HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-07-03, Page 4vor
irig Season
' h Nie on hand a complete line of
artielcs whic are most in demand
repair work a -s ecial
utlatelmccor, Outwit,.
, p,+.3,,,,,01:,, .,,,,,, , yA::,,,i.,,,R4:1..H,,, _., ,, :::,5',1:e....i,err,i;i:n,:orie,,:17:k.Se4roetri:OQ0;10,0gililltY4,: ' , '. .. •
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anY. adN'ortclaVARAtt, ' 'PPC.14 -W4.150.if(r.p,I., .iirii,x.,17°112.0.,,,'p• tlk_b48:.1.;:lii).:41:r,ifill:Dilir:T3,egel:i 2, it, is ii(;:t. g. 6neFialer.:111i1Ke4e7,417,046:nniti:oc-1.,r'ijUnt'. niVitee;Olaii ,
't'lietLE'lifall:::::;:':s.°1eibt:::°tiNC;:ijilt'''Pa:;:?8':1:i4i:66:' dIr"L - 17QP1-6tCr:'111P:eti:::1:e°n:):i3-7w6i.)::: us.41:7'.'1::": i' ttf ill: el:i 11.°:- hf e a rd;c:, ...:11. 19:1se. 4, ,e9,4771;14'11 -Cr- .°i: ti,t-.747: L'elviib:...1' i4011:•Ple:eie iiiii.."itolciiltAel,.,",4Hlir,iiVei::,si4i,::ri.,7,
,____7.:trv,,._:::::,.:,::::::::.,,,.:::,..c..14., ,:,., ,. 7 , , fi.r,et,...c.T'f,hi..)iot,eb;.3.gtii,e,,,.:1:11,,,„.,:" wri,t':,,,L-_,IncOI,,re3e..-nr•sger,t_O-t:00:ts,:,--04.-7:110.;nt: ,..•..wcias.,':!Et ', atson:O., f... ..113: ti. bajoonale,e, -80„... f ..a .x7:-. ,,-..
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.i,,,:i1,,,..,,, ,nneaztiO,,t.":1,066_0a,,l07:7,gtits4.0,437.140:, ...ii:_,,,w ,ith, , a; 70,17i0iii,;, _1.,:____;_v:,egtii.m.i6.0 :,:,.404f;:nt ,hae::_v_,:•_‘:::,,p,._,„,,,,:„z,,,I, -4(„Iti:',„,,t.a.,44,
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cli,:i,,,,,,,,,„0.,:ge_oh.f::.i.)::,._0,,iiip.,,,,:, ..,..±..k:-.i_,b,,,,g_,fro_r0,7:::,.c..7...y.,,,,, ,1"$-:eTvthheerre;EL,..13,-criw:g::;41:-..,,,,e_1:::.e...,:e....,.:40:1-1.tmt,t,..,:7:.7:hith7:91::ariy'i'rttrite-,71:';:ivietiitot* S iri--'-i '': 1,41.e h
P P:s9-•`9.L14:vilgiri'lhia.:..1.%A.$7.1111,pg.,.::*!#.7.1:t'°iItn..:NY,e.:';;:.4.7-tw"()-1.--:::.•::-. 4------' in' .
