HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-02-05, Page 471 -7 7 .2"Ll 7`7 T WIR Thum 4� I 'fy,' -a et 7 `7 -7-71" t, I ii� ty eri o ranny ano, L, 11 1i , 11 _ I 1 : i, OUNTY, N W -The Vote will cut Oft -32 hotel, a:nif two� pulAbbpo every T�Lursdai blio� 'liquor, The Gin4dr4 Torvao tricrip n* i ', I SP A'A auct, 4 of -p 4 Ig t, Hur9A unta tl r C� but, ''e � . I , 1.0-firsit� of' may, 1915;. to 'i.e peote0.t1Ary,,"`,' b6�d r AS 14viiocknow. 9.1440. Xiarve tis 1� h - t at, Olin, A" to jTg,*r JJACXJP;q:�JV. n last Wqe.k'ad ,Vlp 0 .;Ux ,else 'A A I porance Act ivill aotj colne in�q force in 6 ip Can i�: I a for' two to or- a Was qul�O, to �l out of he p viaci so'very n.,sontiqtee. or Au� Jpuglistl sell Fi ­,��"®r 4 'A t EN for' the: stiong J.p $�ran�o ;­A4o; 1:4mas" �Vill bf, oppipItIPTION.1�*T V4 5244w,-=7 -7 �Y U NUT sun ficonseyear (,ApA6 Inal or upae.jit ble-qk!( t Ile ke-ga -e7W VEgTIUNG r ".I -of 3n, b z W ­ , b W! he luenses wil 0, e W - re 're6 Iiij paid up. rates uiEtd6 know. Im`Y09raAo.X1 0�flivpil d9*u. on the Em- developitiont, of late U' DER the C-ish Q­Steril�,Ive, are,,r,�' -.i, th r ng fo:r ther6for,*, Will :be� uty. TheLeffecti bini, �� N w bard.' -qO4 , lit At Quo bee - -%i qY rite f9. I _ , i , , I _ta 1? raw � I.. IC , ­ �,,, r 1.., 0 '� 11 . ", I ' ' 'h 4 A.un er -A veg 0 t 41 t, e-sante Act com�' Jute.., s, (he ga4way of hag ',A,' Reserve YBODY's OXXV practicially .0 to and rl,.se, Jollin M, 1�lrpy plen �b d.,5qe bow quickly -i:llg 13e.J§ And Ant.41MUM coargs, 01,:P"0011 vrinwv,,!� if -Of tit "a K#41,'X­'�W,2, 6kintils Old fiiE -.Z _�4 P F_ il'ffi F aso an' eight,ut co-l�', a lip ­­ 2.11.1-1.., -�ven�o�wroras-con4uMwek,40.9,..-� Q-A AoWu 'XI 168-��W_VIJ-33071 I -Ai) PerOieron' ti nirletbQfJ 11 ine put this bead e NeW Wokid-air Pym e pir ces v k'Sittir w.... ekS,. :Spedially. j,b.yv .1 ,4 &Z force �at Olst'; We -b - --w .be: oti iP -our board, And.,, de Or(vd !i H M ortitliq oldi X C& �.same '',pozsition as 311y, shqreo� �'W vv' brot her of former v hicli 1­iweighi -000, Al *III be lMertkdundet No! GettIng. into iC Ine s �du­Seo in o" a lF i 0 1'. 1'. other dua4;k 6 ino any other �ioo. aumi� person having no icefise-i two beaditi butif Goi00Vt- 149 It was,. nis',poundo.. t,py request, �be c for at our regular -Tates 1or : y leave, their loq --the- ',!easy�_ -a . ..... 'B A N mat.L all C n I s ro t" At cia"or,aavertisin'g,,WhWhse6�bo'OYV'L aniloup to r _ailta 'd pect 0 u r imFpr ed Germ.4t) Al nin ujin 'Wa thl 4S AL Cc I r ti�eir.cogn�f 8 good 'have ibOgg4nirlv)0"4 441 aloog� 41 �07, Impi, ntr y 101126g Byr N I Y cou y 0 with'tit pr am �QA�, f*ALF GOTEA�14jlENT Yo 0 Von - any or oar ration Adivertising. 11 110V qW­ laws, and a advertisip entre or sPecial updtntbeJr extreme d1ifthy. A with c �ew *h, at. W ingh M I LT IF own �pnclalnosttto I ada li;i�, bet, Anvil n �arforwhIPI2 aipq�lplq ship aliza-, ornatur verelv i a,., for" Of Richa _ * i ­ Cor -prdbileas-of FcAtizen --dOve opmenti rd Vntistionei.wo' wi' _T sm qtion%'�roeved,, 10�_c' to T p6is r, W,.t ­Wli1d bjS Alt illoin isA.he,best Y.W .,i',b e,t il I . flon, of- colo.lizing. and ured ri; b eakli oub' 'C of-thsi �erdb;h gild 5661, U C i .. I.Pounty 4:'Bruce� opened its pe � wk V 0 ) o A int d Aent insertloft,'� All!