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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-12-25, Page 3
a • -1,YYTY ,TIE.:E..'"Falt.,001:LNE,VA4 441;thd, ' • ' - 1;941x ,Whiob P410,10r ii,g4Ortoolt 'zi14. '' ',97.4FrOPP"13:!INIR COAT-./.!, ' v • 11' . -grep4 e ,::ore- „.,.. - off4)lut):,..otot.11,. Is .F.010,P.4 i ',•Lt,s,ttrit • ,A,144.4.4, acquired 'Ice. 6E11. C4tatril A 'REOuchitir 1 . , '. ' Andy Linderberg. who 'staked ,.,. .31os, .94 kuid arid llieBiactsettis• at - "•qalg>ptie '1)E:e:a0:4-10,t,...0.0.11.#0.0-4 , , , cl4ni on the ,..S,.14Sion. River in •sentli BOA i ',Nerii 1B0P,eldilkg*" *: .Of :f. XIIIttogq#, :(1.SE-11.._ „ - T.T11,..oHllilk,wor, :Or '0440)- iff Pm- . . 4, • , . XX', 4144$44.:...it • • faine by pa'aiitig 4fiCiponada of..,Aup •fir".(13,,t'l:;i:Pit,',:L°,12'.cgt:<;;;:filsi',!.j.,i).:i.. Breventfkgettiont,t4 "1"kette,Trsttblet: .. _ ,ap,pariegt ,• .0.1,:g.„.. exte.__774-eatirelYT ti,e;f:A,A,,,,..t !,,,,,,. •„,...,,„ ....p., i_a„,,,i.,,_ _Bilt..,n,:;_the, eiid--' . ..,72; ..1.1isttii.044,r4iic,04--r _.4e64,-zil.1- t-...„ „rt-rizgvrif.erd'ettlfroiti77,:f):07tIps, eolcig, . ,..40,,i4111, ,00.,r,_Fiolieaii.:.arniu oianiti;:.:,: Orog444.71i4- in4j,79r0C- of•-otore Irieihle- .. 4.... a I....throat r.s..n.A. 040,s' ., ,41.'1,-'441*-ifigoeti•teleseope.• It -•:.'.;:la eon,- 1.?„..,01. 10, •SO4.' --,0•0iil liClmnp • NI'llerP ',1:t..C•Ye• weigh,ill, :40590r.„?).-:7;171..„12da.. :..1,io,f1, , _47.11-0'17-11.',44tA.j.lit.'..,:§I'f7_,r#8‘j,IIT;;i1,":T.7'51;:.;:"74.4r.:,:.,' ,1.,'.,,44,Ati.T.2ifin',..,1,1.74-_.*-1,:14,1,--.: i.,,I.:4-: gi.fr,,,;gt' .1'it:,1-1,74: ,i,l.ii,„ wharf: to th' t • ' : 'tho '''t, ',,sf,tep, -,............,1 . L ,.....-___, , , - . 04.11104',.. -I..0. -.15i) .,Out. '-'0,0*.14..r0:7 'P'°4pKe'‘,.-"t-a9.1.. 'sg.'1414,,. 1771'..'flit'af,r4r1., 742,11948'.: • ..V.iiikerpitj, rrattitri3O-,,VitlIt4ot). : -t- in the chest en -411 -1..SOAR-AnO. (Ailment cow Lin* 7fr..ti.;•;iP'4..;41. , t;,i7e,$•,'.'-t, 'bug : • • .• . . ." _Rilt •O•ritlY0TIor : ' .I3142,g,._., , .ikaui..i4a, .,,,,__iiiiiitaion-a:,,2==_!..,, ,., -,4•=v1,1. to 'yeit (Wee more NV ' . - ' ,. :- ?,o,iir di • , °utile at the Month and. a: flalf. '___'sh_.<1.....w.r, 'n,..h1.141.'nes,: ;the' ,IsistAlliati.O.,11: of, o. .. ii:•-•bnru- .. , and -tures ,the allniont th_or-04111ii48.1 44 lit4-ti•liC:'°'" 4.4t4ti'°•44 ''i•1:=': 'ung*.4,11.'"-tat?r8Ses ttitt,gter.rre-s U-f:',d--18-ia-Tile,• . ;019Se t•O g•aell ether. .wbile in rerality - 1.17,heiv bbsi.a.:`,PalSiierill::A.-- ist0,11,._ ,.; ..1 ..; _..1. .:v v y.,y , 7,49Q,I9 , tine. whole, 'caniP,•-• In'. e, 4`' _71-ign uspiasent-niAther....ftisti:..ititteara•;.its-- tthis--medicine 'Catarrhozeitei'' . iumnuan St ,olt cio, ,orlt ...L.4.iviriace ;t1tey.A4.6--Aoptwo,Pe:d,bY.7-Antilliou0/10041- -, • 4-.Tojig Elielitilan-74,1ifir.0-1.11-Y, 4.v.''''''944g'-'447111:th'.041.,.,4iq'14. ,. , ,wa a .looke"t1 supon: As _a rathgal pa,o,ye '01 ..nalte ..bge:n, a chronic ..54 *tor 11.'clirr ••;,••-e.tn nonrly coNereftwit,h,:pionao,•..64perialiy- - eien• Larkin in • Tho . N...atic;n4 Igiits' ,billiouo .4 Miles', .writ.Os '.'F.,Klgar: :Liz= • '-vMaittl..and ...PPa'ti...011.,, Wfie.1.01.441.4:ated.• ; ,,,e,.. -ell-eir,„ for :matt4e' 4.44 ti184- - 9 '. • • ' ' ' - .... • . - ---' ' • '•'' • ' •• over ,e10,014., year* 1 411 In k- .1 ;have apent: '., gi„ti: idol, paap,ips".04,. • freak , ,(..)forcr University ud do.itht. f...0-•geti:.1441 le 0P- 43.1041a.Are 13.:":9mni' : f D,reearfous„.ereradei-. ...•Its. eateries. Catarrh •lid the ,hose an0 thrOlt . ter es illy fox'Siice"4.ae.0 vilitze,•klitreeiliorls,t.r.40:0111;34,,Tee,;:,: zine.,.. .... . • • ''' ' .. . w„ e,e, •:..so cornplete,' ho*eter„. and itE .bet. • Eixt- he tfirne'd a deaf. ear9'41 ngfrOft 'doll:Rill trying. to get ,. litere•tlem$ T. fc.4.61.04.to sp 610. T4P.s., .I.Gelkt:,,I1c,e,.:: ,oetitt,,ittiolt..ti-9:01. .4.4c)aoaft. 1:1g19,11.. . , ,. ..10..4.--Tani,,ed of aellietenient; • :but i4 ' is•,fiafe. to eay. 'that he had. :Tie idea:, tho'begiii.lePt•ti 41-24 mith.Pe're'l?):17gr' the f' a hich have •passed ' . ,46' w' , 74 1..::;. . i,y, (3: r...t3vg,, ;.....,':...,.. , ,‘: . ,, . `: .. ,. •, ' i lief. I •••havo ..ip.hnt but six 'acii.14i'S. On were utneredlusups end thee R4004 snd lion. cirkping„ f.rore. ‘41,e. ,. pose • he CatarrbO4Pfle• ' Anil • bOtto been Oetrt,' . . I.,.$.8ne.e.zi.,'d theimetter Ont., ,,.. 14 i!tiigliPg., i'..."..i0p,,,,4.ff..40W11.4, 0,4' w4k4w,r4s0.04t4"1, 0,..,.1.10.8414'" .s.ttaiile,d- on II e 1:_arnii dreliii,_. - en -,,VAtth ;-P.Viko-Ar4freo.,4tH4ing.t.-4teg leobae.4•1$42,48,,,iltiterr.... since: tho., initial exiieriment • have • • toety,,,,,sesp,s4.-.74,704;•• tirtot.,-,1109.-0,7•••ee,,n....-. • ••••1, robod„OA: eittlitoiS,O. romsotes, ,,..„,r,,, , 11 seep.. alMoSt. every Ship,,stealnini in-. ••Vveil.''fo.r soros , tithe. , -Oateerhozons ..lis, . sail -sand ,.....7,7';., .•:Prefini htiti•theY'Alld $00-- 'Or, • This...Separates: the; fdniy••oloud • . .• ••. . 44 steep ,,Inouotedo, trail: ' yet that •. hiss ,-hoos .. .e.red 'ia • lynx:den, ;n 4,0apordance with • , Ia . , a ' reetical radii' frim.' the: ..0, -ta.„,74 :, the .enly, .modlejue 0 have • been, able to: . eadt,,_711,0, X•;,..0*,;th.ti414;$,ertiteentent4041. ', c..4.4f!....•Yv.... it'egni,:o,...Aliont... • .. '.:;: ':. the •coiog-ts: .adj-ae-6.r.i-t-tT•Ttlie ` 'iv; ,6.714,-.. . ,tt 7., ar-vvou• - ' rai 70if y dwe tainfiCr, Cu 0.intwat 444i41 eent,'for-5*. Rave ' you ,e1r6x. carried, A keg of _ ..... ' . , '''.'". - ' a.ry. relief, but will 'alwaYa. •41.re...: imr," ..PaPiP10,• ..