,igni-taT,:"-pQ11-1-,17:Aut. fw-exm.,eeeteiiiPs't 4,).:•its.:73.e.17:717. 11:tititost: ' • ::arileperi.:e.i.:1.irto:pp, epequ4r,t,:-9.th,:,9iligti.7r1,e,:,,, ' S't4ges are 1" Reit' that d!7(isei-gl'.'".. 1111 'he,
.asi°,iiiiiel:11::,:00.ie,:leilt4:el:e.ssso:le,.;4:1a.,r, n...‘:071.,.:9Pi;.ra.,..::(12:.:14:_ii13'..::::_ _:117::::"::;IT:!:.,441v.. ,e,tr. .yite ,ir.j3Veallri,r,.11,84gg etiat_tni,:ie6,:, ...A.,,,,.,v.i.a.,, i,,,t;7rrnic rc,,, , ,., , ... , .lif. ,E:7, .:Ii11.7:et' ,
___.....,,..hr .,,,,,..1:._in,s the.:'.1.;5511.1*.V-iihn'rnielainal::"Pef4:-..: ...1,Cefi-,if w, i4je,t1411-1*....t.4..'cotbil;6:1:;?:i,rhhe...itita'iaut:.n.:Potkie4q.t'alli.74,;.... 9„,„7„.,8,..,.:
.,t0b:111°NWO:i.'4VL 3.' "L;.A.d.Viutti.ip,p,iits .4nclero.48. .., ,g,,,,, ocoiinirt , 0,v , li . f ilti de .,c, ,. . . , eyorm. , ,
. '' ' :. Tas-nieft':
in-' :Yet, (stran,Onte. tlai4ki,,iihe Wain. wee.:
i's . A regular "Court. . of' .LOve" :like', '*erke 'have. beeoiiii- imMortal ...Who .
.N101,1(1-4;-,j.iitle,"30til;',‘t.4:.°,8.e. i)f.„7;ii.'1111,ii:Atiiel,e,viiini _'''.141.11':,,,sot1:4.::,,..r.',',' ' .. ' ' .,' :i4!te°r;I:ie"-iiii4di71):u."J'illii'h' ii!'8"aoh:111;.eign.-1.11reff 'Pc fie7fii' 'Oa'. -.:
.r ,A,laoy arrived' at -...the home. ._ ',t!. itnpiy:ri-,c;, gar oiaiitte:ii.olioimI4fzraiLla;_yl,or
'a' step:further 'and ''breniiit . eht' tbe ':171pn'ttlie niiiiiilteoi°nthteG,Maulttl. 'I'lr'Oht?"'.s.' G.:: 'Paraf.ii: ;it ri falai' 1 .
-isieg:1-oll,ts".Onfe:8!:thT'i°g.f:-140-92"t37Ze ItrIti.lt7eirtili2. 6: ''''Iv. ('IliiioiV..1'''tlitit.. naree 'bell' te ill' '3'' nein.
Christian religion. In 7133.t._ilinilegAit:nbe6r..,,;:tthastrakxfirietpett_17ii,,,tet.:4164:30' iallstujn.'::710:,,i..7....:II.;;;Iii:b..:1::
made their first eitentaiens.beyond the' 'etaine .from. Meat. that. is nOt,,teuntr."
,P.:YTE:oilrieesei-7.*.;-"w4hsil.,e;leunn:Li8tle3a-.76: .0,ta,n.ce. in. thin,. ...whose, gravo.6 . thisv, .says ,
soy lc ii7thinei '7,107: -for the.dead. not
. , ' ek :: e,' Or 3,1 ri n . .4nIen,,,,L.'""e'pooatsitbi.oless:i.i;a13.:11,-01:11 .617: ww 1 in a, 1 i
-A Vutii-n-CFreriTh7Tiqo:tnii.
'hire in.•' their. croCked, narrow 'streets, •
fa:that put-. into the. nhinth, a "John,
.',followint old: customs: handed. doWn:
Epic Poet s Verses on the Death of
the" Celebrated 'Hobson, the Car; •
Meanings-tShakesPeare Wes an in..
resses and
fate stock -of Linoleum in 3, 31.1 and 3 yards
„„,4atterris are good and the prices are., loWer now
43t.,;win baler next season. We.lave Tapestry Rugs
_Nets for. Curtains t- 25 to 75 cents per yard.
ries fqi White Dresses, 45 inches wide, at 1.00,
'per yard. Select,ion of best patterns - to
be 11'8' for cents. A bargain in
945 -cents per paix'.
resses at $5.00.
jrAce' an Shirts and Drawers, were 75e. for 60e.
alting Hats for
aid \for Butter and
. Mikis Aneie Bell spent Sunday at her
Charlie emigrate I 'has` improVed • his
house by a hew coat of paint..
