The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-07-21, Page 7-7
41�1-1;1 rl;� �i.' . . .....
r x4firlytion epted.,
4kre, plenty
:IRA IVEs, Is;
00, 0 MIX R 1 01.3 rnis, ApO ko
iises of fideliti isuch ais Trix.p. 'Uve,
"Poligiov's C 'S
but vi ry littlo -,Nnt,
TUB in-
&' E
d J. - - -8 "' 1 ',.,C `
i 4 if� of the exqu. site
J A d
-1 Tf � _1
in the VV RIA
us to except �,Bride
fip"Jife, le ones ais
be, M to �abies ��;aworf:18 of J.4 �4;.n is ' attend, by.cur
The -ex,4pslro
Al e�Ml On the
f 4 "Tad,44-
e� amou-s on I
u .0e ir -thain - wilw-,;i4, "th W_Ve )9 QlIj fle Sal
,lif-6-w!g vue Wle" ses in which the
ea 4 F of li'he hou R, Law M gTRUP,
rence ext
iiiekly"Ibat I. ated Is niY4 sold In 11�ree dif-
f A
The eviA
order iso,'.q inleas p�bwp�t isootww, I's , yillp� work is d;Dhe p 4�_efitations if,
�r.e r
Jeriftot olzes--of crystals;
Xlk "�e 4. , . .. "
on-jcc4 u.4 e.s c avor-'
'54 TYP
y -VA
It e Vt 'Y1, V, t.p PU a
light dd
wiv 'by"'
I - c ef M1 .0
um;plh ie p; , I . , * , re. Cant own,
--Versa,ftTe6-.k0 19r, n1 asu, gar,
of one 'Xiso on Irgg a W
gan., 0,, oze 4ter� 9'9 MR,
i ar o =)LO.japour thp is4apf, -
J54i L to 1�_oqe
nie '. , t ,
Ji ii 'Thei-k`6 I�a_Yezl -ta A bits , .: . 1 11
J M,JJeJJ,4 4" , - ., - _ _�f I I . .1 , "aly
d S, up "Fill,
(bNe lfib0l:
th praYeX4'paPer' and
T AM ere and Bnlo 00ft-ye i -
P $0 'bar id
'theory inien, iagd eK, r9pps, -P ae ,
iead peno;'bant I - . $ - to --k p alWay fl spirits., P"
maxingra ve a, Or Tup ce.
i� A_ 'Tl- _'C_� iaof,
�� I P t __VjV VIA Mk- JIF: 1 1 0, - T
------ 'IV 1A eltv -*YlTe ,[�j 3"7!Jbe
may P r:W�'e: ne r
wt The satil.ors, ge 01 C t_pja �kince:tlip:-�,resence of women
at, ap 0M., I a, 6il"s, LIiii1k
ora , "Ofic
ari $0 Ointurm,
il-qt promptly- i-reateld.- During the A- --- 1-Eferest a
is ppp d ib, to the
nuinillier the moither's best flii�iid is, fhp�ogr`iip� -of JoVe'dOes not run. 6mogth for the im',con A
-T, %-They regu mps 'Of, ill I a I 'hy - dieftpt I" -as, vitupera-. !,Wt. E,Wn, ind. inquilte, virould: 6 -
__RA ys Own abl�,,t.,s. �Iii' no-, ship is'
t6e,4, sue'll, 45- A-rarbik �a;nd Arnienia, I b' ng ais;,a�Aef tu the, hion�.
�J suffered fr-pin sl4h trowAofor
tive as The� Serpent'6 Toilglie�. of' ",tarlo. two" certain y ril
late-, the owels,, sweeten the 3111013.
*to .1 thm. beforq, taking Cutictira temedles, is
4nd "ev, ecia ty oj�abl' LLET PROTOIG-RA,
. ii�`o e li;.J; Pl, yer
&C'h t, A-nd keep,'. bAby' -hie4Uby. The. Vil�liam
, < -; - 7.'- i 1.� -: , '.. .
Tii . -1 't, , , puck *8 Tke-Arguble. � start
11L. -JA 096, U 1 )no
Before:tle�- --fk--. -- -1 �;__,�z . - . W. D'OkWSON n 61borne
y icin 0 Cote" . -F -7 !�Ij� �_oa th�2 back- of the
re 10' 11 � . ,
gtluwl a h Ll via
b I air -Lpv#�- '' __ ._, , - - I I -
Shinyei ariij, �]Rer k_
irs or at 25 cefits ;w�hpx frbT .1 . . 0, - - on PAUtfl, t1,
W4 Rrk-M t� t
n Th Y
0i astro- �,,itch t 5 MIT-. ATOC
M D_ AM,
% mt _En
i t- doe
a: a the �hip liames, gucl Mod .-Wor p Afix-.0 %_GRAIN _AX
13 r -�k 'indicates: ail,
oc - Those 10ERPI soptu-bpgad X*4 a.. In
'i4l Becalmed attest. thai t*ll.y. all ..w0ims ot.,-Ontar"
intei;,-sit in. cele`!�-J IQ4fex ai m6azi be OeelaTed 9
yille, - . I I . Ve
tu' 1501"' Ld'",;the 4niftit; from.