•kgoVit and::betan,usinli -,Iriarliud.--.. 1.*i '-0-4.14..7-10.41W7..*:'.4t*Tif.0..*,1*-Wit:'• .60.07-P011,-'3,7;t1r.N.11re`Silrill•Tg.'.$:: :tti4.017?J'''gil.i.ittititt', ':..t6.111.-t;e43'141ii,;1;12....L..7-a 4e'g1(311..,':w. 0,;:aral.4lari•CeirTry--(43IW:TedV 1,Fralir.WoillifFf017.0.*W477..c.Wilig.,-.11..1.404 -$1,9°i11.143-471i17..itaco°' 9)",---7t14:1164)diksT.::1317o-eHek:- ._.*.y.,-..O.f..2-One flight.1-' .-1Plien• • you ,C41:17,. .. . ':.lafittisnagi.ne • What' it,. :Means. in . "dog,..! ,Blatk Sea: laud.' :tlte.:Dutelii,..---Indierir L -Tor•-• -tibSoinle'rinr.-Zif3.,47t74.1.ct;reVie.' .,'-:l'iird$4.0.e7417i:Ire9r,,c4tkii*eui's'I'll°041:Puitett'°fitom$41*92tcmhab•-•- 41°e.:ri,43tt--t-1,fZa''',7ley.".;.arta:71q;'43a,c1tHw . 'fic°4-;.-.-,17.,e'tlatorril7';7:acirMTSI'.;11.70'.'-o''.titmot;i;.''Tok'.,;4'• - •• ' ''' ' - *I" ' ••.(1 f'' 1 •-•--',Catarrho.zone•-•.-' .- TNViai..".*Oliitine --eaffItt .4rui stoio with -the catioa. ,seip.-. '1u.U. • - they: Separ.ate,' and; stanotlt.!:Aleiseo.Y 4-1,4•?"°"" •''641"44a.°.• • '1•1°").'i''' "'c'''"i'461‘.''''-' .01iatfo Orows.. III, liliTtilltilt-49'. •CI41•IP'ext*ti'..b134'1'el!- 'Cf ,.--, ' i An . '. ".-1'in ' t'all.'-' ... ' • -I • '4' • tii4of' ther PI I ' ' ' d iiiietc.' • ' „,...,014w..... ,.........,•,,..,...,...;.., .,...,......,..., , .„.,;• ., „.. , ,,....-...,,:,tttrio'.iti•otte;, :eXcitigive of the 3#.0..P..,l,.. **cilea' i,C '..'*hich.•*.'011.1--halti•iPg,;•*1;ia!Olsa . . ii . • ----71'.1..,., ..... , "Oak Suet' Initi: ..'ot ,l'A..rimoiiiittao'.'duri'thi.tIld:.'6nci=1..r41116..1`.' '.v,itli,'brIA•el[:'',...VtiTi4:`.' Ili:Vo..m.any-celee4; p,-"ydtf ';.•'.7katcr•e 3rrrt!, I rittt. ha.,- SEY '',40.404-Y.-44ii-Anitten Niii•a•c..isk, itiszo:no..to• ' -Y"•'.1;20::-.4iffer0.t'''..,. 14',...7 ifilltil)10.# ..013.7•" duliOtit. 'ites4.6., ,tal.'.1).1.g' • • .:01.13,4 . -. yro...2.4evor:-fliftette-,,:poi4del4faeturerei.,--,of •-•:-.toughtlnprhf,*_-,-..,,-;.over...cenld Idyl .-andjit.T..i4a. ii,et.71.ang: tie,. . ..t. :E.ARg.11.•;.:- FEN eXerOST6.L., • '1' .012tic4ii tiloiip.': ItS.abs 401-..deid.,.iveliiiitl ...' 'No."..i..,ir.:hen...i.iiml, .."°°:i.l.'-.7rici-,li:lfr:tilittin.°:;a. -,-:.'::)64:140'8.-:Elh-.70:,'-:ate..7e)3'p7.177t1 'ita6t,;...t -;;,.rit:OlftihttA4t115;'.!"446.-11ilii:;i:Ottik.-41,1e..1:4T.-60,:te..--714.c4.14--. 4elet.•14ht.-•-.*4*-i'''62:1.:-il'ili'illu-4-i.,:!°(4'sy.;s1titnP:*.fterili:Fit.lt-i:fifdiii,37.ii-:'11:-3. uffa:1,9i--'-'14*".•4"..-. - and'-. '4i:ri°-°°-;-:.:;°.ig4`4).1‘44°L.4:Yill4:'71aitii"iii'''Mt:•23.•13'•:.''' .1°61114' 'the'' 3ilat°111e43& beitVtY '4. the . ,,,,,Tarano. '0.. -Steepest attie StairwaY•fia cliild',s .," or ess•dependent en.:wood:-. In. qt,t,:, , ,s.ft ps,, of: ...the.-..gea ;.).43.ro.laplened: :the .... .... , • . 44:04taiidc:.0.4i0-41ri*Oti'iilege. . ..„,. ,s..,. .;,,,,, , , .. ,, • „ .. ..... , , ..... ',,,,,,Lttft.407:4Fe‘411*!--44.41-wg"e-'''' .' ..:±'(),,O.141i,y'°::j=n-*All4Txitie4.0.."t.'44t.ext-1.all••fk-v,4:47:4,1?..b1Sfelf'. '''.•'..:.F.-iVit)mr;Pr-virt117:6-..r.t::: 4.1.:*'±"cir--Pl:4I;Ii.7*.'..':;::i91:':**:''''::::' ,• t • ,. ,,, . • • • , • • • . , • .,, •• , • ...• buttkoreareadoOdtotincsequOltiondelleelo..:, . .. .. • . ,. . • .. • • . , , ,, • • • •" .. .0ellititotct!Ornoerra78,9" ia'etigrO4Ndan.i.pOwitellltly100g.ddiNtiti,',Itillu...%y safie0i1 in: a telesooPe Of IL' ' W.:, ilaWon, 1g ingt:r '' P.0460.3,0 .00sg‘, .• great, power:. ; ,CarASeit a large room;:. • . ••, '.' . rift t.IW =pounds: twice. 'a day. 's, ',mile ., -.Ili, ..,..tlie. ''.i,saiiite" Way, •i n• , auvplYi...ng:.,•:de.1::tlee,114$-.,7,6-12. •;.:00.7.0aNero,‘'t.4.ii• -0 -zeii•o: '.z,0:.T4U0'.;,..L'aotci. t, 41•111,40.out4-aeroo .0, tol„t4,..4tin,ci:rin, , cznaxpp7,0:03anoto. 4. ,, ..7:,:,,,,,, ,_,,,.. 16,,,, _.i -.• . , li,e,.4a.•• 40 ,:,_•iii.,•1-136.1.3.tibie0,_,,,. . Ae;,..,,,, !tial ...Pelhool.,,1!:..,,afflo,zpt-,:70,..7-0.,,..,te,,,,.a:4.4_,,r;...., .,-..:, ';-4.024441.03bli-.,*--tiliWit,t47,interrititra-,hiy Ittikriiilied'rbY'l.)3.7671kire.Str:Y:. tiTanolic world's . trade.•-railteS'alcingaide the •• .nri*ord.1. ,Itow. could; you itleteriii:•ie... . •• that weight on '130n!frb.,a,4 ,f.tioi VIP •84a,tisitak:st:Otloti3t:te•Prripitlatc1.-0.-4 '0v.'i.,:fit the. :g.,trategi_et,.004,4 •t!..is . 4'7 P.1:,.7..."Y'.67t,o-rt •I'lw.edng.;_141.t...„.7.....! ..;i.P....,..__.Ire"topi..7,0fr:e.otue4ditse.„veu:a..°:oio'.':-omh:t::'1.r;:::p.ei.t,:, i6;17..ii' d7aiLi„.1:1:..*., :11Pt;:: .8;tui4irtbir4e118 i'•f:.;. !i. :1:1)4F,04 :$ a4H11:.1418t ..•4;461:7; z hi**64.P4P:14:°.0'ilri4MHEi ,:*14:.04;:Tlhikle13::: k :*' 1 f ':11117"1".7'°9° -"P!"6. -:S? ' -'..r:i73'il'* Ott/thiko ' in . A . • ...j?jilkitin, • ... ..Opti,f4.01,:: Z11.r4n.O1.-i-zigthitniniiinuv.4iiOlintainfof-- ,s:, r,e(alkt,14,44.r6ttrt,43;44047r1(!w;''714:4tqiiiinaiAti int.oiekio4ii a .4,-,S,* T ....„..,,._ in; 'regard -to. the . p*ser.*ottve.:,tireatr,--. . , . , • .:-- -, '• . , '..greclUate, did? • - ' b.uroiet11, .014,rii:.!.1,45i'"-yirc4)...14iwall,48,:01,,tiql,0:1.7,7.,g0.2.t4f,-1.13i1,..rif'rfitifi, 7,..,‘_.;..4.h.-.4ti.i4.f.tri. . Iiiii,14111%il.,.s.i.. : 1:•....,ithf)).67.13a,tiLn,its:i..1.11_.6.:. tria043.1i.;,:st,,i.e...„,::',: ,.•-•ii' :,....:<1.. .ntaapt,,,Lof „sfelkse,-.1,aste, the .. Pe:restry . nisi coudit...-• Of &LEW: aid 'NIP .4enlih. :,...•., • ,...ories ,.,,a ,the.,(4.811.4.tio, itio=otitc:„..kor io711.71'..t.. lEt ".01:06•':•Oi::*,i70 011*44114"i:0,...i4Vti 6*. and nrOinetiti'S :a iliorf:; •41.,":foi-i7.14.teltint•t'of:1t***:•11404)17111 -N:'' ' 4. i.'7i4vL* ';.