* t-nifi-z-4 _ ____ . liced 0 in q6t of "bi ver,.. �J pos�?, to. mAe y ow o � : � _; _1 1. g ",es a "Oew befam .4 al Pa 99:kP*44, IV -9'. Piss SMe --�Lu '6N 'A4Y 00 11 c Air this, ry,,at 2' 0 locks -Alf -iffe-61643i7s7 �--7-,TT he��FomPmjph,­G membe on th Cs , A - "dutia Co' triade:cheeie w"O' it'14 13 liogdin Wulf tJhcffWW1T14,prt1W.17�1 -We 7 aud ws ci't othgr� n oil".. 'i - ti or -9 - . . . in Ittly last and, m ra, Ohirge'�Of so cepw per-insertioxi", Luau', _0 I I � with 6, minimum Back they May go. w.. ere.' cents'per line, with 0 e,.5 thini there beitignine new e h h6r.." otho V mabet.- AN th. Zj t6 -the baueejsi�iF'* Sit, _:..The Jiq . `� *.�.,r �. I 1066nisgorlini); *-�z�shcort-shrlf it, - _'ejes at, 9f, �la 0, V qtiestt6� Iduilriii. 16riv-; d0wro to, utdsner4, Reekontog,6016--cQW,11 e T e: faqf6r s cquoititut a, line; And each'; figure F,ship of,11urod avitig n,1�Iy1;haiidie.d,-fr6m` this end at leasi." ker, '4589, h .... ...... _-I sey�qn W62 A10,40 4t .N' 6 Of oo=ais as onoword.. h ther-.icounts'-It may be '12 9 and'ithor6'iw��,e :V9,1 'pr4ron re Owl, ad 171 nin, pen o.crI1L111C b�, seasdu- of 1 9 -'Iia'. ALs;me4 gadyertl$OWeR. 11 Th� @66tiori bfWa�den �wasi t W n�e t z othOws., columns. o 0 Q ..Dr. - -H. advertise U_ .::dii* .hereL,.* lo�ed ;,bu cen 08 to nok AaW�, --At.As__t-WW tat. b. the oq� 144, 8F.P01,-10, Wf Q6 Fa `W w"O m U I A -Nab Wilkinson .,M t1el,, eWttinuey cf:.thr PC -r�mmnq :ar'-, y ­a pro-. ipal Of 11-10m W-0 Fib, Wilk advance 4 777-7.,7": 777 777 Wer )ars- e mai Ile rit "'d etc an 0 of., ese.. S. Of ­cr, __ - - . nece ssary efore an, m- -cu positio4s a M-0 p, "T Three -Votes i6 we b now oe py' r( imenit I Area iseiiu6iits of aurdegirl0tiqn, a 21 t' _t St t - -,� - --a ie",' - - . , � FOR SALE advert �Oection was'm .9 his and other co 0C '. Ygoet W Ade, Izkard retiring TiieJ4 t �S es.. Iff , _ragg�ii,.Bliteau t �Q untr" M" M 40c ;Afteri'the se( -:And,like other. ;TO� P�W puts per line, with a minimum oba ud vote. The third vote, f oontstor,first, insertion� meats Amdirl,*io� mas rr of tho� JU 'a�'te E phi�,�q6n _,o -PU "31 IS.,. P__ -%er _,_ , t _ _ it:towicg� V I . t 1. Mr. inewhiuney Was, CLeC1,*r6d_ 161U61M.- -had --the- mi Auction S61a Noggesi leadiiig'per6onalities.,_ 4Aud tirst and,' the-membsis, a M_ nj� r.e 0, r ror.� 166si at rs. Corn- eciM, -B -wl Ae thanked for. the . hoadur Ong. these I - , ;­� �. 1 ;:1 -1 1 - ad irers In at$;', -rY -minimum centaper.infierUan� done him ana;_,�outliyneda some. matt�ers, ,ell;, whose ftfendsi an4li in eonte ., i 23 '_alf_,7Finks'W. itte must quite �in-; -Y *h e o n , e r e atffiffifi T46 0OCcurrodaboll m 011 ie 00 ­tAj*4t ll, � � .1 . lik-1--t­ . - . I. b' ft digh.p liki:06kithe - I'll . -ust. -e,aplioint6d 1, 0 *erabje by Win time. Mrs. � Corn- t6 f mil�'wei6nslee High Sci pets we, um t P� and.tlley. barely wo e s HURSDA -.