HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-11-06, Page 5Ur Sioveniter. 6t11,, X9*$ E kt46:: ',HURON NEWS. I Wiria•bain Town ;$290,4oi1' 801)04 Iimjtitisida - which junk kt•Is _or orceird band Wtores . may' not lie established, , 'ti..140011: 420.00t light from At; - dia,044-1 1.711e;:nieil..ettige; that for the past past 40 ing .expee4 'Went:red •Ih'-'ilte-Lo.:a .eci cigar StulO, . . - , '. : - years bas if',OO between Wroxeter '40d 9ptton oolzmnittoo,.- -- .111,1r#0.:4,1.W.cAlliater;:., :JO_ ,,soine„r-itiina ?„):i.131.P.104 .OS44. , ,trp. 'd .Y.,:,iVinis,Pin.:Trritiii Alen 40 manager of tIm 13,nyal goto, ISmoarof last•weels, -The eld.:method of hand New g'i'a"lif 1. l' •,(.'e .kt (ii4 W 'N'IY,,'...--.."'1 11 . . . . - , 04164, has gollie in boingto., 94, ji,j)1§•* Jing the utiall'has7;g1yen way to rur0.- other c.I.Y.,e0i.r.i.fg, 4 •:kogig,eilaz:in outilifix- ,. , , - ,own account at . •TE,, is ,suo.„ mail .deliverfaxidfithO9)4- stage it's. »9 home .frOin l*inf9rth. Wak_lielt. up.. at. ,cO000,4 40, tt„,Q Apyo by ;(4.00.,, ,..LTelirler., longer reqni 1 eit" ''Tlie -sge ''be0,'001,1 Stapleton hill and relieved of gliree. .. . . *son,0, •:00000,h, . . bottles'.of ligtior : whilo itt OL-4ifekeent-- 41404, ;it 10,..ruppred hy,woutlpgtog • Mr.-inn:IT:Mrs:4M. S.t./;:-.illOnnt •Itiiiilt. .• W. Q, 111,10.4,r0,. the ,ant4:-...eiper• 0,1, . - -The. 400,r04404t 1,117e,,,c,tko,, ‘: p4,-b-ii.e:: .0,1 ft ,f46-,06i-no.,•04.1w: .. . Wingliam, iris openecinb• machine alio., i,t4rgs,hiso, yir..<44 _ A N 9 te'd .394.44fill 040 ' 3,,e_ok-04:4,,,iiii-ol:i .'t60.-. 4p1T.10;-, jp,i,4,3.1.11k.,n, the rciA Ofuce b•widing. re -B-r":oW:nomei's",,--4iT'Y'r.o.ae.Mitij7"114riklii.td"ir-. ie. 1r4t4ettite4a4c4Iii3°Tdhurr af24avele4hitaa afdrOliel.1 '''t°141C10:1'7c3-7'');:i°741.1-897'4'.413;::* Sta41 er : r litt)c'k W,i-t1/114447;. ' --. ' ' ''.. r ' ' ' ' ' • ''' r 5' . ' '''' '' ti ' ; 'erected-.thofe..-taro----fo-0-0----14-6- troit-,-1Was---Striick'-lii-antiao--W-141e- ;;Irink• . We also linaird-th„at ' aino'ntIt'itihegr,' 14,48-V60-14- $1.944.47'414-7.04.0..--.:NveOk' ' ..rj,Ci.se'Plt-;,-.Varlter.-.4*-7110---,,h4S...,40Oik:.* '''buildink'satinfactot*Y444`forciallyllior :-‘v044ing'134tthe-741.06b•-9t ‘4'.4•14't-':citir"- "Per°911-1°.:4-:Y41441;tilt4igi4747 — . . , . end WAtitiehye.:'-fr.iernt.". -Ane Camp • •iti$40Q, of. tho.liefAce at fc..i:neb..17cliP'13:195' 'it off the:hands Of itho,OPUtractOr;,11Wr. He- a- thrown to: illo '14vomxtr,o, '1.4,3,', -1:t 411.'"."4.•thr°..,FS1#.•sidew,!'IIF': ' • - :......,' .--,...,,,s..„.Lii-4,:•,,,eo• ilia . --fig..47nkr,441.4.417.-v-M-AP.,nitkpitsiticon,•;:ftw.c. 410•Kensier --.--•:•--4.7`.---"; ''' '-'. zoefiripTin-jurieoni--,wlifichli-e----41ied''''`;'.'::IIiii, ri.$07.-uniii-;-=.&-,--illitiaifiektality. ' has been a -visitor .. for .the Daet.Alitec" 44- to impairei-hearing;----•-• : - . John atr4ftotii 00 .1vro.xister,,„,witiyir, Aim,itly4,.•,:ttplire.'036Aint. was 'at3 . years of •.0oeurred in the 'Wine' of Ajr.. smil .3401‘,_,,,.week.,, tho,. „home, ..