HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-08-28, Page 6•44
su ean
t (Mir it�r
k Panetta Silk ......
Ie ek and Colored Pailette Silk ,
eefii itn_BeY tight Vests .
OEend Pote •
regolar-131.,and Itic-for c
.• regular.-• ch. fOr ;
, .
....regular • • .$1,',.25 for ,$1,()Q-..
„ieguar 1 00 ioi 739.-
.$1,75 for f:$1i0.0
•regularl':50 arid .$1,7t f9r-..-.in,1-11.;
• SI;
Odd Lines•
'Pubiiebed, every Tlinteda7.mea'aing
Peraiiirrinr--1( 'Paid hrittr
nuni,- Oddly' in advance; „.;
, , •
. •
• 4,,,DY$.1tilEANCi;
NiiiiihatTratis "triade leneWir on'aPplleatian,
write for rate cid.• h '• ;
- .tioshoading,0tentspo line per Insertion, 'With'
any h.adVertisOm-E
ent.iheekOstnr hriNalah-i-!opr,
sey en • word* constitute a line.1-.• klegal, -gum_
141'..;000eitdakOr‘thAirVatnthadY'17 .),,•-1730:Mt41
notion Salo, or other, advertiseingiits or which. .
bikher'rateS are charged will heleSerted 14141efi
tins-hoe:Ong extent!hy ,reqtreStibut it so insert- -
erVirtil be charged fee ,-ctit oar regular rates, tor
that claSs,aiidvertiSink, which, see, beloari - '
„ , . .
Liseati Moirorrac,:GovEuNiannTaliCoinp
ant, or corporation.. advertising. *obi WW1:1y,
heeding; otforeihieh:Spetitiljapsithinhis refitleSV,
IIII poSition reeeiVed.• to cents per line frit,
iirst inSertion, arid 3 cents.,per linehter orich-rairb-
seguent innertion. ;41Ieaph., headings or title§ Of;
ralyertisementsecanit hawturehlingS•eacli.,'
. , ,
•• 4X0TioN;h4Anns.,-Adrertisen'ients under,:tbis
• ea';hatithii",oilic.e.."'•15;hoenterPerh"line Yak '13k
meek charge, of 41,,etintc perta'sertionl'S
•oharnsoictotahlientiniertioneesont-ar th
h. tien'afttretpUbiliher,, iteationinghtromeopy
• seVen-woro:eosstitate a'Aine;..atid",each .1w -ore.
• . ;
, , . ,
;•-iit•-•-lecal•LOr4cli otriews,.._cohinana•
` display advertiSera„ S.tents ;per line.per
Jen; to. beeinho parties who, are not: ,and whose
opcisitionle,a4v,ertising diaplayr. 2,,,5 tents
' ,per_line-L.T.o.,•others,•excep.tjayhepeigatoontraet;
, , , . . ,
. all.suoliheing charged ..forilexoeptat the
. optioirrif the- publielier,), at same:Altos •and, 'en;
sarnObOnditions,„ ittt ilionnce Etinte, ,wbiuh
..co holuw
'-f'OR SALE advettfireineiitSiolany esorip
-1,(100,nt.11Plirl_ine; with Milli131311/33,0131.1p39; .C10
Oluoi nilat 1-3-113431t1Q11: ; • " • • r;
:•headingv-siune„rateshandr.OU.Saxii,e conditions.as
Auction' Salo' Notibes. • •
. . ,
ialth ti
miidniurn tbringont 50 tenth peritisertain • .
-a 0 erin-ttie toliciwIng--goods a.
prices to interest everybody,
. .
.regOlor' fo • $1 95,
. -V.25 •65
4.•". 00. " 145 •
" 1.75 1-35
. • 1 45 -1. :1 .25 .•
• " 135 100
" h. 65 '
_ regular Wcfor l'fie.
. . 30e,. .. .20e.
anima, s........ . regular, h$3„ .50 for $2 24: •
" • 2 , 00 • 44 • 1' 25
' 50; ." 1 OQ
I've us„a,- Our stock of Granite
Ware' is the best MOney can. .bui.
Tlusi8 a copy of oat Reall Sore Mvortisement in last week's' Ongniit '23rd ) hSatiltday Bvening Post.
. .
Read it and FrO4 by it.
