The Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-04-17, Page 87777 NN -A ;jj­Aj���M lima MOM iffw_&Qi�'Ififfii �A kY tm Lw.4, LULKNO ki-k� 1 7� 7 !m' 4i�! _i�, —7 N 14 asy, A:0,ril -It-' A W _Ina 7 14t U-01; ',ohn-',troachie ha gOne to Grintsby 'Miss Mary Emsign Is s aying at:vetef t Rew AMW other night p -a Won w- corl Broadhie,ris -s endin a it, present. '61 ollon wi I III es wo� sh rt. tim Grit MiBs"Mbcmie Rofflaton As cltihte,�'wj'd be "stirted new r4 as soon .0�s 4F r Fi-Al inail -1-out T- Afli's Tewt 16 d V S; bl�,, ary- P4 ay-, -jigine-nt T hiE 0;1� 1:1.- Rl'- force- -pf- 4ind' h lw bc %und 44 gid- havO 'a, iar'p� A.WA ... ........ el 1.,. of J�ipley,:v lleA WW :Iretpr J3 Mrs.-Ro ms thf� n un-sy, incti'at work making pre�4r:atiobs, 'for o., 0_1 'N(t afid M*4,:.j4qhq.V,1d, -f L n niporary -st% t en, 0 u are put- Miss flelen Farrel 6pexit,� w, visiting ............ _Siater_q U 13 On Oil tbe n6rt 'r he river, whilethp workmen .at David Waldans. -e t�,j u, aa. a _n- -900 a arO c -�at -w!eouple of Wild UK �d Y19 vre VtF e, 61 ph 9pene gepoo Ifis JIM& liRij ;_Uee of ��e-p I &T, M r1r.F ,,, , i? ­:, . - 1 1. - � i6i � p, 1 1-1 -1,--- ___ I Iq - �i , gL!7 x1me whm d! Wrpc�`� In am �J&AW 'A �e I's in inens,_,� V am elk k.� -bring into,prominl,6n, 0 '&b Win, oter' weat,, e9i NT6nday* A� Ines, -and figh,� Piqu, of 'Wi eV* fd _'Cords' ''R t' edilq4ay, Tbe. ne:�t wLi e ti h "e Woman Mr.- .,Mrs.' ndrew X. from'. rif 21, 6�.W C 'g,� Of th i un5� 7M.1 11 �)e: lie '�_Lu&nowl� W erP visi W. C. LtVA111CtJPLVL1 JustItute w-1 at' fhg� h 76f rs' I with'th w�bibit, to tave an exhibition. i,Cs d6ring'I e pr.ogres -thAt-t1he Ne,� Arrivals 6f Dri��.3,Goo&, in aprofu'sion' orge :SIYAW - n Sunday. b S. r Ho6se-Cleanio.g h of MQVIB� pictures in the'. ev�li �i o Tieces I s itv -o -iejA -T T' -�­of t, e4iewest-w �s and'shadiqs, inji , Is orn eav few,0. -Mr. a :1 -thing§ e� into,,(� �Tlititna Fra, r silwrt a 1 nd Mrs.: Austin $qlonian of y tia qg� 31i's s qe all adcl�res'& by Di.� T_ J jMqNallk uc now, were vl 0 e aud, tg at. L161 Mc- inghiii4�tWaIzit' 1, k sitin .,.Sam' -omm -Jlr$_ 01, this. 6n,slin ay. xt,ojuiciir of health. u 4' - t d MW a7 ow -e and spen ay', Alie lic thAf'Wil' I eers-61-thisAo i an e,o tg f L Cue [in,- his hnli sop. am on s, ittle girl,; ane 6f 1he x raster' 7'.'-w. i� Aealde doin' s Can. Sop r i� . 