The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-11-13, Page 5orwla ovember1 ' IVITS• Wtirl; Blake returned last week r from alwo Weeks' visit'with friends in Goclerielt: ^ • THE ittlRoN CoTTNTv .00NtenENcE, 'tinder the 'United Missionary Campaign now being:condueted al various .centres , 4-hroughont the nrovince, was held here; win!) Friday Of last week., and was" most -successful .not -only --in,- -attendaneer-leut . . froin.tharenthesiapin whicli was. thoWo oo -all 'sides; From :all' Par,ts country .eania clergyinan. and lay dele- gates'ofthe-, several': denominations to the ,httinher of al:094:,*.W9 '44044 The. .nkorning session was, 11910 la North •,StreerMethodist'Charelf;-74twhich -Rev. - O. Manning 'rorotito), lltev. C. E. Yea- - kin“Clintou), •Rev. El M. Langford: • (LiStaWel),,and.the local 'pastor took the, ".-.thfiihif., -"The chLIr wu °cc:Vied 1.1; , Principal Hume of :Goderieli Qesliegiate CK. ---TI) Dr. and Mrs. E. 'H. Cook; Institute. 1 4e. afterneon seesion Was ,• , bY r' Wll . Q. Se;i°cT.9m1.,vilt-92./ • _______7,30•N(nive. 7-7;72 •ethe`Miiiironaty-t, dlinatton Movement),-:, • Fotheriri4ham ((:oderich); Riv.A::E. Annotrpog,..(Toroato),....and.. 0-1:11.10471.41adie-Eretalrfted7 .411ssiwiyrr' puper was tendered fa .the :men ef.tlie, 0„nontYr„:attendect*:abont • three: • fed,. "follevvell . by,' sneegies • froth those :."Who had 13articipated in. the ...daelf.Woiki:' EtS6iste4tfliev;Vanen- bonldi :general; Ally/41i .,haire, your ,.ourrii brush emci • seeretary of the.. *issionary,:$4)Clebr„,,Qtr conth•st honie..:or,4tt hair dresset!s.. ,.• , ;t1re"Chureh:et EnItnd rn Canada Cow • • -.11ever!•06,4 brusli`ber 'Coinklound iu 'c'e!i0°*7''4'WtTtl*119V.-*tt9tltef'-"deittres • iiithlic-pitices, Ihe'yfirsii11y :Coveeci duruv' the ni t -to eLs, eulpunating i h dandruff gerin,, • t" •at.idahlt Ste. 11lariC•od goy: 2t. . • , WaSE" your hair brush. iieektY• with soap and wenn Water to which,may be added an antisepti.S.: . atekIllg•Sh,ampla-olliehatt,inveri, week or, so ' . with pure ,sOip'and•Water. 7 • tite-Parikan Sage every day, robbing. • --i.Vionda3r, Nov.-3rd.tho0 _rei..3.4:1gto the 'acalp.• -11.--rert-iit;n74'de a nuniber Of -Perlman which cOmes, in a2larie 50 Cenci:oat , is • iranteed .b • Miss Alma Alton, of Ltleknovv,spnt the Welt -end with her •R,onalitt,, Beryl Johnston. • •, - Mrs. Ilarry WMte, . of .,Stratford, is iielting her mother, Mrs. IL Johnstone this week. Mie LettieBerynd GladySSdv- age were:guesta Of Miss Neta Smeltzer -otter:Sunday, , The first silo* of the siisson has: been „ and gene. The farineta in Oda neighbor- 7hoorl-,arolletvrepari3d-to-welooins ter yet. . • hrthe Attention-1mi- pepple-, Who Wish JO Preserve jthe hair. ••••••!.-- • eir;;• • ' teride&quarterly2service-atzrZionSulidat nioRink; •, .