:-. .•daCtUri1
440St 28111 I
• '
, .,
EREatisiontibien'ilteotetssttiiiiieg.bexutiymiopolepuobf ;hi:7. „uchresit lantoelti)ingleptia. til.)0,0-uo:toesr; ..,.a.r..4.tooef;';npy.b4autoc). dtaiL,(0)fr'i rotooTjlt,6h,tiltrol,e,nwiilt:iocumatqrup..airh,toihifhi3Pt:Ii,ht.i'04.,..61'h:!..6.34htnph:eilrerso' tlivai•of-flo.15,;.
methods -tinecess-are-uvitilliable lesson to_tbe business men atutionery inills..antl',bru•sh , and tubber "-goads factorieS, • ,. , . ; .
. . .
,Ipa4iciiiar ehoe.hy...30inin.5 ferees.,:int.ve. :03eure& 04,4voita6„es it4.,,,:tlierni ..813iiirtireixitshii:kiiiii:foerti431.34r-fiftils ,0,,:._:z4,„ 40‘et_goOMA 41httpliodst of The, 1,7:00-d prug-05m.IslifY-1674 .-.'
-.---, - . - r . -,....cm.04,-0,.m..0.,,3,,,..b1,060....tubber,
.i.0.4p wer14,6'he'w,ingh thew bow a large hriumberhlif retail moroliants ut....,.._, _,
--*I'irtrIts-4.kiheirtutTattothPrti IMP94810te hff-7g7etlei---iiiiy-.6ffiiir Ve1•0,37-:, , --- ' -'-• '. : - :tootidS -0tO•i+-• h.' f 1 '- r • 'a . -ad 1 tby dru.aists only as "Side
m ht, 1 It all, ' n
.,•7 • •;,..a e.• f• -: 54",-,..901.?°! 'Y.S.-whe 1,-•o '' - -• --.•-•- .... „(- . ,
. Eleven- year3,:hagn-fortrretaiturirggists'O'rgosiiied.what'isto,hifeitii--- likes ”h-- • - -, - -, - (•. • ., ,
Canada and „Great; Britain, paitth a ' 't ' ' f h; ' ' - .' - If'taoChlvo:;eciihniihilit:;luilfaoith,rett4:7:1,70a,r,ttehd.,adnilt;r1.13,tufitio. iht,d.'grbe R. :mt.? ..
- , . . , • , . day.
as Ths'''13'"°1,t'efl:Piug' Cornijor;,, lt. poiiv -7;Oalpri.ses naore'tht!A li000.1 d
big. retail- dri.iggPatii 1)3 each important hcity'andlown in the United Staetae;s: , als'11:141:.'e,8°Iitrittl.' now°1 e'Pa'13°Ploe
.: big..,,.laboratories in Boston:an
oiir _ ... . part owner. o . t .118 great enterpripe:, , • . -,• :-.. • 7 • ' . iSe.. an ",1118.CtilV. h
. d lieroptni, .7...,.. here Rosa] 1 T, oilet h rti(les medicines:. They:baye.liecome•dePartnient stoi‘es,io-whkh all clepartraelitS
! . -.world. our ;frait juieehAnd-fountain' 1 ' factory' ' ' ' '
nest_ in'tlte ''- ' -
-; - --becupy• a imost, . fa,verable-position,Joi„-tifev, eau, • and d, sell all-,thesa,---bia-
'have tuil advantages' ' • ' • • ' '.: • • ' .1
VeCalifiethffy,,Are-1;91 ir -nrinitfatiti-riir-s 'arid; rbtall if) rs. 'Tbeh-Retall- ',Stores--
-;:are:yerixie;.,oucitnnaeitae,79andi:,facteriei„iii:. Boston and lliffininie- out - per - -' 7.'
r4. , 9,,,,,,i,.+.. in vtiirty, high quality midi low prices,
. fa* raanufactiatring plant in Boston, - Liiiinair-siiiilliihilith'We-
' tory .in Paris; P4I'Ve; and oiii varicius-Othet man i t .hi;-- d -dt - ' iille ''at l'Ciw-eat '0-riehes hcictn•E'ist;e1;t''''''Yit-11:11igh cl• ' 1.'t ' 1 . .‘ ''
: P . , . ' ..:'," ..„- , . s'.hsupp y- in., Boston,, our.soan fate, , • ua t y, and in ever instance.
with a, persona ,guarantee,osatisfactioi,or money back.