1, 1 .. V, lues"I �tk Tx_ AWIPIR" 4 in, i3qanues ivy-arious,si- V A4 N' -We;i4'. Wilter"W - s n n P. arpets IN me lig c��n; e tirp- ig4l; ons zopurc e*:::� Oiiii� day choo opeqq'Jbk'jhe-, de your -mos cri ica ingpec lit a r 'ki 11. goil,v Ist. ltf�6 I, quom bl" mb6i o4-1 e li" 'h ea, -�s� rip 71 veQs --t t e; dt�d loo' I `�a`ii -!4wO ­Eirstl9u-adfr�--bf the ncy (1011' M rs ll�fg-jus$- ouvrF @4 AN j it, iT C of 'the Liv� pleasant -an Pa 101L t V. s Gm 'Alls st., t litlehar,� comilil jma 'Furn --have lVirViiidi . y hid moveme war "Illlssl�c -n -the -proc `ZGiife- Johri. Rois li�t&- thi�- fii BfQrbine, to -Coll. fbrstud6nts:to ' d- You'll �find in',+-czur,.-Hou§e i9hings,'ibi m-,.-MeINT ' - - .:Smith; iill b0k�nF;_�jfh ihe tit, Mina� Sildth and for S W&'_ h, t up 1-11 h '0 �h at wl 7, 711 'i C'st f1b "'i" d- V I ditof'-Wi h' Ge I h x 6 :d e season—an - rwes -I ImOress Rfic -o,, le� crie I, - Ing __P en-lipat,thepaill w qngntak tb6_6th y. �_D�_G _4 Vera ' a s , waaassis�i pg. ee.j cor ct qs-we�74-r- h4h. .. . il- 19 Hospi4l,'. Ov'er,$7.00.,lias -beetri xecei*ed+ c6up�jc of days eek,,� -Re &-of our in et., last. 8�6, Cliff. Roulstolii; Organist 'L Me*, e follo .... ... buildihg4und.-Th �h M. 'ing I ------ -- wi additi§ua T-ew -41i6ji if LibiIi _7�walt:4 - W-_ ald'd,n_ - iand'', - _Tu6d#_'N --t9h 840sc ripfi&hs have been.recteiMe hid. a sp time. 71wii1�6titig., was _T 16ndid ton TiM- ny, pse p & oer Compa h6 D' Campbell,:'-Winghiim, $6!;' Ten& hold in, t 'pAliideiiftb� . I -, I - 00 : 1'..�, h'' � orfofd �'ty�omted, 'argeoMild X; _L 0 ada Law $ c R -C, K near xnej-;�gave- _,s Me- a light n. ad. kess.'clit8unday onEddc4tional Work igbe dmLK-_p& ose. who -were, not -,ipresent. airjcle� Oswego' X Y' 5 Cana. gr�ai`tieii, both as'to, the speakiltigod ttm-,W�x ipany_,.___j -the",*& L as ,ne som Of B Tetu f CLI f !ji"01 k' 6r, Be'driing,- _'d C e. _-7 7' roin college Prlk.,. a,g Asy, and ate %2,uaran Hktrold &Fsbit" is Iinpr.oving.'. le _n' reft.t 'Jai Y1 such i6s, Coll oy lit he t n L ne o t in. e e ka U onl Big�' Tue t4ug On - . . t e,�tra��k,,I,run ab§016telk,.le Was in r 8 last. friendi heaf'.Xi-ii.garf, on' 'Sunday. last'. e egp 07 , Lt te t 4day� - ...; , ., R Hildred leii fb the' W6 f; T" IS BA ns orclinary Drea V> y Mr.­auAki,§.'Blue:o.f Amberley, spent. also ecointileh t e' 4n the T. I ...the the,. CORP60 ATgD�, 1855. 71751 s Wand, at- g�L Chas-.- Q ongraiii?,�'m--a nter- rengill, 9 thereia, no-od e., sa F VIVE , It- R S­­­tV 6 F_ 4 F itir Ork&' pr,p i �oo. Ir week end,at-ja'hies P �i I'd ww�. YEARS', �n th- i D - thin -qf f4kj�whe'm A, "u�� and- beib 190 - -191-1--- bjbo�b, ]a heir -of --a-Bol y--- I -:,166tball enlaxjiltj�his h yA-g ssl�addition� 6 A jk p aying V,7 -A -AT .