HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Gazette, 1849-05-17, Page 4- . , 1. f* f 6, , . ­. �. -_ �: � . � .� . � . j . . . �� . � _. - I - __ ---Ow— . -I __ , - . ­ __ 2eF_"X=_,_"=-h" ___ - ---I,- __ I __ � . I -1 - - - __ - — - I ___________ I =� )I�Tf,fll . � 1 4� THURSDAY5 MAY 179 18-19, .. . 111Ul,R0N GAZAETTE GODER1011 It. N UNADA -, I - Ill . ----. - -.---- ---,—.--------------�----------. si.� ------ — - m�_____ ---------------- __ . N 0 Fill I G1 14'. : ; R. KfIRK, of Stratford. P,-,;(.;, _: , , "?, 1,7l,W, All 'Surcolor, intends, irl future, to bc in G, 'Cie- I rit b oil I !lie 15,11it (if eav It Me nth, for the !I., k ,, lose of I , I i aitendia�- on thij,� lvi*w ilia ' v req:tira hi�� ­_,rVie(�, I as ,I Surveyor of Lard,, &c. �Iilill ��ii,-�, and ! NV,vert` !is eoircettv !,,v0c,id. I a � ,All orders Wil aftue B.-LIc-LgH 110-17KI. Will btf strictly anr-nded to. jaly ;23th, 18,18. 23--tw i I .- . — I _. — I BRISTOUS SARSAPARILLA. I - I TUE ORIGINAL AZND TRUE ARTICLE. . -Establi-shed Fifieeu Years. . BRISTOL'S SARSAP.�ItILLA, for tile ewe ofthe niazt iavc-terate, and lon. Standing ita_,es of Sorcifula, Cancer, Leprosy, ChroDic F� � c � uWr-arid-aggue, the friglifflItt diseasec&uso-I by !he mis--use at' Mercury, Dry Gangren�, Prollalvas Ultirl, Secondary 9y,philea, Cutaneous A ffiecdolls, Chronic Rheumatism, Liver Co3hplairit, Erysipe- las, Ulsers iathe stomach, Chroniclaflaniation of tile E�Ie`Rl HIP, COUIplailit; LUPUS, or Noli-me- tangere, Tic,.Duioreux, Dyspepsia, Piles, Dropsy, &c., in many im:tanccs oi NvIdell the patient had ­b�eii �:iven till by the Faculty, are in ppsscssion v , vfth�_Proprivtoi-, and have been bc,tyz t� l,�a public , he - ations. . e coin - i I his ", rious li'll-ilic, In all � ints -,Ind many other:� not numerated Bristol's CaLi'llparilla is a saft. ani certain �emjAy, and In . I HVI'LON 110TEIL P0.1t SALE. i iflie i:!iil.)�oriber loving neark, completed his im- i PlQverneafs an the I-1URON UOTEL, awl 1 billing de.-�irous ot'giving np hil-inet-s in that line. , ives ridifee that 'he is� willing to dispose of the ", emive premises on reasonablelerraqL I .. A,�aHotel. th_­ property js a most.eligible, invv�trm.i�t, being I iiurpa-wd, or perhaps. elinaled by ruif'e. i4i the DisiTici, either lor �xterlt at, 1;71� 1*110�s Or I'lec"Ill- modation. Stabling.,hi�ds. ;I;vAX,'s.erc_ &c.. ,_ ' ' ' ' ' all oil all cxtenAlve ,cale. T-2 lioli,eislar-e - - a substandal, collicroilious; ,-aid well tunil�hed. in 6 will be sold ilvith all itsJurniture ,ond apporte- nancesat a fairvalue. O.,ie-tliirci�)t*tlieliiii(:Ii,l.,;c money will be veqni�ed dor)z. and libeial little will be giveli 6i. tile rimaiader. 1.1 tile aleatc- U111Q. � Tile proprictor begns leave to intimate to bi, friends. ew,.-torners a�d tho puhlic Vilonall.v, 11a,t the late improvements arda.ddi�ioris which he lia., 11 I made, have rgildered thi- Huron Hotel capiLijk! (it yielding ver.i- slaperlor a c coin � noJai ifili. and oi giviil� gengral'satisfac(ion, an!l.iariAurjtin(rbi- 0 1 -hofiel�t t6niii, ff�rpa-,t iavor.,; t.riA,e_-;_ tn7l,sure the - public, that while lie renitains, prapi iQtjr, rlo Iii , hol. � nonexprrise sbrill bic waiaiii- it conduciti, to i Ile s culfilot L and ent-irtallimew ol'uh Use witcy may Lie dispo6e"' ta pacropisQ-1ils- hotz�'�'. I � I JAML:3 GENTTLE,S. N. D. -An e:qperielliced and Liticntivo Hjstl,--r is always tit att,fidarlee. . God,e`l ituh; A2i i i.6, U-19. C -9-1w . . fl4win. the ONLY *�nte­that can Ille relied I ­ I - oil 1',.)r a prorrint and perillanti,lit Call,-. . . B'1?It5TOL'S �.'.ItSAPAIZIW�A is not One 01' those NEW WHOLESALE A--kD Itr-T.UL. , I muQirbonq quncl�,,-Hes, buiLt up on no other and 11. I I . . . bquer fban,,`.'Uicyu dial, fal-,�e sialenicilt:s; pu.rcha­ - SU1100% BOOK, ACCOUNT 13001K, � � - ed puffcry, and deliberat,� nlisr,;presewzL!i,)il; and � rotiprr iml) .!C-:1a1i.-,zt;-,r-.-3 t!xU!lz-,-..SC, lt-�ilce whi!U a �[,lzeli or liture of' olose. lll�ldical ; - nieleorz� have shot it,,, lilazed and gone ont flcrev- I � B(j0IiE;NDI11;G, ETC., er, it has'boofi .slowly. but constautIv ri-ing in ie- I DCNDAS STR,CRT, LONDO-Y, pulation,untilnow, at"hecridoffifteenveax itsi I al,tilost ,without preac:�nt, �ud vet cele6riiy is'. . I Ili the Store lafely Occupied by 11.)Jurray rest.-, aseverything valuable irrust rest, on the las"O 11�usc, -001idaiidstil:;star,ti�lbe,.-,isofluli,- tried and se- atd CO., G , g W I yerely tested merit and worth. I 3a7 -211E SUBSCRIBER would respect- i'lie astonishing cures that have been purfornt- fully il;f0ral the inhabitants of ,Lon - *d by this frutdicinL-and inore remarkable has . - s-irro I, )a c i stever,ticelicbranicled-are neitherapochryttlial or don a"d U u.dii, oulltry, that they t_,Tag,,er,4ted,a,.*_ihe rea�ler, ifh,e -wiil �i6 tile have opouLd it brnrich of,their Toront') I truuwle to ascer.