A feW from here attended the Garden
Garden .Party -on Friday:evening-7, .
visiting her constn, .111iSS Mae Henry.
For All Kinds of Feet
Quick "lietiiras
Small ['refits -
ite, other prefer Patent Leather, while -
others like an easy -fitting Kid or Gun-
metal Oxford. " We have the different
kinds _t0_ suit different people.
It isn't the price, you pay for yoUr shops,
kir' your ,tiioneyitliat
'oe Polish for -all kindS of Shoes.
,_AlewItotil here centemplate going to
Knok,Church :Sunday School:: .pianic -at
red 'Harper, , Alter :absenCe
of ovcr twenty Years,' is • visiting relatives
and. old friends, on the eighth.-' 7'77 4
Mr. and. 'Alin: JaMes' Rosa %attended
the 'Wedeclini-- ,their 'cousin;. RoherV
ed :Helyrood an exeiting:„.'gaine .6f . foot,
Wee fil*Fie,r7Th.
amodhtedlo over .$80.. '
..Novara and 'thus driven 'from
.The Roina.nOffs,- the ruling,' house in,
signed: England -hos occhpied:tfibial:7
`tar since that date. •Pinally; iSi.1 wow
•the year of .NA. pele6Ws great victories.
bia more glorious
.. Orl and \ gra. Roden- Rito140 and
The Zion Sunday School held their
Mrs. J6hn Briggs and Miss 'Iltry.,,ef Owen . Carr, a ' hornosteader, was
Picnic at flap lake on July 1st. ' All
rtMehP6ieeill:i:gaaarig:,:afArreiot'n,inliliesLiindi,ily.fil: at :;i1rVge, ek- with,: l$tll'itrira;Setd‘Ved°i1.1iba,bt.Qe 91-t)97art"'tPHII:in°hashlialass:61;:14acwleivi4k8:" •-•
,Mrs. Chester Ilitchie of 1/etrOit, are
'queerly -and laboring' under (-1,eininii,S', :
'''a.d.--uNyfretr-a, laIncid--Morse•o'rEgfelg Ja•01',4Pn:tvpi3nolic-dof —GV00911,e; ,rnIfir-ofiii-A-d--13-111WIllev:ia,°rTh\:011:-°r-.f6,-Ttihwilahastete3:----"b--;velinljaaunifi,r4-r-u.li..p424'tihh.o144ejdeeb..1eaitgsts--
"ti2n5erfseetittiintoiethu; there. When there
is.% rough sea," Big- Bay is a convenient
Da,n Sineltzer—is.Wliteisclylieesrde:tii;4:1:1:3r IE)i dv;
‘lionSejuSt 110W
„at ey
MES.,, jack Fergns(mancl.,,Miss-,,Atinie
His death. which hapPened in his
MM. Evana and children pf Hamilton,
nuinber front our burg attended the
gond time..
the dredging is "done a ▪ fiathottom
: °line boat will he used to carry. wond ,
frOni the.;
:iniFt?",e-oree-fr-t-lity-ti,p-dliaoleY in the.
-,.•hhilswrpelsacit blieyee.7.cting,Caew fence around- • Otit anti:left, ",.• wife; 'Who ,is -
(Ate health, to . shift -for herself this
Magietrate' Bell • for .Peter's arreat and
;1111:. Pehek who now-, :supposed to he,:
-'tittnhte. ,it.viill .be up, tin peter. Ite.
light benSei *ill be Pieeeed',kihai:of • viife' deiierter should, have ,says the.
The fa,riner'S'in thia vicinity are quite :month *Mild. bring Peter 'to a reali..
' ;stint' of 'hie marriage ;reeponsibility.
everthe rain: `have had a
riiiintir-Or 'Mee showers duline.. the peat
Hobert:Steel of Ambeiley,.. visited. their'
, George Ward' and 'fain ily have:gone-to
*goodly number frpm here. attended.
the horSe races in RiPley on. the lat.
;Mrs. (Dr.) Milne, of Blyth, spent part
Oroahy his returned to Gorrie.