�Iay6i; M; vlumt''� the $4'0601'000., T ij SWUr, V-Ay:�. a good i TS. arry Qsbofti'6 d. I Kpning. A thoughtLUg- --c ll�g 6��s ifJM di ZLI�� Gljo f -Ahe th sIT inonot- 0 23 -evehing- 'use A ojo bo is an Y-0 , Bu�tlle ia Aug in ry, 6f the 231(J7 1' 30 35,04 fl. + _was�pmiy� and !" � - . e ica an, t4is 7 n4 Inspired, UANS AND life of w- t� d' as e �Tia mm��s 16ttie 4'�_ z: inter 6., 1 ''' : VM54,80i_ 9Vk8'11MBWTS` 1,$27;457,090.,1,- ­06m&4p eb _Way, �to make-siron y 77 844 6wba-41te, WN. 83- 4' 4s: B i;i-tiche, -s-442C.444. pteristwi§i _n I ---- - --- H I t e or 8, no Worthefs rar d --ma a Ile sin.'the I pr such, prl 101; 4 $14,pply -criptiop. �ero n 0_4 S., (es a PIXY 1191 visit pply A pply �,eeq mIn been,, ui 8 ,ersoni as I er �obt t -v of'horse,s oes was easily aiitiedi and as eE 441 ew, 7 the Gt&rZs-qsx6_-dur-in,-_ tjie-��-piist 7XV. sl:i -t-thv- 9A vefe& -h6ar t MUM V .9 Tia XT ­QX'_ 1,Br Jnitere�i`allo,� ie9tigurid fai&., .7- I ' G 0 D: � -FRIDA Y a] e �h -Jor a speody 'r6covery. Inio�t­as -skilfW nid an, days., NV f, Ity A -as well-,_a8L__c -.be.�,.,ex tu-; op, 77)G,,%i4=j1ad tb hat, Da Carat tieauqu in spi. e V 0 t is6v their A pected- a. --in t terj d d y r C ice _011 Sun, 'in- -artm. v It e. . A�yv­- jont I con IN-h-lage i1_5 _cwxe�ctui arns an 'win U16 M :wa, -rf bkbj, war- e. n e u rfal And Aw -latst. 0 a e nfavora ivext 6ir' lie*r t familiax C -n po a 4villis"gh r. TSWANTED e.. and M s. I AG E a was ne . I) . - R IDE -pidly, as., tb t P,1li6ti Tiylor jr,,,-a N� la.'' i'd oun H' d ey, ajj� bol�. OYER TAF her daudhief,.:�p ik0o0qlityt6ii'dea' 1Apjnoastrat6',i sample i, "Y51.015 r p8s. In, bavznLi� the at soAt4 T. a. serious I Uli=nex k".r k-_ ast it OT,- uer,._ tllr6 _Y_ _Z f: I I , . U'V Web _V If f0s,Ahree_-e6iI, '�pring '7Reeve7bT6'WjJ4':eW W ihat re' d' I - I . . - ea.'., Good,money calti be-nitade s6iling our Dic in st�'r -11-,", , , -- The cent'StOrM h emonstrated.cle;#W,. have a private­c6nvei ptesetitr M- id- up yeles, ep and suirdr, �,s. roih--� -appearante Ag with, a very bad cold. toiieilier�wwljuipx6'�il.;d.� Miii-s-.B, �jo - ur 4riglpro -beiiigthe'veu.'It-:� x 0 0 ity'.b�.vve lost Aho telephon&), 'to 6 Will d e W1 hope ence, in unding Dicycies places us lit it position t,6 sillp i�ii am -geptlin Par6id', and: A Od in all probabil 1�adll1tjes'hnd25*0&� eel -s s- -roo e'd: ose Booll 9e aroua agnin -L gakiiient hArP �p rot. had MoUrbinfadoryto user at LOWE�$T. PRICES." :­.: .; . _. .. t,4� 11 . . _7 .:-that+- oseph� Cliamne d - hisLt*6 sons, 'U. -just Up bee 'and Cecil - visited .':at - Dili*id W C a, ad rvive wi less� 10$' -Pr - esence-of ind- to-tiex%. hay roo� s6- q:B:- Yes�- 3 A: I �'i I �` T y4li Y -All n -6refy.aboui hi . s ujidd-le-wi which e 'u!