HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-09-12, Page 677711717!MTWFI� -T 1, Z i Y -V A in myoui mos tho,`.oitY le iin ergQ, nu uio Jeou�4. shaxos the.).. rdlano, -bf 8 1 114�� A' OLkE,9 IN.- FLESH theOtblot' ST X0999l AR4 UDY bi �Rtu ou f v,,a yiiax� dis 11 % �Pwl ,r DAY, sc On, to the delay, -The level crossings U. IHE, WN 3.:­i� F '1010,111 'THE SO T I . I ­ 0: eblill aW $0. -he y; it doe,F k7te 0 In, '000. 0 SAY, 1, PAO�R&t r, kin4l' are, Ran '' ! L n III an Shoitg True' D'etee Ive- of, IWIiV, desith troipV. - And thou there :18 t 'FlRqm THE !Ckk- As,compared -with the �on 'which' 'goes, by the Deane ,of d -4y I the, law x"I"rmyma, :0001[r the dunge ix) Is t e Legal Doctor. � III Toronto's xiii6ii7stati6n., it trobabl� S ARE VAUS30' W" rd I � X, T 011 4 The P OTEItNATIqNA XOONP Vies prpgrgmme o arig Re Sonic �GIRL-HUNG FOREIGOYTO-VAS -the, dletincito'n'' Of being, t. o moot was �G:X- esue "e, prints inadequate And most iopony lent ata. 81� US 6 T BXCkM,.� Oe"ed 'nau -v city, o Imp Is. e, w sherlapk'- Holmes stori4 �'blf' trul- en 0 30PIR, H W1 Alban's tion, which an r Toronto* , mixg &"T- ,as, alzo p goos 'Visit ne o�, where car, boaot­ Oil a busy"BiRy, when, �eaqher having no 10, lbold.. by Dr Neuvi e, wWc,1,. Ing, -their "lines's ap are m94.n.t, show' th to" Osly thousands, of peopl Are seek the"',hars,­ �irv'qganop of t4,c, to a.t the, truc trailis, and, trupX loadia Of are, le bgggage� J- Ruin P YSiCi4ft $ftS - -No Ai6a and' :scrib inoclern.,detective-is tbe-­ -Why" 146SOR being xinoore�oniously­haubpd around; A Son- Iv, � �ls the pa.,2--n:e*i nw-e ­­��­­­,,, -- * -­ . �l -- platforms it., rapi6iojli� : --- , " I I ­., -tb7 --i -to � - r - vq� L.Fe(l Br, t t A 3§1 4 a s with, bio Roy I Qwm� Sho I d- N Xa 'AW 4 _,w Say. Ow� Station wouid� le oxsebVi3ky at RiiVFIEF, ould ':-R :SLARPED louk,miro have be-pn:.a comploted gKiot -it tho ---'-Me'of.�a, woulan, whyl� k GJAL ­' i A pill d qA IF- r-luattliow reco a t 4ieal I -144 i� acp haeceoar,­",on: vve 70 wough thAre are -%boso ;4- 4z - a vorelu0n;eB, at Y. 4" -LKI - tiou"At igh s Or W'. 't- -W ­,digul - a0.4,tbmt­a ent6mot- -Qv1@!rS .. ... ..... 8, 748- !�00c.uTiti, -j Jimedigfely he,. ine- yrao- maintain that the, viaduct is all it lOctal -z' i po, ea�s'il e dis i4e. ro, ;jigrr w,,: qvsr� an we -a- 11 — -4 ­+ - :Zmx - - I'L �­ T IngI'-jLf­­ 4--,5V -a as Wps e�- om! d6dt' 1-11 ti e4o,.blidges uction into u1rope,. 11 e r hil s - h 8X 9- 8 6ves �r6 le trod au oupo une overawed �Nbj v enqMOLO 1-wolil� ..ha. is, been much seem to. Fe Ao. nearer' a g , ane.�apd A :#Or as Send, -on GOP -- 444 F< eight .-S eA- 4W4" ­ :Vei e, s ilt chilrdb� who r,4 V. 14 r1a. lot sAult;ing oi lo6ng H 111nite, conclusion now writes' a' . I, - , 'ba at k#..Jja�, AR- tne"capaeolity Of. iinOfficial cbal�, athetp-s- W- b4o d, H" - e-11 � P-1 -N -ph -sic, h - fh6--Diete , y ian. tic, 'NO -V in mairiflu h TURN XOURT1f4F INTO E WGarile4n kield-RX , rshal v )r'f RoroevicjI the ourist., lay. cro'll( K I I p ­+- -Prmyer� on, d n 400ps. Th6 uoii,16 delivere w -D IPP3, ()Us rasep- gje n*ic', -:0azette.,.1 than 'at-- the tiiiip, 'after -be -had IsiedfaiStly, t "The na A aria ronR Sicily, �lied- -With t V 'd Pr of �xkcM ag w."bOul, 'r. Mwing, to go tq� Jeiix"Ed7il. (L e. 40ji-j..' hg,s ca;used miich seasatioo, miss.: vaxt - when, 8 W.y big f"e AxnRy-, I a4xist 40, ave- grace it -rovivalmeetin mokors were- -,actu 11 '--per-, Their with-oiti a minute.1.13, he forget t6L,,asl 'secut the sk rts mof 'his sis� i care and, u&nc uk Me" 't ''an',d � T 'iii.Toirbnto wh 'give ed � . I . 5�) � I . It resell., as egan : I �ng ove�' a.pL''rLe- le she hii tion theldoctoi t his Roial rep Rere A SAITID '3 bun. it -brings into,sharp-ielief sovic� b �1)6th�ii,,' wh V., �D& w6nilen an,oipportunity,, f,76bacco, ig in- irritant to the of big mi. -r (T M s. :but the record. as'a Vield, Marshall I :powers. Pethaps,'a- closer reri,,er) toI,- $1,500.00 -every, y Mou,th.