The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-09-05, Page 7r 11� ... 7- 1' 7 7 777 J M 0 On I v, U51 RU 0, r WIN Towder,.6,66, tha�tAtin' g �the a g t�d �'pn yzwrg WE dkhtt 'are pi irAly. pr1r11 N MINI! rq,% -T I �;iwwl Jir:: ------- a Warrhal Sajpd.wi�De mfficieaf. "'M :0 _��c)34king (7-, Ail 1Z Vffl* h, 01 DDr A �bread­artd -cover-thi alarrrl�,,. 11 lid Y' -1 A,��w i t h 7 e,, D<� this until Y6 ve f6u EW, 0 1 TT -COMP AN slices on. -top- Of ­ono ano t4:er-r;- lrlh�n, f -z' —0�. 01M t hen. wel TORONTO P�C 'under. weigh and Nv ::W Pres� 'ts :an 'cut ;6d,trim off'the crus d U 'b li�,es-: f� ar . . . . . It Pw :kii:ife..., The �Jico*a �wij:l 496k. like 'ly' ­ k ca 'T e -gr e, 9 ON N 0, - H E.R ee n I T1- Ah 1-:4fie I ,Ili! it, 04 -Ata- p!16�--s "P t7 a,; 7 t P, swe e� they Z Ve a LIN .0 W i!. .jv b e.., 1lielf 0, Tg 4 v, .1. M a CY, noe #u < Y d z: 'P 7. a e. ir epp .414 �.qqti �6,y:ts oft, 6 a or bf Ole, e.r �W- As e laid -,6 -if A.h.LC he AS r.e ping to Jo -h;; j!iaw C1. �on. Uer and Fs ---f ff-(—ju 6'h` d -f HIM, . . . . . . er in- Rithy."' h :W I ",A ad- t �Xw�-I­ismi-,;.� `:.Amd-y u 2-istr 10- nt 7flob t they 'a ou-1 Adnlifal#�, 0 e ii -Nelson --h k-6. h r-.aS thoughts #oiyouhold pr;evehts. da ipness -an gr j at, Feturn, U- 'm -i �nocu* 2, one-half-cupfulis-of light I rown- air- Pull, she-'. is' - w -ro the-:- i t UI LIE U 3 r2., -thq d '-b6­­­fjFe-' .V Vj'.4 :`1D a-pOine 6" pp-,Xem tw Th h' —7- 6band-to'-stay-w 7-!r­�%`: 7� 7:-�7:-. :1 'd t-,b(,,,caniLtj,�, -gr4p _t. l� a r r h . .... --ajn­--�- J.3ar -win, n�,­And Y�'u d A Jet. sA�ndirt eL­ ny--d -fiA Cha "ws- -,-"-.h be--�Jautua ho.iiglaa ;�do q-r- �A ;Fag lil.,-.4-bubtfirl --of -the t V V x1lL -KY - A;m-, -;and' t -b [:a -y --e OrMw �.Y aff­ciipful- ot ek in �beigh laix- —e ---j' H Ilk k b Viah­ " ­ , t. 'to, lie h e wan ­­ � -" 1 have' no- doubi -W sugar, ppsz. e A -h --v w- Wye. hiJe -,Wheat�bread. Boil the. 'o,eacli other, in,.ftder� ill-: d bhesiareLito '-quJI It to he, a 1404ve, me lit �;�si eint y. .0 ex to milio get, t.: a sb4' RA id Said..: 4'1 feaidd, yorli Would water sure,'good &af d: y Ra her ands and: we ,at m go, pledg. eftink f," d what I'ha-ie 1ad no, answer. or-, or o jj,�gfdtirl­ -14 tfflr�yo,u­ f' ' h-, Co. cave. tbey form. A 1 6K until r ei - St: ame -a 11 6 jhi�ko-k6� ar Ing zi� ti , .