The Lucknow Sentinel, 1912-01-11, Page 877, sprlu,9041ye P at Vu U .1, OR a 4W, E gg's, W qt6j g d A14 4111 z� 22,,jig�,viWes eO:V,.ejL- e�llce and gatesau, d yra�14m 'of iiiaterial lor wire, %�nclllgl- v, -M, . ,; yie pe n0,­Qb,#",uqf call and' U, h f� AtT.Q 1! gA1, 4110 4 W ------ -b 'Y' �aclqg ordcrs.� -'SPr­1, r'e'. ;�T is xiegatta, River w tl LilbrarY, 4ucl.4111 now. oil 'foil your 'culls, j.Lwior,,. 6ny quailtity, I b 16uble, s ak, d anna,, -e- 'a liberal share 'of your I qe, o and ;�ironage. ffi, 96d setiior. f ys juni6r. seni� P; from the" op,61 eight and tie, pair , -oar in' to'14 -and 1 to- 5 p. -in Sol! .. ...... .. . I'l ­- ; Nvs. 6 r fl -i W es t tate� 'tuart� Robin or a st� erd -the ��j too Ren e klped th.0;81a Nvitilii.�,eg -truly- �Jmost N �,zAt,1,4hos �,a th- shop. witll,:� d� 7T� -h`- - ' ' N I U� dea all -c 916r ­but' their, cwli,�.ai black-sini mintalhi,,il'the traaltions iy1lich lifted y to "E"151 -good dwelling� house,, 1;;�, C,ur)-'at St h 'tiou, and I -adi give bL, ' the latter 4 franiii builditig'about, 'I " i,l I flourizhuig,, aj�(j. 1)iojij�t�st, h d" L �oeljarj 64et�ki. 4,310 p, itteption.,16,a work with ::w U'�ceases to,­��-��,,��-­­,��t� In �-,65ikl itu n t -­ �,i L, I e ­,fa�-o rc di &,en� AFor­ )n; �ing "PAU uckndw Aod 'many pr)inis i) . a iii op -'p, have a tra( 'en to'bily logS,O,�Z­j s e c n, s W; "My ', '0,� a d., ea - 'A'! NN'heii Nvestern encigy ff., best.,. �id quantities oi:,,.. be s fiank"th public- fol!Ldts­�pati­ ........ .. z, 7�,= ble '91LI" RILY Well,,. tr�erg uring t ',aiid,�, solicit, Annu'aj 'M6C-t1'Tlg 'fbi� the -t, tliroughi�ut' t hLC tit -.iu,�eiillg, of �ngli�! , Vs, � , �.L L ear. The -matLe K51 eitylit beat" the e held, in the t ilig be &ia�ed !\Ia,<.W�ji'e'�'�C611ege�� uh on Wedhesday ier:� -7th­ rs .. of th� 6ralid �Clial uuga g lengo� cup.:" b -1l,e D Limon Applications wll� be'. ieco��ve� day oijanuary, 1912 at oi e Q.'ClO ilr9t heat of;' noqu�;. t o 1, ���bj.j the, AAW their four v7.6q­th,e d to,.12 �Se­ of .-r�cetkdu �Ae tewards' th q:, '-'-6tatein-e-nLk,� At the c - J atw Tuesday, Fe-�ruary,'­.� C" a Lid, - Auditor 9� .�'Jollowil:4 villagLe-.'Gf'E.C.eS,'.V.,IZ.i,.--,.,.,. s' T C1 erk and; Trpas�qror, Saldry �200. 00 aud �ql ve-1 %. - .. - gi .50. 00.: considefirig other matters rie Ansvt'er that 0 4uu owet ace the"Canadiati's, her- Wore the iueeilti� Constable ....... 225. e retiring DitectOis are j -H in Jt. e are 11 gli2ev'r, 466. Oo jaines Girvi h Kaak p, a- ,-and, Titnot Y., how FW",+ Ing.. Th dispo�ed of i Y'4`11 1 4 ; almost 7� q.Ptioice aceordiiigg to ii 00' W101 t n -t-ly by �ijjftin� , Butlei "It t, Vo eliz-ible--; or., re bIedi'l e�e house,.:- Griffin of-. rhotll-aie- 'Pt 7- co lers- ines li64d. -In senior eilhts;' -- ------ 1� _�­­%' ­ ­ _� ­ ;­ 1 .1 -and aii e ectipli... tipod �V. ic �y ­_ ". :�:_ wi"ona,Uts and tl ForL tivenie 66 of Policy Patent M64 9: L: 1- 1, 'willbe-betwoe ��! -1 0�17 If h e, Ottii*d mg ' ' 1 8 ; , .".. , ws'ha�ie ciecided:L that' Preul- Henley L* OCKay ai) -1 -.n Ley 1.