-...Ofj,lie,r, anot;:-.Atot -, . , - . . . were brought , ames Kirkl nd, near wo, oh . The. women of : Whitton ••ate. after '91 'Fears of age, . Nyt, Op niii.th 41Ast Win Collins. - . .,, r 11°6 I opt ionlfor tliei 1... toni-.:, ..11.hv 'kat .., _!,,o,ir,m.:::.iiito_ti.:hceor;ottio,j4,,e4,1.,ii,y,...r.re.hoiaveoflodi,...1.igitzt,:otgle '13'1';:lv!:,,I:Tf-aPyt'ioiPre.,:;.,ir 7,11,;.0,..4....1.„...,,,..u.:ie'enrig.:',007w1.4,14P8.4071-09-31;:s.-Art.1)30-4biiiri-i'0(;viaic-st'et. l'irm Week Icerivaased the town for funds :"'"''''''gT 4 'Ilfac-.W.M.'dfilbert ifsititliii":-Siii-er'' McPherson, '• of •IfOlyreod • last'' w ot'eliT i.lbo•egrrv.o.n the tight. , . ancl•lia,f., not for many years .ndoso,ka ..p.iichecl through the: bankruptcy ..Of, the floor, ittid_.whilo-lirs.- Kirkland ',,e" ---k... ..- ' • '' ' ' :in Car,44 :to. the...riirsi -mail:4,4,m.y . season- for deer.. . u--,- .. ..; . . .orr..,, niki..5 oo4r y .6.0,00Q.„1,o5's trip-. to ...th.of fierth:: -40110g, oki • open -Maybe H-Irirsififc-Vo ii mission mer4 -.•-.4"v• irirrgerfrogwe-coicrwaxerwitir chalk t,l, . of Toronto. 'Ilf:reeently.shipp, which to temper the -.hotl her littlason. -.":70.r431.0.' . .,-,.W....0,...i..,,,Aioak4trooldlia...fo,thofirmr?ta.st.mighteen.,nrionths.:Old,-, foll..into, the pail -' ,..:',systein.. 7.(4.:thirs • , Ontario- has --,..V.V:-.EI.--S. inipsoni"who- died -10v week'. , . „. „ ;,... „...,.,,...,•._,,,thau„ all the .0,, iior 'prov..inc..,scoinbined. in Clinton attheA,440_,' of..,#A,; Aiyaillor. 2,.0' :,',Ib.oili,o73.titeliir6y.i7..6tiniirti;ia-746317.17-trt4:2i6e0d:9t.'14;11Y7-1.4tgi'de441-14t7libti'ticlb'c'fdelfi;11 l'r4' - 'Arne!' _YfOctiitinitipe. °.,-tTile, 6, ce,4"-tl. 1.4.e'•4,1,'"`r . ' :;:ti::-• T.,-Atbnes-. ter.' twenty:I': parki_ ",,,:yearikatiff reie____Ark.#14_,,,...reep___,,,,,,_, itio- pa:raly.L., , , - --4--TuesdaY, Nov,. 4th.. ....,,s.iii..1.04.01,„,,lb:03,0,0,0L,,,:o.ricii.t,oro--. -fii.4-"...Tikiiio.)-;;IP-WilikUppeCi'liistr.Cligth 7-*'11:9rr-ritelir'eveliHtTcrt14,0'..c4eck--491.'cliilIn: :V. Pett7F-,h04.',07.-fie,.0.4,411..fiftel'•,:qtig:in:this...vi 44,111-1311kketo.k.in.w: C,:),',."-i,'8.eafortlii,..•,Itils, '40.intill-hePasse'r1;'-avva'Y'-lie-''din'olint'tnir''''inrezit.''•'h"?.;NY'SP-14".:074"..'th•F'',#'194'“4#47419•• -T:'''W111,it.."-..kirirtillt(e04.1)11•410;44;‘: IS'Oi:',- '.' john.Webster has,aiTived ho' •-ag i" '••••:•14.6*.04,..Ornp4yte still..t)onSitiosSi'ciii, r.#Ouile`,Of;-*Reftige,..-%Y.berei-4 its,.'''Ins,',•Own -•IfT;i'cl...;,.., * .' '. ' • •..••' ' •• . ' • -. ' ,:•... ,' , ' . year ago the; ate gary,ey..•,. eV0?0:.ef.L.,, from his trip, up ):, ..Zt.,Torth:: ,..' • ,., • • • 'alt aid go..linii*in the,dark" finds Mi„ei waadiscovered 'Soon after. fallii*; • , .. . '-ijiS-:;;A•JI -h66-it-,, •:-.• . . '.•. :•-t: - • . '.r.,Nuest,,..ne .'had.;beeci,-.takentim the '*, . r*A 01.1E WO ':a '4 Y t . Loss • -Ed':k4s.c6-.'. : .,!, ° .....:.1 : 4,11' ,:.., c".. ,1.--ig-..7:Pi ...F.e.f.4,9P.t..Y.,!Xc.. .„..,..:. r..4nd :: rs: i...Bert _..Thotnp'son. .sperit i t. ')k) in 4rid.,. ,1)... F.-. ' Ha Mt' OA ' 11.4Y•P . ..,Aiiitiii,. . . •...- ,. ... -i ' , - - ., • -.