HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1913-03-13, Page 84.11? "i". 7 X 7 -77 77 Rlr 7 4, j 041. A U)tKN0VV784Nr M-4k.6� Y .. . .. . .......... .. Fordyce 11clyrood whitechureh '0 Kou ay, Marell,10, �6 visited '�'ay -risoa of, Wi�gha r now, Owl huproving Lis well,,., Edw rd Swit �'estejd with Fdgar' Hat ,vigit,d friendsiat. Glonan'non,., friends here ou Sundj&r, -7 ]w �AU b f - Jul la`y� - , I- - 01Y� J eacoff Alp arry vo4coli visit- al t Dir 'U"' ned froih Barrie 6oftl6y a s r r inieson, as re Ift ediat Harry Ch4liftcey.'', fo Aay last �iting- his f at her, a Air. and M�s, josi I- wh re eha been vi T. Week leftlast,75,4,4 V, for their, holl e, 111- is"ill. A ring �.Y:AU 'Revi,8fewai Napi�r, has aceepte&- 7�1:541 Nall' b P William Milner of Sti�. Augustine, ill- tbe West. t. ti -ten4-holding-an-auction sale, -bii March Mi, anA-�Nfrg Ole i4lite­ '20t -es.. lnducitloir.,m�vvices �wilt ta1e RAPwi the h.1, ay w tiny Me'- chui WE, Iss" spoilt Stilid, ith Job 611' a ki'd Langsido j'resbyt6rian C -a Tap'-' SS0 church 4: .7 Chester. Taylot, Donald h -C Elwia'.W61lster and I ot, ','on Jg sp en id a ftment -8 ek" 3- eagan, �e em g- rest 6 west, of,Lii ifte-efing--yet-diem V- n At;�Afe:�.-�otoivare ick il ()N), spen t -Sund -ric, -grb& wn st successful ail 0171: wee -red' k ilt �charfie CQ� b the 9. eL A. took place arin g qualities are exc 1, ent '4 id will g I I ea V . oil Pi iday' we el ve : As Johli-Chaunceywasiout delivering jo:'ieph J 4t0a, who recentl, evening. In spite of b roads an T ex so e s ippe ice'and 6based '8 dwelling,iii,Luck-' ceptionally'lilyge audie ce was p I i6swrit. Ti6x's..-6if '$attsfa i,ory­.ser-v.xe.;,\-or. "p, fig 4 bor' 4 '" Ii �4' id and felton the' David Yajyior pur, ic f, itrlori� -Di,n. d R I t tty- -it thou At he broke �s6k �a'sjie The'deepest iriterest� as 0:;cost It , W1, :xibs y. r"Oorr,�'Li�`, 4f � q gee atly. :,4g-,�, , e to town List Wediresdit t now,, ptove(j, .,as wit in the 0, ni, or ed yo d ,the - 4:11' A will W In �hbw fli��e %Y0131114bid' ih goo, wasmot ab out ­­ b the debate. "Re�qIvecjj.thg,t'W.- 95 ric- s . reasona u Ahres6rs ��frq� Affiriti "Lil A -few, 9 A -6,6f tbeii,far�ftksbn th6: �iOth Co�'. V Age: ­ ­ d."Y."', offers 'better advantages an �'ast' t la it�y I 7-� Ai r, AaKe'.Advan -y­M�A11ii�ei-'A, .-The- 610�el as Ire I b -Z Wiftgltim' vij --ed at-- St. -(Alu`r6`,thr­Wie­d 'a Y­� �.X. -A�7=�­ — a . 11Y tn t 'Ie-Akx.,, Henvy led the he., roun our, atUrday, I an 0,8' V.Ptj� a a vi T d burg - on Sunda e T 1101h��"S Oil S' a f ert— altotrs- -ti X N� think -i a i'vi4'­Ia3tow th -y 11 4- j "- jb V t --.a0',A.oss RfiW road A=, he" thO both ar6j 'kulA;,fiue. t" -3 09 hiW zc7, 7� e.. to it a ien's, T.11 '1 2 .been'-, -us iriga � fq, 9f -re P, 65, ryjq ljjirl� § s Ilay6w- 911, ­wAoblg I . 