-ja-w a fi azrd-�'add-the­op- '7- Wj�i & YoW�,er� 167"�-1 oral ..h d. 4arkehe& e tall f ffi -m"6Lf rbmLth t "You can ha lobrwilioy, but n. -o e much b Odor -0 anid iised." On .6 :one, �09 �coailu'L -and th6 nuts-. Stir '(T' r4rid There -jday sorn t IRS :I)CI& OW;r�e:d -th -�jl A�Mpftvcu; Avw u ;Ulf qr-2fm -h 7 a. WTP-1 C di 77 h in th& cooked, 4. Q. 1Pd 4p"4iA tay lt�� S f kwaTd., d &t' Ru�y'! w�,e'-jl b R ... ...... . be"to hioyy­i6vieil- 05F, WN Noli, !n 4 t*eeh, thirt'islices -bf, the breA& - 7SPI 7- ii� vu "if Jo will tiike, t-- irate, -comalarad-jof -h4�;,:ci 'h' ient .1 C11i -1- I& b interes. E -1j, v �Wwiqhes Lettove V r. pd ar in ',y, -o' '00 a. Y. 7 a nerne A "'Do a �0 t me. e'I h4"VIU.' h Ard- I ka�o w al'l;`dii,r- it f., N. he,6k k h Wilms, -'be, f c-ong -rit, to �ny,r 6bi f It j `16w-moan­��ame ront lier'li "P have -4-ib-g- lit '-e- --k h - ­-,ff �t � i.T � _ -" . r' PJ9­Pq.­1nOw­L - _h#ftglr . * �ohl -h -ai -rid- is -a -pari izarj-� -bi -s ip Wi from�& ac o -6 4i soften;.pi6co -OA--butfer :--aadt4ild, -st di ­�­. th­6-,--ffB- in, -hpld 'I the -eadful, disorde:. ijig- you here by:m in 1�- whd.16 w6iba: g it bu.-.-J �-wiii �tb aik-H & d whi A"---- 161�­ g, e w9ref 'h' 'peated W& :SMA'Fit Doug.. WA. b read :Yer caIi.become an o cer I,. mad,6 gjt��Lj �'.in -her white gkiW, ifu F �, in- ' . ' ? : 1�erdonal. qleaiil1neaS4 ig ft:he: I ed ��41ar -all -it�.in- a * ' ' d ` e, �,Ofiy �61utchp- '6-6: n - �Radxi-,.t Oh ,of it -1q L'. - - . I � e. lit eiiip the�'chi�ken. kp4.,puf r . ka­.�,� �­ - � . - .. ..­ I i W VP Y d ;01' - .Y�20- er Tl ee.pan- , Meient �,qre a im- 41019 mi, e, T eil�,rt -+4-+. . , il��- , hi ih WAG -too ..fialil _4 exe��!S. N- a,41)7 & n, r`q�-lig,.h-� th -,he ing..!- auj�a--Kl olisan t Some iallu -Another and -ka,rce y. pre 7; e -V 're, c, ean-, I;t�eep cool, y ai f 'the""' -gins to 'wo'r -k a I ecu sinep, that 1, W' as -ever fool 6noltgh-ir n lg`6- pi�ce i,o`f b'fittei-,-&.pd.a. seasoning 9 -ma,. -e ecial. h" _Sh hei �m&a w ora e t6lgit�4 you 11 �was % coaxed., 4� r 16n&' hours And, salt. Put-'�over th fire' notice "in J�Whudry''� 1�801.,,, h, lolve Ilso'-ma,11v - sq:-bliiidi, , f4it P e To r,' y- ad. k iepl-iedjP4ePP&.r. � I _ - � �._ 1: y: liness - and hvgienic surrou d' sua;dediinto-inar -"a-nothe r -arid 'Teft­ -.- -Ruby�pwo �-iher"­qa ro- el -so vas -rying" W46r' -CO ­h�­­-- ­.. ­ i - an a,' "N n :N -very. :11-o wh6n:, �.hai �­ha&'giveb up home7­and friendis - .'' ., , , . L' , . 'i ­ -i I - -h ve- 11�1. fier, �ed ir w. my buddy. and t e.'- Jw0d, exampb 3Ehen A-W4.s-- t Im n 7 --y jUNRRE 7ji e MCM d-, A a .