The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-12-19, Page 27" 7 IT 7 '17777 F0111M "K, �Yr W 7 7 But the T��,,ne; of love -w, Oft 0- &'I til 12Vr N - - * , 00L �drew tbem-t�jetbor'44- iiot, sho�v 1 121 te:: toshae,sis them any, 61 bst4el'q�. to future peace; A` GGOP HABIT to h LP wijl�� Tba wb pn,. you a.t or., tit bpga4 44V , , i , , erlem itiI4 when tit last stu4t laundin`bth his beautiful,. Imperious.: wokib- P 4-1 1101U, 51 110 Mcu, arly., f IVI� of kepti- give , 'Way in everythIng to t e lv� heart thoio, v�,Jio had been 8 cal of t1l6ir filture-befOre, ipst � t �ki Tlo R., L de clarin g th t.",t L L I P'T 0, N 6 C K A GS llpr one. 7' re to be �,­ . .... . iv, t a be - MM �espdon u �aejj ook t th- tAbl" ThO, -had, �been, qvi�e, rem- g wid Ch k4S", i6l�eacfi.,�tli�r f6r, C, re, Eggs P 010E VMT �t� in - L I I , 1 7 1, , ve 1. � I ­­ I- .,.tl Se up,ou.-Al -YA, A. f, athbi, to -411 f '' J, 'I 7th v J, Qc o.f'b'U.tey-4n,d flip. it unii e - lie' 'i 1, for Po' , I I I r I I -11D '-A to e- the aff air, bit RIEj y 6ur �4il X� n Itinia the young man pre si� lif&I, 'hini- n, a half 6io `f kratc(I'dairy P ki� 1, 6- K, Y LAC, 11 0 tewarfi of I I.ro a With nlitati�n self at tho house t, ATURAL I I - I I # , , d, ool� ub �,�l fill, in o ha�,P t 6 s, is , Olt- GRFXN :: - �­ - . . choose an REME Low 81.0 intorviiw th hiwful.'ure - M , �t I --th �4aaae, ivi I - aiagk.�TK'to na-AIA - bleii4ed, M-9, �eid. .,and. N� C j,_jr<) r - q impor�ant i6h 1. b&JIM-i --fo, WN -GALL Y father ill', -ave--rea, T. T - C 0 av al, -1�- - - wh dy ui! E� E obstacle,. was� Id b with the at -the p from he wou jr-on ir feet!, They a;d the- yollo 0 NT - Sit pre�, ks;, it is m n A:dd the 6 t Ij o an itio.opor uxie� gailer-or. -an im-' of the Couil.tr ea - T W, �­j E, E N f" !3111,1P, y zk­tcu� Y, the save.,ei, so;i5on wit the Bh40 rib in chbp the, whites it white r6 io­ §ont mixing their drin TSin 'L JS t -g' 't'S h scant t 'tant b ffa� atl�i sh 6f'eayr -7-77, -7� -,s r, usacli Lt. 7 Yor SaY4� WTIeT in World'Wid,6- X4 salt. he -,bid we! 11- -beAe 11--e n- 41.1 �h­,6& Aex, 16 Ai-po f _4olt,­e�6risidem-Ab, y- 4LI SA nd--popp r LL HOP -ANO YEAM­i­­ 4 .171-1- 0`�* L I -per-, r-7 SPA Yo� tAst g,,jr n 'the _4 �Ycgp �14 t �4b 0 - p o,jkj. T, w q `:QT W, fin h fil ie.- n ch-- g is-. q Q 'e --ol 'hat� IT aiirl� 'on -S --'Wen Avave:.beOl; J 0-,U h -al -d U S, ape-d:-lik-e�­ffie� Mhd- a6t- h' tled 'an Ann Nil 77 7"t e, P tit (11.