-ain, eitber by personal vis-itation, EAabjiShiaorit in London Country Sture I or wriaen. inquiry, will, be abundazill v saliAled- I -,l�, Ptd"arsi 4-C., sup- k�qch itivestigatious, are constantlyso . licited by the A-cept r, ')`cki,ol Teacbei proprieter, to ANTho,e advaluagc they cannot but lyljod lit Torci.nto i I yholesalc price�-, With the , AtnA, hecau*o tb�_ statement of cule,,s -will be addition of carriage They have and will I C I thus iciand to b-coafirriled. , at all times heep on Land, a supply of B. i y tire vlow but certaia.progress ara natural and li,,altliful course thiS riediciftehasbeenl6r,fif PA:vyza� of all sorts, AccoUNT Buojis, of, � e 1;�,�n � ytear oftestway o It tile dilli- i evely description, Scuoo�, B"ooiLs, of all , I �ult "it , publiefavur, iii-itil at length its kiDd& ill gollyral use. S'f`A-rtoN1;tz­, &C. &C. )� working its h . pre�,Qnt high reputation has been attended. That E,�STNVOOD & Co., , it isstiii,mid with vastly increased rapiJity grow- ­ ing in the public esweeia, is one ofti,e be. -c eyi- - .1 Urunto, 11avi.4'on, k�- Lwidon. dt;liccs that could be adduced in favor of' its in- Oct. 1-2th, I&-_!8;. . '05 tw. .triasic anq geianine ivordi; for ha -c! it not posses- . -_ —_ � 5ed all inherent and real value, it uiw�t It Ion" since suick i,at I a neglect allLI COlItUilpil " " il.- � . "�701 Y 7- � posi ure, and, c,ipecially ol' a inedical kin?,�-wi-ere .PlU V 7'A _7V_ _R, Y d4-jection is so eafiy,ectuld,con.- maintain a con- . I 6:1 . 11ti-'rablu.w4cendelicy Over the public inifid. Tent- 11 SAAC SALYERDS returns his sin. I . pora ry s�ucc-_,s, may� inde'--d attelid a buld and ill- � I core thati'I's to his friends aud the pub- � ,r,,pjgja,j.kgrab4g,+ut months will scarcely elap,e � lic 1) ` e 0 , __ - - � "ll, lie -beral support thoy e cheat7is di��covcrcd, and tile bust spee- 1 ,_ ,ncral for U Ii -_ OTA! , zo I'. . � . . have llaliol:to, bcst-owed'upon hiiii. and hop- � I , , I �rlt�.3111;�1!71% Ll!,'�' th e . QO - 11tillUllnUC Of t1liS Support, lie . . �., _ar6aparilla his been in use fo Afteftyp*pti daittit has,wrought many ulait 'ar- bo -S � lua-A'o to at I mounce, tLat ,'to now has � , . jAiag; caij-'i I a.silever,olicellitiL"dot, plo- I � .z ..., jit�'it I" ­ 0 , , 1u,,,,,'ih,`w,,ed fur ea�ct, that it hzl�3triumphed� 0.1t0r:5;v�!ly otilar'ged his business, to eiia- I ­ ­ I I - 1-1 - listoillers With . over cie worst ei�,:es and * zinsWered ihk! fzc,v�'rcst- 1 UQ hial to sc�p ly,jais,c r -It, that it has s,c-s(t,"ty art co-adurlally, hici-ca.­ I' ed II repatation, tlittlt tia, securccl 1he cojiiiil�-ii- A 1, 1_, L,- I V 1) S 0 F - L E' A fIVIL' It e, aT , ' ' . tl�lns Ufthe Press, tl4,aj)pr,,vaJ' alld ell;101'��e- low ­�t as! prices. -Ile bas con- . WeIlL offhe medical facuity, an4i thegood opiLicin i at the I ,c c. .1 , � - - 'I tryeat var - (it the incist int�?lli!-cnt and estimaNe inen of' war Staiitiv oil build , icty of saddlel . I . �, tinie,-adtailtages whic.1i no ot!ier nicclir-al pre- I and IlarlICSS-bl,"Iber Worky of' every doscrip- I paratioll'bas, alla which �nonc-l�ftll havc UTIleFs ii., 1 fion;all�l Z1180 a COMPICte CLO"'CO Of 1100t alid value is utiquestionable anJ e,i,,thli,iied lition tilt, I Sit &11 i I C j:lq I llak r Work,mbich be Will uEer .it _t 4��xperier Tee of ve- a v.� a re 1'. V, t ,, - , '14 1 It 1jovjiL­: sccil_ . , zl I ritv for its -worth and userahless, sciiiicient, za tlic v cry tccvv,,�.st prices for eash. h!"L.'t, to justify a thir trial ot, tit(! medicine. 1',+Cl! --- I II - rJLc,rs for work punctually at- ' . ,- 1. 0 the bt,-st.r,,P-t)lni-A�,i,Lia'Li�.n and proof'ofi,­-c..rIt, I � _ -1. and efficaci, wl 11 lie afibr&A lj�v it, ONN-11 01)0'atjon. I tclld�,,d to� Tile patien�t call have no better 01-i-donce diau thi-,. : An,v hind of Country Produce ti�ken in 1!lc`l)rcyHv!,,)r desiri'-s lit) Alen � i I . 'A L * . V i exciliangc at tlic ljiglfcst azarkut price. AIN,Ull ll", EX'i'llAk-�A-DIiN.,il'�Y-Ct,-i�,:,. I , I r . 1. - - I - is n1wa, -c, ' Bul.'FAT"), Ntay 1401-, 1013� I The subseril,,ci - yls I ady to supply Mr. C. C. Baj.ww­1-','1r:-The care of my I any country diocinaker aud haritessinaker I I ,1acj,_,hter Martliza a -ed 14 veni-, has bcL:Tl th,� with a;iy qtiailltity of leather bit liberal , ­ , , . - stidiject-of, nlit-!l eolicitutle '611 tile pirt ol my . -friends, and in7aasv.-Lr to nicniv irlportuiiitic� . I -feel botmd- to give you a -4atent-,rit of' tz)v,thr)-,,:v- -' Waerdinar,p­ekre, performed 4y Your POWYA MOi- . cine. Ili Juw�l lz'31�i, after, having enjoyed unpa- ralleled healih, and never having last a treat of' I ' victuals to- iny knowledge, and nover It"'ing shown any s�yillptoris ot'A.eas:e, i,he* Nvas, atta(:k- I led with a sivelling on the sbin bonii of her leg, , with continue([ and most exerviliating pain; which , Colli'lied her to her bedf6r Qi"Tht moliths. During " this Little: she was attended 1)), several eininent phV1,11cians andsorgeons, and had her leg lanced (­ ,-, V9 .,v- tk ,�%Awl__:n , " - cg� /P , f( 'Em X fc, � , , � I ) iwiz%, , . ') , l, �� - 1, , � � I ��-- e �7 , 11 0WID XL' IV 1-01"If A_7VD UAXADA 1VI-IOLESALE COM-mISSIO-N 11OUSE, '29 Yonge Street, Toronto, C. IV I 0 1 7 and 2J) cou,)1�)Id St., .Yew llork. I I TIJE SUBSCRIB-IMIS beg leave to . in- thiciate to tLeir friwids aLd the public IVEsTERN NEW Yu!�K I generally ill callada. West. that. the)- have C 0 L L L'G .. -E OF 1.1EA L7�11,iopollcdille above establishment for the . . 