°' 11.k/5 4'' g4-1:id. 1:4Qry ' riit'l'E;:... . - - --'---'------ .•' . ' ' :brit...QUO 'f. [ thOtiAlect.'ilittt0,0telY, nf tc r Robert TOtiti. 41 op., ' to?.•.: 6444 ...•,,,v4shout. .fie„:-.wegi--tv-,reliitt:Vsr:nlaTr.,::1,17p10701es-r:'-'7i:411.. . ::O..i.4-i.,:.-0'. t;ts,in.; -...A.1t-n.,.,.i,, vynt- - Ai ' "I AI -; btu -..;'t '0."11' 'ell • -•*-lio ' -,``A'.01Ile- (lay when„- diestnis,t, it .true. ,, tjorioi.o:the,,,Village,,andyieitity„ ', .. .. . , . ..... .,_. . .. :. -- _ , for. t he. pa:t. .while,, .itave;',.beett,,. renetving . ..'. After,:hnv,ing et..;40.,ph:,..tca,,h1k.3.1. 01 t Oh' n.g,' , - ,.ng.,take,a;ont.',,. : • ' 7 ': ' ' ' ''''' ,1.`''-, ' • In :approach. to bridge at .10t,.31;•:,Coit.,„0:•:,:, : ...i4e.i.i-tisi. ,:i.ki, ,Liti..e•f4rotiefiritn.:•a-e--.77 , '.1 - 1 .. Sandy - ---•-••11.:i.niptIgh: , .8.v.re-.; Reil;:,',$5.09,•,".,;for. :cedar "....P..**.e.,-, f9r.'... :iresect.._the..1.1iie ''!- nderwrt, ._ : • . Anian'..fielier••':Of- North :Ii4Obi,.:- • ;IS.' 1.-1.4i6,04:13;4:. :uk..,..."„' lietel..;:•,i1s1.1s.',",-, tiiiri-'6a:-.1],-4 tii.E4i,...:.11.6ine in-1.4Ort' t::•%014'0-Ite'• '.14•11-3,SOOn ' 'Italie ..I.AP•-vtilii'146i01' 4P•'..4i'' ' : :11.1,age,I.' : ,.,. .., . .. , . , 11(11y:hind, ffcakes anci l'..wither.'SCOtta . • rtioning. • 116.is- at rethenir.: :NV iii0 ng foij. ii•,.. •, ,..• • old- actiiiiiiiiitilices around i-lieie •haVeri:.-:...&.eliine:-.a.nd a..Water]tan.p.";, .Pl1.,;,.-- - .. . :TUC's., :Yeli'l.:ltlii. : ,,, . . 00,110 Irk10,01k#4.01ino-20.. -..c. Win, -'1fatililtOrf,,,:::•Yeiition[in .(littaWa.:an.d..j)..g...t.19-kC.A:llg°'-'--r '4,‘.50i.torsi,e.t!.:43.ri4gs,•,.,iii-.0:•'...cos,... ,'•,t,.. 1.9i:,:l.: :Insurance; .' ;:itet'it;'7Met)..OW-411;:,..Of:. Godericti,' !0.0.1firt-leI.Gdlite.. 0.4534enno.ts.;;.I;orc.,0,fiul,li.age be ;•;n4 I was insured 'he deetar-- • '.-17.; Viiiri: Pilrfy.S1,-* .Y,CarS .tif argaret.-1,41ter,. WS .been. --spend ::-...F.rit'-:-,Gretna-Gree-P-0.49,11•11., la Groats,"..; -.0a.elOad.Of 'e.eine, it; ' It-isliard for Mr : : : -' - -- : .• ‘..--.: ”; ,..'' ..: - ' ••• '. • : . .. 7 ' • • itobt..McConnell Sr is on, - thO sick- : . • • . - . , • • .... _ _.., tilei,en.cont41;900:6,i,,..1-Atariclit.---.•-•‘Inisne. . ed '.' 4---ik nd -my.. physician. sald 1.- 'WO .. -aehterVinany-yria•takutnopes•'•"':•-,'.;:..--.:-.,':',-- -.:....-:.- : ,• • ,' • .........••• . „ .,...„ „,., . oie:iicio i• .....hi-:. Ore* fatterson • ;$2.t):0 : ..-ba..ianee : ' ' good for ten -yenrs:.•11..have 1,13e Pel- • , . . t -.day§ :With. Mrs„ WM.. Martin, .1Ltlie.„1:c...is 1:e -n011 0...WO.,:yntn•,:enta . ...1:,:•‘7: ..577q . to ,..eep his genius liiddea; . .., ,. .. .. . .. : :: • . . , list at• picsent,..-;... : -, : :. : • • :. : •, '7 7 ' ,‘ .,.,, .-4.'NfondaY, Feb .9 :It I, hoa.: MOOralitertteadiiy.• , • The- Atn-VelW • and: l'ittrga:* YT -'9'.7%:'i • ' , •• • -• , -:','' • - ..". -• -.. : . , . • . : . ,,,.„..,_.._ _,7,L -Wil Me0p,rin01...„,,,at_ended,,,11,a.,,,dinca_iti,„,,,T,,,,..ek.,,,,,,a,a4:101.....e_ottiti,„„y„._ --:::g.""44,415,46-F-09",,:44in'igrL4..x.: . :. 'Rei4 ''. ''' Astiino.Q.:161ii11"..i!, 'i711.1t.e:i'-:, .,:n(1:''f";;';%":i..:•':'. ..,.. • - • • • ,-: 'i' it .... .,.•... • ... • • . • Miss. '•Pearf;;14i.f-6-onnell:' has' returned '' _ ., , .. .. ii tet, ,digging: dram an . , urn -tolling. 