-%111 "It -the, 'Bakd"Ch" "' VA:A 'It d I �Ubervr.tlilc� i­ ,2uit(>' r1aht Afteution 0 f oii,� the ;top, of the�` All M n" h 1� 1­t­­,�­ r­�L. Y. 4 d-­ ai T 0. -'were- 11 IRPA YJir-PP'i.. i"':On' t IS'l e "m ace �rMIJLLE 1A wb:'� o among young, gjlI,13,� `W tot- 4�114' 9a Ii fa 1� d- 'a er",L 4 '6spoiid d` Well h h6u] floe It' f h n't118 I f'' h d" a� wayP one, t -came.: in bme- visit is f Y�' Y UL] orse a b I r4o a-04, r1lit5: T e ire, `u --rj you Va �K'ec �lqrn ., b t Ug t d', s" "'d b d th h r.,doorl-Iiii-, ob' e, ro qt A . . . . . . za Z%M & A-abImpp, n4 -q -L elt 6d Xtbr --and �;7 - h w IX 'J"D�j 'AT --grow- listened y -411 p "I"A" ar'6�ud�k- �4 n d' I` �'ht Aed aL Cupfu Ir 0ju tfie PC es R PV vep& i's� Sli �i�W . I V �0. 9.enl , t 11. ;&o-und-. r wao 'hfih; to ta it iN d-7 requestin.- ke-h-e-r.-, R, ;�-hurryl6r I Rij d bO coveran -.6 e S- 8 th6. 'result ",Og it4!64 Ity... 'make- "him- i `afq'( self, ge ilito o aro and �il; I ­ldl It EWT. Strange L no yl; -0 eem--' s -ri�. ant s'. All -bl bd.- rM to -10,417" Ven -lo e46­bei-.- :..He-- wag.,:;al ',moth ­ 'ay t0a4d r AD agreea an. or sa he Vjtl -nine. cA566 W 0- -no aced. h fe I P all 15yown--lba. ge'rVe arP--onqe'-",.hoj im, 011. -.0 VWj-s `­rpa;dy-76`noNg--h­ W9 lr­,,&nd� ar ha �--Vurn 0ut:-oP,a`fl,.,i - -fia-mes, �0 ust, admit e the Well-�dr6gsed --.an Peditiousl dish:.* -in- -�Ai&h, it was -coolked. -I dish an44pulo b t d' fen i w. 'it.. 1APk­ �f, -and'ex I . ­­ -t -.th(,. A y ver -1 A sauce ma a t,,' iIIj.e:iti'n, d[To: qk pd�,: This- pilii[T.;JaII5�qld Iy­-A -v�- cooking- �ogeth -b er cotir, ipg afaOre r 4' - . �- ro 11 E. M....Al Ak Ufi`tb��pr�soier%`Idv6l� t VD. . Come, io his, house" t, �the, 'n allowed he resu t. .TOE BA -15 -K -OF HOIN 0i �ber to Btand b0vre: Id iot'be kept,iiov6r­aigh� - d utte 6' A, �fl `tk wever, - Puffs"Slibu. 090 t ' 'd upon: -nie4�­ df6T At&, ginning o av, ho -a e- c . ua- of I I jkllk 'a n Wb n,:th F. 0 W , 4QU "f ...... n-- ith w er''� or, e ;130 wl n All is: ea eh. -k oau le 0% t r Y. _jje_ one, faSe�naj ou ][it ,b 44t' -6-k d.-the--th jpycfeq�', itielf upon nd-niake.-a:.A na roif�.- a ce. pd-- i-- �an 9 fit, stirrinl into 744kghe& pk�iL ont�ftil 13.,94Y�PS-U e,:- rst- -,qurV090 e jle�lotl­ -.0 or4e, eI skel bi-f; -'-':Tf a p­bn In- t, to"�eve hibt o,,,great Irial-4that . hinr tof their JIM orig in -years, 'and if; anyt ing w 8 or, an't -v 0414V L&A 4VA bUp ra )6 found , jUi� �jy, al It n 'th f king'�in,;,as one ld-,'A I -,dii& th9' -betrothal which fix to f -keep U, Wr n -Ubdl -the- 140 --hap the suddenly,' rny­'beauz� �Iiasiied­by­.tne-� fact,, RI-Caly-1 o T­.-eir-9 n . . . . . . dd o f. th, f67�WQ1`J­bi' L A-ivA4%, iliail­ -R- 0 -To A - 74-&-1-4-t lils-, "t�Pl()ii'-.whdr�-th��--bl.(i-iw-�,tiful� Gertru( WAexr, fit - pou or 4191 e a4k.et tit- ----bix but Pa e" 'W world -2-n lief -Bin 3. aftutm "44 3 --iM, ln--tne tq#eete; -U, Vi 7 _�Jt, vviiitr au 'Lealix V. -M When beoquilts �dr-b a vvj- .. N . I en- wing ac na les, .1 -StF ig-46 00 gv IS00 ding Ito pidee a -:kn -juit Ft a eF Aish -or into: lnd�iv; lial' a yea ew� a p ro 13. 