•'..-; „-,-,riyer., z -,f .1,4e .' trOnsenc, lpiiie," „Zuriek,, Oil4Oh.tallY•kiliojocik, out ii. 109 ' inane, •gnudaynt.40.. maitin . . ...,,, _ ..... ._ .... _., ..., nee po ., ttli A Iglooner-of C inton Vi ''; • e tk- ' k* • ;:. : - ' ..ilocon•antoing• •over ''. :1El'uO:ir.)'•:9:00.0Y • tik." a:.o.::170'°g:ilfI3rai.:0Poild°..,;,,..':Aerx"-rthi;ilptiPoil:kiir`014v',.Pputg*is,'Tailtil. sZdi.11!(.70.' laaor..7f8'‘:•7°3-14..;--c;.7g.1111'ag..11n.74.,43,n3704i•I'',.1,4*.i.44.,°•-r•'•i)3. :.(36' .411 '''‘Ps,.•;11.i;e°:4:1:t1:4re.:01' inlainio.in4'f.'hil':''';'''-er..':.:: Irwin,.1'7::i,gf:.'•,. ,.77:1',,..7,e.'lai.:*5,1t.ti:.gt4.61'....C..-:1:17.1.1,171.4rt7':' .44 es t Of Material ' for • exhibition.......at the. I tortionittirsi,ShoSw.te'boheld'atf To ' InnWthri-iTtalgill. . . .. . .61114rholmi Iiit• Week:, , . •• chaniPion;''. Viiited • -A:A:ill juht,r. .g••14&:Buetit.noi,s'., ..:-.161.,Z_4,,„1?e,"Ht.4.h4i,.0.4flk'phlii_4(5.+ItOt.0:07p11,11:40_04t.:..,ff.§;.4.0bettaiy.7v-.;-Zieliedds',11.3.0'.105?Y-g-af.to;- . r otrotitc, ork-Tiid.. ,-4„iiiii,x.,a,:g04, oillie, a,4,1,,,iii,,,,4,0,7:rii.,,,..: 11..1,(1m.,,,,,411,11•: es.s' .. ,m,..a.e.v•:;34.c.Let67 :-oex.:4ibifit,ii:.:71:4:u7,6-oxiiii-g-'-it4iii6 .t.iipie Tin'eshing had .heeic.--cOmplefed --that ,: Leiegr-the' .Policy:LilukiHdoW0,',.-and;:otitl';'sO ::vis.ifed--_-s-(-,A141-,...gioton-mbli-47.-ary....re6e0./,,. ....„.___„;,•,,`.4disolvirnodf,721,7.=-78-iwiss•AUldip,,ETITrnatt).-.-....-,-,_- .- •,. .,•• jisilitai , : „not,,,know„nbizt.that_thefire Originate& Atioper in_forlinerUhemAlicitAtie-'41tona latto;oliiiiiKroinirkkiwhi.i..;iiiiiiik, ifeii b -e -e -i--, _r_soor,ning:akk,filaorti.nin6:67-ele,.elilli,ifirl:ft .i.a -wei'.'e . very agreeably 'aitif-rikiediliir7c, "ly. . •-•,, .., ••, . . . , . . '-• •. ,f,. :; . ,,,....,:,,',: ,. 7!;.• • 'of thc• ..*: 'Cul rects:-'Puthberiy • lio u iiditiy, - ..Por sone . tune the pair : have. • :.1,:kvn brother.i, ltpie,ri01{. and Heetor, .- yiglroiry or their early 1.10238, , poi';:kr'.e.- ,v.'": ',-...1;:orn.a..: 8 pa.. i'''''f, ,r,OPI). fighie:_-.Thr3 mg --i;1-'' lianY170414 iiilY tinFj o' n. thOliti.a".0 l101- • 'yisiteckiSlativeS •in ; Luc -know *list ,Suir-' and one sisteri :IVlissIVtaggles . - , . , Was a Chatham bov. . , ...„... . , . is ,p0rti.py uovere. , y insurance . . i lars;• lees the ,:•unpaid :pregaiunort with , *day, .... . . • .' ''. . '. '.:-. '... ;„ .: . ' . .. ... .., rrim .p A 0 valixliutfil upy..jionisnr, in.t.e,r, _eat. The ectioti,o. f the : 'QopaHia...cy.; ..F, ra- oeiir-pciy.: fe__:-.44.:_alt • tiliai.tr.,:0,. ., ,,,,,,,:.. After he ..,,e g„ P ....stn.? aSte r'.:nt: $es,f4th- . :. grs, „pips ,..00sa0.4 t%.,A,i.1,,Agoctlpsident,,:i :-.t.hydottfAakeritiler'D'VafttPfft'liks"_!. :,,,WW.99.:;'.iiii.44,.li: 41;4 0,44fi30.,..kil:•31*!..latt: •-yeryIne towS latelYlo' Jain rinstrong --4----.4.10-141,,P.a4,344174:54'•ixtiel,JaieltaOlIL '' of ..tife,J*.044.40,CL.Ci,11-.41.kiii-Od.Y! (in i'ero:sifixid the: iii uatine..of asking.: the *.