'from generatipn to generatipiii There:. miss Pentland- his' One for vacation,'
ter .arid.:• outside 'Of .eedb teema a , great, poem, John Gilpin borrowed a horst :
mothered thet,''. aceording, to the
are, many -butcher shops in • a pa.rt of which she wilt.'spend with
ti in ail
Aeked'hini" Why he hail Mime.' /
•clijinks o meat, odds= and. ends th Mistress; and:intends
her home here. -
Mr. and Vra. Neil MeDonald were in.
Miss Hattie YOung Visited friends. in
yiss _Port Albert, i,s
SOine 6£ Our Yonne.; periPle. tookin the.
,Montgotiiery, of Ripley,
-;dgrs.:-Fetoson, of :Amberley, visited;
her daughter,,Mrs.. D. McDonald; 'last
of :Toronto, fi.0 visiting. friends -in this
'&4 been'iiiii-ffifir has r6,1
Whenever a Polar. e*peditiOn. in
progress we hear ,of .,iee floes, pack
tee,. 'sailing_ ice . spa othee_sueh,things..
.Ari "ice field" is..tin " area "Pf frOzen
: snow ,or water so large ,thisit the linaitti
are invisible and. unknoWn. .0n the.
:other hand; , a "floe" _is. a mass -of ice,
daries. are seen by the eiplOrer. When
:such -...does • become broken and, the.
piecee.,fire'.„:Wedged„ _together., the
wind :'the • currents they
"paek ite,"'. the. terror Of, the Aretic
a-imass of pack -ice them:, it' re-,
rotting' fast until contrary ',winds or
onrre.nts break tip the peek, and then
we :have "sailing' ice:"
Ali -internal arid -Eirternat --
fietnedy/for Man and Beast,•
torn and.smail.trees andp.off„frein the'.
biting, loth& oV the cold :Stands the'
cOldeat inhabited city in the wOrld-
Verkoyartsek, in northeastern Siberiaf
'Hills 'a ;place op:Sortie .size., stands ltat
,boasts, of a temperature as , degrees'
below ,serp.- Its auntie' temperature
down walls; filling ii.`O moats and lay -
frig' onte-lhe land in broad Arealined '
"and takitti6n hi to make .-up-the--re.h.
,Hi6 Style.
"What ;Sort of a triage .'erpart
"'Yes; he makes some mighty queer
You' have tifed the, rest
try the Dest.
, • .' ;Igcliiding:
Muskoka Lakes. • Mtiganetawan River
take of ffays ' Fre01 fiver.!
tieorglan Bny Ttniagami
Algonquln Park . • Kawatha takes
„Sum riicr 5arvice now in:affeet,to ntl of
lthore re4ort� '4Vrtto Owfull pattie1lars , and
.i1IU tratC'd'told(b
erk4,to alyy and Truk Adopt=
1Wneh t'iic dEty nihil OGt '?,B ihd1ussv e
ilE'i' 1L:Viallfr
1;T tfONTO t ANI) Ithat rttN 43Oo
7,ow i- to t otiiot `points N itd(ussn Sal t ttvq;
filOn44,, 'i?u ts7ltit `xovrintSlOoiyok4rioaVo Tor
ry t 'x�iyc t At �f ri 1>) }
1 b IV Ali na v 7 [i
"Otafo 11 J YpyYtYI ro11.a oVotlatbar'utininla:'thr¢urh
ttt'JW1vNTPEt3 it4e1dc11)oa11dSt. ail it
out c �nnpo,, o a ft 11 a ao ea via Sar.
rein ttirrl tioti�tillsr7tli1vi atfol't p Yn paix
he (Traria run ue o� i wiry 11 the,
uhgrt.est rid r sickest route to, Winnipeg,; Sask.
atd"an and' 1%4 o tOlr: 9,
otraetc ,
Back end Forth. .
rather irregular in attendance.'" -
"Well,, she leaves ner husband and
works' a week theo she returns to
her.. husband and 144V the oe lot
My hat and wig will soon be here—
They are upon the road.