11� - _-A b C Ti -- Y I tie t -N I A '1� 1, iHAjt he ki lie*r`,�, �3, �x �lt t r �T 7 7 1 11ttle �dYeAt :akla �.aM',Ijoking-'lihn in th&-facp iTearing d 4 eums""r N 774��ffl 10 7 ecessary or Zs rce OVell U- V (,�Iaxtdience nwen tw.t4 CQV r (-)Pe to, a eal -Din-i cestors: 7 '4 r ee haA'th i, ng -r( X cov Martiri Ahd MadiG e r ling .:au K.1 t a Je�i,gris,jb �Bloct, WN, -Jrbfil, ov, n sleigb� lq4d qf:`�-yoi 'folks he ng I 0'tkt�' jji6y gayer �36ftle ekeellent. chen.. Nk e are '.Show n V lie 4 -beautiful woman pere.sp�,n 'dj4n1t�hav:rbsqWmtifti -art -eye t I t t usle. :Miss Mabiil�MabI)k6nald 6[Lze r pina t -V A ..... ..... ..... pl iftdid Ati Leslie Congrain 0/j d act- aierry man, erq,� with H 7 7 -77 :,W. py, 'ossem because they' do not thei - 1 A, on-kYrd -4 '�amst6r arid, Earl and ki f4k oil e occu- l�106rCll'2L'�-ttieFke�u,tve,,h' e -tion'to the. h as ro e� iteft riiti6ft4jfokft I a air' ved4eb;t'at.thereafjEki hive 'some pying. a reser -.0yb: oft of.thej`,'40 -against stronj C :An 0". are, fai�iedl POW! -the regular - - ---- ­- rfients"� i n �..th4� ti o'n'.which; he tnaintained our inink6ldiate require or f 6r Ad tity'e I ejr, eAn , ftbtbe6ausefh6irf.acW feat - es Are superior to.tfi6se�:oi oth�r women- - time g.01-RIK bate. fy I iiow 1�ow-tqke!�pyoliftg- and returning, I h e'y w.eke kAbst hog- Readikigs� gp&cfie� itbeii:anse they T. 1, and N % ti6ki)1i6d h2 'A do R, -,:D MWER-Ox.-'. bil l, Instrumental Cstx:ength. Y` e voq�k --in ioiJustie,,�jiiii I' ­ I b ' pitabl� 6. .1 ent, SuPp 71,21g, vi =7�= Id - air ,g 4irs" U ii­6�t' Prices r rm, ro de VPOP.��a fe*-��years- ago PARISIAN-.-r-�-----­--... pile tied in Canadai. In er ey %ge could fiafd1,y'beobtAi R E But now thi,s1:4elik t gV_X0#pKer sellsi it: iw Luckftow jor So -c nts. a -bottle- -in- ne up rtI66 -Ev e GkorgeArdl' has been e T V- T d' -,7 77- �77 ir -to'grow ea. inten& leaving bek 16h 4 tia. e�-,s it tiful .1ui- -wee F selling'-Veitilizer for:the,'pa'st, k nexi'Wedft6Aay:in,order..to return, 6 st6j)Jallin ai .era ica e 9 6 attV a W his ho a.num- me�tead -in Alberta,after'spedndi�g entertaine R, Hugh F& q o. tier'at the pat.�iitiil; home; r of h s fr efids -last , Tuesda E It 'R 0 H19" *,"601, REPO-kTS, Weddifig be s are,, Tyn rig 'at Posti W& N rie. �hi§ beeik wl� si� ialii6: in Dtess','C.0dd9­:' Silks- Miss Jean'Ba visitif, 9 ,e .9 V: Vat Brow.,li's4ast w�ek.'