1ey.:-44„,- ' 'l • 1 ..., -fgn,ii. tsiii n'it'''"; Y....;';'f:-'''''''''''' 17.6iat,:''pleasnat.:-::0.-.6„..tml ::: .• • • ::, • :AA ....., - - - .. ,....:,....,_, ..:• ' _. ' :.',....: .,,s,...: .. ,..", .'"-:•:',...:-/,,,,',..,Akyseg,..t.:t......;_,L,'"'....4,.!"..t.,,,,,„,, , froin,:her.,:yisst.t.i.t.t.:,.4in. - ies-inq.y,-hOliaabean.°:•,,--,totkino- - -• • ''':' . .7' • '''-- .'Ars. A. C. 11 rdist -s 'ea.-a:few:du. .ie. itg.:SIO., :fnr:Jnedinal...enitifiCate: andemrtain11::. ' '43i4e..13"er-11111111:64:4144° . ir"Iii4"e7' • -• held.. t litirfortrtightly .ineOting in •Ainber-s. ' ,. ...... • ..... • : . : ' - ' ' ' ' - • :: •°::::, . --.1.,10, ud.an".F.,,,:elas, 9, Aii.I.S.,,uelt, noWitis.,_t:Thursdair. night; • . • ., il... on ., „...t.. , ..,7.-- : - striict-of....:..iAiliit.:byr.lilissea' _„.:71"-,r,,Stiiii;,„•10:6n:aP'WOI-414:4:rW"ii4:Enti46„,"'sPelit's114"1..r4"•''''-'" ewt-e791'.49::''"4-": '‘ ----:k1-;'.$-istl-0•;;;4+,717111;14P-5P14.,--7--•,..37--t.i..,...:i4.11.M9'.,,....,-.4§„WiIi-11:1-::• ,.t.-71.,s:: .. .. _ • 2 . . IA 41.,,,,, i„,....414.,,,,,,,...v„ 4.1,.......,:,,i,,,-;;;.,, Oww.e.:11;aatebaiancvie:.,ernilco.s....: ii...a,.. ,..6.,•,:, .:..c...: 1' -"'a------r'"..---r . *Iiidbeftaelatica7:07.011re'"Pt''11:a:lst!.1:11-aLriit''s.dii;ia9ti:tall':1:'17 , ti tioAk,04*.s„:04i0,-4. le ':. Niethedi.4.70: mrch':•911 -0, 1',uli ,. • • %rile -A -tit makes hut. usual Taw o , im.i pe4ri ara,,,brmittio.....yfoiew..1„.. -._. -. t..„.• .. r -,..„ , with hefin-O-th-er ;ill :•IBIcitli 'this: Week.' ' iiiTtnyallio,,,,_, a ailme...y .. "41ie'lx•ograinnia.t•payits,i•z..nt=ali,,zw.bn.,°Tur .- .."."'''''''' ''' '''', .' ' ' jolinSt011 }Ind a recitation by aliss.Iona, Illhir (7,4. 'T .1.. .statios. hits been ' fitted,, .. • .. . ,.. . . „ , . •Grove firiends. : • •.: •• '• • •.' .; . : ' .. :.--'7-..-7t-A-; tint ber-Tfrom-,.:-here-atttuided.•-the...0. . , .. , ...,. :. ......, _ ..... .., ....„.,..,..1 _ _ „ .flie 8unit:of '$60:69 iriadt. ,u as follows non , ' .':).?, Scott and -'1). 3hicloii,. a: selo by *r,„ ' ' -IA with -ii new:set:of seats.tor the wait-.• i.,-- - - :, , -_ • -. -41 , . . ,i.:4.,.i, ,,,p•min. ' • MisS Bertha ;Millar' iiliairliT4:::"WOk' ditviSliti-.-'0011-rt-leld•:-"iti7-14-ticknow: On to:aaret.rimewi,ng,914,4:044:44..tit„iwe .14, Received-front:A...R. Finliy.son _:_for.,. old., •,-.. witli•Hpron.lrierids.: -: ',. ',...,-.• ::'. ,:',"- '', .: r . . ...T ileS. "3r' . ‘ '.. .. ' -:, ...'; . , . • I . • •tiliaibeiri 44'.69,;' reeeiYed.. for rent ofh,a11--.--- .4b.elittiifl.ts.,-"tnirtei.f..t.rrrO.Birldiet.f.1,10 °.tnht'er:e. awillrinjf,1"' ' ' . „ for ..a: week. .PleaSe.don't,forget the date, ed. the ..fttneral' 1-zif the. late .ThOnnae .., ,. • ,,,. .. : ',140in',"•,:liuroni.:' :and .:Rataloss Miininkpil. : :the :late Iluib Watsen,Ifouncler .Of. t,ne '1•'.' '•40°'"-4`;'''*4;441;.4:V*41'll'ff),1'9,'":s., thhe ..--t-li :, Missli' •ri,ay and: „:1):: Canipbell ,..'rlti:i,1.!_.11004117c.,•87y.;,;:,7..,,,,,...$0•2,-,17.,,,,,,i..,,shi,04..,,v. 11.,,,,:, .1v,,ti.vtlITio(rii:tuevire7vialiklaydteitd,e;:i4gt.t.te, ,;:d. , ,•... ,• .: • . • •-• .--.• • -- .11fle'',A1)1...i.s1s6-3/..1.-..tle.....,a.h.d.: G'Orde:111'.'. 'Cl'a-t-1"c--,."--.OT'..- ',.