�W rild­.J-qr­hi4��e- -fi - on, a., plate, -:axid f) wfltd± tie, -aw zztw 7 "a ni'l _7 that T 46�ed­ �44 beat.--" -'�ecuttink` befor -- -Pul the 'v vi be" 1114,t-iYe, 16ard I 14IJ It Y1 - �f 'X mid `1- t -listen that had'- bein WA at - -000 .40: h oie Llry and felt e, er_- tfia� L -been Th.e7-j rately ualnu pg �p atst'in Jef ApPLr -U-114i of 3;r pr Y.- fr 4 . .. ...... . ... .. .&P� exr, J- . . . . . . . . that- iejr- - ,p! Y� -V day. as v L11 ndi, 0 that e.H.6* the gight.6i 'Y' 0 -e 1,( fo a wh6 l� We her' gxeitA --4hi Ail Y­�� h A -7— 7-77-.7- le—MaTiret and -In z L �me m&d:wh,�n'I'Iook-ed u red eak to her StrUil -i, . ri on- med I pna� it to� Aii Fesu�ril to, "A.L. " 1 11 - 11 .- ­­ il -­� -- preault b. _pre all Lit b LIU -r6dk6d­,--m e� -�_, source Y-,714if �C&nncd­RineaPP16��,Jm UI.L UIL T-, -TOW lb­vw-Qud�e 0- ve� ir -re 7�­ o vusan o e --'-.h h' and- --sh­affl-­� b atie,-h-im- e -r 'c Y, 4il b fl, _ddy-' S- ri e 6 a -'So­"JI.A­car X VULT h in- kjlLIju,:L--uu, -4q-w: . und --anict it xng'� -77 �e ne � -7. . - �t­ I ---1 attiej�-- -juh-n-a-', H�, � ow an ro J, the th Fat g- to fisteii,;'. h the,., .7 &a allItca on thli str �:.iind ouir.going S., b -Mi i '794 po 11;­hit-.� 4m gn -rw iiew-a -I TNF] n- Ah*J7- l Of flbiw­s -him! 'fountain to - on. ii s, 4e,xp,e len a te h4 - '.Neither �o-r t em saw, th-e, slim Seemed to whirl 'itkown --d, .:re B irig sl�wty' w breakoff i: f J-6addink"4: Ir -q �.,e was, adiviitncl d with hid- sun iff6k a-, II er-�iew­ Wiflf St.: Vi' pt 'fad .w , ging �gracefu -furm-th i= -on a 'a- a ..St., ja_ataij I te'i6-d .4thi� inZ ri ni-fi-9 ed - "' i - - 3- kkd� - I i'' . --- r ha. +" --h 1. 1 . -c&r4-h*tL -1 e -with .0 -jn47 wwsldie. W1 -�har] As I' ,'as t -is ` f4urciveu 1114 a wr= e-4-shoxt, QI p knifid tion U ollect.,6d; the ru e rnLc<aOnsqiq Rtlhy UP 1) e OweTI1 h -A ­tbrdblefftra- B: upj%p. A rR AG E*�g - - � - - Jh WT .-by b fo r- C P-:- V 1'-4t whi &G ed, ng, plianitam X1, -11� Jna� ata.Md�lf -Pel., -it would V -returning'.; wa - "x­�txipelfboufid,' b at M;Arc e. a��grea . 6les, y -what all ji unt- vibrah.V d -to--ine- thit =z". -V JT�4--W�e- tused' me to-,.. e).iOfiS:-pOPU IP y a la t As Charlie Liil 36on kabwn. n. 'help 'if 'regu',.ar factor ols ann9j, all.� - ha over the Ian y to 1, V4 lir after. toa-Ving I fb rLb r' rich iiilk:. and �n. a of A .rppse'. ner dTeSS Of preom, 1,w o I A *hew'. -whii ing an, ac -ion ain M., T' ever lal -e a W PAPMJ 1. . 