� jeeth iV itr of th ."is -woman -has bpen, ass 881- I Mo�t ghty wo ks�O h Ae man. who Bthod beside him andhiB t9r OATA.�If M111 $256-00 -0 4ffvl a of,the AuIstrian'.'naill-tarlL A . y glands lipice nea/rly a, mile high, d stoma- h i44 1tE�gulations-,n-nd - fil'Cb7tj girl witl�, her, b ,au e&46uld- b�,, "'those "W" TO. . er an nonte XUd''not prevent the 4,0e:Wfi!�A t6 some p6r- Ing the th, 4'inbbrest Ad the oadet and similar, effort. This firm inanut -nxte-d Ay. .'a­1eft.:,hAnded .-ind i4j rever zures�W114.ble 'family, remedle ej 'Ind s, :be , ti-tox, a s ight mustacbe��'anc?,. f me . necens, LITZ' the. toil6t.30parat j4Y ce,rs Are forbidden to'-xxi �er, #-nee,. 'Maurice Soni6ardi�ia., 4 frustration,:-, of,.- Ions- -and . h sea eveI n in minute:, JLA -tileligbC -67 war.--:, h -0,44- -'db�,'-suth77iiEi�-bali.iugi�p--- r. + M en, ts tbe, qu Was. ing--leOmpol NY-114jp is u se -6- w* h i c' b 'aria, anz- Hway-, xiv Bilggs-AUVIjoatiowl'Ahe, -Pro�c iiiids; Btove, f LuMf ZLLI �Of­t)1090 Mile e 1�9 -M� T.P--ry. mlinigm WIT, �l:were:,,abdut, Lis' stiff 'rind formal' ine,tal �polishes. .in, "till � over one .,hundred usedl ciceg�ivelyl' ist,Rsaid 'that d' wry, .1 c j;ieiu'r'nJ`ng- to tIJ4 perilous. p4t sterm­�­Jnijbty wo I ;:, x . .1.9,Uu.t) - , ' fA rk�ii? f requently,' IF %n. �,s o'ver five. t 'h' h 11 A ,pro 'P.Peo; every! :pould, imagine.' G. grepara,�Ions, -that every home [1 " , 0, 1 a. li6uten ih�:� eig] t' drops - (the ac ,wel- my.. perso tivp iyord ht, tree, �.w itp s t b n e e�". rig n in,eaca�.ipcou -while, Joho avoids- it.,, i secure,,- expiusly nd iibtedl� - .... .. .... "k 1-1 g�- 4,0 --Ei -a 114hig ztentire, thlii"T:0116 at ftift-f 4 Kmlselonit "'', , . - , ­ .9 I.kantl" `- .':' - 'k-, � , 4; '' A tl h ' " ' . ­ 1. 4 . q d- th it" A h h ­­. f4a 190 Hiv U."k, "U, M.S V . ­ , - ­� . - - :an 'Apu � -n 0 RPM, i's At 414`11;Qxfeii�� P, yi.Mi WIN 00-0-DA-AMmu, *41 " '*, I =U'Arunsm :. 5L -".-,z . )me 1�4 Ud 0 T­� ��.p J: -4PP"nW.."'D R n ed th6b,ki n lj*oy !Pj�r. *,hieh"' w qf 0) 71 'use lj.gjou;j i;the­ atndi--L� ­­., 6 ;Sle. ed -,gr A' U Era iiz;;if prearxin H %7_Z�-­He d' n!t- --w6re-habitu,'' �i 4T xr .he d' fzfi� W RsALL p 01 Ut CYVV15WVrA­S3ff 649� -J.-ot4iin - -- --- 'seareih f It ew RHOR -o -Ariy-onjo anaw-erl _pi a' ormal pbrmission Ajo,marry is nf-L Clue,, th6 d b fit, on- the loomth 'r YOU Q�:r, YOU R INTEOEST., by further tests.'i aiAed-..4qy, b t sm ock, and 917 Tyre and, Sidon-Reathen, 6ities ctor expT t�in­timew. ­ . 1 .7 !�W- � - - rYI-he-a.]�ip, e4 ---- Of- 0 ed , "S-, CMI US I M N ow Boncj$ "The assiagsin wotin4ed-h-iieself --ar hew zPang: Of_ at h awe -en ering an rki Xafflple:of m E01"el �pArtg� am' - Is - gue dtj;6StlOn',`-' .61, lad, 0 ��p -A6P r.--14 p ep­�e-q....�. -this wo,lildl --"de ,btria -k" his hil4ren legiti n b ion tjj.ej.k7 -- If[' Aiwjgaj4..',bivtdoI kn: e, r tq:r;� . -rL� -A h '6169h D .,What. 'the: '!Cn�q nerv4,Msness. OrL. te- - RVE­ iN uc ily, his'foot camlD against- _7 _0 h4�fe Of woo.d,itained with blood-11.,-Mact" in bO'u1d.6r -- -n- _qnsWvire., and IR6w They blindness iSit Is er, re� tb� Are 'fibld-niaxshal how-ev- 1 -and - u4�pp'Sp Vtery� I4ge"Iof IL W.611 7 q d d, pern -C-bl-11­­j,, p c p, -,j9eyon4;`,' t QcAnd that h6­'isAe -OW One �isi, -on y p. use lisSion; tOld to i ic� q Ila extreito giief.. ;7or n- the flooj;, hiiiA -hbit -Rpnd 'in I.- t. he W . 1.tojeA -MU11 617, fatri0m., tile,. former ByAheaidepf tfie,blood oi is le 10 4hetp - At&j that he. khon Rfr-,Dr'9P"­Rbd" QjA.ha d gh. igiaiti &,±Daxx.� -liere- t 'ark4 z 6yo" ..,v &Qir yqu BOW parpose OT I in roz� W 'the :araved SY IW`Sa� u1l­�. , ­twb- 11-,"bnt,­;�­�..- -ito -hat, 'n r 'pective �4nve. 1�-J�--`Qxipped. --T T A avynosure ortmuoh- ittle. -4ithe m'an,w M 06 nx m e ro idii-76 k", hbg,�­themt fro -- I e _jCfi3g iii6j'1jAA" - . he]' V-, :Ei: "it inL' Wild�cat",. .6 VII 4.,., ThiglAtei-vieW 4b6k nT -nd-h-a 'far 7- ji 0 MIJUll ha A "--op rtion7of, the crowd. 