�, to see 1 4 V i TRIAL,wp� will' sellil 2, Shea ing'.,. his- q t ha n ''a y'' EN DAVA04 d6n4s ill Cal id '''Third' Chaim h o ubday C allow,40,daysItrial. ftw4Ilnotqosty Y�)u oil one P-elit If V i it to iOe notafford to'Tylake thik oftor if �wp� _:appeaxkLdaj1+ afterthattinle. 'We could Mlwl� tile n ­7M- 6thef' F,�OC jjenuin Y, 1XIM t. 01 tl au�4 fu I partitaulai e61,� 'eeting --for- thejem'opghing,.­..�! f N16 rs; 6 our at 777,17 17 k oia er, id. 3 iss� e - prilUtl at,eight AL U U t�Z7L -RU- - B- H 'I T' �"OP�'.:kRO 'LIMITED 0"'e 7777777 ci�fi't, hear You disihictly. 0� FA THERS his-- jo P) --ST-R E - ----- e Ca P�ti. Halt pi Your Ji6allaiid- X�aps:-I!jIlere., - r. SHUTEO!- 0�' C j rl h:you vew -V I C -TAO R I AU -,a iswe �dv 11 -:ng r ::par Y:L Paper when. I ring I is_ -p- L _31-ske_ - � , :f: r L 0 Mf;*�Havep arrived h se_4gett- b J&4"WIht, -4-� -6`f 'bffebt§ .'and -t -hp veig ors, h -7 ar4,j w ad No re —H 6A1 d wa'' A14 senge is there in, . e are us 1 0180., hear A d liberkifely' d1lo ess D I at, they, atef moving A'aWay At -It is Aft. MR s -Y T- ---re ito �.e - _1 W - -W. r en win n idn"s -`bu Y-9- Xati:lc Mili W _:__��uceessors_ -Io- die.-�'�Sqifierj -ome ii. �A Iey� �Ao'_ C d I., lw 6 a Ager o ice is ere -by- ­g -i ive 1;ip 66 V ven, purstia, n y. "Third pdrty�:'( Wn ' . - I f Ve.462! age�llts or t e, world. reno '�q D'dw urqaTqq..,c e.�__ -Airighi Se , cticu. 55 of t1je, statues o % Ii b.ee 0 you eye your u i"�*i f tl LLYI�_ *ill. �orn,6, only too'soon. l-�-Tqesd Alidt. M L�ith Y.,�, ;that: ers )k aff liair.. VAN191A 6der on­w%�,ca otit, d 'It" and -_476 9-clahnsTagiL sb it * in� W lid a' �S; a ir ifli -Ar-your, 'b� on's % porge an _s ge wilL-kill- the &ruff L Sa, * ;,.0 �Ulllg lip. is f A'notb roof n wee y,,.d6ce iiss An the onlv Ipreparation so . �asr%we T' d 1P., led o orA 'knovV,,tbat Hased a ifiL w-, out va A_ ser -,p ril' . �.�'_Bcd dr Y' b It day Lof Ili 116- vice of, therurill.- tel-plione 1 111 1 t_ I . , A - is:-guaraxiteed to. do, go.. I Pilrc - .!q�ggy;in­ the,tw"eut ayj� A Be'rt,; aulay. is, i Is gue-lb"U., ts'. Ripley, ho'W old Mrs.' IN e day Ast - We0k. 1919 Man or,.N�owahi no im'Atter on 7n"llip of Kinloss in tht- ou are, PARISIAN Sage ivill, ffieike WM. Jant'iesor, the' CouritY. -of- 'Bruce are r6ililired.to.send:, i�ab -present -her, 'ost jot--.: rs.. KC�.Iupb VlAted`he�., X lqq o�# -an :,iifd,� the'. pur; k ing a -�_-by -.p y0I rui-strong-anil ifi 0. Sdlicii6r for:, Vhy.",'ho'f-9o­t6 J'--­G�.­ A ­ f vlal -lai,gd b6t fa nily spent Suiid With , Sh' Id" !1. 4 Adn tit oh* befoie't �ket a otiday'. ay oul:v costs I I f 46- at Miss Ernia ie s is sow y recover, he,28t day d 14th.. k. rat tle '97 A -:-*I) 1.91,3 the!*xi.-nsinla v fr%, Lanes. in�, aft�r an illneiss.o -fe'W'.