2-07 Main-strect, Buffalo, NT. Y. � purpose of supplying � , these who may lictanor DR. G. C. VAUGHN'S 1� them with their support, wl ell � . I WOOLLEN GOOD's, I I Vqgetable Lithutriptic Mixture. � 'Beaver Cloths. Sheep's Greyls. Sa- celebrated remedy 1., constantly iflcreas�- � Such aS , TIT'S I * ill- itr, faille tiv the many evr--s it is making 46otq Fl-amicls Tweeds Faney Chocks & 11 CAUTION Allyersons are hereby cautioned against receivint, or payiDg four several notes of ,, hand, Twenty pounds each, payable at the Godorich Bank, to James Orr or bearer, -and drawn by the sublseriber,as he has not received value, and will not be answeral-ile for the same. The firrst of these notes will be duc in May, 1849; the second in Nov- eniber, 1849; the t1iiiA oil May, 1850; and the fourth in Noveniher, 1 8,50 ; and are endorsed by Abraham Donough and Wil- liam Robertson. 0 I ANDREW DO-NOG11 Goderich, Jazlaary% 1849. I IROB ROY INN Corl-Ni-m or JonN AND PrEL STr='lt, H A H 0 L''T 0 X - I77MIRE Subscriber lifts fitted up'his House = L;la with comfortable accommodation for Boarders and Travellers: and Farmers and Teamsters Will berp filiad the best of Stabling. A Carriagge attends the arriyal ,Ind departure of tile Bloats. A_NDREW GRANT. I Hamilton. May, 1843. 14-tw 11OBSON'S HOTEL, I i ? I - - 0 ALI, OVER THE WORLD.- ]Iqlankets, all of wh�cli live illanufac , d I - ____ - 11AYSVILLE. . ,it has Pow become the anki xgdicine forj I ann - ly v se: , ' t a rc . ! fron) tbe U­-�t W ool. and will be sold at the ! IV A G O N S ! ! *21-�� WAGONS!! ' .K-12HE Subscriber has t!.c pleasure of in- all'i i* particularly rccornm (,nded f6r Ir - U_-Ti'-',ir­, % . . 1)), OPSY: 1laivLifzt,:tu,rcr's prices. A supply always � i All, 111FE A forinin- his fr�ends and the public in all st�iges of thi;i complaint iiamediatel v relieve!.. on LaLd at `Toro,..,'o. Er,TCII - n no matter Ito w long standing. ' &G. P,:n,pA,!c1 /b,- I GOD , JL AVAG ON AND SLEIGH gelleralthatIve hasi fitted up the ham:e les.1i1j"ony. � I I-1.1-11MYARE. 16- 11 0 P. oppposite Everett's.11otel, for the convo- GRAVEL, of every description, American EngliSh. ,,� � Xe�d Dour to 111r. O'C'on?zor's Slore. iiiciiec and comfort of travellers, ui.itil the ' ' I 0 44 and all di�eases of the ti-riairy organs-,- for Alem 'eria-m—Amorican Hardware, coii-si.,fing � .., old staild (which is ,;ow rebuilding) is coin- ii,tressing, complatints it s!,oid . s alottc; no other ar- � LA C� - - � HE subscriber begs leave to inform 0 d . ' ' 1 Of -Axes, 31 ill and Cross cut .-aws, ShoveI4, j X1, T- pleted. and tSat Le is flow prelia,,rcd to I d tit roilder every accommodation to those who, ticle call Riielvc % oil; fit), I E! cures tc�t'fled to 1�pad —1 Lis friends and the public,at large. IS les, Ilay and Manure Forks, Wood I I t n will convil-lec- the nlo�t -.k,,�plical;-sev pamphh-t-g, � .hftt 110 is now IllanUfaCtUrill", and has oil Liver Complaint. Bil!ious discr,es, � Screws. Cast and Wraug-ht Butts, Looks-. i I may favor him with the�ir custom. . : hands, L IT �jj 1�1. -151 11 -i,,d LIGUT WAG - I FEVLU AND AGUEE, I .Vuor Ififf-dl2s, Wire S�Cves, Coffoo 31;11,� ' , I � ,,, I ifis Collar is stocked with the choicest ' To tile Great NVc.,t ci!4peciall.y, and wherever iIjide V.,, Lips. Sand Pilpor, Sleigh and Dii, O_NS1 which he will warraut to be inadc up V`i`J_Nr6 alid LIQGQ!:S�; his S VAl,[.l.Xu depart - these Coluplain's of good material, ali-d by experienced � . Ilt, 0. glrcv�!jj jlli-,� Illedicille is Of1cred. lells. 6rain Sbovels, Angurs, ,&vt';es iiici,t is not to be surpassed ill the Proymou UN-HRAL AENT, ter 13 I , . � Workition. I . . ?10 (kilclan,nIfs covu,01flItit Is it part of thi's inix!zire� � ard Stinthooll'I'licel IleaLls, Citisals, Pla,,lc Repairs well and expeditiously done� and a, c.!trL�ful Lostler is always ill LA,311d.' . � I I I .it ctim-; the'. -t! diseasels villi errtaiiiiv and, c-leritv. i Iroiis, La-mps, Britannia Ware, Tacl:;� �, Harrows and Dra-s inade to order.— I afice. I ��ddUJ-�.S2WLIL�U'.;�1,LL4�-�5V�tClIltU!:�,i,l. 6,!Cpaicl,l!U��t.; jlral:15. &c.j&c.,dircii-t froun the Agents o, plou,, 0 GEORGE HOBSON I PILPS, I t cb Citstings `I�*oodod. , I , 4, Ilaysville, 9 May, 18,13). 12 a complaint of a. itao�t paititol el.,arneter. is I I ,lie priucipal inat i v Cite t avers in America: , ALEXANDI�It MELVIN. . � D and No. &I, Pearl SLI'eCt#.NCW-YorT. : - — I I . 1-M.'4LINATELY ALLILVE , I . Goderich, �Mtli 31areh. 1:�46. (3-tir i ,C.d -and aocarc Pollows by a 1'eir day.s irce of this ar- f TES ) � I GROCE71 I " I � - - I U _____ ___ - Ull"ted'sLates Hotel Bul, J. 'I . 1Y 011'Or P",7MV;174 /�" 1hiS � � Licle.1 i.,fizrh,fiwCai IIEAU77111y AND 11ji!1111SEV?rJ_1 I-Oul? , disease, or I . or any other di-eiv�e originadl;­ froin 1 atich is Sn-ars, Teas, Tobaccos. 'Molasses, . `%, . C', . 110USE'S CAR4,16L'S ,F,; subscriber' bb,,s to inforiti'Gentle- illipare blicoj.-Sue paillphlQt. 'I Paisins. Spiees, ,c c.. whie'a will be forwar- T'll" o DL'DILITY Of,' 'THE SYSTEM, i Jed either front -New-York or liochost'C', i , 111E Subscriberwould intimate to the I iiiciifroi!i Ca,tada VIlasobIlSilless Illay weak back, xveakne:�s of' file Kidneys! &c.. or in- ; . I 1. inhab;lants of Godorleb and Surround- bring. thein to B aff'alo' Itliat in Cle above , . 