'Xver e 0 aracter -or $118 W -1i Fore zL dinner of.tbe gar d between gritting teeth, feA;k,4 ar 4 -it6 individuaJ 'idits ritson -at in 'me it 'he 0 4111 1 t- . a :- li�i y el N A - Jig an-Ahe- wish vC:Um- 4­1 "�;R- 0-1-4Miepp- jp�xff put of ra F-RIT9111D. 4pra.gy t< ich"L': ba -weli"'AftOr he recent �Ili , or b[6 . *4 f"Tho. h, me tha,+- neps. write or Lnd,7tDO y overindul 1. t 106Q�.-wag,a suipripe't1fatnibe, 11 r havoi: ncr,: interespw7, to" serve, 9! Wh. & . . . . . . . . . . . ielaed-, by- *-Wed,- mine UK ­bn U Paper 'leg 64-d or: `4t�,n Ing, Went..horn o�n ing-WeIll:DaCK ,g, low- In cbridet the idioii� —�'What �ig, orI6, m"i Ws ineAt b- 1-th- tembinj thevamdlo.� Was pne of ttho' at, all on this trim' Fol )tiou wit&'thie matter��otjiez and Mir anou�, ISO �old.,hts faMily what had,,-'hAp: ne, ex `WNCIM �EAR e- Duchess those -p-e. :k -x S., I ouris Ing Me V4 U W. L.Y. css.� wore I Milt. --t inti-) the-rckeks -Iiayl.fashioni' both. SIB in eN aperT h 06 Win! Oieavy�voiloj which ft tk e I est da &h -h Serve -ci y -non-. w-, Liense -be -a plii6d-Li6--�- 4 hkmbering,the�B 7, 4oW,4 ,16atUrbo,'­but it wao,evident",that-be- KI `!U., M&I's f(tri6us at tjjjOn`-CO.11e j. 84miliardier., i -an - back �down, toll, -Calld IE?s WIRIC y hi f is 4ortifibation, they. wore qui6itlY. rkiik -USE OF' TOBAC ­h""h­ tlie it, A6 c e, t Ou Att -pu On Lit& gh Wi OKI -*.qn-taxm p n -s- d� went- at--�oxi 1 41 zi-tv lqjj,&� is re a�tivo erm. ee- to � pf th 'rid' I thi A- o-eb l#- "Whatt are',th. serving, as many of lag, ;The.. 9,irl'a- Arms- -had, been injur e fe NA qlBs jo subjects as, they oduld in anylityw?" asked a man�ore; Whd,�sales R.� 1) and tbe-aee�n,(�-6f --Manyi mira- it, I � .1 . .. .. - V u n t the- h6tel: w. h, hedi'­'Ki�­r 'be, Ll b'l `t6 Ibles . f- 'IeAccew Oul,tllwac,� 't .7"Uh 1l4*-Ai1d1n hia' *hete, in "o t V,*', '�a . p6ribl. Tils entirely,- unacqui . .. .. ... ]US. at G­�B�',,,Foster, loolang,mbilower. and With the:gener :t -filin I gylof., finanew �-Ifi6yelbT;o; �6.n' ' "i �ti. ­ -9 , wm sh uld al 61 06, Pvc,- riize4 fr-orn '8idily- The, inier Ir a,"' , t.,h S th 1 er:-,with'the� paosink Y- no' i6n.-.4evewl . Is .1 '9!! Is b meanw pbn easi itter. -rho r Do ­,6 'geveral. 6ffic" ng W t -W r ;UtU14� its n: 1� �;,A-Fom. oyer'61l'-, on,"ibe :farm to', froci a t... bOfid hing-even '-pu I -in ekl*6" every. minu e t&be, hurled. il�ba.biiants Farther d4DU 'She'�c and!,show It to-lilln., 0'iat,�r;Lii a�poispi'ji if used in quan-� f. t.b- noy&j�y 'tile L immmoln4ate-HOIL Pr, - Although this matter :has. been expi : a ift�' whieh. thet:;�j.&pI44.mbusll the. cam h6 in ould t" We � Iny". i number. of- others.' ed, in this column about, a Ye SuIR4�d�..Tke -X-DURVS IROUB bAir�s.- uJidoubte4:1,j',,,. �-.D �thore 'A.k� --Of --ses- 6f if�Alpine vi D it as it. sett., as �more, informality, At— some- to-inak%�'A - rt(;4i -The. ot� so,�;. on.--th ofh,6r, ffeTent:` W H b n and'--ffi -pez Sx,glimn er functions- - -mttende&-by--� th. is. so dl� N that there mubh­uncert 0 bil z ei�,inost en't poisons� suon t VQr .uke, bf-M 131.11 d`6'wn,:was.s eer , - i�111 * ­ ba deter, &fter;:th1.,.,e,'i b d� Pj�o' %nt gp-i r I A . ........ pre6plice". and' ed rock X -a ;i A e. Roy, presen 'Igg tpany -like­tha whic i ght' took Wiij ebb 'auizeg As a 901ocif Nowi, take -a large bom poUsgi rsenic r ii�szjhu,d � as j h' d Y- otewoyphy -Was.�the mon- Mice ften used' if iiken in, non7poiwo "a -�a cht, mass giMe 'lately -precurier�' -a -fz ';ch w#a -ymarred -at the y-Hakris -,.Company,, 'uhich.,­by the re- 0 "to,.. MA.6 SOM4.0 u 4�6-'fie--W.a Ao way.' as issuqd � no bonds, so w g. aware d jerritic: -t idl : ­ e'4mily-itie, . 'the tTundor9Wrm,,L.,*lxiIah.. isenbus -harmless d6ses.. If t6baoceb. prophotsi. of a growin K. absorp- Ing -exmmpl42L- SlIP"Pose they should', top, �l Ql#­Pd,,� 1101110 --- 4�4­ aa'nuseripts xead­be-br�t jdO ii-blic- -,aff br-b N 1� ... 1-1....1Z.. "1''. 