-w'eAAs- '50 a'y' _,,s an ��j 1113 our, r,,,Rc 'ranston, is- pyt a r sses, t ail t,.­_._l___­­ U-th . am ruff, stopja Ing air, or M i's's N61116 -Ciffipbell'of-Bolfaii � - i , lf�. . ar icu ars, to Pew I orhood. Mrs. Alb�irt'Ne§bittyiqjtod her nl6th- - I-' - , elk, "­ _L;IC3 . ..'' . . .. I Ell - cure -a' d­­­ A_L-� Itching of the'gailp. 1047ill make y6lur, the4clek end with'hei sist' miill gj.. ana, the: nattlkb of thd Ovf ii6jf: -luxt4riant,'-firight and beautiful er,,Hr§.,J.iin'.Cour6 ey, on Th�rsday. --j -s il i" h0d by 'theth:` hair J.,lathison and Gordon- spent .,et j, 4yd y a SfAfu'o" PS re rep ing,"p, f f Afif" leas4nt­i;iiA_, pfielLb '+: -App. nil. 1, iflack-Aivo-V : 1q, - . - At is tke-Lin fi Ike gorAtitig, blit dt�,skng­ inade�- -TElineiAt attir ay v6i at after th Te- Tsc. n1vi h, ill -6� ijbtic a,,g engage kq w_s argq,y .,a40u0d.'_ �e tb jrb-: p �ad -W�t �mw:­-R wen y-ei , g - i day Or, 1) 10 r �61W_W�tdjd 1 fh aun'de'r's h. f lu fbr the siimr�er. tt�andy­ife v�ited -friends,-, 1913," !,.,lie 4ask4: of thb 414 estaf� -wijj� lb -h Zjqr I : .,'f � - hdrew; ' , .. . . , '. .'' �0 F rs it e in o, Zio stfiblite(j, by tjjc_�A �WALKEW$ -OVERALL& �` -- -­ �: ­ , % . I'l , 4 n, sPOlint, gUesf, 6f and Stfridd be di TE,ESWA*r jt 7 'this iel Suits 'couple of '.days w6el� with� ottvs r Daill 6iir, had Geor -Jardine. among the parties 'friends her�'Cbusxa,' 'L May:' flenr� ltove baVjjjg L ke,� fled, -theiret9s We oaradtee .j 6 cenisl0i-,ei�ery Button' thAt'-Coofties "311 e 'Some- of- the'fa h 're. d cutting wood-666'd�y last week witlihii regard only � to ;the clainis of-, ere rn)eis h have coin' which, 'they. shajj� then hitv'� notice and 0 for' for �e r ri �xnd I r eorge AndrewW !j n6ed. their spring plow-ing-- " , '1 -Miss Minnio, b me Nil: %,f 8'.. 6 _gues" -Miss-Hazel-LBradley- and-her-,-att tr,�- I rg, . � n.-, _ e in near ble-fidistir I , - -,r 7F6r-d­7j __k66w_-, Called _6i� M06idioTipVs.-I Ke1­--.:--- b asILfic as. -g -one- o..;cler .hlak , , . ''. 11 A 1! 4! qr,- D W. a te 1 rs. WBtVWflH6.­ W di -ibidioni 're, at:9J;veks el:�! F ofi'Sundaye McDonald's pth d�l ev s; rs, Will ay, is visiting her. on Silturday. Dat�d this-ist, day of,.-ipAj,' D. 'Mr., 96r' `.e ckk§ quilr6a.' iin qarmentr�, y�e 'Wiill Miss -Nellie Hunter, spent, last week� 1913'; R, Vaiistoli6, Winglia A po Ford intefidS­.'tot­jj)�ate M P V -Cr fg.,J: afg,. at A)Qnny.brook �eMceii_a ltiglenco6, aq&will g with her,,' 9ist6fvt-Mrs.', 'Peter -.Watson,- o-there. ' Titit w0k-ftb- prelien .- � - --I- '. - , - � I- - -, -4�` Soli6t or the difiiiiis a rix.., ' ' , 4 ; , Re v4 iveryou A -pair o F;4N S' 'kk free.' atf6iiA­- - �91 r ed 0 A M, —!