11Y ek, ,as. -w1lu-Al v- ll. - It, Rairi Wji 4 1 e ereA. I i 7*11�f,-,%-r-ju"g Id a, ais, proud -o e S:­ bLe, -:;�h . - -7 P lazgre L�- i P4 t'L boijigh- in( 'F ne. s t a h an- tWO-9tanjin''..at :that 'fatal' morn6lit a -Ahods -of washi 00,dictive"rh d A- v'dr sl�em' ft UCC, 11, 5 1,x* ft n-, 9 over'old 9 as onIftioliti, siiil _g1lish a W riety, bxmee�x, T --,i ijft�­­­" , , - havle.1pAtien e and refill' hP-* t hooll -c, Soni NF I If", heart ever' br4-e� tht linore tha, kp ,hers did, then ad gve if-, and bles,' 7. ed -:W-A.117thi�i ill giy�m­ h�&� 'She We-, 1 *R.( ernoon the.Oit o;s a sub6rdfnate, for "SurpAssing.-him: TKi n natant the., of style WAs.us'jd in describing the� -in Intil the handa.,are draw, ilf the brightness. Around'. b�r. 4-all-irruhij, 1 .1 - - " : C�Conomid- Ayl--sliyj th' hand':: ba�in e& in. '.'You felI6 S'had- .4�tter get '9 Or., t in Jight of reAsoh iokdred out* and t the ji6-i6t1c' Sen waste?"',J a. s r. at,the ne''w me7 bathed at. his cleE'Ln- water', bi# 'T ese e.. white hands did -no move,,, 7 . ­ . 't ra ' ;gedy men <)lit of -this. Do L Y . .. n. we tit ipriticiams (In sorn CO., -ge 1-4-1 If, 'An in th�' nion larribut, roun' si,y ish 6i -,e c '4 tal rid' d, all 0 ena - e e.:, Q re:`- i& the `ih'd 11 th6. -b-giintifli a a,. -ba naalied i P r f4l,)I'Z 'n . . With subtlel.isul riniad she.�c.rept -near- r to 1 b ut 0 ir want e sup�. "'h A =Aird-ri LP4 rt­to--� -u-TI 014. - as faking-rit- �c ancie u.r. g, son -s as A ea, A b-pla—z -'re `4i.1r, 1.11ti"'Wab; ism we '­` P., S ;�Ores�.rRF6 Vill tap,;' -T.fie w, it r me,'. Xuby�," r��, easity-,.,And r�du�Sed:.the-'wiis ,-r -rh�utt­ ave their, plliIc� fi;ame, did::`.hot trem.�Ie'� ']Do..': you.� Jxea X-4 th- in $ 11 ­11­�, I _,,-e4.nlos aw u c I ri e o my. bu to to inaff qleant It nold,,�wai�.,saying, A me v Z, is i -1 � `11 --f4 1� ea;pt-b e---. V, ...... Ot 13- kl - jjz�-ff-Ywqf6hFr 4 .7a -fl= e - -R -_T-.4Z - P �g -d! 'g-1mr-in U&IM -i --- , bry, o Ove. Y .You-rig�` 'gi-1-1--WLL Val Nan a.-. an f Wlt �rv-o I -VV . - ­;i� -by -the cutte prpiud-J51 r- .9 �mix�ed.': a ad after w r ii e&ui1-,y.,,AR-h§- .0b "Igy I' =to fh- scraps I t r, t: 11 so In rit, re, rn,ov,: I M, rr :1 ir�. claraeterK* -hwd-�b ved-aq-&gp-eTztef It no,pore, had It,- g,.J.1ile go I else m-artind . la 46 0 will rei -;'I,. bri U a eep.-swpon- &r 161,. 