11 11, - . — - e proud' ry, 0 - rg boning . wa`S't1con VYD�TH '91 b':mque �s4qwedljiitereoti, even� I) k.' - I th -i 7. appened thht I e and his, Stur'--fr-2 t 44 failed irme - -the iniiiiedi, �Om_ ify wer 710 Wtiji�filai,41i extr"eme,po.ison. in �\ - e; a! Y,011219­0701opo.�!:,, on eve oi� year, iso Th�u', luiii, 6f Uapetil aum, of th fi -d,�bjv� Irig'hiug� 6 B �Ksuii�au e,. proceeding& -- Evident-' parison,; ii acco- ou-1. T-WiftwbAme 1, e ung ng. fur er one , 0 orraz-��o, a-..�p sseng r Ion"the.. -tired-to abaustwn '�lutc AbOke 4ith. absolute t sincerity tob-i kill4d'th 'iftj' ' f - - ' 'j * � '- �' . I. ff.hp een dr ht Map. Bible to raise, the.,, necespry money fr6m, F bi, -I., tl U Uut ave sands'­416ohol` hag -killed'-.- teon-j , P. - . 1 -1 bed When ,their sharehoicters,-,,�.4tne.-..�amoutit-.Yequir- to 'Christ!s teac n K% Y d;.,6f t "Sis. 'W' r:, -Miff utes. li ' - 'd - "I -fi ed. 'lot' iis,say to buy the, la . nd and er" how .1heii --humiliation, ad further dpari. jjjgt��' -he',Doii" Maria. T" 11'. aD0Ut,YOUr city, �end "Ou reep pried-enou - an ea .1-ine ur,:� aspirations, yowr= I 'fien h' "I f ion im -a -piece..'� well- hi A: p�per which''fie to-ok' d h gx,,V44m; Will h ti the � skirts of his.. �b6.- ecLivil to thav - ours.� ffou,mseem iv oould�-Inffo -t0ii­.one4.-mxn- generallr IDS 'to tar.i' - 1, , and cioks sa. 6m a. 9. --move; is leelj�. 6- ­­ 14 h` 0'4k"191: do - borrow thet nionor 66 a is,: -i&vje- m. is, jiand;.� which ma; v. 46x"iin S:Wound ent.,hilh Oki, -tob aeio -igmAing,-- -if indirl r ng- . a �u -at, thb-� 0jndl6Letfjd. '0�&S foUnd rtgage.- -Th -W,--buc- ti n Of thr�, ihbaWt4hts,',A�(� timo� ;of King he 'i in �fok wf��--quiteczj� 9, ed.", T 40 VI611 a losi-xi -fpeh6la� th ST�,U ATAEDRAL-, �-L.A .3g-pFR�W- y- ��t.ogetlier-.impzo.bablej.�-fbr,, 4i�� A __,L*_.;.. _f- - st, md - of7 6 . .. ..... ::L- W-011ld­,be likely­�to-care­,. `tb4�-t`&soll tion �3 -dA --c �T,:, -:1 . - 1 4 h alin year Is irty_ReVen eat, hort6)rl4ife'f I t nee ground u Elum. into one -To. get� a u,n PRO- phesied, Fox di 0 fiefing in i 4 solpie, 4.0w a 'to: &ath MUM of: diffloxi ed t6.-rpply.-in.-th -n"e 'a V�e - ., - �­ . 1-6, 1 - a� �t' Toro ItY7 -here4 --Wha j h:� -tbzda� --the;. Y'L nto's�,'Chutch Eng- yx ti db. , . 4 -houg Alt still-witbout ­a�ca -St- �.Tnem­tbe­c RR 04 --Trter --anq,,-§ r_ t ge )Wea gnilq1rien, Q Or T,4-qm t h -bo e-e0.-.,WiUf W lell­ MAY­�b r% 0 4L uy, �Their edince, anQL,- o ARP � mongage, tuat -Rpk��, hO ac- 7 BOQla - - in"OS W -- .18--odoM r 04 _t, T . n -.I W-0 .,','-ddting­--bmckL more thmn­41 Onbi..- Bt9L, are Ven-, :un abY­ ­�� M " e� -- =- I—-, to e in -6 ness en. W),- ral wi& a -they�gi­ UT n�; L.'. co �&B L. Ili —S lr�l -7Wb� ' _V -$t 4W monlyfreferr -tst-. -a-tr.ust--oomi)a�ny;7�-The-tr.uid-irom1) -zhis. -w -,remoyes-,,ex pu tiOns' 'bu -Ag -Older they 6n)y ay-tw Ames Cathedral­bijt,'pr�o rly, gpeaking, stead Of turninir Lover the bond�hqu6e tj re or z eA, listlessne am 'a re�les r -To .-Off Rit it, giveL'it"' - -n- fatik 's i 'New . Iia �S t t such. � On 'variou asions ail. this mortgage.' turns ol t -2,000 small AMO.- ap --pea the: f d. hand aroun;4 ra to. b it 'due' to' t.bodily' and 1berital rs �in on W erf r �IjenipGohavp be6n,made, 'to �MoftgLageB­-eaoh. -one.- representing-' -WO�ts - -, , � : S. S� pt� t t - Str -the ��I�nd -p 'IcQmo� *Cla-pa ne ME W -L af;;�ffrv­ 1"Uaw'- - ir6isC rL cF "MW �7 7777 X XKV 13 thIl' '- -4L , I , - - -­ '' L I -Y- one of the chlef:Ldifficultied, L d beak on: itiLface-an. ab naught. (Luke;" A, I jn,--theL. As an edi�oiiil r ClU118 KOM is, -an incident, -thin still to. his -Way ... Jig �-the fact that breviated torm of: this big mortgage and Vexation, 9. 29L 'An- ger� o agrin., *;orry, N n �ial ews are not free,, a, condition esoe, each' would -be, signed'L'by thejoresi40nit Ank-1 Jxritability-kr wr uts bf-a -i66cui par came up e Mo.un- cz The 'L: fla!s the' faint- she to' Lthedral. 2 Peter, B 'Jude 7) it�ervin E-Tigin" sister"., rinj.'-Iteco d! Atid.it.