-!9 in e p b rv, -e' I ". - - - ' � ­ adian -ie 'b ai �,­Lu­ kfic d eceipte TOO 'OLttawa. h theI)irect 1W St ­4proge-And. F09- Ad d EO 'J811 were,� evipr for r f -7" B UFVMki-S iqi4fa- lim- Bank jat the Royal R' - - - - - - - at'K-egulati4e­ cult; U.- a ars ,&--.s.ecti6jrial 6911L W jL6lsofIs�Bau-k­ i -a -L G d - Y, A ley 'and the� Bank, 0 aui IN auts� aT 8� a safe,;,clependabl" a f fijLS,ye'ai'�'the 4igoll411t e avid �iltoli il e I Thos G-'�,: AlTen, Ale -k Stuart, 4, A--Lq, t- ­ PArticu h S" t tibhe, a:nd otheu odether i&a 0 1 'G­�fr6y 'T-ay.lor df�.q SI Lii 't Pres adapted t lie .,req L'unien s� uL �jij, the crew� n CC -a St I g prices. Wil han-es airs, d r, and j h�f -a 9- t 6f-�--6 li Td V on .3 P tT-ci suppuptets er c than: ­W& Ottawa- reW as: arl-it t M F'riday,;Jan. Col they rowed as yua­ Lot 29,1- d give abBblul no. -ROyal:­Jin A follqwing�- t tit, e. foal, 'to NESIR NERY jLB­dffil-iat6.d -With, h is in, every'Talt",, h, -years, in ­ NEW 0 7-7-77777 r1r), #reme Or Sale c-- riting a 87. ue Halifax' John I coming' 1t,7-year,'coff on note this 'in� f al io'Royal limijuie;-1, 6ear old s o r s,weep -99 as still 'h -nd Vh n- �e h mi alL Urder a a an,ed JB — i 'N be d 116. byz--ho r-, Is L -E b c :5e. School Ink rice y, tibnaL' Jf6--njay, �NN'e iSj I'L off 3& cents ff 25 cents 10c. Fdrintin. Fen.16k,(.1 apanege he,-Ntlohal laurels were h' d rprompt--&-nd- d PrescoW I Can( tiy.� be 5c; gre eduumi n Ill taken any .,Pllly rl5mg­L _V Collins"; 2 ; ) L, I,:OWS IN76te to..,calve -itrlFebruary lb- 2 lbe. for yea -176 agy, an& he does eabl 1 6 ttionby.�:encua- fiterolot 20 Li U b6diiuse t d ht ­do not cad 1011lig for Lou 0 H Ap old cloes,this SUperjorl Y . e S Linen e. Ail: -4iarr-�barsmer J:�btl t Pi Boyril flah'- ... .,rue or er,u aesirable,effi .,S- .2 5-c� Heife'rs;,'2 yparling. 8- R.V 11. le 0 -2-5- NO 0 e -earr6e-is- the- facf:,that- crews-1r6ulI tlVe - ZLC d n�, 'on d h it nd Rolle �2 lbs. or b -whi-Ii,41ley' Me �Ilj _Tt -:Copp.,�ras and ja6k; Bovril-. 6asrin:L and uontact,' appar6ntly' H' 60, irse -Power Set Of L' iroh' ...... he merican. regattas Tills s, li ' L rineipOl pj .5 jlarrows-: Se�' Eob� and BOX; carried: away t e p i r axed muscular .Boxj e d - - C tin ad ian­ ----- - Am icaq :!an, 9�1111?94 VT- waggon.aud,ll W Be xtract -5o aud $:1, 7 -tas he :will: 616ttee certain ,things ith shel.vi ng; !Waggow Scales 2000 lbs,, Coat of tho. boW61 thus overcomin w 'sw r' ei 1h -e questionsi weakne's§ -t6stoM the Vaiiii 50 R- �ular 5oc- which e p an walking'Plough" Cg -, I lao y -PjQukji'L � I:JLQ Tuinip Sower; Double' V01 le In Vie..fiist Placei the AmVricaq, oars oi,-ous, an ealth nu 'AD dr rd' W D t - 2 ingl6�:, r6s�Od b Xellog-8 Men ab cof the 4na,- --PoSt are rarely the, equ 7�'25c ud �water; Wd or.,�50'-CeR di41An P­'Yslqli��.