., 0511 int- . w,=8: P 00, W AEW -19ARDWARE. RE` - 111. *10 6 e- an & A., f i V n V. M( U r*i J�r Q Kill- weeks er: h . . . . . . iter Eva W6 a s e,now eli Puttift .'lip- i g -be f6rVurC[oc4,,xc�,. Sit visitill in.tfl.6 66glki A.. ilte i - Miller,, lie: -I� . ­ %� 1 :1 ­ qtt,week T. 7 boi4? ou tin 7' 4y' I rl-ON TA '73;,�j :arrk Spb4ce, .70- T I Vel�n�:Spiddlei �7'i -116n. AN' INV G '1 -73- Norman 6f­tfii;Yie youi maidens: 't itbailheir sis xri� &Ilowg of ter,, _Y4' R` P Wam Oyl t a' 'number: from lFerd, f, h t4dt is-­Qt1ll.'with.�uta' fair o�cup4pt.`, ­4is store on' cus orners f6rii` 67 Pebeda �Ter Ma4d' Re ean s,4,y;, be"! gs, to our, t box socla a B461`lasi W :-W-Akp.up,. -AY4kp- lip; -A 1. elfor& Y'91411 - i- kj-repor.t7a�-gqod, 9 --Wc -1.1. - ., -- ­�- ' -. e,% on- -James B t left-1ast., -in Ott' 47,.T -2- �qeos. nt % ai d 47 �,tb­` be- pleas A-n, Flo"'AM, RE B 7� - . I 1� I I . -and. John 6t �t' e,Sr.' -- ­­ Alonday forz-thpq�lt7eWld -i t�e r, Ii SatuFda"Y' ulldav, :,VItW,' M11, H �7, Aiest. J-1ki wishes of theiri4iiendi enou­ 1W onnell�-7-8--nEi-'Vils and-. InverhAV6117 C w 7K.-, le + meltzer.- as-: C stoc n n at 'the 9 60d 71, 11.-MdMillaw I d�-fip­ihe�� �7 'i y - --b-4p 116 in thki,suddem attend �7 :,:Intosb,-6,5� J -Kilig, -0 0, �'. D� bt, wuu wrm -t' t:'--' -t-bli h- fij ho e, :-blodd-06is6niug, in; his Ti. - theirs L.: Make)' F .58, 5 a so -Z foot, :We It' sq�o'�h and.home�, op�en to- int, Gut so on % ;6'k6n; �5;3 W% Rubb kftot�(aikJL6.; agg n. IM, W, rwin, 45, on�:: '9.11'' , , , p those who:*ere pr as wo t 3 JL at n 1ze IN"S H* .8; j A orivj & ap D R''��­M de' ,.intafl L u Ygon" t or G onne L' 79;; W. ay I � 7 * ' the dew of his 3Lodth, is. e in. 7: nd "March' -0. une, n Yinla - :::Mol g ,ez� E. It _ es e -your or With tifil I a., vA ake '66; rke-:16r-vo tr' BAutter an -M 99 .'jLea.v ,OW J R; 4rd CM21 0.,- V visiebrA =7 j--:".. d.. d Bi 18rpf odrtown,�as in iUCV JL.�y" 44f �or mans IP t �Ma. - 37,, H.­Q­'jrdbn'. 34- , . - . .1 4 . " I . ;, I 7 - - I I - Jas. aesar;6f.',L spent a, ew tbeki .0o6i.) 0, , i , , jUade a vajqabI'e:'6ofitri`bidtiori to -the pro, angside, Literary+ -So .4ays i -our- bi 11 ­ ­ , �.7. ' gran e 32 E X Irg, i of the. Loc-aalsh cieik 7 iethc The M s40 i Rig.'Ri6dylt o 'A'zingei- ieridere gi, d' hathig6s & r em-pergusontot,Carl ses "e Th t , ("J'n, . It i*;� - ­ ';;!� , -.- MCOL 11 ill] tile ed, o - e �Peeiah Lndit"R, �j Lifted-'.�:Coats, Son- aw-a v I v 666 it w e ive Droalct­04"ar at�-- P9. Y tmg�: e saii evei ev— t af OL e&`bV-Vi"n6 Itim t a- -ieii-he qvl--a- ra�, -delica6y=of 5, jj ' A4 Taegdw. i0sy BI k 13,� ocka�t r : i M, I on i Al s St ad,-- tlqj.t�.IrPS. Or pei itpoh the,'...;laourighmerrt­'.'and 'Ll L B: v e re s oftm. ch hixe:'Jin6ved toj DO ads anfd--Iu, anii6it IR-00wof-too — A 411 fe" -Oft he- &niee.