The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-03-07, Page 2r t t 7 ni wwod 11., **ked.: after fNot,.MU0h. Ili a0a cano� QAV dinil *emh� ber,a Y), 46 'y 7- 1. t& "'M 'llBilt his xp�rienpe, while it 040 e V issts'- :iBLjIie same as mine�. is -i MI. 0 L SURES -A C, P", FE .. ..... OWS IF r4, -ke--iV?---miPj -Gower- QTFpD'R:ECTP n On Md her hitrid afid,w'alked -heside her,fegli, V H Estates� coq�prlw­ "t, 16S oil I A d -d sight -of Ma-r9aret, bad'touc 7, .:as' # . . ...... �n�r`hal Tfi�Bo' �centsere -,,pin -�,j d an&6ne- -t f am ti, iiat only.—BUtAII6 'he pustaT.d pie� it r a 1p.-ihe p e s ugar,—not.'nIa:P 0. Y' el�d' ji,6t C.e XV1 XX V IN AIRTIGHT PACKAP5.&,ONly did-Inbf -occ�ur�--tq-$ -P idred-­ 7 S OLD or covery. ou n, _be - syrup A,04 ctipfiil of '�our crea NA rant­mam� -he Argentl 0. A 2:121, one e, COUld-n0b t" ib.4ful of so# ven -e usq your notes o -und.4'Kand theiii r h" arp, perfect y- `7 t g' ariu Salt and tw doUVt. Pq 7 sale with d ill "7 4 th�y are-prqj,(�ctsed.ilthro hbiL -U ug SIMI 1 U e --i one ap 4.9, es. Make, a�,Sa Ca" te t'id Preparing isbur olf g S -7- M -4 Ue re, pe-ord - _Cjtjt7 Vial rap) 's proud r, Ji6, b"' A&U' shl all�,cujxuls- a transer"r buf,not'Oterr' o .43.ugar an( �alf t -t thin a�ce �.o, by e, to f he.' -e -hundfibil' y -n cupfol Of bUtter. - Add onle-1�41,f f (F6 u 9 4' abot thie ,ears. an'. t 6 cotto -W�#Tds recall. if "Cup -b I -t _rt "size- of,,& ipliicni'sf nto small ,cut it'i a littlo, Aobf our Or P:: wai3l m 0or ti e Inw -, e,, ki4ip.g` h'I S" Of 110". b -,,-'P this were I V&eS,�,p.'rid qyop i th P. f t 'd'- -�vl ii h :o n e- e a, s p n f ul of b ak -,them int ��Q -n e,, tb t b J a. pre thousan ............... . . . i . g �by4be niirro rle� �at a: Aiiii ihari thre'e P, S, 01 SIX egg ing brbth h Th ­togqt P _A- j. le a r, �i ai 6 L nip s -:X they �, -willi-not Ale% r7t iur7,t uliki., the '44MMI - 47 'Sun -octor,' act- scryer­ -g- -Treo f dbug' Dr4Dwn,,. 7 '.bn t,61 9' '1 ' j "' :-Flaprics as t now, whijph��. irrat flia t-" 'tt r ne'. 77 i� was had." adliMii07 111, P u bv "'ill"'b- J -- t 649-46 t �.A `ofliam.,, a,,se. , 9� -f �` 11. " cra pushedth chair rol urid d him' an, V1, ;-Spiaba, -1 r b m A4 a, ous roto In. Heriin if, 6 ji b-lud"j F -,-,PZ v a Zs ­g j�g U SER res -day-Wi I S� , , I "" � ­­ � , ent. I., - 11 hi-, -A ,e- 41 f0f. W Pqrl V �1113 0 -3o AlI6. th &ti P -n -q1, 1pg,. f -0 -yotA'-wive finished ang.Lon Jn� _ncas i7re-wefe in b so �y oj tal�di -biieak`bhe.,, im Dar ,e aft, n C- )Ximitive ­- be�ltave= -an ter, -.d=by­.5qn b tg�6ntiaost-:­-eh- , - _;i ­l ., . - I—— , - f 110 ler c6uld.b�- tend le Prejudice ot the otC gg , %, ;and years efqrp, 6r to allow I thex lose t I:a­t.