HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-12-11, Page 2F 10-977177 �1- , ee 7F7 WWI Z 1V.rS,.S1DUi NT WOOD W WILS vr t 0 6f the, t 91N. o�!A" 19c, had broke,6 ar( OR Ili� 00venant Nv�'(lf Q�id' And tranil)Q )�l 'C -0 44 at oWnYP RIX, Rssl RISTMAS P ,J&h U oi -� th�ere �',W44 a, �ep t not, sc ToO CW ­ Oil presideut''IffAs Q#Ns for, OR, unqer thp m4dev, ct, t6a Qn, kt,90 as" the'lim, vs, 4ut Lives A x Jon.e. 61v lesson""�ax;ili4. fp�� an There,,nex�r I �,aa I be I P . n, I it P ­ s uill mav!�,�vrxwsat LE Th.0 r 0 an. o#e;tit- vs',, �, 0, WINY, Wrought, tAly An�U�"I x(t,4ent Tfii'flosOil�olj 014 0h 14fel S6j,4s with a�, 0, e ate r .QL4f R,ST�,,T ;,TQ Scrip 0 ure:�, it -ai he vva-i104 to o OROr Uoin(i Cowdmy m 7W L� MAU'L 4., Iqe6p�utfy . -onilecO Bill' V�t' '�­ tho lapsi�s� The tropicso, 'ills' for'frilend5hipis tha.n,WQo4- t ris. I I , , .1 ­ .:., " - pe r ,�Ith �Mental sh, stan4rd, I? Mr, Ed eside,it I)NZ" *as , 4 Ill �et qpver I ' F Thunkp, -foi- Y, Mity iZ w: be� director ill the, 4gle Pe- p;re: h4 out, 'kindabas n a ow-, It jA 40xao. fir Q 9 niaB,"t st Pear�on!pp n�ipk-�- .��Tue � N I L bit, and 1611f ­f 'Affifit"M MOW* 0 oof n 6s4 Hospital for, Sic% Children, Irprouto, 4��6r�, in't a-pne -a e tfian. you '0 is Ity, rore opac 16 '�Plthl��i � 6 -tell of, the good woy.k done can SpAre t, LA n H i's in 06 morkAble &rs0Pa:9e.,. e, N Let m% tt*ever, In a ;tlltj� Pr9yince., eli� for t &)oxied; ohildren-et.- d -%v v rds -,tell you of,.,the progreg� 9 yeEtx.'a 9 now Their n callge' fd , o am 11,6gion, �e w a. can. be,"llbd a splf- :R�e is �ot,. h t _t-lJe-7%y 'A t W, e army t� - 5 J op, rm__ -C -hitm.r '.. , t ­,- ­­" �­-­­,­­­ - richo ',,ap iiid� *a�j� b in h�-A '- hi� -k-g-ro., of, 7at , ilt, v P nt fix= J,e to -,,,w L�mited, ��Irjj�4z6 held,6ip One jlurs4, �slx little white bed 'A -D et"'. W Y tJe..�fArO ., '.' I, �* .! , * " .. tiiii�T— - , - n. and, SO' tive, la, the vj6;kJeaJpA 4v, ;r f �v fifends4-1:41 ;I. � . ...... w o ars, e JL,. tG Make Much T�ii the to W e.L r ; I jiivq gro:wm qsk� 1-10 6). kil, be�gtulilng. The beds Iml e lo"eia DA "Wh'�o, ')'A to the dollars'to thp he eneiny (v EN V b usands, tlxe 0, irn­� uirtil rijes abe�d'. Tho,-foun4e r. friend to -bun 1�' have e4ablishe Y' 7 a 'U d -the first P -bf tlip firm' was. , rd- Clowd 7 jilpailier. ­ , ­ - rg, ".41 � ........ .... _P�atienta; 26099 of them axid MidAlef�e,X 557,632. 6-iend�hip -ever spea,ks:,�of,.hini Yeal"L44,4n The �prac Ice 0 M 'kranqNtbt�F, an4,. the "son 8 18 'Of London'p 4,621,685: inhab;tantig, J., .1913, last yeail 1 6�4 ''Tha.'-stbryveilhfout b A$ UU8131sm Iwo it 4 had got I-Athe�rl Geor,,�e Peax4ota was 6�6, �Veje born quf�i& the nty,,an 7 �*IoPt 8 ln-patie�its, 2 is a a�hle fact tbat'the­ nother reniprl� xtvu— I 't zs� e- BritiA b' zl[16P�Agd-ta-if­ a '.'Ya 'are moAeX e�iqugh from the ; � livii-se A�� J�70 er.i an at. ,7 10.4 0140 S �Pl �1111411�4 na ity. qf.pu'r�ose, wbioh appeols, III ripanc 'h�t. it p6nsus since 1 t 'to -the' ears.- sh t �t­� P 88L, At t, "ch Government, t run iii um s in 6. haz been Vqlr,�­ V b,* 46h -fWfTks-pffal-Kaii�a4,inItted within Its' .1locil, year Canada 1in'.,:W u-1 Bame time the rateof growth of the popli-.