„ ••. Arms roux_ • attar:. orrt -germ& lid-alsollidc-dandrUff,-----to-stoprhalt-fronr- :falling and sca4 /rem:itching,: er aione3r refunded. • „ To Rut life and beauty into dull•-• -finfty-sitretruie-Parision75sge:Tit-li-,one-• Orthe'quickest aoting hair tOnics known: . . . ,._ .•NyOY. Apri E1.014,14114gftv.- • (01ri4i44:04,04doi,.rro:popfA'J) A., cortaiia Atner.icatt: 'Writer', Mr. 't, E. RittenhOuSe 'dealing with• the' fa,ct A vve" ""449w°, ore44Pet :*041' *41!:°- .tnetted 40' ki• WikiIPPIVt.4.401, X•4043 1411101 that t1,40y-ntrie 'out; ,of every ,hundred„ wee in the. v,nited st44,44, 444 :c.o,ncio,,, ConrrAn 4: 844 oyer the cOet:Ve 9 4414- 'of 'marriageable:ago are uniTr riecti . cic- ,:. Ing. The law .yer whesedoty # 'vv.,40.1,0 cress. etainlne• otarted;.0 to Attack .09 :.01sles.,,Ahgt4,.',t4eril.....4.VP. '..-'`Ple.,e°,911.P.tleo.: iToimitir,...9f,4,,,,oexi, wii3O -Taii 'Ilia. -iiloria- .•-eredibiliti-Or''.th.e:riv:i4PAP,7-"•-+-H---,m ---. fibte 4nct,..q04.1.4g€!...to*06r.: aft.,Jakei. :a ..., .1?i,).,,y91-, keov!„•0.07-1,1011 .R-..bW4Fed-- 0.14c04cand-the buswees will -hereafter n.arc.',9450,4- in .1i4nian".!;affitire..a -While.an • !4e 10'1C/i.§: e°,3t1'? , ':. :. - ': - 'ne, handle. d eiolusiv'ely 11- the station .•,,,e.a!evrtip:•1;8":111,0,59,6,;.fe, ..e6.467-aiisrou'....0461(1„.411L31g14,8".0'14-?..t.r'-•• '*61)76 ::klio."1/0-1 th,,,ovir li- ijebi',1:1ali. .:. eer, .9f°T,till'ee. 11v..'.a. iike"'-r;t0:1;1; , T;(3's ;tAa—n" u.12–.:-":, _ _, ,•,..•.,14.,;..„•-•,..,4•4...,,,, - • ,... -,......--,.....,,....„.„...„,„_t.....,•„4"1...4.,,,,,i,r.a, _„,, ” hL- . Inetitgie04,per bag? . .., , , . . . Sun_.,. great"„ariny; \of imam .,'.wernen, is forced --. '_,.P„.q ',',9.-q..1Fr.19:5F. AK)W PAWDO:v0, *mil '''''--- - - - • • : • t,,,,..i.it 4...,...0..,,o_k_ .0._4......vt....-eT4....,licabit,,, _ ,n,..:.0. i 1.- , . :,.t....b:s..0.... •.: , ..,. .,„ , .„.. .::, ,...._2. ,dualminaenebtOeattrOth'ecen:totlyu:4pituyt i:ottnpu.a3n0,_:;),i3.tn:er,- :f0;ge for the ontertainment Of the .old ft)td..many'of .them-. develOpibg ,eititava-. to , toil, in our 'fie ' 'ries and busi Is siurwa411 itle::;7that; cit,4 ..exa'cuy ....,,,.,.. ,,residee,03,of .0,3 ilostut-iop, r .401406 ,fox the. necesSities., of life. --. This ._ . . .. _ . . . - - ' . . • • i. 1. J0414 . 44c1f494, Of the third con- " i4;40-• anfortanate--etale-•--"nf-:--affaira:P'' 4---77-, 11,e,.,•-1W-WY-tr--j.-19-91.4-.4 -Ilk 1,11eHisittifise . this- .State of affair. Bitt :the Daily ' • Mr.' :11ittenhonse '-blainefi'lhe-,---.-ttien„,-..for'.:. ;:vtn!,d%:;:!ri- 47, ;:7;;;.; ,..p.,7i;o.o. t.., ' i .., , ces§,i°4 of ,E:Ider_411.ie., .re‘ 7,0eon.tly,eloold.'hoirs brio' here 150 aCtUfaroi thereto 6.-- Ell* tt f ' Telegraplit of gentreali. takes issue with - • -q 4 117#.•tit AR 00Pettt, ,..n0w... -Pan .$1.2,090. , The twin is said...to ,ba' On liiiii:lifithis_paiiTT:iii.a-Osist4 ,i*rt-ii-el..