The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-09-12, Page 5_ ljj�l W 7 �q j, p A P F1111" 11 L page �,N Th d _J11 3 ur$,, ............ ............ . .............. . �0eFrewiei'ArI& Mnist(�y fD c�­ tbop @qilyq#4 7 a b6a a a 64 k to a Clip i�on f Whilebe wa, 9 ats on his brought �, p q tting r, W 'au Ay, John pf , 11c i 11e;'one, d 7 S A V). 'd ""ie 0 T�e I gil Aarlo�er Post constab -49ttei I ich 11(ing 'ti"i 'Mo 1 I fitrud nt5ar'Rodgery news aj�6, e, ftoln, M - iNFOUCING I la U , " vi�; , 0�.to "aplwar )e OW Nz W (jam 1�ccame unruly 'and, -fifty "We] I iS, Yl ,rIj1F I, 0y Lic, ... ....... ... 11 1 'k or jojlljston,-,(i� -Vtoutg9mery and lt�eN�c., (�iow.`. Tile way withth6 binder. The team, Many minbir OPQa. Mr ]Whwe Pie , 5pect Isr, oved-vith"MULESOF,TF WiLh, pt ain, ir datlger,' 0 A' 09whii, d pte,K1641 Wof of, the :Clintun r4a 11 11 Idenc;� was sit "initted toJud d driver fortit"t�ly"Osclipcd without. ed the Rt'lk at 'random'.and iayfi,th 'to "bavo a;rigi(1 enif&' b e determine cement' ev d,a o-�e 66, �urfaC4�' e',deparbln moyed to,, Brant� is 09 'its, leek 4 00matt, '�i��,'iargle ..Or bqw, farr`Wse e -At, I.As. and �ikei w4as to- 6ve 4P rq Or . , A b 4 scratch bqt�thos 6inder'wa's mad iver6d W.411 Qtb Of the 'qjigr law. 4,44 �W, PON -'d-akiin st e 4; gForin(ri prS ju, -0, wats, Ho y n. -and nocf. e: ford, I bV 6iV r�pen'ujhice7` in Brussels,. and, ire, t, h 6 TR , rel r 4w -i io� 144 `.60f_ h� §'kin. A d 'h tt;kc -91 , lee , 8 �4' lee I f the A10 4, j��,e -g �t g"ii;d with' 111 be left, MOLESOFF is' applied d�jreqtl y,, -.:William 'Bake to.t I wr . k amd'had t .be,: replaced ih­v: :fy �thofl4hl; �­w lyl:Mr Rathwelf 'W'illl have .11,11113c i6tiong tEiroi;'�h, Moijo.OfiteT T Ale, 4 ne On r, it, MOIX-a ea -tan osan aj r 080- )reo 1. 0 e�rs, ire, 'M ce W� "tile -Wl -11' Qorn:a�64.44 a U` him'thits tiimb,Od took ei ail, fo sca of G dag , �Aq lar��c er tl L� _he eXpeQW'rpar ler �A 'LGU-...t . k,4,6ndrel i"P, 4- fo' or --Jt-a nLy" Jo n and coati 11 brea6lii�s­&f e 51 T 1.-0" 1-` 6 Zak -e; �ing­-y anli'lie Ikey has g6t-,xiiid t ivl- -Watt- W 44 A FA 44" -,dot4ihatioii-- f,, 7 bbier7- W r " - " 84 --e �4 I., - -dbout On- I i nlnioermw G' g- . , . - "I P -��C ­ot-17-tho $th � 4 ' spyejAh­.-q9,no t WIJS , , opidii of Eld a fen, e S6wijr' aWr e m VFF.vaste. ­rge-, tbe9pen: ir.-at:Elaiwood,outiof, u, yen -1 Ji�AL�044 e Or'SUP rigliq t ItiaArm , pqr.. six -P;yk Indig ut--- e-maj a Jim, 86 21 n wints &r, es tune --delayed- d a Ila. lam so 41, a)7.r �j ;X�-�Jl , �Qij t arn - TO J qyatisiia; f th G- -I Helu ,v ks, AAM w A nota. good -mo V6 10 jn teric re with and contains t no -4 in Ifor 9everal - iourti bu, 0 _0 v ", h Aela ivois cai.