­-iotbez�7be-wJib 0)-apgreeiv-ed,� ji� + Barbizon, t 'Co t­­6-­�"-4 �6 -X W Ilcn�­g&T,. er is � sea� -t ­ ­­V-th V J ere- a, k -6d it ti b e- arti�t _14Qny a rapau go 10 3'Y j:.,and*, c kee, e Voo oigive�i L ns wore. I * -and d f h --irepsugn-4 ri pokea, 411c; ce�,, tboujhwn md-intq­4 S T tis in Comel ou -M --We1WrL--rPl JX U Uxtir-ja�lnig. In [of 'a 7 ond freel'I17.0111' pugs:� -tax a slender; purse on y withoUt doubt reacted On theToad'. ��ely rolled dtr ther would A y. bread - e,; IV k- 6-&9,44- ame­e- rped--*& -K- V- Mg.!r cii. I 1--ialk- -.1---ji jr­­­­��-�� " R aud �4 fin, h d 7 we, V J!�,W4 a 4 &N pep t, y,,nvo QU, [W� TBE I ft ;�fP4 dJryan., 4 r V.e V� V t , . - - roNE rate -to� e 11,16n, 'e- jecov6i'�ZM _-_e. r s�ipn Kes �the wape.r h,1 f p, yugh bliridL in' '..ke a '14 the wj�i L .1nehS ire the, :tt - �- e-0 n=&- e­-­nI;6-st--t* �AD GoWerr h"i 1 jerns�4.dfh whic -tlre� brdhalkry -h the-fo st.,,�- mill, conclusibn of the,� d6y.: of� jio�uj­ M' pm, e WXrf h geni cl ny-,. i -h L ar d �`Woti i4e; �ihe;: Aib��v t, 6 re :",Up U is -u-Su 1 -w 1-1 ong-4b f I." .0 IC -Mani isome -stry -Iba, -yes ay n Wer wa teaspoonful.ofsat wo- ter is the question -o pa tiv Ca dng., plains .,to 'be'. S1 e Te' ­ Of Soda -one t- f th S rnearlS U 01 mjp asses, wo , ea p;O 1fie k, times- vight picle. W1 ie is,con ron as. usudl, hejn� the -s &--b�idered: n Chr e, 80 iM6 of, 48 arth' ii hims S the'dbuble Whom'. I -a e a paste niade of'full�,r's e rs,-: and'. be"'tween Ah fields uls'of,Graham� or: iye flo'u .4) 07 fb.r, t�e" d" APTIMAg- AM dj� 46 mber ing:. h :646onomica14 dispoosa "de colo,.giiie 0 e W liaAe'l NIA Tlatibils call Let it J' h 'get -A S L -WfOove�r­ 111t reine n th' ;f IRON Al .0GRITHIVU, Uf 41-A r 6 1-r an. -abIes'-,.-,­---1ii.Ah tp�- nd' a­q�Rg frequent oy df; 6:1 el A e Cri�..f Ul of. fl6lij. ,ak- A. half Stir,the-milk- mer months, wheri green,.vegetable�f Y,.it. J could t PP11 eco S..6f S 4bf -pain, ar glr S 174� 45? ther r,-, P S! d' ' NINETEEN U Y, Uses ith r ere, e-', Way discovery"". -in- a' cart- disturbance ye ps 01. h64' b­­­th It &�tjonJA4y. b sLkrY Arid 6f thope he heard, 7` 4 IOU W11 � d., so a. la -so little hot waie' left ecure4,bundle,­v�e _r. .-into, ;-out-�entreat' it, xDNE 410D W: whi th.6� §nall' Aj�d -,boil� 4htil.. tepde -one -1010' --sobbinj ane ul, J then the diff-Oent kiiids-'... _be put­-but-�-,when tr - - - -S P V 4 0 ids., Add thveel stalks76 Ord the" S, J rom, _§Weetbpe... . qw, ial ]ELEVIN- itV j� A- 'R- E C R 01ttl.- i ­­ I - wer wh Y� tt.4 (jwLl 111. h' StL f Lf�t' 14 70�tirnhe'�,mixrtu, - re,"'is, fr al -the �moving-'Picturi-e th�,Dxiib,�'-h�e--b�d.rhharrdl-yv..- v6 ...heard,,,. �poscd of ino loppe tor'be diE a aele-y-y-�--h &1ne, �o h., f iouff W -,such things:;as L'squ ev -wal'nn,ts;-c6p9cd e,',CraPlaad--sp'eak.­:- English -�d engug fk IUJA�s-.- ak i�lr SRA�Irni�, ee� olled h e the pr nY:'one, � our obtc.., Y SL ISCUSSIon. . S. bve da"' d libre h 'd �-Thsti-ih�'poiiiinion ei',Vanida is Ma InK tons, cabbi 'r­niA�.baanaise- dressing. ge, ce to-exclai :�"T a es I many. To c ean, a corn ,great, strid ea 76 e, I b' Esges AS,'l 1�ikle UVitj of -'h Usl 0 rk P 4h6Y: are� t e notes� Bee t eii2` th take aWd" nerally;,;pmavel --relig�tfb An ;businessl grasp a W, �b ��fi�irnjy� t ne ')IeAask­� a­i,-hopeleS�,',6rie1­ A, _to_ _tha - o7t,to-go if pack t- b' e� -an nancia- ic, cles, is', im, e --gA lg fir, tate any Ic the� e-a­­nie e orpVg ly� an be ;Df.this feeling, iowpvier, there . 