-T°4-g1"),•4inkflo0,-:-.0f:',,,-an,4r,Q..:Iiio.4-.• ',of,: 0,)e -r:-1,3, .et's:-.-at -:-,11O.7:_ii, Iii 13-• '..). •tL _3V 'TW1910414.0,40iitill,:ita:iii:r ."1,-:`°fin'e.eire,iiii:nt-,1,1' iiiiayai.-46. oii.stt.ii,...4.111,eano:t3.1:i.eani ' I. 11 : ti. 4, ;,,,i ,i .t.ir it I a. . i ili,,. ne. ' 99 wr. • w_. : : the_, ...Drices-,44:Sph661,:: -.recO,ivingv-$;500 ;err, year, the..,faCthat,We'are intin g() Of • ro?!-,i,oit ,..,., ,,rt..,,,iir4.04.ssioked *,::,, . i irir.giv.en.riotice that they Intepa. . ojrtiic 'IleF7 with li -flash In his eS7e thaveOdeiftli • • • I 0.103.'6047.40.Y746----7Er YV9IW3.4...l.ne'oia,19rifk'sg:our girie 111 L-, . ' - ' - ,: .-• i•••• --1,- • -, - ' 'reasorrilaat their -Salaries are not 7s.uffi,. 'Vdt4ifie-Vi'.:intein'ilt2.fir lionsehelct,-wprk,:i. 4 .-7.....NY-0.41.".!_:h.0 . 0,1•10.'4,*'1:-.00't,...)010vi':. the .„.•-,-4it,..,_-__,.• -',-.1: , ..' , , .. '''.•,-.- ., rfh" 0•;;;11-4°,,.‘v•-767•0.*:•0' %.7.,:it,t,aY' it,6."!''.' cillie4iii.: blei'taed,': ...:16).9rif'''!4s':•(4,Ifvf.:ii°1!3.1:9117::',..'-g.g14°Orfi''tilii!.....e.opti'to"'il':°. ,g,Itilit.;61,1;iiidi" "•-7.o.tis'th'aili' .4)1' te'. b' l;":::fis-lia.rirlS'n,':-'''. .t.'hon*h- - " eoSts:',Iitit '1'4Oott liesttate.:to .exnresa_ granted: so: , fiVe.day... :Iiileniiicil'..,stn.•'the :.lndioes,oley' 18„ '.: ..0,1 .ii:0;YoOtIlonnzi.0,'15,milaen,-4:0wait1)4!:4Tiolevnotyy.o...do!” , •"' f`clothe...8:: ‘ 'y'.11.,:.'ia' re,: 1%;eIrittut •th..caottiniiitb..,, jot! j...egeho,,,fith#4.00*0-0.,H.,.1v:er'e, 4,10t4e, ti, Nis .capamty.: for_ giving.. them '... a good ' ,ien,,,i,: -4,.,.*, • . . -,f;...!' • t.,ake advantageOf ifi-owing: la' rough - - • , . Let, - - h. , wd; t: ...v..)..vo.. • $5.5O.' -New Yurii..ros.t. . - . • • . HiNGS,, HE QIDN They • Were Men)", hut 'mit Didni •Koala Him/ Frein'.Givirlitacm 9Ptilton,, plt.VCR; ,OWNTY. 01!!..„, • Atzgkis.e 'Miller, Who viited 'mother, at, lifildmart the past couple of • monthti, bae gpoo calif9r0.14, where .he will .reside;eermanentl The . Walkert°9 baP elosed-its.up-tOWn-tielret and-4xpre86- , weather.. .,, ..'tgliey..catild • yeatiite -.O.tit 14Sha-,nclstg--0,:fiwth-e7§7faicirof-detoefs3. . , 'Only on...ttinThfth; dity.':, ; ''' : , ...• '.. : ' :•. di -.-E -7-litt, TAU --e.iipApnit------5t,qt.iktrir-dreiss-ginieatir:.*si-c--. ,-.-:-4,-man--.111silattipplatiq they please, .but with due. regartl.,...for', . „ . :'''' TnVin tak1ng:sutscripti9as to•the,Lad-: • propriety,and the 'avoidance of reckless: -.11Ancian's ,',01(1ein:. Puhl in ' 11 Ogee ., and iti lexpeeee. ,I4et...lheeupcvs.arse,Q..,..t.0-kitt9s:____L± ,, ...,_ ...:,...Rcd„,,,l,,,rt,9.....h,4srip,r,,,; t.,..„. . , les!..-Woildra New York--publioatiom-- a; strict regard for. decornin in their con . qihe Crooked : gullet. in, inn Which :414*(''' -rilthiP1r0r1. that this Man Was • money as be got intohis wit, duet -1114le-Y6tino• moik-Iikety-•,--tde-inalco-7.