The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-11-21, Page 21 -7 1, 77, 1.177= '�F— '-7 77 4 place a a royal welcome. tit! -exertly over an., 'XT'WMN,YPUT neAt'l 'It egg, oaeaeh.'��rv6 V.0 The platform at the, d( 'as �T) should be­,veiy hpt�, Wrxied out ep, ma"', and mixtur4p, -which �4r them 00%000004 #A0,ft o -0 d t 00 111*- ,p<lt' w I't �'E P94C U lined- with silplihs, fo 'r abrea,�t­-- TxRxj) vver, ot. 44''11P W0nUWVXUL1y ach contaiid-j*�a merry,.partk of y6ii *111 ft bli what % dainty- meth-Qid o serving spinach as, old Ir ds, and, deafening ehe.c�r reshing f If you have fe�ij� the air, 11�8 f' ItWe Apordixiary vegetable. RAyand GordQp­ Ine nto ript,ti" to Ifidke the iWiture i r 14 h g ' Tt, The fall m 0111­­WIVI, clear beams,- nevc, h Drip on agaye T AhL �4 -T 1000 "I j'QTP V-tb -A, e cur ains ot tile Is we re &0 looped ha0k And,;vvt idy,glowwel' �w .;A, ted'4 -in iree "A ed '11i4iffi" I S—e-1 vmh, bu b spin t, ru. it th yolks a�d .whites .6f.t 0*gg, a4.. -4'R b anc, i4d t400rwllls 04RI. V..% -n all U -V W -a deed, an popper to map" 'W- nN �tjje bekten Y�61kj c�eam,4pugax �sievie"jbetom u0iAk. indo The MeOjing L W�e� K A, X WtIL Tris I ��668ng in- j 16Z, w0tarMIJIM 00 "1 A her, delight- kiie the' ispfna?6h. 0 n -P 'd �� IV I . froth an is her d T lift o- i -,s f iff -�o, Ariid� e c V'0'U­ t . . ....... lightly-Anto . he! ixtute --- --- Th, 76fl .4. a U.0 b,ft Wisher for: a Wo into,,sma,11, per-ar, ch ........... J.1 " , , , :, . 'I Then, W f the� gen- h- t- Oam, 'Wxwwellls� rat,, gl�,eaoing.. Pour 6liv;a -.oil into -1he 'bo L moriting, a e.r. par a Ing o place, in, the uh.:. : . lit Ali firs, ek q -.rOus ba -harnpl6h s e only w fi nquet: th'At W.beerl sprea,41 .`C I th' ashei� -Sprinkle a'few, u -open h1aige. b:ott e 6 -usua browned. �o sIig4t Y-� f, qjjyo.o� for them, leavitilM -at ast ax CALU work�d.with- sL coran ''In.,W-ikidi,�'btitt(?iihol6s'in stuff It �� Mere Ab a -E i ti tb .4, - 6 ;­­ tepfk-th�-Clti G-WWT crumbs on the'toO of, abh,, put� a: r it: oitl �y.rews,,P ojeVer. just' 6 their lii�,,�-s. 31td, top, 97 J.� e n� ., ; " 4 ­ I I � . -1 ii Ite , 1 .11 .1 d - , - h' ore unco VIA T��re , v re. f priij bel k(This, is the-'ha,i)pie-A , h'.. Yr ci day oU'my , fsattxke--L� f )q!A.t a qJ 4yith,'wai0V­ 'rd 77=1 - �­ I . . 1� . 4. . . 4.4 V A, --4t . h ... .. .. let stand -w '*WW :-�, 461, L 5W, itf d ­ CIT % em, sto 40-1 i&nd PR14DUP f - . . :i�� , , �. a neck h h.d . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ear. dz hy; T"' runin h N aure -at we water,-, ib ln� 0 0, id Iletwe w now lllui3t molly'U; and t T d- d -been r I)Rkn, d d er, retan d Sii;4",n, Or t Eb b-0 h 10764" i er.--as e ., & n d,1 a to,:& Fiaiie;6pan con aining--a affici.,:, new, ys,.made�-j y WTA:Soa 119- - IqA 4qry 11 0 I' SUPPO"i. no TRE Oi�B 88". OF. B'-'� C cnt 61 elte butter -'to �gh of it it you w.