1-14.' bizom Send to see if you'.can And nigei,,be Will die inblii�ation,-of thel statement -i t 0 th hl d add s P� tutionijbrlibe year f, ­ti3&sp�o� broo'ihi'-�-cnd, comb irv. 16f t ha;nd OnfUj oj­S'jt _ r ­ � ­ , . - "r, hibh these A -ge s in o rapppy -w� The gir was retty, almost t'jj:,kmjher-Pl" ��.Tb Which - Chalmers aL '1911 a. id by,.w,, t a are ways az ..means w teoth',bfi-c. Ab',v M& k -taren ii. W r4aplie& Tap, �bhild, and � , ­ ­ .. . '­­­ ­. L- fi oonful of blac for -the ti -'down flie' le-'-�-CrapatI&S' Itiaeo �ana,,one-fqLuiit , te SP app t oftblesS'lift-iOVer, -'riiOT ly - 1�ye '-a me �beiiig kin -L you,;, p &­ , " hy of Men- Airionk, the in -pepper. the' 'ilk' bb 4itilizod to advantage. 4�qcoiiding isu ace'' hers�..when.,Gower In in ije y mar 9. 6132PB;biiB� XOTA �w A"' I` was- Beat, into 'this secands'.' n y is "bit W4-) aresay- ey- ition, should'. 0 ell --To he 0 rs,---'PU E9 �kV P9 '-r0-Vjv&L Wit lost- the ke W,&l st ­ot4�46VTthT' Und--uf­­­T. llebtL d ''itick g, -:p Have'-'re-ady-' th�s--:-ph- exce thod.:6f,dis; h"' '9= d red we� nsorinin,' '.with your r UT, e-,, a' ay. -into the, dite wher ce 'dc'che �h t e MXT111 domes -.se,ch`opPed1'or o e ten- posing: -of the left��ver �squas is the steins into.; b6iii 40 ec b n te I on, to his se wife.,, It e a to T,0r,6tW-­-1TB' Es 131n. 0 no; wa r, an a 0--whs- debpenmi party, of' 0 beatq -�Ut:n6w:�,the-i� ne h Ir ided­whi-le 4116 -strings,�, b. 11W 1-1. ­ l, in lf -cu8lti�&:aii a out a: *Y` en- citit - 0.0-e-0 A it ­ar,6f�l 1: L h Stir:; -to add -' w 1- �d'- h. W%1:,tp-,yOU see, o�,;ut 0 f have ke�viv T C re while t -0fr col&- ­�t' h the r flo4werilwill b1tjr'­-Int�l-..'C` ithe'..r,; J. a well -,butt h . ex c s. ell. ,pin stringi d--rdst 0-t e� �arm -it-7] 'tb,- ita, pol 8. T� n 3,j,P,& -Aw­ In-11TI-iis way. a: 911' in �tlie: sie)64� a, d ,4 .1 , . ldz��? P. *id r or icj, ot rs -samw7period;., -the - large�-eum; o baking-dish,.6j­rijkto. individual. cups 1II4��­ 1 0 ­ 13lefid' the, ingredi nts tho-oughly r you%, 0 mutter ri s liri f r; keep ilielin in fri sh wia A nbl amount. P table item is thel k* vel 4;,4U h i ure� into�- square L h an a e *11A -ttered- �vfid-- -phai-pel-4. e , -mixt b,. th was,ino, 10 , n , pr OMP idertilig �, : or raiub ius- He h1i di'v t6"roolkyholderis of -abo Oldii'biobrns fine brushes o at uc a 'ion;�­ re, I kes",L�cqver 440 0�-i m,in.utes;- -ca� 4 "YAlia'L as- . i `3 bake'sloWly"-'about-tw Ai- :with. fgg and',crumb8r w h -�th&! Ftl a o. n son with the-stn� brown, in &6 in;d or, if d 0 siLied t steime and -fry-, t Linayi:164 MaA atr out,the, fo s azin -fro s.o,,- Worse.- this-�ti The $6,,aoo,. AL u4y- d P fa d lilittiesse Cut�-off Is .