.: P ,..3.1,11J$9t4ni... ,leag,ei.!:lt.'..bouts; Liverpood,l, Enand other citiei.
•,t ,,'' •
h, ,• , ..
-.:1Pir':142;°-41g'el-ki."4-iIthoiii:ik40101.0:e'.0ta--Pli-tkie--...A.dvAistagica-'"cd% traduitg -..at-_Arbe 'RE.KALL $tores Sozne,--of,..,•theic. advainia,ges.,„..
havi,to do ;Wit''thehlollOiliOng lines' Of riterehaSdise,,-, '11. Of 1.Vlikh,' youcan get . at The .-ItelitAtt;.':. S'.i*hre, . in 'hyologh hoown 'rut:wish;
War 'Finn Goods.::,,.. Inclnding-SIErivitiereCiiiistiiie44OOth
oreartiS; sottpsend matt3r Other tOilet necessities, eacli.freali,,' pure and beriefiCial •
_. .
-7,17-Witilit-lhaeof-Perlumestandstoiletir-Preparations.,',..Asexquisiteltecenteit -_
d „
iy•package„line, complising extract, tottet..witer;.talctuir,00mplexion,.: •
•COnipletion ereains and other dainty toilet iiccesflories. ., : '..., . , • , '
ifilinfinthRuhnet,090110.. '..!.,y302g.irritini7 in name,nhe• catut;' Of Masiinutn quilitY-,`;
'inainakiltitability -11faxitrican g
ob:die:Oki FWith 'TitititiffilitWO:ititegtratair-"'
tee: '-•-' ' •
,11Suauct-.4.0imice:f1erfunias. SO ,Tiiiiet..articjes. 'For those',W.Ifi 'deaff.e:"One.individ
,'Syriinherryjisiwor-See-Wrionlintleil-Crest-StathartrY,-Iwo...._laslitonoli e, Ines . An
eVei;S!'WaY-1701.0-ate..tffe7gnoittuate of -the uSer.
TEIUTRSD: VIVST1tithi, 19,1-&
This Italie tali appointed:, To -11-fild-
the vision -of a final:arrival:at sonne fit-
ting destinatiOn; to.maintain hundint-iii;„
!shed a sense of personal worthiness; t�
be defeatediutach _foolish dream of„the
younger life, and to be disciplined
larger vision, made more sure by tidier--
sity; to be delayed for most, of a life.
time. ---,h-tinity,et, to believe, in the strength,
to surmount 'pain;
:outliie sin, and defee,thmalice and envy,
to believe -in -the .giadual but 411...con-
iiiieriiig i3-0-iordOipahh will, to .1307 1iad'T
dened bitt ncit oulhitteted; to IM beatei
• - nal-,:,-atierlari.,;"-tocratic-ft agituiceitr,-,i11--tteliteroiletturtielearL-_ . ,_ .... ' ..,... 7 .7
.1.1igetre . 1:_,4_Kh'A',..,3.' , -Pure,-fresit and Whele,soine-.--The-trimnPli.;Ofilie C'eitie-c.-
. tiOneifiltiirt.. 1
;!..!.WItite2w.i.1...410iiitkind• liargSeritelfsoth „Brushes. , Esitecially.ittipei,ted,,••geeds,
. ,
t at•-blitwear_ttrinto.thericunisdhat.•?PSt , tnoro,...„ , .
ru gists of t
1 ... •
1st -Associat Convention •ttieembhict,..Donfoti,.Mosa..,Atig., lith. to 21st1215.
In. the Saturday 'Evening Poet of September 13th. will be ,ptinted "iletall,A4vantage igo: 17 on Rexall Toilet Articles,
Wateb-for-it-findTio.fitby it
, _
. •
insrnithing and repair work a spedalty.
LK. A. HARvgsT, OF -scqtgoAr
HOW many young men
can look hick on their
early life. and regret "their-
tnisdeeds. "Sowing their '
•• wild oats" in varkius ways
- xcessts, -violatren ofThnah-7h:
tures laws; 4., !wine , women.'
;and song". ---all have their
victim's. h-74/tou . have re-
formed' butWhat about the
seed you have abivn=what
xibinit the harvest? Don't
trust to luck. If you are
at present within the '
Onteliesof-anyper;ret habit
-which is,. sapping . yo.ur :life .,
by-degreea; if yoli•are suf-
fering frOtti the results Of
- -st-ifidiscretiotis;7 if- 'Ytrar
lood has been tainted trim),
, , any private diseaseand you
.. , .