sailor i0��
e .0
V 'ritbVv.!7
cQ sional y
op -
D W.-AJI 'rate�, Orf�-onb
�b �at,fh V
-rh Y, 4 �d came:qp ofii Jpo J`sbE
bands is Xe Ang 'sprop ol�er'.' 41 ib a p n, d
'd alu d' shaxpe I usari - a sec, Ar fii'rp a ij er
ilie� �rafe bf`�fiffeen or, Vwenty� a
the f
boity- iat'l, V4 TIE
twi� 407
-wei%pba. "lid 'A, I h 'h 0
py:mY."P , .0 'Ag, -
h- _ 1�e'�
v e'a Je4 ;'of 'the iwords they are tho A id'incontra
f6bi4flof.' idle st, with ibfh
_,va,ruif'ot _�pp offke'�;d, oi�, by. �one,,i i6r,��
ho t of
1A iihipg � 4 -hi -q -4,
ly i -t -, , iliaifi;! to pozlo�,
T �l "RIJ
at th ;r
11 d �C & .. t lie Nyh TI
eelitili,4191 P!,Yev
spite" lik-1 Nap alid, Lu6kyjiii1%, �,M�&,flto6 wAtee4like -mattm�._:T oq. gan. A
piacedJil., rmQ 4�' allic )'n �sfcr-e- o. give t 6,.eye,
1co, f, e. r ...kL ea' 'f� h
h to" bo- th�' ieik�>ii ',6f�
z sa;A.� �k- 4,: W C�Yijjo�q.. '.W-!'
At PICAP, 0.�. 'tl ffe �j n g
�on "the w*, �Nvi I an' C)
Al ;,seenjibid W, sca o,. d -ma
S,6 L -in
4, In IA.: if �?, L, 4. �,.,
JheiiiL sAgA
t:"e Xflt -
1M O�T
Joe" t V1&7Vbt*, paime
Lejq'e. b'�,C
1r, n
lbnnit _V ----8ifve1i37Vdnt&
rVa VLXMP�!,�
.:150r& eyga -express %,
%ekever, tile, r a iciu r, "T
samj�!�.,qf C6ilqa I.. ry.. es
"I sent foi a ic ��oa;
skin,g� of
D" 61A� 1Y �4 a4d Intmont wm -4,TA SC .4
aopip� lio - , hL, -,
iir"vedq�iickee than i w 10 4 6 to
stitiolf r play, h ve �rig.
-tile Of P S-titiDIT )rx this x4nei B's I. ei� - With' reg�4;d- '_i� It play,
of fe lie lbl'
A -wh.-.e
b" I
-D- ain ve,
V tul 6 we 01 It Ad
Edwa d �woi& W YLPF-_ refer' to 041 n not or t stral' ht, weeks.
gin -hav&-heen -rhad e- -.from �A-im e.4)4 -inch" _V1
t T, UaDK;l
A-1 qu
"The IAP 4, prin s, rpisers,, Faill of t, hen .1 was', inpietely a-- -15,11176t 'Ing
p if -
Foot t Ushei,tG Poe's, Faill of t A.,
to, . -7-- -ia-l-. -Bi4 most e ally-,finio-iiis;:are. .-Pictuxes 11 pass
i-ioutreaw, �isoap. and ointmeay.
at -6114! 1' ILC,. Die- 0,
wood_'411,0 W, e d - a
too .... ... ...
_ ... _'. r.", - I
Vurlicurim an Intei It
--Tlhia '-palicz pagnie,
i ty, .,fot". 'PS, erilit. a es owpyur, a, er conia ipon u eD Pa., d'JU -,,I and, 4fttei
r�ii V-70ca, enough 9,lz g�J'�
-,Q.OIh,p-1-eteTY_, tikbu&-h the Allih tic 012t Va in Ply 0 , ar ow ad
A lem "� (� %
erg, a to, -chillui �so.1d.,thro.ugho!it.:th"I.Di.r)d.'-Jei�.d th
avo . ai yery. :little'
-Siome, of thei r -wtesKr W hiAt'Aa-t Aile 'sailor--is�'not' :6�at after all�- ib�r6, iii. C. tpor beforw-tod, Tatti;'r An- IQ
t9n, U.S.A�
Ic is
_=r A6_---.shipp ... I ". . � 7.