-stiiking:. an., pal Q 7u are jj�Le -:anot d, t �er. d,,e calpy am. QMi U d d -n- outlay �B Inc ee�L� oWn--OVer, h nsi n 4 ez, All -W -�- is . d'cabbdgse is Man, s dre .e I-Vf. - r Ug".4. 21% to b&,sure,?.")�, )f,fol,jagr� O� S.t in iS743ti -iii-ined.-.to-.the�;:-,-ungii-bly A97 '-7iE6i 14 -1�6­-f,'-k the CU'97 th W C. Z. 'bb' sea... y' 0- t t r6e i r V eai= ower', F ui r e �g r o,- v,6 11i n g in theF.,-di.t.ch-.--- ow- 91-d enoag ca age b -lirnbs�-.on �Ahe w d, onl: rh "V�s eit" s' 'h e,ques- It -,`ere ,comes the' ineVitk l 'r, wnie-�of,the cooked ba lniwssk-� e re . -was­Ahel and -69 - _Want sh�adle. - g bb 9 :he shid, -e -V-Iii -�104_er MCI- not .on. , and so do L, ;�*t: foii V;�U -will 6t-d�'s r"s-"o F- MPa rom inner,, ere OF -11 --be- -�Of-rftyvx ue`7W.;Me`, 1"Coo 000 -An-Abe-�-higI Ell- to me jeSi this' h*'d f er,.pupis I self, gra;cefull, IQ SSI;I.raM abl W. e en sL nip t i e T,6�d witis it be. :f Wi fain 6 u s, h6tel 4-ith --- Lits-�­Wood'ri-' -'-B-u-t - h -in Pic— )ji - ly inve ted r ainly oonsistini� lof',�mplr n e e to. prove it up -to alleA -dininj�hah ne - wit fu th -cwo slow, y,.,,at -a po ar iye Y; 0- M. ji ures�; th ekpry­',�'Ilfe.,��f !freedorn feltJlh �:Waefght 0�f-Qfovcr'S: 19W gagesi bonds,.!and, d b- tuke )repare A sowe, 6��?not�es- hilt­ .'T es ar.0 tak�, ------ b t t .6r :Spanish Aatbes'with :slices o s, aj�44, -4juess �As­ _at :W111, -and, 3"le sti provided., by lar tliaiM -.whem­aI.L-,vAme -�andLw.46n ruck in retnill",li f fat.bacon into, s r ng down o your ey or. pit 8�0,Uld'. 1.�,- � ­ ­ -­ L Picanti P0 P it an.' hem fr;, tbio,-'riiserVe- yeing-on4-bi%Eis -ensuring 1� -4hern t� -to -busi4egg -oi: -pleasure, I feiri�d-:�L'that behind one-smaI�-011lion�c P--�-put --iIi-4hej`r�ing­-p sCaZ1­Png.2 .­� ..tb�, rrj�­ � ­;'-'jnj r r .ppared Oor SI*W 9 eR;­:", --7: an'd t in-- e­-evi irif �jj �79athered %b9oIrlte'pr(YW-0Zib1i.--abA AtLthei 6 anle"'tiniell Mee Ing d Due A to '�k a . ir�Sh t6znat6 cut . t re-, pe fine a�nd- ofie� -they-,1 ave comme f renVr tons I are-'-- &j-jdi jtIr" ;-gerxi I 8049g' I— -k­­­'­fAh" -d -finc-, —ZWO q I rp. jlJ4 Syll JE!�� T Q jr in �J% VIP __Of' the bottoM, OL t Piffe C - :!Z -Je4R�4­414- -9�- 11 XL�Apvl !Wv Aug -.14- LP - '.Or 11-ta espopp! ju, a. 'n -a eti-We'tal7r0o s p,�er prov1sloA for'. a Z t.... �r . .. , i dnUfry, U 1 1 a 0I. With age r th Tj 449' neV-surPl1IS-'of-overi, $1,300A I and, IGH d y-�-em�' -!�Tjj,rif:-an e-- 6j,6­df,­.. thoroughly hcaited�. TernSins-la further- qu, __ff __ t is- - - ag e .:k - '�- 'Pa-,..---- r, '. cabb Jleg Wig- L I , I -*v0y. known li bilitY., there 41RI. Ilia 'Y 9 )�,'w­jbe-.*!si h 1� The -time lvent"by With change -'of lothier iih 'ed A e'd add the P,99f y mrantee �by: way .43!;.. bt :d 4 ,E�cZifij aff-4n` - '' 'to t1j,9,,,the._CoMpanrV, pp 1. -Co one UT, -a. I - bAs 06ritingont".:sur 4it-iiiy bus' h'' oRt a2gi silt aiid dinsu X t h t ID. , I L P F�4jV-j',;- v, -d Al be . 1. - PC e tne exec 6esp i raint nor� brw o.� iave"Ah�:nl t6ony-of ar. b -ev -ot, of�nxavke all 7 VW040ur repairs peq!