­Sej�:P#, e n6t`shoW�'Ahe� f ts, h Hay; 0 .50 B, Oth' 40 'P17 y0n.1 same: xjteriial� evidnce,, t :t 'St -D r h" M .1 . : :-. � ­ , J c�areiul; sane, sciell, 1., 1 lng- -y mei B ;s fo Ill Ore. Sit. Hens; � 2 -Pig 1.00 ooth' H I'' W h e;, About.' 0 Thirdly, th'ie'.AniericaM crews. are lie4n. lels Potatoes'. and ni '-other b e ateh .�.other in' the-Tagf Couali, trumer hast- -001i g -h Cure; 0 lu� -other wcord8',, str' toh " W)Wing 7jo e 19hii Purvig, AuctiQni�er` obo Sh -B -orla. X f exercise' in th4 %v -e GK-Uuu-- HIP CHICO I'of mUScjL6 and �n e. Is In, the., CeiitrU usine8g 'ge rfilres 7 th N at mercia fi- Oak F I itest, egrap y or affiso fi*r� re c6m n -following wit out� eserve: 25 Lr a War e iqf years o .�,Cau e es it bree a m, or.,: d -15,1,, ypewritimy iliac iues�,, C lau H6rse,, rlsing:,5,;: I heavy Ilorse, I risilig -r's Cough Cure, .2 for 2 5� . . . . . . 1 heaV-yH6 se, 9 'J T 'Stirrett roller, 6o�i6m and IV S. s -e -rising in 1�ailley"� Cotig.1'"llLre 2 for !25 7- —g J;�, lleaVy oUX hor, 25 verythingto th Be Colt- ri6i 2, B ijig cabinet t -y- M Minister. rlv�ng are, Y1.5ing A o hisee fl, Wfi a 0 4,; 4- *�ll 25, The' Be wit bred.Cows, 'spoosed to. be If; ILL 2, �St�ers - - ----- H. ter 2,,. �St�ers,. Pilie g I" tit,. lei, W�y oo�y 7 P -36. A Vids. for I Milch Co Wei; to wlieli­ without',a lferB; rising, arid Gerrai I b. T t ontil MI'S W=�Jj Ji a -t 'Prie'--in, it f I - 1, 1 , i6a­ in, Moulit Hope L Rani- -1 Rani Lauib- ung'. 3a aw 'd �qries; 6 r irls . N 25 gc W' ch -C -�Nji L- 25� 25c. a s� bur b z -,Ow suppose to , e Ill pig-; Ifolionto, `a� 1w i Tpigs� 5�' Verbena ldr6m 0, Col1ji's 8eries, for.:an�d -it-Is 0 ive li' ' C011911, Ci.1 5c- nif-'hths old- About -.75 Hens— 'I 25, if6 of A '50 ' , , ­ '! , ' * I�d the, W 131 ou ic I �,Dog,: eer d 'eam' at 4'8 D undee, inj Bill er:. Hay Rai t, dk- Er&k­ r o.. Rurdoul Bitters. Is ontractor,, ivil was Seed Dril 50 W;.Ikink-, Plow ream Egyptian:Iotus Co & F orr6 oil husband ivas a 1-1 rot(,�faht;, the. new: Verity,,'Sulky Plow: Col _her, �A 7j 06., Sebl , 63 :400t, Pulpeq Fleurjor : , , -, ­ . . L I 0 Walk�lng.. Plow, �Wq. 8, Set' J,00 .906 . , . I . :� - )a � d a Catho C I Eluu -4611 . . . -atAa- &f -Powder -7 . 0 ------ L" . . . IL - 1ron4larroWst Disc r 1 .11 . P U Ro er. 'Truck- Waggorr: W4gdli bo rrla,ung ar� best toth 'rop­ 33uggk: New dhool f.itB' ith, in e provillu Bob Bug -quosted t Ire be�ollZf hoSe 'of- �o I in atten e 6 Hydr6l �o njiniqter: be d gy:'C46er: -ftliud Sleigh: �aper oVe i. 4 .00 Our courses a '�lQhs iin& Stoli r r ack; e' )Aoat: , Whte b' t siness� colldke. This, hband %, io -be ordinary'bu w- Va-n- -j,5 -ng ­ 16, .. a. :,, _should 1,00 'B.Yndl . . . 1. �. L' *". - -1 1 11.11, , L. - -,I . or 'SaCred ickle' Grinder:: Long Ladder: Vor 'i Shuttle .0� 356. Zimb 86 work ting. , , . , Set �Teanl­ flarness Grain Cradl6:t 'S 6P ki )Vt, A band was-'Bedured at, a cost 01 6U RCIAL, i-j&tthice'. eleparth lip ,and e5d, h. Br s6l -and zone . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. -it 'ul)bn - ubA-,,, ; . . ... . . -Life EvOrl C ur 1.00 0 March Saul 6re' 'borne for- frained bel p ireat-, Ma ular u it rill - ins or S k' 11' et rees --Ditffeitin -ail U� 5Q; d L Du r! d n Aveek, alid ibe L u yqii_,,�nter �tjle better or r pon Is rects t a Gga lition., a,),pjQArQ king. I t o'160utcheon, St. '' , I . weird lUill voilfself. pet our ree ca c.� 0 Terms: 10.. months- credit -,or 4 --- per, t � t 011' t0L ue rq4 f Ong d are clit 8 too Vovels'and'othe aT ticles illeibils �aii iii6lodY d 9 'C lery 1 -L3 'as 'cent":per atintil 2 0,1 sti Iles$ IQ � , ". [I L 'I L . ­ - AG avagej�, rop, i'B d -P dy� way T� y� womaii �C lon:i;E .8 t r r elf)�' arvi A aw P in W6 0 -Vat R�jnaody� Tiibliets'i: WoGey ooht--� a 'f� ti Nova" Too 6 ;P i10 otim t Dnflic��Philli -0 . . . . . . . e: O Gi Pill v 34or-r8l 00 1 historical' ev a An int&eSting ma,( 'y ne'� - ago in alif�x l5c, ),5 IS Oil_ . . . . . . _8abiety , . . , ;, 1. . 1 1 . : Tb6roas's�t lectri 26c bayi" oot lio Scout -Ra did ab nilaing .-Natur6l's Oi by It hi- f ton, able .4 6 a, tailor. Hollis IB OjWE� kidne-yTills s reet;,,occupie IRi b EJav, d 9. Stufr�., fan on British �,Arrny, 'Linipieu . . . . . . 20 Hjare century jind: a; h,alf: Ago, ived Wn Tablets laftifed the c ap- 0 t e wliell 'he, p Extetmina,.04­ 4 o' 25 Gen. WC N- DOLLARS t 20 9-5 and -5c,, taiative roln. ilpen oor� a co R&yill 0, rLa T ture 6f Louisburg adlaq7 O� _) ' ' "'W" I ! :35 ega tn o 0 letEl me a ior o is ylz ve, a' Sonio.of. '�ou iinlike us e itors, 75 afkind� of" these,111is E��h' ont presi, 'ing� Sa ut! 8. An, Oklah'oma Editor is %the tofic infoinat -,a work that must hal novel_ 3r r1low k) "co id 0 da:fi4 I f urse 4& I'd X06 w jjdtpost��Of,;�; thp Church, Wf�elijou tv, V illion ono -U-1 bill d opti ar'..'. --flat-on k ---- --- ev% 'Cff the OP 0110, you 0, re Wit - 'will, b1i aell' 26'8 'f ck putoi-, ha'S t New 9'runSwi or lf.,Vou Tftldti0n� bureau t6 jo'Lit" ed 'an' iif6 to yott, 'Wo I have to go I mi ft You t Vet, B 0 e,anmun in st This IjLi'lf jljjle'� high, ladaii Presbytertart Chat'61i. at �4, peoe&,IiatjA.tjj6 Pile, V�oll IjL I b(-, bure-ad HAW, TON BA, AR SYRUR tr. OU I piftg', old obari Y d Aeleives the VVOI41,4t -cough . in RD to'be had, in, we' tried itr in t,6rlc"hL�with -Canadian (ihu ch cohdi it b0caluge h11, so on.. t D, ot P C. Dand f a opq Me a u Ptic 11-00 UC no 6 2 'cei ts. Is ort mL k w 50 creb t t IPURE Vyoprietor A-M ldbmson. to,�ec P 6 F FOD- WX Pftrt� of a. s 'if t lel�e d T evertfieless t! 0 he bARR I 'fOi 256 sjtjj�, error,or, -k - - —, , _ - _ -jlj*l:� eve yun eilibil IjoW Office every 1,Tu"Ooddy. cl�4ettj' N1 oil or� Write. 6i Week d 111f be 64irno'dtida with eblieyanding J0jcL ough Syryp,,, 40 3 d'i il SHAMPOO The pr o e d 061 dS, ff: Aq�N Noflb�,. (,It[ �0'6 P -J�W Notary-' Publici here lltk. t 'by Mr �,h A�n6w ull er , my ices q Y �nd 10veg d r 7 C&'ft- L 4 71, 7