-giV6 no i6ai fd --.tbc- QJinton, coh6ibute& V.Q.. 6riot d Vqjs ey j17 and, -tot y, (,e 0 a or inary or WAR114 one totlip tie iles, ri�ltto,d en rem rerjuovee tor. te# y, Terrigvee -ele.jS telegraph systera -1as ry q r- to a PQQF. in ry q�iiy -wds7aUinff y rink I MULESOFF uii a, pipsitive:GU, A 'it '3 �t­ dc�iii fbai 1:ie cry sell,ing. 464he,-46u h R B if 0 0M P) e, Q U a- -Gr-eii-f u X 111!1l.1 - ­ 0 --L-a .-fFdi6- I _ -1 r 11 t d" -f Fie. NJURI f Qrils,'Pot ofily for Fem y R, we will -pro�nptly ames -e0Uiiar..o r� P A "P porrup '16 d 91al­p,-eqiaippqd it a -,,pair holy- 4t9':. t Letter'from. perdo e,3 ­e� a Ape. 'out in :016 8 ve icb. tow is it the -boat W, � h in- er, j1e wen 6e who, i's 'now a know, ogether.with, much ble in- b­ ...in whembo did not-' 4 04 Azaessfi"je was seirt. froxio whip 1700 whic, were iforied fotrr�' ju4tin& th6'ri4dle tof*a' Fi ost &'W.ocd qrnin,g, .and: fugiviv, froxv for'othIrs -forniatioin,:. will be ail free tip t b- �aodi. ' 06 'frouf 'rock . de, and he was:foiind- in. I jol,stice, but tbe SQQ'to: robOrpolay, k outa month teen *eEirs, ago 14 of S searc�l W4S,.1)10 binder for.A ai., Aa�crsori e, cone.� d' f r Strong �Giti!'rii illiteeld,by IL'o., iader.. Ahe FQod and V.1111 who,ha,,v6.iicqWre thet,60te­9 the; Fla., Distributing ii he 7-� 7- �y -and'' 0 1 nlpoffijr, ';h ago, built 64.-,y6gr.i ago. -,T.he,,,­��4xpp Is r�es elibe4,Ac6jy,, -take, 1. �.g"i w en,.t e,, orses imove e out, �of drink vv-heze Ahe,,�arroom',f ,jD W H ibi4 R D rout 'the old'Blairhousie hangingi to 9- ttoie, ba under Irn -1 t I' oolrn -Qg A en f. 03 err 1 hi Pleatwiniiention-.-thl per,- F 4 the, 'E st aac,,'Zeik look. -good 10 -.,.last M r. Blair s6'­lqrig as jg:ipa F1 Ill, a, titributing'Co nsacol ei Lr� ga.!�r! 7. 1`8 �-sueces� w hand 0040s:N1. not, -T -A- 91: .4 iq4fl� IN e was h6tifiW-'b'- ani, aryt' ",left -k ur it Llid. tie Ileed1e went through the Aeshy pirt. a b be# irio sor 'a --Ai fter., th fi4 on amp n :,z. — ­. ­�.­... i-,".1 : .11 - 77 as ;resicned itad Inspebtorb 't it 1.4firr.. 0!". - P0144 �Q Y�mc tli ILI 7", .7 -th-l'6u,4i die lthird.' nd- four a t okl�aitfi".t� e 11 Last X rtley,j �,T 0a, IkAng-016, la AJ.090't V,�.��t Ap I 11,f maj!"Pl Y0 , , , , ` SUM -w t s�orut Sit arN 4braev­e A16, fid., W Z� T "R. lf lr� , ... I " -N�WNV, -.