The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-11-07, Page 47 W TIN OCKNO Tlburid,a JV2 N AZZ01111z I"'' .7111� 'D 7 Thursd liu`b44PA F60th Olass at, now 14mr Lw* I rish IN7. 4� NV"IT �S �ait Scott,' Lorne Far-, AX0 10t, h, Joi�JRowler, Pert johiotolf, Wilfred OT U r e sure and C%ome ghlin. you want a's i rhade, -to orde' I SLI,j�s RIPTION RATES son A he p 6r. 9f Th,ird�. id�ey, Ferg4i "'T atieins, �bd valtieswe,, off iti!Iie M�Le�d �#ftljt- L m mand� Scott., MaTjor AMR *U.u; per 41 OA Vanoe., ,�p or xuroI sub S d four� dollar ILT "IT :. V "Volo, saving in Ther,6'WaUo, abik e6,'p -U ode U Teinhardt. 4-e 11-R `,71R__` -"i or oil Ni s xeWs oth­iC6iti a . ..... nt, qrd YLou9blin. 1:7' n i.,, :,c ear -ii; ne r Firsi-Oliv op,,Albert g 'aaVlgUSOMeql"�lar WD or Qr'Uftr AVV 8t- -h R 6hargett' -KW Inserted it Altoi�, -1 effillAfft. __1_Lam.,,b ___-VnU -eXxccpt__,OY-xV, u0;Sr1;__QUTAT. Gy "reQw(esr, Qui If ID charged � bor a iftaw, i6qui zIal "Prill1ary-,D 4ad 4ts,�,rd - in :w, In 3 11 LEGAL­M"WWU oil ime every ieg.,'�Yur-lined, C6 t4i fib 'S S,16 5 cu�!,�a �.GOVXRNM C ii). Present everyday' and t" _Aj, Traqoa , aqvqrtu -m6nBy. any'or CO: AP nE 1. lnq�pjng=]PXa� It,* $idPr.Y- F p pq 2�,.Od ng with cIantre, or specia erg §o 11A ', iswE� and 44vertti, *n's. ��re oa s ingic GraceSaidd rsoh,�Haiiold Fe 0 7 atei C t �od qu'aliittat frAM $, ' ' Jh=iaip siti6nisre. uesim e rg6 il,�Olive IS iaj jn��f q oi, heading. or ror:Tba. �o 3. mon, ed orJor,whion, no,%. pe;Mstruction regard Sanders pe.m 04- Ing post T" ine A lfi6ertion and ts lin or M 111ber oll-To 27. first a cen TZI; in ial� Nu­ _gs �of ANloage attlO',ndA Ace,: 21.2., e'. Unent is Wlj'� k A withitt stoc e a- jit tmi v e - iss: Gurlpsq 4, �.0 -rr vettimilheii, We bills jpri4f- - pies wa, 13 cam. &:6. MAL t TOA b " 'b �y 60! , _ _ . 411) ". P 4 4; MZ ��tq ii� , , _ 1 - ­ L 1& 1 �e POA A 7, b OU_m -,iPTiJli W. 17" S pure AM I VA a r & _R W Mfflt, esvine, no _W q e r er"', iok 'YOLU ,u e ance-noti 1 a ff t bbe. 'an ir.atI. "i Millan 297 John All. riftihi e- Wf -,Jr 2 C ell: X4 d �aL 'th P',�� � -' u'r.id'ham T-1-­�;,1�­;r 7 -heading-salne aud.bn 12.0 me, -:G' wplu 'Auction Auctjon� ia�.N nt�_i 7— chM_tR.dith,- -'Uanfit -340; "JILek L ftV E4 e6- TO &18 7 �14T Iloilo '7 _S 29.0.; _20.1 jl . ....... .. .. L i A 'AA T "' ac 7 —­.- ^tt, 307i Ken-. r is. Os V Y, , sar, 34, li 40; VeroniI6a-McAiffl&U: -C hor, i -Y C0.6 having -Cr - 77 g lag a eligh,L _70 e- r-41 Jas. 'Mary D tf ther 77 a" U& ven me of... iian 9, iria n con 0 oel Gains Oxuwwkfi� bvI All ji 141, 'Rug i _T All r '9 -' ovdn �_-Loti ve, xi-wqiii -i* him; e. �4j�ir- =-E W61)'bxihld,� -12-6; 7 _ ina rf, t" f qara ion!..� ot. 7 Rift, I­­Intir&effiat6L�_Riiith' McLean.' RP7� :r: Shaxing. t4 afage ever Int-rdiducW: 1W AQ 0'"e j L Wj­­ ' ' ­ '' �L ­­..", . L .