•;'id• OttleHNThily; .. , ,.. • • ' ' . : • Telkigrave. • '. • • . : . ' _ ukinton_Ternpeignaj'ee-k''' iotkeis---th"-beari tb-i-l4TAI-i.9,•-r. M-A-W-t-..:-Bittoi517.414-.'-. .'''''. rhe ' Ilif. S's-kalierTfid.al-e,, wif-'o i --41s. a te. Ming . '''' • ' .: ,' is: • to' be reiOni-ect fitotir (ace. • • His.' Tdonday -night.efla:st week; ,as 4C:rest:kit'. ,,,,'"..- ' ' . • - :,,L82,1LeessO.i..1.iikiilLhe--40itiri_-..k. ---Virilliuliao; -6f2failing--down--ithe' -celikr--Istai-r-wo-g,---thp ..,„,,,,,,,Ro-ii-A„ 01'_, '-fem'aitialre•=7: .1[:•t-7-41:.:.-ita-ia-8-1-haTO,13014171-1114;-ntgiriata-fah---SCh001-11-e:Y.R1101411377apeat., :the ,- 7-----. ty)f, Z.9.1.;(,:' It 4 ;;Oit-,*„.14o* 0. .0-10:7,,,h-T.O,48'40,,f4age-,;. :Sii, p•-had-TjuierM:to ,,ti.-7-',"Tr.riotiliittici,...rnot-o,....,,a., t;:-..70,i47.01.''',..11-3z,),a,-:;--,,,..;piet_i...."th-62768-Ithiv-horeis,..pa:ivirook-or,sorsay'r'itio-C.linto.4.-/..T. ,ow -s- -wook-eno,-at-home,-.-.. •• ,••-..,.: • '.-, ' -,...---.:-.,-.. A PaisleY 'clerk; *WhO. .evidently: IS. 16114144 PozilitiO41 Moe Jai lilt' ogrirt th OS: .: Record. i and it May..'be: that ' the' ; will - MisS: Mary,. 7Kennalen .hig gene ;:t0 tin,..t tit •Forroosa.,. ,,,i5fer•e.t,tnipa,,,e0,yf' . , --47-ifitt.AiliYgtr-...e4Wfiglittnr-'ayafeiiii, .'hio:e*pireil ibOut. an...leuiafte'r. . She. : i: .._. naLs' en.Lto_thel,:president,..:.0.71,.....ft..qi_e_riiiTdemenye.t.__Thezeason,-iiiAhat-a- ! feat4Ire-nneasare-Lhot4-144.7i'; .and, .doiltinge:_taditiangard,sqherluletinte-fnr-i-V;i4g,..olicLatntallitiagi.cialsofesoillege;71ierti.'tshe:: c.nd intimates that it is diffioult todis' Ii4till'106.e's ilfligii.. - ---.'77------ is,...,' chegne: fnr-$2$0 to assist in pay. gang of men haVe:hoi.p.,.i,t WOrk repair: . 'Leo Kelly has again returned . to his •, ' ; • ;., • • . . - -.! ..::.: • - ' ' '.. inc, :and. erectin 0 niiiv . hi idges on ' the 'old: place' laving...engaged "th J'.1),* - - run' between .GodenCh• and: .Stratfoid Gibbons f6r'a shorkterm,.. the iii-iik now - being on That : .044 ,of Miss, Stigtosta Haines.: . ' bag.- -arrived the line between QlintOnand thecoun., honte..fromber sister's,. Mrs..: Robt.... V town. ' In Of thirteen new bridges 1.11cherSoit's,...Of Grand 5Vallev4:...., , , - ,IR 1.11 : of "VarYiag_sizeS•ain'being.,b4iltoni.thiou ... .:There_vkas, no.: service- .at the...E'ethet •,.. stretehoUroad...',.:Tbe.7,Werk-H-inlist--he- -.aPpointiii:entiast--Sticdocconny* :11:1Caiheteinfiiiks4iid.zoOtis647.rithw- .pothieri:•65:•ettner:tin.:eirtrierl'vleer:g.weelog414-f;..T..4ifae,l_ders',:ii:45 is being.earried.,on Under. diffieUlties. ce- -""--''''----',N. . BTW PN -4: -.00„:5...'tilcineli,-.",TiiefidaY ,, . - -, __Sundeay,apti.iit.v.h;rsuasroyal!s.e..br;i7c; -9-, -"0-...:-..•. Th. 'A '. '. ' ' ' ' of '. ;-:LOY.el. • afterticiOn. Ore was !discovered in 11... C ' . -Lingerie , N _,„,-..,,,,, 0-7,, Soldtin's fine barn about a,quOter, Mile. ne:xt Sinaday.. • ..itev...::111r: Miilerl will. t '.6disi Church at Calvin, will be • held' (4. ''.- .. ',..,;11 • _ fr6/10.98411,---4-kr.... Soldan( • hal-,onit-iii-,eiehtli_moi-igig.,..ind---;:-.0---igtit.... .. viet ninyed...iiiiiis4ne..71Mise..3cavz-the--.