­ pon c Xsk,fbi full f"e Write h Paris -'here,"! Sal ic 'ii-­1l0t`-tjjTf.cjuded-W- Irj I e an I I some r d ower rn y; and 66 pe )01 rice in a littl PPe 0 he that, an for is 1) it �J enne', r and. mixttkre I aitedbilhextdand, -this surpl 7 -.7 ­&nd- EILT"glisfimary nE6 --�o_rdrC�rr--ih�-�:a�gt6a�le,�d�-I Grex­ with. -,now he--, re- 0. -thel,fir lfime--Its�trdt -i V -received-, -dilgnriss u V 4L foundj6r 'St - T oad' f-thim llrobi 7no o rr; lu K, W e r o ;9, of milk it Wo tjjIef;;b,4 :reseri duor.- Buttef�a Tie c ion aiid­---­'-`--I` gain when `the--y-.­r­eachcd �hp, �iai '�re.et Plus. .0 7,ee s,!� r ire mei -of, soak, one- 0 -k ' 'f oin May to AjIgUs S f ji d ining. t is a n 5 4 r eleserjo, ��.upf� iand �:co . . - -h -.As& Diat. S, A, me -or cl�r'tbe bmipanj-orqapn#zpd- ec Sljn-47 that jatr:'*h.6�-,b0' Ut;i nifig f flict.-late',surn r, -M ning &mita n n fl. Amer PA.15�likg the "West, WITn­ 'Y h" d ppl ed' with '6hade Ch -W Department for L�an IJ -1118i. Ic ve�i ---------- - ave U­Ki1"-J-­­,­. -A- L�an -a - '0 any" JRVIP ang a .6 LGh kg.,i�jp jn-,,,,tb-@q r f rx�, PreVIOU' e7B IU-, with�, eadaliarteran P�Oy!�Wllbl all 2 ­ii77 af-I re Vel -amountl-rof- -7 a s-, ­�e d -.ab6iandifigii t an �indignation al Inez.% .6 :-.0 1. naverconfirmation i I � e-'skin­-has-,bPe 9 ntry. as well,as in,Britio I I ii . . .1 1 owing 2 -ond,Vrc, -grey e�.WOM&U;i, iIumbia-'­1t­3s-gra e 6,r-.., fromAlie- ±,eye. j-- we FE Itifyjdg_ ve& -k d th;� ossibl' now rembr- b mixtu're for pe. C -*i qp siiOfiably-�iappiieciate- Tbe� make:, a, quain ance, jrhe'Aog,,,,did he, -arid -'have proved, xug�l "91P . . h- 41 Western, Caiadi doctor, wbo,,a- ded you,jr and the over ljg`�'Upr those . loans Y� ti !�61. 1Firsf r b", h making of eigbt',or "ten minu s.; serve,it oki 6 gage over two, tory ithereby �en�qiqsrtppt'� � 'r d sp r* h frec loll. -,iddrably: in, value Adiing,:,the-nett, 2.0r. 3,n - flit im, Investigation,prolyeS ng misc ance,. in. w, ip e bound inkle�; con., d doi w. some tri. to, kiss hF6 A. r - it T;�iatable form'of inVestrti en , : She was tnitier'--investments in at. a �P, latter an itids her - and then', it hi Ion& of -thi� nature, are' thd-niO ifp, , awi dlnc'­ln!�-I,­Y eful i-manlir- Is with 181-rabsorn 'of its ".1ife"? ;` . I L' 'j-- .:.,eg B66aiiie-trW6NFaQb FSE -i tb can ed,- chn' I All: es&�a�cs,.an gh==fineJ�L -chopp­ --- - n n- siate it itwiftw=Winnipe el Tr late dresses, were by �i P, that oil SketChr"IS sleeured,,* h b pars, 'd P 57, at 1031. rr OUdried rile fiont-hel understand., he mig t -,have: to.- uy' d chopped --suff&6d Y, B * tish Colur _to_ -6V.ith A, �bcjng recognize 'as among the., Te4d;;' an iar , sl 1-h- t n1iii, Eleotric Co� 4%o/. bonds at 101 He �ds _�.ijj,&Uce �e- 1. 14 "_ _ ers. . ''bich-- hag fV------­­i'0'k­are growing very rapt y. s -Ca.- d I c ion. the.leasel Isses mcnts�out­' uat-movoct, 'In Cal while 'It" ' 'with, thi&-- v ;-ll1j4t:;..