-- .- -, D, % Y, - o Irent a house. WaWanosL 244-c-400. it6d, their-" d. "M s.:- Sillick lisi, s 11 the farm --W61 nd Al ri. Cfeci�ge Gil�son and son, �Indrew at A- -David vi,s vi preache 6 d ofe� iN f �l�jjj, to, Willi n ti m'erous _itcktiv�&A-n this neighborhood _�7 Ne - are : 0a4 to report that - occupied by Efirl s ent Lt- 4r.' and Air, Geb the d Friday Shi&ds' baby- s:.. N' cittice ta..� Cr6 Babi bt� S -i� 011 Thars ay an F a dftojr� i recovering Scott ftb�r George Swan, of Lothistni severe sick noss.: I. ; I ft 0 --ma -tbe"Estat6-, nevqr It ohn' Andre�w who has finished" his �rill who has fore been "op i I it . rn,'Jamleson, late 0�. tbo to 4 n" is. OW� RoVert Steel, Mri. Steol;'hnd l�lisj k in his -life t the 0 A.,,C QuelphL qs, e ,ofi�uqd -to, the a 'At. '6d b ' ' .1 1 1 L,, e 4.i6s, er -Sold all gu ant n �_q h, Y' iati Msggi6*Ca1np�611j11 house- With se for I siii, N C las hilriid sq Lottie, Mcl returned'ho'm& t je summer I uilt ill tie C,, y fay, A. con,. deceased. bee" 11-46 "i hu of the io�Afbafikt'%a�s gp�.Yjt. the'we6k end with the"for er's b know Aobin�on' ate b a in 'is ere y given f4at air L u. c and bi,� son Marti: -Win. T. Gardner sr. Do Me To, H n ca, e �L I 1�;1_7�1,_­-­. ­ 11 1 7 fljds��u­, -Vimr-a y --ca bi htt� N - 14.7t, ughs ine.- _late 9- �7­d­ffl -- " _W,l m9ton-Aen As jigall fersbu ephW. i Itao Jarnipson wilo r miko'.*PhAt. ;'151fiet CC the,2nd-Con (me,60rvst,.��Cek utl e -5th, -day -o o The W -A iiurn er-fj roin :o',u'r­:V1fi_ bqfAy�, b6 ANM -6A-16i �W­jj wm�fuitftA h��Auift4 _d6&L0ln­ b f-january -9w . . own'ship of Ash fiL k tights this.wee v A. 13'. 1913 it therrr fishing' SUO C eld,: ivith sevlir�l` k and the�:Colxllty of,Aqi6ri and,Provificer of bldp6th. -A.,, , jTlt - _e Very, Post g th e-y""w- -re titario are-eq6ked to. 'sejuddtby. it! 1. prepaid- or.t6 &lj'j0jt.o tile si an 11'. - 4 k.11 Pg,' '11is will e" bitmosst-ul', Ca nk. a lN. of oll gi gnqd afh,6 mb ey,Nvetie rai8ed In It u P" Py durl up 'ng the'wint& - lj�Lod. 1,'jillay _ ; i nA Will _P v ra F r. So,idfor for John A e ayj aft r, :11un * i ` e dwp,o4 k !is hi tot' under g, ni Ir! 3 1. 11 1.1s' -tcly, Jauiie8mi, tbeir 'nanies Addresses .9 arin I osr,t, J& Vill as ikould,fi�' ]it u a-rs in, of' flicir Win 0 r o.; A` f q'r I I: I 8"a I (l M elkillig i �� N . Tui§day, AL lnil Stutelli�ritg,Of their Accbunts DIAN PAC IF I -1)ALLS "Irp, �Vi We are,. sole,, atter) t4 for a allfl- CANA WALKER'S'(11VE all �lie. I n gr '11ftifi Wen'tL to e �ld I)y tljt� IMV,��y riou'll. i 'lit d.ujV; r. I s: Nlcil�ir, .11 W, T3 q� "(1 the- llttttlr� of',the se&ritieg� i�f apy n.V4(jNN7erd. U'lle, of] 11r, with ofier, ii� M da,lti Wajk�rvjjld ai�b lit- rtre Visiti� a (hit a �Usiqesqtriv..qii Mon ky. tjj�j' after tlle­­_­­'­-'. d 't,Nv6 6if- Nlml_ belov­." 