- �'ast all ., --th"q­"ti-ea-st-w-es-7�W(� 6f `-a; uiiiq�ie 'nor ln4ke­ -ii igip r ziri --por-tea-froza 4 x y onal unient in Xp�ci QV,LA Made led. .111paign.. h' O.JL��-cbildren­"­:gi�-i pit, the- repor I- n ittional I I d 0 n. d" uzen.of eggs, for w4 1 04 - be Ior� the Qwr­iieaple-�PA 'ween Y- 0 ru. R.14" eL�qjg Our 0, _10 yes -the- -a— _ L $ ' rac . - , a a in of 1;621,'367 Jaramepq o- f ,d OrM46U U g6 re e­Mour;4i4s,b q- roidgh Lord:. COW44, al the. total, -: over, '90000.00 g i,,000o�. -aii -ai- W "I In -En ud- �and Walee,f.-- ''Aa r'- i .erag -of -4 74-41 r� ;A , 12 Ph of" Apo Jn,.pgtJeffg­1%.1-9 her thfizi,,at Uny""Pre yi�'ar: Of the n twe 90 "Us'E'ealpt, to� fin d, t �e _QD �ft. meh J1 Gen 1, W., r ay e A' 64. Rba -syn�i- 1""' * oh 0 tkan average v lie` Al W�A;j' In V.VE s;"2 sali"; 13- :31; c peis6ns. tr�in at, seA, the report atite§, - t relvo An;orl� were fiom ',Tororrtdj,� and-, 5 91-�, tiom, i 2) r&y '.ejrgS ;D�och';­'F,-uLrthormore, Q, Pfesi�ient, w t im, h0ne,,4.: MI 'nic _d; a "romarlipble andt, inexplicAble cax an;Adikrio <j, b 2, Yr Aigjj he Ofthe'total . ] L "t ha�ve, been, the CL%uffo� of r�, the 'rrov nee, story, but, it serves to -ill u4raW, the Aitiv, Aas 6 , 0arts. o P, iti ­Me4Xfc(,).,� ,, r ' J d -a ­bjoo , rise from'3946 to 6,805. f4 whe`ii�he� -&fflied lip'so 1 -he total In.-patien s�.`werenqure an Wale -pan 11� �upon their'%�Jlead*4-Ap, 6,0704 1 lekit '300,660 , Ap�ar�i -if Jlioy of -V v a erLag.o- "5UU erp,­,a. 'rem 11 --2;,por n- ��Ctd"�t of his, into, gulAr oiw�t eb�dted, .1y'L' GompbL 96-1 T epaq as qn_� bil f 6 wprp Improved I PLITO-ftig IL T.I.OM estcr,, no naa nk� where' "is the pg,trX0iJcr V%',n;X I last. xjbab 4, 1 f1krtber Z'l-, J� t � 'RI& 'hi, 2 or cen n�o� pe rsong, -un, ad �j:il ticli re�al,ti-xqe,- f 6r, ik .'e"untry �GireLater llrnmo 'd t* -Whi, not, p;erxormAYqr;�.al IeB­ he�� Qrtholi ed partme iJrl,whq'biought,'1he t- s� �IjticS: and "Ar �tlp.ro 4 rp h Iled t other parto of; 6 Sbili)It k, namo.-O -in al AM -1r." t hi wJ 19 -inam -N I J�Nxes �sin I �Qx-=- U FI -1 W Tu os I A -b ch-Wffr-wh t e V 0.111 Fnize bow-leks, 62 cltb.ieei, 19J*aieraI­'curva, heIr 'break; 92 =411 na fi v h48 done, Am,eri !100 ,;So :.V.as A. I t.'� 0. W�Rl a . r 7 041111, 09' .10' decorate - ' 't -sit' f Man ture pf:th6. para YPI's, -bo � b,, L ` 11 j)�,' aon ie, k t the`Jb�,d ­.$'�o 0 oop lar or, bpera-: 'OE; MI N " ;- 'ill tfiey­Ln6t ratber"kefi .. 71tT—1 '..Poultry Will'-: Qv�Wlmtd�and: .- flo5w, wbil�h:' th 6 b"Oys� i,CcO IF E. f 1 ` faiot --table? Orth: his,* w or t e..49-, w 75L tliberbulkr df%ea4i M DF I d oldien -EW�UXe`B, to Pat;. tlmii�: eggs-,whiclf�eome frozg,, I _ oLl �N; W-1 .64,* j neelt, an'd M cr�aan. li6n6PL 'shall IV.L&IDw . oick re- A we as a natioiL� iu� cal� Ve'lle or ease Whit` A seppi -v he' H41ifiqqx'�,ry4ao��,..,: �pp- 00nip,truc- -our -bans-or -oliminfah A., a t.ally, price 6"s It Isirac It' to said' that,fh.imbra can not irve.-o-y 4.17 4ppllaneei -ftr-patlentw,and- 6ut� E Vu.15MOns aloner Ailt there.;iq�fto objedtlbii Mat tie boilei's d(.) T', 'W;4F �!N .:.o TA I 'I A-146 BRI. -;the 't ' lip..,Ate�plvbli t it h �u gica]:App4rat�q6;,S 0 r R p n1anUficiu d it to 5 fdr Ell izt Northern at way P 'd *as a n a-11 '0 1 e -ST br fi" M an uSeS re wp� are Aces, flits, gti� the % U . mi�.-.tb.,�- gpllAist bow-leg jJpI 03 chickens. 'U'liat we ae. patriotic citi�eria was rc !nth o ­ Dia 1z Acman& 1.8 a gobd:'henest Can off -the, Ja s -,eib. _wWw"9101". 04..Pte'r Ili thi%-­Dekat.bm.krLt-, IjR,48 Qpx�V �one or (leslo Cariadi ��Qlkt a' hg, roundr and t 'they worke U vex 0arson d whiio6 the '�i n- �V, '11, g-wO, y _nea,ff. been tre@6 - iaxlcky'.