The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-08-21, Page 3a I 1 -1 1, P P 7, F ""M-#VW"PvrM7M- ffjr"Fow -,:4., 4: 7 1111MM-W WN 77 k r plugs, in -the br:qXizq. )lar �4ep 'jt 'in the, ;0,ffice of,thp shall YARP, ICK folff li-E.-AND So to standard ya at Chimi the `4,60d 31it P,,t ..... ..... be, 6-�� getiuj'ne rd qg Auffalo W1 o Secured i Held ge . Spoft,$j4je :U84 degrees, F. Accurate, c worq Unigne C0190,19 tfqA­jtjightS, :,Goo order. E -A, OA 0.11 -N ; E copiets, depasi.ted, in Npd. ej CI'ION 11 1 fter you have liv,,ed'in, China for,: 7, CE .y, p;lqp P.NTVAIL, 8 iol Co ��f 4ic ksonboroL7�� lie RHel MATIS A U, a d 7, 44 UW 4, liol*, -,the one thought, th f�� i It You� 4a;V0 Rhoupi#iow.. �P�euto Ps, �nq inatwr what, -your-­o dit Y ik is just a;I_o.rAiq4 r 'Qual 'S'01 I H TS -TU 4. to be rAnke , d, as In ;r .,ph —it's cause, iiind Gu're,­ Ov 1.0 IN *4 UV Is now so V4 M e" es every of Chi - n mism " te , out Ve - r 44 , 4 Th in woii T Different .12A V, ft, , U In be stan,(14 In iff erkut 7 , " . ll� , . . a _Aowso lifc. M -r-'.11 jbh--n_­X 0wo 4ta li 61i. *X4PR W gl*n, 0 'Waron,- WheLj�l 'he Canad 11� ese xvery matterltk . .... .. c4gic _eotaiutcl r choicei. Can Is dieting Vip F 'a -e 00,0 Froin 11111by', nary inQhifta fbtr'fifty'yo rl,, SOLUTELY FRE E k3 e (iijcS. 4�nd "ero'Itt Jiamla�kson is the," g 6,Gnin. re . i ;_ e in"' - - 0 re 'a Conn by I race, f the 'miss 476.'Pr(x!Jktoa, Mass. trS. rvi. -cane Mod7 i to pg ir,.'44 t lis in "Meh and Pink Foot. On.taxio Legislafure, king- of the Maliners, of olliott-to3wU AL 8 99-0, 100" tP A pure. 7 4" e4ra-`GIi1na,??, t6Wn''hi Ke 14 b Vs�­i��!-�H7 9k.' J�l n ry ti_� I - A e*?., The welght IS 04ounfessAi3.1a, uca W, 10 Sonal, re�ponsibi�,jty 4 CWNW CENTURY, Dt X MS. abel): guVant"d &'A Vlo Oftille S r4sticksi are so wi us me 01me.Gradn (blu a qiu&ty,., and ya th hilg capital ci Jackso-ii- eless SE Like gfiiallseid p flj,ey�n 7 'that n-0 the Ordinary 'excusesithat wei h inarvcls o 0 Iraaes Ifei anc,o,,stry ba'a 0 ;ho .9 one 't . , I and :wbite &ad tw _V, S Ba6loo lbs.,'25 lbs., 2olbp, blue,gt blood of France, is,'Oe--heto- th Europe'a'n,or A �'Bri avatut's -Excavation , I I ., %. . � K -Per$on lix"a th-ousaIld evqr'BtPp1s tP -Technically' William jpidkso�q z A Coar" Gr re T en-JabeD, wo. mep,.. Pnin 'were gambjing'. ;n-'_"1__' k 11 d dni-6iidiin, - It", "a Sia'v A n e _ ig,in y i �.,atio Sudan.* Sugat. fleflstAsj� LWIN4 Obscutb,pak$ of the t��wn,-in a- room al�ui�ost'aa-Vrillianf;; but' Prof, Jolm rst illi conli rt the: cA We. futliv .-Of't izatiou Compamy, tj ar of �t In Pa; -dispute %rosib over the gar' 9th Pse liLidden' away -from obsorv4t ii A' ys 0 ntbzio io Ga )g, pu1jar'.Mechq Vas i. S, t : I , i '0 in ration.. w:011 d PoLBo;$ the . 1. � C.017PP cleat.ureo who, re re.. I This 6 i*of Arehaeology'-bf the a! lt,p,.te. �sOlei igqty of Livex 6ol ceniliriei of t1ed upon onlly,,.aftei �iiart-ers, in, Biiffalo�l but relal,ly '.be has been:f s called ISM -end d �fihtt -,�agdd. or -of in It 9 jab W�_b do 11 f 'At, 0 to, �wture 'or or AW4 8 Ab. wag -two 0 MT. 117,,-Kdre WoOkbitis 4j. Vonati IPA '0 et� W -tbrrqtkm-=--rd-o -o A�, t, ort p�ast.',fbur seasi er olllsa'445 o yedrs: o un,sW6- 1a; Mpliefoubal bs'isor�e ifiteresting'.ex- dictator of J�o in the morning,,w on t e 'his assistan 0@ir hbM6 :her girlh�)od days has: had A peyfect h h -incident