.the: great great,grandfather-k6"tlie'-babY:--.'t.-
;small ebiOnY."..Pf. Priends. Settled_
,,.131iii,t• -,a,churclir: and -Set apart,
'fora ceinetery,:.' As the. grevii:44.
The pliien.was calla
The _poet Wither once lamented the
decline Of 'bier: family in the" wards.
a:11%e verY ;lathe Of Wither' shows de-
cay," .and. altho'ligh the following '
verse, . penned by Lord ILYttOltOn to
-Lady -Prowne: is , not the work :of
poet so called, it is well Worth quot-
1 . ►_ ��tie9d y, rtl. ��;
W,illianl Milnerspent, SunrL at: W.
'Oh tripion`, , r'
ire'' ncl iVirs ileo.• Wraith,. of• Wing
lilim, spent S tnday at iV t'.' urner's.
ill tr . A rri)strong'a,and' honlas Alo
h nir•,s "elit Sunday, oxr bury
Mit Jacne's' l itchetro i ig zitpresent on
Cte: MARTIN, Locni visit to Owen Sound, and pt3r placea
MO, brownest nymph ',to nte was fair;
Swlet •Are Great Cheese Eaters.
Thd Swias are the, greatest cheese
aaters in the world. ' The :rank ,of a
age-,of-r-tts--cheese, and, the ;more ref:
spect or affection pat tvgdest invitee- •
..the,barder la the cheese hit is served
•in honor..There are families Where
the cheese in the larder. dates back
several hundred years and -19,6o Valli!.
ableythat is only served ou great
coo/talons such as bePtisms, weddings
rind funerals. On the birth. of an heir
Oheese it4 made and named. And it
is not cut until the wedding 'of the
new arrival.
"Daiighter, yeu.• haven't' known him
"A couple must, 'have g'im4ar testes.
"Ve have them': We like Musi-
cal corned 'and :golf." - ,
-Not "1:0ealitVi
"You say -the- blab was:chased by
his enemies__ through several atates.
What state was he in When you sii*
'him alter their attack?"' . •
."I phould;saY lie was in a state .Of
ofil.o,t Wan efeated ho
e a motion for a new trial:"
distress', but we have no syrn-
of his divrn' a mere nominal
towm It deiierveayour Moral,
Bailey of Scowl $i6 ;for hittine
hined.-Steer, "a blind man, 7aeross the, ,
forehead, just abavd the .eyes, with a
,Bailey and Steer .families arose Over
„ITTOal_tilo,-,k:_""eli"iiihia-dfiiiiteaThy' ;MO
Thompaon of Sullivan. Mr. Steer "fa,
ha▪ ,cre been at(ended with fatal results.
In. Which event Bailey would now be: ,
-eimimiterl to atand his trial-- for:- ma, ft,.
Talangliter. The Clje-ale5---TBnterprise., :„
thinka BaVey shouldn't' have much
difficulty, in . keeping out of a blind,
in& for trouble .
Relieved ,
Strength and even life ittp..elf •.dis
pende upon the 'and'
proPer assimilation:or 'food, and Unless
pied; the *hole body.
'have a heti*. load in it, and at- other
times Seemed to he:. tied in knots., •
Nobody- knows -,how: I suffered.
Vinel.• It has, helped wOnderfully:
jun 'inaProilkig, fast, feel 'better and', ,
getunt niy Beak back again, tintki ••,. •
on? &Scions' Ood liver and iron
• Rev:sons, and
*tit hs„ why.wo guarantee to ' return
-ifet mOnlY If' it doss -Alt he -4P You.
Spence's Drug Storer 'InicknoW
Mrs Dtvid 8troud :ie. .visiting
Mrs. Albert' e open, Tuesday
Isaac Stothers of Mafekingr -was, the'
guest of John Andrew Ott $tinefay.
Strigicl i6 having 'an art:Celan
Miss 'Hoten„..*64 of .teittple
ll,H,F,DHP:GliiliTtO '4121111".64"'
1966 - t 1911
Brariehed in Canada, 'and Agents andi Coriespondimts,