�ll is the �igtatiiou Maition and, esca d. There' y,; FEB-, 5tb., 1914. As follows:. 1L. 11.80vedi, Poy% Elgir iTfive ye 'po was, I Insurance of twd ars u.t _&�Iey�; `13 Ili- b40n- if or' an —WhAit"-she'doesn't ii -It chii e-contenti.:: dibuman -an 4eal;llfdl�'- ature _0fJ d10 nd-C Rut air AIM, s.�-a h- THEPAC _1�105 inCarL ine. "_the�­Tharnei Roady T it o he: is slight :is not .*6rth. The fatFrula V4. --'erget and ei b bite --A -th6'tglk 'A Ci natAfl a,nd -Usbol avei ;kz6d_L d h 0 Of 71 .... .... ... ------ een-7 e. the rS J4. wJ Utb e .:a Y Olst, r efty-of. thd bd h rule4* C 4 Ject of-h6fil '�.Pri Obn�, You. aug ipw . . . . , - n. ;forrthwdise -W -H _-Riter.. a�zile om al p. p tell ti ---.TABLE- In ti i�&i 86i Von ,a mistske-W.h.6 d6idi. Olin is making At the: first -in -The 0 r�iF�ivellrou�=- _R of aw icultar --n -7 org a !so and­sae"UUJ;LJL­LU�:�9 -Fes -0 2 -in M-ta-li�i"fat-in-opera"--on-ths- ". F, 1. ': L . Ujorgap. g&VOL. n ii.terestifig .1. �12 25 "t L -..---,_t , , __­_,_ L.- - b.f f.- .. ..... ..... . : p. -m-, 10 heLpresenVib J- , 'd- ' I .. . . I WMP P. W40 butation 2 iii. of t but�lit is�. 011 ..t 4rtei: fot� - 4t�i�ni�y. .!list JulYi.-there.".-I Onth eedirig a mus -eco nomic Wmy, meapr scale, and the Tges are, lway .0 W410- P­ in- such a' )Dha the Bfu4w ]Peninsula Ro6i o. to: Wiarton to, a .9om 'all Al e bqilda:roa4tr �orzea lid a : r a ; 1 sue 1) jily, ined oj.iratioiii�:�ot &addresses-.pliciiied-a 151'01,"�, ire N h e wd-Fur-Ai eirmiciry or- Corn-'' ii ,a;n4 furnished oil, fo d Iwa y Dentat. rov6d,d -m-up, i: useffi -in r on;-- .$ta 'When it r said: "Cailada,,V�-n -.0 s inienE4ibzdi* i-eir �ii t --- a-cau- __W ,,,pro ing- VPAPWn: p4sqe. 7 th- , ­ bl&' k way 'i at 5 Ofiltl Meet 'Wijhi` e agal s c ­Ai -_Ur, DATE.- 6torl t:of J�be ]a. Spec- tfous li t 1,100 tibe 130'Verfinient in The SuVeriliten le uroaq,. TO -G- G- Midd e.-i;4,nt .1 t C -to 14 of Refuge lunaiti6s rownipi and %T'd 3ra, approval,"6f the 'vi o -i din mr qtaff ord-Is practically' :the 'w.. h ole� jr: w.bose1arm, n4ioinpl the __Tn of p"s companies., 1, 1 . 11 1 �1, - I ": L ''h - ' -Innis' And q4y snou ilu 111s Ouse r --minciUdid-not 'such -peo#16`9houlil -tWeAliti W4 r. &--` . '.� - r �L - Y-lig-_ -t- ibereL. 1 6, the, Min- , il - - � -.,: e -Che h.with f r M d, 7 . ��ai, -,and.. frqui �, y. s�j. dects quo 'Clinton now has not only it i4 d -haitdl t *h6were reported cured of b C viot 016t T.-roval -of-th �thih All,_moderu tied p- -_J laippi-At­tlle._froLJtr gate __7 . --tdinialied;` :-not"wiih.,ihiD..iLpprqV;11,()fL,t4e,pUblIC'i�h6 'be' ic with 't& 01 before' h m *as fled d Yi M":i=0X)r-. '17.0 ty.7 k,,YT_8Man` _a V LICS Mr.- eu: t rac 0 6d tMsr:"j Of .,W " t -ha 18 ff; -Hbuse f Ye nova - 1Q1 ' Nbtice,4" iec,� "vCo�sl ge _0,1 ai f, '40en IN atfia tWen � in Vil 1,F)SI - Newest- v.e- um &Wd tydroaptem is right] giailed 'to in Y sat nQ,­�,,' s' W1 e­ep9lig­�.. _08'e -e pol 01 P?WOF purposes "fged Wh'eh­W6reJ t �egr Chrq the: 'siti& bo h, xy -h p Nr#is ne, iineii cu -g r iiing vidw _and ( . 