0 daillatiollofsuale, is i,atiz�,dioi,,,Iy rc1;'-,1-e1.e,l Ill/ " 'Is the part7cs Illav desive. I. . . Dy � 1 ing coulitry. that lie is read v to execute all coutinodious Ilutel, situate at t1le terillillus f,um (!a.l1S1l.ic of 1,1tis Int,it,'cil,mand a cure i, alway, DRUCS, PA IN T3� OILS AND I _ ; Orders for- PA I �N TI -N 0. &`C.. 6at LO Mal"; Of tile Rzlil'.Vay, tLey Will filld US IIIUCh . � a re�idt or it., use, It stal�,,!s a� . I S T U, F, FS. I Ile favo,arud with : and . ifoulilloyers W�'l I Co. ifo-t. as ill I A CL11TAI-N REMEDY � I I I 1 1 ally Louse in the 8tat�s­ ' " fur such compiabits, and also for derangmilents, at, f Turpuritirle, White Lc�!ll. (dry and in oil ) I furuiz�b materials. I�e en"-Z),U�,' to work "t I T! - c; , a-10crs are large a,,,.d airy. Ili"I , , , . I , 0 , , u " �, ", 1! Copal Gain. Gciiij Shcllac� 0 p; Ulu. ,� C. se- l t1le (�!lct,,,;Cst rate, al!c 'AINQ t 'le i the ielllaL fi-alne, . ; i , I I III01.'C "'Atiziflu all S fuv1!;6hCd vi-ith ovory delicacy of . . � IRR-EGULAUITTE-s. SLiPrrzr�,SS11O,-%q­ 1 lected ill _N,-.,,'- Y Ork by � all experX LICCA, tioll t4alf has llerc�'I(l`�'ro te�_,n extuilded to 616scasou.and his Wiliest & spirit are to- 11ADI'lal InCll�lvllalioft:'. N,,artick, -has ecer .been , Dru J ,!Iftfed except 114ii; isl1ii & wo-11 tit lorcA blus 41)U1 "I I , sn" � ls t. ! tlli I S ' sc,�ctioli of tll�, coal'try. touted fron tile best stoc-'-s ill tbe coutitry. Pf 'Ieralizenic:114, it linay. be relied a on as a Sure I 11ATS4. t �\'- B., All lchl(Li of merc!).in table Pro- Z. 1; ,.i;.N o V. I � and �W,ctive rernc��,'and did we � eel permill-'d l � I duce taken ill o,�cLat!go for worl. 13 uff.,.! j i Jan. 1 2 .1 1 I - to do ,-O COUld give : Fur, Silk, Moleskin, Lel-Itorri, and Chip. EM\ " ARD -C. WATSON. . . � AT110-USA-ND NAMES CA PS fur MQn and Bo7s. I . I as proafoifiettres in thiS dil�lre&-ill�- chiss of com- . I Gocler"'cli., February 11, U34�, 9 i ) , I ___ - � . . F.Alt_%11111131 I -N -N, ,!­Ifaillts. 'S"cpailiplilet. Ailbrol'eib down. d'Mi- B O_.%N1 N E T S. . � I I rcled Co)ll;"1:il111ol:S 5"I'a the c,'I�ct of caler--f1w -,, - -fit - - I ROSSIN & BPOTUER ta, . this I , . I S -T It', -1 T Ili 0 11 D I : I 1. �t it(,- 1, Legliorn, Tr'Lscaa, Straw, D.awn & Chip. , . .1 ;indthe l)la,-,.tp,,,I-*")t�-C-1--ot,t�i, �! ficle to ac � M 0 ! , - . I ri-oi-�',!-;it3-(�fL'!,,,,I�il�ii)g the'r-1-;3ii1� I TiioilAS D,)":GLAsr. � ­� 01�, ijj�f.,Uj " 11j inediracii, anti tile poitionous millurn.1 c,adicated -ERY GOODS I aud I i y, TM I L L I'N , tile Pal-)!iC gclncralll�. 6r t_13 liberal I - E0 S to il,.forui lil.� .1 '' �'_ ��;��ds aiia t�,,o ,' ­ I of every doscription ; Umbrellas aud Pal*,%- .1 P' uldsupport blihorlto extended "� ,rom. , thc svt tent. - i . atrolum, t I -1� I LRC11TIVI] DISEASES . � ') Travelling pl,v'.)Iif� ; - ,� : ; raL th�lt Ica v, -ill find the alier.,tive Il.roperties of* this artie-le i Sills - B OOTS and FlIOES. froin 1:25 1 to *t1iCnio, 0111.d. beg to s I L. . 1. I clic!it a continuance of I as relited the zi.`�Ove ��', �., , zi...1 is pru- I PUIlTVY THE BLOOD. � Pearl Street, and 7?. Bcave*r ,S -trot 7 N 0 w I the 6nine kitid fal-ol.s. , � I J, , ' I i pared to Off,�­ n�; , , : �;il�,)1tfio_ IL% anddrive such di��eal,cs frolli tile 141�tetft. Sx - ; I , � � 7 - .� � � York. I � It. & B. 'would �llilo `uf6rni their P riends aiiy other T,v,- _'. I .1 � luillipfild tbr tu,tiulorly oil cures ill all di.A.Usc- � ' ; - I ­ ­ . I . I I I P"'PER.—Prilitii-Ig. Book; Cap: Letter. : that ol'c of tile Firm, itamely, .Marcus - T. 1). ahvay,s lh,_�1,4 (.-, ­�,,:"'..! I st-olol; (;f wl.,i,,ii the liarits, of* an ativt:rti�.coleiit will n(,t I - , I I �. i)Cr,;)ii to ba finilied bere A­,­t's ­ire!Alcllalll'�011; 1 Post OiEco� m;d �`._rnppl'!ff. O f* ". I I sl z es 1 1'C,,"-;-hI.' I . ll -, , ,:1 I I t .iy:ll lea -,e f6i7 E'ifrope in tt shortitli.o best 11"illesall,%, 1-II'llo"', aud i0ve"Or ecrilileaLL: 0 -!! , , � ­ - . I thuo� ff,r the purpose of .)Ia1Li'n`7 purchnsc.�! , L., 1� they cont.fin _'32 pago., of" Is Jli,iil ; filion; the G c 1 I o s c o ME - -4. o r f 1�0 I I I B u Ed? O ; I , . I , .0 � good old .1le wil" �i i -, !** "it ,urtill Ilia cil4ract-cr, and a $aurger � - - � � 11 , I I ; �. � i �,�Jlco ,-,rld Gorwaiiy. -A, I 1 1 ecil 1 , A-1111"Ay OF prlooil i DOMFSTIC C 0 TTO N S P � ill I' 91:','�d-, "" ' i r 17,� e C! " c .1, � �: _, -,: � �j �� I Lc -c k -1�p I ordersolitrasted to C.cir eare will'be exe ! C,ozic, , ,,,,i I, 1 d4-cct froin tLo Lowas ot tlio Uonc.,:c-e Cot_ it ll()�,::�- jf tile virtne�� of a 1;1_111,C11le, 11,;%'( v "ll'Pe . �� _ - 1 _­ , is twe �,�/ ,'i�c p(cldiar fi,altivs "'l, Ovs iwl'de "JI'a -it I tRii'M M's. I I citted, v`rh 11--et.-ahtv, alld at the low,��;l 8,tr:�Ifura. :1 *1 G. i 1 1. �-tw ' , "', "I , � -1 pl%� 11 -wi , C I neret,l,oit's to bcn,-filia. a.,:,y rak, aad if bolic and ; rato. IF"' y 1;uvc IlOw extended their BuS-i ' ------ -------,-- ---------- . I 'Wavu',ousc ard Couuter Seales,i3li-ar , I tit)tNci,�,ii-cl,:It.i,,bL-i4,ju unat ike cmaciatv(Z a.u.1 Ci I , 1 1 ,7i`l� iji,t:r. P I T),I"113- Lettor Preslso.