‘atan4W-nvon'Tifiwol-hilfritaatatkr-itselt--''ns-t-SII-Autil4ised-agent .a4ditliatliu° . • ' . .:.the best husband; - are not inelined to *says the LendOn G'raohlc, as the oldest :,91 aSk,..:.iiiii61:Ods and•eicir''aitaT.,lit .Sroiln.0''!itibIle2-116"use'in!topdonl flow' far back •.'!VoCket.'..::1Ete,succoeiipdA*,,irelisiving4: *Omen to becohle their ?utters Of life.4, ;...lts joxi i,„0„..2i:it,, . ,,Lbe i saw .number of cash in this way„..„°_,..' t-, -41,4To-feaVtliat-VO4,htF-Part0141-atli-4Oling,:.440-selri-•'-'-:-tbe-reCordi•nris-:*.ixid,thigni.iiifirEE7ii:k:1-: Oiliaiii..tir,TiL-1106:;of -men and women figim--e-ti--7A--e-r-t1.--Allt-T-fixere-ls--eVerY7rftsH .-WTO-telleve. that, -them •aerious y ---y -flie. eTillapsic-f- hold. good in all ,too many cases ; Tnei'a the inn dates Prem. the ,time.of 'Henrys' ' ff Id t thci:ne.county'',1Oridgi; .43•Una,... 7age,,itietAkmeR.Wut.ile.rate...:Will. ,:.rems.n* 40, the"truittof of Sliding' _naiL,„- or, ri,i,,,,, damer:conastrUcti.on near ,' §outhain.ptoii ;dose, seem to be '.soinewhat,of a flevolt,',, vtli, Qertainty."-in:bondon inn Is more .enrefir7a-v-etrbic',71;rab-7-1--dt-07a7...riciore--..',eli--and.."OOnCeilled. diknia 't;;V iiiellis",-.,..--- ----':7.-'-•77-441944.ti-j-"Ih1.2-11111.343 %,•,,• , - .,.. „-inen- aret,T,AlberetWatedir.-cif-Pittalitc rildird'ind desirable sae. and .'and anderg...17-'01111 d "passages -one " Wro.. :Barbour ',of Itincardine and a. these-reptitediy:-..ionds '..to- .the I -TOWer=-. kr.,.Beiton alio Kiieitidine Tho, and. thick wails riehlq, carved. -• • the prineinii---veCeption--lisor,a7aFO7 , nter Bridgei• r33oile.r.06 . to be ',seen seine. Magniheezit' oaltfpa ng thebridge • • • • • wings:, .4 q4,tihatil., carved ,fraxe..oheivei,.•., .Daniel, " the .46.or 'and. , a .4140.;; less richiy'*ai'ved, ,Oonnor; of Ecleri.:01rqve, ..70.100W. of . tnanteinieee'..'the ceillng js eovered the late D J C.okinor,L*Io some glee, With a number or :Strange, ‘devices,' with' .ago lost his life, in an ante accident in .teniale: headt4helleved to represent '.'Brant Township, is• suing that rattnicv pality for'05000 dattingea;• alleginglhat windows 1ookzng out uponr e street Ih*gedi431eAt WtS thi0. 'VC the' "dafeetlyarotf -.Phitusiteineitdo4'4i4tht.B.:„ah. nttera :014021P0,0, condition ihiLiped. • .thi4 ..casacarne wlth • ;;•••up at the receet Assize t.ThereIs ati746106P''.0111t9liv,et Cromn crton1 but was postponed to :wethe:'9h;aa_rk.._ n: eery' l ga3)eee - ;TCrikikect7$iitet::-'tbe olsee"Wini. iritO.Wn • • , • • ' - in.. those days is: “the -old- houseLat the 7-2-BVIt..X.80..11142B-1,11Tqg,t744--'10.0,41re of 0 ow •••••"---`.---7.7.:•. • • •. • .:. .‘ -iChOuts4nd,poenty..,..•- wee..0e`.bUriung. 