10 ninit. errii n omir fis -tr P47 -one ne mint.. fibWL3 P_ 0 t i,, g Mr W L -1 E -z terms on which 6s pte c t�`Aronday­mbrnju to rl�, V -tig g, f ']:�g �iirgeon.ciilled baCiety %M -6r Y-. M -.C -.A -ffffilg�-W&a- -rd -the- e�-piress- h ill d, is country. are te __*filch h�aiicl- �plikni will -b Ing I gliit� Qal, r_ _ _�ja (which in thi 6d:. t1i0--tralti -e ea. J JD-& So th . �e of a prisoner W 0 was an too 'Army band wa�. t -fini g - o oron- ad -Ower Ao' Unbuy _,pom�aniea) have. c ., lien 148, Ltd�, Ua6lph. on ted to carry tha 1'equired an opeiaXio was financial . 6tu n luiiuiuxrm��.d Mari-- I!b diree not' f;i.r frolu�tbeL elty.. ar di't�%nt from town. The ii twthe -A-f-t it : __)y . , . 4__ in 91ild nok ly orthles M-_ U, W 0 -rinii'O ' . 11 :-6 -N -i dii6f �tfie. df I . L _77TT77T�­ , I 'L � � � �� � � , r .. r to have tfieL a ­atr oplaration,merformed sur0risin Mr. 4 vol 0A ftq 1% 1* at pg d by A#_01� -7 T. -I I&DSA: IF J Man h' bee'EF`rsL 7 'U ­he.. as year they Wi] qUitt as as, hiodir, was,inVited, 'into 4lie coach F. -grant xpiembers L newiing former'deqviaintances t e past' net'. gusiantepil. Only The usual s of'$75,to each.Agri- �-,occupxed byr the band thei of t;GfTxicknWVr_0f A �45 J� L. his.. two wiek,­-iwHul1e6 lilhime- Z., 40�_ _Uf_Ore==makiugLn1i in the carir�itlk" of' . � To,;in h ip;: 4 4 r6membieri 8 'enItUrki _SciCipi.y . schoollibra Oi which 11W, sklei­ fl -what -,they -lose -in A i� ��O DU N- -nu&ber-6f-­others_muv6i we X tuJL Li�,lke b Jibrari aid -r--u PpForV-d-uTiit9-tbe-�G4n#r­ ailigr r pujuas c s, -ifing.witti r LL . 4 -es 0 blic' psh last 4 7 �J6 �x le he in _J— _Pu AFI� iaL-sch '830- reW WJ_U fa= -_J3 o o t, b e Um senthe An - wl�jt -campLaign- n or v _: !, . %. 4,1500,volp" -W to=. _in�Manitobar Year ificardine 'Toronto' . hJjVmgi.Jrf)0U V Q times or 9 e visyAncar, �.Luckn6w,�Andr K "Conli with 2r 9 and ;here, formed was knowr,,,_W� ew, Uri, king--, over- ther events 6f 1 Wr OMO& ever N(irtl ern. un D it he_ y Tuesday. D ncipalitie.s; ME, OW aliti �ias iudden AtLuckno or,ma tio it The' iWndiBsboro, Colony.. F od 0 4 epaitment, is' now, doing :0fiiJdrelJ'&.:L B[& the wee when,_ .1hr,the reek all Work 'in liation baknoeibf- the;, w .00 f.,.K'�4"Tr I 'L - . stirroAuded P111.0 e 0 y, the:*IC6 on $5 to Sa All A, � r- by the,baildsm a pit 9 L)Jarww, iucionn [du with,conveya E Y7.tr6_MeM1 I'S'p eaTs Wft �jcataWk 0 a rawin J p� $g ng am aad dill, at thei_*ery.. Introdudion,zoU be i-Und­�w ug� II b6atWnded,to Ar4iy­;45ar-per­' "on" wl 1!�,Lp T'Ot 1t;"Manjil A,,, under zDY super, 9 W 04 nu, es. MAI*41 nd-4- handa.' rl�_recognitiou. of. h t 1 Farmerallana-e-ach Women's Institute in ous work -Or he-.:Arbiy ior 'b J oui g�v�inment1m: Regiment iii each Nd= .0 parceloyo your strenu a post d6ft6 Y 800. OW 'create . 