-faxm-: w.A.ke.,:;heiii,,,ti!,,k,?mtefiable,,,,,,ok,-.6- - 40671Wileir-7-4-1-41F--intd7thel-1•carn•-•-rediVitrel7' * • On .Saturday; Nov. ' ist;; • Mt. ' McLean. We have just. phieed in Stlek... .lot '..: ' i,,,,_ .4 a yel4,,vide Or over can . be purchased ,.. Yerrthiestit:eoVii:d., •Ofil ed and it Was% tonsidei et; ..0oifiie.441...._.trt: i -N,,%.--,.,. , N Y :..itir.B;ilnkgli.,..'M.S1 141i;:notitit:::?:,nti? . No .:- of:lancy collars. arid rachink.;.. • to give* * ' at'PriCetiPraligint.iroin,.$1XKKto" $1 O, . .., . ,l'Ingl-4 ..,:vs.,,the„riospg,tor... the-oienitie,i.,;-.--frona--Beigiiire7-tiay-of- 14h -fa ,(kitioi .. touches to 'ladies' • pOita-thass• . , . it is: no, WOndei;Tthat'., tinnily, ..'ef' theni.:., ligIttS Corriplote4:::There:, was:: a : high. and •Weetfild .and..retu.rn. to ' BelgraVe..:' are'iiiirefie,SO4.-and-'•.,-bur ...biisitieis::In. 'vvilt:cralgrtli:615..`444744.1:k.iIi441*.4154•1,4.- .-:-.M-r-a 31-..--E1 Chan man,7;Wicie:':usedi:'te. Thes •iineltide beipure:.C011ar• atiiitouir ..ilks..,lieConie laAtirge : • utie...:... Xe. -,haYsti .. .. ed;,,, toe. -.41Uel..1.•=iiinpatlii•ls-,-.4.presSesi '_kce,P;.a.gei.iertil_store in ()tie: burg, ',•liaS . _set3;i•aliPurer*C,011arS; Qiieen Elizabeth.: . - in stock rich Stift PAiLLETTETSILKS ,a1,.. ... ..657klicfr.; .5eilliii,. W fie: is:one of-gease06- • aOtiti•-takenr•-the- Marriage' :Uncle, -iiiii.h.- -,-. ,,,,,,,,r . , , Oi_iit-P•r.Prrising•fitisiness..ffneeni:1hoto,e:,:ofk ,211.11-:-N,;:',A0Fieggei.tef-,;7the.tir‘ottite_St',T ±C.011ars;.;13,4spiorre Collarq StlIt__Lgnr. __:__ 01.I, a. yard. iti the_ :following,. shitiles . , . oWner of.:-the•Plaiiinif-Mill. 'Thenrigin and intends'inoifirig.:away there in .the navy,101.sok,.,•00; .Cepenhagen,. :•-hrOW:nt . of the,,:gre..is a--mirstery. tbe.inniaanee' near•futere:: ' We sincerely wish thent ..broidered:•. Collars ..iri :ire*01;:',Flowor , . . . . and t_ulgariaolistyleSPleated .. Net . • 04:, tan, ivory, pink, yellow, ,..hlabli, , ii; smal!. . : •:. :'.: , ' • . • ' • . I; - ini.liane4ea'halipfop!irs,, :,a,hi.k, '_:snecess in. their . ,. , . . . auJ . White-1CM Shot '''effeets::'-'-Then -.4.1firar,4' MAY PqNiqiti). :.''. .:- - - - , • • ,.• , 1110011ga for slotiv-OraTidlyailt-Sf WOW .. .. -. We.. have ..the • rich.. SORT . •DOonges• ,, .Mr, HetiginS, of Toronto, agent. • for • ::**;----it7 • • - • . .the girls' Home of.,:Peterbor0,, came to :. which is a.fsd, a yard :: Wine; in black, ' , 'And:lugs, ,fOr:- Co'llaisf all -it poiiiilar:'. -gxeter on *Wednesday 'last and , swore • ...• ., , ., • - • , ••..., i .pearl.g.rey;Iyory. and -figured iesela ..,` --kitt a Warrant, for .Gleorge H. iNtrigltt, prick .' ..-•....Shaileiat 41.50-'4 *yard._ . ' _.___ •„__-_,,__ chareng:him, with. aggraiated, assault ' , . - :. _ .)arrilos--e4feCollTta• , glit 7-451-.17:'7•Seme three Week ago Air:, .virright,*14404,1'0,_ --thelidirie=fni*gtil*cloSerwr :-* The neighbori400i0a,.ined:_:.tliat:sheliiii been unduly beaten:, On SUctday she. Wassent to,:StindaY school, • but instead. Went to ' "a neighbor' and ' showed 'her binises-whiehle-d-r64Arriuremirrberng.