'dare not Marry; Kyou are 'married and livelti dread of syniptome bresking
out and exposing your part:: if you are suffering as the i esulb cif a. Misspent
1.11c7-1DIRS.. K. & K. ARK VOUR REFUGE. Lay your. cape „before,
then* confidentially and theY, will' tell yoit'lfenestly if yoirare.turable;
, . , .. ,
oleos and in DIssitsaaft Pecidiar to M° ,„ . ,,, - • .
.. , ...cortit„,14tertort-etir.Soltifts.Ctlf(eaGG-dhl ._At*,h-hith,==-able ..,6,-44,-..ii,4t..
feta giattAist nnudt foe . U10111112 ILIIIC!reAVAlliNT--- '
. • . ,, .
Coe. Mit:11**U Ave. '.iiind GrhiWoid St., Detroit, Mich.'
- IllirbitOTI6E All letters tretn'-6initda iiittithe.ndiireated. tO:olit
or'ffor ignessassuniss Canadian CatreapOindetice Department in:Windsor,:
Ont. Ifyou desire to see us personally call at our,Medical Iruititute in
Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Wiriddor OftceS *hie* reh
used for correspondence and , LiaboratOty. for Canadian , buSitieSS onlY.
h. Address all letters as follows: ' • ' „ ' " 4,.....
DRS. KENNEDY 'Alk KENNEL:It Windsor, Oat,.
'Write for. our privite addreal.
Our -Singer
, .
. (With. aptologies)
.yOu heard _St, Eiplena' linger;
but not 000-41w.ted;.., That is,the.stern Right fro rrierry,Eng,lanshore_
befere_an. „ . .you re on of comic singing; ',he's a
---itould jou - hear .lum sing:one' number,
, •
ASIT- SEEMS TOillS . You will hardly try for
And yon'll find hini on the corner of the
If: Mier a • disgraceful reprobate has h ' .. street .
• .. ... . . , .
. . . . •
'achteied--a.''uotiniety;.that_iie'l.'di'd.not He sings' the.lateit.piecei:,
;deserve,- it, is the thoreughly degenerate .7 greTricoirstu"rm•ee sir .mer-s'avta.:4...,:,r, ...11.1.7w,y-,..
- Harry Thaw,; When be:Was on'', trial ler: ' - ,a t'• '
. .
slaying Stamford„,..Whfte; a few years If you' reel!rt,WitillY
Mei; , the details . of his .lifn and Of li
L, ____. ,_: • , ;.,_ . . , .. Is itell be Standing " at the • ,Corner of,, the
aSseciatea; Were i;•reiMaled---"iiirTcourt-S.Q.- ' Street _ ' : ' ' •
' To please you he won't fah; '
Rd60cisickening,seeneovii. ,. 7,0' s, s(5 her:r sent
y‘ , . oa:htt.,ti:ay:s . t os a gi everybe4tpi. esense'so: ie.i4:e- no. ft-, i .:Thilii.11 law..fiatit,pc1',Intitmgie t-unt-gthietteaalts'kfehill.t.. i),..4bshiAnes..nlile.sin, sp
. . P.- ' V,Iv was standing on the !corner , of the
tiOnbbiok. Sent' broadcast over: the -land, ' :. . street. ' ..
sicligh...jedoe 041ifig. that something be
rim'alieneetd. -a's 1 ishled ' ; • '
done to prevent the disgraceful. ievel • I 741d:Iyar' "l_e.e:.11,7:
rilingilodesti:,.60;thir,tie.itelh:intoiplfiirt'i,evis whicgtr.„4":nicvoile,!;_..* -Justie:: leltf.?htitakmrerhseti,Itii....ae,,.::gralo':h1.-it....e'..;.,nerg,_;:i:,,'"e.',e..._ !li7,._
ed! How -fulaely:' the scalei Oh justice :' : They., swieet.
swung! Thaw had moneY.: The Thaw Thei' call him Ptti ihcihn4; ' "
oitmons were at „wotk: Hehad , . ., Oh! ,that sibger they: adOre.
. ,never When he's standing On thecorner of the
earueda ent itt hialife, had never ,add- • -•'': Street,- • • : :.