(>uld hi'v d. li ')us �,SAP. I likibd it'* v�e r y a, Plad oVe r must It ' h f M by a pair of Strong arrx*,� alO b : . . .. I . . . - M 111111uh she rePliea..'. _p er ore. or a, S,? 5hein.4 -Turn, the -suri's Waa- fry I e em Wit ht ow prc� t4�W'Mwrs a;t thel ilit im,A� s64e.d-.­6t&sely to -.-as -01.1­111��;! ­ -h P-18 4nd-let the othe, t er-go en, air. an so a cef41111 B111" un-- is, d k b It 6 r to die S� td�f ­ -q at uth7 IW &Insv sholu. od a -oil erV4 th4ZIA. -37it ILI 90 y� 7�00�9 he ai,� two. Spread it �wath ore im, all- t Opinao'h. with niter.-AL'a a w S4 wond' red at.. When it is'kn6wif that. ,6hishMefit -amd,Ady ------ iipon-, - ...!!Gbrdon V!. -she. faftiid betlicyldi�j ­iiho the tie t can� -4f�Ruby --my-love-my-dwrii4l pidked.. Spinach.: 11, W'" a- aj)pointm po. W . a two or t1iree Id A iti w,�W in gab ed- reave��`, n `wMtdti--:-4hori ra it.Ah M , I - '. � 4 � �. . I ,, . Fin MI di IT U5 -11UL ake -4t ereforre; -n-o Tj blespoon-fu'ls of ed tha Gor- it' will do 9 1 hav4 i� P, butter, alid: two t& STI -as YOU t P t4at'daring the -recent h:- 'whom OW� Ur-� . .... . ,thA, h b Xer ie-r-th,6 h fid: i9okO br.. -- -- - - n d' I 116 he h a' WrU,M. eager r, 0:6 s to regar4 sancepaw and let heispinich,cook lady- e, at once. I hive,-dbncr I ha t f f -in th' t*ll'd -d o A hatiged her tac s ig 9�, an: as, the Duke.. marry Rt. -Ster to,,coie he re to 7- 7. til It arrive here within'. th Yciiur. love of Wou I... Idn't think -of -having Miiss� i oe . .. P '22 n the',, t 'Of A ".big reception' sten yn, remov, un I , a a his Iwill�' - : -a -hour reamy, conis 05 to :�tWjr yal, ifi-, the pina �bibos,. t then rub it 20 .'m1nu es, it full*:-recoveried, anA"ifthere ;is real- ly do, �, t I . �"Oh,LGordonl ..sure You, Po a vege able.. A fino. sie've" and, thez ean lyr to he wedding, shall insist In. a and, ean I u 4�1 - tast turn it -to. th -n it : �na:: Whole-, ..ragki:n e sailoepa, add perforine ete, 00uldn't bd,marribsd w �ng f h- 'little sallt, dish up. and foil MA %�,,tin li 'in t., with:'10ai6,,0,very it, U1 'bofid *ith, little: ciotir:­ ba ound xi� most: severe it d "T Inn* 6- aw e .94 is er w b to fri b�ead',or geems�'To e a. na -len, in h eak. '('5 t b ating v d. y ff 'd -�;--7Befo­re�w& -if it -j at k i nar piostr YO -d� pr shing notice is. quite Pij,� �M-aat b,6 iniMiried like thatl" e de-. I ih �r f 6: Arid mia yjbs ty -lie-minister away 3 e -ad If 4 -he r 0." tmen;t -sh. off an shour was,or rather 6� yofiiaelf, Mild �yoa w�-aidWi hav6-the iujt.'- be strippe,4 b iid U h- ai it 'to �d` th:A� e paii.tised - Sht� all around; then' fry xf.r Granida car y, as I was in T, a , i � 1, E , " r A I fy t6d vast e-remo',76d in -b h P"TS" f th ming,, Dr. orp heartis ari4d -(*t "I r-wh"frorif the efinz-ry; C d $jln �sdaar azari6d:. for.. -Gordon's-. hotel, to Ve y li, me and me. "ih LOT Y4�a r quVALLL �t. lu qf'bread, W'hWh t him the'gl,44, tidinig'S' he :Only froni. AT at t(>4, last 4.oyd.6n in kewarm: Mee t a- -w U t- gli nt M.