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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1914-01-15, Page 8
urad4 lit%tlayy :t tk�:;:� 1.. �, outve seen; that., too•; Dere yot have- a man in a tub,,, pot a wash tub, y feet.1 m 2 feet wide and i8 inebes 1omn®w�-but a real' batT-:tub,, �. � � �� _ , 'deep; weighing i 5 pounds, and whexb �e gets tlrougie o h; t© 1d u flus ,bud put44may Qat-- ftlte. .tr,ad, and the room �- free as it.was twenty minutes ago when h"e brought the tub in. Unsolicited letters .f'om :our Customers;: 4_ • Jarvis, .OntJune 22nd . :received' your bath some i e'af o • and have riven it ai goo:l trial and Avonkl not, take twice the price .if I . could 'not rep ace i by 'another. ALBE1U Wrt GLu 1tThe li:ectncy, Waterdown On` -_.-To whom' it 'may cunee,rn: This is to. certify that 1 -nave ;.examined ani used the • Folding l3ath Tub manufactured by • the 'Folding,: l3a'th"ttib Oo and sin` well__. Pleases witfh it P,-cer-tain'yAS_ a boor to • . those not-hnuin;'a perir►anent bath in eo ection .with some water` sy:stein' ,HN TOUuLAs, • Rector :Grace Churah e will give to_any.- one who can •produce a user of; �tV• our tub, among' the,; many thousands . who . are using :- 'di :' -�'- _.' - •' $100.x. - satisfied w>tt'h<it, ,. ou ry- =the>►>a,: that is not thor • V.rJVi�V�4'� y� Y, r • 1 sof ng ... , . , � a - -=for �h�e- _.---.�r : -_ �` '`' -ropers , , .. pu s�• th,e ;, r Ib ha - e tubba � e. �1ra e run thea c:'l� r .rill canvass; • g•. .,w.. :: heav d `. ` ` 'all i c i � �-�.: . , �• toi clean � , f t ls .� u , ne. p: �e'c *I . 94 !:) anufactured-out' • •, r ' ' 1t eas' is �m � :: �. ..._.._side ��rnal��u � ,�-- �_ - -- • -- �ed=gin- the inner , : � ..:.. the- rohle:rs :a��.in a _ — _ :: ,� .when .eve:- uarantEe an air •c e • fey • • ve �re�rs e•= 4 .._ :eel:. rack roe lldeW,.. u,a ..ante�.d for. ver, years not to peel, � �•:.. ��_ - .' • of _' :: y� ; r Huron �Count�es� ►,isg r, • sx� ..:. �s-n�i�h=��:ea��.:. ev�r 1n, rues o its great fuxury. and Hees µ y • if ou•'want oodliealth you , niust wa-,191.i your 'boc-ly. Think of.the thous ,pds�ai d thousaniis bf pours•in your skin-throwitrgo tint G Voig 1)oct1., say 3." g . ::: ve the �oisori. alone where wi•1+ it:ru`1-1F3'ack into the system and�.yqu tako the consequences.. Fur years • the old ..poistdnP�y��-'hn►�t•� __: c' .: r • • It was'th� best;-qnT-ic�refa-thea-had.tku'3:ngti,:a,.n.i►}iWtire ;ay'� of ...' . /-purpose.-- =Aw•kward.,,;wclumsy and vory unhandy was: called tln fora Chis P P ,wash. tab . • . • ,.. -r'theni., Die tb.da -and.lto�a wiL: .nsuTt't}iern:. 'They want-a;--�f3rnder'; nowt J -sat- _ , �__,._._�,.- r be. had to be satisfied, and,were Offs, y . • _ o'd` 3- .. the old reaper �.nd cradle, f y ' P , . ready' us+a Foldin Bath.:Tub vii;.th:nllcrinvenenees• ,bEtlre city. (load By, dear • ash • ' We have •now re .. . _ „ �' -,:-.. . .