% ai.,d Wurcauasc d a,, I A _% ) ., L),. !, I , 1. - �,;/, i . I I noss, which in future, -,�'111 Le Wlic,lcs�11! U k- I U 1." I I C lit 1, I I wcll as -3' !a"/. � �q ilopL OINI I `1l­,,,C1-,-,, L-l)nl th,(: ."Oclil�,;��,,r "calle 'ill'OrLs. S T "� I .; � "T V 0 R, ,D . ,�, I and kPell tai -ling thL iw%tirinc as Ing a:s thel-e Wl' LIER'S'Pateut Salzillialider Safes I They also Ileg to call atto-�%K'on to tbL l - -1, .1 n I ­ . is all ivipr,cve,_vn,,*,. Tile proprietor would 1 froan `?6 to I -,50. From IS'�)-A-Vatcr Street, justly cclebrateki W""RIATIR. 11,01U1,I)S. I I -11, PUBLIC i 11 1.11 I ; J�- t , n lettil-niz g thanks . CAUT I 'ON Tl N ;c,w York, ELECTRO PLATE, i o tile Pub,i,.�. iA- 11IL: iavoui-, hr hui,, 1'�eclvcd agairl:�l a jillil�N; . I U.0 articles whica Collie 01"'t Ull- i - S -li,r � , - al-LL:ij. ih�jllds. till; i;�­ tile pnihl %."at,, I,i:,g,, to in - 11, i ; The art Icle in -,I ppearance an(l d urabil ity ,*is . � . . I ,jZj,j olk � I aur tile . _ I . v. S'TOCKTONI & Co's, Plate., Pi I I i lita�izcl ilia,, lie ha,, `ll Jl�-r 1�ili&i, rLi lll�� C!.;w� I - equal to 8ilt-br, and guaranteed o I', 'Id added tj 'Lli,� ' � vot. )l ular, aud G uni Te(-tb - Tilt Silver C- 6AIUSAPAIZILLAS, SYRUPS: &e., !�, � full� ' _,�_j, 0. I 11 a�­,cures for D-lopsv. (,t�ravd, &e.: 71,wy rz,-c ,-iiorl � G I ; ) I wear quite as lovi-g. The saving by 'using' � , 0 li FOU -. Separating Fites, & c., from I I G I S.'T.JBL1_','G �it'-'C�0.1�!-I�tC)-,')�','I'10-"V. J�7- 2"Jli7l,�Irllnd (:0llCUelLd,Lu1 ,Ull the UlI%V,IN*; ! this be,- utiful art!­t.4a -evill be at Last GO PC] Nu att,n�ti,ll ui- �,i.� P;!i � %r�,ll �z 1� �kf,iz-,��. Ij ell- 1T0UC11T!:11:1'_N1 NO V. , . � eliesnut Street, Philadelphia :—a sup ly � . I . . '_ ; I P : cont. tit!c lli�ill �O' 1­11,:11� U :1-,. k1i;9_i!U'0 Ot ,.I-' Mil,lie Ili- . L ThedrinvOcti,.!� nok-ei Zhu!1ghl Ofcrcril��g­cicb t";.S- , alvays oil hand. at Torolito, � .. I Toro:­ito, Feb,. I �qA3. I Voll", 21"'.4 Ul* ll;,%-.:l;�-1 '. Al, 'I' llc�lai Vu 1-10: - .-a�c� I 1) 00 11. PLA TIE'S. o),aposed of Tin and, j , till tl;i� al ZCIC tl;'ll , L:JrIC' i'l. It P,'1/_,:C:11a1' ' I - .I il�, . � !�il,!. Li�r al - 1 .1711o,il'y' iia pai'i"I&I is (;1r'11e".­,,'q1 "o" ' ;, il�td, i Q�l. . -iiisli. I ______ : l� zlj -, L;. 1. - ;. - . i I Agt:iltsv.IiLI411*,.N'11,;,t'IlLi�c,�z'LrliL:IL��l,-e - 1 H or. warra'..tcd i�lot to tat I ST1102,iG ALE, A1,11) B E, '" R I & P,7,r:,�� 1", `��) ' :.�' , G1_..�Ij',`0 Cil�CU1,A17L.11 I I 11.11 o!`w!:ic1havco:"Cr,_,d to dic Traile uf� Al' 11, 11 E � Stratford, Fc;,t. , !. i�11,-I. - - " ' �',':?-lw . I . I I gt�atuitously. I Put tit) inJO ci_-)�. bottles, at 2;�; 1--, �:,�.,ida. at tI;e �e,ular, %'I . 'ilol,��alc or 31a,11- - - - M�mi --------------- , C mw ,,%- M_ -n7 IMF_, A%,- :zj 1 � (m. do -.It st each—Lite larger hoitting 6 oz. I.,,.-,,,- LIL,kcture,r's Prices and Terius. 1`1 ITO ii ELL "OTE L ' f.- . i� P 1_41 AAr ]IN T_j -X,r I! I'll, I I - i Lhau two small ll��i I 1:4 1�:?,�. (lilt and Ito/ ,., " , I T terilla. I- DZ--lu add4ion to the above annOUTICO- jI inclit lie bm(.1,8 Ieavo to inforin his . Deb . tors-, � Ii-, that lie de.,ires theilt to settle LIP theil. past , � I , due bool, accounts .-,lid note-,. before tile I first day of May next7 as, allso to settle ; , theirother necomits by givitil, notes of' 0 hatid for the qainm I . 1,83AAC SALYERDS. 1� , Preston, January ist, 18,18. 1 1-tw I ictir ejiff�rent tioptls, when it dlseharg,�d-hjrge ro lcfaaiiiiti�,,s of blo,K[ niatter. Tit-? bolle soon be- — Came loose, ard tile olvild tookiroinlier legsQveral j ,1eX ST. 8altani, 1%r � � . :. 1 by the priuelpal Drug- �anad-,A, .pieces of,hev shin borte. One piece now in irly I Irish Scrics of Stllwol Bjolk.s. posstissical is about L) 1-5�.iiiclies long and 3-1 of' � . � . -HiiiiiehN�,ide,init,Aire.�ei)iblinghoneyet)iiib. Da- ill the trade wl:t-i all ki�ids of (roods dircut i 0 ring tile tiine, from it stout, fat, bouncing girt she I PUBLISUED, in I vol. T"Is D Is was redueedtoarneret,keleton. Doct.J.S.Trow- -"y 18 Illo., - Tk-1- .1�iALUU-ND B U 0 ti`� L)11* bridge attended her froin the commencemeTIT, for . LESSONS," of' tilt: 111�11 _Niitional .hclies 0, 3 lilanths, and she irlisvisitod by professor Whitt!, Setioc)lillmol.-�;,re.e4diiiii-iei,,dc(tbvtiiebo.,Irt1011',"Jkl- and Doctors 8prange, Barims, Dellenbaugh.- cation, 'Els voictilie i.s very'neativ lilinted. alld � Schmidt, Bailyand others, whoj one and all, should be in the pjs*US.,ioa of LVeJ,y .e4runt Witt gave up all hopes at' cure. Dr Trowbiid,ge gave Teachor. � it as his decided Opinion oil consultations, tliat!�he � PETER ry-THVE.N. could gt,�;; ilo relic -1 unless her leg wt4si taken off Hamilton, Sept. 12, Idf18. , 1.1j- E w and thuli she might get well; but had some doubts I if she would live, and thathe could do r4othing far I ---------- I . her ... Still confined to her bed without any hopes being I . I 1,091'ang GINISS Plat"). of' relief, and the suppo,4il:io.n of a cure out I lie can with. 4��oiifi d olice assuru LLQul tliat Lw I IN'. D.