13 r f: fid, in7, -b his 'philef if er.ci itt.- I -d be 'ash e en.d.'' -This can 'bbi 'gg", - ed Nonj 1, *416.4d,,` Jessy,;'CaLrr sprung his.,q�ild oats- seems,L.to,. ek or custard cups... 'Iwe 1plotb- jo ..on mp oyment.' -in -'her dumtkb 1: feel��tb,!C-Bbe, shoul n of -the Dona, mon 'ter-�:the in�side - set, in,a' an -6 I PIX "Ll"et; turn L f r t e e& 1 tk W mms v j. tiAek P�-P Sre - , " . F . and - r+ `;ind G br�th6-open air vet� ther-, str�fig­� arm-'. .,-Th.6L -1 An, -.�Repo:rt p re- Vien-ah �;-cove 4�g;­rl - -tlf4it- -P PdW ��lllg Ile Vyp2s, ­ , . i, eS� 'hieb Covered the yeAre� Uppia...-tifian pointing, 7 ially �cha ilged Mp­di4tri W dip e., "I g th :iij thia� souff-I 7 a ry little bluing� Should be S "Were. conAd6ilt -'tie pr, pape r .�Ist, October,, '1912 showed call he. tlioi­g fShe' uttered. ho� Dick's..-.You.nre,my ch6i6e OfL a time� the, 'district atto ins toi rise.. Vadoyer and�coo Un - N�u,�3hlilr" lacesil -bb so i fits to i -the �p ffALE-,SHAR at,:' -fo R A �Gl A ,'-.T vi aix.-bf'$2,iM8 . f . . W., Vrowned. at -at one 415§orbs. a great 1 'of; bJ C. Aarit int6r- a U I know "'he'added, n i �all-impo�'r Wit Aie(118� f6r a - x..d6I.iCio '-sanawich-is co as ris- was ear I Y, and-: I ieoe at, Vie t r wit 'TA1441 nh le envto v T -du 4OH4 4PY'AM a. -a vo Flish Fr"ven 0 , lr� 6� 19W ue%w. -0 -47 . . . . . h, te Cream eese ab' -Z. C M- 14".P09". U, a , * t;old, his Iriend 1, O-q1til T919­9�YP.:7 'met hdr, th s- it" n total o over Mlow the �dnio to In., -Over, $6 207%,'000-44xila pie - , -1 "i, '7� ". , ..� ;- i7', ealle' At ne h, to 01 V e. gnq 7 ns Stan wre-t ,,;afternoon, ,sardl Pauline She lle-whajes- rain- Idd- rn,�-d --ivWC6 M-A�N -7V --- - - s e ore Mals vet, COY fi It rery'-�Im�atien"1'0�- P- iw 7MP 1, ird 6f i6466h C inct' ani I Aein-ds rd t) hip Q ed f 1" id-,-a­xlJ­chop-p-e1A,---�fi ihe7JbIld said Van --get. e )rpxnT::-,,i-qU h 1. ON n o yes -al Ibbst, all. l ­ & ea p� z CL 1-4, -T, 4j, $1;'894-; 000. The. ­th:Ah6 famil W- 41'J"Oe�d".69jil Id iie�Fp6eliivg 1T- rey�� e p t in: we, `b f the oportunity-46;st-64 ft—ru&6- 4, about was. StvhLrt--*­'StUar the. argetit o trite IN �m Eci �tlari:sfckred,'io t , i go4btz, �n . , . -- ­­��11 ­ ­- -S mall- -1 .�,meat, -din­net�� ��E­ . r eigzM;-�Z'easo 8- of' -fish. oil en -a -di -� M1- s a tr e `epper; wid, -t can.., e fine 0 -'It has ept �ou,reruar in y 0� i ''ft broa MR . I pre y,. h - 2, e,,w t 'it -Wi1IA.