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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-07-11, Page 4
TIT cK vo Thur 4.Y July tl ;p 9I 900 yards Print,fast colors, .reg- ular 10c., for only. . .. 81e. 500 yards best English Print, reg alar:12ic., for Men's Suspenrders, best kind, reg ular 25c:, for only ....,. 19e. ,„ 400 yards 81aelt Dentin, regular - only . 22e. ..0 ti0 ale' Gitioilns,:.:n11- Olora, �- --...regtilar• 12 ..and-15c.,'for oddly Felt Hats en's fancy_=Felt Bats, - ;rein, gray and blue, regular 25, to;elear a't .. $1 6 , ?)den's Black' -Melte, regular $1'_7: .Clear at • 20 sets Single Harness, : Nickle or Rubber• •trimmed A gond `Astra Ble harness in'es erg way, l.�n .ch qtr" -,- . aca,4gu a: re• Blinds A nisi dressy liar Hess;; Regu'ii,i price $16 00, - ~Tii 'lear.atJ $ 11_95 1 raincoats sty, Cate, lit �'agrMm�ake, veiry'beat quality. ' $1-2,-QO:-"For only;$? 95: Dress ' Cro®dS Check • and Plaid dress .goods, 3 yards, 2 alar ..5r , foroul. -Met�.s-l+'ineShirts,-regular 1 00.'', to clear at •. • 499, O0 y Fancy" .Shirts shirts;: col.: ..16e Jars" and ties ; to:" match,- reg - nlar••$1 15, for;; only ins' ___ az�`?5ezti a,Blu-�e"�i��naen ...: 1.9n , p . c. - -:2_for 35e. 1. Trunk,fibre: • bound 34 -in. a _,_:goo_deep trayr:in+.tt, :Regu y. : rice,$6:: 50 -sails rice-:,'. ,$4''A - -.1 Trunk, -fil a bound, 36' n , s ,°• ,�,aod aoi d-tcit>zli `made 'of a • tough fibre, non Grealkable,' nly`Suit Lengths, very best Worsteds,___reg. $8 for only.: r ionf-'.Ointment, British Cavalry, for354 • 10 Sets,, good, heavy . ,Solid liar nese, a right good fariners' harness in 'every"' way. trace. and a, ood;heavypadd ed:saddle,.; :well made, round 1p'lrids, good, :heavy lines _ Regular price $22 -00, Sale '.. przce- to sell gniek : at otsuclr Hames' Polish,: 19c Qther-•Trunks,- canvass .covered: ▪ . r .. ' 2 for.35er Regular: $5 50,, for ... $4'' 49 • i Balbriigau 4inzl�rwear , regylar 50c, for 39c -Regular 35c ,;for .... 29c, 1.0.. ,sets •;good;7tck1e trimmer — He:rness, with folded Breech ins,' BeIly :Fend and '$roast Collas, a' good everyday her- ness Regular r+ess $2U 00, sal$ 16 26-7.-7=-4 300 yards of ; Muslin, colored ` and pnre white, rayilar for,//-.., .� ....... N... 2-for:::35e en's .Workin„Shirts. :Reg g 50c.< 'For only • . "-Fgctory.Cottona 900 yards, regu .. r 9C—.Tfor only 6, 6v0 yardi'Factory. Cotton;-_regn .; lar .11c,- to elerir at I' Sc:'. 5,setti• imine-llubber-, Gloldj�ne trimmer% -Track--;:• iiarness- ` beaded --hues, Kay saddle • Thisharness is of elcceptiona1 value _Traces sown den'- to Breast Collar.. Regular price $28 00, Sale price .:.Rtbbo s,.. 20 silk BRibbans;, colors -'. regular 20e , for only lli 0W CurtIlns, Window, Curtains, new style, something v e. a'y special, regular per. pair 2.50 ft •79 for:only..: ... `' , 200 yards Ribbon, redau lar 15c. ..-.•-•-• .:1Oc .for onl - ...-. k •:-.•_ New 'Sty..1e Window Curtains. another, very- extra,': ,special',' reggular, prtee _perpair 9 • :$1 a0. Sumner 'Sale2.Y Bickmore's (1x11 Cure, reg 25c.;':; ,�.•.;1-�c .....: 2: for.;3oc sidle fro, i.ts' ansa_; •housing 1 -for:, khn• e .bas d � ,-.