(-'2'4.6.j..'1.6oltitia*-f-r:r'nie '111(1c6t8tielaYn...'-'11.':a':(1'-'7T--t..11: e: •;....-Et'adr--.y.rrri;:i'S'--':: ',e.V.vdh9i41-i34,11iri4.a°9:6.utirYle!idai.1-- ii3:t:61006111e"F.tf°e'tirel'gte:-.. oft8,Shleh!eleisdl lee 1 IWIvi;egr. were 7Ei'. , 10-09; 'Llfuren Tp. The °Meeting is • .. to rha.„lield.in.....1411,T7:, der borne; • ' .; . -,,..: •• . • • ' • • •'.: ' ' the soft fluffy Snow :: ' • ..• • ' - ' ' • ' ..- ' • • '' - , .. -..• : '- ' •44jo: Fartners' :Institute, _night meeting, i 41'00; Partnere' r!iStitlite'i--clay:;.::_ule,etieg, ,the:::.liarrOSt ,benerielilvirir, AgrICUltikrUl SOCiety, faist.' , :IlieS-PYter Ian -:, 'ottaii, 4ittiona are church on:February tl9t1.1., the•main .'' featitte of the" evening being...a debate.: , : , . , ,s;•: ' • " • - •••• • • . : ' . "Afillarten,,'SPSat •Sunday. at :the: Alettio' t .- fnitune. to. get an upset on Monday ,i,n, ,, tsh.e product Of one tree.and broiled over.: .... .. • •Inat might have been. a wry serious • Wahadalrienillyeall:frolii17.11Z131a1r.'': : 90...e: ,. rrty.qdy : attomed,.....0167-4.0.:&p.. :. : Miii,•Wrii.:-GainP.'bell,7„WiE67.„ iittf.'....':_. ' , ii.:"IL397E;''''aittr7.(:9.LIi!rir• il!--tidli.141;-itil):•••°11i?'(1;l:•:: : aeoi4eniltheotheidatl.tutried...eut..to.,h0;, „. , . • . • . . • . : ... -... : .. • .: . . . . . .,.....,. .. _. . . .' • , .:.1!OO: - . . „ • . :. , • -a"--verPludieronS, afirl-rathor,-.-1ariie 'affair,- .., :if. Luk new, •1.a•,s., t' Wbek.i:ri: the .. interests - given in llipley last Friday: bigtit. by the :suffering for a prolonged ',period' heti an total:30.00. : .1"-ohn:e $tinsOn,,:fo.r 'cnine,,, 'N.Athile- Critting,:doWn a ' big.:heeeit ,tree- at. The Sentinels_ „. , .... ..,: ::....;,.,-., . : . „, , Ripley Hockey Club.' • ,..-.•••,., :' : ' • : attack of muscular'.Theniatisin is ' 'net ' tery iota, •20.90.:t-garried.•' • ' • • . • ••• :,:- t lie:'Lale....,1,WO..'.0f. i.- Oil r:ritost.':ttrontiti.eut.. ,•Qt -T . .. .. . , a,aiii.,q. sOine• small cedars and Albert: . Blabk:well are in Vithiproc,a: 04,ending ,W4st. ,,A.Tas, iiit, ..gadit ' or ;4.iss, ' Pearl . .friends wonld_Illteto:Fee. • ,.:' :' , .....• . :Or's-Reporthe.atlOPtedae.rea4..-7,Qarriect, .- ';',,h2.0ost:e:VlitY.e.rbalinte°141-1:43.11'16 Oil?' . • ., . . 'bro'SKillen,' 'John: and Albert, lodged it " Mis8es Wilda; McLelland ,.:*oicrt•-Irena • 'Milton Gueatilately hOtnes :''frOm. the ' :Making rapid recovery, Whtc4 her.:::-:finY. . WilkitiSOri:-.4rOWn-That:.the•Andiv.: 'for 4 : :'.• he ood old a da ?)• Yv St the fullert4:Of.a, ftierni..- :. , .. , • .. 4. r.f.ean one.. -eve ng..1. t•week.. . • on Fri ay .evening, last .the: . w.es fke d ::. A 'petition, signed „by 'John •Mitheoet- .! _r•likplinort..•tittri,1.6..then•sciriZt:378, 01 -,,,, . • . . . inc1778H-O-the iratop-iyers7of-the-tisiVriS was. presented. by Robert 'Chaplin' 'petit-. • . buy .of - lioine.:11,,Ictrehall,08. ,bny' 91 . , . :_aining-:tha'counctrtVhifildta---1:Airlake00-' ''''--4:11-°3:":49---°! Ye: :t: !If '-,,:--- , ' •': • -.." -•-"T": ,--- • the ase line at -lot . 40 eon 5 •The • '• , • , • TINE Urscla Februar 1211. 