- a n-, an �-I�: W, AtA6 _er te tor...... a -:V- Ju1-1-,-P6u.nds4,1­ sug k� �AA i he - r-eriplood-ed- 41 a pmwal�iw fly osted:l A tU� 'h OM; the water take otit cr San �Wh.�A'hc saw th�B .6etoi;l he could: di had- draw -mv ..,Ncxt 'raiz� tii� rior, with- your-hai d- or -'a. diaher ret, coo spl:q� Ica . 1 . , * " Ithiee� times. lit ade., llnaCcQu tably". tibu h jWh, e, was, ri . dc"- -ash C f ion-&hTe-' k gritwil-lberleft. t-on-sald-,w&q.n6 oth& thi 'd -1b ii j6r ydu an -my own, U Y. muc ziqr -than It A b Ul jlw, IS -Wall inso It Ste�r-* -y -7- ve -glues I Th6 r"is-b d it t ere..Is not the' r er,t ihtinas' er I fier his Ugh a Sif, I jL13 14 We ov� Pat -son, t thro rovlIb "-]VVU'UU 11JUX Vy. hat llay; are. yolqshould, boi mated' that. passeth all ..receipts dirnt�i in Lilull Vury U:6" e tA'ndin,g.; pery, TS ifUl tv'S­ 111 ings-'_9 -.pe-pp nitely--, PC Ing op,ped­;----- 617 't: &bout -to;-do rl', �iid at* b -,,rvinQ tw- V i:u;s Zro se opior.. en F 'k broug hl �-C ' fflb� g w'eiari WR: Silk. hatj and, ow, ls� f 4.',dust R 24 . ml- ng -Y y mile not, lef....your i I it Ruby, 'd, not a.e nd bleS laore resseJ it- S ttw,6 he�ping,jablespo F fl, npa-. and al'though-a;ccariipaiiil�d. b Mrs. P lf' 'k. art - 11 --sm eiAerin d away. 5s;,. be- not i An -very so( ry qUjLeT,. stock, add�the Y61, di m0vel.. p1ng­:Apoou ... ........ aZee roorn!"01, n&n h, gef!" d Ft 0 if xor'six­� : ­ 9 t j,ating,,t6 Go t Fi rd6n her 'and: kissed the his Rom 'hav6 P.... iA re b a e 15 hw she h'aph Itintead -61 13-a I but e MM wbereaboxits #nd, ell pretty,* blushin 11ttle., ri h r,, It it through' 'a 6ol-i 6. t 9 "IN-hait's all the� troub1c; *Meer,, en� rail With flillite.d. - ed, an dicssedAzi,L, en pering.. -rep- I an ar, gee hr.e.:ia -to'be tak to.)B.nker Morgan, S jji h' rdW it into sine,cld Ch �atin, %yith I the boss of - this la66 and Ttbb6rl pin awn ryEe Id I ank-Oc,4 simpte, J :,�kt 1wit t�tb it ­.Now. -d. t oV puddinggi-L. ou at the eAstern;hil, s, Therp great exi6itement, when ti Sockiiigti; n a ver o en e milk il,I:L 9 'et ly h, lid'e,,%r -and cW�.. it,Ane' pi or t4 --w- IeMs� watb-e :iV­wit, P�, d Almost pa' ful in h that 1- Curdle Aon tw Your,name, in s !,,pan nestness tba� was riage read iWe�st Haven. arid the butter, in- a, " a*u c _EILS tA 1) , RjCj[ .9 o r efit6ri-sity-t1t: erson d ;idd the in. a ee 0 e the- flg�L�,m isGor� le f m -that dit Yo'Urtg, it p woUldLL'.... rr Ive --at­-Trevalyn -don WoUlL'.., L gh. �pa .1 Sp.gar. is ove the,gre. - h' A a"bl a Also, for X fo minutes" I ada I et t 6i. to'Rub Tvo ent h qng F at -f 6 gif ryifig'., 6b 6 i"IrIA b spinach thenL­add­th6 Sp, n-., -t�TLsee`b ut for a, fh;;finst' to-- be:, -ftiq Snow of' A he splalsoft -fell, in Tf �Tornan 8 Vcj,�IS nt e� :'m0'rh6,.nf, dll,e very in oppe �'In 0 .1 11bL"r 'd I L I r WeA S ven; -will. b espoon- T e te cam a eyes- As sli-hing- by. worth a sovere�gn to 'the �i- - ifi-, - r,; 0 to fulb- e go ty Lawye va, j.t'L tKey, -sis Wedfieklay," said