77f -d "rid 'made, pf it yo 'i Id , a' .. . - -g-,4n., �bni- Ch. i-; in 7hitd` 64 -h -e -d-, carelwsly. r ff fallen in at my baddy rern�rkqd left: thAt E ry ne iidmit that 0�� V, he %it . I . .. I . I h" aria 4edded' A'no�h�r-an4 't of. ., ... ; . - , 37 6tep she,heard'thbai a& ld'a feet- i ill, the '�s need for exereiging. groat- care lrl� Step- Arno might. have., Y , un th thrQ',' 'ei Iwildneiss 6f.',her'desj')a!1r' *h' riefiing'. , - ­ , eri�they asg '�-6.,rev�Ruby� n4 ftiw� anq sneezing. -vance-every" -er, iq�e4, the P,-. I v '.b r i ke 44-thein-o'k-ning. eemed �h Long hours, :& a -i;hd6r­a d cap t& h id' ', ed at g I h- t U h.-Jile-t--agaila Axe�wiib ln'�i E1e-3k'iS'm.iSfA 7 "er"Ma-Y -o--co-n-stior .1 --1 ;� , '1- ---1-1-1 E 46� , - , - - V in& 17 a, T low - P �hiey--�a�*-�;kPave I .- : - 1. ­.. I . ­­­­.. , en, b e reca,, ff - q , . . .., ­ I I.. - I'� J. _ . --, illl§ 9" lsv�,� LimmineniC 7`U�­ 110br. r-OctPo'-.'�­ ng 1:6-6thers - Wh -It.' wag theF, old: st6, -a' the klio�w­� 'A j 'i it hn �-&X 4E M by. j w.n ry - , nl�- xp.ajAd, -OAe hit",ith-the. --Ripgap -e�= , P f ha s�u y.: harg t work on g�, b ove.;-Ie,&;Du -,and- -that -.ih;it­a --operied. ub, oo,- art, gpqA1j,0d, Aq�t pineapples s,s yii., w en,a visP 7 h �­Wqezr, she e qr ha or, §hie �mig t�� No one ,seemed. t6-dau-b.t­i­-podr- e; ',saliva ma�;. -be �tlr W' or n -VROIM� _ bi 7 �y d _q�A- 9,.K pray -4Q I S fip�.r 1-4 _ - 4ot ims arinc ad' the equiva ent burt -all -e uppii a narrow. guilt- aitd spoke - oil -Rulby?11S, v . -�, 1-1: . I t. 1. 4�,ffi-cia man an �7tlo�`i:7,fo -distance- jk'--'4 �0,4 4 gii of. gr- (L.pfneapple "W: -Ayr er- Wpep 'My uddy. glanced At 'the top. mad� fromC erit,:4neez�e �Oi 'i � �whic ha4 a - T�ir I i I I I . ... I I - h e& Ifi a am-aI I roorri b ie,scraps have,spoken- f6iir or. fire feet bv- the. rtisti h e-. - grated. windo' W*. of the. -y6irrig bride�, "aeilirbried yerjrevalyjj� bf t1i'e, c( -in o n 4-1 ora- g w pit p a n isfood-6yr,­ �fie e pit:i�oti�j night. and hlle­J-g'efjh6 lbols ­aui:'�' IT mog. Tiven, e Y�, k`i- C f -M PIT infined'�.'Jrr.­-.&­,� te Tiil­� 11' f b1"--`jf6 -vox m- aii Ned. of' Fp,r-�"j h d, t iff-d. V L privat G Z", ene 6 .,one , orange- 4 ca. M ­� �. .. . �' I -i-1-A — - . -1-t-ii,6­�1T, ...... -g e-- a -e lip 'whidli 4�an, be thus comin' r aid M J.pu��%hed the,qAr.,qp t day husband slid lbved an nii fa� O.,the "'fac un rn -em. h a 0 bU she f h 4'�' �g"Y'6' d i d 45f -'6n'.,; q y L a C�,tffd.-k-: to ebrne- to h e-coul je., 01a, iierp tt-d.:. set. X --AC�wqa--:Lj.