19 )1'4 ri4 ,44 „ success- em,Inkpfiflia was sida'Sr.".eitening ..whOn large :,,isfaitteiient ,tohear.the . debateprogratn, and the ffiirnat1ve side, abme.n should have the » This wastkechiU feature •*•,14;KOO:',T4111.041'11"ongrnanand .aWSon;., while :negative was, en by Mrs. Di JainiesOn' and Thos. Mnoreltheaeroaterereated niueh eresti, and:the:J*04.,_of '.tlie judges, PefireSe,-,J„715-7tFra.3r, ','O-r-Laiig•:- 0;itsniid.4..'F,' Davidson,was anxiously Iti,41,d'; • was in faller Of ati,y..e- by .:thyeepont's.. The tu"ednatsied. of a.diiet by .Mises • .11.' orden-paci,°9..:kox;. . .selection . recitation by Master Jack iddleton,,•••alnionth.orgail sele,ction by: arid- duet by Mrs. Eobt. ort �f the-Critie;Ji.ey, 4. .ahiort SPesehes.bY Miirrav.,,and ,Dairidaon,".:-.thenieeting, was closed by .inthein, The ne4t 114 efl u s. • ...-went-Upityvith-the---;reinarktpoiii-nICfna-,...iiiii.ke--his-usiial..--..tr.i.0,-:,..ou-,...konday,last.:;:ances.--44.0.-17-1_xnallinan..:_f4iled.,,_ per akthe home of • Wesley :.Stackhouse -MeGinty. thebottom-;theTWeil, owiarto the hael:=Toads. • ° make Ms 'appearance on Monday. - The Rifle Oink here has a large member young. ,rann,.and remaiktng. 'I'll go: Our faithful stage • driverfai ed to . ganYi We're Vie depressed 'enunten- ifte-Cfrib 'held their Atrunal oyster sup . . , re, • A very pleasant. eiening Wa,S. spent on. iNliss Edna Stanley of •Ripley ip an in consequence ere •was a. struck the limb a .resounding blow. . Mr Co lila 1,,i11---ieopt the h i St,anley at. the krge• attendinne• Th(Ae Who We „ ay . . 0 - v g er s s r Well, eVerything- went. down, A1bert I „ ps. , here rep s .uclui tune. . inClii4-.4 but; with, ,h e evcrnug boing, .gvent: dancing and, cum 1, Mrs. ed Hod • of his 'partner, Was . rescue,d.ganes • . 6 -Wing to the'recent,sto.rnie there was Icnni,1bgbt het hi1e out er, -after he got through Hew.with a - A inu from her took in :the leo :no serViee in the Anolican Church' on ekatink tu re at Kin OU' TtniSelay. -atfridayis Rey.. Mr. ,:aolland? was „St, OneVonse had thaMiafortnne collulp of otherq, Lorne yatIr another akater and was injured iri • liver,-,•alt-iS-Well that ends -well -- • .--fiirget7-the-•:VaertitititeableA0,±get Latfriiii.,,....,,,,,,-.„.-tilexitha,„9._„beien,,septildit,IPT___Lthe evening • _eye ar_orind the:-corner.:ch ina6n6i' 1114-44:6-17airil-4-:"1. • --- - •-•-•-i-1- . -en--hon-e-fot-a-eOaple-OfAaysr--,,Ttieaam- , . -7,-- . „: ing, an'Aliti lake, last, Thutaday--nagaz and . ' • • - • • . - ' : , • -Tuesday -Feb. tali.' ' • • , .. . . . ehinappenedl'it. . WriL,711'n-Wiat s °., air-er•-'a-tr: : ' SCHOOL REPORTS • --- it ig said .iijoyd. themselves -1m thenicti . I. ' ' . , ., , . ........ „ _. .... • _ ..,. . . . . . of Miss Agnes wft•-•brie-clay last .Weelt. . ••• • ..,• . • . . :, sbby09,706asiin.g.,(1. or ti...the hill .on ,the', snow. :THE- sgc6ND ,CON: SCRIBE.” -.Alias:Sophia Keniptnn was the guest .•,.., . . .. • ., eeting„,.Which wi 1: take the Orin- o an .-.'•Mr..anctAl-rs.....,Iohfx.' jcl:' ill&i.), .n yi..,,,h0( ., ., ,S,,.S. No.. 8T-1.(414-Lo,ss.,--, - _ . . riced,rdaity-. for gaiwra - Sunday; ,._ pro-yed•: . a disa' sterouS: day ° :ell- a - o n -fii-Ed)...driMid‘c-.4. ildi-hie, riali-Tand °Engliah....iiight,„Wille=_h_eld___On.',., -_..f, 1.1-!..1,14,s,_,{-4.7:_• . :It,- „).