- -laid. Censtahle-W,..IVBiesett;-ofExeWr, arrested' . Mr. • Wright', '.dir . Weidneaday iftertionii and he -was. Triet:iii *''Iiireter., 'Ilifin-O7"MajiStira-W.':":Diders., .Whe ii• • th e :Case' •Wasios3lettitiAgstrt,,aciA... --rititir'T.'• v.. Dickson •askal• that the T. L,,,t14.1itt4,.O.V,,00. TA; Ptillite-7(frOvs —,Tuesdirao Hoktglas visitkstfkkr,severaf days. with her aunt, Xts, .1:$411 Logan,' Mrs. Jas. Howarit,„, the guest of Milt, ames Pollock, hist ;Brussels and OraRkor,folvie disenntino-, week s for :Or% ,4 ,edai Black SflkWaits !There are -two -very -pretty styles of these,, and - the sizes run from 44 ,to 42. The 'prices are:from 4-1-3i0Qztor.3.50.-.an1;;;the„-xa1ue....ifs:easily4t-50ents-Ito-a-. • .dollar welle-d-Ribbon-Ban - -Tikese'-ii+e-very-new-and-Very-pretty. are'set insilk velvet ribbons making a. very praty,band.:for..either-the.neck0r thEt hr, for 0c . .„ ane y Sti et) stook d'd . . •- of 11ri's Sat 1:fats in all the 'Stirling: from 801119 of the woilds' best iriarrittict, urcts lri:Pur Potts; 'Tweeds,; a. ran.;03 of eolots and priest .1i'; • ; Elannelette ,Bla.nRetq, . . , , •.,.. , r„-,::_,!,71S-Iiiilatd.liankets_ate 'doing' to tit,li54 lanip In pride in fact litany have already raised, therm - We have a'.t.xg. stock. en and at: yqy .special prices, but as soonas we have to buy -again -the 'pt:too,8tzl1.go "-Eni$ Our pricei-Larel new ..as - ;inflows for .Va lions 4,Ses and,niakes $I.10, 1,2'5,•:..1. 46, .1.60, . arid -l.7.5 Buvannelette ds nccw. - ,Night Slitrtg We,Italie in stock two special vai ties in Men's Flanne!ette -Ng•_ , n . „ ont rtar.A`h . a re .:xnacle---of4 -extra,lepianty -Urge seU made and perfect fitting'7 ents and 1.00 Men's Black Overcoats .. White vie Iteep a big itock �f heavy tweed evercoats"in Variet)i, or glades, and prices we Cis° keep onn-fiabd-a.7-hir • Steck of filac 1101 -ver Overe6ittslfer thcs.e who prefer Itheni a. splendid: iarigeicif qrialities, to sell. at 7, . 1.0.00; 1*24.6, 14,06 and. 15.:00 Thai*S'pec!al BiirSUk charge be reduced' fronl aggravated' to ThnasTih,.whkfa Was finally agread _ to Mr Dickson, on behalf of his :pleaded- guilty. ‘''Mr..,Wright was.• fined $0 and ordered to pay the doctOr's and all expense - and- all oosts connected with:•4 the trial. ,His -lordship 'further warned him that the, court had dealt very leniently with him and, hoped it ,wOuld;beeti6s-on to hiwnever tgaln ,t0" se ill-use any human being. The hall was filled with speetators; niostly.farrei, • 1Vetfoid tVaS--intur burg- on- *Sunday' evening. : ' _visiting at 34. e,1% Haklenby's. Alia. D. Murrat and Mrs 0 tlether, ton ' visited friend's in liangaide .on Sat- ' urday MrST-AiithOny, Ruth,. Of -}reWeith,. spent a few 'lays: last week at., WM. Palma- and • Miss. Lizzie Qassidy, visited at Ed. Ben- -Itinger'S-4-.Riversda1e, on Sunday:-., 11 Moffat'4Ca.)6444: is made to last: .. It.. cOntructed to.save fuel It requires no poliSh.aceept"the. lids: -Ir has a large. rod ,*;09,;V:.en,,,,.reset-VOir'ria., fire tioOr_sf: eepSifi_re all iiightig#66:41_0_r—woOd:''....