[uprP 'k" C ekpen&d- on baliki 'p. er -his at:ten-.1&fid. $61.1,006, on� Ingen. L I --t ,h k d J—am- be d-- th Alt d hint at grou, nswerl back,.wlth� me t6- stiffly- beaI It P eg35. Iffs v.0 whale SjiaAS..: Thd§e hilg ft j�o efeks,,-.Aak0 mY, A-----'---- you potato p sh iL1ast- f --,Vv �Jsewh6r W. um'. 6 e premisela, hu i. tere d -b Qk 4,tip S 0 eyerL, Mor��: 9 of 000 000-- 7110. c-iff in, Ile W n,.very aS -W-wfa asse s;o �1.1- I - -];, i, rI a TnLeal] m�46raf�" ov'6n fo Ir h i 11 :,47n hour... Grant e.w; n 1, W Id N but she' �A- '1134 07h, k en e near I, Sc r t t, she,.:Wds!� 0 r it �-&'�by tel ing me ba an­-bie� -kept i alitornia;, $P good Cund to,-aS o play a. gA of --- inatir w0h -Cheese. if 1 -IS i 0 Weikt e, a__ amdAUP-2 j6ipg...our- ri4 237,406,660 `MakinJi-it ote iof -�tb t f 4 was wear- Me ling. ,.with S�ua�rt` t�'Iljpa r ,,,4ve :ml ri five, or te'n,�Minutcis, twicie I w­0io oU 'oo ' hist-aftOr --dinber,-um a] 'j*�Sjit'- iceid., a er fo An&jbj.,� t by coming j w. he 'n r P, 'v I - k T ry bro YQ & :'th fll very,vvii e;­ -tub-itth, a1111,011 a to US 40M k f-1 '.4d �:c. t' u would iafli I nie4 Vat Driscoll., =Y9 lives Jn-la - c§p,4o;-6,n,,ul of'.hutter;�L'-wo, tiring the -yeAr Aj� d w ..he-0QY-g-1r­le o -n--+he-is:Urftvo -61-, wa, 3 Octime, �mv PIP t Wi I rtrudeil!" t I )P-Capi b rne� e I - . I -:�4'Hmifailtoa� 11.7�Yblt`=i�nuld -Cllpful of --g-riibed, a e Mrh MUCIA L �f .:its rest.. t1e, L a a C( , -(,d ths, As -me .-Have r irn A U1 r ar ��nl S, I ted. b6a A rW--F,rq-1a,111P —IU -e-, declared V& i i 66.1t.smiling tha!n, -&-knifo f Vri v. liarnile.ss .14) jimil.. ourse - G6rt rude: jlaffiiltoti's fadr, proud in dep Sit$ in cur,re L� 3, and i H& d 1; haIf y J-��4*attto aa�� our to. di r �c ago n' Cjjpfilll­��f th-r-ead4441S isiPmP�P-9-i4t4 trot 1) a16- ozd T �Ush,`-suffused- -Vdii­,DHsdcWIIts 7-4n n lkin vo <.4i Q Ice I Ife-n ---Lit,sm g am pt� e I o it I . 1; and 4,pthxf*iis�a if m4k� ld:-,the�� '' t , ' ' ll T ill , b-e--*is&d­­, tor i, Dot 'f,"opening-lor *h-a-tii` neiith,­ ...ithinkin 9:::t e- t�,b�pi��-she '.held "in, r �nand �MvvrTg prospur.W. Pl� L' 7 g at m4i:L- u,nd Wig: e Until. h- I . . �y . -- - ' '- "A '! '. ;'Mfttli-.7af-�-,,O� le 'tji6U&bt -time' CoIitin '­ioji7�­.T ftfud'e: -a we 1. a, I Whit"PL gyat�bj finely a. d. d -bh s ir. I ar Iv- $120,`000 0L;r. mns Tie feeit. ' 0 � wh h6itedt -add Slbv� E it, 1 1 ­ . �­ .. ` I :.. -. - ar t P arg t 2 Fop vn;l 0 a n e A akw Illy m. ...... .... . ..... .. L -1-N 7 rd, ­­ ---------- f�-TKC j-, , j, to, (j,", VIM ca el 9 k A L U�IhXtAh e 'A Ii"a , , -­ - . ­ - -1 r I I b 0jr"P o' SV it p,rov ful'of.84t­ah a pinch of cayenne, tor it c&t rr, :,g e �h pd himse, an e,V:vj­ , L �& s g It, arLe,in C its fr�l h J f I 'sh verL 4� serve -on- buttered toast; t n 11 cle criminal.