8owe, 4 r,��b T'�],, ". , , f1t J. 4',varni" au im tivie 1 6 ntSree�.of,j iY-first"Aay df Ap-ril,l§ 13, the, slaia Gu 0 jo ont.4,& every r la John Alisoii-Viii1ay Wijl,py6dLded­J6, We'parant:6 C D* af� 9, , Sa?lie button that, dies off,��fid ` trihp.le.0,i as�e. s, of tjj�l.4 t6b r w ;�filate('1' a,� 'Joi _)'Jtn U & ufc a a i eW4 Lu�k6dj*, i TO t g6'6e' -for eV tV ip_ '4 Dlok "ro fio g, ilic, krqong, eill itled th�t6jb. April 2, Pts e . r , with, md widay f tlie, C),JIjjjIS "Of! 'W "Conei't", i�oe,641 Safn May S SE ERS� % in Tr)rtonto, iiii-11 i'vill work'%`iith 01110 11if ooll tC SlIali't1l�fl J�aVe 11jol' heL. SET " ROM0, - ` " in I a Y. i V Is It Irg it' �611H JR EEKER'S, I I i III 'I lier.il I i i n P the 1�re.q For evo ty si ..IWP Rlkieii 4%eh 'tditsdgi*6 t)U,8f,jff"' .. I. . . 1. 1 * ' sax L Affesch tot Octol?er Incluslie settlers antti fa �e 11 Angoii Finla� will not be Itlijr*1th ltvoittick Without live A6* er ne . w tible ��ould tQ!j) of ra week digging iho, eellge fl�r lit tile saidms'etsotany paittli Mr- Ahtw PleliCring. had NW; diya -bu 4 ixe rn $35.061 an ""tu to, Wi h Vie 014 c aiiii, e.,; dnuahta�r wAllieh, §ftot"'INANS. REGUIA'R TUBS a" xei�u 43'. 08 t. rhLq i4l'i'lut6know. It Is v., Of to Ally per�o'llg bf., ose t live in' Gat �"With I ? t4 2-f P -W-41 P 0 Leay. ing for a ny 0 a _o� Wl lea T Ing -'Toro t ptic 000 ftl Ady tpf rum r jift * IFfinve d. Salk; 0 010*: --bs+td&,dFLudklie* 44-V-4t�� 4-­Tt�x;-�Ogh w�kyi d"iVi will's 0 it �60�jlig 4�1ircilA. 11,1913 h VWRIST,4111A PINQ CARS in full 4wing, pod'by,, I J pl -Sold, wad -g. firwit an 'reception I r oil I ay. AftblM I.L.TRAIN41 Its 'Lu,, WVJ J" 'ill Mj, lid, rilsfiin�g lotg�of ex6j't& D_S TL QM L ii _.dial" 'u6me. er a Ve 0'roftto lo,,20 ti,�. btit't lit b tp�.)Pf bi P s 6 id t6un, A 1i 8' ARIX. Ifelce'nzie,_ 0 ''e iA 'W U. '_,j)e'At:T �day wi V qt NO + eit tile had T of �,tjle. lViL&I Church.. T'sl 'j 8uph- Itr Ifig U_ PII,0.4; POP iii WHiAt6l, jw1i(Ano4 ILI PA�-tor, V 'A" ltri� and A ATlid: I , - - ` , . Roliert, 8vilqoll, bf Rq1ta. -6 11 Bradley� of Knot Chtiebillekm 0 ixt'rpfelidid �,fqw day:,,I tliiv V� o y y - Jifitt46 'Jidy �6irld 10 fiLt 104200,16L d i4n Ift- ii work lit, nvoyilncinp�, f 'U.1v .4:'0 'Ur'. ob (ITTF&Iblif (��SJA tHs bid-tgt, 10-C 'b iho TRUNK 1"IM. .6 ;A� olus V",.*+ r I 811P., n or, wri 6 'T, rig kqo,,jft� %til, the 'A r 116 W6 h 7", IR -7 `;4 11; U 0, 1) 4 J0104 8 hi Toron Wei ovw ..... ..... u G elph" ont, I T., Odd, rfko -,j 'J"