olk'ol ir� egg, �dd one. tab he he�,. r Tre -him V11 n 'I SpInae T h- ter as it, in to the Raie, -it fhbr�a d . I . I -e hot 129. TORON 0- t—h So e vo _,g4,atb _kt_tb eco -T e=.L. , �'P' At 'dou 4111 ar U aq litt enL ;j run nd s,a'btscu,� -dou5 e ye -my heajt­��Jja '.. j Mtein ?Ru�j i K "fickl arld 011t h .0 ki�A' gg: ....... ... . Vith S -P in IT rinot 0 PkTtC r,offi �vill 1,jitt t,hat-, tban.1the -old. -.r ine,. ca s fair m0're. with' scrambled e0gS is- a vegetarian te hirn i tA live. an`y,i�"g�r;­ iv k o 0 per, vew -S or girl I h4i6 '. , _t)iL xi 'b k pin 04d- 0 e. t gg L re or w 6 twtk. offer a,happy to nt �10 I . n' ggs -one g. recipe); th apora- �ghal d ld bairier tor ev eaping, tablespoonful, df* litter, marri art, Pn -a t h 6 -ab or6r, in the, and,neveT A" t e-46pot su:rurid a e Wl f milk Afrange th It in it ih fa, e,spinaic I ri that. ix. 6r �-Sistdi' giiOjh W�b, ettor dre. swefa,�6. 'until E -ni -and, -it h it rts m. 'to ,P -as b jjrA* the c R134d aL' Ilig-11C � C aci6n t) [ua ot utei-on (�i k in 'b 11 . 1.0t. are jhe pour in. P, egg .9 n. i 5 doirn in dilaw- bu�n�ttit'forget a! to the lit"Mted, n i ilQrj, t, with A wooden. spoon'. t haft that mh m. a of the nd stir over j.d tTr roomT,, Mio and: tbiTik �bv, the M S, it I . , - a P50 ------ fx4 �Yit the �v ri It g 5oft, -�r�,imv mass -,4 if� �4 Ivirf 6 a so. ef, you !e can n < -h 1p Ltb� f g�r tc hiL d or er, b i (.19 -to to L plre ,oTr)p,d,6*n Wa�', a 7 day nfa�er Ael` -d' visteA tight-, 11 in at �,bn �0' dear,": Sal , when Leigh,and Rub�, Ills kg"] Ole Poachbd' wegg, w ic axj.� I M yo -k� You "Che:d Vest H&ven: _0 . _VlnLg _U biridej r U_ '6.11 f Ve'i,n ji�td t is ..in I � 4 w, 6, eome an appe lz� th I d nivig, lunch of any to, W thi skin irritAtioh and M -;,n or, worhan, Fi )r far 108 CAhAdian mers will -in I ry rir CCI e ici e PrO � nCe) in oi�r 'bi iv gh oriz s (iweve. ill "Al y I the), thicklir tl), niflcl Yor V1 A- CL*� pri Of voting pe4?r. !,4 D &RM "R, E RIZJF A. t I Aly �k f T., :�C noLt ly ST. Wh WIL I T. titest last Year n which, 3 Ize W AU TwI0 Do p fkrdd, Th i's &iJ6, it th ki x - D 11 "a dedid, year t Met -i's Y's P A. . ..... 'a lar .7 )t vi�tt. noty ed1hiefit. to' "fin i d D1 C6 ok6ft? t P41 of t t cern.c. it, T11 I it'll I'q,6 three J50 flecdw 'A") does 0' Flt It 16T ova, in At[ bq;gt i6il ife h)�* oph?g�,hjtd6' 'to lthiifli tuept`IV6 efernd'nts of Cidd Livdt, 011 -L -Hyp work Wii d6rile" blilld u tho to. *Ili, 156 fidvea-Exitaot Wi ld'Cht rry t O'AC 0 n th 6, 1 vn 0 rj d hr, o h Cbi 61 ti C 7HING R"Isse tile Nn try fee de re t lible fre Are A�'oi txtniot a milt, �vhldh, b6s:Wes valugble nutriment its h * tL , ' , . th6 W d that .0t jef�d yo,*� tit flIfO(WiLiOn 011OW thO n neeil, it '*j)j bo jInt,to aiklij, far 60tiolef" 0jtrf.je& ),('A' the OP't A A 41iMill V�r 0 lit Ant, lirs of f6r.prizr 4)6, Rid, 'to , e Aff ­ M d ou, at y61r tod% .4 lit I ti i'm IONAL DRUG A,,Nb C L . . . . . . . . . .