-Alt' 3j-04.,i'l.0""°3: 'tic.. •_. ..: .. ......itanTitell..for,,•yonitseli ,W-hether---Pal- Prodnote,',,totiging. 'fie-cits ri*iiiiiii ',te; *Ord' hk the Invention of 'o....crude .44.°:.v.i4e-dmi.1?046 :t;12:6'99'4,.s.,,tedit'4,.: corp.,...popt 4.,-boatiii.:13c.g,iiA,. ..• • • ,. , rangoil an :pilos;..:hcape and: banks, .17.•:7.74.13xt„fxE,:iregl,grikt;l'fiigii;2;e171.: . . *fir .iii ,entitred...te . receive froin, the. hearses,. represent a. turning: over oil consuming .gaes . • engine,' _...whiCh LI. _,, ......:•••Thia.ia,h(*dt,.:13.aPPaicti441,134,44en, ..t,t0ed,,inteiaeveral,liandred-•:•hilialied--• . ...Gots..-Nowii4ef:: $ew-'4.0.a-:Capapi---77 . . . . 14-iir,,,eft0t)7.0),,ngl'.1-Lainnille)riy.L14431.4-4T:.;:iir-jeo.tti-its---it---salt:e-e-firdtVitifircir, f.- ettio-pd. '.-80,46;opo...-leot, '110.44 , . Tear:" 'Ilfire:,eerektated.:a0:.i-IMPlete441airp.. Iiii i.2,1Zallii7;''.2,6iik.4.:,:t4,,-;Z:'„i'-.6.4:tit;H:4-141w'*i.°:•W',„hitc,,,s;h4;d:a...P',, • ....e.iP-.....c17nOcace4;:,0.'°If4tue'tpr- are41.:$4;glet:tn.nalc,il-'66ent ..--::Ighei ."-apPSAinfl'ilelVW*:el -iiiiiteti-li:****Ititi'flaallini:11.'37:::,111:. 12.1,4t1:tt:I.Ii.::717,:r..-:.,':::"--'1.::' Slg,i01;28.4i '•wh•ich, 'When ,.. inanufae-,." Arei,-.3!••leiv.:•yearsi, ...• that. event:, . • .. • „0„iver lis.:•.{b_6.o.t.i.lt„(,,oe,x4.4TTrsi:l.izi,7,ta,;:.4_:4For.o.B-trr,y,----1P-ht•-y*rii:•!is:,trnet.ttO•tlirf:"'ff.':OW'Ura-ie(I,'fi,eeirr„a'i.;'tsido:,QO4. . •how-- - - -. Y. .PP'Pire,„.edeilemeyeriyaittra....tine,icii:si;..iolgt. ,143„,,sivo-eig.i,..,,thii.,...fitnii.,.4.47,4„:„:„..v: 04, ...;!../471,,l'.•=r,riy;.:*.t*iff,...4-,=.,**qit°i'.";‘,..,-,1-711::::71`In'ji ''''''' the :preseri•ratiVes are all illuity b,e. 1•14:3,d b. : .a a i -• - . ., • to-- ' when. all Oise has fnlled. gold ,by'dr. ' ' ,b.,, Istak,in onr Irest tai..; ' ..- '°"•°'°''Inn.1" vic""' 46tbi-Inri. ' Addreei noet-cerd fPottet.,',Drug-,,, it Ohenit. • 81)0,9;41'i -it ,4vs- thellgh they. were zart . : ... . irfarre7;•.P:'•..;:"Ir!'ll°t-.9''' .. • • :hardy ininerli ii.),:bdi .pr,440e.eibis. "a of Iwyprat . owes, • this.. amount . of., *de. • .that.: • marvel • ,,,:.Of ,.Beieiltija.'' Lcivii.1.47eiclagr_lis!..stnaiim,?.p..16716,.",nathe...4,pitpsarlia4t.i:43,71 takin..g, :.iip.thi.i.„.kai,.,iiiiiiii;i4...ii,...4,•go„. or ,!).u.it -0 into .061°1434-, windows, mr."Ivia „TnnwItr,Rzo,::_lom, „Ict ' the,•Northwese.the warmth of gQ04'*1;,eanital....-...• :. t L., ..... .: • .: • • • ' - .'• • • •,.., :•:::: achiairemeat,- . ' 014 ':'• noll'stealning''77i. 'Zia.. *eat. .advantage. of thaii 'alit. -',....'', ': '....: .. . ':., .' ' ..• 'I. ' , or twiited-,into....Spir.aili,••''Or dashed: • _.,_ _-1..C14.9.1i,1414P. tliarlie.'fidee.s......._:...Palrfler :.•: tNOt onlyia it. reniailrible that-ao . iyatif OD • the ,'Pacifte. 90a,St..Whon" the ;many differents.inClUstriee:;•-even_in,.., fait ace inetOF4.11.1W11;- ....43.*1;114-PiX* .,hiP. a tresinienta_ls,...that._ihey:::ke•ii;e•til.- it•Ift7'itlie;•-•-ii4i.,--ilen - did; •nOt '',f4if..Teti br-itP **i'sPii. Arli •bOsi7.12tiii -ti)rai. •, '' ' • II. 4041nd ther. .V.r. 141.„ Dntee.: Itid*.iff,400.., .. . • , ,•-•.,....• 'De* .;of a ...new., gold. easely. .wareiAl relnairot founili:ies;,..lreq:atre :wood. ,tO, •'. ' .• • .. .. . ....1.: ".. . . • .- ' f,roin toot to 'fitteeri :YeaiL.A.;•,:-..•---14-Al'intshel 7,.''."•:M 7•73gt,* 41°7°- ., 44.1,:scoilo-pRib'es-,the-Ciitee4tiatioitt- . . . ,..?'iir.47'n't'',-8-1#.0.-1---017.9..46; ''.; .CICe-0437,Wepola free :•ireisii degas! .I.Or; Niviiiii',Y.i;-,i4n: .. .j. liiiil.,. NNitl4;:etliere, .0ox'thicari,licOiarcl, earry, *On their:.operationsi •••but. it. le :..',41141,,,. ai: a • fla.e,l;:_,,. !...e..i....,..tu.."-fd great .and dense.. that . only :the. Trrirr ' roo,r, t CBD Alt. Pritcrrl „... ..... _ il, inch , tone. Oncite•'Aightetint.„OothWelle, ":-.7-4-laPka•.:t-•-4They, • 1.01104:Vcirtltand. ''',Octuitib.',..,:lititeWerthy Ihtirti.YtiiitY;eiii: - - .. , - ...-• ,,• t --.,.. , g . . ttath :-Selrir e.-14-itited. • - ,.. ' . : . , . . . - . - when .• °8u:g i, , . •• ! 'II gt , L-., ,' -•-• • . -,•,,_ .4,0 .. ontairlity ei lough to,. iiiiiit .., ea 7-:filird711riCerTIlothwell-,-.;Ont.-,-..---- ',:. - . - • • , - , . Ina. to ill.a. )Ait,d, 'anti' he aid. Seine [Snpriliel of Seine of theiii it IS tine , • '.. '' ' • ' - • ' ,. • '.. . - '• .alsouts,; 'After • trestmerut, , suoa 'AS took..0,, lArge, pleo,s ,of -tine ,Isliirt.t..*ith - • • • ;, . lfatitii,'cl.'1-..u:edthe, .a:' •- ' : I t held : I ' i 'coat with ' :is lltval449i544°111"--t'elege;c11*-4°11''.4ati6t' . ,kiwoiloddsl'o°tis- vi•arlt):411.fetille ', .-A fevi, elitstera, eSdett that ' tiiree.A : Alatka and British Opium,' used ,Shen-147-groVr in Ontario • The ohantier,... W.hie4...is the :.bounda4 ha- '.• • Of :the_ thirtyLfOur kinde '• of. *Mod: ..• .' . . --'1Vew'. 'Bru'aglil'elt... tidy P....' • , • 7. ,,, .. . . ... - - ... . Its only .- four' yeara.: or there- gibliir.P. •••:.e4i••• t114'' 4°34 :w14.1199e '75.7"cll'iti aye .1iPt• So. fir," been reiel",444.• into :;10 :4; 7,27,_;a1"..ill'‘...a17.,c;;;Eisi::::•.'itl'u.S.eCoH:4".. ' 11; : • CanieIsito posseasioxi..ef. Soros: claims-, -likely'. „iiitirthelist4.iady,tritie in. weed. • . Ili Wit!! 'II' --'-- • ' - -- •• - -.:-.' .