- We alcisotti;tet 44.raillee•eyerrranke:-yWsell,. Our fulrs• tOCk rAeaters -will enable',.every-- customer to ChonSe'.exaCtIy what suits hin call, ad iuSpectour efore you -buy; — atiges They are clasSy With a very. ..smoOth finish- and Just as good as(hey look. They are: :* built of? very' 1Wivy•steel giving them dnrability. This. ..-Oar-tacular. range is 'a .liouseh ?Id favorite from the:Atlantic' to the Paczflc The nuinbeiOf years. service th.ai: the :•air.flpy Thoughthas given in this: section 'Of -the 7country will prove to you the satisfaction of using the best. We. -he-them-iii st:ack , ,-.11/fonday, No. 3rd. • Hurrah for.Truak!--- , John Dyatt, of Itaas, -Called .in the. village this week.• , , • • Mrs'.Colliris and Miss L. Smith 'teek id the fowl -supper at'Ziou -last-week. , Mrs. Webb and her daughter; Miss Arina,ire friendi around. Kin- ers from: Wsborne. . , • *11.i.itigk 134,,f0t4Tio-_Tit161 ,444,The :pixy- .1 Quite a number Ineni 'here attended ham Ohroniele gives;thefollowing ae the Anniversary services at ,I3ervie count of •a -4,3thaWayaceident. which Sunday W. Russel has ..returned. from the West li.d.s..-4.4).ken,dharge :of the Luck pow - tageth..• Hallowiren-pasiied away quietly. Per- haps the disagreeable weather had.Senie. thing•tO de With it. • • Mr. and Mrs. Richardson have 'return;• Rd froth the -West, and spent' a few days nifty have fatal rosults:, ".White dfiV, ing from town .on.Tiiesdayeveuing, about lialtpast met, withaserionsancident, nd at time of -going topress is still:in, an. unctrinfoniecondition-:,•:ilici husband - and son, Fred, about 14, years' of •age, were in the buggy at the, time. AS they were in front of the Durham cm- in the village last week. ' etery, the horse showed signs of per.; • and Airs. :Edgar Harrison and _ • voisness_which caused Mrs, -Tiegy baby,-- Ross,. of-Wingliam, spent Sunday - fear ...that a train was apprOacbing,. with Mr..and Mrs.•Harrisonot the" 141 - Mr' BOST-at' once topk the lines from lag. his Bon,- and tried to control the. an irnaJ which, by this time,became fitilc• tiOus and started to run • towards the tailivay-crossinvind Mr, -•Reay tried .to pull the aninial :to the 'side of the r whet One of the lines broke and. 1 &ise •aind :buggy. rledint inoving t TEirt wasupset and' the occupants thrown ont.4 The1 ,bug4 ;04,3s Was badly smashed nn.d itra;. ".1tteay •vety 'seriously injured., her head, being deeplv ent irc three plaCtos. The father,000, ,for souvenirs $17,500, lot clecetti4: son and horse Wet° appetehtly tinhurt...-tions $10,000', and for eatertainme4 .Mts, Reay a wcinan about /0 yeate :$t,500 'Among the diversions provided of age, and gfave tiOlibts are entertehl. at tha COagia'S .119tel, Iyhate the barii- ' ed as o her chailges'fot.reeeVererY. quet_was held', 'as a real fox hunt ' - .) • •ivoedereoaatitleta-have . More for bacon than tett years age, 111'4. , _ ...op , more fo pork ch s 1015 More or .Paramount . 7 . 