7 Or bushel for 'tLT.' Cf)t h, 11 o " ­­LL� �­"J­ r---',__. ----l_,_. _% _&: L 1 6U't n ettil4g 9nl ot said ­Nve- here-- and or I . . . . . . . wan -every�-paiir;� JOSEFWAGIf. NotaryPublici 04 f _Q Fdwi -Liacknowi, n y, and rai wa) s, e er. 77 -the g --by-cia-WeA `113 r rei` ou onorary. colonel ant prepont.' -pa0p1s1:­up to, ­60 nc,., cer. Insum L It �ib In ore6r.- to d SOL q nt,-Plate Glass 01ind, othe' or grants r�fuse y 'n 0, U tc�klyi, we -have !iindde'the B ki3r. %L960'slire Aeale., F %, rBrant.Tp.­and�t6 Votinty -.made a, Y61 ices'a d beft' t* �esil ano now -niany, to ga4 With'ele en. 'POU04 a *101 tilts tunle an �ociap which pri 9r. im 411i "count a"g, t trust you :Your 'in: n V --W of the "-Abbiyard in go c, Al' h ni regardiing C ar' 'W e 1i low, tha' win bouffit d4 oQW'3J6nQyi arce s;. ol koinise'argeemofit I you are atL -an many laurels." -.Blecl 11. btidga�§y i6h---Rrant�-re s the:. - 1ncr�ask­,,.to.1 _:-*h� tain -7 r,— -oppurrvu f 't h re wa r on -e4 ntage, G ------ burt lalighed� heartily" 7Zj�,. Resi, Tbridge and, the�.Couuty agre6i to. pay ha# -he ��now 'month and donned� his new, ,th6.f REM n �gj-dfi el�ven�_V!)_u d' _Rdft - -- - enjoyment, Of th�o, EIN - FAtita."724 toloan;okk 6, great Sit and on single compare t, e ciafgeS: 'We ate t;o who, the zudrtiges,111,'!�; fijt%'L in Ioi bridge., 'n E,l . . iq6laitited it toioe a 6olm.N rw, J asisted. 'on, - -a sm 060xi-RO -env an 0 sura b Ca. 'Orants of V6 each ; r6 made to H�p� from 'th�, u'*.,­coIouel., W64ring nit e zone around eadli 6ffice; in the we e HUPSYOURFRIENDS rmy cap Ml hilte Tivertoo 'Wrid. 81,56J4 Clifld- the,' A is, Wiarburt6h stood, d"SiAes the first ione is 150 mlle�i worth- and i: herili the OdLdfeiii 1 1, ..., t "L. AlmoaftiVery day"sonie gr*ateiul..p:er,s'bn`. mile zbn rep' -up and told' tt e s Aid, vk e. rge� lng)_ 2Q� L" .1 e- rea'surer an are a o join. in Th �� V AndA ich4 S, 3,2 5 locietk OF true L� b0i wh V. Lueltnow Lbdge meets In . of, , each, 'd at � he, u ar 10 -so, HAff on, the -last Tuesday hbil9tit-Of-f-heii- Ajrmy.�F-and­, colneg-ifitor-oli r -store an& te1ls--ns­---oU­ binS lortithbrin Cleii ng Pi a,jaige'0J,:856L�in I .. i 'iRtinth at 7M O'Clock. Visil is actually,higher that, it 'is with*' tiie u e t. 661fig 'able Ao F,; I cord iallyiftivited to attend. 1EL Llftdsa�Yo in '- _]JOUSe were each givieii eas 11 a ber efits recieived from. the,, u -e'. of Reirall lace and two*buckJ6. I 50-tinfle zone 'sbuih oji ir work.,, wit not even a 1�prlii i. , . , Iffi-,hr 2-buckl 7 Irl 800Z 0 le other -of. KO�wl e� ovors.flooi Frag noNV- the Ane�,' in .8alat and ih jdar* s.:Of iill the 4r D� Tablets. ing Lt' $2 2r), ofr vatels". pay. BUt,ibJ8L ieWintd, evivo Ptiice'OrO r o. 6. Iri, Ititc4now Lodge meets both',ciitldiies the 6cale 6haig�s be- fi�ia? w6re met at saineini; last year. ' "tD'iyNav6 done others and k C 'clentlyi had co go6d we at last, -and well, It eAloulne-A-8 0,0166k LA the A. petitibn W"L Presented &�Xlll Regulai $2,65, lo'w.,IA,ce an.d I " cle r ng Pi 61861 ,bWt h Ilk Vi ging4ith five c6nts'for one ppund and Lg the. be would: not -mind if his ftle ditAld ing, -what thiy 43,1nade of,- We feel sure 7' L '-I Cei, "'! r' 1, . _-i; n 4o So g Cutial, to build a tori Lm over V01 help:you reai is. our - 1,budkle '0�ar�lbm; r % "d -1he -Sitit- -.tall: hi on, Ice in e -'Price $2.' 