-Ex-cMent :-tabling. lock-ty coach -house, ofthe question in my own �nind, by mere chance, HE SUD'SURI-I'Zil hasjust received the fol - Tlowin,, Robert 11. Best., f,scl., of this city, called at my house oil beholdin the child, said to ine -why assortuicut of Lookiu- Glass 10 - " 1 don't you ge-t. the CKild cured Bristol's Samapa- - "I sell at the lo."vest prices.' Plates; which lie wil I ilia NVill cure her -it has cured worse cases than WLOICSale Or Retail. hers." Having no reason to doubt thissiateinew, I Iiielics. Inches. - lncbcs� Inches. ' procured "Bristol's" and gave it to her. At" r 'c -was I ,50 by 265 site had taken 1bur bottles, �Ae eilabled to SO 11 18 1 17 1 _�., .. 10 i_2� get Out ofbed. 'After she took the sixth bottle she , Mas able to stand on her :feet, and vioxy i;he has �30 L " 17 14 il 10 itokenthirteen-bottles ill all, and is catirel ' v vir�:d 21 - 11 14 12 44 9 �new botfi� growing in tile place of the fild. Da- 22 11 14 81-2 I., 10 1 -2 - Ting tile time -she Look ,�Bristolls," she used no oth- 20 " 14 9 44 7 ,cr niedicine, applying a --imple form of drel,zing to 0 . -14ti alLers, aad using a wash of cas,tile soap. IS 11 - 14 81-2 cc 6 1-12 - . Your servIt � 20 11 12 7 1-;� it 5 1 -) L-n,uu; W,rvioNEY, No. 5, Harrington Court. Is & 12 , I have heard the above. staterilent react, and khow thc same is all true, only -it dues, not tell how . A stock of ipside Gilt 31ouldill,� always 07 inneh I have satf�red, and I at�nso glad thar. I have on hand, J. Rji;l,,l;zij�\. Cat well by taking Bristol's rdedicille that I don t Hamilton, Feb., 18.18. ow how to thank him. . . MARTHA WHITI.FY, � alate of, Alow Yark, City of Ba,ljitk), ss. -On th-- 11111 day at' May IS 1.7, before iiiii came Lyman Whitney, and Martha Whitney, his daughter, both to ine kflown, and in my presence subscri- blue tel the foregoing certificates, and belig by itie duly s worn, did depose and say that the facts tli;�seiu, beNt lbvi,h are true. - IJOUJITIO N. WAI,TZR, COM. Of Oceds. I I I - . L-tr CAUTION. -The public will be careful tut , to confound Bii,lol's Sarsaparilla with the various nostrums advertised un&r tile head of' Saxsapai-iiia, nor de,laded into the beliefof getting relieffroat the various Syrups that are oiTetud f6r , a l.lullar , a'qnart' Bri*toFs is the o4d Ori-'ilimil at,- ticle, amt peribrms all the wonderful coures-the other.-.; are poor imitations got up on the reputation of' the Vilaine article. See that the wralen .,:Ig - nature Of C. C. Bristol is over the cork ofthe boUle. r -,Tr Price One Dollar.per bott.le, Qrs:ix bottles fat, tive dollars. W Call an any of in), Agents in alvaoAza any pLL,, w . tile United States arki Canada, and rrv- I- . cure, gratis,a paintiblet, containing one oftile Incist extraordinary cure,;, which he-, ewer occurr,�d lit the annals ofinedicine. C. C. BRISTOL, No L A 12.5, Main ,S7. Ba,yalp. - C. CRABB, Agent, Goderiell. February, 18-18. 1-112= ECTIONARY. WHOLEsALE AN -D RZEAM. � One door Mcst of IT Bicklel Draq­lst and . 00 I liately oppos'le D. AL �'Vab&'s L'Sq. I'limled i I JLtrdware ,�5torc, lfbi,-- Si., 11amiLtoll, 1E Sub-!cribcr begs to jitto g ,rxu his Friends and T"the Public generally, that he has now on liand a full and complete 4stsortincilt of "Ou"'r"iOnay 0 every description alld the ver Wit icit. he O&rs by W hole- ral,�,b"38,tt",tU,qil�ilt�,�t"as low price as any other house in Canada. Also,allkilidsof FanoyBuscuits, Cakes, Crackers, &c., Whole,ittle & Retail. Coutitty Merchants Ivill. J0 well, to call .1 before purchasing etwwlfore. I 0 ItOBERT ECCLESMXE. IN. B. Brid,candother I rich Cakes ma'do to order after the iii.ost approved London and Parisian styles, aad carefully packed when sent to ally part of the Province. I 113wilton., Feb., 1848, I- . . 11 I - IL`L-11�71. reSpeCtILI.IV 1`0111,111t], IC has ­Vp!1,_:, iz!:, L i -6 Ilavill'" Completed the arrangements for , ,Selj q1j1;j,jk. EVUl"V LAL ,- 0 - . I Iu.ijilie- lllix�urcjl' bl,w;i Ili - ;I-- � �;, '. plyin- nearly all tlic leadling articles I — , I i his nutucrou's fri.;Ials, and. c')-livi­ tra- ' �u' - " - I 1 ' 7­�- Ue, Je�.i.�es to return his since ,atlt�, that Ill, LL,bovo , �,'- " ,., Il E_ sul'scril - , � rittelf'?4­11alure ot-G. C. Vau._­;.n,! ,,.,I Ille ,�j , u s ally intported frout. the U. nited States, � - "`� * volling the liurctu Ti cn.",, arki"'G. C. Vall"'llu, BUtl4lo," Sto-111-IM!d (111 In thunks, to his frictids and the ptlUic, who -c I , . . Lill having one partner continually in tit I 'o Undly patronized hini "ince hk Coca- Ilotel has bec,-.i fitted up in a i ry sup,,rivr . . ti I'- ,'. ': j l" " ] n 0 h,ve ., 'If i .. � _7�:MIC Q lilt at:'-' g��1111111L!. - ; ` N -hot,whobas spent Inany I cuencement in b I st �, . � . I . - , � York 1111al u,iness at-,Goder�'ch d , I . � . � I . 2 yle­,�p c:-,pci;,_c havii_­ been Spared. in I 11 '.Ili !­Lo-�:' 01 I L , .1 ,� every offort having I �­ " _"I�l A . .' I the dccorat ,)�is, and ' 0 1. . . � ao�glla; �;11 I s,li'A 1�1, ' 1. t . , '"i lululul . I . I . 11 . I ."! , 37 vs ill the active bu�iuess with the wholo- liliclin ,hA1wJ­:Ps cou-LUL.Lly (11, Li a I � - I I 2 ,cl EL"A, fur tlle-ac:,,:�vlw,lod�tiju oi ti,,. Lee- made to reiidur th* � . � � . I L . �. -1 I sa dealoni lit tLat and other cities in the AL aa - "' .1 i6 'C01111110dious Ta- .. , � - ol"a Brj1r -;- hi coll'i-11".). . . - , . I - pliL,fic. A.