-Oalb�p�7-T -haps ina awwas- beyio�11, r4. Limited., GD1116c,
.grest- i-ag-. lis -k Eii well orilts,,
on; - . - .; �J
od gave a
fer ufactvre�� wh J�,
j;�q, A-- _for-fto-sji�2p1q-of- -WA�h,&��_-pagd_bool Y
note ffiit� -nT WI?6=6 ny t
un,'equallex. ere. il;e, 66 :do 9 6 Aifg�
ime- els 110V .,resem 8 a ames -our. futuie =:;� I 1 1. - B�1'99 .
-Ahip If the n of . '' I . 1. Too EffOcil
Ope Ave.
oir%'4,, book-selJ ad ail' -swords aft bfteh met. 'with. tress. ,Then 's me- iiny- splibters
dei6p 4nd, clilum se-' baftletshijjs pzeserve, a APES .9F.,GIBRALTAM 0
bird haig a zt6markably e' s vertl di�creiiet sV
bell- M -631t. Of novelilitis we, :in m
Wi:qus do-A-4le ill�,te, fina Hu in Asiiltie ht�jidsi,. though i §t 'sta'ftea '611t, folbiwi-n ithe' bullet; th di oli� this
the itubjeof I of: g 'd- 9
Tbg an. Wllgre.ioh,
r.em _U d.
-fi lhlir�s I a
A- Ve' en'--Yem n: M
&P th -ha
_y ave 0 egan. t-6 sp at
a bee. AGAne
ou recomme. --Z-%
th 6- f,6 re giiti - -'a'- nd the. q
b- I -j;6� akh6d �aL h �::64
im-, p um;o lV. *-I-
_'h3 -0�
"kii-tess of-
-At#b "It ;bird -,by,,a m 4ners% fa -it s ienl�, Iell' to
�ce the ick Udd
vir. 0
piece -sq '0
Ver "Gri�at .. . � , , * , � J"
Alng,'liquid gold- f r' Vravelersi to* r aiire z camera Jupiter"
P sake Aip, aind- soore I Gi,4r��lta� shuttbrg are Oat,
JZ411: t. get nl�
e, ifs. no. ev, te, fanj� _th 4 '.--f -re-nou",;' k
.n.ce - � _7_ - 'S4i -.1 - J
PU, a -Ther id. -.6!P �e, �l It', USIt SON C'
-�77 s 4hkt-;3h* PrAy" s-.o,n - ookoutf<;t te AE - G N X*K1 e�PJ,fs
AX- e� sw iR
-outwieighed: by
%, t ild "' ' -_ '' - ;- _;-'' .,. , dl-- - - .0- 4,
q th lk tioal illwi7est' in p.opu ax - fic- have are moire" than . --:11 Ag
eis,6 - feath�red 4pecialist Ual, Of the ro�i,- heoilly Wl Mon- sp 0-
4ith a �Qi; 40., n
Voin-d ":r UIT �0117 ugiiAt- evotion ' �slaiini;s_ eys Ill 'E I Jl Pt we Regli Killed wi-iim- te-r. �wa-s -uso
ng, 6 oruiA as _0 , _ biy A
oybi 'or Th-e?,e�- Nvn-ofli- :1-kp6r-* -fb-.,a;tf �eflifi -ac. d b%,4
sy Am ell- 1 u; 4
h��r� ' I .. . . - h
--fVv '506.1,03118 - t, 4. L two' bill "it .. . . , I I '. � - 7 i& , I ..