*ould, belt-nd a4na M n g lnatter'to the.,pe*6 I- St, 4 -antes, yom. . pany.­-Bach would also em, n1 hei ve under,the, t seaiFoii- n ;1!i of IqeW Y%tk: bf',that, malady S �ast�, b Andorsed y take,,t ir � leii h ward 1progr' athway. - 08S, a;rOund, th" same P.W­�� e, world. the families for. generiLkfibusi and- sho*:'that. It Was er "'CUMU"'Manyl Of, then' have beewheIld In -by---an*�,bm'iier,--of��,th;e-L�Tku�t- Mingin uence,6 -a.f, �22) ihis��i "r taih. thi-J �dg _TL r even ay aki6h.'So;�-bardier thre4ep Properly ,!,,elt� .-ift­ -h6- ­- ­ of Ae i; thi's -paper:. -puffs, froMi -the -divine Jwr'�a 'aila� retu n -s I . . "I Wo *�.qrigaee;, each, L the moun ain ,g,4, are surrounded .,'with.. associations" that o wo iil the bond� ik mexfy� g .1 oth r r 6wrf It would,bO diffibult: ta. dismir.b. divided "It seeing ftidisbuta;ble v r iboad; an OAT re, -Do-' r 1K 31--tttwith-v r �A­1bmns­jB­t p u ortio p ague, is passing irjy.�s5eak!ngL­-.A3C ithi-iRg -'elise mo.-- -� 1- - 111,11 1 , lion ankin nO ty --thit th� to mall a mo It ul- y be''sub I t6d-L­r�ft �6ven the he .� bond Ouse If easzwa;r4 Beat - of the Bi which buys theportgake� instead. 'of "hov_' 1)might -.1t""'th - - 0 01i dral of Tbrionto. Az,duch It should a ly.iedure. I'thie-Way..,tho affin cap 1'­;be� the- w -works -around- the -world" '' � shop, but - hitherto re&Un-6d.z, .1 )n mbets, ali A r& -little.'4aore than A. name.: rl�-ir*.CLL sed9tiv&`of­th;6­ hy-sm-l'ai-es h*6 �At has, been e Jewish Tit rtgago' with Califo�hia� aj d T elvQ� t Ab" .S.. y ing-,toI 'the, whole�4.mo isease was.;a -oi, g,ll 4t, As stated I foft3f. years since: armim6rit -.* 9%W�;` -11-1-1 I'll, 2,000-investorsA. -jifi­d- "if r- -,11"Ot. - r�ec oqt.�I#an�­ m4y­ - �. e. .-;away Ou, giving- eacii,-.ii.,�,thi6usaiiff�:-dolliir--��bOnd �,�ln' the morthweSt-'secti 771 5 &TIC -to 4�& iory popuiatxon� was, acquired Ph7fti;Z4. �But,,-tbis­i necess gnly wil the,n,fdr It' I Vzll, " ""C ­ Om <XOM % Q ,; A flare 4 U ivbMall, M centra., 0 '641 ii� ',,her bxioft w.eL.mr4e,,sPo0AIji* Whaii Y v, jr, p , run-l-R,ne oxet��O-IliafiL-the­ S but the- only- Portion of"Lthe,-churoh edi. S 'SU will be "At in -H , e,'Ll ' ff �.PIFL - k-4.ever,.w. --tia -IL�* . iZe s ruI5 Is is x e.Dave, p -has, dustrial bonds of this uature,. �Jzo all uwqt�A.,., W4Di-k pf.pu liba-spirited.. I _n 5-6 T& 4Qn is -bas, -e."tern wiiig,-and,:.,up--to.�.t.he--pt-esent- d' -emait-section With ILBLWeST - -- — - —h V61 �'Ll gLA Lo,appreciate, the - pay wornii Iiiie en- -ar( LA L, xor Is Ablelialf Yearly. When t O'boild print, as"� danger ' hich'was d d,�u'b+ed)Y' recoy ed� up in, priniffive' style, 'b �w in gL ed it bas' in additioujo thb,' abbreviated 'ibes'. and. -.4 an er. tlba�, congre atioitt .:.it. io-, difficult: to,:, Mortgage A, Dt tPLY A06TE', D. H -A, �,u dated andt4er- sheet� BIT, h were v d elplain d6ataining Xharlseeg'. W 0, er for,&ef ill �eribugfi: to -cOmpel peoii this ' extraordiiftiry 461a�y- lt.� d le .,each- interoA -date.; or. that-­L�.,do E v Y kw ­-- , - - - -lor. one thingi 1 1. � ­ - L'I ­­.. 1:. .. 't thi dkn 'e - he 7 DO puuu, - one for i' , t6 siyi�k6r'­ of -.'h e. j aricI a pr ve M, - bliiit the -am�itiong, thirt' in all. l3aChL'ODeLL'jj3­ -8 . I—, , . , ofAhe MOWe 9. rjr�! ',pjn I g' ­2to` �,.of thojeathearai Promoters, bzvle/been, ailed to 511-INA14 o,t, better, a small cheque; si -Cllnp.�r� cigar mom'; -7 L-kn-y-_ -A It ment -1 -Y UL, ULU, U0111pallY., t C b" d*, TH. b ' lected Bishop of rbronto he would succeed PRO HET& - �:G�L T, irstT -m-ke--i n' tw grasp the, pr ne pleS.'Of, t Is 13D, pae saici th. I, if candn dy hid e, ,e.on y en y4our ed . in reaching U a., an EA een o stating - that,, oil January Ist, 1913, (�ibr sm l�,: quickly have�made tbe�.vatbedraj a Whenever the interest, is.' due) a �certain- -beca1I*,S'6:..fftey 'did noi comply With vh6re',' -me ical �! ffir L IT sup ion on xt Vefy o tehr W61 fin:&ihe'�'noi*s P.O. lie f Itk: - They -based t Bit- thoi iyu, t­19lZfhb real, Uank� will. lie. ou�r v t6 beiLrOi $30. -The prone to nervous indig,'estion'. the epridition of simple faith hi paper� -haFj­midc1-bU,- e.