v r0m, , , -, - ­ -� , , , ..) - I . I t, e, ecrees t r k1l ceissful. to fiUd an -ch 6 n, no er ace req and So' 4- Wltv-e T Palm �readin d' hat li� 1,BSues.f"' inAlie.1 'WO imastery over 91 U eLTn IS VoCa_ ipao. t'he. he 'Mnd..1�94ft 004TAPA.0 �0010.ry W''b1ch, �yo U,!fttui, fA -,a ad e --lias i'_- %­ft��Zu � 1. � 1 1. JR. e' e1T e—Wilo, _cit qa�� a h " T-1 ad -man 7 Th used - 'by, 1,6ngth, and,li .:eepi it: .1 mQri� .,or less' ha"It- ID r't -'PaA brcq�, o­'banvaebitig -br EbIlkng-iour ray -7 on . ...... an' nNy by the wee 43i. 703. �eke in We, b ti,,, tillat,whenov h din tli�oughout the� a- t a" �er: t ere was. a., tho ward, d his f 'lizi nfluen of -.0P pro AeAl Vie. do , h i It Von -want U 8,124, 1" ilor 'Dr-r-.- 11419gArt 0" -ell vy. t. he, wds-:�e'ntirely­�,"- t'01Y, va n g i qe� nations both an61p�nt - E64 a - the:,d e. 7 -ear. El -time.,,,wrjte­Uu Zn(j we w`UI h vtie4ai�t, w ou, contradt�ia;,txd­ eS 4", b Wab -164.14116 On., ' - " " ` ­ A.i"' V the a 'I t h� Tops investigation. the;. I �,O E b s to I I I I ER to be t'�h t`h k. do n, �lay,:bure-,Jbb,, -feargomb/,. lnys-CePies & B'tiifaf� N Y AOyaI.,:Ciity­ii6 ipcoverea, at.Merooj 1 it 'yd',the` V's t hp I I � I D er� re thwt lea 117 Tin n the instaw 41. on E ith thhe_r�ma­ AS _P*1 _N f i0m, vir�iii �0 q6b-, Lin& onthe, b anik�s,: Eihi.44 _b ha '�e d -to A,� -WAS --- L -0 an 'he an the 'fact Iliat t --build* b jA;L.hpy tAhe,,U ' ii; -,iii Z -.i ,,he. f ou ought. h n., A.- -hia& 'g� 9 ftagab _ave ft-r- owevei..', Y� -c avo"maom in - d. , S, , i _-1 . 4 U- V* riq . I. - : t f lb r;Yti, 'Aaa �.Of_"& aCC-Mlen WA� Ai4. iea,� Ve.-y"P i Ile h )ViFsu, Uit­` ali ot nt,Filr 0.' r . - '. . 'L '' - t-%,; y 'thq kore- gr as 43i 0#,� . I to theiii! U t, fr&n 40- e 98 cial answ.pr:,; at �is, our 4siness. To hd�� UABT-GE, "� W "A rnifi at -Ru,; 'his,Royal 02ty,. .Jans pro -6b obf, . : n h* history.. "e, a mefjiei towii. aw--Ab DES - 1 -7 JM116 wt 9� T' , ` :ah6we-VP4-.- vwe rhoe Rail -R­makes- foT. be&-rll, -!ilth. ap -way7_.-frack9ffe,; In Torontoti, afe� -the er son-' nnk _011-9ki W -C -tile: -e t: 0. 9. i T ob�'�J . n- of -an. -an , eptic. eventh-ov--eighth. t��-Iituty B 0---- k;" ages, e tei case, of �preven a seripus, time nate4 fo With upon his T11 AtAge I ­ . .1. 1 13ram taii -smo 'zen .'came 19;21 inchee, and oue� � ob has' "Zi6ptian -id0as dozm' y Which one� t 1,4$.�.ID -TJ[AL' RXOPERT Y -som !!P- 1d. -tell the future� criminal in -thy� ;battk �of. he'.1;batt-M Z.;. . .1:11; � tit iftor-4 M PA % yt.Qr, A:A66 e of -4iotors:� polli-T, ou e. un JSOUVero(t it If -Pi save not on.ly,�a mb�; but 14AMON �Ienjth On t In 'With V's,84s': whe� 'Alexander life ed' .1. -u our inb*h�,a in he ofthe who had been, lookin'g -at hi .2 0l§jn_ rd,6re in, fh� man d t be', drawn between gy P.t,, r e ethOf1s t,.�,: 1110.,MV4 a rP, WNW T :Qj E mo ves.'a4d,=' and, lorrg­w.ere --heTA" re, an, xpe XX�L c. an, eyes' p:r,o _­ be I �. . household remedies &nd-tho e to §'uj)p1anted ill MP.-MIAMF , -, .1.111, 1% 6 :.4, !kV L 0 mz� *arch 011a.4 -omly hir 6up a ivioun in,t e hrt rent. zitken'=t thoroughly "s hat I,— �'. i.. nh cily. _T -8 t -GPjy--.' t&­admumigt�i�- '�,lth 41 -el' g 6 j�i,_th cgeded o o;, Egypt. -ii-daviies seem e tit t , A e­G4maAS,:-&- ew centuries gence, K heir­p'rogntosticiationa' are- &'bisolsutel� of g teat 0 111 * AY y no At 0 ipikginat1oh'can nal This is -ry 'be 7777;�_ E�tisfylng� herself t ing -A Ward that w6uld 'keep him in Of more:. -than o a re6umb it, not r' f 1.eq zj5ve_"y._L 'rc dnelt 'to 41, to -b -Ant-po. st-Ure -for. -equjid -that she mnsenta Vu �_<)j pride �'o me, a I d ed. t -ek _c6viez- in z to new -idea's and:,c -T, h ne.