5 rin .b dF -711 n as Of! aceni �er--,pound­ii�p,_:to­ _Jver., t -t- At we- urge you to-. -try, 01 'four po 0 It undo After. that our kate:will 'erioni The �etitioueis 'were recommend, them'entitily at out risk, kn n lKlinaw,ky Weddings'Fewee. Oil Cle ri' ritfi our Peiii 7, Meh a Ion to. gubbei s ri�cvitilar A be two cents for dditional' poii,A ed to refer 'the petit the several th sona pro4niae that if they dbht do all $1..90. M, Th� effqcts or, 6 new marridge FA. the Ontario GOV MuniciPilities 1 at 'r le Low up i e ca to do �4a�. 0.* . . s . 1 1. 50 act authorized by you e�pe�ek'*m k YQU 'p, . ... .... ... to.jheLlifflit, :Wh'�J t6AM0 ritereated. and. i � &­­-­­ - ric I -table and -healthy an& r' n rate' -P-A& 8 12 6 I -dateFI-th it- - stomach nifoi V later r tit tAd, liSU'i6g6I0n .'s6re co -nt 'for each Additiqjn 4, -OLLE s, ut one ci A'by.,l%*'*o passed' authorijing the "OOW. becoming apparent. In the tV0,ur ;digestion easy', 4'ell-hai ba6k 4 wil F it,. Sn nd. The � ._J-_..:-*' r".." ft of this di&t6uce'. i8L to*ns, bOrrowing- of $�5�000 forcatreat dx�eniii, border )old result ere, AT HOME t6 -t whi e e le, in Clemada, the'earfiage of an d Uietba Greens had,, sprung. Into'ellsti. Ladie' dea. A iture Unifl tax�s C61118 im, couldn't endorse anvihi� Felt Shoes arges were Mad 0 rl g any_ ...... ,P61i L ne am ell parool", (qr'­_t' -0, 0111970 more eley -pound -third,, a4d ...... . d ung portiold are 6uce, the anuidal ree, id'of z4ar ages 71,Qii,"116A�of bitl Certain 'eh 8 r,6og.y tban.,Wti'do �'R�ijall DYS a ies' Xid-'Y)"d . ..... couqcl a ,, asyme person$ i Ik .-this �Xmn f, r " I WOW willbb'60464t.�L.i 'the 'Vnii�d - �§,�t6s L h ritpsia�Tablets, Containing opeln lid Y 111% �phcr b re the'dr.4t:y6af Of Operailou sm 6tehogro n�, - -B keepe L egra Sue a r -it t1j, to Acni - - 't -4 -the greatest, digestive- C L lhcro,civilgoel 'to, in.fadt coyis'r e, Is qn..trititics-6f iron and eer B nith$ WO I L' .1 Caning. van riin out. . "I'liat '11 d ease h only ia cents up to.150 11, 1 L S proorgusinesa AcUVIUM You, 11'." ilea. ti erfio sotylpcount�-bri4ge4nd the 'should follow, ig. ebuoidered an x -d' J3. ..aids knuvm toL Medical' Science;*., thf . -y Cleating Frio- 6 P, wbil: , Post - $1A U � 60UCgC It y6ff#0 way thl hit unyi day;, '�vo directed -to enquirer .:'Li Kid eg Entef collbai) post only -soothe th h em k. he -a' Abtuitti --rf?xed*l-' I tF% onsf& IRI 8 Board tW#=t*o(L r 4--,- -- ­­­­� (L B rs. jadi uoi-Instractidn,1:035 who -nit ft L ft Lt- -erk Ja the -tt _r ,Q%perIj6Jice. JAIV :W1gtteg ­ r -m lie 4rom yelimbs T y YGard forine-y t g1ftlA I�ricerfl,.925 r6o'; abl all. in th6 -presented- t e coi flcen b iqq d Iind -&Ip 'regulate 6 in Canddfi. 