are Instead,, -a
no� poss-e-'s5 Umole Tom %op- - -d:- B. of .-eiectri'
66ife b ill d es� t;� thliea'tehod
&Y-arite m.use . -.F - mi�sic�al V- "Y
.8 - ,e -re- A aN-ert,�& — . ., ii as,
-A tsiiultorch, Xh h< ai-n n has e k flash�d, �ML - , *4 , , ,
bu-t i iestrAl) efiects, are iM en, 'spar s was spa s.Ph es 5, e
ry, gistor. St. G,,eorge- ir,�Ibe, mo0t. POP-: . Ve� . y 'W �Not one of oilli own line 6f so�,6r- lo, - r fe �qf' a
th,6ie -of' -higtq�4�e�ero:ic.p�ftet. .9,490 1 1 - , . arx natili.ral',voi.ce, 4, shArp tongue nd
e� wing one )the t at Ale a
is indJ d ge, I Ph 'has evei if� ll� the,
'ns 9t, `i;o th�i,i,.'xnoil�ystheld uniflisp4ted -po, ell iixide*r'
':The�Af ine �o �niiiuli�IW'ais*d6i -the, e 4i iii1ar.f6j, -isteam, icraft, but,
iican: bit4- 4 6�_ .. . � 1 '� .1 -,h -
eaA, is�. 'ife 6 't
'Tho.. 'poetry thesai1m, r -S, J'k rp:iStol Of' S69
the,. kn An ia�. sin 'Tile
did 'tj H' b; H h -iliri Ni&s- ge; the,- i p�
C leve's.,_;y ljppi!�F_ o.24_-, pictute
4 le -e�kds' tile pbal-J-&r the' sa ea I rklilakirt;&k
'i" It -Wls R an'd wo-re. eel 01111 several ourited '�bn,,s Vhee
: L -P r to ' ' - - - I - - - - el
I MR1 sle s. -ob ab no a e&Y's a lia ... 17 In
Nice, e
h 'Xe*g -idw,`thing --n Q e, d -er A��e
'ari A Y-�g
1tr 4ie h ,tori t
-when,, te ilpte k, �hale et, -i-n--qiTeliM_f
_ts'th-6 _6 TO, r --m.- nivu was e
the.:k nb
�M--ild-Romeo are, ship' 'SC Jos�Aph Three Mon.., mi. w4ig, eg tbe wheel �vds revolvied At, $wede 0X-.qgre&v%,o&13n ealm*,4qd,
iin thd% animal s si�jlie�id e
over.. &nd,*.o_Y*e�r,_unt,i1 h4B thin _yibtu, ff., "Mild, u IJ b'' 4 the obj-qet,',bf eight-'4tte
seriblis :.k
po,siibly ZJgsLs�_
.61 leptLetO,_� The,: 'gin I- _W.0_:
rVIV 6,nn , ;misund[e�stajA. `�Qrn;e. Pso zu! e
14 'B er
y aild pla(le� �Oiieilpcality. 'the .L In: 1840, Rclstpa!
�v. h �,,tve call -,t Teca ti �ights 4� ] '. , 7) U
he �go _thei.r �.Qp 0*oiW).,P le� L Oof Q, 10- e _411 -w*.s... read:y'
P ,IN the bul,-
_th� -
Ah"i -P L M a
ndTQ# -Y�e J_.0 &)1ow-.-- a sho6
I ia.v ked
I r -see Pbrltses to 'He ed UY sin VlblveO tbe VC1_U__ir__6X__
, -roil et riMeis"a.s' _11fe
-Y I e_t_. w f4e ie'd and -1
pilrd, sF if 6t , a 1�_inch , na vvfid: 64 ish! a I
Clio )m i re
Sit. 4,4 'Affielin Vift aell ��Lyl' with Will. d0ma; -.1 RE!We� _,4 f. Har-& o�.! Albert� Alfalfa. ley sopi - to b -1. eit don var. a W 14,
t it, IWE �
�12d th, - became, veiy -trouble man named. 0 Or b I I" i'l to. -a fra6
Y. 4., young posure eing.- IM
r es, an, V Z T.FUMH
1- .-Ships, like and *,ry it, w..a. e owner TU'l 113K , r, i ga;-. aga�h ipi -so. --a-s--no
betw!' rit 4:_ lb—"' 'i 'by
n r In. ffo-litics 'and After, vardoirs expe lent. Franc] you quic Y_
i rep4e_i&ag_rtfe_m rapi, n .4 he romm di s to ai&-thek, �6utfi, Jobn a free. We trive",
piatftes one. uver thb,otlier. Mrnlah. . "o) a 7, -ca,
uop_eVience a -tr
�5 them. -all. over A. b Patch ;Lnd-',5--hiubh--:keYe. -oili -.wWre �hed. cre.atiure P�%fir6d: ol(
&:In, all Dan, Zixe... oler colleke, 219 Qtteen st-F Mast.,
a tho n_- -tied
I . . ro
ph -fond mis- for-Allp-0akk 44& -,oi ght., -Qtie6n,�., his repi�a job lit!0I
,,exa, erated.� beari g- down em
4a", UAlliel, b.eibg. 't ` bo, P
rin,e Iso L)
fik'ned pie ago _ gue wa-si a- g
t< t-Q.,g. 'm next ay in fe
E d 'ile4 A. -> , , - X r Quir 0 ewhbors
-C This, �orueltv! ,w"'
ar :p*t 1: e y N
's pi t. c nb_ -death. - - re
which Ah were miliififI5 TH . e trou -was
pkiai a
_MPFrall M-
W `Vrob'A b 1, y. bY ihe'land.
h �:eAlie�0 ilgei
ifh e i �e dtii -dii-a& K) y and --r - - --- ----
,i�t6a ii e a n riving, W, n
t ei-r the ea -b 4- neve In
e T- renieiiieA yy Ana iii
tbi _n co, neastang in coultilton 649-, Ydiil -gal -orn g9eff out pf: b 2 If
V461 aw%y
-h -due -to, bi� Pip . t8ses . sp� An usin BLUE
g'l "T tion T e fault sy be slon.- of �bunkera-. zftierward tft&-QiieeYi`)N-as..