- c, a s s oi- hou e o I d drugs-.-.- - _t, A' 'yor of the ustolij- 'd &UPPL. C 0 "t This`d�dtrine..of res, �o a'sibility 'but �of er Is' 1��iso)i. cbAifige. -for a e zwalliked f -rib "that MI -e`zm' in 100. Pro a :jerm destr,6y ai,: k4 rough found an. IMPTeSS-10,11 the cX17 4�rre-)�"ab Te �.arbol feed Thbo ud,ls.'in a' -epe'rs -w-h-ere­,-he-- rule: nd xicio. CX= wherf he,is tfa�eling th �--Meroe. _on u�.nejs�_'and.' ' - arts' 01 --may. A -_ftnday`� ing" d lb i;d .1 -so- -h&v6 Been. _Xo__AXAXZg4�_ lt�§01_k­­­_'..�L' are 4h.6 uAdo lodges�'take_ the greatest cAre-.of III m- r eet'—'Of_tl espon�ible for' the of; JTC ch h :x t .7 Wn in thel' I th i cus piner, present s Aaa *w burial by btre and'.it,5� coxi�se- 64, a ocuor 5 prescriptioh'.',_ -':Bi . ......... A v -while s_ -r.- their _g iati6n lie-. i' -uncle lest ­­ .1, - .­ i uent innovatio c loridetox,Mel h" e"' they -be-- 0alled to ac�count, or a j-jq MERS -Tall dam� aftd.Sniall , ones 0,11 but`an%ejq� h iy� is -farUSs, am6fi�' ns �TJMWM 'FUR R ciirbolic, acid.. BROS lid -The Middle pe-riod lasted from, ab o' antidotestha r. 13il. � �; 4 "M 'pA6_P,.. rill- pay -hiohe�i ic " for - Black y 14pp u 66 h' t y .3rink- martent=,Fi0ei, at, e, _�to, pass qu ver, Croes-T th '13ale "I havo,-not'been,-'abloo.to followl .300 to B 'G, 22-' and it -is I An br4,lnance­r,6,s-trictin*. e 4xpe,. he- e_e'rvI_c_o_i6 fin' ish - en make ..... . one, occasion, a.. Ahe :all times.-. Dougal, P.. Gr4 StrathroY; *een t ed t&�_`� feTred'j4aj:tet' '-.&s .�'ej'jod and i6f ifiis,bichlor am -t 'le t", p n Wo�jd n4o�j in Ont. the, rmr�,._ol a; ohirW -iot marked _�w_ __ - , - - i �11 - � 11� ursued, a.-.glie stj�, heiii -.pu t h 4;k j6ft �.eArly in asnuich as my experim�diitts- 'cover,. thev-"r1,y`Xer-oiti& (B,- 0. order. of a. phylgleiai C4 the other arid. ,_thp_-.Ie n gth thiis ob_ the�-- morningi f4D'r milei§'.:. along :the" t6rfe-t,o- with IojWmate homie, 46�&- 'QCFR. ' TUMORS LUMPS. V A -ft, ophe. ov,e��.h --in er.na rw .4 .:,,catastr elme-&-the d :�rioa& co 01, po-roxi e pt y- ci wh as Prof c'f 'A _h -b 1W years;, ut w eneve. _d --me.a, j5__apdj_.surxey land ig dU Xis of' Garstang gay�,� a ion. d, h A. i;Ueft'_kiehin4ja'im,. 'l-heArink6o' ent ral-A t b0ore, tind itto r. a are apM. e an 1- us in -a fqr� d kolgen, boV Put" r 6 ael e. own gal, ing-Ant .�_perspirinj �P 1AM1101, eAl 61r, wnn rt em h -,i vi, - -1 t, , , -, 7 and 3 e' 1�df ­6,Usf. "n - - �§ d gr ' - . in6d - dese -Lt� � X. -w h he- i itdd nth som ti .. I . AND I -a :OV. th6msoilvesi that. b 1" 111" q OP got up. with 4e: 6av6I6r,- and, the' ALL tiTIONEK, KIDNEY. ]LAM. be-th,6 right-an4l awful .or der, stoneo;-AM71467 -,00-41 affi6r- WbCs greA y amus;p,..w,_ A. _j*fl*jj4tjj . ... I­ -x-OW.Ili af In .04, rn"MFSM,-�, A -iwitiqiii zip loof _thu4. Sol, e. 4 t cent. y-discove.e. li-as-iu-st, A-an-ge*oug.' t-isep. ics,-w.- ea�pk. _Ln1nbaLow_ -an ooavin,�6,d e 1-F-th- -U d -and, J- with_ tbe new -German 6. 