80*61i cQueg6s. special c6u of e express dquip es, ­-Exi-Warden Bril to 0 pro jggtrio plice, Clearing "Zd J­fj? 16.. Remen) r r, I _tbey�d6p`t lie' 3". W" k*JoWi . , " L i be if Clearing J?Vi tartetk'ij�jyij c WitfiL.0,�,frlllfte.(f�.gtC�up-p-kot6,of-t'hb r'L 1 -11-11-111 ".1- . 0711., -bowe ce $1.90. La( AfiniAtodL . ji waV84'. ake- 8' IfUt Slippers, SiZeS With mmere al uca 0 lit AsoodAtioubtCariada, Sumtheffth on. e ail 1118 that yoll esin.eat famoUoSpottoA_.8U8iUe88 cola appreciaAed, -for b16 qnd 6j rogijular ncil o hang in the 'I roomf a er counci. your eislin so eas� and, co There have not in sim Ur. t f''- fore the board any ser ous i whatever you lik,� t Z and.r$j.25 W, havet beeii taken, �fiot to injure -thg.ex.� gi!A"I'aro 0 rou ine work Wag 0 lZubbe been iibtalo.o., Iftere.g&at, `eAt ' - 6 J yet. appeared b6- 4 %V, -,prices bat -was itineiii �*. , . ft iulegg at evasloh"' nit oug sevdrai- Arinert- w exi Ve you liki, W"a wad you o coine Y Winglizin B"itie" a; it Clear rice �85c-.- dis" and -tell' ingLP-1. a. A- 41ig.ht. low.en put. in 'Dar, Me to L InIfLind us , Andget' your money-. ]D IL Itubbers clear, - Pb . . . : can es , have -':co' oys D ain '8§ , seagon., 1 ]a I ces With the object ;Dt marriage SolaL I . `1F. Morses -in only attlie ujdre than �',000 Itexall a 65(�'or Sli 90, G"# �Spottolj4L W. th . e'r b"y +riesident. prilacip e xp. fid, the po8t�i 6106 Kitidaraine, Oheit�y4� Wilkertoll and view' and pr6stim9bly 'hibipl'A 1ror - -§t JLVd 40 L -,b, U ou rL al In is wn, L'Ori�s- Read - each ihvit6d the collifteil more laxity la fr der -e,- T -f6e, ice $J�jf) F &ffV few m thawit.ho.be lather dM tio sfr6rL �h PA the r 26e, e atfd V*n- PJ�l sizeiri I tt i n g., the' for the June sesgiom .. ....... . .. re 'with, th-6 example d. the Vulted It, Was decided to"llold that session -in 'Choos e- e_Z-A tharst­ Ay4n., _UU 7' re 11 komaAn�_: oko f—il ­ - .111intne4c ".W: - AL in, certain Scotch Whrl §t 'r gb h0d done better, inu congregation in Ontario ob" Tho Aj Viord that , - , . , e "t � b of. eho �r c About-therozf!Y-� b 6ntV faced, the probleid, . ...... W-ne -pastor­l 'at" A -6-f A W U- - . ig . I . tv ' ­" - - - Kings ril go., There -ca 66 a long, thin elerg n I . - .11,W)VIA Ion 19 %f,L i Bishopr.Reovoq of Tofivoiof *hi) ve, y M, tee I 'ere u Y,` 1indly officiated on ad&itiftt 'of 'the -t-m 'Th, oy beginning,, in Arat. lie did ot meet With approval. Catia'did,la best praddic-al tid-flulti-g, -goirug �aiek� while vitlithe %lid second 'id-Modt -tbe,tishop of, Huroli xreit�d i On N os thin* R. 4k OF itnto Wifflirns-, ' Hia lord', willbe no ight R�v. David We J 0. NT e departments up�, Seltdol. Thro 9ei 000 � was passcd ir fbird.Whs ii c4 better artangemetltii. at our dook# My�f46fVJilln') ' cft shipebtidu Ili stout tunin. -.t6t us � * a 6, hfi, Said one Wigib' old elder this morni t1lig L.