-A.A. --NMI A =Aww lftd:xy,�, i A P== IBM, A 541 '�g ',� t�m t lip, �j a 11, It "T & 19 TOT M. R F WT irk M =0 04 -411refe W k, it- - h­ np nd- ri tie 1-1,1A , IT Wet- QW- nia i a, 0, n - C 66�&61 e�tt Na -s tli`d�, f ":-A -Th, fi f dr, F. h s, he s Alth and a id wits,'-dri u nd ottlda -Alib lej� -*Jb b t1hd­triip 6 64,46 lie a qt�jplu 'I ..gr' nd u'd 10 1 -4 1... - -, - . 1: T ",a y --W- AN M­Y-Dflol X1,R&HIA W 7777 At­ea�-,- V1111 toly" 7-. M2- )(Irt'VeR,; 11 "Centl e Is- 7 "A 6T- "Wr prioeir e not'se pas .e sqthin pl tit. i a da Tota o ............... T W A XT h Tanner I eeltin O -d Watt ` ' .1)1 1... � I . 1 44 JA -Rudolph-werw en At- 1 134-11 K 'P vceedeil, movi bo;,ng Sto�ne ii�, tfic� halt&'and Ining., slih- 06o4 -Hol -,by -brother -re anil 4sted up:ii -rec' tly'-drownT.. 'genS ­.- - - od i ..,of , -apd­6litL*=UN­U e n -,Q. get: -k, r- '.�of t eTzoelford,4­4, W lsow-and'.. Edwk . td 11 A� bank account gives -yew, the feelin c rie� "I'l "N't lulzs y -!�- ­ W-lk -apd-after-.a Aft, i6�hQor$e d0oidwhen bayrtewn _W15re,'hiied bj."the-- WYtilk-'erton,, Ele t' ex -aini for".'Kae.btel', Wont Minlin;for ui Power �qnj- ro, -and­­toppurit eeps- loownerx tr ­ -:­.-�k­�­­­ ��P 0 t, ercise �tbe: giah. with: theo", 1 y.- . . . . . . . . . . 0 rl ohipainy� -drkwing�.:gi �b U 130(1��, �tbat we 0 over: Q, 7 ur, aim 3' mindfree -frolu worry -that. old- land maj�.W­181­ r . on e A -ppm.er �ever6ptuen o.- 'e Q 'b 11 was t b6tter,thi 4. I A th ne 0 cam -3 jo is. take'adv�ntitke` of .9pportu itf �s'tbat to Ing; v e . ry� 'the Vaitlam 6d-th ;43t:=Uffiwnz7�M:� UY pg41- thq,,, 6�ances of ��q,'6k Acci n t qq L arrow, and. 881$ a as a An (if on. a rainc­ buildingi� that. h a'. the team f3lit',in all- landin dodfor� e- WAS -�el �pt 'Oil f Jply of ­­, -.;4 -- ­­­-­f­Vd� a lite, tior h- 0 tri6 I ":Of 6tangle :14, '1 pen your acpolliAttat,tilia. n �16ctric,encrg� f r this di- )e soah a i1ton b ..-peor-i rr -ordia.1 at biliti t6 loick I � - ti ieceivedA6� de�'utatiotrc y 0qnt;,jh6 -41 1 —Was ullu �Q Rion 9V h4 -hoteL .7hey.....me -in I 'Pro A-,-4,L-dA--W1AL 74.1 -a-d .' ne -cOurteous effi; ICE A �18­ re-vilued at -supin- y ::71. -go. to -at. t ie-(1�oin­m-is4T0n- I e f6r7 + wt,to goto T - e jar e(T Im --�JsaM- Ra t well of �.Anotljero'ep­ i e exF(­. W. 0, got. 0 -,aPriVate dmheljihki Itho'Bay-field:L166; 0 b I r0lato-shbrtly.fo 0 44ime. "we" igatIpt-iAla the dj'stricb. It li5w VC-PUP1 J LowsoF jinA: mm - n�-m� ' i for &,A as wAsil' lai s be Qd6 r;'claims befo. away, 4ppe r d ric press 94r Calms f livered a.136derich frdm­; the- -y-dro r ere e i� -Hia GL]t]NINIE', Agen t -Pei, ..ILI d' U- VVC Opmen. th d "I', I b the HAN10-T01C­­- co I 8 as rcis Maitlatid 4ivai­ -jig- IST b!" -a-�pu­ , ic-ni.ele ing­l�ld.,� is a c r. a go . . ... . . .. I �77 d-, 1IP ii� the 176. of Au Goae�ieh`.O 7 '"dtdik % a I& iang.