�-7hdtf- gAiaed -07 —9y* and girlw -br ',hA -lid -iia� of ri-ver ` �Mlgll We 01)pf 0. _X_ -U-* t.­QQJJj 1�190 b ave ffere,­ �IV EpIpo f Wn<l are primarily real < - �� Ate up "0 corrected. m-,04,4 e --the, . I ' . I 1� - �Vio�, ed fbr Club' Poet ­ ;MI,,. I ­ I -gqtting- ­6f,­bh5W-�,!bbb*'Xd >r ites-ii-we Wd know -their exabti�g dutieq-4'call for e oil tail 0 -1 to, the long Iiie* out tak Half Of these eani6�.-Ijrbln okid PE loya'and Bit &ro much. -of �tueir time, but If the� Women d -i y drive -'of 'Totronto. Surely U a Wlran 4' a"(1 IS jl"D-Lu A)CAA.Uili ."2*t, kt" L 7 e:. 4Fr.,!R 'e '-H th a we ave j th ot Uanada; jwere dorterml side., -help fronr A Vie intst'1'6't. aract-or aact en"o fTJ�LR American egg: sliduld '40iiiinate,' us no W.ith Or' - fair cialm for dbj�j the pe. cow- hat th6"Canadfiai he� ir over A no we are'sure t on &I 'If' outtrse.'! Jliks rOvin e. aure 1�cal�ug more M14' in Mexico wo& Ji'd W e InArvola of dr. eaxsoonjayn�-. w' If illustrateB Abb Bigni- Mania ra. d-er-L-a" i a -mage we gy I i t the flte�a- 6f tile v �Vi"ip6g A' aro iilfik 'him, "JI -MP s4�`o �the, WOr Dam building work e than 6&t -his i-cate showed _B� Si;,. 6 Alh-7Szind-ay- "ty' o5f,P,teA.Ueont-- help to kl�70,prtppled ch,ildrem 4 falr�' mdi. . I sid'b'.of th,o, pe,is'oiiali start in life? En In , L H10t , tK� Aboili a,�_ mi era S. tbat­-7 w� anythin'g- take in', ojLJ 'f"' g -lib be ex� ed-41to-be- L the wells o ' -un-, inte.rosts. 1 --11-1-1 ­ L_ ;Wilsoofi and -6bk6of hl� t.ik,6 iwx�edi 'Bi ati�" il' about tilosophsr? LlfJte)2­ Talodophy is, isy. dollixe are, better -than -idta 19 -a ric I th balgary, �rifl .,O#ablish a' bow cult, Jnj�4�d-Jiy­-.WM- Y- B,% ku3- ate -pre ecesiso -.svri ring. ears. T e sympathy at e ps U, Usua c4pxcit ifion� - X n ..ex-- vw t c' d rs is h I k',�Ahae Ispe Ur H Ilt joL60#41� h 55. 1�; bent. 7. �nde.e 6m- the- �wA- I r�;,y- -P. a I lib p Is; d6fined atf. the art or exercise ol- oan ie�� has, A �-th X -9 X -11, d :j ..�6,en Pr��sidgn _ _j_ Bee- qil Why sy.10MAY'JUat work.6 g 'ter of meet� ppr*cj*'tjo1�'­­ For instance,.,. bon::�:t �in �c aase, or e Mexl�cq 416,pe, A his', Jrqi:4,'�Jheo Earl 'of, tginb, nt- -ip APW�',� A-0- I I �1, , h 4ai, -one w o d hL 004F coy in B op 10Y. fiws 71i�.,e-a;� ey, W �c a t the -ilgry, of Him '!Who.' made the J 11 < r 0 in i h, h t o �'o­ k b­Ca- I Rtl e--, t fo�r the� af, WhIle Christriias! Bel -Is ate r-jiging! 16hova �Tho' Me xican ac a r'e' ii -i -tli , Jor 0 ore,4 or a reet; car,. you, �'epi"s - Y64 d-, richer- hievementh' g&ky Jan id,:a'ful,16r­,aP o ng �% auto sta, di 'of ,p . seeme T 'thanks inid- revort trie matter to" " the on. Washing�on , omp 6te t-aic" of hi %, a�tl�ities - had d i - b�d 'h' 'peripir �offtqer- oir, employer. �of e.6' 'President NbKinjey..' 'I tie tb* wAlk'i -to seei. brini; lu�k Ad; feavi b Vile colitte- al ind 'the 'blind u It "W4S.'SoMe. Y_e!, 46eltia one fob t f'ro-M e OU'r 'au hav'e been. amuaA th rs, a tha� his otker osseSSo!r thqugh he dxd� persbn�Just adrk -t,�!th� old- �cho4J-typ�, 'glve,, jlVe" 'glt6, a , go P wh, el nged Mp the I td�z�od' to "liblIer" .,-abftt, �dfscourtesies6y Me 't�ed I I. � . t1 -...L - t -,Rearson,"d Son Iml to'h4ve, �ken th,6 6paii. n ' thl nZir-, tw,' e al— — 'fir.M 'L 8 .—F— —01f 0 U At, Regina,_ �$4sk;, th 'JVL Q _f e inote b y�,hicli it -op., .7, jo . iW ut 4; in - -it -and �th "�b()o 00 "killed" lab!