'am -btedl:�'- 11111 ee, er, UT a- P ease. Vir- Ouse 2 on, a.,,p ysician s or- e tared Aqatlier new-remftdv� b.. e Inktoir H. h V61Il­b�L-Urf6itei4- �J Price tf.50 lindotu cu. d Lj:J: 11�_,_,, ra -that lifc� nlvtt�i - b t e7,q—s_0a, �, a Ell znro_�_ tw .1_1_ gr ffe—rerCt— .0- b- - s dear'- thi,'wiapping LiUAI't"I druor.66 or Crime t of r*, , -every fOIA plans,, ihdicatinj, t�wit, perfe'e cf;4M,oh indiv t. Tie Flanol, Manufart. -matgh A h iii- C. Was ...... of Ca-n4oa. Limit64',�", C V ick _-oU -et in�' j 4' 1 b d -in - nhir .� 1 -as--p p3ddb.d_.b_y_IA_W_ _1324,.-AU'rill, Ith , tl*t'. 1145-40140- Jiesgj. _VArloiis�change eo ei A ke.'r. 4 P�'e ".. ---te d IE6 a. ere,, visi n 14 jeq W1, a r of' 1 iFuik thj& a. Tha" 0 C s it i I & i -e -i -6 -vis -st 'build th46�.ho e, I. p"sive , period h th -eign W th as is do'ne. in' urep,e co4jitr tfieoiy :igain to a G , Ii- - 1:.i. ' . , . 1, . . r ..�j _ , g_i__ _-.1- - - - I w�91. �T iniai. aff. � .". .. .1 - 'I . .. ... ­4h�6'- -:� a taga ,re The .tcitiz��ns-.- of tkiq .bity. -Of --the many objects-bro ht.milg. _"�ked the -waz4en - if tHed did- d' he, f rid. U WIAP) Z& M" pjy-i011.,q -ue�'ew OW_- to -ig it by. pick- a,,nd - shovel --.,,After' o,- roum. alu On ihe YJ onirs on- - iiiij&n d d, to .,aXS_lat&.. Un-13-un6tuality- -*e VVY1 NT hAd WA Abime-M-1- M ­UC b,---- L��&3ebt.W--g--me. )e numbe 'prisonerp wh G;o tF 'ist;1�611ILim-_ -; i, �­KAM- L Itert- who ­h It 7- " Ween :_Y0 4blk, ronably , Unii y, jou, qu st, him whicY-,the ng,� Xot�g-� :r,�und: th- ri6fi "It Must 4raW -labit *hi�h'-had cot miine-, of Xi e Mister to iu-c ;Pir V=4 serve ej� ause, he , ar W, n :free eata-:: he, pri4o.4ers there are alwAys raictror. Fov A lghosi expert, r which', almost cost - him��. ]gut.. dalls the ehara;ct6tistics f logu6.- Mblor-10411t e, 219 Queen St. East, ilile;'i6 vaxy -t e itch or 0 eaufle; opporUffil � lesi T'-hl§,:Woik k"" 'didn't b6ther Ifilu b' at Willi. jZ':n'gpI.y' enough, how- also &ste and a 'whool, )f Ptojelija, P;�trihm."e C-pro.Ext! ec ere t efi the faxoriie;be"'ij e on * th oanl- I s a. tale. .'king u bar,',s-,foote 0Q, When- a,-grou� ic::art t is nam. a as,, _- Toropth nard only IT. barley coyn*,persi:AS.'to thiis ;A'ay In . I parli w6r�- the, childt-en'''o kPor aged to, u NT�:E niC 46 V�' �b p ag go that the dAte,<)1 h'' ev;Br,. fbas �627 N, g I. was not h -6- d b bu'ilt'an maintiin� by t& 1eieby li� f thei. ge,.. in: lac.t, was oiig' �may be placed early jfr�t. Numb -dr married, and, - in. due. odurse his the nuniberiiig of �hioe& wqrk men. are -iedu�& -'he 11 1 1. . . . . century 0.0. 16o.- at. all dealt E N: WA P. 'F 'ura -our: are :in Ore 6-ps, I vouch- t- third­bf­z�� Lion- �=T_I%_-P6sUliasber: dd gtodaqz�-.azvived,- But�_ahts-1 Se a n-dicated- b --red -17 nd ed. the Ira' A n '.iF ri-ous & ma e one' coot�n 'I th, -th riig6 was arrang to take. a. g6o' style .!e tlie'.mar'l, -w r, abella, �.Yo he., allw place-from-fte�1 eir-ca-400-7B, �-C 6ouih."he course, lec, -right to'j5iIe..,m nev- so '1Dt6T­g_ _A)i a t- P- on -as h ffirmatiVe hbd;`-0fTDP '�hqd, 'of- The D' an. y _reoeivildl, hist, appoi n; hie nt gmeni of d t U uk �'f W,0 NO - 2 A�fid�_* i �mi .(3�,Ove n �but rinion zo�W �qls. rince AV.ate gbtheJ7� with,pie _,of, OM-A&AO _ffi 'se de I. era consii era Aon - t and had, Ma C 'llence, need'-' file 'ged ware: of coArse 8 - I 'to f1 t4e4s of my" 'iA -Compaby a-Ad,receivesf f ront `G6-orgp,'a' ho'm'ei' Px- hot' oneb, had.