� [Ir- otalaj el I 4 , ra ,Is conifort..Jule- to fho traielling pub-- . _ ,: I L I I I ­­ , ,,d- , f . %C . . . U ited btates. tol-lothur with one partner ble, it i, allllo-�t m_"tulc�s Ca rLl�illa flis cuzstualorl. '.. C I : . . I I . . , - "I L 1. .aIUi1.I)1WAlJL;IA1 I I -1 � L L i til,g tll(,' prillc�I)A' TOWIIS ki Cai�adal, i lat tic as ally in tile Prioviiice. I . . : V 11 . it 1 wat prouipt paynivilts, are,, d,;�irabiu, a6id i! - "'ll.;-, � ;_ . 1� _. I I u �1, 1. , V a�:� i__; L0. ', ��'i -. ; 1- - lected tbe'boit of Oi�i".(.,(fcvo�,�de-,c�:ili:.iv,:i�, To th,_::,'_' Lit t1j;- (!`[� nectioll vvitll. the Establislilliciit at To- " shu"L rt;ellior,la�,'* illal,e lun�,Qlielltlib." � J. 11. has peri;��.,illy set I . - I ) ; arliUle-1,.'1,.-? _N',,�:-��:[ -f. :Nc�%v York cify; �_il-') L�- ro to: gjVcS 6,um superior advantages Over I �0 rrlva�L l"MiJUS ciili De !�llppllect On tile , t 11,)ti,�e wil.h. Quarter Ca�iL-s Hall' Dai- I IN ifiesand j,L�1110!7s­uid Lis Stabliiig Nv'll ' j ,1eX ST. 8altani, 1%r � � . :. 1 by the priuelpal Drug- �anad-,A, � alljother Commercial Apucies for Supply- :o1w[.10s or r,�I* ot*A!�,- oi a I be found to Lcu'wl ditat.couldbo-tviz-Luil. I .!,i,t 11lr0�!'_'ilUUL L�I_' l,'- l.d i6l.&Les and L'_1 _ I Agc-il"s. ill the trade wl:t-i all ki�ids of (roods dircut i 0 .-uperior qmility. I T11011.ks SMUTII. 1 2illitc-liell. FA. I 0_,-.,8. 1 -tw CIUSI-017IM'.1 CRAPE, (3oderich. I I John frin the largest Market -3 in America, upou e:i * I I to t�e dealers . I Goderich June 1�tli. )�*18. 17 -kw I . --- —_ --.—,---- - , - , ..��AVU�,1'0_1; iLJ j' -.L, LEWISTON, -N. Y. 1%1ilChQll.-�-'illIc(w, - . AV. L. Joili-,s. Mount Pleasant. . tI14 usual terifis ­ivion Ill C a- 0 .ilft, lIZ:.44. They Would 11LO 6ay, that hav IL I i I " STRATI,"ORD Bi-, ML -111; I I !L_1l1ZS T. vil, � t. i ,i-,,, iQ'lj,Ctlully i'.1lelins. , j Ills: Of, . I � lliill]lll.� k;zj',t tile LI,IV,!niJ1_, that A. Higii;botiiaw, Branicilird. I G. Briwn. & UJ.: C�11_ldonia. . -A. , " i lu4d,t:li,ritli,�,P(-:iiiolit"3 for havin cch 11:Udj3 IllE Sk&criber be -s leave re,speCtfUlly I I - � j -,lit; -ill 'Z:' A fe lws 1 141", ,�; I -.III U It"Z-'A! 0I tile above' it) -UJ, i ' . . i ;U,ea a up to in,xi, L,i,� c;,)!ijiurt and conveliicawe I U. Buell;, & C 0. (It). ofSoods selected by po.-zons well ac,.ivaillt iufurni his frio to leads and t!ie inhal)i ' . G. Hussey. Port 1,�Lavley. ed ivith cetch branicil Of trade, tlwy feel con- of tli,-,,e Lilac itia,,, ,4vour iiiia With th L'i %;a"tual- ! tants of tile Iluvoil District in ,T,211urall 1 T ( - 1), .L� f pa e I 11 . , -'als1i 1'1,; Vall., ,--nd I � ll�_ I ThLal c%tu�; hjut'd J Wln,�r, Hamilton. , '11. "I it in sayingAl - , " at all orders intrustet - , ,that , ilk � i in ilia. ing thelli for pwit favuun� I daily. 1 Bickull� do, Elliott & Thornton, Dundas. to icireare �with respectable references) I lie can with. 4��oiifi d olice assuru LLQul tliat Lw I IN'. D.-Ex-cMent :-tabling. lock-ty coach -house, T. Waddell Stonv Creek. "'Illave prompt attention. and trust, per- � ' paills S"111 be walitill(I oil bili part to SLIP I and OUNiLliliti,aer altvayb I'll ai�,�Uuallcl;. � 0 � L�!%vi,ton. , blaliachy & Hoolier. Grimstly- I feet satisfaction will be given. Thowfurc I ply them at all tillics ilvith Buoy aud AL .1 Vcb.. !,,;-1,4. : J. J, 0:'burile, Beallisvii1ei thof rel,i)"t,fully invite tile support aild pa- I I of a quality to give satisfaction, in barroL3, I I I � Tla)�. Seoul WOOdIIOUIC. G. M. 11,xil"ills. Duuville. I I & Jordan. trb age (if tile public in Canada. as far as ' tr severance close ttelitioll to half -barrels, and ke-st. I 0 i Joll.N P. Ar,, Tii_� - it , TV, F 3" � A , qI ill � 2 I 11 � Willacr 1A-fartiii, . per, and a I IN. , � , 8''A �,;.,.. - Jos. Meredith. St. i0atherines, business, werit such support. Stratford. OA 10, 16161. 3 -,,-t\v. � I IIPOU.i.,11,:UVV,,:.�ZIVUII'I'IILI.SL;.IY�.,Z,L[L,�O,S',e B. W. lionder.,wri,Tikiruld. D. A, Mitch -Al, LoALIJII. X. B.-\%'6oI and Paper B ags wanted 0 . . I., ' _./i oi tile Cw.aLlda I I in JlJt7�s­,S.rv6, Goacii, 1 'g,isite __ — Lyman. Kaeeshuv. & Co., Toronto. SHAW, IIAYE6 ,,,�, CORSTOUKI , i GCODE RIC.11 I BREWE11Y. 1 Co"llpall3`s Udice! by I lia-anian & Co.. Broatc. . -M. 'D.. � " C I A -o'Isj,U). Gailada If'st. subscriber, hayN.gtation tile Brow " i Till" I . - IS GILL3, I JOHN SEVAN _,�:iliIN116,� I- L_,rdien, Chipp�rwa. I Febri,;Lary 1. . I -tw 1 eyv: forwo rly occupied by M v. You it - I TZ-R_NJS-�'il1,;L41 per axillim, .A , , . , I', GjIaLIWiQk1 1). U111111U11dVille. � - S. Ur( nh,,ir.t,,0ak vi Ile. ; ___ __ ! � I C , � Twelvk; ,-:�;Iitlillo,* and bi-Xpeltuv paid rually il ad- " � i begs to iliforill tile - putillie, that lite -is 110W � vance. i J.,, . - _L,,l�,,� lagara. I ,, l . - i I � prepared to supply ALL superior dis- l "ST F " LL -, of a � ! FI -111 -11 ARIJIVALS. N. 13-rariners within tcn little,, of Goloridi IGoderiulit, Veb. (b i8. 1-1�lnw 1 � cili jtioa � ,-ili b,� ailiwca (,) pay lit InWUeC. 11' ruc�ilrcd . . P R I _tY T E, R, S I I FTTI,,'.\'lSll!