-ImImila'n -T -'---GjjCIc rt " whioh� cer's ire* w&tc 'pg IS -'hj6: FJSL, ". i `4 r on IL ,T,lr t However, an. same bank will Pay the bIba-ket IV ea"JS IMPOLSe _tp� �t. Weather -in until 0, An Atcotj�m, -, .::: L A ­jjd­4 e -L, Ming - di'�­'­­J­ "' ` ug Illn � n B� 4 the _b;6 rd__t t tne Direction or Bisil.9 -�bb * Al mvy- and Ioh6liji�Zr tyiph�id'feVer*;� Je:�, �JO en,. T aw 0--, ... ... .. .. . ff &6`in iheform _"jf jt 4 ,drtN&,rnfl-a �s&6 Of th e be., surprising reppr 0 .-g L 4he interest Is liie, -take:a. gai f isebro- man A7 ­t. rrZ-7' P46A now tbeir'.aeceptsnc�6 of tbo�gonjel by, in Rip does,not mattek, progress that the corner, stono, has be dopbsiti; . . . . . . . . . . . po, inuch beforb' the' ar7;--even-if:�,the -T -W -r-f xx:it�. ­ ­ t-withi7the been laid for SqAth-tranBioilit-af-Abe - -i ��4ph, becati%e-�We­ tan -be Our .be: and but bff' is. Tf -�rc& Stringent pre taken to 01 &.at Air." ned ocurs c jtjoilS wea. ex, prop 4e tbo'ui6noy.. (0Vc;6xiroe, the,, Iisar d t IF tM�1�9 iji are and 13 _btr bill F(fU rrA - ­ - - - -­­ ---- �-- � � . t . ­ " , ­' Is of Connaught and it d rL ;dspit& the nu erous - p by- the Duk 0 �boped '14 'that­61leh happy aUSPJCOB'jot.e$ha. g `V -W b ' It were Ignorant �nea.'� �The- 3 Mp. e.' break -mortgage may-b6­BubdIv1d6d other than to with th- -at fir9f xliAnv ladies of -the prevent. s' .q�jead and ,dowt an early, -realizittiou. of the. Ion imde. Or& �Oome ov"I e�o', -on--tlia-t-cup- .9s,- on royal courts Are, �confirmed SMokers. �jn are --now issued, in denooininations of , K. -Mat 9 it --within fh&-:14 ,Ii`�,-:,`� IaYed I I fionia.tba�tjf the erudite. te f­-e6ffe6-;-- and-,$ 0 U . e-s­� dem eft'bf Tf) Decbm q, 1% 3 a rea y IN: Butt wbidthov;�jlij -;ajeo, This lia��,tlegpeeiwlij,! tru,6 �'in tbj�­ -.rt, 1h ; -b -bbl� EIGHT. EA S. $5,600, e�ch-a's--many oldjgmlea were di,. of Russia,. deve oped e FIRE RVINS, AiPtEli'. ;time j'eS'j*jg': t 'jj hey mli4t�,Yfi, ro- h., vided�or' %00 'at, the pk000ntL 191fie-Ijenei with --'t e. g6nRe SIMP A 'h h im ­`%­­ ­ ' �`­­­f; es -thl� V 4-44'.-w -0`b---- ­ , �, L ­&� " -pj g %0 _M h. ai ug as any is sl y Is, of, a visitor' '66Afie $100.1ion d is t3. Wtemd. of, rats,'which �6 Me be caref]R] The'e'L IS rej--al equallk -�sbdtrre r6nto'b big� A nibWlthe'Altsiv, , Duchess o ak1bo'no­ : t 2111 The half-Y.OiWy. coupon Women, an -c 1 induld4M' jn- n S humbje,S�llo'wers. )read -by ..be t; j 4da In -$SO. agree- 9-- pipe _Will , L OU d'- ­ the, s me. rin 0 afi*r-brcakfatt m6eto the ek fi Pg CO sl- 'intention' of. br�aklng thk,6qgjj_tI�jt '-cobae� -infected �6"&�Uhj(j t' n "St--JjjL -.with reason Tit in 4180-6 han 16; A. view of 1110' ibeti,oh of the- i8'elactlyL 'ave e f, the tb*se- pro 9 - - evading 'the t , S L, ugl r -botween-Ptont atieet Ali look at -ace. and time. there sh'' Id' atber-1, rfi, tran8mit-tho, isease to the L id,L.Iying per �pl I . ;'­.: jp' d Wh6h YOu4et'a'-6fianW bav n vers, 2 the.� no more, pbjectfpy� Ment but, the "Duke fe-eis �8 rhis4--dubicturesdue, Bight-obeile- la�b��4 �'Th4tt­� jlj4 & - i � "' a" ff round `fOj;­ L. e. 4yLpjht0jj.­y.-4O* ave 1Otjjfej e -W iq�i% mucj t. �.Li,,� Ome IT:' -ftU-,­with-'-*hi h'th' Ant�ied th in .�J:4&5 A 0 ' - AY- Iare - -th e, 47-AthkP 'tit aAion' -that. mi -it 'coffee-caup,, If ...you li&& WaX able'. arkasi ift-, 'tit Ura Ing, Is,, th.6 iihildren Blip' uld, transinit-;it,t� hiii-ria; S M 0" d" _ ­ _I __ ­ and dA*bti*e-­a,1I­the . I - snp ParthT-Will Prefer to S�te their,mothek thkii to �b6jlngg;' ,Th�e rhaj� p B A, ..champagne pers', late dgiRces, n�� to e ot�iTZF 06 Ioni feud bb- TWING XAR. you will fivld them special,-. i. oronto-Ind I ie tch 'T erVeS Lto �reiveal, the, natur& of'fbe ly ifficulf: t, the, railway corpora: obiect to tlid oce6'sibbO visit him.. -I . - ediat6ly after the conflagra Wh� take 'against' thc.'dls-cage� i o girike. Theic ��e - him by, God..' On the �,6tber, hind it- ig­known, -f jh, -,in 'la"Lighter of,.all rjfSL: I)j' We er 'laY , , , I ivefi - . I- -, ­ I ­ � I - . .