- �ucces4i�l abtemp.t* e .610ni7Ati�n� -was the -,big- 'toe thil te-d f eal no hich, is it 40 K�, t 1, akk�ry 4f -b tote. is de,. told 'a;�,man.-to ddl�­i�eriod­,AIS46, lbelougs- �Pe factory a i less_,to, 04y, ',Goorji:`faile4 ai_th. 1-alliplis--o Jy- painted� Ir. Te n Ap- e -ml i6ri6eirl" d me ATV�be -116w to� �pa3 H a tw�eiltii. eentu niy� 'd6m6d _xoic�6_riin�7�ex&Aly-A, k t �e ­Gt6f cruel t6 say, so. ou now I was or er dinner' d r him aX z� p u rsizac y&r.3 10 shoft and bj I %ais tW a eup.paftft6d th curious scenes of 111-ar - n 7 did. so _Bt,76wi a; fi-iftregqxrOt- that the j&rd U, 'be. e4hatahed Is a company ,st6te c&er the .�e&� wi oml lisctura--j., cour hael and, the' Jna, length in compairisqw to. t.lI6:;j f r­e.'_0.ii_e_ y'-assisEing th se. of the Hudson Bay,. -elect., or f Picture� -the unhappy. bride; rAm the� e�d of hi�'nose� t6l-tbe end cbm- 7' -ur -e mentioning all.....the Duke's 'titlres. manner Waijing "at t afioth�r kome*hat'in the. fa- of niat Aichi: he chuich-4,pr her tardy ._:.-,of: hiii,.thiImb.�. me mrtam. ts. uj��Maieri_ate sentl�, -Dpke, nd wdit UIP xiel And­+hie--khoWIedge- g&ive&---4 taweve in posi th' !I n -X r Pa ;j, C !this qtPdy,:,d6 youAhl re�'. nk -it. ikiflI _. : .� 1; 5'. ttle- fiiiidixg,�-St, exce -i -:,.as - the. - on -his at hd�--heiad_wheint_4he�me�a� .0 ot e�'; the c�>u niew-. :Watr", assed, and -nio Geo,rge a-r�� rce b.6dy, -what .,.ap� A- mrs n -P so: tak H b ime, anj nard�w Liiilment Co.',,. fimi surementz b Vent asked -bar., Of. tlxe- 'M 'h on y. �ring oa nuvoiA. c*1- 'A may "an .wrist. qrem an badly mariff, 3�. e. a h 'par Jt, 4-111. clieck if to di -a grea �,x- 6�nt Of a fatte 6& TY. a e rest.. ropov. length. maod and, -then c6p- buy* eir -d� horts oeive, th groceries and. the bo . the- art! vicibue so. I 'saffered� greatly. for,sev st jm.&y. &V6' een, to'� the �A cuts:,reifusiad�_ erai'days -a-nd`t'h6 --too.6lu-, nS OX ineis-, anid'am- lavpse� :are" -a 11t T- 0 a primi ive cubist., or are the ear- A6ar uniii your aa4wi't-gave me,A swereprepared 4tkmj�iid. a6d de-- h. th cl.6fbes their',44 i" 1" 9 Pg" - bottae, of the criminal appear n. e foot -of :The''n came a t6lekra e at. in 'lie �11MAUD'S, 1,1�_,J13JENTj whi-Q4. I began' ]As - The effect *q:8 -Pjaqi4��I; �'V� .A -.a,. 'Iareid.to'ba', royal: me es mu n i tion -44n_Qbl�'. ' e 1 0 r Y` - un. Old9b it' �nd later Pe.rib49 withoitt fresh the­nev� eator�c&rei c�n : -.:-- - � _L five h gr ...... 1] -_eea- in s 4# Lit es _,J� , 4mjijet;6 VT(7-TaUR I-ST- sei -.%-nl 5r. 30 do. had -R-AiC-SLL -ifM' X �be� give and A. _SWOM UVTN 9 V =.t. I -h-us in 4 measure wun tact th,6 'in arm worie­aeLt "kV 'I I -e P te, POii't Ke in ar d eAelf to A p -a _ . -a of e ic Yo. r4 tr a �7, �w, 'in, ox-iste 'iwas* Pkelid-tm near possible -fit, �th terrible clectr' ri�e'z __LR Spont Twenty T�Ars in the Jq*e;Aor;, A. E. ROY, . Vi Chicai�!'and North, tern, .-the end of the fitteen6b Cen JiTy chair." Carriage M"eY� ftecia-l- loW-"­rx-te-'T0U12d ADip_ -tic elid,on,_ JDr D Live Reep-, PQ. 0a ilia, st Antoine,, edle friban Points i.n du title 4DOW rds Xngeles, San Francy6io- Pbidah' e ark Jfri6a. rs, w mea-sures,�95.994 ofl:­ Bi a Vantouv DAb' - tjolid -'in, ide- bf bronze, 0, '6- 46i'di Who jS 'SUMMER COMPLIAINTS, vivtoria,'E as ai Busilae s Cleaxly 'e�xpja� patiff, 1,cuoirsion<- Pavikr"ie M, ujr- 'not iinain iser' our m< e:S 'h t rIgland to betbe isticte-0, r" " J KILL. LITTLE,0NES cda;�'"igy te��mS afid hc� 1,o,sUbrt­ exn inch . I -a len and LUES." 880 to Ilv- pd B` Jo' ers. t Vice. 