--.0-,*,...t.: .p..1,,4• 0,,,_,: .day'4.:4--aati,4 ,,,,,___F__-' ;:..' it:tells, ,wee i ma . tIallie .I7.31.IettPrirt,- 'Atty. avening,:Feb;g0..' '' - - weelc. Mr and M-rs.S. :An Anson Finlay -.visited - . .. too-beiericy,.eldeupctotalgii:Ntdricht.,ttost;•,cltiai.1.1.,ics,e1,,.,iieo r 1-1.3t:in.,;..;;;;I:AA:ti:t.L;H:ailfi_nl-1.;._ait.:::7-sa-o:To(Yrwhhelrier'. _ Y.-!--llussell ''' lady •f rieri, Is, 'It,' is rePorted. that One , :: " ow forgetting ' always:puts iii in a brie:'i:*°`at-ilii'ilalYlssliiistt.'"Pr'',NII.m..'j°-1111:- Iainit'a, - .a ", ,1(...)$..erk.11'•":":713atrice;. . ' ' • ,. Olivet. : • ...,..09....., tatiainfingc-Ufe.;406,431---evils_LUtat_young„ . • - ..... . ------..., - ue no'srv.. s-tho-enntraot :1-ntosh •Alnie. .1Sfalk-aTrrkdT,311--olcay. ' LI-slittid-rt • th.e.--Tresbyteriati--.0-hureh- 7.14owt; h. " .. . . . . .e137:itt-eCtY. 01-hi'S4r011bleS4S-t. leilith, . . , ...4naed4;, Feb, 1-0;,,.. , '• ...• ' • - ' ' " ' " - :Jr:••.°_I• II----_. Grace' :„..L.oelliart, __F.1.4P.)ice, ., 'Tnt,LtEnTu. lis°,delilyered. ::b37,;;Rey. -14„,r,' -1 ,:-:--:", '___IIienfairvietinieda tihoe,a: iv-,fu...i',..13,ab.,.it - 'house heated hY:Tadiatnr. 'mr; ..M.1.1.rdi.. i'line his ' .: _, *C la. nut , aze 1 c• -ii os 'i, pea .i.. e°7... . , .: . , 3, , • . ... .. . , . . 3 ,N.I. D''. -il II ' Ill I 't :1 R NI , ' 'Bra-dley oi Tees on "Pat..-ifia: his .''''This yOuth his. formed Neil a maatenzie is ge dial mail • is the topic of ennYersati-....1.1 .... °7----- , Ji""::-.rf---;--E'velYri-Itiesekintrt-Harvey-Mc- -thete-on.-T-uesday-t-isi,ght4to3zed-as,.,Ageat 'Y in h i' h . • • . . Matter Yeas laid ..sover for further cnnsid• - :4PliCIA91."-tWij.in6.10-T1311-!, 'Mr. Pallid for .tbe TnYmslkiP Pg. . Campbell be -collector fOr the year 1914 tha ftp :splieation,---_ef-Adant--„Ruttle7-for-coilentm- • of taxes for the year 1914 accepted TIonidny.,andirtidaYeveningpf_Ast.„_1)0liga,m,AW-Lsriefijug • 1 • te the large attendancis. c. g t • elors On our -line • 44.do#A4e .40,v4.0370*suliaar7-..• 7 nninYably-sPentr°6.rilieibnlig--:: 1)1.7-13,iltarlici-:NO.ifolk.:-.1---- • Mr and Mrs Walter Bron spent • a', '1)64-10 at'their *inter •sport,, Skcitint • MeIntosh. '-daYiast'Week'af'Pavid*Walden's.. tuber er'yourig.::peoFile' '' - iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii O'Brien -Robert :° God- -his. uPliftiog remarks... about,:..their• 'Ana.:the reas'on ihie• ' • •The. O. A. Of Olivet'. haa: been b • urg at • tended the literary in AMlierlay-4v- • . • -.,.• , • :fellow counOymen, ' The choiiencle.n••••'. , •• itici.:catastroPtie',..., , • tt • . . -frOF-Ere-fear-s-thelr--stallviff•-ratikate- .'prit.le as -Mr..- Bradley lippoe0 to &OW:: , • . 1.0..the Onett • Wasteful .Ways sand 1,016C:continued until more severe ° weather On 'Friday evening of, last week e,o4., ' on roll 1.0•; average attendance, 14. sOine suitable selectioria7 -On the *hoie . . love of shove., . • . . •. :Porta - , • . clharmul Teacher. a most. EiljQyable eveuming was spent, . • laiittiiifigtote his an1V-Vcoir-. • • .the -ever-:.grerit iticreasingCost of . life, . ,And he says, , beyond a denbt, .thiS the H • • Very reason, js, Why, so Marty trete, 'neglect to _Oet. a wife. . , . . , „ .• . - , spol,--e, about the girls and, how they The critic hit'hint surefr wIteirre-s1111- , "he!. crossed in ..Inve'.% . 