­ I t - . N. o'kail*ays"to�k 'ad Ote, �b .9 er 1 0. to p b e h' vanikko'of-the liinifioiq hiff from the-cate digp6llin Weitli- t-D jjroperty� 1 :44 Indiift,-�n -ci"L�­­-tj- I At, tbLe cr.6atio rist was h--l­,t- - ­­ I ...--T . it ­ re ex - e soh: -e power ov&, the I 'a' huge. C-0-fige rVat, With p" Pri, 4 'g, eare e h' is-'re'Ally less that, ,the.'Dii6hess, *as-,6p'pog'ed to ieu arlV.,-along w, 81ttl8ti0h claim. to� What whid, atei -fronts wbe,' Jf vour -walking-�stick for they Wdkt6d,for. a-,noWtOtminal,station.. e a e supper A-uptem, ample T e citY, on,, its side, 06L �-h 9 rm f u I -1h -an--t the boldilig Of` lVe h d;d I I fididered the time' II.IQ .0i 461010037 and,L even dUti fils,ea�rtblv ex] VeSse,g from, p6rt§,,..tubject, toi, the "Ig­'Ard ttn� " jy, ftkj ij ufiO'to- make. a.dieWand ihat tho one *1 affir India, -says -i, e �exer:HiE�ed 'his autb�rity in t1ie: th� fil1M01I46uj,,: ilghts bi shob Id be, a Matter dpuriapersp�nhl fest-at Blenheim.at a moihent­y�hen pla&e' Are- IU06fM: It. is, in fg; oul -'evin, r Yfl,:� ten-ce b 640-L wa ­ -, " t__jf � � _ ' opera loWS'.' hal,61 PimaticKilly, d or, dislike' and­j�ftd that a,,e -13ut'if th -h- dl t" eotroy-- the Vide like Of Sex, (3cI-hn 3'. .13,5 1 b ): 17. Lich ve-ty 1 ii -prIVa ron s of idy' sorii'e degi there s M1 OUS tb t ry e, I an e. is, Mors, ed the naturally n 2�, while, a I fto�r A6 restfirrectiop full X 00 tit And- at ; it Y, d� r �aitra.Wvb -waterfro 't VOtld Magaziin�,-!g the dt�ly bath-" pril"ilege., land 4b*Ing the -re which form I of defe you, self with On som�Ltfifng, t,04tPahQig& ar t* )xk in dock to the main line, an--.. life if -in- S r P, �e es not Allaftei'of-an our'', ,e an wit lk*. AlthdugL Ae", d &gaingt�thH*60-dijetion, of thi 11 M b pe 11 yotij el 1, thful �i n,—gi i -a. F, ii i %I in dlllg�,d in, bV vho."� o n - railways.ohoidd elev.atethetru �traclt� the, )ve­witne a 'v1adiict.,hig4­,c46qh jcL P 811' its- �.c6�inpa the Y1,09, 9 o r C att� Un c ..al -cifininals. vkrying,in, �i'­ Us. ur4e-x-eap rs i reg -to the. y�,ars, taking 'of. modei ation Ioverr�ich u r d- 6 r. --b r e ­Pf - . 6 habitu 'it �'28,1�)- The p6 §e�j&n­ . I . . . 'L. i , � - , ­ - ­ I at 64' " tssage .6, run I ge ceptilyl t ff".ts-bt i §� §6nie 0 let, T rneath un f f-11 62� r45n 1�6w� sion in any, way, a. pe diatutbod -Waterfront, qa6mig, f rom nine to fifte�e r ig M �Se 6 . 6 -asl 7 matters arisi�g 6tit, The-` -�i ijj mjLjV � 'e 'L w idul. . I !1,0" in -m4bn -F ' ao­ s u ri�ift F-ty os er th�ir ddil�'di) at ku, titit of these', demands n pt- �'i --a- _ , Q ­ " . was shown iij the IF, -and counto�,Aemafidd Went. for.:adjualca... _2�4 - - IT. h- John (I� 3) an&, be Epist would.lik' .:S01 t6� ha-ve -a voi' If ; -JiL. "' ­ of i 1. 'hit 14,es (Co she e I ai way- arw rnor wate. �s -pr d' I'aw" Tn!-c,. regar in- w a i s Board, ocee iqgs� tinto'bi 4--j f car 6f---,m*-g�ftrnent­ ;twith­ ­ V 6-17.). t hat: `-wWch-.:-tje: ­­ -:1 1,),A�ikl p1mil r-,t­j.C)ll'­ njr d �j tj 6S bixtlf declare er The XS�:pu is, he h Or, sustain ,�inivem oil, �7- it. d ,carrying* itivol ire's - tb cop s�io A viaduct 'as email Y ill Ofi . f"', eviate I . L q d 62 -v-- e city. :&n4itfons't-ob,deco inaV tb br' themi which ne d Sind a, 'course, tY� e not be large the railways orotest�d vigorousfy :a: b ovi,,1,61F beateh.bt sk­okz,�W4- �N e ca40e, Of public IV il�tcnce hist.'as Js­t1he- case,., -.in .,�f .,.,I '�a 'i, 7 ai.. ed.. re 'it w6tkld!'­b6 unwise to un f, i -but. in 4 tO -a t' tea and, Fa I fher b i�arfblV y ma or tp. , n VjeW 'of the record sci far i�d M, tpeftj� 'L have wuc�"ddd 'Wh6l A Wit A' SPOD11M ITSH1 6 'ht h" the,:. s lveilf b : it d6jo, BY oWers.' ut I u"r t h Or- 'd el 1 41 '. —. - ' - ' I#- SO U 11A VE And t Alt, side ''WNiell eig W pavie.in6nt; on e h' fullne' lati6n A Iightghip'hi�' ]'it hoed' OX he 99 f h is i0e" st� been pi", ruri8-a shallow j.roljg�. 