- CK . Now,, ONT. tig mercial SliiAA"rid'and "h and there ia bound to be r6bot6ifit 1 V (06fitinilied from, lot tnk M Phy Courses rit thorbus n rUCti'otl jSr ed', ajt�r600li And. d -acticsil Ifidividtial hist ..".Stout me# 4ro not,t6d. 104*-*1nd d' 6 e rvere 'a mi8bi nary_� giveLn a f nce And th.dy took hitu. -iddress evening, The churdli b itroug iiiiikile a' _9(affj Wag ites, iticceed it 6lroiwded-at 6scli servide, people coiilju�� ;.Out' gTa IV from 7 ACT IN HU1J1d*,­ Their Mlvift-, 1tihfl4*, P.aritg'of 6eL'eountrV.. St, 6 A!A 4. A I.., I I &'o S, B''A' 0 e -oe eat, Ca000p of thia htitir facility TholimiF Ohii tch wits ere��t d. obl�.thr TheiVfid.-$ttUl9lll',- of Queen'if 11alversity An& P , for Mdr, 'n'd ftt.d of, debtvin tilne for, al#_ A tooti'llia6 IiAti"A.-the &bit Act jJ.fJiqr6y­ of agwitqrs"it . Lq TH LS V.68i vdo _0 is AgAi6ted iby; �th6 -tdd fas- q n p t �defman, c"�edi 6" the -vow t If 9 _karo Ake. -,4,i-. v tee In that 1 6"', ...... .... t, 964i d f (Y rd fal '000000. 61 tov�tighlps bt fAdt, A 04 only, th 7 ina villAgibiti, as, we eserVe i,,, r;`7 'J te_,­r­e_ de, e., vor o mp fAn 6 Iftno -now ja fL&, CU'E S Iff _C, -DA b 'th' 114� ed'neadayJa '98th. W nditry INd RATE9 I : 4 'St IN - 8" 'th he id Ilr' d' �4 . - ' ' . .. njaak U isg, f -Tills; L A B SINit -Th tidnel. club wi 6ftd,&y The Ai 'GEIMPA N ANSAC. 'Zb tlibtf up6n. thdni., 4' 'Uha, M mirine' ale, T fL re v si h I plei�i,,06 6te partniont. at Y P gVe A ltntiitl WM, j6lioston &.na *�4iqg F"Iq MissOlUll 01anipbell At6d, kt the Port of 'n thor'lafke thong g&Vc, sa'b t her ai4i. hM, ect e 1 .8 h t Nq UU, 14 . b on TT is ch7il&ing basi&' Thk tab *�` 1614" Ihg� �Pen�� the kve Ood rich. -9-of the niost powerful el-' ek'-6iid' with,, ter, Ats, Jacob lluoJet, an DT, _ 1 Ir I I _ I ii lii�RAVEILLKRS' 0 f 18 (4L ig vgluable� but ted fog'hotns in C tda A %N X. and out'. 60604 ttdded the 66 fit ham, W, iblinfono U,;' Seafof th" 16, lut" and.Afts. 'R(-.bk J61in1ston of tadil- Willia , m Hunter At. U Y iqfia W1 WiWly g1ven, to 'ItifidAy At A(, �mfte'd- H it, Ood� ncee8 wetc� here 4"ec6rify and lookcvl quijr-tAil eqtirci r1oh la'8t W g,tuhtioh-, T116 horn will he odiy LC� gal smyonj in WC, ftift ve YOU 8 ............. baet`-gf, to the� Send .�MPAU i e" 'wriship, of "th MY ! John Andrew, P1406d oti the n6tth. outer bkc�akwa nion6y i Yew t,M' en it you itie.4 Agaiait�46* 0 1ha8i, Hill :'Of SAr" 'a gppTidJflg ed A� Ch&rl6g Ri(i6hieljilasli w6ok, Itu -gfroffi shot(,, "I)U'Lihg 'M .14T C a week ivif-h Wtn, Ailluiladf olth hlwifi misi� "sio smyt�h" 01 g Wag at 6 fot & sit .041bati A 0 im, Of �10,46 �Noven')ber �i Ig not 11k.611y) Vitt, iditi' ofr t 9L Ablen . 6,4�odt he..f rr A '116 Is X ift, 6.ld MA4 . -,er& h0ed9t *116�vtd, m, Rid -,�At citri 4"C fig Ag th wkt -it pablid016, Aen 11 At A Ai 1, .6h4s. t ''; tbb gueAbf 11c Aaket.f lut t fog, hotti WA8 too M, Jot'tyj it 16 *011 -that that!'fiia 404 wln4, 8ta,"ley 0 'quall and w6hetioi ip 066tant-ope, 'O.P. At Z,Ll� faty gackett *11; ration .......... afA(es to� L t tit, tho jlj�j_j "toA it" V -wiili4lt b U-nowk 0 VOW -i A .............. WWII. .. . .. ......... . vk _4 K ry