-app re.. before f9e re�ufts o graturuous vipirti the 'Ini d:z' d 6ing, . Both Zuxjo-b� bu§ipie.! waji�W -4 -d,of tra4 -C �7 - apffiaW �"Otni­­ T 7 le� Pete it, h- - --th6 m it: who 7. Al' r .1c.le, Jr., it. CO b6crganlzed...�.X G D 0 fertil e drunk; was Assessed.' $10 a d 1UR trict'gr� ipr�ih�, 'upon 46 e diq e 0 mii�& ��of the pp �oig-trie- 'rie'd f lkt;:�'Jaiiies Richi� who hel' free the UP d Tippilig.:. -zUoI71VW-- J er aci.ibics Otherjudian on V light, w as to -Jat- A -thelpi, 't- �,me;7rs.-�A� d'h T, 'esen: f c4ir, iunicAtion- witli..,Any' Walkerton go 1. During 4he�--4a.'st, W- o 7, &ving-RQ+-givw­a,:­,sen nee-. o -six mo, -In;- 0 . ....... UI - ­ 1= 111 Mill —S, T R-E­ direc PIT ay. to...ecirry 'here �-lifts-been­i ifs.p'ro -ket- -.vetar, h 6 171 1 co Ig Latin. w dUet�.fo:�niir. . particularly, t -Tti lie"f C :Cof Vf diin�v - - % atge, z.r .. '. from, - kj* - I � of goods any. or. ci ies..w of liquor, ano: qui a. -num. r, to costs -eie i.04641 and, AneLf 0 liaAb extra. freight; fiotifolof, thiisel have: lz 11.4i r asionedb 'doub.16 T -jbe Speak is is, quitei tight d"' ope d6ldly �. i�­,­.. ". RltAuguk al, 1-. n I . &. . * .: aw, _pr_ but ------ iiii-inediat, ThOjoa -,-when' pup Ae ich e L�-�ds dtafiand our - av e..".. tpun". ri--m: k 1-ine -T-u n r er, re MITFaRp—t ��thltt`-F SP 'Uthp-pIk6y.furnishing epter a. -ar o -go, "Ilf -0 n h, ew 'it is, P-Oatriry­ to% In roa ng, and., -.0 U -P chi Wr em­ Zirrich- Hi tax *=Fafl�A-h ust., ;t�'e ..d I —T.H.E.-N ]�-W G0-0D-S-­t,�,­­­i—­- j 7ff YOW:44Y F 'a WAIdn't Sta W. at, xttvng , ; ; . , , , der, tbe'�':'D6min-- ..7 A -ery--Day Bib' Kid' and', i6-Ft-ench 1 6 C7 Kid""E' .9 Fruft Inipj i�eni N Hop?" A. m, 10 ep _eu tor,64.write -S eracan,,El VIIERtW'YOU artmont:oif Agi�i o. -!!Most 11 t ON .. -7... 0- a. awl storel fine stoieiI --Failui!e-'to-a&6rtime'gde�-'- liatid �Vith­-dulhl' .. ad, e.tag' Orl'interview ng a numbe� of fruit �h in W - -o-S- Aid , 4b re Il ineq.1 find --very little 0ntario--4ruitJjja;tjj)n7-- Advertising- brush6s- A DLY the StO is r ed -herpth ere being t �ree pri w6ba knd� dust,. sidafteilis-'s 0 lil ow -81. :hand] ;k-- -"'the.. in I , , cqmp react. - a e"me]R 0 quic eus- -k R-U�b6 A& f rs n a 4W With the "holWand 0 S 66k �se 4, 66 1 ti. -1 ad-Aets:--i ik - 11 k r e third tig. r d -ight. --sh, brand, n W makes the, roerchanis in, of ntario,, an dis. onest, packi -r--: me - ag, d" liverid-a-f re e h" tl and 40 A to ds;L your. wanta-i�&aoe wiLt 'y Y" �pj the, --rae t hat, tbea'�' repulia,66ti- in, re -tniag­e�' -Ad­6rti�aiiig.