�8 �; C that wo, Aa e amon K Us.;i few 01'6 350 8 ow. T "Rum '4 _l:-jjt --Ref -r-o -xok,-7i6 tji�S�pr _um�e .7� _P e fti- Pow der- Arbiituii�-T-a-1 g railln U t. 'of -nodonbtfj_' _7=7 -' _ e �ailedIt-here,loo-A -A i32 CU. MUM L-POPU _N -Bit-' _ -kv exWt 9 exa#�Rheumat 'kind ti," the Vine 14, _tV S an Me Celi, tip Y 11100th, Delightfully rfu;mqd. .'Wi "b th­ I rfkl:'Oxfbrd. p were ne�d is 11, ci�49'6fi6- ih,,�� ho III, iere -vu inwii� for I, i attendance ncy,,c6ndu t in R ": � U6, .,wi =(�ggh'aw-A.e�_ Afie�need;WRL -ficie :.To t. t. _RusselI"MbD6' IV' clais pth Niv� rL been _X . . . . . . .... akw- P --T -T T _,___v - 48- APp A - . !:�t. %,- , . ­ Beat�Ice 4!%�I�ntbsh` '02 - Lock- V -6"d dL fie&­_-God'spur 'to . herq-;�, ailAtibbtak ay A51 &Tily W �%'61�injilexpewence �rn4p goes., to buy a. norse t h �'s �s-Lockhar� 67".' ;:.A �'M ne ita rhati-a- It -r, 'A -M ke!fan e)CP Oniz thk 1�ay, 68 �4 ar, T 6tih -Pasfi jenpu � , gll.tw pw�.Ione rL in, 'j � . , 11 a e, exlwcts v uy c orse c eaper, but to, �t th h r,1111 83 J. e x z f i 3 . my, prence .-Mai Su iii valu6- j I I " , -2, , 4 - io�_�,.�is_nsoney. J-he-sarne.' ct '' .0 ('C _7-7- 5- e 7 lig 7,7!.7 U 'U tng-app4es-to- Te ustneft zKTrRoiia7A -xitosh 312,; - Z 7, WDjge.8UGn. 1011' YLn Lwkh4x� e- LdAs_Ainje�.-e1ab.1es_-u 7"- __z: 4� --St. vel 7- -e— �dj� 4 , , . ll. L I. I ­ ­:_ i qqg5 uring',. ,Salv, v I, �,ad J. I sm MM _flie!--best -at xx 7 -iali ,_ ; or Mi M46 M 6IvovVWt6d`At MAqDiar4,-teacher._ If -IUXA�dfi-.Sunday. ". . - .- - - - - I- 4.0 ' - . ". --- � IL _­ _Z_'� �_­ 'o .. .- -- -,. qkr We,� d iv es & Hvp S, S. No., 10 ;CjjLj& RexaB er Our,yang o:- your QmeIII�� you, Kn di YP Fred; �.Walic� of car n%. O&II-d 0 -itch "AW lji-we-w.]" -- some yet _L n -oW-f Hebu&- Oli ----."Ths--name3 r x iii ofd4ewf Ot- his" t ToniciI Itestotative,.1 10ritive;i, eali M Ge 'J diii Wai t, �a fol bwud rq�si6ri= 9_' fpr,part 6f,the mb in- *eek- :.V=w.l en dAwin laA –7– a . s" R 711- ,-.H in dogef ert, Trhe Oidbrd-ChaficeUotw Ell �.mpt;Urm�j -to-- 6- 6ther gWgi, K r -Hodgin0iIi.: z 7 wood itn ings *0 t" Toliko: imeng. Mm Am Palmer.' -W.Irnil T, - er-L-spending some-,- ei �ing -Thad- r reservoiri therMeMei�k,, �nd ti. hi� ther, gin ni $;:imulan _P C �nd aigw_joints� orohto pfm-he�d Haldenbyt... .1 .00 For 00 v Jr Iff-lies lie*=: mi i,,: - 7� n.L -an,& ihO.Anglicau,"Ch y. were' eqAaj -ner, 'Ciff 116thering T _C p b Ug X f4endS -d 16, Meet; him er,. Ida �Edgglr,.J'dhnXurmy X Ba '�yr�jp -man y CO h .7, agai Bv Hal� C diant,market. pn. e gin a, MotherArc An E - ------ Aenby� Z== recti Vftiah-Y__QLePa: 22 -5 e Ifl S­­th H -7 �7`1-, ga� N oft 6 vie rt eth IQIWdke 'Form V ---If NIcGrejprL: M d,and Agreeab e,,,.for Babies�. add e:--'Bmith,- Agnes eets1­,of;�Ghojce--- -me o5! ng�,Grace iiAidenb sel MacDonald. ey. Jim Y:--jimniie R Tdi Rill,. i_, r P '25ei Cont�ins'48 _a nTe o and 4VE K� Taylor. �Xfglxkiiet, Stanley.: PingeiV71[91�, Sr. Mh _C, JUdx_8n2it-h-,Tq Perfe omWn fflin A At"Th -S-AN. V F SH: fly far - P Sr. II - R; AfAcDoilald, -t i atten ance 1�1� t (I n Faylor. (;. M -Isabel, LNK r. Mdffak. R` 7�T a, lor r nit L Ion' )L Halden L.