• - * .. .. ' . .., - -other* • •inel-udtng--ezperiencedr'-mtc-are4 -:--newring-453chaistroxi-littt., this Nvis..iteetoredt.,f0.1tir ..:Alfyilatis . ... , laile, , , ers • ',••• and . :Mine ... impOrititendentif; : *Eva, not alwAYe, the :ease;.: na.r.1,0* 14'. “ ' " .o• to, e Hat.•Gone,2,, . _,,,ortiosoter....1v144.1„ toots ..in.,--:: ..ibil. H.Iii .,1,. ,..osibb.,,.1.e„.._ tzp..:tb_,..13_.re,st 9.t pbk .. - - - ' - 4 ' ''. ...- :: . . .14,44;. , 7•11:...scTIs. e'enbe.' tb.-feour , times, as lor1'ir: !:. ...' , „:'e.t..:**111:11.6.:..t:htliY.e.:-.1..11-'71e6:4.'lliigrir)lt . 4ifL11:;.hi:d:12:8'4!"1". '°':::::tieh7"-;:.1. lb..7111:c.it. Tt:21:f:las:h*:11114:1•1,:v1:ii.i6.gite:c:1-. t'l°6h43.:1'.0'cIIPPP:1:4r.Pe‘ii°, :II's,: ..4e.:11.1751*di...'....:rt*h'...4*.'"ii.;.1.):5;t4:h:. ' 71 :171"1:''::-.":::7"'.b°2":7:::71'-7-77:71-'-' -ti :v last :twice or three ,it.. ...- - , •••••• hefOre. too. Int.,. Th' , n••!!•••iiii,..,moindat *40., ' 1,O,Olkea,;.09.4,... 1b,Oilieni•...., • . .priees,• ' that ,thie...•Will lent 'Continue St John N.13...b.eo... 14. ---At ane• t $:tt EY. Outs 'zi;44,1,' fiSh as4urek---ache conid.. • •. ,,. ,...., . . • tirados. :614121irktiti•11;E•iio*O4141.) OT:'" -17!.''''..'i' . 7...-',11nr:Vailstrealt:Tvias bigh .on. the to be' the. case:. .' - ' : • ...- ''...,t . ..'.... - ,-,0-weirteared. that Nt.rs. ,X-OrantTrif t2;.... ... :i.)1);te;PT0Serr'e'&11:Ve: '. Whell' _ l'flit:_arl...s.:•Irry.:..goOd-itern.P•a• - i!,7-,---.1 ..W.iiite,14.„Aydulit.Sueetuoy.to,;.the .deade,..,13•11.11ng. i)io.t. c . Bete. iii-- apyiliedTlihl•-•,. it/ : h„.„ : .IBTBlitaill 1111,0 ..0f....CallaC14.?. '. • LnisibiNto-,a nd kindred.' ,aftteer t-•••2,-no•.1-t it, •iie.'' `fee-T1DiaibeteiplAeltitue.• end", ''. @tire c'erf.. -1Ir -.- eared.' -wilth the., nee, OerMare , reired.,/,:,• . '. lin,nol,7 nriee :$1:50: AeOther new rettiede.,,,, 7 ..‘WilelniAllieyget. ''.1311lifireCl,'•,,aivay.., at try Conictaissione.r,'..says,:-There is 'Mt' first.. '...attatki. Of -;..hack,,a,che,. iii.nr.:,6.i...icihitewiteh 7, .. ',:iaide-.4-.:-..al---precirpitrras- npacuintairr;7" ',-,--Afr: :E...• jr-:- ze-xitt-i-, •Ontario 'Berea, .1y:ravages ,e_f,.advaneed, kt.d4P-trOuls1 ci; . ciaily .*.i..w.A,bi.,i,!*.k0",,,,,,a4t..k4,...sh.,..th,...!\b0,‘"41aiitlegdyti.,d.:,4(31:71te:"....ei4.13Pgctsr?;• %,1::;-,..:Mittie.wslia. 'ilb:;",.!,:iiii;rhpi.ii.vh*nai'ssc:Is'..:(1,0uter,4‘1714..e;:ritti746,44'ittiol;i:*',;.,4:-.-...* .:0.,....:7,*tisi'gnitil.;b1!•••("1,6,%*,-.1,.741)„li:Veti.:•b• °.,,-telis, ,•lrli.'-ci:41:142,1"6..se6,1.s1V(',Lipti-I5';6'''''''': 4 •,•'.."... their .. job 'fit.:dev.ehining';what they at present • in .the'dici:zettled:13Ortion"lildUeY 'troilhle , began years age,' •••iieu.,, t.6. the. hiitts,otb-li',vi4.1hifQE!,40.,r •ine4s.ta.„_,7170.7j.:t;s.', „,..!•,.O;i:W?itiii__tailHt Otke_wr.r4;:,.1,1aiisi.,ni._13.aiiiit:.t,:ailtiriil,„,.t0..- ,cntilkirweeiuly...;itdon ,,mt ...s..rour.'11.,170,b7.11,41.0112_1.thruete.,_ w,Inglieg• )11411'..- .• • 'f' - ' ' . - • •'-' • iiitd, 'it,ttked.' there . was .twO.rkt .*:o,',11.7.olt• • ..Of .0141"10' an ....4.ggreli4e ....of ahout. six years that dull gnawing ain . a . . -"..nittniiiilY .-.-'fell'-.t.4.--...t.he hands of Hig4h.' 0;50.0.,.::,-s4tipie.,.:..iiiii:Ofi .61.::".,:itii....liqe4..Oreient::„Vnbinv;`I---,exerted Y Olt ''froni • W1,1ielirioh4 "Iiiiii;h7A4::64ii..:.'re,-, ,0•44604•3.0k.:::wa.4_,:a. andk. , ., .• . .., : '..Cf -,14,4'isseogiateit-,. Iiutior llalnier,-.' - Iiiteniffie.iie:lant-ight,.:th..2.74,0,e.tzt. jis iivia.ihe ivocid to,,i a. 4....,- . 1•13iseLpain. *as. unen.durable.-Ins' d hit?, '',.ilaMfdi -1160... Flit: .041,.'.441div,:'," :-'7' - - . ' - - , . fre,,YOwtall 8141.1r4CElandl,mhufii I1111:1:.-4-„7;110-47.814110.141.-ldtte:.41,t '.Oair.49.fit%11:41.1'::t.;1;.1":1-1::;1411trtnly :)...p'11;e t•V:. 1-i - . -..'.2*'1116 .gairiiii":7"--- .,4i...it..:ci ,,b;lifiliitt.. _Do....tho,ohildrren,oeitioisi-±,P . The' ' ..........AiliO,',..kDe4÷,IlothilIg-4ith<>0..4404-7,41)*„.the.rO'rigi*T7041-ditiOtf:-t6.:tlie74110-14.04.;:most,--ev-erything-.e7bot-nothinglgtore,th;,... . .#4:iiiiti.,:j:U '.irespeCtangi•;. ' etopiarig,: l•-iideatiaid- another 'area. -Of- 8.5t10, :certain :grateful-.Tellet that. came - Iron!, .4,,,eztie, to.,. the. Ii4. ro . a. post . mideri •••••,.....•••••. alionid..:tt.tirkt.... coOk... ••:)-$cit''Shitt.,:•tv0).4. ,...._ ..• . ., • . , ,. • , • . .f.ei..f.breitlatboy4lu.: Thist-.means-,t1fax....4Attternutt-•.-,-----lkisteatt7of, betos- bowed, Ifrom-A-nondura13143.:..wopci • souSh • ail.' 4e,...13111utedi;:'a,s411t.f,,i,14:11i43ii..!.‘-ho?,148'*:44.Ailea...4elig411133-ed. 7.:. -,90ca;:illieet47iehn,4:ei4e., ii•:•°'• --...,, . ...-: .7. . • .: .. :-.... • Setut•hein .0.titario,..-Could' einntittially .. . .. "dOwn 'with :•-palivro..-ilay 1 'ism :Strong, pOplast,. baliain; fir: or aprncei:.',.Thia. ont.tO...,Iiia:sotivto bnng . .• i hini, an:OYer,.• ',.... $otne peCiiile -41"8. 1343 'fond Of' ber.. Lteertease-oottOs.-iena,-Sate,..klaryi....:- •,:40,gE.A.,.:7, OeCi:01..14:0A.T,RETc$IE-Rs. edtilt ,ent. ohild•••• '' , ' cirlftult• : er ••einkink,.:: there-olieinied , ' square Miles.: NV42O14.• Iff' : finite...1i .0-11137'. Pr,. Hamilton's lAilla,cif.:Iviaolitak. e....a.a_n_, z: 130_,netli:::ne. lie -could.de.:.linlieleithe': .. :for? , so .• • in . , . .. _ _ ., i. .811enee,'Iniqr,„:•:te...4.,,itgelolbpin:677.Yecini . . ' nasike - old... stookinsk: fi'301 . sots:. 1,,,ienz - like.' , Aitiw; relinvei.': -tit74..- be;r'„ril4se Of IiiS...ednea:tioni'..• .. ' .. ' • have,;:over: ten 413111;op mores ..otpri.' ' ..The„ fact'.-tbat lie---hita--=',.degrlie.