_O.:Akita...rade' to any pied:naive.' itiffill-ty -But whmrh h. singS" of; fatherr.-,-- -
,w4t..ever; . He had flung it ,hrea,deot ,,,_ -1-08-then-yon-start_t&stitile; h'''•-••
gratifYL...ap. petites as ,_,bee, tial :are; - ever '"r°r-th!'iVbitahtais Icalad dad dtank ttP6n.
,..:::::pai, - a. , . being iii , ..,,vi.:14,:mil , te- Getii.e---:(1.---...manh .1,.s.,11stvr:cr,:k;ar:tit.b.again.---'
divine image was ' obliterated. Had
,laba , working ,on one of Standford . jimmie Vit -t was e '0 '
_ iwei. , , ,.. h Instead of standing idle on the street: `. '
. n , And he'S working all the while • - •
: ,., : :ce,N(4r;_t,Asi It,optu 1.14*,py .Hat vey 14loyd la Just a bluff; ,,-
iiiiggilw the. clay ,0_,01,0,diehlie-- icitiiiile.t.,, 'Harry 1•ander is ;the only nue elligible
ion, fired die:fatalVt
-shot, he (k' 414 lave NOW jut7m
:tooPnele. -,eeto he lr` • .
been sent by • the .: .sborte4 - *MAO- And you ,ffnd this,' is tioTaff‘•
the'electric chair. As 7.1t. -41-as ih- , 10'11 be standininer
g at the eo
p• • street. " Y . ' •
-slayer WAN ded.1 hired -insane and-ceMinited- -Ohl:1-14•'-s a -M31--' ell . r. .
-tohan a'skitirn. : • ; .. , ,--. -- ' 1Tli
ind'ihat1s-blrle; ter,find..
'And new he cornea '1,0 Canada . and al 1:11ifi's4°h'et.iteiti°e'llth(lef the lair sex
is cl°mPle '46: '
Canadian prOWil• asseitiblei in -the" jai- T.,0niStihear thi.swillnehriel.ttilli'Y°_tt.'
yard to cheer a man who. has cot , the ion wi 1 ,6,4 hit1u.ofr the . corner- of the
ClePil'itimmi3 4 justice in.' ids own landYea, lite`,er•th; .e‘ of th.- V'l'ilit' 0. hht);Pi
hiihdredaiheth thousand 4 lit AlhilarS,--,J,and, .
Whose life has been such a scandal is to
make 4 nation bluahl•-• Atia again -the
Thaw•MilliOna are at . Work. .. The hest
legal talent has been Secured, and every-
thingdpos.sible is being done to intent •
his.. dePortation, What,. will" the ont-
'nette'bet • Will money againSiVing the
scales Of juSticel Will ,Canada'S laws
irOvehisti itieffeatiVe.iitheseof her neigh-
horl : Will Our DetniniOil titer Itith ,any
assifitanekin. •-e-Vaditig-''the ' tail 'LOU Atli
own,countryl We boast,cd, ontinheri,
Unice of Eritish, respect for • justice.
Shall We now be showed is justice is
again defeated'? .. As it Sheet& to its, . de -1 Idiasts Kate and B0110 ‘(.:''Axikttbell Of
portation or extradition, the en'e 'Or7thWe", terohn't°, 6111.°d'h'ili'hi'eft.6:she'l"t'*44k'
other, but Ozie Or the other right ilWay, , 'hie fariners are busy .stitving their
,:.:,, .....,
IS the nlYpoisible answergitePet fall wheat and in S few, days -threshing
will, be, the order of the da: h h '
ohh.. , ' ''
stir -II -Musson .MitRequired
,Farm tAboiere'h.gxcurstoos---Iiis Yeaes
- Wheat---cron. Be-int-LargestAn- ,
. The wheat crop of 191 Will be the
..greateet ever harvested in, Manitoba;
Saskatchewanand iberte, •-th ail- tegitir,
mg -the-. far.m laborers' otth-e East to re;
cruit mid 'assistin•harvesting the World's:
• greatest breed -basket. , •
The ' GoVerimonts of the respective .
• provinces that fcrtY tboniarid men
thihillbe requiris year'iiftliaryest.