� ­hiv6 whom -the hea hand of 4ifflictiqu, a nke.r from a:,toe, y -1;2 2 0 report -and you zid 'them n ot now icbu N G- A *ILL!. - so -Md ihsbalic6� to: 25 cents bard 'he- had h -is ch -e -n. ca th6 easant. thinip -, ." Y . I I ci, 1hee, I P-J eh9vah's r,�p y La 0c, s become. -You hem -,y at- -or I �?, .:' Lat bu ptodq6. send a. doll t harbor ng' M urn �4., bo4r . nice thinis ymi find :tae fb*r;the un- '.kit b- e 1' ildi b' th repoi Josh- us t card- s - an oug aLS, Morq--1f:yo. wor VerA Cru t r ealn� C."iL ga,4. bu that. * yf,00nt A %I'Qb.e'r. were 748 -300' �Iossl -than ha,lf a, ributie to theIf,1elicIf7,­ir0&- f t:raige: than U 'Ile of, the poistil.,'o Davigsonp h 66i�fdry­rreasurqr. o e �,.brid 'eV WN ''ell % �qnues .e ar ment' not,,, why not. do,, -it noW the, same -'awn. ciroe;-.Iind places h d, llhut t: 13. "u, b ar,5�z �"IA Xcu"ma'k, of 001 �'the T-loospItal, or 04 'ROBERTSON bb path,,, 'ort it I evont.-of your d, efroijily won't- -be abl to, rel) all the' Ti ROSS ... But it-­Carr�es M1, but that �e4n,t itoba .,C rr-- court6si-es li�f the Trst0. Mlie h you, �,.:r Chalrifia Y6uL� 'pro di The Aimn h so�32. we hear -180ourage. 'you., FS d d thr, -tkibutie-&as, you vvbul&,desire.� Tho� e, mbre" ii acknowleolktuezits. 1$ d - I , 1. . I . Souris- ail The '001101ess cue adva, ag�� of'-mikihg.�­a. W-UI­4k�el a- at 3top uil�,a:nd 6 b'-ri4,y-,, �ox "s the itig ddl],M3 :xQu Inow ;n- . qUA-he tace f C 'I ar-y will. witA 'this., v.-eneinibl i UT taw-ig xipblet , recently isiiie-J b nf jit .'�wh i.ny'f ri�nd�s� lm -a or, wb -the-achlaii- world -tile ia�othlxig-iftes and. Th " Al ---'Tllru , jj�,� E�5 o 'Wil _§en f,Ar4M-­1td, :of 11cleja o9se Tbrb ,a cabumher. Don how 00 none of bis popula�rif y. any "thzt affeets 'YbxrF' : That shows Ahit Y,'ofir '13jael'aL Bill," akjl it "E flie w6alltilln.'' it to iiieniboie t 'th minU ham,'not, be�n'trained �-td lety of, �tho5ug'ljt t. logi '' to I of, -T ]ko�,b V� -e wa.s. the Presi e4 c;& �. usto 8' the, New � York��Hbrald'. - dan't,­Yrou, under., detlt��6- a-ra-ji y-,,fq Y' Ut -W 00)'ded. 10., b e&gkiviin d it th -atand-that the Advent 61 iation to, cuznber� nt The--- imirbsUlre� w 'JA6m e of -C -vajag mv gr peach. when' colneuiii!Ea wiil.ea;i.ry.-:.wit4 ft.' .466-nfz- 7 A 'blg.'f-U.L,9'�­j-.o'nCern w -Bah- Ma, Happy-� oe-y�ote,qI3�'�elf toL 'tfij;t--o,ne thi,ft'g, 'jo. pointing coinsequenceo.: Jerieii6, -Keep �'our­ - dj.' faetli,jeS o.Vo ooking- yei'thd- re for-Aixildb6od. Aayq lareIrt isto Kilig ra- fhiT4 'JeSt., *Jwn--Mug� d 'May, QS� te�d_­,t t-- JLA -0 h- �hive- the�throlne leading- A-TzT Me 7M. �s. IV e: ---XWrff -UN -�popn &r�j ye , , a�r __b* K�fff f tie ntd�ljips 61 sh AT'A nLg---Sa-W -L�JTI� J —wili, I'llan wl gep_�_S� �qj�, fLt knowii, as the, ',800" I , carry indre, nd' --an wine law, was -frj,1gbt 'this season Iha 7fff-tid6s',of frie g.pd N�it uillcanc6; d n)U the '�c%mp' of Jsr.a4 a d,�' 4.r in aim of G6r-:� n F7 their. pogitions in the oourt-sbt. thq y tN :a,. 1m;UM0 --,6 Jity t it n, m 1ma:ty iaken tovtber.'! The "Soo" htts ag pers li Q anada Getheint transported an f- e than 10,.' �Thi �b oA -being, plain. King' Edwwrd always -h -thl -Mt� b "Idll,* a, 000,000 tons p �g-viut,.otjsraed in -this ca-m4as-foor'. fiavigation -71'4-- - I IP er *bW t 4-1 iie li�ob ug,"an -ofL=:6h w- Fl ­ df Zold 'mi'd, involved `iouching'Ahe I dp;,�-- ts -he ylng� :a2i `:iti -will mmerce 1110ITIE" --the pf­' utes like.,theeb'make t:raMo on viaer ar% '.0 'ibs win -g—, --bQ r'u n -L �W)Rg: �. t'V01:Wl"wgter`Wbrks look.. petty and tame. .M , d pri 9 . .... .. A fh,t, appr6 'rho, 'ireat lak4M carry more 96 dbubtidly. has', ad0-'C'hALTlge0. in regard i?Te1-io-vAh.i,P 4 TOPPTtV- to the_� in Ahe­0th�6VD-eeenibexll- -thg-n.: any., other �bbdy- 6f water. - lo" :iii 7 o 7 .t, aimt', s'chool. . -Lady� ilp ldJbj-.