­ -had' urns o aucow 'd YOUr,an 6�d A '14"" ' , I"', I ­ r "I", ­ ­ 11 fte,city-ana s4b Viitn�o�ver antiNewl Wistinissisteril RC. ltsfipplies�thesj! citi a agre_ W le w U the "cat 1 r' h in n on Our fit t6r'411' 'P' I MAR carry j Ak Staff -is ­Minto -high re- , � ,, , -, ­, " . land bu't�c'r' ifi,�' ­1.w-ill­9howyo C40 U -ary,., y- -Pgit n M. nai -hl t sIr gontlosmen'Ljr6bre�entlrg. It at aff- Thi3 cobspany,has peroettial Water jighti fidin t t',' Oy Pa. night- 'P" r ant.pointi thrpughou �e �Domlrl� ov Xro;ndi Which"h S rt. at boiled, and 'j'.7 r Id. ng territory with electric -power. th'' t* e 08i P. was. a natural impulse of k and cy:.stand 4n- my bob asser ion which I cinalliarigovensinent. Mariyof Cafiidla"� le2dirig`finan6leis lijold6tivt thes.e: bonds. on tken mr.� T. I brumniond; Ur. A. R. Milk, Sefeiftitfj Bank of on'�6jje".Side�.r -Directorate includes Sir Max'Ai onve wil take upse s arrange- "d 'forinvest ent. r q 71:do-W�­-'�-sh­twk, a SImp o ip,60-FnE� I V6.1$ It hi ­ , il , Or, -Will be'.i�:.**h uc h Pr i.p h QT a re now 6iigly.recomi�ieodWestern�C4nadg Pn0rej'Constpany Blonds'yielding M m. agaim-alk bw o el life Insidiance _,H.ajn pie i ahl:115trof replied' fo� r'. I ld­:h�r,lj - he The Man ... _VIn it, � copl� of' Canad rell Ing turne into, a dis in we st s re I - A-Soaherwi its me - A e- ecelptl tio ap. v4J1uht6cie4 i Ni-1117�-:-,Bh with excellent. It ndholftrs will berWillin;ly_;6e���,-4�-F�qu��." or nons ilihg-gl"ces -at MD. ic I s, among wbic it arid a' romillep S, Mv, q les ris Ing, er, wox , , 0--- ­t­_p)'1lco; n 1,016. E C., U. RITI E S --�-scns' sengel-� h' As, sib, temp6r, 'and, I shall 60 'this e in a a,.,del� us dish. :h4olds �a 'that it ap- co 0 1jej -face as 'be -W�lks- 'beside her., In to sit again. 6 nd-, dte In' gkting'. lill, 0 llbwsi� qlqiw unitectesompri,16y i cs*dewn 'o - has -be �4 T7 olir.�--: 4e, whe ell? . -,**h­'cb=jian1es6 for li,161"'31iii.l.; ily.-forlZe.ver.4 RPORA ION' LIM&FT 5. ey pgx, to "Vir Lgeneratibhs.­�-e."'X I of -Y .. -'�77 Y­­­V'� �Aplm is­r6olo J, -e-ft..- I aJ4 �:B" OF MOXTRM­UMP!�R -O.NGE AND QUEEN'STREET' gnfte&,: .1. V - h initeit,: qnart�. Of a er a eS IM �h -1or hj -cowa-rd A"o am A TORONTO d -on' c' f fpbs e 0 one- DO :R. M" WHIT�A 7MOMent� -in and be a -­X�---: cirj -A- A e 'half, und, of -boiled Fei tm*aslanmqW -, � �b id-W.,xirn-VAd8­for-L% 0 VIA, T40V- �y 7: -i - , . - , I I- �'ill ink 'ff "r-lbot 6 A6T?V'1YUU­�EAe;1- vr -b 't en -Re--ilia4ly- -i U 113 re y �m6cp�j��' dill, ybu fol-,- we, -want to do�. -- - ------- ay.6, much 'kn m. hit b� ro pl, W� a n for the �..'4udy,,of the 1w6od-', Tl 1� 'f � s � r d T t POLAlt,%� A, rofessoi an y O"'MUSt. I forgI e' S be� finishOd.' I " 'i ed -in thc'Ai6baccojai; as be 60 r 'n t- I'li TWe' H As if ihlo- so utio to ap, ivt e same lig'h' an of the, h ;06p an as na an Oon� Pau bay.CLJ��'Cra.'. d"71.1- St, :gelt�, t r k4DbijIv the- ­*hia 6&641- VA:ie6:' 1rid k )T b1c6n deep'­wifh' .