1n-. effigy' of „. . . . . . •At an annuni thatierof the 'At. Mch Art Wesley, editorof -the -Bince,Aer-, olas society' AnthaSsader ..ieSeph• .13L•. '..ald", and: Times ; The Eterald and. .:.•qh0ate.JW.4.4::"..40Win:..or, the toast TI,ie Timeslaid' ia14t,i'ii..iiireiy.ysjgorOul,•.0ii# "_Nayjyi1Je Senator DOPCW W88 W: "•'vietorionS7-'paf.OtItiok • - "13-0Pew-*gaz-'• That'S.Why of ; • • - easier to,be•burned that, Way than • ....met: at the W.hairt cote.' and 1 ',never saw •hgt.agui till we reached Liver, be. 'Pereebal.1*'. it7t1M.fake'' ' • • ' 'p001 When. 1 tte"ked. '46,Ye he felt Said hethetight he would bave enjoy - neSday. 'inornizig,:p*2?th,•, the. •.barn ed 'the trip over he had. had *Ity and Contents belonging; to. Norman:. ocean iitr YS you 'Want to ..hear • ',McLeod, on the- Ith.". Cow. of Huron,- . Choate- on: the neVY•!'.• ; • wers4cmtm,yejJyJu.e Mr McLeod Oheste";:iegiiiiridedv.1•••Ir ve. Seam the‘greatest_after_dinnet 'w118. in•'ali-doin"467°;h4 -1 d- thlante --41 t ,.peake-art-erdinner-sPetik:ing-r-sa, aliacee rnan 11 • have heard: it ffeeerlbed 04,0 ) "playftil , deg 'upset the,lintern,....--vhich, neve- it to be; is the are, Or .-few- 'Minutes,the ing itt all then,rfr.,..ppoew, Is 014 most , barn was in :flames:* • Mr McLeol• tharveletta,apeaker in, the .entverae.'.'.. Saved hishorses but all the other con tents. were,. -ConsUrned ,'•hy • the • fire; • 'Ratariied'•thiii-Coriiffiliiiiiiiit: • There ivaiasmillitrata,:tk. tneli7kad.":tin, ...u0Ya WERt..WELL SO4.REIX,-The !shed tiie itudiorti •tobk•eapeeliti pa1nS pranks Walktirtcin Telescepe says -"s the •to to •each • tenant the., bill. for " O' ': , : doiiig_overLhis „fiat The `houti1eholdera,„ result of their gallwecif regarded that atten.tion different • -number of siii411 'boys. appeared before. migta aceerdlekt „the •-ielotoopionts gagiatrate.:,Toleoti on TileSday.:*.after-- , •••,,ogy had .femght.,„...foisa,got,T;-$ggicie.:,..- n6C410408#1ii74.4•01:41gP-4disorder-. looted!. frightened.; thinking' it portend -- ly conduct-. The boys in the. :t4htsf. some,n.Oologetic..oth,. caperswentto.the...reskience of Mrs .rs :defiant.: The third-fiber:right nian E W.: Garner and pulled dOwn.:a big: wa-s noucomnitj±aI Three Asks' late • fence at the honSe.:. and ,information Ime.called nt the. feediQro,'s °thee' and was la,id against them the next .-day.. stlieWeir bin] 11'13110.bl; •paper It was il They pi:e-aded . to the charge and, hill for six shirts; istieke and ties„': were 010%104:0444 suzipended`,8..'e,o4rioeWhatsth1sgottodowi., t.: p.afthe„cost of: the court; which, as ..l7h,••3-e6"h-i-igiS,ail',1: man 'Inat hiiei'were badly seared, _t47Y:wete annerbangetfeouttentes.Nothing:g-- 1iceh61ng:neig;borlq,qsboc1ecltie' of Walkerton, „ 'Wear'!,',4c,eiva.cl • -4 letter last .g the good fortnne- ..havaie.pointlatiOn•Oweek .announcing f Jeg IthitsAs...ia..