-,t.h.e.,B JW41� �f, eerease ace - curs ' - L-trainis size t4Aa -opean­ .,,j, e dumber: granded dames IL11i .*I loxing-of jk _ the bli.0- %46 46 ed thi-ng��Th�LtL is it -e- 1911, important atream'�-bf 'trade oil the L likes'. ara,�.� -l"e— Sa1k"bon t,6 Al&& has to ApA Mary hais i1q, I king ax leull �r. o", OLY. Isi W.Writage,31i p on my. !IT r e ... 2� beL r�nllingr fro1im enth, G�jy.'ig �.a. tinder­--the--b��nL­- I ; u ec a,, so re �1 i�i Eli, pa", tbrRugh, the '189o" a al. frie deL P­­,,OjS�In Ig A, ' ' .. I roq. foi� 4uai�.renice 4crr car s. 17 :Je�ricbb:an'A i t - c�n the nouveau riche aild.,neier.mixeg in 1�0 0ir katt elp.-It ent L al� d 'ih;&­'t1 4neers-,­ - _last_ rl e ­ �.,6-rs -r'4he', b., Jr �4&L�'h t. �--r -h d in Lab autk., task-� ihd Can Viel Y !-Is ittle more. than fift Oid- o8ometimes tbjA."n. bids, -toyed o -r 'deibfpd, th the Loxd V�a` W -t 1. . . g ears riacpqs youngw ii a wai ing. a., &eo i Ll ary-remaing the -;jne the bbme , - t iban. 0 0 OW00. e of an uhy.' TJ - atnixg, of frie d; 'COS n Hen� P x Ed, ry Symes, city s al a an. was n 1g4t 1-44 12,, Th -were'. e , on The - Queen, <Jr - W, . . l ags. ia' Society, L 1� ", ; never adinits tbh�g-ih­ e wdun done �tnd w, '11 a' - a girl. of. h6i �hs­wquld, be'-be&1,ar-,o5 o -day Is.)aeck and neck , - . i. . �­�;,I�,__- L "­ ki - ' b t ey. We' Tsoe, has. j, hilinaii �Li�iiaugh -faxiey-t,6Ate�w .1er; o.- e eri,-.of -by' a,�#o : don�t now a ou ri ill e `e I wrbllg� r, wirnib-d of this, (Jo. J 0.", 'Pres ent- oon m4 In J a.1,1 thain 7 kking, for children children as Jbng-Lao �b&slble; and' the- �0,f� it ready she has humbled,; in -opeir war a �64a�nce of., Ekome 6'pe-e A,P had, fii lati�f wh6n,' i id Diazi --a_ lqeekto� wtime when h, ace ohe fias a terrat bf'tb "Ighty European rwr,l-,i� tboti- nd nTi�e' tli'133 W01011 plated the� r6�onstrudfloyi 4 .$80- P-0-�Ckntklsa- at re- .6 iT,� p:hx,$.,e4 aiurijbe�r, of �431 -sbie 0 Iid' kiqo -of ozi y,1bttiseve4..= it,. wi. essary -t4D q L-v-hbw:cd ve---thai h to -ffiin md-n% brii _UJ�Se It be. not, -,fpr-4er­d wbd t not­in�-6;4Aaamt 56,nt� ---:In Jaill:­--he P-01-nis Out�, phina - jig following tA foo"� 7iiiirtaineA e �WoE zi-t L flynily.. �!Sho :,g entjii� se ej­ ura%� d& -have- -wzv, NoPrrle s kL!, P. - t thm't the F's Kn4 elderly to have �a- go 'a -, . . , ­ f 6iii :5hja.gt_0 -thas - -he mill, Onsi phlls to `t16' 4 JU(I �ksp e emce, mijhi--� 1ope- Qwn uD--.. 'W', t6hf ,1 0 b. -d-- viith- uteyiti b di an no dunnoft,. 4. t W. a h -on, Iromt?" India, is or AqArA 411pe t d. i -Q attention is, paid to! 'the'KAtI6 a� t1f.,J t J)ji S� -: Work r a 4 ies, pec or -w ivh�enj -t."U­p�6p�%' who' will;'sp6a� f �G -huharw-and hin6ty- 43 L , . . , 1 -9 -to "I "I -,$Aftles bti' th p ox Ulm d a u eX!T should,, got t; JV Tess6i Wather. ib,6 I A ad& hf v in euimv-­ -2-- Tv-ftwff -w i5 9AV-Jits than, otherwise. two g6ings­uf, the f ri6nds, -of -1, (0 - The, kojunj� Pr�nce6a kqp­t­ ff Rl�er.there . I I 3��, ,Vig I.:be -T 4�V --in--:1902 ��.orth.fork,of p �thaie-no ---pe ---_4 r. e tfi hi T� ." ': . , IL e sin of one In an §,omeh her music, and-ghe goes fr6oluon:tly -td 4 of -t 6'he in the -axe-400- 600 000-. fee W V-e&rs. Play L 4nete-L with- W. 0 .