'For some lassie must have given a cold' • look. ; • , 1)TOW, ;twas ofttm to .1,win'1he nien.. • • 'Vtrits:1;$ feed them with the best :right, taets • • .i...4.4arrer. • he Ladieiin'thie Toviii-A-re Si 'Moly Gottig Wild over Ila:rplony Hair Beautifier.' *And. no ,wonder, because to make. .-tire-sliaii.luSt•rous, soft- aticl-sincy..--w6, believe theres-InothiUg ,e-,÷ - and we sell about all, 0,e Various , . where-'neai omes Up -to -flarmonyJlair_Be.latifier.. . Ask any -one.. of the many. WoMen, rill this tO:Will'whO--. shelLtell You she "loves" it. Just look at her hair; and youll pogo, ,to,Us•and get sOiie yourself. • . , , , • Te..jittt *hat its ,naMe7:irapii.esUStltoinifke the hair 'glossy, histreos, more to male -it-jeaSier: to dress, and more -natural to fgI1eVily...n4 • gracefullyinto the'iTtavy lines arid folds of the coiffure, • . • '• . It Aeavesn. deliglilful fresh. and C0,0l efteet, and O. lingering, delicate,. perfurnei 'Wi1riot ehunge or darken the Color. •Contairis therefore doest,leaVo the stipky Or Stringy. Siinply sprinkle i little on your hair each thrke before' rustkitioit.;i3.ut firt,akakes..t.01.4.0.it. your hair..and.sca.lpure.,clean,..14:-..using,...-- HarmonyShampoo• ldi1-straixtucio to'keep- the hair clean, soft,: smooth- and beilitifiiirIt iiittAntAtieoug, tiesh, 'foaming lather1 penetrating to every 'part of the hair -and i0;:via,ghtd- off justas..quieklk., the entire operation takin(*..otily• a fe?.:c - iooments.- lotret, itartps dir dickina--Just.1.a refreshing sense 01 etiob-sweet 5 . dainty;, pleasant and dean fragrance. • -Both in oda-shaped ornemeritil bottles, with sprinkler tops llarny;nii Trat:riaqiiter? $17,011. itry-inznid Jt7iLR1b, , Both 'are:guaranteed to please you, or your money bnek.0 Thee $tageBeauties Endorse Them ' ho Cts.S.t �t women who know better how to discriniiiinte'in lie usa of things to intilte them more beautiful than, adtregg0.1.• Among the many eelebrated stagd beinities Uho tie titid grithitsi4tieglx, Altgrnorty ihui Betwtitier Shampoo' are,,t suit Iii,'„Isurte.- Ztili.l.ire ikkeitter, tort EisTE pti,Gyr,o, , . .. st.m. in "-A-Strange-, Woranur-tTy ettni,---,Niti irnir • Ste hi "P4.6' My INErt,"-Cnrt titedtri,Ntl , Yntk, "Aaele 4.1.4totete 4i1iticl, 1.e • tOet- (6(1•I1t,,ix • • • • • .• • Star in '1501,Mh t.'0'.1isslIttdt:* a; ICI, C01.11 Eitatt 1:n.":ritsi3-Ptmhptc," st4•tonting.lite tsite Theater i N6tv • . .Str.4itts, . • • • • • • Orilif at *if 111'60 flidlyt0t0 S.teresi • Ours is the. laid Store is t I Y. liS er. rar 14i.Orr is- , •OVER GS' YEARS' EXPERIENCE • 7'.70inb611T-LBI•Own-That the,a,pplic•a. -TR-anE-Marnts-.7- °D,cnioNs • COPYRIGHTS tion of- JOhn B. Alartyri _SanitarY•, inspector be seeeptecl.-Carried,- . • pbell-=-1-Brown--That the applica- for the Township of Huron for thelyeaT• . .v1.9v1e4nb.etoacteneirvptedd.-ee0Brarr_iielel WamsloY-Coaborne-LThat leave -be appoint an Assessor; Collector 'pd -a 8shainiTiSitatarY 11;soPue,ct°forlr'111(i.--e-r, the sid Town. that' Said. bp-law-7be read-aArsts-tinie Anvoild ii'ataltng a di3sorlptioninal - - ' . 743. nvontciltrl0() pit a io. lar:litiNnntlgtt-on.-.Patents.771".". L.Lic-riaaeaar.taw,P.MAlite.' • • - • ea co.lredeive 49.vdttel /tot we, wilt.,:•.1.; charEro„.I1). t.be kt.111,1'3'1; LrIfineriCall 777ir 1:..t-s7!-;0'sonlety •:ettiation or-raly-erlocific•-• Joirnat, Tennis for', CA.,nada, sit,to a yea. 