-lawye'r. H a e it L U I" to def', �jts­ a jita- of - ace., ,�exi, Mr. ca e -Upo' seha was d e a a .1, atex.-J;:­ �roice­ which ven th*e,---Z1!. :0 VV poftan't -int rvze�.w ess ; It in e brugib -needs- of jig: and the W. I b w, �ile�t o itil., ­� ! k a, k, ed a" t �5f-ffl _Poll t' L, 'L "iiid th w4s�k.a tri e' -P -Swirunt-rlrit6 -inch e.­ Kixi4stbn oli6e, Va :w Or '""I 5L' Ha''jUilt0d'And n ,mail -in -,the- - M q,UVOA a e+i tr ir ba shopbreakifi lj)e o t, 9. .-ths bbil 'it" tend,et. j)a b It QveL�s�.. of.-*: fish -b afell -different q -he' Sa..,.- I lie, W" bo�'.q enA tod. 0 c of *­­ ...... e.,-yjea.r was the; -first �iii.nder-"t .'can e" -Y - nave every.reason 6 believe� r'af' 410'L -t;o-- ai)d, whil.e I a r ge I s. 'only-- evid-enoe agains an was ke: �N; MAke .6 w - cff­k, oU- Jhj -a -emen,."L.Mi a Y, -i- gen. I§h asking -'xertr,ude--HAmil1on.'S.,,d ,ed 'v S U406' �'Aho'r­iefrj,�nx�a- -ir b 'In A. '.bf I - d ...;. s: rul lail itb'y, e ffi y 'tile A6 4yj-wond, -Y40.Ung,.an' � ea.u. 1 �tto. Ab p d -'dfb it hat­*ho-� b our. and wwm +K-f-ptl --I-- 7' �Sat'Lsi& -b 6P.A.0 V. beer'i here f0r-"Jq!eaiIy­k­f V e,,on a 1ro11t,§. pr,.. e, year. we�e orSoIll -their- h 1141int fi W ll� Chi $3 -ON- w 4j 1�t 'A. Ire d Jjam C b 1),ed e Ag r "A - - thb,sik, ol , onil,ian,& cupfu]41-� y: It) on the JF166T.11 'he I . , : 24%,UM Mvrth L . ­ I - igh to hi -:jLjje, 'M A c "% J� ed, be �tio which W Aed as'. of _QLId bo! c s,-- t io, -pan r out to� a, title n as�A& A;Ak the previo be,regai p en :,th �'7 has L turn P pilfe� qd :L.i'' . I 'i's Y. P] U S I - , , " : L�, 11 , , ". ­A--Urt&nde.r Appeared it and,� s:Oason�d. With a-' bo as, atally, nbt' 6nl fi to the share- pinch of dry with �ee, a on(,'� C,611�ici, f foll* d Wip, .'. �:. te+ theni Up owing week.' y, satis actory t. CoMpli"mer L_ J- n4j ay. 're.,.that he had seen -older bu, ' ai: nta y 0 17r P There: was a wor r4en q0 60'Urt,andr� swo h rpusta'ral, -and 6, fittle--red-7- ei qn.iixtq AP, n& ted ano e r'. "Then' she rea mis'sej me of '' h n the hands t e,7 mix- -e Wee per. R. -7 t *OU14, pr'SoLne jt­�jS.: ter pu ing dish. ins, and -bad. L of tho General Manager,�.' ..Jzimes Van Driscojl,,�edge IR, , t' nal p')Iish, 6 ld "be. in t, "They the,!',Ibilly" Ad som bad' anJ bU'S1h6ss-,6ag,:itcity1 e gr.a.nd"turn th rly bet' it the, two. girls; yet they he fqre8�ght e, I as r -only the. day. before. i�t6-'a ed 4d p t ait, 7,- p 'I- qsh h were inseparable chit d': L b m6st tL grateL, at-tha even identified,jhe arfriCI6' . b :crum p an mary- idays,,, m in dbubtfu u �01 -v� are ut�fy­j heL-Aai4 deter- -Baii* 'Strew brea - L�sh o. throy, jVi -b been during their se"m­ e I JtL d, Com Zb-tZr L' I . � I U L . w V ru. t I -er�VIF -th-V -:­ -IF—' d a FdWa e. cov-- g,­,-samo -weig for' h jr) f an our ft en -kL6'daf;61&;­fho` "­­' ietecd, It h' I J ,;� � i be sit -fgos gro ing tie o sc�atc e, 616 L U , ft. - W Pr D erL co e If a Vg: your is. A.