- --vate--,wpOdltandY1' • ,-Ontatio;was7-OraTe7 !lite:Any .. ;-"Iso 41*. PTrill,..otittla,t:rit•c3....itia.::Flizillitt : ,s.iplirnibt:t. be..:1::.104n4St.li,,,Te•sa,'Ii.n,.t..:.1.t404..ite• ir,t:Ait Wl,ar4inthealictidt _he7p,..ut_....roiving...trouble4hatt...iliey, .,aos:or_get • : , yo.ox.&,.•co.i.,,Watertorck ' Ont.' :;7: 7 i ;-*•"•.-:-.^.-•.-:•-•:.:'-'. --:•411041ii=041-1,1*.i374-AlieLegOtt,fif 411- .a,---Iandfet.valuable-lardweeds---41.4i& COlOit;-and--I-th-ault-tkirday fb-tw-1.. earl xtto.tttc)di_::,imtodxe_ths.,oe+„pos,_ „41:11.,, r, 7,Igiliebri...44.t&I,thl.1.,*.,li Ily,..4_,•,--...t.,. eb.sne,ot.seyat...... Ip_io.4.1b.;4..7•7toteter-...,H..°tISo:64nitedLielibeet...fil.te,:. O....n-t-hi----itiTt•-etiti'llini.ck-', - :•lant,••Balsper fo.the obvious. foot thowin be E,,;ty:_a,gitiai. ..... 4.7...,... t ...... : : , .of.....86.4,4,4ind, ii,..me.dwiie..tois..;:pr. H. ?Int. :T, _ :e4-41,elitiett,',t•WleAk,,TaileY-itilieht.,ha.Ve ' 41.41103r-Nifl.ire*:.00tit:tO.:.--epon-:,-ap7the --;-i-,-..d.nothef • reznarkahrei..-thing; illn.a., till•_:.0.``Plivii-S'eumrtn.•51;e1,114...,•.',u.s•e•'',.4 h‘ Li. 4 , D'in Ft .fioteLfor_44. 1644 '';';'1°Nre'rte4- in tanks ...titil:clihr*:t ..orijitah--`). t...e,;.... -. 7745,.:. ik-441r .'F4,.a.:"....."-"::It..,:te:.,____...._-'ttie• T... . claiinis, -they . wtnild:'..tteed'.4.0-- have ',trate& , lik_ill__ _Iii.:31,11:etinja4h4S..y.ar, ' 'regularly because gbod • health ToyeA3esideg_4813...44.111 . - . • ,, . to : '10Ole 'OO ,. the bright of life. a .,good. •billif-counterfett ,gian powder"and.foOd:to• do it., . He. oty. : of ., uises to ,,tphioli...Lutoods4,.....atilL.‘and.:-.1t.'4---'tgoed;::-:*tioltita-h61.1tlittlia .44, ' ••• ..• . • . 4? ---- ,:g.. ‘1.?..!-.1Ifie f'• • .. Virtatiln-.1het7-ti-ditiltin'-,sPite. O.rthe idrer, li.Firtnnon in . Ontariti,:.; may.- be .pitt.; .,ectues-tot.all•i•whot .uSe •-Dr,•-..gamlitonl; : ,.....9,..P0,0,,' the -,/?Peaorvrattive•-• trent,' •-to, be..asaig-ned tO .the, drndging• teak :Bins .and. basEfiviaOcl'' are itsod : 'int t'Arfandrakaanit. Butternut :rills. te: redlice the' ''cckst till • 1 it. .. ..._ fact that itt:.is..auttp.e.sied:-,WleAti.o.Wai _ Of tinggingtpavider tip to, the • others thirty-one itidliatries,, an4. ish-;•.„•,is.. ;*.-1----:•-*1:*-7.':.: .. • . • - .* _ -,..a.p--.11 . -I-ocal.:': - - he 'use d 64:1-'-' *- ... . . , • - .• • • • .... ....._. .. . , of the 4,0,4a .in „inothet, way. farich: aa,: ,i• 11_...iiirio_...?cinii...,-iiEs:7,78111_. 032-40:aLhora:._e_r'.ena,... ,,.„!...ha•t9ve,:iir...,a-:-siiliaiiiallilpil=-74-afia,A41_4-1.110,3i*-*outtor:-b1.10:1.1,,negy • ...„• , iiiikker_Ol-ftlititting,.74-.7.7.-.•...-,•777E-,......-,..•••....;„ .45/cle,...r.anxe-of-itael•-----)U4sW,Ontar4 11,0.4 -knew -better- howylo--;deriblie-Tac--7 anotheValitable:••-hardwocid--iiith a ._„7,1,.... nf•FIR. jp.43.i_..,,,Eamck- .-R.:.._',----:t:i-=---------_. 4,11,. 1.,7,....0., 1,t,,. 4,t.d. .:_tti,..„4,7,„ 41i.„'_4„-eui.,.siii;j. .-"'", . e ...ody.•..74'very:-..,:day.1---,--liketherew-lick"hitai.e''agal,..*c.;-:,--7,.:7-1-7-77:7.7777-1-. TT' • - :- ..iO!..a.inost,',iinportant.,hard* hardwood, h. ' - ... ••_ •,.....,,, ..„..... „. . ,-• ....... ... • • . • J., . . Acted as a Hninan praY•••• . . go. •-•gaglinesa-and .• 11.1.guit*.'" Stant ..,.4#0,.s,r-sc•ssiojiy hio.„,.1,,,,,,ir .th. ..0414.peii.r.oeing k.'',i3e.11061 In the con.: ....141eYer,:trast,ii. min. ,..,:ii,ti.O...,.:40el4ros: himself.. - ... ' .. .. • ; - . '. ' • ,. • ' . !"rh'e*.itlso ',getire ..Vihe .OnlY 'Stand . birch and 'beech aretedtbeintige..iSiere'. • . • • . • . • ' ' - '. • I ; • eviiit. one •hiinfl ed Ila. '" -:. • * ' 'while.. :.'':.: .0iit In.tald liellet• . ' : • . 0.:. f07 cedar, da,01.,ta.,inoiRa..,., iaor.;6,„,.;..0.6,t;r4 di44,0140., of • ,1%.ion,t6._:.. .iiiifl,a.- :-:.: -Qii.:tho. other: liana,. ' Oa •:-I•ak . , or , .. I •,,Lf•evenEfflt.:21oightj)e,;,'Iiet.ghtnigr--hut..; ,flieoring.'. Pine, fermis 21:7••.,Vef,.4iTerit.• ,.•_,:and4,,:ws0."..-:-Teting-...i.s-not*aitingr, Intrnool eiit•eeitillridiliaid*Ood. ._::. wi,coote of. editii: ..fiti.i.s.„6,te:kF;tici •;,-,,,,,,,ttoi,-..i... ..i,,,,---r)t -i.i.j:iiitirc4: .t;i47±.-.747i,-;.,.'.n. 9r.pn:,:t:vt-i'lh.,.. ... ,,.... :i7teiri : g7 '.. ',.h.: Pe (7:: i tw:li 11 I . .111.13eea•e. lesteTa'.11.43T. atk , il.t:_tolicil. 1 ,oiLit_.. :go:A.0, mak&-uo. tlie- 'cos. o • ..t,..4.. ,90, --1.',,thiectl.....:e..1444.. ... :if; b..e.tte.rt•-•- than ..a..Oure...' Inii116 lit 1466 'lilt civ4i :13uni4hnent.::. In ,'that -We- Vioxidcr'if :life/ is .worth .. • J. I It' 0 . v•-leit he dOctor'a hi`as OCThe the Tailt :in riii.Atitt.ritiat Monthly ' ' . . It 'is :1•Irely that it ' Secined mialitY. of..all,the,ivOcd.'nureltased :brthisise IL :G.:' DWight •- ....„ '• , .ck*dging..-to.- Wu? IF.t Arat' 4c4.4.4 all of : $ii4ustio:.8,,liut.iA is ..1).sitir ,..gid,.:441.3k--"sinnothing-:,..abea.t:' - , ..,,:,41171:1'..i.coitilli*):°:fitt.7".thi:a11.' 11).1,. t6.he:•h°: ,;1,14"sit•s(.!:C....4:3--;t.T.**B.P.:aIlibtlit-.4.."1:,'.6.7B-. It40D11;110T:i'''''' •,::*thel.tinie,..thaf,IteilOinel,.filinib'T:01eplAcect hy..7-spriroe, as -ths:''supplY.L'•-oe't 'helli, liking -it t, •,E.iliattliciti, .0: , • . .• -: , „ - "" • with ,112/3- ,LIMITED; its8 Bay ':Street,'TOronto.:* •.•401*..-'Noith :',_igrn13!!.' .. and .•.