9 , round 'steak., 7p, o. -more or amain, steak Aibert ToWle ,is oecupying tWo h • oniee, -Crowers G11, d- one in Lnekne*, and the.other hi Pata • MondaY Vitas a..busY d;ry"' here, oery- body. ,Iyustling to get their roots pp be- fore Winteii tate , This 'fine bbick Alciusselirts Silk is thanufactifred expresq- li for to arid our name aria:priori *oven in edge, if we did ' noticno'w it wris first. cl)N4,valize, and would give etery satis- : '- faetion, we would net have our natne there; ive have already Sold' a lot of this fine silk, and *e,.believe the trade in it will ., greatly gi-ov, it is! a'yard, wide, slid the priori iS .$1 26: , r r ta.Wee$4or $ in , , • , These Drawers itea eisstio tio.,„vipy Sloss std are Anely ,fteede:1: The' are sPlend0 toe. the-.,javehtes OW foil, and being black t hey do • net ,,e1 TlYt .:fhtOligh the steekingS„ defect in White colored draWer-, We .arpiihoOtigithoso.iii as ton' raige o sizeS with 'prices thesaitifi as, last yosi, • 24:,o•W ,. • COST OF IllOff LVVING . •, ,The Chicago Meat; Packets Associa.:• tion, seyen hundred strong, Sat &mil to a banquet costing $150,000. J. (Ogden' Afkinotir,11)1Ilti-fnillionalte."pdaket;-.paid! for-flie spread, and -resolved to make , it- - tlieinest mugnifiCent feast of. the kind; ever beld'in .A.merlca. For the dinner. $1.00 plate was spent, or '$704000; for the Costumes of guests , and waiters $56, Allss Sarah .1c1(enzie -and Mira. , Meltintion, of Kin1os, called • to see •their uncle, Jelin Melienikii teat Week. , Odr, eheeseinakeri Mr. Frater, • has „ . ,taken hiS departure,. to day Jas. Mardi ray wi1lthish the caring c'f tl .• ehseSe:. Stuart liohertsoo has bees without, a. h000keepot lately, „Thske are Several girls' who' Stttst4sd.viee on this • 600P.HEALTH vial and Vitality 'Ate assured ,if You Will' cleakise • yetit.: stomach ' of •tinligested' fond. .and ..fottl ,gases; the ezc.s bil. fibin the fiver nd 'the: *asie: waiter; front iheintestin es and tieNtpla, hythe use ,of , • FIdHPILLS: the great fruit, kidney, •11.Verstunts& . and Wel' teinetryi • , all deeleke 0' and 50 cent hOUttit Ltnaltna'110'-get,Liall'eto;.,SLtiloit(de : ri 00 .0' I : -coni.pjete swck of Game ,Traps,...RiflesrShot-Gunsi- - S.MokeleSs' Powder.-Cattridges; ;-131ack. Powder'-eart=- • . riclges, etc. a -erns 4." , We have .the hiOst upto-..da,:te,a,SsOrtrnent of Hang- ing 1 arnp, RaVo,Laiiipsi 11W-roOm La.ipps, Knight Lamps and Lanterns e'er shown .in LucknoW:r Tim HARD Atirlitotttg. 'Slim Prides Stout 'Vales ' • „ We have link received ?, shipment of "Sinart, Set" Ladies' 'fine. shoes, 'Thesephoos #re pet fitters, and are niada ore .stylish. lasts 'Which giVe the feet it neat appearancG We have them in Pq.t lucher and utton wth mat kid, top, Pit, tutton with cloth top and, Gnu Metal with cloth, t.op. The- ist,teos ate $3..59; $8,-751, and $4,00., " PairilimmA4 •440•1•00+00401*OrANAssoP*07.4C, JOYiT S.110E STORE Steal! Pioflts' 'Quick Returni • , 4, 1- BANS : • -6 riltibittsettSbn iS. lierc#. We arelpreprared foelt .wi,th a eelik. Pete' iltoek of .61,10et ,tabfie.' rs' tirade, on lasts. to fit all sliapns :of :l ' * • . -I .. 1 .•..._.. .), "4 Shoes, 11 • uare Shoe Deitt, v lid. Girt