-1 ­ , i , , -'-r'!7.-':;, , the- ­ 'I'- L' - ' ' ­ :' W][.F�E WON fi�t, takes. ivamts the -whole, i people, to, e'6kL �Pt was a de -1U 1") L ��4 iccaiable Than er abi� for � at A on,, 0 Ne the,J, 200" 00todo f6et ii4z��prude an4 Pre5i4n USeJ <An., be in TumIllt r0a iisa- -6f Burk1hgfia6i PalAce I d; Aff iisha d 'Fflii!f�- COnvinced it or the task 'invOl VIDg the P ruierpoet: in, bee biogibes. fjeni�, that tIl 6V Bnffo�r Jr. efi­6' sec Tit prop�� OM 1.ihb� 7_ 45tir hvps -a-re B0_4 J * It Jq lej t by U.b ff eme puup 'I ­! " ­ 1 10 . ­ charming -era -xis- 14' 113. e are :W Wt;,,xllt�uls 1740e. 18"Ve _veb a S to� t' iind Pacific ouid ,go -as o­.'Wm-.�`Q;`nLe-�v-aud Iii jixxr: by:tha, al' rts at the Atlail - irned that per" tiatura Y.14- AlbeAa; Ty ce. -df -puckinch, -1 -1 and day C the 4"a L n- pe wm . A A . . , The 9,drimon "chuidi., in and Severaj6s tit. ti the'L P'JLnaThu Ca, transfoiniailon, 6. .* It .,OL.4 _ ­­,. " '-- c has� hbe�n. the Ring end Queen% 1).nr- JLraffi.6'- :and, 'th e "Who, --A -PTOSM A9,0064die'raiIch, tb6n otli to�,% Vlp­ bd� -kill ro Y, qqrp b�e:`E­nr i -n in w1l ul rane b 4 th.- 6�, eetailfte eir,e)�A�rlexjoe- rie�s; ght .6m ers. �he, enefit'bf SM"':0 .�W.r Glove''M, , itea . " , ce attd that'lLet; Joonddn -el I Ila Tiie rghxo�ad bas. been' cA)mpl eted (�j3y nev "W. li W., ier� by-. the' Th -la.. sanctift4AH-0ii. itil- . ....... - -drab; -W el�TY S wi s, ee - rai a o Tatber -o to, a mo;re' eLrB M -Hence- the" -h .&5 11140 1`6 br� ore �J oya. p 4- 11,�� ­ f .4 "hid -anridern- and" - JoyfUI­';ds�tJJjd4 see wh -fairel.-M -iner -trad k, ih, Rive;kg, -�slj S iltrib-st to. 'IoNo�,slaive in ,634:ns, 1, Med-t,6 my --fife :1�� that tU,cel6bratcc� arly Victor.au as s iowu n iliustrit, iorwison every o) V e Ty . Tin f ohowe: f r- L I an kolw, �orgid pair pf,.glove? you 61 e in 'et th In interior. �4f Yet yc�7.W M Iri .0s tFAfl PT Cardston in ono da��­Iook ,very s �j �': lia,tic been. so large, y usedA The - rock ciitting and -oeArr hard. oleMn. d6feat of a �7r I o� ,, T '.0 & 'I Ijo Af).O�a' 4 43 Z _c� t: tho ­Oattlo ir Atis,64 V"'i W., -work 9 Ag 4 wholo, "Army obal the ateoling -of islif- 'oh�'of the Piesi&nt'is r66tt-4 -a !of R�I 1i noonverNixa old lazidinarki rxd' r a. tioubl�d Sleep wit bosivy .1061i of tile state Toobia, It . I g b6p- 'ZV -AV Reg4lla" Sa f ocation, at * times 41 'Y and' 61' frie,#4s;' zxid' w6 was'iden-fiflixI tqs� Until.v�d' ta4.AW0 the axc,�rme ed tot). that 'the,otri,cf ebangd will , -be bL -�Uid d 'At SaMba, C a; S.a 7y11% -the ivt4,rk tas,'aY) tda�k6d by an,wiprovemep In oilr cotirt, rulier for whom he breath, atta&5 of, palpitatiqu'bfili the, 'I t", ',�er' be-hind,jhe,'��N,d e n �---The, not d6ne. IV N-1 min44 h-to4yu aut ef i�zt iLt I'LL " -'I its(, 11, g4 -j,- 6n.'and on' up esz I s oa so. u4nidertaki)39L, 4:�eo;xiti&wa�bIe ­dAl, Vo"-4-afae-to­bo- bad Vor6d fb-r�, $48 1"ii !that I I.! fit 35 d r W&B desi hotabli In thb a plibaxance Of -6tid. 19' .bpen" .46t DE t, own ls,JII'5 asjn), red. WTge-s. the. Ud 'ha"Aled: his' (Te a uri&us as �coffeb iii Euro�l -115 ren b"A . e. that Nc.i,&"P�A- of tho� latgo diawing Toloint, V e ih e, ai�d ha ing..biit�-an < -rd B..bugh a- i6i & alit W, T. 