�,gre letted: been- �Vk llas - -U EV.—,- ClY h h W sinLy a aints F e, o ame a, yjnjured,'10'1­�Madii y you V� new.-tungi. aii "that should. :naSt-So- man oftr-applo:i Qf, --�—eyerhave been ile if -Yol -Y. I- r y 0 at- Ome,-y.0UF-­1f'e­",- 7%­.:TV- ou Ue e InVI to u- - c me--andsee-lhe�e-n w.-�Ood aq W1u re n Aising -keeps gro t1grid, Shope %,,De 16, Ev rybody� U e v 9' ot keady to,-bilY A t show th m to. yqu even, 'YOU, a j. parket 6f:,tbi8- untry 1h g�d at -I ty -�Ua B ...,'Advektising �inj to e t Ile gre. Sal air jl­".­� -#M!i�JyAqq� jjj�,. d7r go -i -re - oo tdg-�bf­ bus 15af-tia-,wit, a;n d- -id blit &ihtb4hd-��ifk- S s n new, pa�ak:�r em"i n: ox 0 b aud iietive. e �9004d arv,,Ip h lio­p'r`Whe-Jr6-y­`ou S,;3 tie s are, -A . Aespitch 4 4 S r W. st an MN-Boy-SuicljDz��"�'­ A. an, petniost in ilie, Mind of thb moichint.. lcr do N iY Says—Despondcrit becau.6o'her C, YR -111 Shopi� und ite. jr rVicehable"' Sh6�ia the store which' refle ts wb iich.you dorainate..:r" where yoi had-, Position of fl' Ar, W . -FpJ1".:,FootW- oor ro.. 0 r­4go0 S'l. money'retUrna' Y911 I tw I e' -i'7 21: -e "Renry B Swit years oldi 40- . I. ` , h tot ih shop that is'dumb and'ckark�and7drei M, Mom in e 1� EXrCURSIG -tl&St7 'g ANNUAL-WESTERPf -FARME ht.. _aft never -smiles ar, yo V �you, b T. -O. NVW 0, th beini bro U -fpr Fall,.andra nuni.' A tu 'ed,ou tlie:pts. "TUtideidli6dy, bo ers a, ou XcuRslion NUU14, uglit o t,' Evety at Uilt for.. Sorvice .-as �is mormug a ir chatoth the"Weregant- who, H' C b: ftei-oolie&- The" best Yol. 4to r. urn- e'0tVrdbefr fl.aftl 25, veff gejOwinbei. 12 a-1 Of Smart novelties, too. - S e r a , C ;'ra I S�.­ to n IP secouide�dass -tick gt� q, ing eo �star A:I and. h1i' U f n1%L-u&=wi r �hislgervejypu­, if to'. - J"; "n ruen-had fotce&.--(i0n­t1je,;d6o who:ivd6ing, 6 here Ron d tri iho. iak ;�jid, the 616st'prileticAlM k f,fii� eo bilild, up W6 66alknumity,- iW 09-.: 4ucknow., tO'idl some'RevellNibld- `Nweeds, Bian OV,�� 17-00til., §fflifli­.8 Qppbd; -in fcofitor Pe 6* in will be, issued, fromJ y-weans-bf QO­ A' Aaftold Me yqu�in o-his-confid ' c b Diagodhals, ih� e pT!!kl ence gt %nd- fresh from some of e 06-ths, and. th t 00r, 410: Chj(*gQ 85 in ye see n 'tile newspip6ni., NorthtWa 011, tile c6untr kil''the flow, asts n.. vbrtisenrents,fil your ocal tarity Ry� cludin' k tlest 4 it models we lave. id Ilia �oom rent on t ie resser i. ...Port Huron ... 