-the great' ininerity as .cempared,:w,ft.to the 'vast niimber • Who.' :Purchase' the .Itusalan :Cap.: The sea..,. ',Sena are Oractleally. „winter •kind BUM; ' .•Sletii SO Itiat' thCiransition• ,riom the elethr-dagi is toone-o?;rrithe-htraw, inif -coining In fOe,stight atteritiOb dur, hag a Itricf, perrOdAn _midsummer:- The istiatent, elitss hiCti 'aggregates- itaat . the:ifs-ands; and theoftldaIelaas, WbIch Is- still. more tiunierons, with” those- In .the city. Who wear m uniform Cati•With: official or semiofficial: cheltade, con-. Stitute's Vast artnk-or, people ;who do dot. yieear 1164 ••' . . • • epari ng Ghristmas As the PhFiettiait:eeason‘eipprOaehei many hands a1re bus3 making dainty: and usetplattieles- for -friends . I • wham, they Wish to 'Intnetither„ at that glad season great :lot -of different krnds. of Matirittlalare -...peedo, 4 and this store inakos it apoint-to4cenp -alarge ateek,Oz4arid-Jor lhat-weityparpcse... .Ilere. you*can.---get-,-4), •-• .greatv_ariety- oL,Weelaitaktrgni.XAil.tyi_, ,Sanyo Angora, Andalusian,eechliderdowni:-,and-Shevlahd; Env. 4-.33rOide4-,11:1-dakes,-,-4160-Lnate,..-4,1ustereek---Potton',T...11-4.1- 2.."-C;.:"FilcHatran4-EfulireidetrThr4d,ite,andtcolors,-- Roman and laries.,Croehet C9ttons range, 0,g,..N04,. ';:frpro Threada 'White Linen Thread 40; '60;• 70, and 80,, Mercer -Crochet ''Cotton, ' Coronation .:-traid. 'Vandyke Braid, --Stamped tinensi;line.:LinensTrand.Taner,,Ilnek Tawellingi,bibOyaid and many other :materials. used for. -Taney WOrk. ' • - ." io0 • • ies' Winter Co We .have a ,big stock of Ladies! Coats egibracing a very large variety of . styles, 010th -0-00 prices. .•See our stock and get our .prices : before pnrcha:. • • 'These 13ags Were purchaser,' &rept • from the best Mandacturer in Canada; • and the. arenittra fine- valnieiLj Th • are made in a Aond yariety,. of style: '•en gond strOng.,,frames,...and-bottlia. . bag and the lining are leather, to all •• -lines -froni $125 ,up, have prettyL: . -bags for, girls from,. 25 upto 75c., and., from 05p.i to 0.50. Any 'theta bags sWill make handsome: . . • -e-have-juit,straceetl.ectarrseetiritrr another lot ot those- special :oorking. aprons for WOmen• - Ono is a large ' ,Overall apron covering almost the • en •-tiin-dress-,' the other. -.i -a -7a -bib '-apWtit" • eiA;nring the'front 'Of the dre'ss. both •'come in. a variety' Of haat 'and' 40-0.-- vgaohjog, patterns, antiOaoh is a snap' .....:attlae_prica-5.11.and ti ers for very9qe, Ittle Bo's' lOvereLoats dW�‘-gikbbers these •alloryy., , Aire • liavn aniee asSoAment: of O'vercoats fit. shishiP days, and this:is-the store to fit all sorts and the little ]ads and theprices are very low for the eizet of shoes out Of our big steak., 'fialr,for the7ittb: .qualityiand they run 2.25, .3:00, 4 09, '4 63 and , bet with the Redman heel. - It's a - 0.00: • Stanfiekt'sUnclerwe0r100 -Alen ', ..... ., . . . *. . • 9 ., 4 , ;; . ' • . • . When you take, 4 leek at thdliig:felloW on this' page you Will at once' 'say that he is a hard Mao td fit, but Stanfield's Underwear will do It, apd thciro than that, he Can iviar,. it and it *ill continue " to fit, as this underWa7r does not 'shrink, . It alwaya gives Solid comfort, and acts as a preventative of rheqinatisni. We have " this _Oita:, heivyyjilliderwkatin the throb st=eighta at the -rogalie- pia -S.,' - - „ . -i. ntiRh'eumatk „ itaitt-AvoikitIg'ent 'of 'doors thoilict Or Ow -foto *Got', ..Thox hahte got alb: weight, the Wear and the' said tioinfort, and the price•infint-e4traVagatit; +0 and 50o . • .. . • Tgointt-etStileKlittteidAuffie • , . . • , .1fi Anoivy and, wet wOitthor aitflLr is it horoaalty,afgt aro,kottott, Op. iri Variety 0 styes itt. Hhh Shatlea of, knitted ailk, in a, great raege4nafitie- .0-tn,atoolt these, complete, with . „ . . prides running froni 50 . 50 each, . . A Keasuring Him. e--.11iiies. de you know thgt you ., • , sre a veil nmllthau, GliShatid-,136W; rldionlous!,. 1 au near!y tits feet „fn. belght. Wife -That make's' ence. WheneVer 1,4sit• you rot nioney. to go sbooning.yett are alWa„vit shOrte4- , tichin Too O'Sr.- . , his hel,r abd. rent rue alr, EteltretThe're qou arel• • WO •even have ; to pent the:ealr uttW- titime we lied ,a hitiigoOt government. ° • 'Pathfinder. '• 1 • ••• • ha not' 'Otter t that ihingato yucie ' I • • Whiteihareh 1 --',.Nfonday X•ov. 100,11 Jillespie and g :- .•'a, • . d ' rtleIti liiii, last ''week for Coolitamo, • . .. D. McLean:of ByebtoViSask ia visit- ing with hie.siSter ,,,a) Mrs. Stewart, „ MO. •Metusait d Fleifittfon-, is Vialt- ing her thoighfrbii, 3,44,.-tt,, TY, Stewart.'• • .1P -he •WhttedinuAliterary s,v4l4ty to; &flit holding their Aeat it toting fne. • • . i.tet noilths on Nov. 21s1.. A 404 pni I itatithp• is being:speoorol,,*.dartd cn.Joyti;,good tio4 , •• • fl.z.n Caada is made to last It i ' o :Qs.p,;v4- t 107;trgIt is . -a large. toomy oven, reservoir and fire cloors'....It "eeps-:fire e-:With:.60a1 0--Tabsolt-itely hhrantee-everrrangeTwe'-gelt? ' choose exactly w=hateirthiirrill..e.: a-rivr.:c-4stl)inspen:.• ict:Ucir7 _ . . stock ,before.you buy. !rare classy with -a very smooth just -as -good as they -look; --They—are—built of very heavTsteel -- -This-particular range is a housefold favorite from the Atlantic .to the Pacific.: The number -of years' ser -vice that the Happy Thought has given in this section of the country will --prov.e-to- ow -the -satisfaction- usin have•them_ in stock.. . • . : • Sporting Goods for A tumn -A-icomplettock of Game-r-Praps; Shouns, . . Smokeless Powder cartrid .es, Black Powder Cart- ridges, eta. • • In s and Lante`rns .,, We have the most up-to=date assortment of Hang- ing )1 amps, Rayo Lamps, Stand Lamps, Bbdrodm -Lamp's; Knight Lamps.ana Lanterns .ever shqW4 in Luckno*. THE BUSY littilibisfAliE 'that:had befallen .arrex-prisoner of the- . • jail, -jack Murphy ,the st,eeplp4ack. %,""P"."