-�:�-Qo-t' e - do ncsfji�tendl' v - t-- er ass 40)p 'dig th� g,107�- j att..� tiesday,MaiLdh I Ith Men!$i Coon Coats -at Roch�bott6ktn ed -7 F R 101' TO'�LEARI� th a Tpresen at �.yp Irom. tl !r of 'I or nto L%yagLa.�.Du.q.. ­L,,was -SICIE'4 ve years w� th n4 Which-hip�'-d-4 ., 77 Wi`,Ari wee sayO* k e 'as 80,11' Yj ved t 6 -o'dor. of ira ats $��.�o­ L661Cg7 .good.., 1�1 vy, I . at.L 6n,s'0666 'Co d fia-vib-g': pe'r'c,ei . It yar p o er;q%: js Z -L --g emed.— W. Iii�ve a ea oild'illi other he'll 'fior'6.' V�Si ing,%t 'r, ome ur. + ay, Arq d ANK And r,,anl Mrs. 'Mex.:%itlinc pes --in UPA air -El' 0 'JIlV' won, as . any 75 S86icko ef-)�Lt �Go. -V IJ HE J%01� N:S -'J$ 7 -e r -a -bu.6ip t t esfi-4 f ��,.tledMn;.:;kftots­ �100 -timed It. seem,46& ck�,:be n'Th' calf ar--kik,�"�h#�v+ iii& diset) at �many,. ec 'hicfi bad,- bbA: ing-- do-ifeav a hi t' ki 9 re many d 44 llaft& 'of �:Berlifi, Oat— Viib-, tsiii--Aar . 11 ) . 11 D th6 41 - +a )�6 of'Tolu ok 041. �Tyeftlng niss ai -rus 7 h witfi, Mjjjg'Cootj� of ti Vinol, Ii Of ypu.r t4l� tile result of breaking �f -1Z Order ai-idy I lie: fir6.,.but�.ori. F1 EA A I'Sifit'N. -'and d.�A W -A Y6 u r *tng be extb��' to take-ch'arje Wa 0 7 millinery R F ��4ig -au"god. unta lk t4 __p 1. 46oli'- S guis.6d D ii­wnd VE Y I.am ImprPA141 fast, e0I­b.ett0l%- and ess()in,. Ont. aftiv,6 CAPITAL two r a 'i i b&4nd- s6�vei-61 'i ifin- 6e hil)-i '�ii Monday,last,to tak6 oh �i$4, 00,000. 'uh -91tin. iNn Y 11,14 progtegiing ftair iiesfidAisllk.'�' mop -diiilrer, ... I I - I OP -000 F s rhad o -order,�4i� hivi� still. a' 4 . im. , - or. en e t sum jettilak,my, Aesh bi ck--A 0 e: of 'Cliag. 0 e, -dr co I ng oki. kbo nit", Woist and. twded.,�. ass tt e d, _8Uj_t.rj­jjgS W �6771�OI grent,pow 4,23 0 er, liver 0. 'lln�, iyop 027�457,0 ili 6ailag '-chr I biA I&I 'A 'j i3F FaD a on-ttie Daut- -And y �38,854 6� e WP A I 'A 14�; an 19t MiguA"We 3 0q0,jVZ- $48 E37,!C 4.1. ;237,2,84. ng. mommil troume w1iici It nli�ilt I lieon; 1'.`f ilociortI16 gong; gnd-' -as, cl-,-An gen 'it kim-dotWill per lotfi. "1 -83 r�� All;weake March' Canada' d A' t§� -a 4)rtO-sponden in it ri m that �bachel4l "Upa IeS, in t, that ts he! vXV0 C -A odfi ek. C T % iii whIr A fiumbei ftorn, fie, ttended" G., A GEMERA.L BANK.] ANSA BUSINESS Drxig �6m -.wer Jfis�,chituce8 ill a cohtest of making T 46i "ierhesCvrice B'btfer iand E '9`9� ast week at. Westfi6jd. 5 AV I N G, 11 A'N K. '-'full', y faces" in'a given space ot,lhki Hardisty'ss�ie I his, .. , I ­�. , � , ­ "' , - - I .;. :''. .. � A T A E N'T-,- j a �,qe e rN tamlbif. bi�np",were­ .'Ddafie A J-'O'd th� the bfid n Aflo e d' -a te onp,4 6f. xiftgs�2� tit i 'I. j an gettY 9,wd.: awl'itbils agrda,4,941 gej visit6 Sf. AngdAtine tin ay- ai,,all Be& e e �nt", e jik6te6vei', spondo L I' "' i' t o r efit f t Z�ii�qday.,. 