� " ' " I"L,:L -MU t Sightseer �lt . 'bik , t' Which --in terested 1 lie ion a reu tv ished *it ',ed at bd" d d' It"li he:-­*As­,bie launphre.&�out-Jn pe th'- Doiiiinion than v r -and brown-. ICU th_e._ Y to Y -J -P- . ­ , L. ' "d,­­- te lIt --J-9. . - VL -t. t Iff-as em- the r4e­co�tild-be -aearonl. t �W .Vrg�� f A � jar,all6w i o: s an Or AsOL-14'.L.P4 U In g..,-� -f"L IiArdjo le -�tt 7, 0 -was, b6l 'sent 'PAU line� liant:a.bd e 0 p .. ...... .. 4, ... ad it so 11 0 poun -a.. Wwrdd' r�do` Mil tonf:.gaVe ,him U an re.s acebun its all) macaroni A Witty, with' dark;: jefiy, hair &rid -d- IC ASked',r 4 �'N caPita . .. � . 1 0 ­­­­., 1 -1. , ­­ ­" . - in 68 e s A.a o. er, short piee.es an coo cl,;ep� th ring b�il *abtr,for4few gec6nds... ce Stine tive, -. I _ ­-O-Yes , , . . ean­ er ne luttly-::,none,�f -sald-Ahe, 'it k F tint -1 Mr' Ilia k li-&rly� -fifte& Itedi-bo:ffing��water- ­Drra; 7� ­-CUsjn w­nfesq-4-- Ad. --of joy"S�- as�on� ntan, a ci by, lhe� long��stl. and Silk,est of. lash tiio 1: -r ' " - 'L �-, V �k ing, place In the.`&r�- t I. W2 , e i th ,,, but'h6 es;!' with chee s. an ips r ta e a .e. ke- for nund'that'he bed to'. say ed as IL Then the lawyer t�xnedt-away, Us', Stki 1 .16 day for, ho OC so, Then put, vo nkhsodl"L toc b ing , big' han aneial. and a . expansion, crumbs which have'13ee B, lard. b L n46.1leat.. L o p.p.T ry' hot r I* Id not. helo him oiq with it... e su -e i.n,early June t olugh wash da -of the ou aid: the �fiv,� njt;r� e j�e jP -�iat 1,11"es 'this d4n. strid PbCk6i' . ': ;.... f e 1 the es o�iq�jjse i'�.Gettruder Hamilt�oll, the beauty, She, r --inte, 0 'rMar�� - - . - .. I I ope, rew �- I Op - d with 'all M4-hea-rtrto�hav 'him A is, a, little, diffieult to,describ.e:tca�e 'and 'as r' :rlri. A�ispp ""EitS :be - so, :"6 Y� Th' add�. sS su a ta espoon u o c S.t' 'Alto a son-in-law.j was to ger -e- -,a - e"aS 0 U4 0" Pa, Y" puaff -- - mey for bitt he an, arre r a� d If"Milk' ern' liird-i" -d" cf�4�-- so s a t er. c eir -�`­.­� . - .1. - .. r I I e I fin- onji ju;j-��6, W n V All A­`L�in ell Of-iive mptehe sS­ put a f cc ly,4­'� they'61�1.' or d, u str" i "a' F ia,,- commercla all In, 11 d It njight h call . L : . 1-11 A I 1.. 111:1 1 out, M -th e- pro u -e-2t­ fi) i ji4o n g -,through h ave bee -f- M-Ifter :an Id Ab-infitud y-1he­'�­ light -bio" 6',Iiair: fram d �G ��l 0 8 t f5o� L il ib r o-, a g- h L I Y a tn­��,- `Vii io unlik�`4,hot girls'. te , it b a,' qpoon . [' ii d wo ta6leSpoo 118 �if� I -",nipji5rful of mil slight o rd.,,' el Trd pr6viiiling That, of' t4e Pr�qi, th- ftl4ll, r1o'd i the -Dominiom A:- 0, ap�eri lip. my rien KL, --.