'pofitaiie prepaid; Sotf1„-tur • , ',.,111.nowsclualem .• LIM;loliirdadsvay -Npw Tort • 11,:•:•• —The- sai1.4, pi -1;W wread, sc:tsec:OnEc- and a third:titne.on motion of Campbell. and l3rown, .and finally passed, sighed Osborne-7-.0impbell- That Iirlaw, No.--475-of-the,.. Township Of Huron, in. -Yr2 • .C4- _11 9.* °a, ttor-tuaiFraurict • - a of To.wrislup-Officai0on4 year21914, 7 Of' said .13y-lay,c-be alllanded by strik.i. he alnind,ed, a.f.follows i'-'1.-7,That the Suimy. mg -out the:figure -$230.00, and ' Now IWtr.rtiti, 1.4tituting-theAgnre '15:40.00 , theiefot. .. '..l.„ -That the -figure 8110 60 in hue 8 he, !stinak-outLand,the.-.-fioure--91:10-...•004ttb-t4iroStskteeL_toittei'froui„01:1_,.:peintsMtat --.Litutert_thereffr. ''-,-'f :241.-ii.r.lirtiel--37-- through Canada via ChiCagotreit b-1.---- • r.nn&thell.liowing suAstituted- there- ' .; 18; 19 nd 20 of sa'cl 'ty,law be st riick -fruirtir67•Itmi. rstrtimitc.rstit_cl,;130:14'n_voan,t,lki_NTGim,.:e_t7.• . .. . for, that is td, say': "Of the iniettbe,rs Al:: the Council' .11s..50 per. day eaoh CO ' - . _cet, ;.,opr..,A.,,,, AT ite te...,1i.. ., , vont% Ont - ' ----"---,-4",,,• attendance at .Council meetings and r . 0, m :IiterYtri t oc • , t A e-ints.a mile, each Way . aild_:* 50 Pet. I • .3 _ „ ' u.,.. a gent. day while transaxiting T. i Wrisliiii 7filisi; , tie Grand Trunk Railway ' is the •:nes, Sneh :'letting ancl.: inspectjAg: .'"'''.--....“•frorirthr'sgsrt it '•jobs?!.--Carriied--Wanialey -vo.ting; -nay; fr-othe staretne its of -tli#7.:-."704b li.,.kr.3-=0.:vtiirilr.,4I-4--That heaihrr .Y4t,Iniz and ..1.a0lillg,Xe4. of the 'Medicil a'a dth Offt-i:str for, the - -456: -less': -Gan- -ev •••11:96°-'-tn---:winl-.114 yor 1914;%-bcifix d-kt- s':.° • " •" .• • , • • • •- • . • • :• tue--Z.amtary: Irtmetor,- • at $ i 00 0,p But keep a pleasant ,face,',girlf, and smile his duties to be as-Takfi.dowil i The - ; itatead of frown • • • Public ' He:11th' Act. -Carried. • -Aslie.-4O.r.SI'tEroitgh: his'EitOnfach gy. 418. to: amend B'sr.lii* may 'grOtir :strobe:or; • -Very-feeble Wsr,• , . . St forgive him; deni't . be spiteful • any. '••• . . Annt'our last and partithe words to, this „ --very Inuit Vott h • II • -lislever-inind -the cost - take hold .•- and win;" For the greatest things In ltre are ill- , oties that' cost the moo, - And eon't fret about the things.• that might bave been, _ _ A N Crewe • ,LAiigIcie. Feb: 9: 114 Will:RoasAnn ',; of visited :friends nrotafici, Lahgiside McBeth MalColm has return ecr to 'the' .We.st •,acetu,npatileti .14-• his 'sister -in -la*, No 475" ofthe Township of Huron in Mis,.3SIO' Nfoliennan, ItfeltiiiifitnirThince;.--t-o-fitidursalarieS- of Township offerS for. the • year 1914, siVad read threetimes and duly' plist;eil, signed. and :.sealed. This 13ylaw:: fixes the Clerk's rrilary for.at $210.00, the Treasurer's $1 •-0..00,. the! itary. -In Teta' r$1.00,00, that -of, -the edical Health Ofget 25.1)0:and the 4a1a"iy of eaoh member. of. the (Yr/title; I lit 2 .5o per day and TreenWiiiiille eaelf-ivay 1.OF attenclanco-Ut- qou ticiirneet i rigs, ..atifi- t2.,60:per day for transacting ToWnship buainess; such: itS. le tting- and .' inspecting Owhigio_the storm on Monday there Mr anti M•rs:. nobt. Curran , were in• Lucktiowin Tuesday: Durnin IS :lipine frOrn. - • WiriniPeg-orra,-busitietiS-..trifh-: and Ars. JohnManary ,who have been ill for sonie tinie tkre iniproving. •• • • . •• Owing to the death' of .Mrs, Ilugh Finnegan there Wa.8 Ito On 'MOn- day nigkit: " Fanners beware!' • GreY4"irds ate very fond of currents in tbisYtcintty regardless Of frosty Weathers . 