* Hetb6ri 13!yl -Primer: 7 , =LUgats M. _IX C. :LS ON S- �]B 7, 'A jeubv'.. A.". -rRE Mo q'I � � � � � .., I I a Y, r4 . ...... ... I WS lr;�r '.,Rn' 0- ; '.. ' '. I . , , .6U MCO906RATZD_. 314rison C Jr.' Primer P SS anr� . . . . . . . . . . 7�a ROGRZ, ��TOR -F- M1, _e �GOL-` P� -,..R =-ORD �OF�,­P Tn6& N 4906 Mo. ejau As:_q again in r 5 It ove _14 'bAP=AL GkActftibi Teilchbr.. J arnez 7", jA vj)�_ Ok-, g ._71- _,R�Cmvi ........... 6:-.' Z%7. 1jSL. ex�erijeo6p, on jfi�`- bord lan& SA 677j73D. $U, 0 "'iL er 1-N7&mesi.wv,in' riderof'mo rit. I "' fa ni'Munhh, 0 P raton. k D4 nc 4. _jFa - ----- ...... AlkD- IxvjS=kM.. :7 h Fow.le.,r C." uur-;.IQ - ey, j mpso%. 'Inplaftilig6f VWga _,�eVefti-I&jd,�a y on mero hA V.. rn Gi6rd ' Ca 'gen. 8- As'L and' -Cor I re r sp'0nd6ht'9 lias B ranchiL%s in Cana,(��; and A 018111 'Sin �,Tommy Webster, Johnny 'T h in Al the Prindp CiIAbStoft, . , L ­­ - ' , ,, . , I " I , I I.. al Citie's in ffie',World. Ifiss�' - urry., of, K iii6irdine; visited- er G E?M"L' R"JUIR'd U P [died, _yjtjPat_nr �bgli6�Clarksb here oill M9;' Do A k 7 Dti A Sr 3U IV mpson. , lime, d 1PI A Durbin, all iin -e aurie t�_ A P DU 1 .0 PC .4 7 jk;,� 111-46e, Thompsonj, It ound, the, �krry Dfft- owed at hi hot., current rate ,�,and aho'fouild a, at a Brancb�& 1: rf tu L�fon'.day, .�V-oy,' aU hAd rott, Pi ljonday, '_Kov. 4 -Wilbert Durfim-Aw W 3nsldO th it. afgatet o n, -of Lati es, �g e pi NI 01 er e. rien d f _.Visted'f­ &.atIlU6j1 8��44�, ­Joii -1: OPT esii� now over M,WUT'.w. manag XWXY 4h�Obn;. 1�orn 'D pl�_ ii - 0 fil McDon Thoinivon. Whitichu t't,6 41i, NL �11 - - � '';-We I � that. Dinah Fred Mifeliel left last week ald. hiiLde, a b, 11 i1he CrAnst MI)OrL , . " , � L for Lon- Illsi Dish L' - " . f )e ?ess.ti Piixt IV on, BL�n he"" -'-' - -' - -: -­ 1. �, I "' " t;o..P - P. .(Z er is. re fids' e:mpjpy tjP e- - esday whe lie Jute W seriouslyAL on -7, YJ 1, C - 1 1. 1 L I . P-, Edus, F6W'14�r`I, ment_ 4 is 8 Edith T rt, T -wil- .-P, Liss� . L I Nayton St�vth v. -6ih, k i -Q..opie who has i*-en� visliting1er getting IN t -il. . 1 ­­ _ Ry Or., spel)t L e_,: AU-howe:6 hu$, 6 L ___ -er pin --izf nito � D 'tL e eav BRuckin- don..', n. Mr. TWO wh6, hag.t�el . i a. -fin _0 t,W6, �d better e*�PL Oil ondayt mg�ffi­ my' sick:ilis -1,1 Fjo me ssr& S. vee�es s seuon. L T 664.tter ­­ , a to : T : " ' D111PSO re0or is In part. of' t wi& -,in eric�4, 1 J. e retfirned holiie. as �envisA if, dinto na b lhfin� h be' "ting irien('� 'W* )­__­11� V . _V r Wilfred krsco . t -V Ap'ent4he' week' g: a ju g.L MAY9 J t t Tfo Id x rtgon, movin i end �t his home, in T6ei,"''tort. y," ter, sj*ndin�,, the stininier n.ret4rn6d.