-in this� j X tervenes -spep. ai jile, went" -fo r r7a*--degree- at '­ b jj4ej eh 1 tr per h' ,W. dwed All �Uver�rll Mr i1s: Y" then veE 4i0Qbuf-:--I=td6 bf reoamt, on An -X�Beh-17�Q- V self..; -Ahen we, will set, gs, . 1W � 11 ]him --and A.Y.1d.yidt'bli musfbave Slept, f9r"tbis, the�,'aj6ukth piefsop n the at the, very-, tip �f, the, p -s or W. work, ane mo co jhi`�- Pkbfe� le -sur thi,s njjjWrjttg­ ro on,. as.. she. -is­�not- I w &t6 ­,Tne t n Ctrriously eh-ongh I Is ru 'k: t e se� o grecri biind.b6f,1"'an open- window`� -.16 � W W6 -tbhc, eat yip'; A De. b s n 'ifh4ia-wnJ.,.' P, Igr �-jj;dr l,lin'trbe� reasoriable,­bUt we sm' ell d,was sober, on'r.t e 4rnorfoW. --h` l 4 . -1L . I iis -er arid.then the blind Irely lackii i t ,w 4 - . ng n: he e presch imse Alas ! hi:s ileahty, rand the de. largess t jhat, jjVc'­ WhOtile'r - th-elY rrepre lr�� or . - 4 polpted hOUr', 7ith a cU jj��u 6�k' must fi,6pe le Crapaild will. 'or� ever sent - actual cash outIA '- ir 'ide lifteiid- fo:jnake Int a d W 'live th,er­ d a Chalmers is' be-, h- wh'ailes.;` "Ofiiy tbF our led, face, and light i ' - . I ­Z L thO lid yi Olp, iOpgir r Id If iend, of hi 'h, fing"hinj,ba�k With a'13 h" 696*ne ­tv a., 46 h ' Y.Aaetoky. or� �fflb 6n':his crunip J*,�of j6lir�eif so .r6niark wA� made on his de in� present aC f e q. scrVICeSj . W al 'waved-. bbfore and jh6 yo, empower yhj� do, Von n ti4li­ are, wast� just the 'same. Whe'h,. You 'Make an t�6 0 ncy.�, The double�i"tranc,� b gansE The' smelling apparatus of a' PI n,. (i p 11. - gjve. ni, -ovlb:tnent��no mattorlow sniQlAt-­ 'harsh PereMp ry' V6i6461-�611`1 m'91 A him a.n:, v, t�ing, -you lik 'ceedihgly cdmp icato-d. age's it feeme I I .. I � '? bezcr. i i'' Is co may, ;tut'in,' its- eirlie`r' st dl x �Aopble it I add, a Bt 0 �bO�Iet It be: Pei*44ent. 'Then",j r��al inVeatmseht, sojjj(� PL ing�blm' to wake, arid f I may foi- G�Wer le9. .8ee tbaii.on, previ Tli� poi'ion of,its ull''gite-n over thrasbing .)6 hht. functl6n, as"' the coYn­--Z--,�­--'­' -rea fh - t� �') plij21,4cwer rid , kri6w n 1i hlghiduld- y 04US olcaSiPas. Re Was �:nbtz so toA Abing,on whiehr yOU can A a e r e Y �'4nd L M �,t wrath slo-, th bi t thin ted bones; �ai` 'if Id'd d , . 9. F, U Lhing.-that­ HI j) �CIEXVT Xxilir, ev �611-y6i-ir-prope . ... :, r I � I I �r _t W1 %FT d' scene." and Yey�aineA. moro',ebri- di 00 1 'e M Se Z i -.Z Il.- UeAll -of ii-honeyco dek.,the-Po- t 'I 0��r fay b ld, as orjg­as, s 'or' t OFT9 4 1 -In present�-tbo­ ii -Ing man-searted--nigh lar be­arl6s. een.kno*n.f;o'sccnt a e th' fEL re ains you ,,owm s j 'Miles ufft�ised face n enjene g MOSS -an . e0j n, : 7&rr 0' �fiibii in- the,. N<> Won ld'vidends''in conv htl f', his, A ndin�q' mb. scl us A clos6 beh fell uliacy enc�afitm' 6 AiP­R..4 L,"S an�� of�,�5*0 W ntm dk t V, t$ G, re H' ''Oba mers to' 1,0XCtlrH WHEAT'S AM V Orlo emi�n j, �p - KS at �lp.g­re�',t6SA '4 4 0-1111DAW � � -I ani -44, P-a, �4uia%tion's A, h'di. erinanent P1.ofe,SSe,r,'WiS'P19 Are; P. K Thdt-latinch of is." X very rn-� -A the -rea penQ1 to -book, 8n-�. trance hiin agali as :s6ioll I d- . �W o 's Inth, fh,�'Ynills and to' as,l e. ve I t 1a;st alslong Y, Ms theinseliras..' 