'of w Dow' 69 Abotijili A he'd:, ilie r ),W 'PASt I 1 '.1 , . I . , -11.0. tj� V�j, i- by'llad abojItL r� t in,, coiffinisston ln� Germaq hat i(3 W F L I FE S IP-, the end of theit i6ther 1, and.that bdfore a.tXVe w� 'tile L�;L t' 1A anth, ",p A a. n 'n6xt y6ar's e I I ion visitors dome� - (-I f �A,�Cco�smo kn�- oth tho SOT) 140 bric. J�r-ovkled �wifh a c, !Q re - ront I MOM On e To r U.J. L'i P- Mr 5 -JaLtili" ii�. ' i -6f-1.4i, - e j:­ar4(� jjj�d U*6 h16 B616he of cl��jg le iiiolm Mottern CifVIce V "Iti CCOgnT-7 tonlo'-0.01 D. G... caf�- ti�),h ­­ ' It- , ;L ea' q .4 no on y V -he �4d in' and,' r ii rni n nia r i r�6`fs`*,. In e so Ila one 'of busy S f9T 'asbingtOh­:,�'- ri t a I:ee will be, replac d );Ion ..0Oji§jjUCjJo,�1, Ofj the tie* Afatio'n a qbedi At a, 4M h tf i�j�j ss rWk--'(;f r6d­TF Wff k- -P 6#, -ast of 1L. " - e boim fl fa, 'rae sine6 a 9 nd nd Roli x60pf t V'Ather, 9 c u I a s th a tr' A, SIDO place. - of, the old4ashioped m a s t-, Bed iW rqkdinodA t h�c ghdL, th',en sink sn�`ai,tl�v ujd" fS'h. st( 4artiijig about* A' < -an-ax,.-j � I 11V 'in the work,', b Will not ff. -in paraflel litile' '.A�ain' 'fft­ �fjl'e r t, 4) f s fi f t ifir B 0 OV,ek,.e (Tolin 1. obaro kfid 0 mean f S."TME, to ed Citiladian PAcifio "t the t"`6 6no b6hina 1, c:n t 11 �4 t.- at lxrn`�q vzgsel I- writt to their Ki complPte, 6it I �&V'tllltt tll� Pat gi brood Of 120� Of bg tbq. I'L'�ht t �)jjjd;* if "I'll I top erago f edtLrie ig se on /.6- L , &f a hollow Mast or 'ggs *ete, ha to -n yitl ittl -in 71 �0.m 4.9, snhpp� oug I Work b, 't tbe Yn,-m-d�iay­ ves,--are- -in 0 Ig call 40 rCacb b the end of the seasorl, bor enpitely, do. a eme ma eging vigovou.q stitjetly 6Ae of tho. rn'i-�--, "e thet, thb. ligh, th*46 bible oft.6 fj],bw in iship'h further ifid b d- sMAfftg;' revehl film -One, ph ij'o�t' 4 , �11, sto I h T') '10 be' as. �y to `RMINd A RAILWAY t6, ES Tf th( ne,rvov,%ne,kq* Cad,obd. by the, of les 9 rm the number, 0� and, su.b.mi ItOfit 40 'in, When iclfi-4kn: tb 9,k known IICY Wie 8, te gk'ij�p W, le 211-,720,000,000) K The Wt Order of iho. Railwalo OBA, the ­Ae,� s t h, is pomp eto "e. c ss, as ilurlile", signals. Dies' J, 611- gine$l, id:'Widd Vocal and sp4�60, and the 61ily x6itaj;illify, worty -and er. to, 6� ffiali6, usi rually S t5w' bat 7.. 06-11f-1-- a- 7*- it -f -or batteri 9 tore t e e eel 10: 9,61d . ds# IV h#f n. "h 0 dtems wort, t, -th .'I V of, V W'b;�7t' 's, fl�on, by A t r IgI 004,ft iW,14R vig eme'YgOlj.C�y use, ofaer, y Mid th he, imAA-, 40'utti6ht fo'f� the new, '4 m -ass, of iu-in 3,� 1. 1 4 -8ispellTng ekei L-Oit e u. t-6 T� 0,—T on ena t 'g,26� miydh Aft- J C;3)' I U I 1;,,VOl1,9ljAUl­ U be ol fjv Ttlue, th . - 'L� 4�oed-- . I 8Wf -ne itli w on 'a, ountin w otili ssmod a ye as Aly nio tth!�'flje SiZ.&I of t)lo t lid tat, him, mlflmrit�� to 5 " Ing JOLT nle yv,� -f o I'M W -w-Fa-t H5 re I R)"it t�'MsMn for it le, wift`ao 6'r,- 6M- �11`-654K 4JI4 Theh, h*14 tho' tirde� is a fibei of $160 0. dA "I i 0" be statibiRtd" 6" WNNIT� tit -a �,abite Wt. At Ithy, imr. ft'll vlli-"hepo"s h OWN t1ilt. mouth, -of INVIE J. 96('),d 1hmi h a r in nd %vill cA S'ECUR., , eflilt " .. 4 td, T #i �r6m.m, CtLj is ft (Iii 8 I g (J"j. )'n � f I . �A.rth.- ",T&t' a the Railway %4,�a b 13 q, �j �- ' i)be bdd,- rdL' A61, and ��ill d6`u b t- (Ite CANARIA, T118 "'hig, -T 6� qWvmitte to tho w(jrla 144, Rd 61�ffio Method 35 biakiffp� t 14 i*. utd �"Om�af)yL too my, 'to'' defi.of It llor, (110. 1 l, _,e , f I &,11144� to 4bT1jT '- 0 rth d 1,V, R P lc-li�gth Of',;thi�0 germob Ah: howt 161dit press t pafliamerit DA018;.14191a it) laivie fliesi-so thc��­ ""p, dra-w b� eo t t 0XI'din i�cvci*er opl4ltie'R. br it Mf - , P-1, n -r �OC 66; latter is kep to j�. Pr UAA� 4- Y:� fea:tj b 0 qeg4 r. pade, . 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