`ho'me ltiWTti6s&y- I i- I _� ile:.of the. K,, E T6&ehe1r,. 'of Gode7: 1_1A 1_,­�_­ � .,U .­­ - : , " � . .1.1 , ­'­­ : %,;. I I n 11Y:3 -a end6djho .,Mr.,' and NIT& Rc&t, W, - U.��r : ! 7 .0. 14. , L, fttA'NIj'.L Pt 44d sh, j, F- L mi, vs;Opt visit he ay ios, PAM' ;D_,spdit . 4�. N L inbr6oke.... -U'M I - -iqlinhi- I _t1g, i; 6ff has b6�t -On HSI r- Yre, L. ? an. ded N'a­mes am I o er of inerit, h6 � 1) sp Spencer, �,w '36b"� k4d &M ba* ataw Fe ""d is, a1li. iv- .,the I me,of '94, Tit- A, oSL ast, What WNWL Oavem beit, I Oft und tAn' &party at ho -!lot Lyon -S Goido'n,Baker. ke, MoG 4: V" enjo�& :the a�t� "HER F a A, A.,'l 'i imi e i Al v i nV b dd 8. Ro f§ N'O'k6o'%'� th-tr sick li st - �Hsrold Gaun, k, largt -doeks., of sd; TS 7 toE) 6 Durin- the Y<lst, 4ee e ay INOV 5, of Lt., , , :- , I _V I , ! 4ra, U1. j)JI mid 3t,&j!;6nljan. ine eb)),I-e' wi'ld zee_�e have been- seen "lit ei m Rm,B, PriiiVer -47W YMg no e neat jai f , . ' Lt n V131 P pf�j_ beCa p6y h Oent S�n4y Qlan 'the gu&stt�' of StrI.' of ftijig 4t John M -W,,*" ilq, were use 'is na Gaunt, Robbie NfCQdh,,jit, �D 'The local *cath,�v g 'Mot$ pro -4. �4 r 1164' Me 6 r er o 116, jr ,�Jj 1�'Pejty HVdD. Sint 40 UM lea T It. 'tbdr64A6 siay.I, It MIS the- LiLk. Obi to th W- 1".1,15eter Lea, .................... c4lil�on Mc�'Dobald. Tiola Baker 1p,5- frjeu�;,, !o vi�f - 169t, gl� 666- ipa J, i"L *Dour Of' her mjss� P - 11, i Week. He. found, it' tPhind a ­ '!­ ( . I a: fe -9We"-q 1119 - y aUg actory on , vemng, la veiY'eu) -of ame It the'llome of D I ke 1� th I (:­ hiott sc cie!Fu, F,or- e.Was spen .a Rii9 -J ter V1. gumi "u�r�v 4 of the'rivell., When ibpnt.i�* 6; 9 presIpllt evenin we are, tolear er-S Um M, n h el he, Iddii e� was gj�eti t 7 i pd.rvi& i 'I" " "'. M : - ­ L, nw AP B ikh'O� n, pusji I I Y "d g, e W M1 , at the' tiin`6 4 ti49 is, d6ifig m ;o Ilind gainO�n an.*h 44i" opeftti(*� tud r r th El expedei(LI o 'C R. Tr viV on thi 'fivel"Aill of. P, ning fad iat dt, d' ITIA, AIAG c AMC: a ie"i6e, tNst tit'll) 1' 1 1 . I xo..j,§'th- td The�� are emp gy y, h1de"A the '"d Likes-' iA�Afid- th6t, A t6tal I oqt- Oil no oict. 17t'h to, 911 bij ZY 1her 'G&"L WtLs a"de,cld � UjjVd L' on Alldlkfid La,k Harry IfeAlli-titier, inteildi th -`d&'. f Id t6ii "14* "'a's the, V n r uture, �tb� �'O­b&6�&, in jaging, P q 410 are, Sorry a 11 4 qow indItie, I&IM". W 0 oosit� oh."W-V65A Woods; MAry sf�.Qffil e: h e I"- thop t t1ifial9gkY t6 ffalibti t U�p e, .46 A tulu good be' US4- wv-, -cents per uni ...... h=t At 20 h !j� jh&'I,(Wn.6 W004, Coal t L 'L - . D -a tl 'the his "Fl, lie had a W, Me ilit� P!§6 Ing Ida lahi 'lid, for fk ffe, 'week Witil Thu ; cow 6 if '�n , , i 1- 1 ''L'N It *im thdij4ht it, thi Hm Ok o' k) edilk it Oh­ Fjtt &jL­- ber Ill i6ke �4��t to & up, V_ na 97ri'" 'on Wrl 01hre. M 0 IoO46" Ohl, .. . ... .... . ....... 777'�� r_ 74 T g