- one ain- 'c'h d ee, --n- 4 --Vd rf M e I in i -e; 'public indig I f -F- I . :,I I t &66-m carne,9's6 I 6dAilc6 di§tant'a r- I I biinclant,reitson for'ciaiiaon: Vell-­,may be.you- 11 remen&r o - n6f. ive,. WM him hal" 'lip it o a1monds -b] t 1�ould'almost'- wish to"Hiiave rAtion T066, -t g&tj:, paj:fii]jIIArj�r i§t this t, "Ory of, a bu rft�d her.' as e S Chose' word an ground Six q�u�-f I] of, ail , e 9 a I - i. 4 tillery, )jliin-gled -with the breaking' mirry-irr!' a o ipl f� n a ron and,, bitt6r Sen. ia. it an- w, Ner, o pt ith­ wit - -i-ro It" K R"V­ k Ap.] id" Mix hot Inst,11- -ness: e�­ ear 4ga Op P h ohu , a -110t. e fuNiff'ga Fliffifl"ia' 7 'a -7 'tl or Wero the name -is all 11) �Aer ea I 'ere. 4hd t d, now .,ran g% blJfbio her -e b a al. it j we4kiown th 6 w. i4a 1heg,­.axe,-,,.- -411 e- a] 4'r gum P, 4, by',Ch �3�0-�LSA co Rio- th �W. (M. �untih oqj,ji�, -c nserve-.;­­a -foRl''t, 1-1,M510'N. Peter fut -46 jr '&S' bijr­.fifi lar.esenta ion. was, ma e�h tl &t:6 Rn - - t W "M 1:­� .."I � ". ' '. l� '4 d -u, zl=�irr�,, I- "" .+ " a 1 bi kh'1611 fr6m, It s fail, fij� T of Ruby a' I iff not it into'the.e Sto, ,'ed LrAmemb, r UrO ­ntr o,",atir �in tbeIn lits �-ijlnd­po iseerne& indistinct' all "Gi-ab a bott'onl* pick,, Into glass "oll d in" 6 4X H 194 P 0 "-it "'rellim er -b d Ce 4� 1 n g �r-;( h k ii&Aooke& -a i i's t*Ai -Jrbvolving�4 -&f­-hirri-iii- Ism Sal a e Y, a e. te ill -1 r U Y fr&ntjC4' on. ,a false a a o - lover -'and -thb­.happyI;,:proud dkeitill, pdpal ".OfL". Tlei� -tried to'-aiptise, 'L,hwy46r Ye tfie -is t ' ' * - I ' r 7" tore lip, the ,caIl,� i I e hd ity-Chat I- am in A..lsfran 11-ke -that -in "Pof (1d . 111) C e., . ..... Yotinc-bride -who _C1,11mg-10 III8--arm., valyri the necessity -of 1);�,�iing� ir�� e rried fl T A Client ttftt 'KI -ND; Or C�, E L L X' a ierw out� -7.11 she -on Int fo,5 _,` h . . I . -' � , t6e",eritry as,if they wo6iIe.�8 ove- Th� - I X h, I t t if a e'hit& taken moip than,, onefaad,you: are:.bendifig'ovet.me: '66 d'#f 0 'IV She �o: rop,i. an' t'611 glance ' at hitir, must whispered. it tEIr`.-food iila� be 1. her. ' . . e,�� v ii t at e. t ftetffig wood apod I' �He Curried awky, his str-6n,g fi-drite the tiny closet of the `N11 riglif.. saia fatll� r., ve-d-i4ed. Jt seemed to her'.that a "Somile One 'else . mis -bit- r "d 4 ha b All this tirde the. cannorladlng� haA shaking with suppreW iti�e C�)­ kl-' �, Cal) .. .. .. .... I grown he rer,,-i ivre* 41a,ke-s'- Of sto Leigh", I Criioc all Id harta'-o f -ice-, clutched, her lie d. si,4As w.UDR c1tv "!a, -i Z��. in_ VeiL art, -that, motion. I "t'j- fi�Dtb` -In thle-A-a-gt. v as a the. qd�" -fr, ;., It' Le rily�dhis mighty e can luive.,q%,Q p.::,on tbe ns, w en Ar down doad--in -the�,fmid��p jt, 14' �' ' I ' ' -, " j�� � - . ;� ­­­'. ".1 ��J, -­­,.