-h� Jifig�i�liisyn' but - .&,ny.:.ratA rQ- )K
'd, -F+ -_v�7b
lit -1Putn;iimV1 . ii App. ie L-47., 2
'he-sai i I I - , oE� nz. fi, A, qr ire , v._ith.:_p6Nvd* y it ..A.. - - at
mes, In M
gQ,od Swahili fOr "$Ibwly! 41-0* pellings. t ' peg- on,thie.� rook�_ �%.N74fl p I -r. h� 7
-ly UX y a, Amiltoliy*ta crK-7, IS
oi&i duty'tior- idoiliatii-.' 'Li IVWould� tipt be well'; e; werie� hot tra. p e
kam �ff
Go] i Ah d d R 6d, an , thte -ick - -,whi,lg
ar,, s rue ii. P,;i
N IN few
man from. County Limex,
ean..'.ago, on y thTee
The bi�d*l: ke.�ileimba with tillia' for Leah, and L.Wie lot, the dimin-'7ment;i-on.of, the,. great Dliw� Old, ferho-i il: t k lighty -of us can .,sin g, .,fi
next yeak her aies y v� -ing 'a dis- ;DV�er Aiif&
11tive of Ly.di-a, 1-�Biltf"`iliel worlst-J14 ei of Shairifix;6eks:iand Tfillsflies ai�'t were left_t& replie�&elit th, ith a �-ane by Robert - ix s withblit. �ptrik
mosv am-asemetlit Was a dilatory jel
in. il face!"vt
"thei, evew mpre em. -e, �b7
-w to never, to, 10 JO
b w
-b-, -ned h this -Cordaoift- libte: -
ow got liollild tb e nia, - a, --s ip olie M 1; AV.on to. the'kn:6' W,ge
Patel an ex
N t
..he- b
& t -F. enchmap "WI LuWer* S,
Is r _ . : . I ,
eaT:, U Y� - �b" -nylt() . 1. __11
1'�" - annother 0 If f
1114 . li e e.q
-.s --so- "f�G-An ddian is-,- d., r- .4.
'Or gbii6o
ga -plugs
Aory� -It4h6w's;-tha-k- Scot-
imainy' . - V a' ekiligh a,
tat.,"U'LZilin g -s- Pe Bu t
with- a'plst6l -at. I-. f 6,11FOUAT in' n. t ere ls�a -
d' Qvienits- 46ur 'old
aiing=in= , liah�-�.InishLaind --- ±Fi;r.,&n-'GhL', -ear 1 wi' 71111
wi� h
sy. a�e§'.: Nvlilk'the
t t a —id " j; a=
the; -eun,
ssiping h4�yi�_ unitied to fi�miailes att��ked �ooii killed: th
1,� �rn P Wai�s'room. a e up.
LQ - - _. 't a
w, Marinq the__ReW. Ilo�derick -an ubt 0
k -ope , . ,
tMV-111e.. late. tish',Liofis Sail or stleam, Ainicia-bly -ment was equallN, bit t� "Bilt the
Afternoon . .. ....
-and ea" q.- 111, IMI, a. ma e ,our
ilev�er a, qr fa eak- sa Languish, all
.0 OT-e�- 'IS iii;d crittakh bv Albert P t,
Aiiidk 6 worst of it is there"s n
wf, T_1 PSI' taie Qaii.ficlas over' :e_l��
lIg Him. unaware and anothei
ton;,ed Iiot 'by., pany mit _t.z, - I I '.
Va .0"
I hi -.'ifs It iga, liftle, difficidt to tell fi om' li&-ho'.-Jotighit his,'�%.Y' ;in :tille� v04A Y;O-tl
0 f . ' ` A- e t .7 up-,
e . _$ 4,6 " n Ur
_o - ailwav clefk� at Do
-but . h2s.. Andante ishi in es, whe races f th
ther' OuTJ g oW- femaleis an4l, be- 9 1
C 4
7, o and t-11CV-5. 11119. u a e, ter, 'NN -11 WrOte, io Sir. Henf�N- on-
v -Jung
11 -6:-
E, -,ii On'tM 6 t'
WA,441,6r's soll by'�' threateni-h- -to mur&r t r Iiie Rewite
-ad -4o, is'everi Vi,
olit. all, -r( 11, or. reiarieiiiiion... musical fancy� tseems, to. urn, or wbethet t&y Ili ill VO`f of'na,� ker�sthat will, aoN it'i-s expected, ye
P, e
If vou have Red, Weak, NV�i I
Qi 9 :ery Eyes
LtP_W,6r4 jeen'. The life of Kin 4W
ish- - `. i!