'For rateis,:� Wust6te d &g (lie Engli, .g "" � ­- .. I I . . , _4 wag Me .d Y_ _g, b " ­­ ' -j , ' ' , ­' ton, Wh-Pa �a yolklip: Paril-L -of 'L . P. '. n _ ingS ik-speasj.. -p,n,,, par� JL__ best �table6 Wil!��! _P 'otn' 1111P e �MT6 if,671fi W -:1161-1-1-U, U_ g- 6sL"w-1nj1t­b e E 5W .0 XgCeht. '46 in 'nt liundl�id pop- _ I 1 11 . . - wen y Ve ty n over 0 Bennett; umerai hes, - roato. and, tic o J,h'­-­ ]Rill 7 ithOr"e4VO t6 The heri,,Sritish standaid re�l'fo� Afpca. lit cores eir, c. ? :n. 18 -and wa's 1 1 at he fir BilitUMV 0i urch Club;, bltewl' d 'Voyand cure, iard Food" trpulil W" orde il.latib should. -itg� "Inill is&W -,,ab n -Tabloti� or in "a L n calied the - WinQh' It 86 Booint, -So al, -46r Ch It -vas made. of bri4s -an& rem -oi-Vilizatiom brings- m.gSL. a.n urs May emy. . I of That'Couptr 00"' t of Afri . hom. fel-lows- _11-e-Vef Pr4pose­ e_ ndard' M�� sm' .'The .0sor -responsibil b the pojrt, railp oP a big. steame'r as ri :4,he ieg�-i sta A `13runs�w1cI03zi4k6J A. �Iote -'of alaxm' under the, title Caliae the girl d"sn't ly torganiz6d -.we complaftiu, si-6n-,ally... t6 11 cd...--., tefite t"ay land. of- - moire, � I . P ly long poibbots -'of 'Thii N. e L� ron The high if -ji�elv occat s�to� jong k bar- its in,exis mor 6 -:ne�ed Ahero, 4a, 4 or, She -rolle-d: ti� the -th el nid­ �wi I I- - - rnptly� Pro 'jid'k -_ tU t 16 An i'M' nade by ..0 conimi,"ioh..o re i _ y a a a A� V j -thewdia'� io. soitoded in Lakg�qt_ makers in' r mplie:ky in 'otfi�'� th4mot t� if they;'. 1.11, ­ 4*. - . .* ­­... I - he repott �t6t -he;, 1i a Zyft- -:-Minard'i -Lin m4int urek�,!Opids. 12to., Own ride* in' IjjdiA­jS._'tInSVMPatHotjc -�11 T&Illk_ . .. . . - - Vg r id' f<w a;'*A4 1*- 1... . 11. 1 1 �­ -ffi"`Th� - a rt cle - Ah thati" d, it ift 1,742., i1A kit�7L the food we cat. j�� of :h�L 'Was su" 'ta. 13aby' 4- -Wlb exanl' Jqurn., As it, mitt fact' Dil 'r ot-­­­­. �.' ­ "' ..' , ot.body nu6iti.1611" should . . be .,kept 'in eve, 3' ell, , poke not�o-,returh,for,t%onty yeta.1%. .110 � "'', 1- , '.. f ty'ra.nnichl an r, 'filed At both, oidLsp ya ;T . _ .... 1-1 4 1 ' me W11 I L'I an&-unjugt, ;Iialrsh- and, IIHAving' �A;; �1210D, fO veryihing and the AWer ere,-ttbre ar4 young -c A - The woman -who does hor� own 111ould' mike as,' Ped a at,�nd44 'be carefully -s xpediti-6n w"! �2,00. ruflea� 8iij nc . . It" . I . 111 -,fiio, e .pqliticall�, ruillous economically, IS -t, good idem le N at 'bfai� and dren. There -is 'no otheA, n'ie'di, work -has' the 66r' iiit girl' house U hwbeoo bzoken and r4iiredhti� rAtOr highly Adveloped va, jA 4 1 ­ .1 . hat 0. rum I� . And !th 'Was- aUse ALVV 6 _ff4Sf arnervqixs,&y_ m.n YA bi� i- I I I , I . I- �, �__, gO a r-. 4&b_ -�p oWm- re- you nee inland.. After h" at iii. has. that. wlin7v ciii. ant 6. .6-i�d. JL_.. ate: ring in , td linterip'r began. o. , b. criTs "I iAn inilhitV �kll . d nin iof 0, g6vor conWie",., unwholesome the. �U�k ldh*, guatant", ent ah&ly'st to an tu tuire, to stunt - a time loo I n g, fto Xt lbote &.-Ahat of .4.p9lk -of tong's. Thirty4wo, , M16,n ing nin*" Girea;t'l3rifAin he -,teaichi6a -th� S&V- aaN 40 Minarows, LAnimaiit cards DtOUtheMai u're' a d . in L an' fa tho British o6jejais A I#d_v -of'hjjg-)i. no""o""" *1 1 * . . fS 1 di n tan. agricult ith It uilflil' 1,8%4 tillre, and to ablets ari6,soid by tiledicinb deAl- .. ! ( `., "" %.I. 600 n1ilot Ur dri,�e th We* for T, AA101"I'lle a on& W e. +;own '0 -lit, 1, e� ' a'lth of,tho' to ag aj,�ab' Britain,,. 