-N;G W.A-11EHOUSE, THE subscriber.wou'd hiforia Printers throughout the Uiiited Statvsand the - Canallas, that lie has opened a Prilde,-s' F,owM'1zia,­ 1,1,'arehouse, I . where call always be found Printing Pres- C� scs, w ith. self-fooders, a recent impro veille lit, Priatillo, Inks of all colours: also, all kinds 0 ' of Metal and"Wo6d. Type, Brass and .Hetal Rules, and every otbardeseription of Print- . ' iD- g Materials, at NOW York prices, ad- I di'lig transportation. Also, for sale as I above, Enamelled, Pearl Surface, and 1 Covailiou Cards; Cap, Letter, Flat -Cap', I Dewy, Medium, Mar"le and Coloured Pa- � per, 13itokbinders7 Gua. ­c 6hears, &c., &c. I �[Z­ Old type taken in exchange . for I new. - I � Sole Agent for the sale of C, J. Gray- I lor's Double, and Sill -,Ic Improved Salainall- i der Safes. -, 0 1 1 . � i . N. B. Rublishers of Newspapers who � , will copy tlm above six tinfes. and solid of'o, �' : copy coutuilling tile -acivertiscluout and I 0 ) by euclosinig a ton dollar bial in a letter di- rMed to lue, shall have sent to their ad- 1 [ dross, fifty pounds best'news ink. - ! I WILLIAM PFLI]SCOTT, I No. 6, T-7'nized States Hotel Bbck, 1 t � -Pearl &red, Bufal.o. ! I �1_3 4 8 . UMcINNN ES & Co. have the plea- � sure Li a.,'1JUiic:e caQ aLiivul of O -NL _i1U_NI).1tLD I;Ai,L�� an, UAbi,'�5 uf . DrY G.)ods, . 11611r,st of their Full linportatious for I-343. Theywould ititirnaLe to their Correspondents ,in,i T, ci,iu gcnei ally, that they are 1_11110R'1� I - NU A V,U, I?)( LARUE' AND ATF11,L L;'I' 1.17E� STOCK of . FALL AND AVINUM, GOODS. Their increased advanai;�es enable thom to -, r In UIC iirst po.�itioll. place thti cubijuivrs ,N' O, J', KI�NU STRrET, hA11lILTON-01`f`0&l1'F. T111., Goal, B.ixii. Urmilton, ScjjLcaib�.�r E.', 1:�!3. 3 11 f1v Dissolution of Copiartqership. — , - VIE COPA-PITNERSHIP heretofore exi-ti[16 belli,cco the 011del"Igned (all-lul. Elie I . Lirin. of' U(JUDiNG & LANLCA,�,TLA, Ink -cep - I ,,l"), is tids duy dissalvvd 1,11 Mutual coubent. J. K. GOODUNG, JOHN LANCA�STER. f . The business will be continued, add all out - Standing Aecountsdue to, and.by tile said Firra, will Ix, sualtd jby the uticier-si-Ded. I . JOIIT� LANCASTER, Gi)dzricli, 5th September, 11,418. ,21,9, w . = . � �_` . . I . 0 I I . f1rivatte Faillilics can be supplied With I \Vl,�Iia OW IIV-�L �1_'! ,�Wltcfls: It Win be Cciasi.aurcd . - . . - any quantity to suit their convenience. Paw ill allvallue. I I ,'�j paper ui,vuminued until the subscriptiell I Gl'.'O!�GL FOX 11,11,51L,a. tiab ic",,Ld �; ti; v, or I-, inkmoi, ; ail,i %, hA tile 0 oderiell Oct. I I th I I -A3, � 35 tW. SUI;� Cl lilt iJlI is U111AVUll tl) CXCl-QLLU'L,; IJU�L'IlA', lub - . ­lio­-, will Invariably W cila,g�-u wi t1w quar. TRAVLLLERS 110.161E. let into wilich tilcir 'lku.,Criijuju� llav,�elcceltd. &RASBURG, )VA'VER1,00. No pufi,�vtli*cominuud tuail'(11" al,rearsal-cpaid I . � JoItLtalg� 30, 1849 l' -p. ' I I The subscriber in returning thanks to I'D ALL letter, and comonimications addresstild to , Iditj,. ,lulst e ,Iu�, Lit'; "�' b L Piii,f. - � ,luds and tile public gel his friL liel'ally for E 13 U L G lt�)L 1, . i� AU V ,'RT 1SUN . ti c liberal patronage liestowed ulloa him M , 'a �zi, Litw-, ,lid luiderl :,'s. tid. lif�t irt,(�zliozi, aud Airing fit-; relsidetico at -Ncw .,�Lburdcoa I t­'cl, each z-ub�lcq,teul in�ci-dvii; z�ix ioTeu begs to itifortu theut- Ciat haviliz realovoll Z� _bii_,vs: 3.-,. 61. fir,L his,xi'tiun, and 10,.1. v.aeh _,uhse- to nis present stacid litiWill inake it his du- quent insertion ; more than Teu Lines. 4d. per I t -y to attend to the couffort of thoso who " tile 16r tile ur,L in��nivn, alul 14. per Line for each sulft,equi,111 ill'uril'ill altur" alas. A liberal ,I- d to favour him With a call. may be ple. _e .,,,,, l'y tile Veal'. ,lisco,lijr To a,ivi�rcj, I JOIIN ABEL. Adv,mi,vaieius. witthAut Wiittl-n i4StTU(!Lions N. B. His stables and drivill- house `ill Ile ins'eileu unifl forbill, and charged accuid- 2 will be found good and counnodious. I ingly - aod no adiicrtiseirte.rit d v�coniiit tied until . " paki for aj ithe time ofwithura%vul, unl6s by theO — __ _—, i uoll$e�t Of the pill blisher. STRATFORD HOTEL. . I AGE-N,rs rOR THIS PAPER. * MAY, infornis his fyiends and Mr. H. W. Gill,,, 13 V,11 lr`ard, 7,cotple Bar, ISAAC the public, that he has taken the B,.ix!� i bindon. . 21avern lately in the occupation of Mr. i Mr.lienry Giles. Pelh-ant.,Niikaara District C W Mr. Matthew M�:Kelldr`ek- .11,12ndron. , * Brown, at tile East en(t of Stratford, i Melisrs� Shaw, Hays & �,L)" '11'ronal)., . where nothilia shall be wanting on hispart 0 Mr. Richaid Thwaites, P. Al., 'rn-e4-(ys7ni,,,�, � to promote the comfort and convenience of Mr. George Gouinlock, P.. JNL,� AA-A��p. I I . his guests. . Mr. John flicks, P. .m., Xuaca. Mr. Avilliain Irwin, Siraijord. i I 1. M. flatters himself that his selection Mr. Thomas Christiei P� NI., SY. _�I.rarv, Di,j*_ . of Wine and: Liquors is -equal to any in i shard. the country, and his Stabling department � Mr. J. Sydney Smith, frvy.�,ville THIIIjo4. I is of the most complete description. I I I James Hodgins, E L P., Bidd-ulpil. I 'V11 I I I Mr. isaac, 42oody. .k1.AT.(vz-j"-._1�...- " I . Stratford., 5th. April, 1841& 8-tw Mr. Respeler, P: M., jl�,4'.-:Son, 0