••-�-1.9q 'Itrac�, 3 -ply brt_dles, round:l_Lblinds elipi. y draft, collars open top; leeth- er or cloth faced.. A good.. harnea o every 'wn . Reg- :.ir1 r lice 44.`0= A corn. for 35e,.... tete, Set foe,onl 200 yards`Bleached:-lheeting, reg alar 25c,- for only 21c - Door:•3l ats,4.regular.._35c.,_for.••,,• Trousering Men's Linen Collars. Regular 2 lienee. Paai>n Tweeds an 25c. 'Each ic: tea.. for - - Worsteds; best wearing, reg rain's Rubber. -aid Gelltrlwa# dol utas _00 per pair, 'for: $1 29 • -"a�-•ul'a�r��+tr�.: �'�- .._��__�'"" n el°Weal' r i_ rnbre as "y". T:adies' Sum- mer Underwear, reg• Ttmbrellas, '.Best satin top. Reg alar=75e. to.,$1_=75 , __ Tp galeas :. 599. to'$L 3.9 Table Linen, 15 -:'yards, -regular_ 70 ar is Bleached Cotton riga �-• r • �,-.W..6, c ' . • 1 lase 1Qc.. for . b 5 3CysSuits, 3"`piee% reguIi $5 o0 for ota1y 21 Boy's suits, finest • worstedN; regular;$4. 95 Bogs' Oda Tauter Straight and' bloomers, regul8"5c . to- ' alar 12-1e., far: .1Oc $1.. 15, sale price - . 69c, to $1 '25 HVg.16rY Ladies' and Children's Stockings, blank "ribbed.- Regular -25c • . 19c. Children' 1' for ..1 Oe can's . Workings Shirts, _regular_ -75e...and. 85e, .to. clear at..' . 69c_ Plush Rugs, beautiful. colors;. socia heavy'; rug, =-regarlar_ ,_ • mixed` lot of -dine' Carriage usters. all colors.., regarlar LL _pxi�A $5.„.. 25, sale price. g4 49 : Fricg ':$1 00, 71 2) $l oil .Rugs, good durable plush, trig ,;:alar price 81-00; Sale price X0;' 9• Shaker? Flan :Towelling,• all. linen, regular. 8 and 40e., foes. only 6 and 8c 1500 yards Shaker Flannel, all colors; 'regular 10c , :for ... , 8c;. ' 13 is �• 0yards-Shaker--Flanne); rC+�tr-�--- lai1216.; for.. ,..,...1 Bed Spreads;:- pure white, without .:fringe;:regular $1 75, Sale • n -Waists-- White' Lawn Waists shorn and a; , •long ' sleeves, lates` t riakP, ':•'. regular'$1 25, for only... :690. scatters, 1 , double .and stitchelard, merge, eialtertsariegat.:. yr e, -wititoiil "sliatik; $1" 50 w� t as .. : whi "1?s Axises , heavy rarvv:ltyde, Whips, all rawhide, regular price •- :; 50c, sale piice .::ic: ▪ 1 rli T leaser to keep flies loaded butt, a egular 75e. and ' : ':'aif(Cirttl+e, reg 25`a :;a1;: -' Sate %r 2a 1000 yards --ot. Shirting,; : regular - • 15.and'16e., to clear at 1'3e 300 yards Feather Ticking, guar ttnteecl to keep the' -_-:feathers `, . retro ar 0e , .fur bh y 1, a. Halters 1 iz3eiiy hand merle, gam; __lar"eba.7ter, regular --•`--'without siaanir $1=;25,...sale_ rice._90c. Halters, ruaset'or black, 1 inch,_: with. rope . attathed, a very. good hatter;egu1 Fns. $1 ,00, sale price .:5e.. 25''RubLer Rugs, the clear thing • for wet weather, reg $2 46, for .-.... .. .........$2, 1 t)ilor3 Nash Apruna, reg price $1 75 for- ...... ', i1 10 Good leather faced„ thong stz4oh, ei Collars, . regu1 `tr $1 ,.., sale priCe. 2 Good cloth fa e'etl 'Col are, .any -- size, regular 82 i 5,' sale `pride $ ) 1'.9': Sheep faired Collars, airy r�t7o,'reg • tiiar $.3 907,„ sale '735.' ome and see the :Bargains that await elu erOtis other ai ,cies p ce . 'does. �itentiolir;. is store. ertairm:g. a 6 • • •