'Mar,61i I 11h, Mrs., rs' or 4UCK146w,* it t6r had. very' - ille-cess'fA me -k Week' er'd'un Our piablic �i.�ise qerviee m still, post, Qeorge Hun 61I.S."Of -tile 'I al& t6 rich, WC, ay., loll' I 0 QwIng't6`fhe.ab6sft�6, ro6d-ibe6'oh.Tu6gd ie suppose etects odsl to, t d of: P d 1�6�1 P. Wilgh -was in Alibura IaStTup'4'siday, _7 "J, a hive -Aw ,Iki he . ....... f tilft rf r- 8 a -y a�eyi� good lia 1-Y e..gkiiegt� 0 c U I tj . ifM "ibddf-'fW'- 6-­-w­e4ksi,.'-,kg0,1 bilt nor, A n: visited -of , '& ea f I c er,in the bfiysk�l fnakd;t�p id! ir.g.­ix W ch �,sh6ld&- ­Miifch��Ath _ II,, -t * eiter, keDobalif in Arn� - VMU7&60i�� as" - w1ine t o 64f - :one &Y 1"f wee iber!ey k d W61ave `otit 6fstokk At the fiietoLii �jL n! over Soi,diiy. by tl� q, wb loon. ich are, in ers 11, Varliament 16 IMA" i�nds: on pr Biell,`� Organ, CJD.'. -6q6 liwhic� It t ta�fiied it 'of their fr la: I"n4faan v�&­ j .4dy -e ftjo h Wkillep lefi1ortthe !;6'� red h a Y� a. a -ThiCe, *v�.e-V6r­ drawg j"r;;, thl tilig 4 f 1 ir, ing en u on Y-mee _.oj:.j�e W., F av�ng I t 6 _kk -SPRl 01 qrgo ir- -list- i. Johnstoilo and daughter -ed b rlft�jlf6 %�.itlj`�--htj -0�ktrokl'je "loll_ w`a6.,hel,1jfi't'h6 manse on Taegd#- wetik we nowiii h t6 ififorin the iLo,�&an Wit� -h e _I Would be 'der ain y er e "-ail seen xib. ddinl- . & h .�oftjoftiii Ile 'tt oiv isited' �vith F a. oi � lin 'Ison -Ao, corrL6spdndenfL that '6n Mondv. Ackbeki W1 re�urft6d W6.'h v in el T., El a jjL b4r,� pme ere.after,Bpendifig It r UnL yoting Lr. wi.nt- nry. bf 'till �'M VIs rs WIlL '0 in ong our. e d M �a, Mrs. 'Rol.�t. 'Ito 'Iiienthat,�i i ' '' ' is d .3f to a pb,,Vscal'� d"fat % 14 apyv&y.. r min U hi, the lattqr�,4 sistc-li "N 't je� .(;f tjj(I -oLt-'bf, 4nYi -h- ,2rath B 'oi, the reptile,th whiphle- all front Mar, n -6 'tI � r,,. �V� k ;!act, ks,' Alter rown: a & aded; 86 it James Ritehiq, it Sunday, y 'Divia. Wded'dii ti�.0 tl­ Men) Jer 'ges-inta, our ------- -6f. Terpt In 4 fill to& eq ds, usea on.. INirL" glass lli( V L:, I I I Itj. 0.re'()r&.