_v& "--Iitonotriy� n-. on amd, *ill IPTO i
-.It wag4eaL
�vtiii Ated'Evelids.' 1JOesn.,t rbart-
'w, UnIv 0116�` '��fe pi,ed'LLbl�, I 'S� I .
"b e6&me 13 u.
IF -!clitti ft two-, 4ii�u f Gilbi�rt.,- the 'pl- wng as -'a rate tb-�V.ractis e kind' of 1w- Unt6ttunately this -siri, hotter,.spax
Ve in... Druggl5rs e
!§oothes' t
a, er rs'. .0 vi s,'ihe Year before his,'
bblink' lie wooiiJ4 reach Ae . etid flaf;441ip of big� own. egieortfI4 by th e; perta-1 to'-*��Vieration'. i �laiiigeir*oli,s. vwioirs-ly attack t Y )i BA
J Afir, A
Asq�nti IS,4
A to
t lat, e, y�e Qc fail
`�Fjiii contracted: b- -b- Nll*"-t LY
I a.n,gc y. mawsing, -*10-1w, N,N-�_ZTI a te, y co 11 em n e ree by
'I �;AAf0py.-
Pi, B F
final e4ievei iciflj�, lie,
Dn-4h ...... ...... An..Kye Tan4cb000 f&r.'A*XjAms that Need "rO -1Rt---M-0T0 C
ier upoD. ecase until- �.tlie next ��Fitll I " -
NJ). 1 11 AV Mifirisie E�e Re-medy Co., chi R �5S
t, Pe .2 P, A:R If
oolnplebe4y' 4iuknoi:�`n his tt:� s;jifo;�.'t comYrut-ed t.Q iniprisommen
1 i is
ot is, -as -pp'..
h -ibbe h
b' "t.' a.
But xio
e growth 'of' le BaRoi',s 4 a in th,6- IlAindoii Zoo, NkJ) it 6 AV&S Accesitorles. Dept. WESTTG .01,
T. J
'Canada's ship;,ping. trat�i 04MA11.111r)III-ed- �1,r� -4-ba-t-tol 'silip and TO. Ov ii;l'
Vide, "oni, for W4 �and -6ther ",mes A6.lc4ks.ifIitiAhe-,. gh i i'vilere1le tl'ow dwe!IA -in'.'an a,dinired il s 1. e0Z sprilng whLter, 111
In +11e,14th dentury. pins,iverenot
rabip-ir darn't tou
ty. 1117 -7, M ad-.
-�aftiili -whi; fi nov, j1d.- g, Jt.,� ni aaa
now-spaPer-ipa;r14.wA_, ool6y emiq 4) 1
t�sly th ' " "' 111.1i4 � -1. 1 . ibaiid'
jy- RM
.;ojcarele. ivA -V6Sse_J_ t - and
s-l ey— av k' -ape, Jo.
lid 91 1C.
-lie c
OT aP t a nally
The law J�trmibted.tba, e, all nJ bf6i a. mik4frque��Jg elope, -Astonla��Ii and! ki4nev4 in'. su�ch 41, i. i ke f hl; 9',
of space, 'Pile fjItooiria,66-hr of'sonie Yjti%ive-ape,�'but , Tramp Well, ybit Aee it's
friends a Lfiren is'rocordedb
be sold 6n 4ho Arst. -'a of.,.
y .11_1 ma'4in. I've go -ail Iron- con itu-
of the, be'-11'101ne� of the luomtAljht�� sitch Mlips as the: Tw-o Friend,,, and. 'to' 0
Jillil'i-ry each,, yealr,. il at ZO 1�gjS-a be [A
Broillers. V�ei s Leapt at,, 40 _tobj�' �Y -Iqf -it,4 �eid to' All) iti*n fligib-
H. d.'. Tiverre CUMSe, i -,� vi� - - I _;
t�uulji zt goC14 vos
they' e.�M*e�d Mita, the -Gq1den llule,, 0&id. Infinit, and ii Ad Africa, get rusty:
_Dbe calne t ai-e', allipes lie. liad ileld' for yi6 a rs. H e to"o i
q1n. it therefif J�k_ he-ciisi:
46jit folt -it ig- ritii-�Ztrizted -to, tho lhollgtmn.,
tr . Lf
1 Ono
A it
bij I I le44&-bw,,�, - - `-M
, 'e, r. Ij or,-s.mialn fiesitre. Y8 for,kmp� a,�`Fn&ss-.;7of t rY..