4 45 -lie niile�back- -1 -Iiioiile&at� Ity .y h ' Porijta.,­O�- , -1. r Lhe�shop-iwhich- t -iolto-Wing --of Rgoer I 11 on ifid La6ed-BoOta I t(D e wen is, roomi Ba U As with lt­zk� coin -J Xlat;eybury ......... . I ; S. , YOU. �Jla'ke fian ep, New 8 30 t-­�iqr ki4, and kati a -ad Dir c16iro eollar Every, Goat - Clev0drid Nit Buffalo) ...... . 9,2 the %%,,jii09ws andplogged., the k6yhole,� djotj v 'h �Rgrlton. -�Vio IkLili4k te ti tj­ Utf 1 001: no 00 be �tt z ClOveldnd (vjA�_De rQ: to 44 a pany;with ,e# n rl - .113 � .: . . .. ....... 0-' it it' ffff,:--1r7#P-jrJQffq-fi­:,A1! _ 't':' ti�hfoldl 8 7, .80 the d ed"t -e lied cover zind'p-1- -vbttlW siv th ing er 6" jL15. MOO n p it, 9111AW Monteith ....... 10 40 Pair br` ok.i' j, ' erfect-Attin-, com-, antifuctqrers. , .. �!" 7 . . ­. lbid m ed t Paul pr Minneapolis, all k.0 .1 . . .1 tie ............. A ........ ...... 2814.0, forfable ftr;a­V6ry'Lservic6Ale. Prices can, e6e similar co-l.'ts, 'ill. Ot her stores lease- he� arms accro,;S�, his, �:bi Railand Boat ....... ........ 32- 40 A e6ph ....... 15 our death -�6 4 -007-imad -50 �t much in'd thei - -50, than: C.Ame llb�re of 6tir la,,rs, ular and infineiiiiiij for epteraber.. 11 11 0OP16 "Yekets are- valid r ip ........ ... . .. T to 2.00, 2.1 �6,od g6in S pp(�Als 5 4.00 and as urn a. yeir.ago. a are valid' q, returning,, epternber 21'.. feach -original 410.00.1 been elliploypd of' late as saleama.- staring point IV , �- , , . I and tickets,'ss:Ued September 25, �'-­-Jlot later d han ial -factory, -until Octj Ist.. 1-11- -2 71 for a m6tion pitptur6 mator 'j, September 30th,. i012.".- ar good to ret rn, 2 n6atl�:$) F aiid-�] ad, take W worth Of T , W, - 'S tember- L -He Western F' it 4i ;%,OA4� oto ers since q, p and:; 141 Lucknow, t61,ondou rehirb­ -7 $26 4r;�� oR0*V0 ONT" 9 `YI1ODY IfUR SHEN KEY` Septen! �r 17, via 'Chicag AN 10-124�3 information .00�41;IiW7 bt� 9 - eotF�cs, cost,-. phicillit of 9tud'oftts In; eAll ticketa.valid,lbt, teturti %tatil b; ri lkcy� Ei6holdt was lbrou�ht be--� f ...... Q34 00 wintlipoigAli Vla� fidette -daY M d Septet -i t t 1-012- n ositions,etz. Nvato foii� -one to C Ekgo U M- bad, it, Car -fore Judge on, ,a 11 7- u Edmonton afid afully, and 'donsider the '4. sarn t,',Tg. C( 7# 4 Tk iducknow to, F ­AWA, and'. r th-e-i'd e - 6 Principa . will leave Torontolo.30 12 00 to- 7 $8'.95 Sie,t. V, �ff(r 13 llsm� 4 .1. ELIA Orr, Sept. 4 . R1361P V Fl- - L' t;aj­ 60`;ddyg­�- V�. enr ca trying through ttiathi�!