- -11. L . 11 .. I il U b j 7 up o g si �l 6- -e; bria w,b no one s&vo as. ra R A -he Spoke a f" �6n�enti: I a. and the- re 'would-. be,',' a COMMerclal a$. We n)pnt if oll 'hap ri plqss. righ! e, Wtjee, 'atill rig, withi 't 1.4 ih1fflqn4,,,e -ahie, I ("al. , came. litflq Rlrby?" ellold., N silfce'� it k�,ep os ill -an P ad M'Y�s. Warren pe 0 T! you to stan<L na i n) Ruby w6ght, ihAt �Ivais iv.fflirtg.down ,rea'. --to- een'.,.:,g I ' witli a, f9l.t6l.-Ini.6teP to her bedsiae; 'vTjjI "`��ft T" ': IL�. A ih .#*ml: t le. rno bre, 71 -Aa ­8ai -1-fii,ts kily. IV (tjtjt�) 75M17"nMT.,KVt0,d,, as U701.1 As pqar.� ohildl, 'WiliA eve at]; Of 11 z in my,, p Y,�� rails,. -A giaoiL 4.s 6.L-,-44W-eues--p1iri ng, h-; n over. lmorjsfp p hIrnPleAt" fo-I�­tlle llolo'. my r'prompteid in his thoug�i, "d li�ifiat.11s, Gordon Leig, . sffi-e-sliall. a -re n9e �Wd ed I you tb 'do, e oil 1,fle fl t iffzinv. ca �iv�'i he had tr'oubled hii - "It uwf able;'-bt&` se if sliwild be, want, it -iend 'M� Treval have brokeri y(jur llather'�-s 'h"rt, i I' I I , � yn, rj:A4;k oui,,41ies' eotnitig. called while I. �e I y-a,i.tA4. 1,�­ ierncmber 4hat--West Haven -iij� 0" 4n­� �Ilp.;­ -1, , I., - - �­;� i n 41 _-",b 01 _it 6c� P roo Swa t a U -V e "vo-il - �. � I - -�V :-. 'i)jrTq'. �<i . �11 4111119 N4PW Y4br .4 1ad 7 4jvl,l U, if it re. 6 . * I ( o . ve, mv hea(l "a - 'n I :9 e carne4 on 'Vng `on(rst ft it' fo,6 t it b on Y-Olifse ,in s ar ti t'is )Aldll� t and sa thj� e'n I krd of Since, "thab" he-": YO -11 tel I mo what You - -he I, j j�jj j�j'4(j0r-t!,(j o,� Nvli,�4 shm0d t3 r'epliod fa-tllo� vely ever le, iAei Rubv will outat 0614-.�Itr b ow ,I I - as e e had -":�pne -ong" ' - " I pllra'S-4� alflib he-ii6kned Nv I he I xnd­t�f') tinge :fread-fo,rewo ,,ITT V it CU fintl he�'r len J I - - ail e 11 it, witq the �Nr o W.1 11g I t k4i S '.T ant'- 'nelined lo - th'ink I a ai ficit' b h lil: 6 of�k Of h), ylie,rc - of flfe g&y" #U`ake Vet, th lidpoi(ssf, die,-gayesf -ith s" i rjlje�(j a i�oa r lik?­ NV Alp Iont Araill.