'd td �fWj �Py 3pen 1.1 d i ee h io i 61840' won it�, re&ived' all th� M�D�-tljs, as, like an' t I thotit. "J�i, n'Co f rojyj t�tjre e 11ildience awai -ney' ljqtw�cm �Oiorn and whoi# the mtowlia I ed. �f J611-ovili, a �f rather 3' of -.aad, truti�d od 6i ille' galne drtij tolind. in, �off e6.)' 1) e d-66 r of his. -Vo oourtkoom'� *ibh his. mother W -nervous Was hip <1 A,�d � h-6 �'At' las thy YsterA a, IeD4� eep pnLrao a Pi�e�ideijt Is fy, Yoked to thp 01009h, -my physician- rlidr 'in e A�n s� ,laitpj `,Nrh­tjp- i inner ha ii -bee e Oreat iti4igna,tao-fi haim. been aroused in niijht W'Ah nTit --by - C Wa 10-1 atoyr) ry. Vie 7 oTdbted. !no `mp re ee,' I capi-- in Washingtion thov. T. V Xottfnghani by allegmti6iis th4t� -old and I Be tribe do 'several .ClAii L _tod, friedds w1jo *ould '4k6p i nSjSj�- b 16,6ke In '-solne, c'asem w6fg or -Lb olevrppit ingiites -bf- Rmiford Wbrkhbu�e t A�oijn-d :, 'IL . . . to eve Ns ftl each clan of SeTeTAI hob +t)JdS 46.r. 1. :icy fo'khy, t`ops 'kpie-cz.. Tbo tave been yok6d 0 the- -plough on -bifld. 6a.'t the Afe '*hich :Aestroyed ele-,. "!)�ierrnindd. tu' *a' �irnn�:,�, for the "040. bt,1�5nging to, the-Giia;rdfans.t The sfat& 'i ocoild i n g 4rivd in Ikek Otbe of jt� ant, i.nnef ba ftVhte AN" Vei-n.9 ooitflrm4�a; by aeVera pr�pay�!d it. a -k Vwok Ofeii �Njl:,h perioctly. qiji�t wat.o-r."' ff.lil�ijlo i�a Mghbury -. 1. . . I . .;, . . ilies, and eaeh.' fa.'Mify arfiflt'i.11 IYA si A. �Afors at milestfone wa's five constltuent,indl;vduals. eveAtte,, ]�ul'Wb�tlej* ih'ib� character, ' A. rhoinbet ()f the 'tb'dij.ect'onB On L bh v pkg.1, ob babi i n g o'clock, I jig t�hc Bamf W6fkil'ft�'o M6Unt��l Wbieh:*th Lord, sh�li fal� h, T oVeT 00 p).ace4 on a- b�,owli I ii�Cfiid V.'tbL -*-Iich� - Yt�i th tw R-nie�; t.� 6t--�h e. Q.40)i - mt7acoglcaq, the AfWA'­' e - in k�-i, who _,n_ On ­0 With;n tV7en -nilax.. t4'cofteo,'L' o, are viore ne4rIvAh-o - Pre I f 4 m4jJ­)a;J §jlappyL a yards'of:* 4 tj�,,t Wh t e lot rov,'-14� 3!�.) fle'di­qaJxU "j-'aaw ?)"e'dtty-4la3t� ANzherjxrii�rr*�itn 4-nd-s6gar 'than t(�Ay o (Se -e P , 14� b lein. The rivi tilled, a good h,6' th -Ell 9 'its. th' ot ora axe -pliollgh vy ikx -T) -f 6W 6 T U it,w.a n6t onV9b4bd­,b1it dell ry cio e A`VP-'aL,,.harLbor,-.butr was-,O)st-6c 'toj)c4� ;A11 the�rholl Vft re jer� L old, a;nd tfa- d10 nly. 1�4118d, the, plough a 'few, yards �� be. Amexi an ing 'ff. ts , 'n dirfisoil.and oveTty anit-IS-1 le ire it- -1 i f T-1 iti' ben6,Acial e (1c d "one 'blaZk one `weie. ieif.-f get.; Im 4 bar Ati elab&, tf!m of, o 1'6 ­Ardb, w­f-6st an d rev -t -of the. fandly adopted! &cr1bf,Ary of bheLNavy, an '.1an"Urn t t.", 4,4in�nton re;%tv6qrAhb ftlAn m d' the an L, jp-t -0- WiN'"mi -avrosr -Of&re W their bt.'e&�Ji, The work -wk� eViA44tly d aUaAM by'th6 v�ih -tilt bla�,k pebbl ('�Ceptl My uBband, wb4,, -go I t. t Avitz'PA t t1lat dif, ))a,),, �"Was '..%murev ovt- by %uph tot, theige o3li njoij, and the fol- Wa,% tiol �)J tii L ).j�dr md,!�it' (hat toff ee 'hurt ;xlt,' with ll�,�Jn 'I -he White-Houso i �Jjj gialit'r U%4i, fa' I ig ,�Inyabicvic w4eto�, nine' I I ., '6 1 V A t dktol to (I lic Vidual, n'e I )t vo-mtl -c*- be �"gf)ft 0 Vt Mei of Nlle- l( _culp, OL -14o t'L k 44 lind �16. Nuitcu,'., and' a'­Wt�jdl8;J)d,`iveek. Hi� Why the Tra-d a hath , s "X --m r4l f�oln A, I in �jjelice bf blaw 611' Oil- guard' ana driver di3claroa -.they 6 LL n T�,offl&s, gelson,Page` tbe A b st old mon dki-giifir"s, Ion t It 0,f. V, Labc�r o A i Aos to, th, t IjIV6.6,tiga. 0 lines 4 V A '011 s wa% a Very inclent awd 91, wi-th. Cld- my �11 Aa, ed on'the. uafni whi iv wfth i big can(!" - g viTl nd Baid hava'deoOM AA4010 i4- Unly d' Wal tio'r W id "'M. wb 6� i, You r N6 he.. new ATnbassadb A '0 L- kd& ni,�,tjq mtdod L by; . .; I A:� 44� r to drink polls iniptove ea� Of � Jrolwh an sa .1 Plan' 44W#9i ts-Lojnd6n� 611A I I .. 