14. f" - I., ' .1 1. �­ ( 66h". , , 'S ifiey C&U w9b hilf-L 6Y4 pr all X. Id fi%�#ffi S'O&f § in, ev, r.-, St.. dielne? 8 ay, -elfd �gev- that th'' B tit- 'ferek, fxoln -t King, Maa-hidi, �Wh-og� risid' Th, 1) William 3fe think, w.�at --the- nei g4'bor§ t o' glilIple , f toln the t. There he JiVed wi -h' _&gkC45 e 116# 6tittidArd, dy8p(tp1sja­ fro The akti whe n' they. hear. that I do; my Own ation 11 -h-A' ah'improperly, rcgillatia4, diet �N jan as a n 66 power 'of si C, 1857 have 'look - The, belief 4ecame co Ouloli iii the and, -the, inisuse thib _ :work' w W r --- ----- . .. ..... as chief suffier* V Finj -.- ­ e own uppli"t ese., peopes an eig i en!, -cen u T o� -jan nOjhjn4'jH&tj 4' .70F. 'T do, reated therh. a8� inferior mortal6; help tNi,4�3 , yo U Walit,to.wj h a b I e t4ii n p jfS this g., a arM t-6 catablish themisdioA siw- to -agr -oibaeh,.. an-d'h -m -trrigu j . I I ript,re"Coghlzing that.11inaustanis a iC�ble ti�A-ards­­bufi! ee 4v� my at tion ia-tiiAnza, u on a b M100c: Is Itefter Trjr, M UHtte, Eyv bi at 6k. Fin n YR. Remed hat" 4'nn, 11, oatura'.. times, dW'not. seem v.vorV4.livih9. hairigi'ng - the I-Oreat White: L y land of no, e raees, that� have��,led, ing., If I I t -a 0 a im * �e bian ii of be' i Labor� you in n. in. t6'0 "'I be txj t k with unfailing, succeas, When ers. "m k,4, xve�k`,'Wate Eyes he, -,�`orld a�e life, br'G�dhfflated 9yeltds. Doesm' Ifere, , ? I V8 I ' .,finaTje.#,, morals, Telil- -So6thes Vyo Patti. .0rugglks set! I L...c"pel io I rno�,emook to i �C.4 'of 'Parli. View of ievery -411 art, science, The2�eforio 40111 a�, preached the thiough diark--Mite _91 jf 4 gion'and _indu�trf, John �Vrd W - 'jiem:. able� .�p �Alric&7i­idra­ wilig- h �tt L'. - i. re- , Ital �LA W -F "Y, �. ., : - 43 t1t: fl -f W ­ - ---- 35, jAqbid '25 c -506 e -aa Nidame far d I Ami t 0 ing'has be6n i;ot, Mirine E, �Ie Sal 6f even greatoer. ac ileverne e -ka-ye a --k, M i Ii tjjL . . , - 4 standard, measaredr 61, in ve il - I , .. i'' J1i .. , ­ ­� -:1 - : I � ­ 11 .- 1. � _. *, ­­ A 660 . ..... z1VIJA My-jac aues _7 Ma _q --V ernes; -ma -f- th toavoo- -Pitra y4le'. ys - e a6eLdV C.6., Chi ii.terpretatio 'nat --7—'7— pit of ivo,. known Freneli financie+.' pt d'' than -0, __Tl zin ido e Vis I 'ft",tion'of the heart- caus6d btlea tt j.,4.Ueg been Mod, iind,-i' by A, in 1824L it. Wag provided me Vernes. a g Fihn6e's 7 t. T modes, of thoughtj f naive Pusw� M r Y.rnight did suddeiiF� d- -t Mikstrial 406-Iffie, - '49'' t� '6114 1 drain of ootnmer,��b�! � t6dure; to, pay toffljg� 4 is ml)4 V, Land �&Po-_ n AtiollLt it I. te'r, -ges, P, Ileari-bg (21 arige_j�,_ jttl V 6w nle-il, rea - A W w i t1inu t n est, home thali iq ill itt-AMI'69 S1 Af,4`011 the ly, T.wo yeal,S.A "hil wilk other- n ,gb.fti6t t! iiAf� now.' in sbcial g'. ell- fg,. e 0.' to hill airy,. t to, the f et tha odern Nutz GO lllkllly"�Pokeu of :V)y 8�ioove�rl�, lie hap much, 0 say oil ing th��, ilitarv. at, g oj mijie 'f. sif 'cou.0 flilly iv'hme si:i ct*of, the 1end d- L letefl tain 't� �Xtent to,�,aL enty fo Fr6nahnion ii �M the Al s Ovliii�4 1111116d. to try -if." - - ffid daliee 'thigfli 71 has Minardyt talf"'ent- In who song,4 eor) gr&460.11 -the �#Tlite -6 ehahge ill my Wndidoil 'WA -8 48 in: the Jungle. kroused lively disciissiofi-ip th� ar- 4or the plAgbo-A.Pd fdr the di"946'9916 a 01'j q r. 0 <3 povertV. 