These will ha* to be - prinetnallY-re., '
cruited,front Ontario,' and the prosperity
of Canada depends on securing labor
iprbuiptly; ' The tainadian Pacific, on
w.124Cli Company. will fall practienlly the
,entireAask-of-trattipOrtiug-thettnen to, -
Aher.West, is already makinirit
speciaf-- -,---=-
mugentents for this year. Excursions
from paints in Ontario to. BtatitObs;
Sitskatchaii and•Alherta Will. ;he run, . k;;;;;1%
+and' Special trains operated, making -the '..-i
,trip in about thirty-six hour' and avoid-
ing anY,thange of. Cars or:transfers. This
-will-be a .day, shorter. than any:, Other.
of the.
• "Ocring;TfiP-Veit,li'$111:11101Winin-4...,
; peg„ ping half -cent per nide. frcm-
nuto IVIacLeed, 'Calgary
"Return TOO ,hgastr"' S18.,00 tc , Winn!, -
, peg; pint tfilfzeeist-It*"..trile-irotu alt
points h east of:MacLeod.: hhettlgary..4t.t-Eil7
Linonton„Ltah Winnipeg.: ,
Giiing triiteir7=-7-TAitkilat 1-13t1E'r-Ittein all
And. east. thereof in' Ontario:
ariguit '22nd-Proin TOretito atadAttreit-
on Grand Trunk :Lite toSarnia
inclusive and south thereof: '• , A /
Angust.g5t11--IstroinTot-mto and ,NOrtit
WeSterti_Ontatio; „north Of__bet_net in-
hcluding Grand Trunk Line Tbrottto to
Sarnia Mid east.of Toronto to Kingston, h
„Slanhot Lakes and Retifrew;-,includitig
. , „
,Setiteniber 3rd- From Torofil.47and ait.
Stations in Ontario Rag of _hut_ nct itt
chiding Orancl Trunk Tcrbitto
,North Ray;
SetiteMber ..,5th-Frent-all,stations, on -
Grand Trunk Toronto': IO North Say
Aaa west thereof in. Ontario
including, C. Line Sudbury to
gatilt Ste. Marie, Ontario, but not fit,
chiding ...Vzildft and west: , • " • ,.
For firll particulars see nearest C.P.R.
. District--
Th..:tti.,11 -Age'4t. or write
Oh! hes very, very, very liaritto-teitt---- -Pittonger Agent, Toronto.,-- :
Now if you want to hear him sing,
Ring up six 013 foity.five, hh-
be standing on the corner Of the
street. - I: C.
. .
. • .
. . - .
Veddiok :11€4114'ge-Vinging' . ahnigthelinelast week,: •
).oho 400 gatictOttl at 110Cleric, Mrs. Swally Of 'Detroit, spent a' • week
irailaNtriPlrwhin74ntiftSunday, -Fikittlitilei"-hf ihtlitii;TBAtlite... -fifir-rinV
with friends in St. l'Ielens. ,„ ' ' .... honieby beat on Saturday • • : . ' 1 • ' • ,
Wilbert Webater- and 'farnilY are ;:viiiL ' ,ifi.!'-and: Mrs! 1,lei4 Reed ottlie ittli:',
ing at Sam Congettnes at ,present: concession were, guest it of 'Mr. litift'Strs,..:
W. P. Reed on Tuesday last,.
' . tilian Rouse Of Clinton, Who spent h
her, girilieed days' 'at Lanes., ' Visited',
friendaanduequittitaticesberelast nfeelt,
y '
Masters Frank and. ,Ilitiil. 'flackett,
who have been spending 'their: holidaye
Mr: and Mrs.. Neil Campbell enter -
at IlaCkettown and lanes ' returned.,
44604;.usitiloti:,, telt** number Of their.: frie;1& frcitiv
..St, AilidOille, :
.LuettnoW,,ene evening last week, • . :. , li7.,ti,,,Lneo. :ask' lafiottiiiiittin?Ilaybi5:"Ati.,1,17,4it7the
itt'ciVitetnieitit..,ttolenitt Of thet„ilt*Ett_ofF, 'far'Aitirtis.9162glin!le'tt"stillt-6.11,elpoStreeiVifitl; - krea'61bYteriati-ChUrch at Lanes, the Rev.