4 i iM biusfnemB Sir "NtmMmy, 6"UPPOT'i'M entirely hy workitignIonni., M e- n 19, so appa,vnnt-you hzite"S'A6 re6t -Brititin F6 -o b�wn Id JjonaLhL t �Io�nah 11`� 7)1 an:4 the '�hxt t' idqnt's'�al-ose;4 W4�nd,,t. mg, am (!,0ogh'lY0, d. log ' Lng 11(,� $ay"gL t�h'A-' W$%ge"q p 'I ormid to TIAVO &,m eti Ky io r ixf c re '16d' bhorc, ivoul-d 6ne cojo.r-' propo%e 'o give t4UI (Judg, id Pails and to 0olvido �Uoq I)eople if tjI.0�� Werb b f h,drS e crediV wbere 46ilit; AL "A'k ,el 61 �oldidrs T." ajid I h i,i � is dflo., And '4C irad 0*1 foj�*L� f&,JJJtJcS� for, tfaVelling. b6l An ur ffifo4jt 4d th e r� 'In#J 0 41to Nuth, i�o, meet ldk, v6a &to. d" Rae-, slave ji 2,011 91 10 id o: 9di. f -ii Mexio hiVe �46dli two,,zi - tho two 'pitfoiR, fill now leff 6rB, 'a"hd, e ti-Ae� 18 ali, �I, 14 Eiv.� ,the �pridon clubliouge, It to 6 In V06 an. -e-1 6 '4ti"'oAt 116 was fot, a, lej R6814i6666 of M�di�lnd Rat tw�, .4, 7N- aln'o 114 ',tb4m , '. I is 46 115, 4,; and,, 181 8 liall and the parls­ono-in tbe �Chbu 7p-- ''Oft s -the gnrWsii given by Canadi&w bbhlnl� lbp Read' I, a ;�Jbj A VUIIIjMfj �dfir f4 ajo'�J*mpl bh��#e '�bj. tIJ6 6tA4&,Y'j:t "a'ji"J' tbat, C� W, i y Viod-'of Nub -v writbrill 'eom6 d, 0 si kid win,boes -And, thes r ineis ta InL. A, 96ad The t,utg# charlga'of the club'o 61WIl SoIrvAnts &Uid a' burg. i4 in the'llor to NV itt, ete&A -koicbt Are to mao triwallift rdilly chfaag6 it r,6,6e:iffl�y pictur4d Posf0m now conles­ ill *Wdjormg ttyln&L to'�do &Wjq`wjEIl illd' Style:. rit, Pape L�dbw­ %%lia � 'fnt6f ag"tc4hing, in at, tho W� he hid tiksh u h. i n1sel f OU4' ))4,�Come. like it, Vhof4fftrei, A4 9 1, Are 06 niodatfoh. The club Joq'I4' ho dall6fl, "th ir �W &V 6v6k '.The label In bivrineoL wi 8tAnt Posbiln is a. soi,ubl� . ..... ;113 UhIteA, 010, It J$ said f :I d"L tb CiiPit " fi., , 'L JaSolve$ aud dev,, Atdmpoon it r *ith It; ijvaq� "Oat GU69b fliom' M-e-dWrlo wea.t Y arra in.. of.t. g�o 4 Z,UUO, A:nL 1) too) us d., tile OUIll, I- dbt 'r,S' thil-t 6.ft fl'% 4d'Ayth�e caft()on `Kn4 Sugar, Make�q a 'Overc. acklaoi, to 0 % 010 b th nk it, T116 �P,61*jd out:b� t-6 j� 1li'. 66� of hot 'Water 8;)IdLf' OV, IvIt et L, 111 ­�O";�L � �!, 1., 1. �. ''' -pp 4 J1 - lfljL�' ­�. J� YIb, 6 J p %, is ca, pe v,.r *q, rib �a d. i 611, 1 -#A* , t , i� . I . . .., . . . V�' d to tb, U'fi Wor�6: b I 061h Y)'kt 'I'll o, t 16 0,61, b, It# Was 61-st 'ev J(�� -Ilt oct 4 wofdot *,its b'urnt �Alfv� *1�0h, big fto6ft4*fJtA gig fj .6' of .1 1 �rk4 a , A . t "�, �, Z §'J; '(� 0 khob l)oibpa fewil (6 tt" it'd" ir, _rg boji�, "mi, oV htly *4 , , , . . 6ti 0 111wot fa h1w 6 Atils i, Rii ftft t4 Ar. 14� pf iti A the' VA, , ?� -&� ijoX ftient, a"Ad thii sti;len ON Iff.. lit,'Oerma-A GOV. t t, :which kifftri -n' .'T )�t 4fdatsi' the JILSe a' 'o;1yon BUOVda K L I M I D, �be '4b6n-8id,itre<[L5 Vr 4� AJ'e � t)' to,, E" C (J N��JL T'J, g S U t so -k avi it AU4, 8,1100t at 'mottom pi"Alij!04 66.0 a GORPORAI A 64,6kiftwd ot, #R w , )v- gr611nd 61, this N a blco te,hta .0i, of getho-if, Wit 'T J di"Y Acha"n's, 'I'(6w ........... ... ofl­ ------ �jn g n ex- Ieo 4�0 d. 1pre, J. 3 q A, ....... . .. C, qv� 1, a %�j -