Ule, w t Ift R'dil to be ail, or-.
'the ---sttickof s'on th"e- t, ,
ir, Vea.?q our
Allw� &lid Mazurk4 keep Cine t6 -10i' ess mid V'irtilcii, ei�e.ghoiild be All -t lie ath(vt m4cwobellz .* f 13fliVy, INJR,
. . 1
�A, Ys,,, ai them f�or c 14-Y i piceglla,(lirig CIula- Millard a
plit'-poso thpir' littsbando,or (4n`tTa64cu,-LAst, Alli iiiv h*Xse - Ivan
brM'es,,thie 110� 4i-ffi -s- 11-0xvOgt -Artwau on Trip
I I citts ai�e Aia; lie, it
th get. P 9 ed'.
�419 qrwrddl -
-)I, pin me ey ea it
�rL . , -is. is 1141.1fif I JJe4,ai1*A baoly iftit, fiff olOont1p1twer-by a bavbii-d
fliers was own as n )problem tht- ' 110'61 . I cuts -it
-ween -ollt -, t,,o . -,,dji`t)s r1les4o,3, 'o I, V
gulf b.�t the, eilam ip -1`3 diall 3 111, qq,rve on. like Afl',
oal,Aiarlle� - - N -
alid. flie 4ashlilig 0011-e-ge WMow, these,. It may'lle.that Me 11 " The monk yfi,4� Tonce.'. Three ' of, (Ho -'elijall
h te t -1:14t lias sunrived -to the '�.Pp jet. - ot-wit(ailis c d 4qou, bie the titUrr beq-auik� fou)* x1agara filhR, ToronO, Tho
)f nx erititilig will, be Wist J&p�,fil"'Re 10 1 find roffeii, a'rld' thbugh-A'.
�WU ! bealed
w�al re in if�offk'. 411-04-A-Slattil'.4, -', St. - Lawxenee
11, ine Is -s',eRetti-oh of k I nds of'medivil)e thoy b.1jfd it* belfieftefal
re �t Jaht a dokor ativisod -W TO
Prf Mi t ctlfT7��'t Tw- 1'wki him I.,fel.t. sure Ili.-, ki&- ltaj,),Iifs, Montreal, qqi6bee RI)d
. . ....... .. M- it, ,A TNAWW�4 LfNI'MiFIN"I" and. ill -tit Jli-'v�r f ---- --
e -An.e. `0
'Ships -betra,�-- atit,rac. nei�s ivag �Rti'D toz ;CAvffv�� 'an, a tor e
.& � Iweekfif'
knowledge of Music .&P ... I "I � �. :, �,� .' <1 n t. A
N I . I uro"s 3110 hrfpr�*;' 0
Nt tile scits�,i it lie dkiiidea. 91V'e; the hair ttq� frown oyer,ea6, 4ue Art,
lip 4 b n e ootidition.Vhe Lifliment. is ceetaffily
ij�)k;:60 thati' aill 4,044, g.
�t :rhzz1hIg Que'tt-J10.1t.
A. matt �; e a I A e MA, . t, Iva s , it sti. 'ails'e of i NN011dfsrf1H fit its� -worhffllk. liov�)ratoq for tli
Wh in A 'i and -bgrthov. Pi intor.
rallia; es.. tworflif 118`bit.�_ oiie daY N� e wituppo. 11"Miker.
d id, said to, hn� pafent. wRtfol� Apply. fo l6cal
y: Ulf ..P, po",
Th� 'Fewinine in Evideii hm rd 4ibout TiTs�irjn .lzr-ct '-ultv,
Ce. oi�r 77"Rns',��cred' th e,
Xtil -G.4�:'. - o Hugh 'DI.. bolt,
GL*n. ut., '11or",
'His 11 tirkl fatbei% "Well, bitil Isn't
Teke�, ta:ken iilr�m th�,,. biillet, but, 1pa vo� it.
w. obli" .6
fts yoll, 'ff
hat 'fill heil, 10` 14 ' A to A Vohtee Ch'A Vt;
fit'. ef' 'kif it i)�-Nv
fromi. Ale do aldiv W His at iblvlle,'� grVAN
Itclous- 41Y
ly qa6qfxouJ Nivvilt to k V Cff (he 14 (1 it Se (illspvAil�& i
Vy- - Rtidjet, Y
7 re
pe ite47_ &I QU6,
shir i0i)
the efid bf t1te it' 11611.,4c h -a S all idy you are IS e I I act -
les fite.Tenfl -ip�ia
10 V$ S� &I, Come, alid it was, &-stroved., -le My,,writc nity nAnw on thettitfst tvl)-
lidyin t ice.., a;;4 �vell tile, NN Ili, n 11
'the C.i-padizqii sail�j* ee-rt q tiller
-To, =)Eat'�.." hji� fil., 111".." 411a'..11 -f— __ e 131-itlget -,- Isliq; ff, V
.A -W lw,�N -Ur �i (qlA as. a ie�4ii t. b, o, v.. Y g, 4 1 N s 0'6-410' tor LT this �!tui%.