,,b19, -ns .Of .,,,; the 'ire -dent .'eleetr10:11,storbt% . i Sh, W.:Whaley, a fornier:pastor, will eon-
.*ItS Aiiiin lattritle Ot, LOtidOi4 is Viiiit. blithiTie. :liii----btialitirreiLB*90• .e'ro 1 ,
a -" ,he., - , . ; i Ph
illig at J.,,B410i.,. . ... .. , 7 _1_777:... _AI,A,..*/iit• likely but 'd e,;geitt,„ 1/4, ' On: the 140iiday. evoaing following
. , h tont
i..4ittihtaLgt _..tii., ,f, .: ,
. , : . , Ely _ h""Th -fit -t, Or t''tither girl is to leave liti elitathatinrielft 'Will be. given. ;le, the
:'''4trh•hAelia4;.: rhch'"*".'7-"':. ' •:1-1111"316tt::`:°411df:4:`:°:.'1ir:vtle!• iinfa''.8.,arOaiicd°141612,,:Yl".' Cifriu6i:"*Y;',01cfliricllot4lattt'1"11.i'vphitjair-ile,:baive;:'
the ithree- it is to be, any . of :which: iqll
-give Yen' a rare treat:, • ,h.h :- • ' : • f
• -Monday, Augia-18....
Harvest in this part is in full swing.
Secosdrtono., probability:find it
safely stored. away,
--:Mtinilay, August 215. Mrs. lEtarrisOn'offt'eterhoro, formerly
• - of Mafeking, renewed old acquaintances
Control -Your
In the GUrney - Oxford. :range yOu find--
rnOre exclusive featuresmore.essential improvt-
menti that appeal to. the 'thrifty ,houseWife than
kW. have: eVet_befOre leen_foundid.,arty._One kitchen,. _Lek
range , " 11W
the nw't
This !Clever device for reolating the drgAts'.
sans 1 ton. of coal in every that you would
-hOrn ordinary range Ittakes the Smell of
cooking -Out of the kitchen and, sends it • up - the - €0`
'• Chimney. h.. You know what that nteanS.
kfi) The , Economizer enables you' to absolutely. h,
. control, the amount of cog you wish to con-
sume and h still have a 'perfect heat for cooking., Aib
Tgeing: '
whfle you go out shopping Or visit your neigh -
'€'01 bOr; `.41,nd all that is fieceisary for you to do
on *your return is to press the...small. lever and
:1140, 'YeU. e
• ments. - • , . '
AEO, , •
4'4 ' A Girney,=oitford stove is sanitary -no dirt.
' heautifullir stnooth -Sur:. *5)
. •
418 in quality,
*itou have tne tne rot ,
Now' tr$:'tbe best,
24- assured. of a hot fire in a very .
" few mo,
can a..etiniulate on its
700 - h ' .
A removable makes it easyto
* „keep this,range always bright And tieWiii ''4ppe. •
ance. ••h,
• Of paramount interest also are the ether
remarkable , and, exclusi:ye, attachments - the
Special. p,rate, :the Divided Flue and. the Broi.ler,
•Cliford.: • * ••*
undaY- S., A
Mi. and Y
iutig at the 14'0;4 hook so many haehelaii. Other people know
day tnd
100,60,4,toid iiiiidtea ive have the best,looking 'htiya
haitUoira %Siting:at 14* ,ei f.)- ithS4hele' And Vie
• quanti, y noth ng•to
. rch Crag3 iv, . as is Visitttit het
'daughter, Mrs. Finlay hag *attuned hte
4her home here.; . •
. Mi. and Mit Motto end fatiS f
•Riuloss, visited 11.t the- lattei4 home
here on Sunday. ;
'Theresa and Josephine,. Gliassew s
, •
Robert Henry had the 'Misfortune to
have his barn. burned (hiring titel heavy
Stain of %turtlay evening:, The h syr,h,
pathising neighbors, gathered; round itt it
very shorthtinie, and, forming a bucket
brigade, managed to save 0, 'hay shod
about stx or eight feet front the eorner
Of the barn, the entire 'Shod and llaY
o ag consunied. ItOt11.- !building
-eon n to hin a
vasy, taliavo ths situatiOn.
• giaPht0 apPetite, Feotilec.,eho have
partook of out excellent serVibi
° come ba:dt.fierh4second carving, out'
priced, ate. "_.1 114_:
-45tf:4$411144$0 d604,641i7'.ua grvro iditc tha tn,ti ptostO
' Lot 1,,ic titthocit :Our
as0 0..os