-4j rjt;X.ViU am, :d,entj 'Which referredL.W n- 1 7777777 the bomi": to *b e to it and the -cold g eam :0 &%-ter'jy,�Sutu, gL, the* 'tq& - -hauteur She gave,yo.0 from on -o f f a �Wj JM ion,As t Please o Mary Pf. thei pr -thb­­dej)th ol--hier— at blu6,'��yes. 1, ;._a &resg the presenflime� Zate �h6 Tbe' the S rl -in --her' he Z! -fell but' 'he­j�-- wa.0 Up h,L L set; This wag�.no:�fiie title -it. 1 -ad de6arihg, that - con itiotis. was not to' be �Ut­off in t is man- di be n gi,- b hJ LIS in i: � .1� "., � e ve n p� nurs early U ho ii t- the 'Ninid,6h Wer'e -u'n- ner -and r�plied, boldly, %jr NO- Usually 9b bd imd-'ihaf.sads�factory '"i 'hid hoped, Mr ou ears, by the fhir hai:igbty, ottier y M ked; W 0 lived to 4 tilde 1,60 e her progyiess might be exp6otod as long., itaky6lur lighter Grt It ` 'had not ke R -toot d a hild's pride in check, and -by her -6ponr itic with it little, more inter- :i: aq pxese-it conditions pl'Uiva'ilej. "y .. ..... .. ... fit in, Ill ismav, won ering w ere it he sion, the increase. Cel ar father,,,who. watch e'd its 4e%elopment M "'A L"L ­:dq."t g, -10,110�ed upo W.o Cultural' an, R V, I M g it e wa -UnePn- n the giowth bf'� tnah 'With 'W,11', ahe4d- SCiotisly fostering it 'day YY -Y say, `n the belic t there is no ti tie L4 Z-� giving--the,--gi tb Bbil),ji in&atry, 7 ntAng, aLn4,;, prketll;'� itcd� Nothing was rj 6,W to ggwii, I .'� :i3l rtru e, an L : c 81),Iiking� ov6ky -'e W a e., -her n , ai .; ove your daidglitot.,.Go J' "' -i -d M Phil -of 6,ur, priz e Viv-4ifll SO.% . 3 -an -ihe--�,v.a-y-­of­Cioqfl� exp4 hers 'carriages- -,--make, her.my. Was. -j'"'Bho - _ L- 11a9t uIdAiko :to ..... . -w ith o u t, -t- h e -t r orit-W -9- 8 ki"LlItgLL fe r --his-add-r' te`:' wl e. -T' cent home 1"vtry'L -�'b an imit; e. Sh -Well welll" c'r)Jed-r--Mr­jj1VTn I rr4`.,d InOLX'q;L parile'ut-a-rly rule -d her'fatheir � 11.1agil h mnj tl�.e bank well -Mi 6d, amazeMent. H�,drawing �vas Made Ti, I gn S�bjjlj .1you lik' ijIgL bjl.�Jjjcq�s. J4 e-a.young princeis. Ah�,e hi;d, the. N, 1,clue� foll'eh'�&:,on the:., -A, a photograph ;6 is is 'indeed A'ktonil' �7 Th* f ...... -the Pank, trot love my l'ittleCADPitrudeL and wish. proud air of one,, w o is a ays forthcoming, revi0on of, ` Y 4 keir 'couytr(iora; t1 d, 'L in to, inar�y 4er I A --ban wal k cl -.ogg t rill at tnepe, L Aot�,' an bien-6`be eJ he, lion g�arcolly r0ot"�caa'f w''iti, whi�h� D-. 't swi vcd Aiiddenl� about arid carne tnig, it be a few rwinor 1) IeVe'Ch 'h" -A-Iffiough' she had., A19, -ear S& �613 of na - �j, r --- A U d 6 won, AT19 1, oL pnr P 1:4 1'rUMS en.'