b, oviEi V a 111�sl n. 'it is to IlAve
hat ,f liv.-t. I
4W k
t:, fiTik �00,
a )i1all;
I itt ff
kept g',t M
A 1.0111 TIN11 I nkNver aAba
DNIAT Omit twblll 'L.M
A V0
4. X A I CITS e il e lvvvit-, k1,14<i Al 1,111fe vitkll� 1, S NOR
.Yy Hi' I Aliff, kill'(
h Hii
Ma v� 1.) Iiie I I . ll� h I (111 Iy %Ji we r'�
anlit)-rif i"horo AYICI I � "m . 6`001 . 4
g ti!P(i hat wild Pitt 'it 'll .11 '15 Lett'
&Thil .0
w1i he'ad tfll(Lif M:'.1s
.1 , I I , " 1 Ill 17 11 to Mk.&. fli-listlivir..
ovfti�, sixt� Jt""Alls, i"nalutrit fi t 14", l*e**4,Ull i0w ifficse a I. , 11
oa.0. eA !jj'r! %n,
%� 4�%f"i"A�_,,,_ ' :,
- -f -1,(& 11, V..k
-11"& fi-et_ T "a6d ifte'-, -V iftf 1.1M 1, A t -t? NN" -A.'5. f t... I
.41 si,.allkl C.,
- wz 'I'll,volle v -,-lz(-,�
a:�id'a,tow)Zn4 flie Jack.s flwvo i,'-_ I lfl�iillf"Ll 13,� a f,'olliou clocknill B fo vtlf�:,
and nli#
�L_t -ill t e I I n ( 1. 1. 1 __r-- I I
. ..... . . ..... . -XIM
., I (IS
J _?.f-ptlea. tile ti 1,4114) 1) t Is wi5ktlse lit, 411 lne�Chvydml 801oc
Pe ................ "If ilk4SAIlit fill' A, illan(elpiorl,
k d Stilt IM1,0113 [Whe "ol -the
HA�;AXJ' t4 T
Out 11 [i flo nAlip't4 It'('
ladwb�w �44r4wiw-#! 11% )Iaeotil itt -I n �X AC t I V
f 0"
, ill I; o:i.
as .4, t! Q
vm v ,
411 .
wuiatz,- TT
i�. �, t'dj a iA 'k,111
.0 ant"
trfi'are J"l V4611 (Itn' but liftle. olf rreht�
n- ih aft
t (!.-q so Illue if.. pi6-
fie b:.i 11fivea.1-k- from Artin to.� zozz "t(JI41's I
-s M It, i1g, "tot
It Y like Atro
o�v cor t ji Vtotic,,, are. ati 'rativ, �lfidfl- s1fult ao-�% 4.
�lj.plle�lia sila, Xillii Mlici 01"it:01e
q i
It o nio ',sll-�Cft tq- JJZY".it ItYW, ge d e i. j
. 00'r Per it *ifll a- Lvigr. Ai of. troiril".
-th, i - ittio siga 1A)WO ind Ad.(.1; * a�w evell to . 1 1, , , * I - '' �to&,�iuk bi r�alated b% t1ifit Itio. jinli(iltil Mdc'k4ftkilig.
7" ,�,Na Is"' 0"imbi 1, �Ili�nell t li., 01 -floW th.", Y
NP it
,ver a rit that it'n 'q'itif-s
"ne , 'l ky on.)
dilriV mti6i�i.�
did tiii 1`61009 go;k v�trr pa 1 �et,p 41, r'! (I,
V( 1,61 05
Soffili6q fliiera, is a soaiilt� fo Alitl h4vot it 6 ois."PtW
a lid A Softtilr�, Comb. ITMI(TS& VIVI-ttv
$40'. 0 &1 (%"Offe
NS't TOU00 IM 904 ?"aM616 1-14T11'ea �0. low.._qfv� to I ft for N,:
�f, tt-4140fil'a 71ii&vo, iA 11l) iit
Iti iiii��V IN]! 6,14 Ao-611M W try
mi'a N, to live 11 cl w w 1 -to ttiAOto it� I
TH El 6,00(N 1.1 V!, C A R C '11, PAN
---- 77=
tUrdt' d0l 'A
J", oo -
If-- t
0 4:
t 14