'A� obj�&,*.Of th.6 'fish,- J, . Wyle�t�4,end x, ilds lsolai;6 'T to Ar. d r$� fh� lit�lo oss than tiifrh4i�il Li8tic� 6A well th�, jfi4ifqtri&f eir ft he found a Fe, .6 'aie -the palpit ti4ftf, -b ad One. ikhi.t� w6han v n .1 sh n Triaia. Jis j.6 b,61vibe '&8 hia'' �h,6r 0s; M. e �j the rflieen of all - Afr "n Idn't d ma tm. 'ey e. e ea me fe�:, at aatt Norb. 'nog" - g) Xt 01- t scarp,AU alt _11, c U, 11 e o ma a a that once .9gito C P I e, 1nd' .:= I J myle'r--cou are h4 a AM Fe wo 4601 046 44�� _,il_t _a nfil.sa utr�,, �Y,�� t ty djS&P'P4ear aft. Vol rwnent.,rj6st.s & Oil% t a.N,g. o 1041 In ifi;6 w �"O. J itj f & v -y It I . *Nca,,�­ $f "o. so) j('J'Ut joil' .,WILL 9-rP.-9t-14udo7l' fire. of h SK)6,ty -whiiA` floitttsho�s, in. g, WL -1 on, I &.1pag-ed, th a elm Ijind My. ib a ea. b, a -Al 1 n .1'44 thep'tioipil basig n all A, a: rhy thoi a -ill I r o)WA," Vs' k6 P'' ho4 decided to 111tro- a�, Iner Asod,9 of work V11t, in, ely wag, nild !Pp &r lid fterehfo dfV.L thin and fgllift6' bjjr, ttmo,To" 4 astrial --Ni�mima �,Ve' L, a bx t� o oy,, iWOMI'n , beiuq, ixQ_= �"q . , , 1-T -t 4�9m' a life o ;m _L—.1- TIM,- t- .4 Ilia 1krighf-'r i0ld-. %411 W-TVIS, a, i1ba(d 111co Id fV 6114�.,,p -444'-Of wolilidn I a VaLe hilit, A, r x, ),ad' beeft Ata&, b ed, 'I, tried it ill. the W en va, �hild hvedal`tfeatw(_�nt is pio�t eff&twe, agreeabW S &C I 'jji I '. 40 V,<� 11 Ali I, e e'[k Vc Itic ',TV. larly hi Af riea,.,but, S;g- M t 10tawfora Says, bob�dmicAj'. On retfring, comb the halt Ve "V 10 -a I ii� -iia, "d da1d. W�dl 4' - O)ln'k but btr j*111 at riel- %o I'd's 'T bridgeA. T a find make d� PAil i-ag, tgon'101� tubbfiig: Nficuis, Bi rd -IlAd le g gi'14--'Why f to, W_ w ine potions, do not mean ragtirue%lftutid� -.6ififffi6tit, 'itto fl10;piWftg,*uVa bit of soft A .1114, 'it is piece Of ico on 1 A`,'and 'he, oft tho aalldard 'to 1%v1v1e*' I ke k`.ght down ou, the t Anoint'. k '0611fifftal PAft1figq kbolit: batt Mi filch, Opari explau, no"a 1 -0. ths I1UI6,hb4.,t f, lot- iang;6 dabciffg-� iiiit a . I, t4louTJ be lost,, Pitt'd 016o, i�h f g, ib6be1j, ., the ? e- p -g, f o followihg, these dl.,rcwti, '6- A' at b" 116 Ab�oud 1,011601 - A he* 6h'i t:& Calic-ara 61mmotit 6fi thd (1110,84d' siliA wl&,ly ffi, as th, MM4 M Until, t�hov okk '61' tjjL6 'V�,ojjjd' 1�iilr. The -8-pifit 'of 0Mfk,116a1igfii As- thaT.1 snan A or st. tith 0A tirn ._§65ljr. tle,'A' SfitglaXi'41 Ikun She xgk-�d, lbokA: ex�nlplifi,ed*lj�'Paria' by Anier d', fo, $t i�oaoy tite i",Ad, in- 011t �01 the �Obldv lkt th"& tic� w Is, motha& hivi had &­&pre8sing1cii1'j,!, d 0, A*10116 V �_4 " (IM'd ail off, A 0#,bl but of fndtjtj�, 1j. ­-­ , rj�,­._­-,J4�, . � f"". Tr1ineo While it lyki"a, V, Mi, (5f Ni In I 'I Pn6v ar(, j).b,.j f P bt I on In Ow 1. , . ! 44: P bor &)r 'I. to in An 1'. 8olt .f cap U direct eon- b Vu t s talight as ni'lrell at, isn 3JkA&-,: khr- LAW & bguilC0 is. p Tho d B ASH A A,ndL'jj,jj_ b #J�j . . . .. ... ..... .. 'ttNl A, rMA. "Ou ev -1 W -d f fitia ib In t6 e, �txfldw%" 02.11% bout P P, Pmhj.pt pgg� , , I I C . T, 6 ,ttf gola fn V*V 1-JAUKOM Was,, It 'j 1 .8 om nt,.ow 11 or <H. "wide be w n :6i,; 64_64 s of Vktks� e 6 In