­ lljel 1-Y, tf� t 6-rpro,- tho of,)Ctl draw6r, A-ffid s c4li not- iUYnd-f­.­r- t -,vvhv it . ..... Ch- Ald lie- Ii . Ift P a(' b'j,j g hii8, h rrj�Ze ini'List, yeit jc(j 'r sati,4t�ctory scr�lco­� a -cash," r's, c6ritbz V much thv� Yro!� fr <1 Jax. zi� he pro Ou I five 5u1jIP1I3,C eohtdgt theec vv�rc izes Thdre wi Than, ho 01( one I n< compro nqjt;�. I.,c IL d,,jjtr in a, at) I C. 'I I 81111d, th -Ygq- ev e's Oet,i�olne; Biit'0`Ifl ' , 1'( .14. %, 3 pt Air, 6 e ri tirvei blih4- P tit 11 a btlqb� e -,i e n t, I y -dr6w "Tr 'V'&, v, v tv t h. the in (!r( -and p, theip 6d ­,bo it Y F v 1 1 Pfizes (1.08) ill t le ly� A,,'have ornirig here s�d "billy" �.JUqteo ba _jvj. �gc tjjL�," tjj,6: fty�d$ O'S melt y T, ing �4nd 0 t often. ot 161�ej­yo ii, f havf: �rOtt t illt tj�c t),Wj�jnorj ',-R,,MF- S PRIZ8 CONT Ve In s Py big A d 19 2 FA R reAlizoa, tliat I h1tud -,,�omd objkt-" W, neitth h-, �es, buCllna ha Ij i.q "tfl 6 'W -t�eb JPyt to ow I W 1., 0 far jYjjTj,g e�)]L�njjjpl & w� 7) Amn, V1 "t I ni I es, hh cortaill'y' 0 t ­t �n .Q JPj� q'r inces of whintTig, 'A cas i t le'y rF 71, i� W 71 J,11 fa k6n­ "q"'U'Re a Oy ; vX;­ ­j_e M*ny j' 4,1C t 'J�, ye)U '�r�fp -the t at the' iprj.�O. Y bt doJilot 1pt%je to Attioulit of Cana it xclucat, ef Y.8 -across- e �jj T ­ 'r. to aq, 4ei chargoi h g ;t�. fj�� to thJS (J� er, W q,ui orue, i's 7".., LH W� Wl 6, 44it tff. jri�. r.- 0 fhb'- llamlltfbn�,--, -in an IqUAfly'. III &jl&s morq I( baft-6 P rm-rg' to:. V& an�4, 'not b' V 7715-j-1 if —Unl- ­ ­­ ­ wi-waili-MEF M M ( qCffo�wr e ging- you w had Yr-%-vvYt;,. *bd:.­b­,W-'-- A;6k -W it) d wd a vor thig -i 3 P n k 1lie'dand'not w i I' r W6141' I I . . -I , , -not th6 - 'a xo�l at 1401 at ' kl re nc -bpen OrtucWt. b- o,, to r m e.' :M" 4 ( - VC dvf� a" . nd 01 110 iffer� W 1IM-0b, Gatti Aftys. .0 mcp wfi It vouju I We ling tint xiontest, W11 1*1 it j�oth e n 0 ion ydil W, '66 WiA C6itetdj� 1% di,ic.03 dV' fvt 'two hgqr&r". lifilt. -lili,d J' 10L - L i . 6 OL 01hd rNtethtie ttii n -a Ch' 6 0 i;6 the, At' 14 A hfl,,�ly in y6u fiedd W krlir��o -:WLbdut lived *�fth bot: #hd thoii�� bef�).,r (1,641f�V! W A ft"If *�Pa ksmiii-� bl' 'b C4' Ar(i� ��,AA igation to uy #gfibo�i'. 'd I�V.o, ® fl A 11,tb 'I fej)f �6f, Op. thC. ' 0 , A gj� , . .. 'Pro pj,ri��Yb�fe jjf%A . r . ollvj, 'di-timc�f',itryd Co Wlv(,Ar'ht, 46 §b�ulj- 1411 In : " th. W` -A Y, den"W it �'U t rn W sly�ess yrien, fh C A Mve.. yoit,,J� Wi Oft afey 1) u "CAINtAM , 4 iT­ - I 'j- ELv! ,ft Wit f 01M Iq A jj�tdh, gor' of ktiown Yliga Chi 111-d . ..... .... ... .... .... .. .... . . . .... .... qni,$ j()n, &Qr 'gor UW ry�­Vacni-. 611, q Md: Aqwfy -dwy-ig-a", . . . . . . . . . . . % T,