‘,`014.4P...P.' V,s., nearing oihaustien. BY • Obaerv titanlineat,- 6...,!clignifir, 1 ' like ' Ida' be•rt. of :Years it', will lout, it , Will Ise • • , ... Blit . -in.. those ..daya 'there ''w4s. . PO, $7i)t.:. the,.... noes and . then. constilting fondnesii ' for water, ' and!.flevera;. .:.nioncy. with which • to ;pay for this ilia •elAskilled, directory of .tmanufac- . and green 'meadows,., • . • • . . •. ,. : A Spelled _Darling. , found, In 014;1' inaSerity• Of: cased, tO••• ' * • and spr,.6441i4, .1).O•rftWah, lege for treated_liotts. t .. ' g,.. -:::: CYcnt-if-: at4nan...,,Or ...igen: *niers' :thar.ketti t may be .t:r6OST.'. .-ir lik.--.'liiiit' 1 ' Ye of. ehildieti, ' • . ' ' ' - . . " • cOuld. be fOlind Wlie.could; clO.IC:.: :. i for -cherry,....Apple.,_Minnao:Asid otlier, I- like:hia-perfects;in ners..:. :I. like •.o. . . •• , • .• . • • . • 7-t--.--'-',4,77,--.'-,- * : • IIiils-iShe May net he a, . first, -.TiVieie'..aiid:-.46,initinisiSqhree titneS •s4p-pasedky ' Jittlfu.sed -hard*. , , is-Sebristyr-1,--ititet7AiirvOis. niSts, . • • Regt4litilt4ii.oWd.,,.: ,- ofroniriffolycl.ti7.47-... . glass . droaernaker, ,-. but r: she's. the one. sr;;":fiiiirtit!tite".."7:-V4ilia: wiiie, -and Jitlatt..loi maity-fOrniii 'Of Wand:, I. like the •*,4. he ltttleft-40itth. -: °DO • , - ': 'Wifeltitr,:r.lia-,ttei'ett beett'N Aged , . • . . . :opert0 „up•atiii a'tiroipect t•roYed. to w&ste•:.,. ...';'-' - • ..'' ' of the things I..like Most 'Abut ..,hins ' ''''..FOr...CtOODY.:Childitn . . ... . . . . he.: ' a .t...:rioh.. :•oertititi:tY,..'.ho•I.•Made . the. ,, • • . •• . . to .going : to a ';41ressnialce:e. that I: tia What Li's...a:been Moat'. his undoing--, - .•... . , • . . • . . • '- • • • '4' • , • could -afford:. , .„trip.lrom..the Bear -giver valloyitt).: a winding.; : •steep, • and ,iongh:ittOil: i CHILDHOOti :AILMENTS..' ...his laOlt Of .401*.'06111*rO.P.'4. ioliOnOi ' •• A.„ • Mother , Tells ,Ifet..Experienet.i • • ' . 'A' IN' -L-'"--L-L:-.1;1-:-'Apro, wiNTFicoi•fir i No; • .1 t --v•----;-- r I likes te.to4, : :Vihat .11.- one :bait ranch: • . ...,„,:..-. , . ,• . 'thrOngh,the .tiiiaber,'. over horiderg,' ,Ailments :, such As 7 coiutiii.atiOn, -494Cedi; the artistic ,o,i4,6,-..44:;101::, . , . "Bringitik :hp :.yetnig ehtlifienAlas Its; . iii•'Intsltatie'r.‘,7:11':.CATI' it;-7-1Til. !it' AltINCE MEAT , Choicest fraitsetc.,•,....1:lerfecilir. b64,-,uned-readY to use. Saves endless labour. 'him* ard foot -log, bridging roar-. __•,:_iink .'..t4T17_c.n.t, -..tO'' ..',the ..ftrst, . shatt,_ °Olio. ' colkie,....,'Vbiniting, ' etc:, i seize ' "I ' d•6 not .1Pne* Tiftki-glr6iiiiinth- .risnitillattia.sndibotisitt!,,,,ewr-8 ,,,,oithed.es imrrtoh,0:11-62-4.4-if ..i ioafgainr,i: ,,teiiiiii. tilicoit. reached .comfertithit and '-e,hil,d,r-ttUit.LAII.iisteil'i-,47fid, tilce-ahir---- 3...c?-0,73taiii-_03-7,11.14i..-.1iteiatiire,1**fitdihis--- 0 1- 'AITOrthi'Weet4r-tt-Dine, vat •t0W7fasteet.,a.UW --con-Neettieti_tik..:IIK,:the_Elif.C.:40....07diiiii..Pite...:, 6, 7- ;- 2 400 -feet,. abovetthe--**11*;---carry. olmes'....-9orners, but -croupy cO.14s Inhot, direct -routs : • amidet the litxur:one Ahettld. • he. on -or. -guard tragaititiCre,liflegn 1°1‘',1)i(14- '.4,-401.t --'9.4; .14- iin0;* .0dd • ing Packs that .*eiglied from eigility. .. . . to 7,20 pounds.; Even the .atardiebt these troubles .: by keeping a . box :Of:P.141m it does -to engage An._ the ,. .1 ' P -a43'. -little faintly' of four all. went through' - a considerable,' to . the :worry, my surrouuthmos.. of the COmpartment, club and. ohservatien", varlet% or: ..tlid• mere -ree, taly?s.' Own .Tithletii . in 'the houis,i, .tie 'aria. But in architecture ..and. the Croupy era ' ., ilbOt. I AlwAirs, had I'lervIlw° dtrehrrnete. ,vrioed and '-htrtellite t rourist 'car... specters looked. uiwni this' as a - - ' ' .1119' , • . • ' -,..4',7 , , • ,`, -If ,-8,n-y,, of,these-tr-Oublea,come • ;splendid treine• .daii$,--irlie • Over- .7f.eritifie ..stook;',alia',:sitoled:Liihiiiiilkal:", 13 uall-e,1 n y ...lhe- 'Tablets ....will . cure ...ob„.lcertaiu-IorMs.•_oz-de.or-ti,t-ion-ne-,-has-line-on--haad,-,-eiaft_-i-sav_er--fel,t,,nerYonst,-t, creired a, . sch.43431' 'of his -teirn. It, ii 'I Just followed' the • direetioba, and 1, Cii3CO-The . 'Los . Anselos . . Lim ited,' three land.,--11.1mited,...feeteet ,tritinr-to8an-Faiisn...- ,, Mier,. university man, and: lirtguist; .t. Al' telt )re.0 :Pint nothifig,I. know .of le ;suit:whine: via Salt. lake . tit,' v.7-,.iamd .1the- datre to the Idriwic • City of the Lend, - Of -.2sithletki• And scientist,'"Undertook it .• ,titent.,„. 6..rnilf doseoflitlexteyTivisabii:tesn tiiiIi,; 1140, ty;A:. Q.a.,..,n-,n1.3ra,Ttio,..thlaistini:ito.e.--",714•1.3:. rial't4.i3i_:8:01ho'Ini'l,---:-."4'-"14,e;,,t)ft•re!,' ,.11:ilitiri:;.,,tot.., do.i..,.(i feitoloy ,-.41.40. th,ot Narvi... so:it Prat -disco • Limited' Donhie, treow , If he oeuld carry -out-Mir-part of the "°29"-°71r• - • • ' - . ... . :.... ., • • , w141 , escape: these trel113.1*.41". '''.:,T.1).0- eq4h4. .)10n: thn. Clt4.0..e.i.,.tho.:44.,..P.41.;..7 In our -hOsnewe:::ziiie:A.Nrstrilliket4iiii.- •-•-•.-piograunkne4116...etherii4eoul&-Oari7-Tio'BritrireaOld 6 '''medicine' --------if..' r. 7-avsie.-4,4tais.',':8-iilialis'',--iii -.0iiiiifi--.0tif,:%qiissiii: : Por cold in' the 'chest. eleur- . y. oa • throngh theirs, • but could hei1 • „eto _or ',by., tri4ii at .250 a : hoz IrOrn nople, certain '..Old housed I have ley-. hoarseness, etc., it is •sitenly‘wob- ..:.Dati '' 4ftei. ' d4,3'• 444. vi'reek' :after The Dr.., williaans' : Medicine -(14?"., . . - . . se -en, the ,,taeacteec ilie, • thaoi,E,gkai „derful.