- . _ . .._ .. ':' ._:.. . '..:�- ;'. nd. behind -.our ..: • with ilia old wash tub for a bath • ,. • ' nts• for•l�uron and. B� uceand 9, --ata _ - •_ ao _ �.._. sour..a e.. _ a > iri,ited the 1 eel r nzf--,M:fg Uo. s _ .� _�, __ �. We -have 1 p , !hhe. best iif friend must part. tub, . ... P _ �Ve dcn't act . .. • , guarantee with- Hve�'y tub, nnii the, r!iTtlrantce is backed u. by_our:lame ,�,i tial. We are not smut} ``i; e:i9h-iii . 7 • .: •,,, w,r+tttkn- uKra - . :,, d. mds • We „ive vcu s . o'pres onr ib ti agents or fircus, and 1�$EN for 3 .: Nothin is : Mfg ^ ,• a sell in large gacintitiea and : we se=1 •t,ur gods P t'liat we . ', a V6'ewelinot use you W ,... slunall. • . : � � their . �r'° and, finance -.are '.$atTafactory•for two: reprsons.. One is: .,�� •_:., ,,. __ : _. .... . .. _•'_: .. have .our . Dods :ta sell•unlestt that c,hnracte .. ,,� fr :are , .. M,.,.• n �x�` �ra�, �' : and we will not let.• an.y, ;'firm ha � . , . in � our tubs at a vory ,ltw: and e ,r c�av:t,fives to do the satne. The other ie that we • 'a.�•e'.ma,rket too �n..¢ t Dili re resents t �: do,� . . . . ; .,,lit businea ,_._. . - - , , r. cia'L risks. ,. ni of trf aro to' take any. finan ,a! �m.r�i ki `�ia . / *•' x'- ,. �UIC� Ga �, t- a i •^ ' been thiti.king ver seriously of dying. a st'atiOnery' bath., This w ll•coati thorn $300`60 to : the : , . � • r . „•- •- . _ . ,.:' _ .. a.nv : ,..people •:.who ha,VO b Y . .`s.will: cost � 1,(':0 . . ww �tVe find.. -that- 'hereare n refit m P P ..; .,.. .- an3 . , . .�. theSaar' e. • , • The intci.est on ;.:$' 0 per 'year .is .$12 00, eons( uentl ' tlii _.__._._..— •...... p. -have to.be Naxen up for .. .fiY� in ta7[ and a.rooin in.the hopse.will have b �b y: After bur tub ia.in your house for Seven mohths Wnd a half it is paid for and is gi4Tng. you: •�> � •'��• r,: ;�', - .' per Mouth. Orxr trtb costs you •$7 6Q.`fcir' five'years, .. a �iieek a. - I- + " - •ori scald get in your' $20d 00 installiiient and is 'milking you 20e' _ ,ust..as -pool. ,bs,th�.�:_,. , �,... _ . _ .. .. _ _ ..._ •` ` ' =r, . ' •. i ._ .i.. n .. b should de hailed with. delight 'by«every person who t es not }iave ae•'ess to a regular . hath :..: ,....,. :.. p.troti w.tbat ..__._ n . ,s• ;,. ..., .,,,, rx o TtYi�trtttc-21�ts is air inv0 _>. - „ FANG he country are deprivecl•af shit roat•luxury ul>id uou-ssrty ''-'L el; ..iter -B tli `.ubs'ha a - . • . • ... • . ,: w=' . people in small towns and t, .. • " dotu". The gree majority of indurei;•i'estfu} sloop t m • . renders thu: avenin en' ,• a Jogab.e and fnot that '.:. ' bttth the t in .i >ie reaiest 1snolVn retried for , reserving; • en of s ase. the take,. and - ouTrt a, __. moTnents •s anti in the bath avery..m irn i; s t g Y _. ..._... _., r. ._ w3 to thQ� a m ^ .. 1.� a,e bei- rat�tieal.; o �: the never lis `P and cleanti-t'tTftfi BEA�aTY'BaBRRvkB-A_ �. p ' been: on the:Market, hair y . has as regard.for •health e time:been in and y. k fgt!,.