�l,1 arM;6&9. Y , ILAMS C 008�f� 0� ry r, rOn 67�, on ra us negs.. o ego w V­ tory.4 t e was Four Cit, -aw�h Selydo1g; hit h 1�,j I T legs ]Bill fad Mrs Robert Rmith'4­ v. Di -odotilar and 'w6 shou,14'7n�(A, ihinkili btiustead �of: thei Tei and, RifflrdrAdL And Sdhd61­ breit -prepiradoits Ari iiij. made foe, spe��b -Wddnes,(hk;y With 11�. iind, Urs. throw st(hics', thd Tfigfi, Wil `be hei in nd Ponder . W ic baf"It If, advith-, men, and,r. in'& moment, of ftieftt�l Jog�f)fl' Aii�k�tt, jue-bkolAind., cpurge� and r e. 'h i t WIE'Re, for, It t 4tractibri"tria& the iti eAI We in Vito yolj� tb st 11 it loud.,� or, A we are g ad we ave suc go Ito 'ta, he fe* otilieiks,(,wore, dft�'. suga� bkrlq�,. I8�,Jac with �vatytjxidllfal �Pult t 6 ;06� 4r q a, ogngd & ifard 806. Tafoh 01 Zj­­ n4,eidupv- _M _4 Ott(% ntd 1. ' �' �A . lif, ell g qe Ll 0 4`9' Mir," V. 0j, 1 1 0, 6f pre t6e,)k T.) �,tw in previous yi,i,4rs Will 1. -S D'Y '11 p,e, r ­Miii, I - '13 on Frl&y evening l"t, 0 t Clove deatly Moth V� 't, present kt. the -h t ft, do hor P" Tflfilwrtixyl it 16 HON dding, q1 inging.. At 'Vie and, ili the Peter Rea N At XifigArf, we b" too A t,�, of jaltm4". .4� L dj' tile honli, 91 village Of' .14 tdift:,in .1�r' rM r visitelti at 1i The box social, was 014 ad -o county at. clol, iiotl o Visiting ftlp�&q in 'I b 't ti't'd jP08 Polled are, eingAns ip u, lu tai, homes the Nv(,,r6 wkep N�! a(tc -Tef �a6couiitl if- of I'S K* -6 Y .1 U fy(7,ajj W1. -one gran suic.6gs, 0 ()n Rob(D71t"L a;ti(l 111511 ELI %.Q le i you desire. P'L L't I t kie"4 en as 'Friday ovelift, at.thol I hirty ears aLVe' rje A j7 .!111� %;' �� �­� :� '#:� "Wif -thii W ne A.Y. to tbeit tl(,w ho Jodi. 1 1 ki� w1flefiever you Ad moved kilds of, 0, tida. Rilter lifty, daT 6" itiofts - U, Th. in fe "Ic�tjk�d fljo I (A �vrts- �v gafr; 131111. 1 xpq ie e. ges rairi n -!RQ 68feele, Ai-beil 0 Y p4ty Malt h4 V�6; Unite of, Ite 6 hi Mill I, I I's, I W). I I a IA Mflii4�of AiJA6 W inidiiibar. ''Th, KkI16"s IN 6, P l '§�6pie ilf "Vet'diiii. �wfsh'td txikiid uft p1bued'to.1646 thath`6 is jd6dve it YOU, � *7,4,0 t §E ely. it" ew 'w.hjj L, 'riti hd�: th.­Q i'. W60t 1 f.A ­ , —, he o 1.14tery A) Anar a ,j pertt l�vaich :46- lijaifi 'Atid- lear e - *Y.Q �-earfip d4jh( ltiftgp the so�r*(%, fli A ftca fli til arys r par i ra am weite-16 ti d ular"s I viui hegi& Xifib md, linsday with. N.1. t, �tyd w, VAICAVIOX. f J . Id to 1.01. Aq in h Wti I , ­'"" 'he :qu I Mimi gii1q; obb itt Was A �0 6fi4' wi OL Out I as p . . . . . . . . . . . ry;51 11(ply afttir A-fUll the 6 0 11 wc�': to be " is x"to-oidd 15 ,tiolliest", aiRF �rph fellry, of 'ff ()IV fij Ihe: MU6 OU W4 forthe, salary. of tho -nd bt San % cp4mle 't 01 m "I 0"d �rn , i 7— 1-- V t­$iih " , ,, "Ill , 101" et�tg-a 1W tither I 6�1111 im minister''im, this� plus UUJ t d f i 41 , 42