• 11,7ty husband uses ,it :for rheum: , wee,k, :„ , &rodually ... - inerepeintg ''' his Drookii.10, 04. ., t .. . , , ochools, the • torilbs",. the • fonntains, : atisni, .and ,I otter! employ, it for nett, ndig,_.' Balmer!. ,abted "tia a,. hun2an' ra:Oa'..and.. sfek ',,liestdaehfi.....: Nerit lin*: • ..dtg.y;. and dev•eiolynient, work at :the 'wafb'';tehhC.alide'tit4re::';•roa,it413:DbiC,rliiE:t7V:rini:lt'r 1 : . -ail ttgO red° tmo'ine*'1:11r17g }11.. tn. Other _can 73 aCillP' 'TIIE,:. 64:1111!I TRY. i)* YINEYAIID$: . . . .1( • : sunnnit, went "'en 'Wit:heir& intOrriip-. ,.stndy than .hastbeen,..given it -.' - The -large.--ftimiiy• else bottle which. .--tiori• It was a ,O1,0-46 rade fei. the', "You ' may tell nie, .t,liat thoSe., 403118„,nt' 50e, , fa tho.inest • economical: '...' four men of that. "outfit". betiveen France Is the.: Greatest -Willie kro- 25e: Your storekeeper' or th'ngs are .‘nOt, rnirliish. , because trial' :glioi their: availab,le. Cash and 'the grub . , ..dueor. In the World: . . druggist sells Xr.iiiiiiie; ,which .'. is 'pre - they .4er a mOdellect.-after':Byzaiititie .it 'Would bay. and the day when the t.k'ranee, is the greatest wine't-pro- .Pricill'Aiii 0? bed*afte- . Gre.kz. wad, .faio, N. ,y. . .. •• • ... . . • ,, . .. , pare •by •the • batarrhozone 0-o-4---littft=- • keini,..ex-PPs6'd in '''gt:0.13',, should ' he .4noing eptintit in: the world, 'bat, .:Prh-Sleins : had initch • to . • do with. - '" . • reached and 'Olit.'" 'Ile 'ilfine 13:rov`ekt its,q4eyalTs' are .6.161Vly declining, .buildirg thein. . But I, shill answer .. .. . . ' to be one of the • big ones' of the Bri- Noine. ,the less,, no fe-wer than a mil- that 'eVerY,' a4rsh...1.tecture was. derived : OA.GEWIIECK AND EA 10 'tidi *.Collinibia. Cos.st,:=. ' alid , grarie .liol and 'a tuta..Prenclimen still- "a.re, froit"'eriother; ..in dayS, not so near ..:., ...-....whore -is-ono•Oharlei....kiliner, -1;84... 0.61.5t1etefe.- et., vineyaid.s, .,and_bb...,...,ottr.4Sin,;...404 that, . after all., it •••tva.s il'01lowed"1111'n A -bout :the . GrOilnds .. *lie has the, raene.y,a,,nd the .leisure• tween then -they :, .critli... tive`11"---45**f... the -Turir..w40--Okelite-d :the: OPpor-,' • ' . • l'Abe: .a. '11.6***. ' . ' ' - . • '. td, fellow tko tai4tes, and. the viiiiiitis. 4,000,000, acres , . . . , , , . tunity for the foreign artist and , . . .. . wilioli'werg...tittltivatocl: by hiaDicfO.d, dered- 'what 110714-a4tea.''.'. . ' "--7-liViAll7;-147t,ft'•1121.oftlirgt4t •I:t;74t11-11,141.°9ilti..31/11;4;1'4, tae°44k1:.' ., 60,i1611tioil. , ,. 4,.1.,c1 ,:bo, this ..ziii. it, ,;,8 -, e7.01ftt114 S eigli.ii"VOTi:fl, C., 14rtritent5t . •'------4-.--*-i-i--,4 di, ..ta;taiiCe, 'oniyAilp nava no vine. ,. ,... ,and h01,0S 2'44 head , very Opright. liliely : that he Would do ..the, tr.lek. yards At all. 6.. Thc. chief vine -grow-', Mingled's Ordsi1001 , bilie$ PittelmtOste One of the -largest Seat -lions . ever ..lOyer, again it; the.nttia. -should „ iii.,ise , in le • - tl -r.! oartrnorrt ia '- the - Herault, , ...`• • ketit in..captiVity 'icrits once'irivviiod by in'the prosientiOii of,•the 'entellyiiee when 55,y000 ..proi;rietors .0W,a, .4$0,,,,', ,. ., . , , / . ...,.. • • • Mi. Ottrl'}Itt.V.nheeki .`vi4ieM1 likty9 and , • in 'wrong tor Volpe. . .116 iii141,`1141t his. hand 60'4 001).', acres ;' .the Mr•cloank disttlet : ,t'I :nevor knew eid: isirapson :. ae- sell:A. wild ' e,hiaryia, - ' it weighed, iiersitt, ge Was it the genie to win, has 32, 000 aeeA divrid0 h:eti,ee-n , knowledge . that het ',Stade .41 , 411,18.iiieartyt it' ten, 1130.4-6' was. So goettl- :•:, ,,,,Tkt „.byis. grit old' eineW he , o.nri 04,400 proprieteyo. .•‘,.• ' . . • . • .; . 'Iiis,..portnois did win. • ' • . . tIOW groat is...the. pirOduci,iori of. wine in 'France 14 ShOWri by the . eta!. tistioS• for' the year •101,1",''which weft 1.)Allshed. recelltiy.. In -this 'Peal,' the total amonnt':of.'wine. produpod in '.the, eennt,31/.. WiLS.,...4.3,68040(1 .130cto, titissLihat. . is,...:1:,6,.• say, nearly.' it, tlion sand * •Million :gallons I ,...• The greater 'iiiit :pi this; liewoter, was 'raorely ordinary . Wino), fewer': thou.. thirty • million ' gallOris belt* ever likely to 'fiti4 ittlythi'u like , a place of honor ill • witti.t. nierehatits,', 1 gelL:i ' lore... , •Ilpsiatuling young Giant. • Talk to the old time •prospeebor Of the Portland Qhaiiiiel • district . camp ' or in their rendezrus• , Steivart; and they yo'ut that Pabriol wag a.teal tipstant. :ing' giant, Ind v.4o twit. that any. One ceditld tie to. "'Yet Paliner'e job *fiti MOnOtontrusly toilsoine one, tot at all the land that hated rpial- iAod tor in the.,elagges 'e :did the hardept thing :there was do in winning eticoeSs a regketti • . , ,,ot 'Mountains More preatipitoug and ,niore full preipbetora than ono enOottntered in the eatni,Pe • ,.,of the. Coeur d'Alene, thd liedteijay, Or rile Cori, both 'Obilloobt Pass whieh ,for er• many Yee,retv man 0,h:4_40404 hitt ehikl'io, pity. 'eontisittell 1 Iteei*rittieni ; ",r4o eller:has sent biteir tle pre'. tente S7.•61-1 gii*0 .tet. and i4litses iitte,iYett ' • r -1 '"Yeh, 'Clee't• what reIfet it fg tfot to' .1.i0 in. loVe.'''ir ; • Intellectual tgrowth cessarilvscause a main'i ',head to -Out:. grow his hat. . • The felloW' Who alWaYs Wants! to -get :something ways get in &free; fight. It cleeen't take Tot4 lot -of peppleThrhe are" ..pleased- • theMSelies. = ' 'Sir Thomas Dewar telli good story of askinper Who -ran small .steanier and down :the Clyde. One (last Atiow tide;he 'man - Aged to get his. vesSel •on mud ' • Y I y hia entire.' 