$.ortti a bath too d with and ,.. , ..... .: ,..' i 'abd` beast . ' R who 19 'not Ttl tlUt1 y C 0. son. p Y �_- . r,..,o.ciq to handle. hive y I? ,.___.��•a.i.., o „►7A. °� Yt� tier to litre tinct rape of family - .,u� 1Rnaia. No�ho� . they are • -- -- ..�___..c.: ,ae., •v,�s�:� � use' without a bath is tr At .p,._.... ..sEpyn. crety.'tripertrosvron.e:80.hioo.yuil.,dt..fialiv:itnititbo.41' gu.hx.u•pr;i4;t:g001.014ii.v.ibdtettial,•EainTilu•vvhfia,:slib.;liwta) it3efrIltflia.ritatis.pi:nd•i,E;betri:31-1,hPerit.'- 'rse:jitn'ii:eviey it,,thioant iftorreacill iwrel4m.• ihiat:1::•,Emrots,ctrie Ty',13,_,,44t„,.is....i3ot. pedessi.y,,,to dit. the Water out, simply', take 'hOict. of .the tailsi..and lift ;:ig. cepa end,,the.Ottin ehd.thert''' •••• 'fonts a trough,. Sri the water. can Pitfl',Fifit!!iV.irilpreceliag...qut.. _, - �...,�_ --- fraction .. ., .. " ..'•. whet; the excretions depositd; in the skin dutirtg;the say by,,, .,. , this --. �• r�., - :. .. .. , TURES' .SWEE'T' fiES 'ORERo•-•�'A.t the close of a hot day, • n3�1 nf' wellbeing and repose �vhie follnws this for warm. ba1:h�'" ,_......_.. _.... ,...�, ev*:,.�„YaTo.,tncom'ftlrtable these, .. - . • , , '. � . reseritativ in ..;Luckno v --- . h rrIcenzie -1 an c riY t rel a:na :Our V` rep... .. .. This Folding..Bath Tub, nnnu acture d in. anaOq. e Canada, is the . • � .:.. .. after making" ' � .. have - et added to ottr , list,and, reate�t agencywe y• . that . ,• .,, k t�,+ir... • - y careful study. of this proposition, :we decided. that this would-be a c y p, i. _. • to our business 1�0� yarenlarge . line that we would' branch out onthls year _ Cr are aware-ofi:the.!aot that -- doubt the readers o1' this p�►p ,ex that: we call' on:once a .3000 customers 'credit system. ..We ha`�•e over - °the _. ., �.. , • .,. • - to thy. . �rmou'>ttt �f'�. time, -but �.. ,year ancl' Sell our .,foods on a year's , money we have to outlay and the *n rgin ofir'otitfeng so small' <n tis', ask purohaaser� to pay as• promptly ns.cOi�a. proposition , we ail /havev, oto t p reaient. But remember wive will, be leased to hutnish yoitr with alub on 4,5 6 months" cr even ayeai,os.txfne, sltotld 'yo' really ,['squire the time • bon! --i .bo without thektuf3.-, .We do: eVer'yfa►mily that buys. a. . ,i .. •There is only. one. rade of Adu.l Foldin Tub:ai d. tub a personal favor. Y only one p .;ad'that ., rice.is 7,50, The f first bigconsignment of • tree., � , i� � ' ... u s .....T . ,,..:.� ... ,::^M .•,1*� ,r' 1.. ... ::, ;w...' :.�. -.fir a. g. ... ►.nd. s.".,a-ow tat -f' air'..&s"tribUtton'e tubs hacs':us�ar,r�rted In 1..urc�cuo�v �iy . . y, �yottie order earl:Y , Sit'd rt otatele shone, aid yotir b will. -be 'art' ... I�sav�e �� s__ i `n'ed atelse•upn oarrival o-� oder. • .Vk.e c xpect' to 11 a ndle,..accordi>ig to arrratigement, between two and five thousand 'tlworth olkars this Oars,