°°"41.1")"*..^ "411/111416.1*,... -1,y• , • He has bc3en )eft a..„large estatebva. cleceased OlatiVe in't.ieltind, Says .the ,. uce .1.4imes, .. Murphy, it ..w.ill be . 'temembered, j'un-ped mit- of -an up - e stars. WindiFiv-Orixoiiiiiiiimotel.,ila was atihsaquently aireated • and it - quitted onn Charge:Ot tabnitipting:', b) commit suiold&',. He has apparently eseaped, -from Itliek. grave to inherita •forttine,,IetiaL week While Tainting • the steeple 'of ' the Formosa Church, the • good) •news Niies,, flashed to him froin- . the . Walkerton jail. Arid the' ' fact that he kept • On wielding ' the • brnshaitei•-`he-heard-the-ritiweraho ' that he didn't low hiasheed like . eanie .3v,haAhave become suddenly and won 44t^fully rich, He lias-fyled -his 'claim': io.the legacy atid1s, no*, awaiting the • coining of rlutVa•goltien showers; AN TNTNaktrIN'O CAB& - A non -jury eits6, that name before Indge., Britton. it the recent Assize. tn,t in Walker-, ton it -reported ,by„ the .11,rade Tithes :S.A.:. follOWSi-L•An. ,action 'bought by, Sohn keit. McArthur' on behalf of ,his tWa. infant- .sons ta macii,er fiern J'Ohn. •and Neil 1Vitean $;4500. ..It toots that shine years ago a &ewer named Alex. MoLoatt oi near •Paisley,' 7.4re'Crwiz Liar Eti'"Tentri; seiate-6-iii", nn)yuigheri • '0:litistitia. • :As the latter bad a. poor' aunt named 1Sarah 'McLean She woo hoi• $4b00 On' eOn- 'clition'Onit 'she: wetild. will - if back. on her death to'.iChristina's children, Snrs,li, . hoWeVor, !plied' without a will and her two heathers,. 1.oha' and •istail etean, thiiined and took one third e- eh of the Money, or $8600 in all. .tr,t ..ehrl MC thilr, buShatid of Chrigiod; -04d the tetan'bi:otbers for the 'en. lire $4.500,' whie& he claimed holoogoit tO his..children, the Jude, hoiet,ttie, 'advised the iiartieg to get together 'Old tietti6 the mat* out. Of coot,. • Staid Values ' APrizer"""a•ktatitto JOYNT SHOE STORE .• ' 4 oo4hoes for Winter .„ ..Our aim has always been to get the best f,00t- *ear ti!`ar money can buy. •• When the, inud and' $110Vit comes ,the best is :required_to_keepj *arm and dry • Kip1'ti!glish Ki and Chrome 4.00, .and 45.00„ . tegginga, 'extra val. • tto.:at 1,25, 1.16,•175, •atra. ,••• , • 1- •• Meti's(I-Teavy ItubberS, Buckeliand Laced, snag proof, prices 2:60, 2.85, and- . , We carry a, very lieayy • atoi:k of Rubbers and, Over.4, • •IStroes for Med, Laciies,, toys' ,1 and •, • . _ • S. nyt' Plain vers. Speci41price 75c„ si2es to 5. ' This is your innings boys., don't rntSs it 111111101101MINIMINIMal Good ShOes•rott. All the Fint1yat ovate Shoe Da 'tic) Everybody. -