&oe of t4(i t- V V" v t T h- 6tight unconkio-tisil d h' I r) pe I: avwers Of 1k, \6 T, ; 4i" -6i. rep 'j azing, X 'o 1 1 1. e from t o' All Olt 5)1� �(l l' 1W -th�yc t 11 w. lis� dowy 111-1�1 d 'I CTI "A A:vv'mr UN E. Ivet- J��l i'l I I -("d at ffic, lii-41 iv W , , � t): 4 L . I I was mose fill 1)avp jy(� - en px (j in f to N)Iltzlbi the bitf&]�. " Yo 11 'clIn see f�)r Con�eriiin'# th-6 Nike of �l T1 mlyi Cal One. th! tinitkl Arriold hs sobbink on- o -fit, .......... L - � 'I �,o min w ll� C, y 4�)k h et N V -self 'it, is it prison 'cell, Irby f� '.onl 1 t It a' lie Ott I �Md ed wbtild, lie tlever'llfchind' It& e,�'eA 10, 1 d:it o is I-niff, of "Voll 15 'J.'X Inarty.: -'e.9 IV. or Nil Yll in 1-�hn r,�Pd, -utetl -him as. iho 9i'eft f�d r4l- . t -1 L . , - : I ifs gottsp -o f do vs, it'a wvk��91&01­ f. I,fh wall t tTlite% the I 1��i hiin;�sho tre, th 1 1, 1, o,' f atL S T -ve d 'lit t h s,1 I -1 4. r haip voi& :fou nd biirio-Ac. to' it J.,twovn Ai'mV, he, - h 1. Aillet's� I,& I ttshffij to flui i', ; (I " d 0 J I (" *0& e Silr4ely tile -Whon i. it o r 1111' yin 4bg. bilt� inen e 6�s , pb,fid'e A lovta "hi 'sho love�t tiye, 'Iehlil .6 bride. li6ard of'it, throligh 6e 8 it lot �fot:- tq 40 'Y iw ist 'rh ad- aiid Ng td ravifig .4. ws, 4re Lie as 0011, h fit. a. Igig.;�Y In tion of- hi,�k r�yev�q:4 t6 "e-viN 'of & had fallen gig �ol '111 '.tail.& g saw ler pass WO, 1,A11 9 oun, -At Icingth lie h ien�� ;64 f�iiiark6d "V I '4� dr&j �918 i a-11" 49", M4� 11 f)tl It.' in Av lia h 11, I . r . ­ - - 11.1 , 1:&�. f h' V ej t 0 Ah , tS 'I I' t he 4� "jolly Wbll a 4.. 44� 6r4s, ilnpog� 0. (L' s- .1 4o bo, O,ow, e HApivqt xxir, iiig in6i.Tho black �olio- .Am of bADVI" ii4tello. 'tp C-m'll It will probI&b4' ty, to aboiit -sbine pepj,46, 960� The P to k.0 �v I flon6, dffij he gened say, �WhAt, 'they, lik won �onaervato I '- h- -f ! ' 'Ite 6 6 t I a, 'b ions ro& t,4j ili6 fda for the sugg6st Of 'others, bot t fdlfflflsfo�. hiLd ]<)Olt at th a c .6 9 list ox1r. f p:h ,6ifto, �q a ill e n'i h, 4016 j",Jr-,fcr,�d 'NA-fth it. so," d4id ho. P,ro- int -0 �)Ilr Clot L/4, V ck," t iu',w P kie�,'A-o id, YIP -0414 bit fwfo� xvilk im!d 1 Ievo 1 r, C I C WAS took` hiblil 6ne� .6, th�� t� �P fr it, i vowek�- TIT' h P i-.�jqf JI 0, &&&hl '"The 'ditk(i '-W bi V) F L", a JAI W114LI W,lilt'll lit; 'J"S. .... . .. ... 15 TWdy `91! ?b Pold-6ft bletvva, Id Ar"WetA040" th"I"' 011 b Witt 16 Ca, A ge F F. . F. ov,011 11(h, 6114 Tb6 f�ge` 1,66, 411 L bifti of 'f6titivi, Hvis., .dot evc i y h4ffitlibrf ii�ha, V& I Iftfo-y'd 5810&� 1. t 15 1 1A . ... .... . 4 .. .. . ..... % P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,1'1;� I JOIRNUA