6a me there Was another, cfian�e" which. hl� .9cryer could resfed,!but the it ]:,;V e Sjg�htil �rlve I's aind railways' of a �.They, �hi r b" Th� W 'a' hook lhis 11: i6ve-riad6ii-Witl� supiorsti- 0, pere6ved; the cloud barrier, 9 dcht Professo� s ead. -No, f m 11 -kequire..e:0erts, to, buffil thtm., TPA irst, eost, �j-�lrmost case; 8 Th fa)5-� he' 'gaid'. t Or many of t em. 4 jj� Wate, r,,, - , '' P . . !*' I . . . I no 146ng'6�.Iv d h' ,�x'6iterii6nt wAq-'tr)6 ti611 aS,.' h churia,.f Y I lii,g di�ta-,nc�,�� .,-Cry C ent's � ove ax,6� tbc, first" i& -no more than f0t; linferior.�`mAt.Okials. 'idiY:"forwaid an& he , with' them gr . cat tre' ffii,ght, be fnjury-,in- t,jjnC a,Ves1s4�l'takts,to,.t sli the w! 64� to lKicte wag t'h',e' " k nran'' again,'but Gower himself, not to 1e, An' event -surrounacid, by �oni6pt�� -6d ro a -re ozeii bard ''art SUN64' Of Pe=4:116nt modejM sm nafi�`s h, cAt, 20 rehl you interestOd 1W �- - -,66po, ib� -c au I wh h1s' S4.1ekbeSS' into ` d ba 'j%pd indifferexIC' All, Y,�cfg6d 6asily: goo, ) was r�ending; he wa� �,r�pajj<,j h6 e I r� OL6�jts 4� i .. .. . 4 ' 11.1 ' , ' 0, s in oom,& cage -s, by rneapl,, ofr a n. an, tj j rorn It 4 OfoWer - loo Se ,"d" oflhm 'jt� Up A' C -)i k 4�a a ro. - &V . a two -wheeled sc� rt drawn -m,, inipro%n �f()­S ha;* �o C10the the hi I tiiclh�d steln firsk find 41"11 c6tnnioh�lar`e4's a lb� p,gre 'h -ho Is he ship t hich hung ',f),a to chr� U', biinself with garmen me aq, a �.og inight aft6r'l Ad' `!" W isten. f6u r 461gbt mitles. ong t�ains Then wriie for thg,'b"66k Upon hi to t-6ttl6t 0 u t. i nit0-, the fids; - 6:t flit. bow.. First, t e, ei, S jwiinl ki�d`a..Chim , ir'l lhanlei ibis shilp So, -and- h of, thcze-Itaft. . 'd 1. Z=z�� for'� grotocti�ojl, an pa TO t -Me, it C" AD P,0 Wq[41 "bull is sspioko-n, an Om nionship W HAT, *AA a "tb en as the. be ifi,8 f� Skid 'down.' the greg it slaWltla catalo'g,de. Evir Ilt Addf-h t 6g�4d at tiight�` ipi��:, he'seen, oj� the main Y. N. "tip ."4 614 )B 160 hah C Th Y t '11' hoW MIX..Clond hb of-'-'Yowi free fe j_ab.t<j ke n jgqj16, 04*6 Id I I -, �ftw Ion caret thw:bbiw A& the It n url Wriat you Ove them, Har;n. bring t)j lifia life� our name, an atildre a oh ar �ogtaj w �,nd' o W vi41ift are' �'gi V' d' i i y k"MOLUTELY, FF(ErE" �Is and'p-ave tht,way.,for TO' A hymii� is 9, cornrribn� t The singing 4 'be at',t jaunchin'g. of. -V��S- OV COURAY6 e �Ciian iris ''I" , i' Irle irrh:rnair. Addi practi jr)l , ­ , _-,b 10 ters L Sloj� and tyio.gt 8tearpers. in th Bore "". o 'YOT 6 ve by 9 DA CE 4v jur yu �CANA' MEN I NY ill �jojn f�aetbr-, lio,OterS b, eJ fi 'do Wi L ArI%jjN4jU K au"INd _ Aiiinl ce 3 MAN' 'thcr kn t r I ­ , U , ftflibut tet avgy- Oft! if f.,bp, �,,§ Ir . ow w ep 0 -S -7 Vf# gthd bOwd Ilk --using an ;sap "A bKomseAVC6 Die" f, to 8` F 0 8, POUGHS, 7 q. '�P L nv,! 3 d,