� dad and 11., All Tickets valid for, r6- i, s net bn -condition', a. -cor,1ongirand zlile,6 nder, %­. ., I - 1. . , / .1 t � I- - . U qto-- ___j Ve - have, ul., I' df juA, placedr n an to -re nd�ertoaciied ftl Tou� rist Ste . epets. turn iintil Septetdberil�'. Flit n tie ette Some OtAe lbo. 0�e a�itiri, Ikey'kiept his Pi oipiso for y - it 'an 6!§`jVAtiojj, jr6mr 'd Tru k P -s' -J$� e - �`a- - vell� See "'A short time but 'fie couldn't keep, 1EINTRAL , Agent or write A, Duff, 1):. P. h parif6ilars, ti�6t �.&tijjg b"dwl and A,,, Toronto, onti thorite not only, pretty bat tl),­y,, �o , * I rom" lt expelibift-InTf Zia I Y-as,well, and f' bl fter, If 6q need the §eeiIriiig a'�ottle rom a mar 6 cu 0. Martin, L.,061<66W., in" ed Tur-yler %010-1�ad purchtised the fo, i lurge'sizav- FIT -TPATF bam 6"'' 0066 th h � be,am- A t-uff in Elnj*�--64,'JoR 17 � . . . . . . . . . . . . . WaRok )�Xl� .6freper6us Lin Mink's livery w lot ob BES.A"Ry-m- �O�Ujq Prices run to t.6, 6y.6 bf the Aft *Pegi .. .. ... . .. . Was working and , it becatnJ nee One c6nektoa ui% up, -W -date an oftdrichl it 1&�gd StAjf,�j5f f6t t Oteet himself, b" er". y 'i I In o pr And 6-1, . .... ... s , t r 61404'. .. grade p6sitt(Jns, WbAdtinote. g Aftigi : fll'b'�'- I � t r8 l( S jtu flopping Rey w W.aftian, b - UFa hionaMe- R�os-g Good th ­tt ...... 'er fo6tWear'wl than,does an� B INE ft iteg �of I oncluolu w e Under ents rother sW1Wik.9,c,, 'Th6lio- ikeavea,, tlje' 06,4i tipid 'the tk'voi hirf Ikey'� c' as 0 w utAr hlye thriob departnie'jjt�, r CbM, pop -�rnpre8g .0 . , Sho a or. UwUl ILlig Y�Pff'F,spe io,n 'and HAVO and I -found in" t f"hion ire bill'bi suluingg" yourself'to know I N. T, W' cordar. 11i` delotht, Tweedgr Ideu avdfico'l AD. 9 ilp *rges, Dii analst, I 09p but f6o �i, ad 1. . . ..... it pe rr every Tjas f6i e*6fy PU boy -to6j, Vf4ed, th'A 0 VAIT Term in 7 0 0 - To orilo, 18:,rtow. A� Un �0 Pw-k!!�taee trioi to 6o rb all at catents - wi k Be open d. th . ..... . . . . . . . . . . tit, St U h* Mett,',"d 1*6t: ofth ah,hdol' (lay, Until Oth., ot it 66 1, e a - BoAA-.' n6s AlLn. h hilt builffi- i S11tvthanai,pivi -servide - 0' tild. ftft`.'� . A L illijiltl? .. I .1� NJL�griphy.: The new -tq-alo'lle TjniiI6M9�d for,klisidend 4", 'Wr, , , 'L i *h' h "Ideal Co [off* is ititoeAting. "in, -,its fl6i a , W , 0 , rk, 6'y6U N;W' 118't his" 11411 6d 'to, vm' I V -661orrae§ In 9daidi P tlillij Ditto 4deWN Alia i8, rd0ed - ffeo� bit! f& OL E-0 a i tm­ Ko. 1-ol b , 8P A V ".i. y" A. t '7� en. w Inc. 4, J­410�-�—t­