'vocabulary in de:Scribing- the. Olyds, his errinsteareer,• his still More' to IA concienineet crew, leaned ieg.ontir over the side: waiting' -ori-. the ti tp • iise. ;Very soon ho saiy approaching the river, it, 'girl earryin k :a 13.uaet: Odi St.r. Originol ..paololigiss.. Un- fOuched.froia refinery to your : tmipbeeedi fog tete sure- Of . . , :conciaugarli imoked•in are, iiizoix , in - .100. 25lb. and 20 lb. sailed bits ' "ad 0,1s; And a lb. oartonsi , . first yolass deiilers:can aupgy . tliiiirat-t•ieffit.14.7.14).47-PigiNF31, .' Littiggrica :it 044 tiotiogiurg Sear': , ; • • . .LWITED, MONTILLA& • . Ai. electric bloat. eittnal Drobevtlen. rqnk bad- viodsly she was connpg down to -let • . Ittt• ilirri,.lisr,12kIdf:em.:i.J1,31, .tiniad:•::, ,,.. ,d. ..,....t 1.11...A .1.111411fittgritilid7ratlitterLnI7rtinet,V3:117.itiCae;661tUajtal ;:;'14.",..,1..kwil .. 4rater,s'*:"7174.7-7Wir skTp-i)6r,: s',. , It..•tw s. on annliCation, . Bennett: 'Utnertil wrath flamed 11P ' .",' v" . . . I , Agent. 4.6 Yonge ' Street, Toronto: Ont.: {Ever the ime, find- shaa4,47iii)iiI;;e2,4s.ntinat .or bheafve. can . gg. The egg :was pls.:bed g Weenie, aged sik, was.. going to Mao* llitit Too •IVell . .. her. -lie CoOk the OP of, . Plrou've tneb Irurroughs, haVatet. -11-‘,:gie.11;so.g8Selilliei;...;t1i1:ka'.41':::::.d°'1:r:RiliPnl- 6M,, ii; • . , and asked .her Motile?! if. she Must )rou 7". t • again ill. Warn.): yer .ear ,for. t...1' 1 , "Eat it ebItt,:aitcnriiTnilin.,., . . . . (ir)6,..s79u knew ,hlyn well rd . valseut forty dellors" - worth," 'Fry miti,ihe-Eye‘Oietnecly. 413'0 1 'Nonsynse; nly;clii/cl. 'It's • . . If yeti ihaVe Red, 1Veak, \N'atery..Eyes it' _fresh ,pgg ,. :. • -„ , _ t „„ . • or eittaittliated hiye.lids,L4Doesn't Smart • '' QUeenie. .1Apserl_-__iato silence. A.i_. -,--- 4Booth ea- 'EY°. Pain. Om '*g'-igt-s--' Sell- .7fe:w. ./trinute-s-ilit er---lwr -iii-dfhk" 'kV 8 ii.:..... ' ............_ Murillo VA,0 .Retp edy, . Liquid, 25C, 50c. a 5, ft,n ii h c., d . at the - della. , co.ty, 1 . ' 1 villa cured of Blictonittio Ociit 1.)37, NM Mu rine lryd• ' StilVe in Aseptic Tubs, ,,sh.1,, ••• i .1, eat the beak And an, 25c, 59c, Eve ilooks 'Tree' by Mail. ' ,,,,,,,AZ . /". • nautis. . . ANDII.DIV ICINO. : Mueine, E ye 14..01-nbdY 43‘... 'h'1,9ail0 An Eye Totilb &tied' for All Eyek that Naed Earle 11.'"'”'",, ' , . ARD'ii LIXIMEN,T. , ' ., ., - i Wild dln'en of Acta:4i .Dronehitis hi• :MIN. , •:, AE:silell,'L'IN:l..,111.PEN-CT6P,'' C. ' '6RE4B- It' 'SAD. -. A lazv man mar l ililit ' hii. -eves 'f 0.1.,°.-a?" tttilma° "14i .6.1ii-eti la' t'.04: t s' ...1,, *di onred• . of...,Acute Ithe inn -IA ism hr , . *hen looking tor Work and l.5S.fk li:i . t...---..„ miNeAtsRsDassi,''Igem..:517: - 0. Ei: DILLY:v. Cf, ':' Shins on. ill,: 't ' ' : • ''''',!:-,!•-•• 7,T,T•'...3. •85•ft .4.4sWer.' ,.•• ••. :, • Lakeileld, ' 'One, Oct, 9, 190.. Vilnaect's Eitilrit'eitt eni'es 0 intitOn. • . 'She -You'ireally A110111(1 give • up smoking; it. affects .the lieart; . A ntis...tt w'ho ig sg:Osfiod with hiiri- 14e -h that reaoning X bliglit•to, 'self does not want much., , v' . -. giv_e you: up itiso,•• , , • . . • , take..." *.= * • ' • : • ' ' , t • - ' tempered ..and. atinahlO that :Mr.. *'.A.Opoilitted* iPot, r ' 'Alp,. I. did .i)Pde,•.". ' t. • • , - . : lIagenheeles father • took U, great . . . .„ . .. , 4. darkey named Dick Was. • kmiw a : 'i, 0 "BeallY 1 -Tha,W. did 'it hapPett /=".. • 1 iiti,og , to it,,;:_ tad it , .,iii,iiptif o,ry v F AS d.. PotorieOs ..t Met,' fio in Ii,:h so;. in • •• 'Ile put .1•11e.• 'lighted, endday, . of . = . . , . , . hiti ', and .411646. . a, great pet . of it. hot, .• that . alI th�.. theft s, * in • the . ..., . et 9.ar in h VI•3 ' Mott t h...w. j, , t At .lost it becOrno so iiiino that it neigliberhodit vk'ere cli2arged to hini. ......._ followed 'hint: A bellt the grdittids like' Finally, one fllaif . lind all• 10.,.:1,At,, *OW .gtoilie,d wilni7 'he ' aiteliiied.;7 Tifti iiikaoli., mia-fioia , oic , 'AO then Pepped on after him ..c.d. , . •• . . , • • . ,. , , . . • „rn. 11:8, 'Ilitilkiy IVA.y, , giVilig, -peel) littf': - ..•-''.'•1'4611 ,8fole.:Ifi., Xl.n.e....'tarkt4s..g7'.* little cries •from timeto tinte•, as if '41;;Iiied 0164124e. , ' •-: • ' t .fasmkt„tinl.. 1:;(.3•,.. -stot!:.i,. o.r. not to .itil,alk. ' "Well," said IDIek,'sloWly, '`I'll • • tell. s'On,. sir '; 1, awie t. steal don thr-, ' keysi thht ase;I- '''ven't'WO , ' .011e AfterflOOii's,' Whefii It goOd"mai4 .peoplo were looking at the soa,lioni 111'• XeilIt idn"iture a it6d; .88* til6 '45t Aif r : Attgollio took ifuthe piefte8 of ity rods' ton de fen, !so,. His' 041. in A LASket4 arid -Went. into •tlfe li.'''ut34 4. 1)<•iiii°1' 6114'. 64Dtif"°.if,.. when X Corild,te ' liodk-; : dor 'tittle nine pedge • Itaig osy - 1818I/ n eclosure Iced his' pet. , He threw one pio.er of .fisli et a time, and tbe ttltk!Ysettin ol'46 se cauglit, theni in ..his',ntOutli; • \ ould gulp if down, ("ThOt. iri 1'44 b're- nd 'Bach time he catight hb wpiecier'relf6 A.sch; then ktiyte one ot hist peculiar Llikrice44 flt voila*tnti 141 ete>4•!.L. t)A,skaf di, Mr, Hitgettiwit thought e liskt hole:not. It tor,,t# raeal. httid, •it hitt ig :even prrdtte Minato% ktatmeMus&eot {Sr Wheilior For. or.,a Mit .54:m1r' Friend. ° 'The wen' town: Prritt tradeniar: sito'ti ii cas shotild\ ' 15e.tli! every &Ye, t yoti go, ad this adSures yeti perftdtion ofl Ohd f'1111SIti • ereable PEIUMV.1 ab . - " - 4.41.16,