'Next: Sin -May titteratriPtit.rIf1Ie torti's, .will he :i'cluiinistoded in flu.' u re h Isere tt well as in :L)nrigannon. 4 h440.vity.:1141rti- , LP!! It t.sr I,L9 1'141a:heti ftoni etIOV ,oti1i0_sr,tikthgt4laf t hILL 11U6, f,tlend•-,,-4.14, Mr, A. M.Atie-hiktey: trioNi'etihthrit tire 'salary i,f the clerk ma Tielstirer he .$200.00- and .8110.00 reflPectively,•1 that 111litrf :dax;*1tting and impeding jobs)... same, as hist year; arid $2 70 p'4 day, and, 5 cents a, mile eaelr Way, While' (f) (Al do .fiow• adjourn, to meet again On `NI.olidav the- si•ticetith day ,..pt ma re A. 1)•,..1914.-CAilagrruiVNiftrty, re•rk. : •• • , 1,tirg4n 7 --Wednesday, 1.1r.oilna spent, Sitlidity aThr t ' " ' 1"01436Ct.t.“*311''L'he..-11"-iit..:4244g-'*2alf 7 -NliPa 'The choir will ftirnish spetnitt for• 'tite.neeSSIOns• • •,"'• • , iter ()lily a low ilayi .Ntip, fingli'Finnegan paszrd the , IttoilitYo'ntht476dn6Ltds.ii ffU-n'ki young 'friends tO $500Stl' 'ttdial, evening flayeind on Monday 11"Hvil ,r1:1 r Ago rr„11(8.' 131aIr 111\11'ted about forty of Ills :titireodeltioritlittweeetigtlieritrrAlb, trarixtiorfriezetovit ..84-elothy' to the meb4I of 1e br (106460 gagi. gvory ob6 topotts, :WS (4014 64tiMe , 14Pent finriciay 4 her lintild on tini f andb, v- 4! tV ha;t .i‘e home Withniit 1-ihooe' tti; •%:nc sogri 5i possilh, on Sunday. and dinve, t� LarigSide ,.• VeSPite the'bad'contlition of the roadti • • to conduit thel.afternoon service: JOhn Murray•iiiitt.Rod.. ROFS attended rneatiiig-rif-the- tifer,.; ary Society ma riday ght. Alr.'M Uri ay acted. is one ti1thejlidges fpr the debate. A number from arontid the. funeral' qr., the...14,e Jalyin i oh. took place front] 'residence': , -fo TeeSwiitereeifi"OferY:liSt: -Stier:1664Si, Milch,sympathy, ie: extoded 'to • the: • bereaved fittnily Inlite loss of - and' Father... • •; . : • .•• • " r All the young p-ople o tho nonot.c4ft: ----tiotrattendertlifesiicitireirenifig. gi',Vee7 basernent ofthe ellurch Thursday evening -by tho Y. P. S. The.topie for the first -part of the Oen. in gt,t8' :taken,: by :41nry--,'D'ergliA-011;"" " gave splendid paper; Other good pipers were. given by, some' et those ' present, 'healing oii tb tibjea.' After the regular meeting all repaired .-tO •the •basenient Where 4.veity ,tiociable :tin* for an- hoar or..skilfterlwhielt, :luncheon was serve r to all Vrenefit, itt46 ler d • er for' neit. TlitirgOity evening. le, Minnie Alolfat,,. • 4eltinIt • The Atn,1w1.rvon eiten,d th;61r. 11Y- I (,) tint 4-rtrtrtl (fetal' 0 osti--. rry 'RAY, • - " M • Wes:Weds arilt.ftws of Langh on, visftitg friendsl.'" oti t h 0th, -for afeW days last v eek. The Ara r,W 'are1urh in. their ItrAise of uTr Morritb for' aoming front Beryl,- on Sto-sday nrnrning throtigh-thO tiiorm and fireaChing here. , --We-are ht?Th ti11trti 8heWle1t VelegstOok, stayed ott the 4th. Of Bruaii os o Aiyu* Arhol4 of the qtljogyfinott. •